Fix merging bug where downstream items somtimes got ignored if they appear after an upstream-only item. Also, reduce the severity of the validation error if a tech-domain is not recognised on a non-Foundation package.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Name : validate-policy.ant.xml
Part of : Helium
Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
All rights reserved.
This component and the accompanying materials are made available
under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at the URL "".
Initial Contributors:
Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
<!--* @package quality -->
<project name="quality.validate-policy" xmlns:hlm="">
Policy file validation.
<!-- Location validate policy xml log.
@type string
@scope private
<property name="validate.policy.log" location="${}/${}_validate-policy.summary.xml" />
<!-- Location of the LogXML output file.
@type string
@scope private
<property name="validate.policy.log.xml" location="${}/${}_validate-policy.log.xml" />
<!-- Location of the CSV file that defines policy IDs.
@type string
<property name="validate.policy.csv" location="${helium.dir}/tests/minibuilds/compile/distribution.policy.extended_for_sf.id_status.csv" />
<!--* @property validate.policy.ignoreroot.enabled
Skip the validation of the given root folders if set to true.
@type boolean
@scope public
@since 11.0
<!--* @property validate.policy.ignoreroot
Skip the validation of the given root folders if set to true. - deprecated: Start using validate.policy.ignoreroot.enabled.
@type boolean
@scope public
@deprecated since 11.0
<!-- * @property internal.validate.policy.ignoreroot.enabled
If the property is set to "true", if validate.policy.ignoreroot.enabled set to true.
@type boolean
@scope private
<condition property="internal.validate.policy.ignoreroot.enabled" value="true" else="false">
<istrue value="${validate.policy.ignoreroot.enabled}"/>
<istrue value="${validate.policy.ignoreroot}"/>
<!-- Comma separated list of pattern for policy validation.
Default value is, distribution.policy.s60,distribution.policy,distribution.policy.pp
@type string
<property name="validate.policy.pattern" value="distribution.policy.s60,distribution.policy,distribution.policy.pp" />
<!-- Comma separated list of filename to exclude while scanning for missing policy files.
Default value is .static_wa,_ccmwaid.inf
@type string
<property name="validate.policy.exclude.pattern" value=".static_wa,_ccmwaid.inf" />
<!--* Set to true to validate distribution.policy.S60 files values.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@since 11.0
<property name="policy.file.validation.enabled" value="true"/>
<!--* @property internal.policy.file.validation.enabled
Set to run targets to validate distribution.policy.S60 files values if policy.file.validation.enabled set to true.
@type boolean
@scope private
<!--* @property skip.policy-validation
Set to false to disbale validate distribution.policy.S60 files values. - deprecated: Start using policy.file.validation.enabled property.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@deprecated since 11.0
<!-- Check, is distribution.policy.S60 files validation is enabled.-->
<condition property="internal.policy.file.validation.enabled">
<isfalse value="${policy.file.validation.enabled}" />
<isset property="skip.policy-validation"/>
<!-- Default path settings for policy validation. -->
<path id="reference.policy.path.list">
<pathelement path="${}/s60" />
This task scan the directory provided by the path element, and valitate the content of the
Distribution.policy.S60 file using some default rules. IDs could also be validate using a CSV input file.
'ignoreroot' specifies to ignore the toplevel directory.
<hlm:validatePolicyMacro output="${validate.policy.log}"
<path refid="reference.policy.path.list"/>
<scriptdef name="validatePolicyMacro" language="jython" uri="">
<attribute name="output" />
<attribute name="ignoreroot" />
<attribute name="ids" />
<attribute name="pattern" />
<attribute name="excludes" />
<element name="path" type="path" />
import integration.quality
import os
ignoreroot = False
excludes = []
if (attributes.get('ignoreroot') != None) and (str(attributes.get('ignoreroot')).lower() == "true"):
self.log("Ignoring root path.")
ignoreroot = True
if (attributes.get('excludes') != None):
self.log("Adding excludes patterns.")
excludes = [pattern.strip() for pattern in str(attributes.get('excludes')).split(',')]
output = None
if attributes.get('output') is not None:
self.log("Creating %s" % str(attributes.get('output')))
output = open(str(attributes.get('output')), "w+")
output.write("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n<policyvalidation>\n")
components_per_file = {}
pattern = ['distribution.policy.s60']
if attributes.get('pattern') != None:
pattern = str(attributes.get('pattern')).split(',')
validator = integration.quality.PolicyValidator(pattern, ignoreroot=ignoreroot, excludes=excludes)
if attributes.get('ids') is not None:
self.log("Loading policy ids from: %s" % str(attributes.get('ids')))
if not os.path.exists(str(attributes.get('ids'))):
self.log("ERROR: Could not find: %s" % str(attributes.get('ids')), project.MSG_ERR)
for result in validator.load_policy_ids(str(attributes.get('ids'))):
self.log(str("%s: - %s - %s" % (result[0], result[1], result[2])), project.MSG_ERR)
if output is not None:
output.write(" <error type=\"%s\" message=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"/>\n" % (result[0], result[1], result[2]))
for eid in range(elements.get("path").size()):
iterator = elements.get("path").get(int(eid)).iterator()
while iterator.hasNext():
path = str(
self.log("Scanning " + path)
for result in validator.validate(path):
self.log("%s: %s" % (result[0], result[1]), project.MSG_ERR)
if output is not None:
output.write(" <error type=\"%s\" message=\"%s\" value=\"%s\"/>\n" % (result[0], result[1], result[2]))
if output is not None:
Parse all the path defined by 'reference.policy.path.list' and check all policy files.
It generates an XML log defined by property 'validate.policy.log'.
<target name="integration-validate-policy">
<mkdir dir="${build.log.dir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${post.log.dir}"/>
<mkdir dir="${}"/>
<hlm:validatePolicyMacro output="${validate.policy.log}" ids="${validate.policy.csv}"
ignoreroot="${internal.validate.policy.ignoreroot.enabled}" pattern="${validate.policy.pattern}"
<path refid="reference.policy.path.list" />
<hlm:metadatarecord database="${metadata.dbfile}">
<fileset casesensitive="false" file="${validate.policy.log}/" />
<hlm:generateBuildStatus file="${validate.policy.log}" />
Render the policy validation xml file ('validate.policy.log') into an text output.
<target name="render-validate-policy" depends="integration-validate-policy">
<fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/integration/validate-policy.log.ftl" outputFile="${post.log.dir}/${}_validate-policy.log">
<freemarkerLinks expandProperties="yes">
macro: ${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/macro
<data expandProperties="yes">
doc: xml(${validate.policy.log})
ant: antProperties()
<fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/integration/validate-policy.log.xml.ftl" outputFile="${validate.policy.log.xml}">
<freemarkerLinks expandProperties="yes">
macro: ${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/macro
<data expandProperties="yes">
doc: xml(${validate.policy.log})
ant: antProperties()
<!-- Target that will apply regular IDO validation rules on Helium. -->
<target name="validate-helium-policy">
<pathelement path="${helium.dir}/" />
<!-- Policy validation target for IDO. Only detected ADO will get scanned. -->
<target name="ido-validate-policy" depends="ido-create-ado-mapping" if="internal.policy.file.validation.enabled">
<hlm:record name="${}/${}_validate-policy.ant.log" action="start" />
<hlm:iniKeys2Path ini="${ado.quality.mapping.file}" pathid="reference.policy.path.list"/>
<runtarget target="render-validate-policy" />
<hlm:record name="${}/${}_validate-policy.ant.log" action="stop" />