author Jon Chatten
Mon, 13 Sep 2010 14:04:04 +0100
changeset 641 8dd670a9f34f
parent 591 22486c9c7b15
permissions -rw-r--r--
sbs version 2.15.2

It is now possible to pass parameters from the command line into log filters.
This works in the same way for both sbs and sbs_filter commands.

For example:

sbs --filters=Foo[param1,param2,param3]

sbs_filter --filters=Bar[value] < build.log

Multiple filters with parameters can be specified if needed,

sbs --filters=Foo[param1,param2,param3],Bar[value]

In the 2.13.0 release there are two filters which take parameters:

1. sbs_filter --filters=FilterComp[wizard/group] < log

Here the parameter is (part of) a bld.inf path and the filter only prints
parts of the log which are attributable to the matching component. In the
example above, the log elements from any bld.inf which has "wizard/group" 
as part of its path will be printed: normally, passing the full path name
will guarantee that only one component matches.

2. sbs_filter --filters=FilterTagCounter[info,recipe] < log

Here the parameters are a list of the element names to count. This is a
simple analysis filter that shows you how many instances of XMl elements
are in a log and how many characters of body text they have.