Fix merging bug where downstream items somtimes got ignored if they appear after an upstream-only item. Also, reduce the severity of the validation error if a tech-domain is not recognised on a non-Foundation package.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Name : ats.ant.xml
Part of : Helium
Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
All rights reserved.
This component and the accompanying materials are made available
under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at the URL "".
Initial Contributors:
Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
<!--* @package testing -->
<project name="_testing.ats" xmlns:hlm="">
ATS testing targets.
<!--* @property ats.enabled
Value must be set to execute ats-test target.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@since 11.0
<!--* @property internal.ats.enabled
Set to run ats targests if ats.enabled set to true.
@type boolean
@scope private
<!--* @property enabled.ats
Value must be set to execute ats-test target. - deprecated: Start using ats.enabled property.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@deprecated since 11.0
<!--* @property aste.enabled
Value must be set to execute ats-aste target.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@since 11.0
<!--* @property internal.aste.enabled
Set to run aste targets if aste.enabled set to true.
@type boolean
@scope private
<!--* @property enabled.aste
Value must be set to execute ats-aste target. - deprecated: Start using aste.enabled property.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@deprecated since 11.0
<!--* @property ats4.enabled
Value must be set to execute ats4 features.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@since 11.0
<!--* @property internal.ats4.enabled
Set if ats4.enabled is set to true. To run ats4 dependent targets.
@type boolean
@scope private
<!--* @property
Name of the product to be tested. For example: "PRODUCT"
@type string
@editable required
@scope public
<!--* @property ats.drop.location
Server location (UNC path) to save the drop file, before sending to the ATS. For example: \\trwsem00\some_folder\. In case, ``ats.script.type`` is set to "import", ATS doesn't need to have access to ats.drop.location, its value can be any local folder on build machine, for example c:\temp (no network share needed).
@type string
@editable required
@scope public
<!--* @property ats.server
For example: "4fio00105" or "". Default server port is "8080", but it is not allowed between intra and Noklab. Because of this we need to define server port as 80. The host can be different depending on site and/or product.
@type string
@editable required
@scope public
<!--* @property ats.password
Password for ATS. This password might be different from NOE or HTTP/UNIX password.
@type string
@editable required
@scope public
<!--* @property ats.username
Username for ATS server. This is NOT the NOE or HTTP/UNIX username.
@type string
@editable required
@scope public
<!--* @property ats.create.singledrop.file
defined as true if single drop file is required. Define as false or not present for multiple drop files. - deprecated: Start using ats.singledrop.enabled
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@deprecated since 11.0
<!--* @property ats.singledrop.enabled
defined as true if single drop file is required. Define as false or not present for multiple drop files.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@since 11.0
<!--* @property internal.ats.singledrop.enabled
set to true if ats.singledrop.enabled set to true.
@type boolean
@scope private
<!--* @property ats.emulator.enabled
Value must be set to true to run ats with emulator.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@since 11.0
<!--* @property internal.ats.emulator.enabled
Set to run emulator targets if ats.emulator.enabled is set to true.
@type boolean
@scope private
<!--* @property ats.emulator.enable
Value must be set to true to run ats with emulator. - deprecated: Start using ats.emulator.enabled property.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@deprecated since 11.0
<!--* @property matti.enabled
Value must be set to true to enable testing with matti.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@since 11.0
<!--* @property internal.matti.enabled
Set to run matti targets if matti.enabled is set to true.
@type boolean
@scope private
<!--* @property
Should be true so only ADOs changed during do-prep-work-area are tested by ATS.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@since 11.0
<!--* @property
Set to run ats delta target if set to true.
@type boolean
@scope private
<!--* @property
To disable java importer for ats. - deprecated: Start using property.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@deprecated since 11.0
<!-- To disable java importer for ats
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@since 11.0
<property name="" value="true"/>
<!--* @property ats.disable.iconfig
To enable/disable iconfig with ats. - deprecated: Start using ats.iconfig.enabled property.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@deprecated since 11.0
<!-- To enable/disable iconfig with ats
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@since 11.0
<property name="ats.iconfig.enabled" value="true"/>
<!--* @property internal.ats.iconfig.enabled
To run python if ats.iconfig.enabled is enable/disable.
@type boolean
@scope private
<!--* For sending drop package file to ATS/ASTE after its creation.
@type boolean
@scope public
@since 11.0
<property name="ats.upload.enabled" value="true"/>
<!--* @property internal.ats.upload.enabled
Set to run sending the test drop targets if ats.upload.enabled is set to true.
@type boolean
@scope private
<!--* @property skip.ats.sending
For sending drop package file to ATS/ASTE after its creation. - deprecated: Start using ats.upload.enabled property.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
@deprecated since 11.0
<!-- Is it required to send ats test drop to server-->
<condition property="internal.ats.upload.enabled">
<isfalse value="${ats.upload.enabled}" />
<isset property="skip.ats.sending"/>
<!-- Check is the ATS enabled -->
<condition property="internal.ats.enabled">
<istrue value="${ats.enabled}" />
<istrue value="${enabled.ats}"/>
<!-- Check is the aste enabled -->
<condition property="internal.aste.enabled">
<istrue value="${aste.enabled}" />
<isset property="enabled.aste"/>
<!-- Check is the ast4 enabled -->
<condition property="internal.ats4.enabled" value="true" else="false">
<istrue value="${ats4.enabled}" />
<!-- Check is the ats emulator enabled -->
<condition property="internal.ats.emulator.enabled">
<istrue value="${ats.emulator.enabled}" />
<istrue value="${ats.emulator.enable}" />
<!-- Check is the ats matti enabled -->
<condition property="internal.matti.enabled">
<istrue value="${matti.enabled}" />
<!-- Check is the ats ats delta enabled -->
<condition property="">
<istrue value="${}" />
<!-- Check is the ats ats delta enabled -->
<condition property="internal.ats.iconfig.enabled" value="true" else="false">
<isfalse value="${ats.iconfig.enabled}" />
<isset property="ats.disable.iconfig" />
<!-- Check is the ats ats single drop file enabled -->
<condition property="internal.ats.singledrop.enabled">
<istrue value="${ats.singledrop.enabled}" />
<istrue value="${ats.create.singledrop.file}" />
<!-- -->
<fileset id="reference.ats.flash.images" dir="${release.images.dir}">
<include name="**/*.fpsx" />
<include name="**/*rnd.C00" />
<include name="**/*rnd.V01" />
<!--* @property ats.flashfiles.minlimit
Limit of minimum number of flash files to execute ats-test target, otherwise will not be generated. Default value is "2" files.
@type string
@scope public
<condition property="ats.flashfiles.minlimit" value="0" else="2">
<istrue value="${ats.emulator.enabled}" />
<istrue value="${ats.emulator.enable}" />
<fileset id="reference.ats.sis.images" dir="${ats.sis.images.dir}">
<include name="**/*.sis" />
<!-- Limit of minimum number of sis files to execute matti-test target, otherwise will not be generated. Default value is "1" files.
@type string
@scope public
<property name="ats.sisfiles.minlimit" value="1" />
<property name="drop.file.counter" value="0" />
<!-- The target creates file which also includes test.xml file; and sends the drop to ATS.
The layer definition, in system definition file, for tsrc directory should look like:
<layer name="name_test_layer">
<module name="module_name">
<unit id="unit_id" name="unti_name" bldFile="path_of_tsrc_folder_to_be_built" filter=""/>
<target name="ats-test" if="internal.ats.enabled">
<mkdir dir="${test.log.dir}"/>
<runtarget target="load-property-from-cache-file" />
<hlm:filterRecordStartMacro pattern="${ats.password}" category="ats"/>
<trycatch reference="exception">
<runtarget target="ats-delta"/>
<antcall target="create-canonical-sysdef-file" inheritRefs="true">
<reference refid="ats.system.definition.files" torefid="system.definition.files" />
<runtarget target="copy-mon-sym" />
<runtarget target="ats-create-drop" />
<echo>Error: ${toString:exception}</echo>
<hlm:filterRecordStopMacro log="${test.log.dir}/${}_ats.log" append="false"/>
<hlm:metadatarecord database="${metadata.dbfile}">
<fileset casesensitive="false" file="${test.log.dir}/${}_ats.log" />
<metadatafilterset refid="filterset.ats" />
<hlm:generateBuildStatus file="${test.log.dir}/${}_ats.log" />
<!-- The target creates the file including test.xml for ATS ASTE tests. This target is executable.-->
<target name="ats-aste" if="internal.aste.enabled">
<mkdir dir="${test.log.dir}"/>
<runtarget target="load-property-from-cache-file" />
<hlm:filterRecordStartMacro pattern="${ats.password}" category="ats"/>
<runtarget target="do-ats-aste" />
<hlm:filterRecordStopMacro log="${test.log.dir}/${}_aste.log" append="false"/>
<hlm:metadatarecord database="${metadata.dbfile}">
<fileset casesensitive="false" file="${test.log.dir}/${}_aste.log" />
<metadatafilterset refid="filterset.aste" />
<hlm:generateBuildStatus file="${test.log.dir}/${}_aste.log" />
<!-- The target creates the file including test.xml for MATTI tests. This target is executable.-->
<target name="matti-test" if="internal.matti.enabled">
<mkdir dir="${test.log.dir}"/>
<runtarget target="load-property-from-cache-file" />
<hlm:filterRecordStartMacro pattern="${ats.password}" category="ats"/>
<runtarget target="do-ats-matti" />
<hlm:filterRecordStopMacro log="${test.log.dir}/${}_matti.log" append="false"/>
<hlm:metadatarecord database="${metadata.dbfile}">
<fileset casesensitive="false" file="${test.log.dir}/${}_matti.log" />
<metadatafilterset refid="filterset.matti" />
<hlm:generateBuildStatus file="${test.log.dir}/${}_matti.log" />
<!-- Sends drop file to ATS/ASTE. Please see `ats-test` for description. -->
<target name="do-ats-test" depends="ats-username, ats-password" if="internal.ats.upload.enabled">
<property name="ats.sending" value="true" />
<!-- Make the drop file visible to ATS. -->
<var name="ats.drop.location.file" unset="true"/>
<isset property="ats.drop.location" />
<mkdir dir="${ats.drop.location}" />
<property name="ats.drop.location.file" location="${ats.drop.location}/${ats.drop.file}" />
<copy file="${build.output.dir}/ats/${ats.drop.file}" tofile="${ats.drop.location.file}" />
<property name="ats.drop.location.file" location="${build.output.dir}/ats/${ats.drop.file}" />
<!-- Notify ATS about the drop. -->
<istrue value="${internal.ats4.enabled}" />
<hlm:python failonerror="true">
version = r'${java.version}'
if '1.6.0' in version:
assert int(version.split('_')[1]) > 6, 'Java 6 u7 required'
<condition property="ats.import.arg" value="-import" else="">
<equals arg1="${ats.script.type}" arg2="import" />
<condition property="ats4.libs" value="${helium.dir}/extensions/nokia/external/ats4" else="${helium.dir}/external/antlibs">
<available type="dir" file="${helium.dir}/extensions/nokia/external/ats4"/>
<java classname="" fork="true" maxmemory="1024m" failonerror="true">
<pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
<fileset dir="${ats4.libs}" includes="*.jar"/>
<arg line="-url http://${ats.server}/ServerService -path ${ats.drop.location.file} ${ats.import.arg}"/>
<equals arg1="${ats.script.type}" arg2="import" />
<available classname=""/>
<istrue value="${}" />
<isfalse value="${}" />
<java classname="" fork="true" maxmemory="1024m" failonerror="true">
<pathelement path="${java.class.path}"/>
<arg line="${ats.server} ${ats.drop.location.file} ${ats.username} ${ats.password}"/>
<condition property="ats.wsh.testrun.file" value="wshTestRunImport.vbs" else="wshTestRunX.vbs">
<equals arg1="${ats.script.type}" arg2="import" />
<exec executable="cscript" dir="${}/" failonerror="true">
<env key="ats3.username" value="${ats.username}" />
<env key="ats3.password" value="${ats.password}" />
<env key="" value="${ats.server}" />
<env key="ats3.pathToDrop" value="${ats.drop.location.file}"/>
<arg value="${helium.dir}/tools/testing/ats/${ats.wsh.testrun.file}" />
<!-- The target is dependent on "ats-test", should not be called independently. The target fetches flash files location -->
<target name="ats-set-flash-image-path" unless="internal.ats.emulator.enabled">
<pathconvert pathsep="," property="ats.flash.images">
<fileset refid="reference.ats.flash.images"/>
<script language="jython" setbeans="false">
if project.getProperty('internal.ats.iconfig.enabled') == 'true':
import atsant
ic = None
ic = atsant.IConfigATS(project.getProperty('release.images.dir'), project.getProperty(''))
except Exception, ex:
print ex
if ic:
project.setProperty('ats.flash.images', ic.findimages())
<hlm:python failonerror="true">
flashfilescount = len(r'${ats.flash.images}'.split(','))
mincount = int(r'${ats.flashfiles.minlimit}')
if mincount > 0:
assert r'${ats.flash.images}' != '', 'No images found in ' + r'${release.images.dir}'
if flashfilescount < mincount:
raise Exception('Not enough flash files, check reference.ats.flash.images and, found: ' + r'${ats.flash.images}' + ', looking in: ' + r'${release.images.dir}')
<!-- The target is dependent on "ats-test", should not be called independently. The target fetches flash files location -->
<target name="ats-set-sis-flash-image-path">
<pathconvert pathsep="," property="ats.sis.images">
<fileset refid="reference.ats.sis.images"/>
<!-- Sets values common for ATS, this is a dependent target and shouldn't be used as an individual target -->
<target name="ats-common">
<property name="ats.config.file" value="" />
<property name="ats.specific.pkg" value="" />
<!-- Product HardWare ID (HWID) attached to ATS. By default the value of HWID is not set.
@type string
@scope public
<property name="ats.product.hwid" value="" />
<!-- To set test commands execution time limit on ATS server, in seconds. Default value is "60".
@type string
@scope public
<property name="ats.test.timeout" value="60" />
<!-- Sets ATS reports store location. Default location is "${publish.dir}/${publish.subdir}"
@type string
@scope public
<property name="" value="${publish.dir}/${publish.subdir}" />
<condition property="" value="--diamonds-build-url=http://${}:${diamonds.port}${}" else="">
<isset property="" />
<!-- Sets default values for the ATS (STIF and EUnit), this is a dependent target and shouldn't be used as an individual target -->
<target name="ats-set-defaults-stifeunit" depends="ats-common,lookup-email">
<!-- Default values for the properties -->
<!-- The property is needed if you want to get an email from ATS server after the tests are executed. There can be one to many semicolon(s) ";" separated email addresses.
@type string
@scope public
<property name="" value="${email.from}" />
<!-- Value of the ats email report
@type string
@scope public
<property name="" value="ATS3_REPORT" />
<!-- The default value is "data" and refers to the 'data' directory under 'tsrc' directory.
@type string
@scope public
<property name="" value="data" />
<!-- Modify the plan name if you have understanding of test.xml file or leave it as it is. Default value is "plan"
@type string
@scope public
<property name="" value="plan" />
<!-- Modify the test-run name if you have understanding of test.xml file or leave it as it is. Default value is a string consist of build id, product name, major and minor versions
@type string
@scope public
<property name="" value="${}_${}" />
<!-- CTC host, provided by CATS used to create coverage measurement reports. MON.sym files are copied to this location, for example "". If not given, code coverage reports are not created
@type string
@scope public
<property name="" value="" />
<condition property="ats.version" value="4" else="3">
<istrue value="${internal.ats4.enabled}" />
<var name="ats.drop.file" value="${}_ATS${ats.version}Drop${drop.file.counter}.zip" />
<!--* @property
Sets target platform for compiling test components. Default value is "armv5 urel".
@type string
@scope public
<condition property="" value="winscw urel" else="armv5 urel">
<istrue value="${ats.emulator.enabled}" />
<istrue value="${ats.emulator.enable}" />
<!-- Should be "true" if tracing is needed during the tests running on ATS. Default value is "false", the values are case-sensitive.
@type boolean
@scope public
@editable required
<property name="ats.trace.enabled" value="false"/>
<!-- Should be "true" if coverage measurement and dynamic analysis (CTC) tool support is to be used by ATS. Default value is "false", the values are case-sensitive.
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
<property name="ats.ctc.enabled" value="false"/>
<!--* @property internal.ats.ctc.enabled
Set to run the ats ctc targets.
@type boolean
@scope private
<condition property="internal.ats.ctc.enabled">
<istrue value="${ats.ctc.enabled}" />
<!-- Flags for EUnit exerunner can be set by setting the value of this variable. The default flags are set to "/E S60AppEnv /R Off".
@type boolean
@editable required
@scope public
<property name="ats.multiset.enabled" value="false"/>
<property name="eunitexerunner.flags" value="/E S60AppEnv /R Off" />
<!--* @property ats.obey.pkgfiles.rule.enabled
If the property is set to "true", then the only test components which will have PKG files, will be included into the test.xml as a test-set. Which means, even if there's a test component (executable) but there's no PKG file, it should not be considered as a test component and hence not included into the test.xml as a separate test. By default the property value is false.
@type boolean
@scope public
<!--* @property ats.obey.pkgfiles.rule
If the property is set to "true", then the only test components which will have PKG files, will be included into the test.xml as a test-set. Which means, even if there's a test component (executable) but there's no PKG file, it should not be considered as a test component and hence not included into the test.xml as a separate test. By default the property value is false. - deprecated: Start using ats.obey.pkgfiles.rule.enabled property
@type boolean
@scope public
@deprecated since 11.0
<!-- * @property internal.ats.obey.pkgfiles.rule.enabled
If the property is set to "true", if ats.obey.pkgfiles.rule.enabled set to true.
@type boolean
@scope private
<condition property="internal.ats.obey.pkgfiles.rule.enabled" value="true" else="false">
<istrue value="${ats.obey.pkgfiles.rule.enabled}" />
<istrue value="${ats.obey.pkgfiles.rule}" />
<fail unless="" message="Error: property not defined" />
<!--* @property ats.hti.enabled
Set to true if ats.emulator.enabled set to true. To enable hti feature while creating ats test drop.
@type boolean
@scope private
<condition property="ats.hti.enabled" value="false" else="true">
<istrue value="${ats.emulator.enabled}" />
<istrue value="${ats.emulator.enable}" />
<!-- Sets default values for the ASTE, this is a dependent target and shouldn't be used as an individual target -->
<target name="ats-set-defaults-aste" depends="ats-common">
<var name="ats.drop.file" value="" />
<property name="ats.aste.test.type" value="smoke" />
<property name="ats.aste.testasset.caseids" value="100,101,102,103,105,106,107,108,109,110,111,112,113,114,115" />
<property name="" value="${}" />
<property name="ats.aste.language" value="English" />
<property name="" value="${}" />
<!-- Modify the plan name if you have understanding of test.xml file or leave it as it is. Default value is "plan"
@type string
@scope public
<property name="" value="plan" />
<!-- Modify the test-run name if you have understanding of test.xml file or leave it as it is. Default value is a string consist of build id, product name, major and minor versions
@type string
@scope public
<property name="" value="${}_${}_${major.version}.${minor.version}" />
<!-- The property is needed if you want to get an email from ATS server after the tests are executed. There can be one to many semicolon(s) ";" separated email addresses.
@type string
@scope public
<property name="" value="" />
<macrodef name="getModuleTsrcMacro" uri="">
<attribute name="property" />
<attribute name="prefix"/>
<istrue value="${sysdef3.enabled}" />
<hlm:filterSysdef epocroot="${}/" srcfile="${canonical.sysdef.file}"
<filter filter="test" />
<filterSet refid="${ats.test.filterset}" />
<hlm:getModuleTsrcInternalMacro property="@{property}" prefix="@{prefix}" sysdef="${}/output/build/canonical_system_definition_filtered_ats_test.xml" />
<hlm:getModuleTsrcInternalMacro property="@{property}" prefix="@{prefix}" sysdef="${canonical.sysdef.file}" />
<!-- This macro fetches the tsrc paths from system definition file (layers.sysdef.xml).
The layer defintion should look like:
<layer name="name_test_layer">
<module name="module_name">
<unit id="unit_id" name="unti_name" bldFile="path_of_tsrc_folder_to_be_built" filter="" />
<scriptdef name="getModuleTsrcInternalMacro" language="jython" uri="">
<attribute name="property" />
<attribute name="prefix"/>
<attribute name="sysdef"/>
import traceback
import os
import atsant
from import Helper
canonicalsysdeffile = attributes.get('sysdef')
createsingledropfile = project.getProperty('internal.ats.singledrop.enabled')
sysdef3 = atsant.get_boolean(str(project.getProperty('sysdef3.enabled')))
modules = atsant.files_to_test(canonicalsysdeffile, project.getProperty('exclude.test.layers'), project.getProperty(''), project.getProperty(''), createsingledropfile, sysdef3)
for name in modules.keys():
if modules[name] == []:
del modules[name]
project.setProperty("%s.%s" % (attributes.get('prefix'), name), " ".join(modules[name]))
if modules == {}:
raise Exception('No test modules found in ' + canonicalsysdeffile)
project.setProperty(attributes.get('property'), ",".join(modules.keys()))
project.setProperty('ats.drops.count', str(len(modules)))
<!-- The target is dependent on "ats-test", should not be called individually. The target creates the file including test:xml file -->
<target name="ats-create-drop" depends="ats-set-flash-image-path,ats-emulator-zip">
<mkdir dir="${build.output.dir}/ats" />
<hlm:getModuleTsrcMacro property="module.list" prefix="module.tsrc" />
<for list="${module.list}" delimiter="," param="module">
<runtarget target="ats-set-defaults-stifeunit" />
<exec executable="python">
<arg line="-m ats3.__init__" />
<arg value="--device-type=${}" />
<arg value="--device-hwid=${ats.product.hwid}" />
<arg value="${}" />
<arg value="--drop-file=${build.output.dir}/ats/${ats.drop.file}" />
<arg value="--report-email=${}" />
<arg value="--report-type=${}" />
<arg value="--plan-name=${}" />
<arg value="--testrun-name=${}_@{module}" />
<arg value="--flash-images=${ats.flash.images}" />
<arg value="--minimum-flash-images=${ats.flashfiles.minlimit}" />
<arg value="--target-platform=${}" />
<arg value="--data-dir=${}" />
<arg value="--test-timeout=${ats.test.timeout}" />
<arg value="--build-drive=${}" />
<arg value="--trace-enabled=${ats.trace.enabled}" />
<arg value="--ctc-enabled=${ats.ctc.enabled}" />
<arg value="--multiset-enabled=${ats.multiset.enabled}" />
<arg value="--file-store=${}" />
<arg value="--eunitexerunner-flags=${eunitexerunner.flags}" />
<arg value="--ctc-run-process-params=${}#${ats.drop.file}#${ats.drops.count}" /> <!-- Three differnt value are combined with '#' character which is later parsed inside the script -->
<arg value="--monsym-files=${ats.ctc.monsyms}" />
<arg value="--config=${ats.config.file}" />
<arg value="--obey-pkgfiles=${internal.ats.obey.pkgfiles.rule.enabled}" />
<arg value="--ats4-enabled=${internal.ats4.enabled}" />
<arg value="--specific-pkg=${ats.specific.pkg}" />
<arg value="--hti=${ats.hti.enabled}" />
<arg value="--verbose" />
<arg line="${module.tsrc.@{module}}" />
<antcall target="do-ats-test" />
<math result="drop.file.counter" operand1="1" operation="+" operand2="${drop.file.counter}" datatype="int" />
<!-- Please see ats-aste for description.-->
<target name="do-ats-aste" depends="ats-set-flash-image-path, ats-set-defaults-aste" if="internal.aste.enabled">
<mkdir dir="${build.output.dir}/ats" />
<exec executable="python">
<arg line="-m ats3.aste" />
<arg value="--report-email=${}" />
<arg value="--device-type=${}" />
<arg value="--flash-images=${ats.flash.images}" />
<arg value="--minimum-flash-images=${ats.flashfiles.minlimit}" />
<arg value="--plan-name=${}" />
<arg value="--testrun-name=${}" />
<arg value="--device-hwid=${ats.product.hwid}" />
<arg value="--test-timeout=${ats.test.timeout}" />
<arg value="--build-drive=${}" />
<arg value="${}" />
<arg value="--drop-file=${build.output.dir}/ats/${ats.drop.file}" />
<arg value="--test-type=${ats.aste.test.type}" />
<arg value="--testasset-location=${ats.aste.testasset.location}" />
<arg value="--testasset-caseids=${ats.aste.testasset.caseids}" />
<arg value="--software-version=${}" />
<arg value="--device-language=${ats.aste.language}" />
<arg value="--software-release=${}" />
<arg value="--ats4-enabled=${internal.ats4.enabled}" />
<arg value="--verbose" />
<runtarget target="do-ats-test" />
This target search the mon.sym files using unit information from the canonical sysdef file.
Then it copies the discovered files under the ftp server defined by
The target url is: ftp ://[server]/ctc_helium/[diamonds_id]/mon_syms/[id]/mon.sym
<target name="copy-mon-sym" if="internal.ats.ctc.enabled">
<istrue value="${internal.ats4.enabled}"/>
<var name="" value="${}"/>
<fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/testing/ats/templates/monsym-file-list.txt.ftl"
<data expandProperties="yes">
data: xml(${canonical.sysdef.file})
ant: antProperties()
<hlm:path2file reference="mon.sym.list" file="${}/monsym-file-list.txt" />
<script language="jython">
import os
import ctc
if not project.getProperty(''):
raise Exception(' property is not defined.')
if not project.getProperty(''):
raise Exception(' property is not defined.')
server = project.getProperty('')
diamondsid = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(project.getProperty('')))
if project.getProperty('internal.ats4.enabled') != 'true':
diamondsid = r'ctc_helium/' + diamondsid
path = project.getReference('mon.sym.list')
if not path:
raise Exception('mon.sym.list reference has not been set')
uploader = ctc.MonSymFTPUploader(server, path.list(), diamondsid)
monsyms = uploader.upload()
# Using ; to separate the path because the target script is running on windows
project.setNewProperty('ats.ctc.monsyms', ';'.join([ "//%s/%s" % (server, x) for x in monsyms]))
<echo>ats.ctc.monsyms: ${ats.ctc.monsyms}</echo>
<!-- Temp dir
@type string
@scope private
<property name="ats.evalid.pre" value="${}/${}_atsevalidpre" />
<!-- Temp dir
@type string
@scope private
<property name="" value="${}/${}_atsevalidpost" />
<!-- Call before preperation -->
<target name="find-files-pre" if="">
<hlm:evalidMacro dir="${ats.evalid.pre}"/>
<!-- Call after preperation -->
<target name="find-files-post" if="">
<hlm:evalidMacro dir="${}"/>
<!-- Run evalid on ido directories -->
<macrodef name="evalidMacro" uri="">
<attribute name="dir"/>
<runtarget target="ido-create-ado-mapping"/>
import delta_zip
delta_zip.evalidAdomapping(r'${}', r'@{dir}', r'${ado.mapping.file}')
<!-- Generate sysdef fileset based on evalid data -->
<target name="ats-delta" if="">
<script language="jython">
import ido
from import Helper
import delta_zip
import os
atspath = project.createDataType("path")
i = project.getReference('system.definition.files').iterator()
changedfiles = delta_zip.changedFiles(Helper.getProperty(project, 'ats.evalid.pre'), Helper.getProperty(project, ''))
while i.hasNext():
path =
sysdefpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(project.getProperty('') + os.sep, ido.get_sysdef_location(path)))
for f in changedfiles:
if sysdefpath.lower() in os.path.abspath(f).lower():
pe = atspath.createPathElement()
project.addReference('ats.system.definition.files', atspath)
<!-- Common target to run ats, aste and matti -->
<target name="run-test" depends="ats-test,ats-aste,matti-test"/>
<!-- Zip build area for emulator -->
<target name="ats-emulator-zip" if="internal.ats.emulator.enabled">
<property name="" value="emulator_zip"/>
<hlm:zipContentMacro type="emulator_zip" file="${helium.dir}/tools/testing/ats/emulator_zip.cfg.xml" />
<isset property="ats.drop.location" />
<property name="ats.flash.images" value="${ats.drop.location}\${}"/>
<copy file="${build.output.dir}/ats/${}" tofile="${ats.flash.images}" />
<property name="ats.flash.images" value="${build.output.dir}/ats/${}"/>
<!-- Generate and upload drop using custom template -->
<target name="ats-custom-drop">
<mkdir dir="${build.output.dir}/ats" />
<runtarget target="ats-set-flash-image-path" />
<runtarget target="ats-set-defaults-stifeunit" />
<property name="ats.custom.template" value="${helium.dir}/tools/testing/ats/templates/ats4_naviengine_template.xml"/>
<exec executable="python">
<arg line="-Wignore -m ats3.custom" />
<arg value="--custom-template=${ats.custom.template}" />
<arg value="--device-type=${}" />
<arg value="${}" />
<arg value="--drop-file=${build.output.dir}/ats/${ats.drop.file}" />
<arg value="--report-email=${}" />
<arg value="--testrun-name=${}" />
<arg value="--flash-images=${ats.flash.images}" />
<arg value="--test-timeout=${ats.test.timeout}" />
<arg value="--test-type=${ats.custom.test.type}" />
<runtarget target="do-ats-test" />
<!-- a dependant target please do not call directly use matti-test,
target calls the MATTI script that creates the file and runs the tests
listed in test.rb. ats-set-flash-image-path and ats-set-sis-flash-image-path look for lists of files-->
<target name="do-ats-matti" depends="ats-set-flash-image-path" >
<runtarget target="ats-set-defaults-stifeunit" />
<!--need to set theseup for use by do-ats-test target-->
<mkdir dir="${build.output.dir}/ats" />
<var name="ats.drop.file" value="" />
<!-- execute the script with parameters-->
<exec executable="python" resultproperty="script.response">
<arg line="-m ats3.matti2" />
<arg value="--build-drive=${}" />
<arg value="--test-profiles=${matti.test.profiles}" /> <!--"all, !bat1" -->
<arg value="--sierra-enabled=${matti.sierra.enabled}" /> <!--"true/false" -->
<arg value="--matti-timeout=${matti.test.timeout}" /> <!--"600" -->
<arg value="${}" />
<arg value="--testasset-location=${matti.asset.location}" /> <!--"local and/or network drive" -->
<arg value="--file-store=${ats.output.dir}" /> <!--"network drive" -->
<arg value="--testrun-name=${}" /> <!--"Matti_Profile_Name" -->
<arg value="--alias-name=${}" /> <!--"agents_alias_Name" -->
<arg value="--device-type=${}" />
<arg value="--flash-images=${ats.flash.images}" />
<arg value="--drop-file=${build.output.dir}/ats/${ats.drop.file}" />
<arg value="--minimum-flash-images=${ats.flashfiles.minlimit}" />
<arg value="--template-loc=${matti.template.file}" /> <!--"local and/or network drive. No comma separated list" -->
<arg value="--email-format=${}" /> <!--"Email Formatting. e.g. simplelogger" -->
<arg value="--email-subject=${}" /> <!--"Email Subject. e.g. Matti testing" -->
<arg value="--report-email=${}" />
<arg value="--ats4-enabled=${internal.ats4.enabled}" />
<arg value="--matti-sis-files=${matti.sis.files}" /> <!--"src#store#dst, src#store#dst" -->
<arg value="--matti-parameters=${matti.parameters}" />
<arg value="--sierra-parameters=${matti.sierra.parameters}" /> <!--Additional sierra parameters for matti task e.g. ordered teardown -->
<!-- Unset the internal property to overwrite with new value-->
<var name="internal.ats.upload.enabled" unset="true"/>
<!-- set internal property if python returns 0 value for matti test drop creation -->
<condition property="internal.ats.upload.enabled">
<equals arg1="${script.response}" arg2="0" />
<runtarget target="do-ats-test" />