author Iain Williamson <>
Fri, 19 Feb 2010 17:32:29 +0000
changeset 248 760086c28ab8
parent 1 be27ed110b50
child 179 d8ac696cc51f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Hiding gccxml zip output to stop logfile corruption

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Name        : common.ant.xml 
Part of     : Helium 

Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
All rights reserved.
This component and the accompanying materials are made available
under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at the URL "".

Initial Contributors:
Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.



<project name="common" xmlns:hlm="" xmlns:cs="">
        Common targets for all helium tools.
    <import file="logging.ant.xml"/>
    Preset definitions -->
    <presetdef name="preset.exec">
            <!-- Note the extra ':' required at the start of the value. This
            is required for the Symbian tools to match the env variable. -->
            <env key="ARMV5VER" value=":${arm.compiler.version}"/>

            <!-- Tools configuration -->
            <env key="LOGONSERVER" value="${logon.server}"/>
    <presetdef name="preset.mail">
        <mail from="${email.from}" messagemimetype="text/html" mailhost="${email.smtp.server}" failonerror="false"/>
    <!-- Outputs diagnostics information for the Helium configuration.
    This contains:
    * The current configuration of properties.
    * The Ant diagnostics information.
    <target name="diagnostics" description="Print diagnostics about Helium">
-------- Helium diagnostics report --------
Helium version ${helium.version}
 Helium configuration
        <runtarget target="config"/>
    <!-- Sets the properties that are dependent on build.number -property. 
    The properties are:
    * build.version
    * publish.dir
    * publish.release.dir
    <target name="build-number">
        <fail unless="build.number" message="build.number property not defined" />
        <property name="build.version" value="${}.${build.number}"/>
        <property name="" value="${}_${build.version}"/>
        <property name="" location="${prep.root.dir}/${}"/>
        <property name="publish.dir" location="${publish.root.dir}/${}/builds/${}/${}"/>
        <property name="publish.release.dir" location="${publish.root.dir}/${}/releases/${}/${}"/>

    <!-- Variable set to configuration tool. 
        Currently supported configuration tool arguments are
        argument        :    ant variable name
        -master_conf    :    master_conf
        -confml         :    confml
        -impl            :    impl
        -iby            :    iby
        -ignore_errors    :    keepgoing(true - uses -ignore_errors, otherwise not, setting 
                            true generates cenrep incase of errors, and signals has to be configured to stop the build
                            in case of errors).
    <hlm:argSet id="cnftool.refid">
        <hlm:arg name="path" value="${}/s60/tools/toolsextensions/configurationtool" />
        <hlm:arg name="master_conf" value="s60.confml" />
        <hlm:arg name="confml" value="\epoc32\rom\config\confml_data\s60" />
        <hlm:arg name="impl" value="\epoc32\rom\config\confml_data\s60" />
        <hlm:arg name="iby" value="\epoc32\rom\include\" />
        <hlm:arg name="keepgoing" value="false" />

    <!-- Target to run configtool. See cnftool.refid for config tool parameters-->
    <target name="configtool" description="target to run configtool, refid is for mcl, overridden by changing cnftool.refid">
        <hlm:toolMacro name="configuration">
            <hlm:toolvarset refid="cnftool.refid"/>

    <!-- Finds the build manager's (current user) email address from their username. -->
    <target name="lookup-email" if="email.ldap.server">
                <isset property="email.from"/>
                <hlm:ldap url="${email.ldap.server}" rootdn="${email.ldap.rootdn}" filter="uid=${env.USERNAME}" outputproperty="email.from" key="mail"/>
    <!-- To authenticate the noe password (read from .netrc file) for ${env.USERNAME}. -->
    <target name="authenticate-user" if="authenticate.noe.user">
        <runtarget target="noe-password"/>

        <hlm:ldapauthenticate   url="${email.ldap.server}" 
                                searchdn="${ldap.organization.unit.rootdn}, ${ldap.people.rootdn}" 
            <istrue value="${is.authentication.sucess}" />
                <echo>noe authentication for user ${env.USERNAME} is success.</echo>              
                <fail message="noe authentication for user ${env.USERNAME} is failed."/>
    <!-- Utility target to test mail sending from Helium. -->
    <target name="check-mail" depends="lookup-email">
        <preset.mail tolist="${email.from}" subject="mail-test"/>

    <!-- A simple test target that prints a simple message -->
    <target name="hello">
        <echo message="Hello!"/>
            <isset property="build.number"/>
                <echo message="Ant libs found OK"/>
    <!-- A simple test target that prints a simple message and is dependant upon another target to show how ANT works-->
    <target name="hi" depends="hello"/>
    <!-- A simple test target that prints a simple message -->
    <target name="fail">
        <fail message="Test build failure."/>
    <!-- Print out the build properties -->
    <target name="config" description="Print out the build properties">
            <propertyset negate="true">
                <propertyref prefix="java."/>
                <propertyref prefix="sun."/>
                <propertyref prefix="awt."/>
                <propertyset refid="password.list.ref"/>

    <!-- Prints out target dependencies.
    A <tt>target</tt> property should be defined on the command line to specify which target's dependencies to analyse.

    Example: <tt>hlm -Dtarget=compile-main deps</tt>
    <target name="deps">
        <fail unless="target" message="target property not defined" />
        <hlm:dependencies target="${target}" format="nested"/>
    <!-- Displays target dependencies in a text box. 
    A <tt>target</tt> property should be defined on the command line to specify which target's dependencies to analyse. -->
    <target name="execlist">
        <fail unless="target" message="target property not defined" />
        <record name="execlist.txt" action="start" emacsmode="true"/>
        <hlm:dependencies target="${target}" format="executable"/>
        <record name="execlist.txt" action="stop"/>
        <exec executable="notepad.exe">
            <arg value="execlist.txt"/>
        <delete file="execlist.txt"/>
    <!-- Prints out Helium help dialog -->
    <target name="help">
                <available file="${database.file}"/>
                <antcall target="database"/>
            <isset property=""/>
                <fmpp sourcefile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/help_text.txt.ftl" outputfile="build/help_text.txt" quiet="true">
                    <data expandProperties="yes">
                        xml: xml(${database.file})
                        helpTarget: ${}
                <loadfile srcfile="build/help_text.txt" property="help.text"/>
hlm [target] [-D&lt;property>=&lt;value>] [-f &lt;ant_build_file>] [-h] [-p -v]

[target]                        Run Ant target
[-D&lt;property>=&lt;value>]          Set an Ant property
[-f &lt;ant_build_file>]           Use another Ant build file
[-h]                            Print Ant help text
[-p -v]                         List all Ant targets

Variable properties for helium:
-Dsysdef.configuration=default set build configuration, default value is 'default'
-Dbuild.system=ebs             set build system, default value is 'ebs'
                                  - possible values are 'ebs' and 'ec'

Usage examples:
hlm                            build the default build target
hlm -Dbuild.system=ec-helium   use electric cloud build system
    <!-- Automates deletion of old work areas.
    <tt>prep.root.dir</tt> is the path where work areas are typically stored. This command
    scans that directory for sub-directories that match a pattern based on the build name.
    A dialog is displayed listing the directories as checkboxes. Check each build area 
    directory to delete it.
    <target name="clean-pc">
        <dirset id="" dir="${prep.root.dir}">
            <include name="*_*"/>
            <include name="subcon_*_*"/>
        <pathconvert pathsep="," property="">
            <dirset refid=""/>
        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/clean_pc.ant.ftl"
            <data expandProperties="yes">
                prepRootDir: ${prep.root.dir}
                buildAreaDirs: [${}]
        <ant antfile="${cache.dir}/clean_pc.ant.xml"/>
        <delete file="${cache.dir}/clean_pc.ant.xml"/>
    <!-- Displays the current version of Helium -->
    <target name="version" description="Displays the current version of Helium">
        <echo message="Helium version: ${helium.version}" />
    <!-- Creates a database of the current configuration. -->
    <target name="create-data-model-db">        
        <echoproperties format="text" destfile="${build.cache.dir}/database.txt">        
            <propertyset negate="true">
                <propertyref prefix="ant."/>
                <propertyref prefix="os."/>
                <propertyref prefix="file."/>
                <propertyref prefix="java."/>
                <propertyref prefix="sun."/>
                <propertyref prefix="awt."/>
                <propertyref prefix="env."/>
                <propertyref prefix="user."/>
                <propertyref prefix="line."/>
                <propertyref prefix="path."/>
                <propertyref prefix="python."/>
                <propertyref prefix="TODAY"/>
                <propertyref prefix="DSTAMP"/>
                <propertyref prefix="TSTAMP"/>
                <propertyref prefix="sig"/>
                <propertyref name="basedir"/>
                <propertyset refid="password.list.ref"/>
    <!--Macro to Assert Ant configuration against a Helium data model.-->
    <macrodef name="checkDataModelMacro" uri="">
        <attribute name="datamodel"/>
        <attribute name="config"/>
        <attribute name="assert" default="false"/>
import logging
import ant
import configuration
import configuration_model

datamodel_file = ant.get_property(r'@{datamodel}')
config_file = ant.get_property(r'@{config}')
model = configuration_model.DataModel(str(datamodel_file))
db_file = open(str(config_file), 'r')
config = configuration.PropertiesConfiguration(db_file)

items = model.validate_config(config)

logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(levelname)s: %(message)s')
for item in items:
assert_attr = ant.get_property(r'@{assert}')
if assert_attr != None and str(assert_attr) == 'true':
    for item in items:
        if isinstance(item, configuration_model.MissingFromDataModelItem):
            raise Exception(str(item))
    <!-- Checks the Ant configuration against a Helium data model. -->
    <target name="check" depends="create-data-model-db">
        <xslt in="${data.model.file}" out="${data.model.parsed}" style="${data.model.xsl}"/>
        <hlm:checkDataModelMacro datamodel="${data.model.parsed}" config="${build.cache.dir}/database.txt"/>
    <!--Assert Ant configuration against a Helium data model.-->
    <target name="assert-datamodel-correct" depends="create-data-model-db">
        <xslt in="${data.model.file}" out="${data.model.parsed}" style="${data.model.xsl}"/>
        <hlm:checkDataModelMacro datamodel="${data.model.parsed}" config="${build.cache.dir}/database.txt" assert="true"/>
    <!-- Generates an Ant XML database file.
    This lists all the targets and information about them. -->
    <target name="database">
        <!-- Projects with no targets or non project files -->
        <fileset id="database.extra.files" dir="${helium.dir}">
            <include name="tools/**/*.antlib.xml"/>
            <include name="tools/**/*.ant.xml"/>
            <include name="extensions/nokia/tools/**/*.antlib.xml"/>
            <include name="extensions/nokia/tools/**/*.ant.xml"/>
            <include name="extensions/nokia/*.ant.xml"/>
            <include name="config/signaling_config_default.ant.xml"/>
        <mkdir dir="${}"/>
        <property name="home.files.only" value="false"/>
        <hlm:database output="${database.file}" refid="database.extra.files" homeFilesOnly="${home.files.only}"/>
    <!-- Looks for lint-style issues with the Ant files in Helium, using the antlint task. -->
    <target name="antlint" depends="check">
        <delete dir="${}/jep"/>
        <delete dir="${}/python"/>
        <delete dir="${}/beanshell"/>
        <delete file="${}/test_jython.xml"/>
        <hlm:antlint configfile="${helium.dir}/config/antlint_config.xml">
            <fileset id="antlint.files" dir="${helium.dir}">
                <include name="*.ant.xml"/>
                <include name="tools/**/*.ant.xml"/>
                <include name="tools/**/build.xml"/>
                <include name="tools/**/*.antlib.xml"/>
                <include name="config/**/*.ant.xml"/>
                <include name="config/**/build.xml"/>
                <include name="config/**/*.antlib.xml"/>
                <include name="external/helium-antlib/**/*.ant.xml"/>
                <include name="external/helium-antlib/**/build.xml"/>
                <include name="external/helium-antlib/**/*.antlib.xml"/>
                <include name="extensions/nokia/**/build.xml"/>
                <include name="extensions/nokia/**/*.antlib.xml"/>
                <include name="extensions/nokia/**/*.ant.xml"/>
        <fileset id="jep.files" dir="${}">
            <include name="jep/**/*.py"/>
            <include name="python/**/*.py"/>
        <antcall target="pylint" inheritRefs="true">
            <reference refid="jep.files" torefid="python.files" />
        <cs:checkstyle config="config/java_checkstyle_config.xml">
            <fileset dir="${}/beanshell" includes="**/*.java"/>
            <formatter type="plain"/>
        <for param="file">
                <fileset dir="${helium.dir}">
                    <include name="**/*.ftl"/>
                    <include name="**/*.rst"/>
                    <exclude name="**/*.mk.ftl"/>
                    <exclude name="build/**/*"/>
                <loadfile srcfile="@{file}" property="">
                            <regexp pattern="\t"/>
                <fail if="" message="@{file} has tabs" />
    <!-- This target can be use to clean up after a build finished or failed.
    This contains:
    * Unsubst build drive if the build finished.
    * Can be used to do other cleanup stuff too.
    <target name="cleanup-all">
        <!-- unsubst build drive after build finished if the property "" defined as "yes" -->
                <isset property=""/>
                <istrue value="${}" />
                <echo> Removing build drive: ${} </echo>
                <hlm:unsubst drive="${}"/>
    <!-- validate only requires properties at startup -->
    <target name="validate-at-startup" depends="create-data-model-db">
import logging
import configuration
import configuration_model

model = configuration_model.DataModel(r'${data.model.file}')
db_file = open(r'${build.cache.dir}/database.txt', 'r')
config = configuration.PropertiesConfiguration(db_file)

items = model.validate_config_at_startup(config)
_checks_logger = logging.getLogger('config_check')
_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
_handler.setFormatter(logging.Formatter('%(levelname)s: %(message)s'))
for item in items:
    <!-- Macro test target. -->
    <target name="macro-test">
