-Added s60ibymacros.pm as buildrom plugin.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/sfl-v10.html".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# cmaker utils, stack functions (push,pop,popout,peek,length).
# print function to echo data on several lines.
ichar :=
pchar :=
comma := ,
space :=
space +=
squot := '\''
[A-Z] := A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z #
[a-z] := a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z #
[0-9] := 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 #
charset := $([A-Z])$([a-z])$([0-9])! " \# $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _ ` { | } ~
# substr(startIndex, endIndex,text)
substr = \
$(strip $(eval __i_str := $(subst $(space),$(ichar),$3)) \
$(foreach c,$(charset) $(ichar),$(eval __i_str := $(subst $c,$c ,$(__i_str)))) \
)$(subst $(ichar), ,$(subst $(space),,$(wordlist $1,$2,$(__i_str))))
tr = \
$(strip $(eval __i_tr := $3) \
$(foreach c, \
$(join $(addsuffix :,$1),$2), \
$(eval __i_tr := $(subst $(word 1,$(subst :, ,$c)),$(word 2,$(subst :, ,$c)),$(__i_tr))))$(__i_tr))
lcase = $(call tr,$([A-Z]),$([a-z]),$1)
ucase = $(call tr,$([a-z]),$([A-Z]),$1)
# Remove Cygwin from PATH if EXCLCYGWIN is true
PATH := $(shell $(PERL) -e 'print(q—$(EXCLCYGWIN)— ? join(";",grep(!/\\cygwin\\/i,split(/;+/,$$ENV{PATH}))) : $$ENV{PATH})')
# remove_trail(dir)
# remove the trailing backslash
define remove_trail
$(patsubst %/,%,$(patsubst %\,%,$1))
MAKEFILEDIR = $(dir $(call peek,MAKEFILE_STACK))
#Global variable for all export directories
# function to print one line of data inside other defines
# param line the data line
define println
@echo $1
define pop2
$(word 1,$(1)) $(word 2,$(1))
# tail(n, list)
# param n is the starting word
# param list is the input data list
# returns the tail from list starting from word n
define tail
$(wordlist $1,$(words $2),$2)
# Adds the directory to the global export directories
# list if it is not already existing in it
define add_export_dir
$(if $(filter $1,$(EXPORTDIRECTORIES)),,\
$(eval $1 : ; @$(PERL) -e 'use File::Path; mkpath(q($$@))'))
# addeval(list)
# Adds the items from the list as dependencies
# List format from to from to ..
# param list is the input data list
define addeval
$(if $(strip $1),\
$(if $(PHONY_ACT),$(eval .PHONY : $(word 2,$1)))\
$(eval $(word 1,$1) : $(call getdir, $(dir $(word 2,$1))))\
$(eval $(word 2,$1) : $(word 1,$1) ; $$(FUNCTION))\
$(eval $2 :: $(word 2,$1))\
$(call add_export_dir,$(call getdir,$(dir $(word 2,$1))))\
$(call addeval, $(call tail,3,$1),$2))
# getdir(dir)
# returns a directory entry in lower case without trailing slash
define getdir
$(call remove_trail,$(strip $(call lcase,$1)))
#$(call remove_trail,
# expand a single source target definition
# param source(s), the source file or files (wildcard)
# param target target file or folder
# E.g. 1. src/*.h /epoc32/config/
# 2. src/aa.h /epoc32/config/bb.h
define expand_wilds
$(if $(notdir $2),$(if $(filter-out 0 1,$(words $(wildcard $1))),$(error a file target must have a single source file, in $2,$1)) )\
$(if $(notdir $2),$(eval TARGET=$$2),$(eval TARGET=$$2$$(notdir $$(source))))\
$(foreach source,$(wildcard $1),$(source) $(TARGET))
# expand_all_wilds(inputlist, concatlist)
# expands all wildcard entries from the input list and appends them
# to the concatlist
# param intputlist is the input data list (from/*.* to from to ..)
# param concatlist is the list where the expanded data is appended
# returns a full concatenated list
define expand_all_wilds
$(if $(strip $1),\
$(call expand_all_wilds,\
$(call tail,3,$1),\
$2 $(call expand_wilds,$(word 1,$1),$(word 2,$1))\
# addfiles(inputlist, dependant_target)
# adds the export targets and dependancies
# param intputlist is the input data list (from/*.* to from to ..)
# param dependant_target is the target which will have a dependency to these dynamic targets
define addfiles
$(call addeval,$(subst /,\,$(call expand_all_wilds,$1,)),$2)
# push(list, value)
# adds the value to the given list
# param intput list where the data is appended
# param value that is added
define push
$(if $(findstring $2,$($1)),$(error ERROR: Item $2 already exists in the list!!!))\
$(eval $1 += $2)
# pop(list)
# pops out the value from the given list
# param list where the data is popped out
# returns the value from the list
define pop
$(strip $(eval value=$(lastword $($1)))\
$(eval $1:=$(filter-out $(value),$($1)))\
# popout(list)
# pops out the last item from the given list
# param list where the data is popped out
# returns nothing
define popout
$(eval value=$(lastword $($1)))\
$(eval $1:=$(filter-out $(value),$($1)))
# peek(list)
# peek the last element from the list without popping it out
# param list which is peaked
# returns the value of the last element of the list
define peek
$(lastword $($1))
# length(list)
# returns the lenght of the stack
# param list which is length is queried
# returns the lenght as integer value
define length
$(words $($1))