fixed permissions check for executable files exported on systems where 'ls' reports alternative access characters
/** Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).* All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description: * Base file system class for FileSystem component* @internalComponent* @released**/#ifndef FIlESYSTEMCLASS_H#define FIlESYSTEMCLASS_H#include "cluster.h"#include "fat16bootsector.h"#include "fat32bootsector.h"#include "filesysteminterface.h"#include<map>#include <fstream>//default root cluster number const int KDefaultRootCluster=2;const int KDefaultSectorSizeinBytes=512;const int KDefaultRootDirEntrySize=32;typedef TClustersPerEntryMap::iterator Iterator;/**Class representing base class of all FAT type @internalComponent@released*/class CFileSystem{protected: //Pointer to dynamically allocated array for containing the boot sector values of a FAT volume unsigned char* iData; //cluster size in bytes unsigned long int iClusterSize; //number of sectors occupied by a root directory unsigned long iRootDirSectors; //total number of clusters in data segment unsigned long int iTotalClusters; unsigned int iBytesPerSector;public: //constructor CFileSystem(); // virtual destructor virtual ~CFileSystem(); virtual void CreateBootSector(Long64 aPartitionSize,ConfigurableFatAttributes* aConfigurableFatAttributes)=0 ; virtual void WriteBootSector(ofstream& aOutPutStream)=0 ; virtual void CreateFatTable(ofstream& aOutPutStream)=0; virtual void ComputeClusterSizeInBytes()=0; virtual void ComputeRootDirSectors()=0; virtual void ComputeTotalClusters(Long64 aPartitionSize)=0; virtual void Execute(Long64 aPartitionSize,EntryList aNodeList,ofstream& aOutPutStream, ConfigurableFatAttributes* aConfigurableFatAttributes)=0; unsigned long int GetTotalCluster() const; unsigned long GetRootDirSectors() const; unsigned long int GetClusterSize() const; unsigned int GetBytesPerSector() const;};#endif //FIlESYSTEMCLASS_H