SF bug 2203 [Raptor] Building extension makefile with SBS_BUILD_DIR set to another drive
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
from raptor_tests import SmokeTest, AntiTargetSmokeTest
def run():
result = SmokeTest.PASS
t = SmokeTest()
t.id = "0057a"
t.name = "gccxml"
t.usebash = True
t.command = "sbs -b smoke_suite/test_resources/simple_gui/bld.inf " + \
"-c gccxml_urel -m ${SBSMAKEFILE} -f ${SBSLOGFILE} && " + \
"grep -o 'gcc.*-fpermissive' ${SBSLOGFILE}"
t.targets = [
t.addbuildtargets('smoke_suite/test_resources/simple_gui/bld.inf', [
t.mustmatch = [
# Windows-only until formal delivery of a Linux version of gccxml_cc1plus
if t.result == SmokeTest.FAIL:
result = SmokeTest.FAIL
elif t.result == SmokeTest.SKIP:
return t
t = AntiTargetSmokeTest()
t.id = "0057b"
t.name = "gccxml_reallyclean"
t.command = "sbs -b smoke_suite/test_resources/simple_gui/bld.inf " + \
"-c gccxml_urel REALLYCLEAN"
t.antitargets = ["$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/release/gccxml/urel/helloworldexe.gxp"]
t.addbuildantitargets('smoke_suite/test_resources/simple_gui/bld.inf', [
if t.result == SmokeTest.FAIL:
result = SmokeTest.FAIL
t = SmokeTest()
t.id = "0057c"
t.name = "gccxml_var2"
t.command = "sbs -b smoke_suite/test_resources/simple_gui/BldVar2.inf " + \
"-c gccxml_urel -f -"
# Don't allow -m or -f to be appended
t.logfileOption = lambda :""
t.makefileOption = lambda :""
t.mustmatch = [".*__KERNEL_MODE__.*"]
t.errors = 1 # not really VAR2 code, so it wont build cleanly
t.returncode = 1
if t.result == SmokeTest.FAIL:
result = SmokeTest.FAIL
t = SmokeTest()
t.id = "0057d"
t.name = "gccxml_stdcpp"
t.command = "sbs -b smoke_suite/test_resources/simple_gui/Bld_stdcpp.inf " + \
"-c gccxml_urel -f -"
# Don't allow -m or -f to be appended
t.logfileOption = lambda :""
t.makefileOption = lambda :""
t.mustmatch = [".*__SYMBIAN_STDCPP_SUPPORT__.*"]
t.errors = 0 # reset after previous run
if t.result == SmokeTest.FAIL:
result = SmokeTest.FAIL
t.id = "57"
t.name = "gccxml"
t.result = result
return t