Try to cope with the iscapi implib problem.
(object Petal
version 37)
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supplier "ArrayIterator"))))
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supplier "ArrayItem")))
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supplier "ArrayIterator"))))
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supplier "ArrayIterator")))
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supplier "ArrayItem")))
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supplier "ArrayItem")))
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supplier "ResourceItem")))
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supplier "ResourceItem")))
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supplier "ResourceItem"))))
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"|| iItemCount : int"))
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Parent_View @55
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"|| iLenType : DataType"))
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"|| iRep : char*"
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"|| iRep : char*"
"|| iLength : int"))
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"iErrorFound : unsigned char"))
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"iSize : unsigned long"
"iNumericValueType : DataType"
"iData : unsigned char*"
"iULongValue : unsigned long"
"iSignedValue : long"
"iDoubleValue : double"))
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"iRep : char*"
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"iRep : char*"
"iLength : int"))
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"iOs : ofstream"
"iCurrentId : long"
"iNegative : unsigned char"
"iCurrentFormat : NumberFormat"
"iIdStartCol : static short"))
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"iFileName : static String"
"iLineNumber : static int"))
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(object Module_Diagram "Main"
title "Main"
zoom 100
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ProcsNDevs (list
(object Process_Diagram ""
title ""
zoom 100
max_height 28350
max_width 21600
origin_x 0
origin_y 0
items (list diagram_item_list))))
properties (object Properties))