author wbernard
Fri, 13 Aug 2010 14:59:05 +0300
changeset 628 7c4a911dc066
parent 588 c7c26511138f
permissions -rw-r--r--

 * Copyright (c) 2007-2008 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
 * All rights reserved.
 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
 * under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
 * at the URL "".
 * Initial Contributors:
 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
 * Contributors:
 * Description:  


import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.log4j.Logger;


 * This task is to execute the actual sbs commands with the list of sbs parameters using sbsinput
 * type. Based on the raptor input list of additional log file path used needs to be set, so that
 * the scanlog, additional log files are generated properly.
 * <pre>
 * Example 1:
 * &lt;sbstask sbsinput=&quot;sbs.input&quot; sysdefFile=&quot;system.def.file&quot;
 *      layerPatternSetRef=&quot;sbs.patternset&quot; errorOutput=&quot;sbs.log.file.error.log&quot;
 *      workingDir=&quot;; failOnError=&quot;false&quot; outputLog=&quot;sbs.log.file&quot;
 *      cleanLog=&quot;sbs.log.file.clean.log&quot; statsLog=&quot;; /&gt;
 * </pre>
 * @ant.task name="sbstask" category="SBS"
public class SBSTask extends Task {

    private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SBSTask.class);
    private String sbsInputName;
    private String layerPatternSetRef;
    private File sysDefFile;
    private File workingDir;
    private File errorFile;
    private String logSuffix;
    private File outputLogName;
    private boolean executeCmd = true;
    private boolean failOnError = true;
    private boolean addMakeOptions = true;
    private SBSCommandBase sbsCmd = new SBSCommandBase();;
    private String errorPattern;

    public SBSCommandBase getSbsCmd() {
        return sbsCmd;

     * Helper function to set the clean log file. The cleanlog file captures the clean output from
     * raptor and stores into a separate log. This is being used to backtrace the error information
     * to associate the components. The clean log contains the list of files has to be cleaned by
     * the raptor command for a specific components. An environment varialbe is set which is used by
     * filterMetadata plugin to store the clean log file in python.
     * @param logPath, path of the clean log file.
     * @deprecated
    public void setCleanLog(String logPath) {
        // cleanLog = logPath;
        log("The usage of the cleanLog attribute is deprecated.");

     * Helper function to set the what log file. The what log file captures the what output from
     * raptor and stores into a separate log. This is being used to backtrace the error information
     * to associate the components. The clean log contains the list of files has to be cleaned by
     * the raptor command for a specific components. An environment varialbe is set which is used by
     * filterMetadata plugin to store the clean log file in python.
     * @param logPath, path of the clean log file.
     * @deprecated
    public void setWhatLog(String logPath) {
        // whatLog = logPath;
        log("The usage of the whatLog attribute is deprecated.");

     * Helper function to set the output log file name. Path of the output log where the raptor
     * command output to be stored. This would be obtained from sbsinput, if the raptor argument
     * --logfile set.
     * @param logName, name of the logfile to store the raptor output.
    public void setOutputLog(File logName) {
        outputLogName = logName;

     * To get the output log.
     * @return
    public File getOutputLog() {
        return outputLogName;

     * Helper function to set the statistics info of the raptor command. The stats file contains how
     * long the build being executed, the log file for which the stats is obtained. Used during
     * scanlog generation from template file. Once ORM is working an additional table could be
     * created which stores the statistics information, in which case, there won't be the need for
     * the statistics file.
     * @param log name of the logfile to store the raptor command statistics information.
     * @deprecated
    public void setStatsLog(File log) {
//        statsLog = log;

     * Helper function to set the sbsinput name for which the sbs to be executed. The sbsinput
     * contains the raptor parameter both the sbs options and sbs make options.
     * @param inputName name of the sbs input which contains the list of sbs parameters.
    public void setSBSInput(String inputName) {
        sbsInputName = inputName;

     * To get the sbs name.
     * @return
    public String getSBSInput() {
        return sbsInputName;

     * Helper function to set the sbs error log file path. The error log file contains the errors
     * captured from the raptor error stream and processed separately.
     * @param file path of the error output to be stored for the raptor command execution.
    public void setErrorOutput(File file) {
        errorFile = file;

     * To get the error output file.
     * @return
    public File getErrorOutput() {
        return errorFile;

     * Helper function to set the sysdef file path. System definition file contains the full list of
     * components to be build with the sbs input. For 1.4.0 schema the sysdef file should be already
     * filtered for the corresponding abld configuration and the sysdef file associated here
     * contains only layers for which the sbs command needs to be executed with sbsinput arguments.
     * @param file sysdef file path.
    public void setSysDefFile(File file) {
        sysDefFile = file;

     * To get the sysdef file.
     * @return
    public File getSysDefFile() {
        return sysDefFile;

     * Helper function to set the log suffix.
     * @param suffix logfile suffix.
    public void setLogSuffix(String suffix) {
        logSuffix = suffix;

     * To get the logsuffix.
     * @return
    public String getLogSuffix() {
        return logSuffix;

     * Patternset is used to filter the layers from the sysdef file for which the sbs commands need
     * to be executed instead of all the layers in the system definition files. This is useful for
     * example in order to execute only the test layer, a patter set could contain test*, then all
     * the layers begining with test are matched and passed as raptor input.
     * @param id patternset id, for which the patterns to be filtered.
    public void setLayerPatternSetRef(String id) {
        layerPatternSetRef = id;

     * To get the layer pattern set.
     * @return
    public String getLayerPatternSetRef() {
        return layerPatternSetRef;

     * Helper function to set the current working directory. This would be mostly the root of the
     * build area.
     * @param dir root of the build area location from which to execute the raptor commands.
    public void setWorkingDir(File dir) {
        workingDir = dir;

     * To get the working dir.
     * @return
    public File getWorkingDir() {
        return workingDir;

     * Helper function to execute the actual commands or just print the commands and not execute the
     * actual commands.
     * @param execute true / false if true print and execute the commands, otherwise just print the
     *        commands.
    public void setExecute(boolean execute) {
        executeCmd = execute;

     * To get execute value.
     * @return
    public boolean getExecute() {
        return executeCmd;

     * Helper function to set whether to fail the build or not.
     * @param failBuild true / false - true to fail the build otherwise false.
    public void setFailOnError(boolean failBuild) {
        failOnError = failBuild;

     * To get the failonError value.
     * @return
    public boolean getFailOnError() {
        return failOnError;

     * @param addMakeOptions the addMakeOptions to set
    protected void setAddMakeOptions(boolean addMakeOptions) {
        this.addMakeOptions = addMakeOptions;

     * To get the error Pattern.
     * @return
    protected String getErrorStreamPattern() {
        return this.errorPattern;

     * Execute the sbs commands from sbsinput.
     * @throws BuildException
    public void execute() {
        SBSErrorStreamConsumer sbsErrorConsumer = null;
        try {
            log.debug("error stream file : " + errorFile);
            sbsCmd.addOutputLineHandler(new AntStreamConsumer(this));
            if (errorFile == null) {
                log.debug("redirecting error to Antstream");
                sbsCmd.addErrorLineHandler(new AntStreamConsumer(this));
            else {
                sbsErrorConsumer = new SBSErrorStreamConsumer(errorFile, getErrorStreamPattern());
                log.debug("redirecting error to file stream");
        catch ( ex) {
            log("file path: " + errorFile + "Not valid");

        try {
            String cmdLine = getSBSCmdLine();
            if (cmdLine == null) {
                // this happens in case there is nothing to be built, let's just run
                // sbs anyway so the output log is generated
                cmdLine = " --logfile " + getOutputLog().getAbsolutePath();
            log(getSbsCmd().getExecutable() + " commands: " + cmdLine);
            if (executeCmd) {
        catch (SBSException sex) {
            log.debug("SBS exception occured during sbs execution", sex);
            if (failOnError) {
                throw new BuildException("exception during SBS execution", sex);
        finally {
            // Called to update the error stream, better would be the commandbase
            // handling the closing of streams in case of exceptions.
            if (sbsErrorConsumer != null) {

     * Internal function to get the filtered layers by processing the system definition file with
     * list of matched layers.
     * @return list of filtered layers from the sysdef file for which the raptor commands to be
     *         executed.
    private List<String> getFilteredLayers() {
        List<String> filteredLayers = null;
        if (layerPatternSetRef != null) {
            Hashtable references = getProject().getReferences();
            Object layerPatternSetObject = references.get(layerPatternSetRef);
            if (layerPatternSetObject != null && !(layerPatternSetObject instanceof PatternSet)) {
                throw new BuildException("Layer Pattern set is not of type PatternSet");
            if (layerPatternSetObject != null) {
                PatternSet layerPatternSet = (PatternSet) layerPatternSetObject;
                SAXSysdefParser sysDefParser = new SAXSysdefParser(sysDefFile);
                List<String> fullLayerList = sysDefParser.getLayers();
                filteredLayers = new ArrayList<String>();
                String[] includes = layerPatternSet.getIncludePatterns(getProject());
                String[] excludes = layerPatternSet.getExcludePatterns(getProject());
                if (includes == null && excludes == null) {
                    throw new BuildException("No patterns specified");
                for (String layer : fullLayerList) {
                    if (isIncluded(layer, includes)) {
                        if (!isExcluded(layer, excludes)) {
        return filteredLayers;

     * Internal function to find the included layer patterns.
     * @param text - layer name to be compared with
     * @param includes - compare the layer name with the includes list.
     * @return true if the text containing layer name to be included.
    private boolean isIncluded(String text, String[] includes) {
        if (includes == null) {
            return true;
        else {
            for (String pattern : includes) {
                if (text.matches(pattern)) {
                    return true;
            return false;

     * Internal function to find the excluded layer patterns.
     * @param text - layer name to be compared with
     * @param excludes - compare the layer name with the excludes list.
     * @return true if the text containing layer name to be excluded.
    private boolean isExcluded(String text, String[] excludes) {
        if (excludes != null) {
            for (String pattern : excludes) {
                if (text.matches(pattern)) {
                    return true;
        return false;

     * To Validate the parameters passed.
    protected void validateParameter() {

        if (getSBSInput() == null) {
            throw new BuildException("'sbsInputName' is not defined");
        if (getSysDefFile() == null) {
            throw new BuildException("'System Definition' file is missing");
        if (getWorkingDir() == null) {
            throw new BuildException("'workingDir' must be set");
        if (getOutputLog() == null) {
            throw new BuildException("'OutputLog' must be set");


     * To get the SBS command line parameters.
     * @return
    protected String getSBSCmdLine() {

        List<String> filteredLayers = getFilteredLayers();

        Object refObject = getProject().getReferences().get(sbsInputName);
        if (refObject == null) {
            throw new BuildException("invalid sbs input reference: " + sbsInputName);
        if (refObject != null && !(refObject instanceof SBSInput)) {
            throw new BuildException("sbs input name " + sbsInputName + "is not valid");
        SBSInput sbsInput = (SBSInput) refObject;
        StringBuffer cmdOptions = new StringBuffer();
        VariableSet sbsOptions = sbsInput.getFullSBSOptions();
        cmdOptions.append(" -s " + sysDefFile);
        Collection<MappedVariable> variableList = sbsOptions.getVariables();
        if (sbsOptions != null) {
            if (variableList.isEmpty()) {
                throw new BuildException("sbsoptions cannot be empty for input: " + sbsInputName);
        cmdOptions.append(" --logfile " + getOutputLog().getAbsolutePath());
        for (MappedVariable variable : variableList) {
            if (variable.getParameter().startsWith("--logfile")) {
                this.log("The following command line argument will be ignored: "
                    + variable.getParameter(), Project.MSG_WARN);
            else {
                cmdOptions.append(" " + variable.getParameter());
        SBSMakeOptions sbsMakeOptions = sbsInput.getFullSBSMakeOptions();
        variableList = null;
        if (sbsMakeOptions != null && addMakeOptions) {
            cmdOptions.append(" -e " + sbsMakeOptions.getEngine());
            String ppThreads = sbsMakeOptions.getPPThreads();
            if (ppThreads != null) {
                cmdOptions.append(" -j " + ppThreads);
            variableList = sbsMakeOptions.getVariables();
            for (MappedVariable variable : variableList) {
                cmdOptions.append(" --mo=");
        if (filteredLayers != null) {
            if (filteredLayers.isEmpty()) {
                log("Warning: No matching layers to build from system definition file, skipped");
                return null;
            else {
                for (String layer : filteredLayers) {
                    cmdOptions.append(" -l " + layer);
        return cmdOptions.toString();

