/** Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).* All rights reserved.* This component and the accompanying materials are made available* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"* which accompanies this distribution, and is available* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".** Initial Contributors:* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.** Contributors:** Description: * This class provides the basic set and get operations associated * with longentry attributes.* @internalComponent* @released**/#include "longentry.h"/**Constructor responsible to initialze the possible attributes of long entry@internalComponent@released@param aChckSum - Short entry checksum value*/CLongEntry::CLongEntry( char aChckSum): iDirOrder(0), iAttribute(EAttrLongName), iDirType(KDirSubComponent), iCheckSum(aChckSum), iFirstClusterNumberLow(0) {}/**Destructor:@internalComponent@released*/CLongEntry::~CLongEntry(){}/**Function responsible to return Directory entry Order@internalComponent@released@return iDirOrder - Long name sub entry order*/char CLongEntry::GetDirOrder() const{ return iDirOrder;}/**Function responsible to initialize Directory entry Order@internalComponent@released@param aDirOrder - Long name sub entry order*/void CLongEntry::SetDirOrder(char aDirOrder){ iDirOrder = aDirOrder;}/**Function responsible to return SubName1@internalComponent@released@return iSubName1 - returns sub name 1 of a long entry*/String& CLongEntry::GetSubName1(){ return iSubName1;}/**Function responsible to set SubName3@internalComponent@released@param aSubName1 - a long entry sub name 1*/void CLongEntry::SetSubName1(String aSubName1){ iSubName1 = aSubName1;}/**Function responsible to return SubName2@internalComponent@released@return iSubName2 - returns sub name 2 of a long entry*/String& CLongEntry::GetSubName2(){ return iSubName2;}/**Function responsible to set SubName2@internalComponent@released@param aSubName2 - a long entry sub name 2*/void CLongEntry::SetSubName2(String aSubName2){ iSubName2 = aSubName2;}/**Function responsible to return SubName3@internalComponent@released@return iSubName3 - returns sub name 3 of a long entry*/String& CLongEntry::GetSubName3(){ return iSubName3;}/**Function responsible to set SubName3@internalComponent@released@param aSubName3 - a long entry sub name 3*/void CLongEntry::SetSubName3(String aSubName3){ iSubName3 = aSubName3;}/**Function responsible to return attribute@internalComponent@released@return iAttribute - returns a long entry attribute*/char CLongEntry::GetAttribute() const{ return iAttribute;}/**Function responsible to return check sum@internalComponent@released@return iCheckSum - returns long entry check sum*/char CLongEntry::GetCheckSum() const{ return iCheckSum;}/**Function responsible to return Dir Type@internalComponent@released@return iDirType - returns long entry dir type*/char CLongEntry::GetDirType() const{ return iDirType;}/**Function responsible to return Low cluster number@internalComponent@released@return iFirstClusterNumberLow - returns Low cluster number*/unsigned short int CLongEntry::GetClusterNumberLow() const{ return iFirstClusterNumberLow;}