Fix tests as review comments.
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Name :
# Use : Implementation of a new localisation process.
# Version History :
# v1.1.2 (30/01/2008) : Valliappan Ramanathan - ISIS
# - Updated to build with EC build
# v1.1.1 (04/08/2006) :
# - Update include management, now it uses cpp.
# v1.1.0 (12/05/2006) :
# - Corrected include parsing, remove that fact that file must start with \
# - Added locales_xx.iby creation
# v1.0.1 (12/05/2006) :
# - Corrected __MakeRlt function
# v1.0 (19/04/2006) :
# - First version of the script.
## @ file
# Package __OUT
package __OUT;
use strict;
my $outputer = "__OUT";
sub SetLoggerPackage
my ($p) = shift;
return unless($p);
$outputer = $p;
my ($method) = (our $AUTOLOAD);
if ( $outputer eq "__OUT" )
$method =~ s/^__OUT:://;
if ($method =~ /print/i)
print ("@_");
elsif ($method =~ /die/i)
die (@_);
print (uc($method).": @_");
elsif ( defined ($outputer) and defined($method) )
print "@_\n" if ($method =~ /die/i);
$method =~ s/^__OUT::/$outputer\::/;
no strict 'refs';
&$method( @_ );
## @class ZipUp
package ZipUp;
use strict;
use Archive::Zip;
use File::Copy;
sub new
my ( $class, $filename ) = @_;
return undef unless ($filename);
my $self = {
__filename => $filename,
return bless $self, $class;
sub AddFile
my ( $self, $filename ) = (shift,shift);
&__OUT::Print ("Adding '\\$filename'\n");
my $cmd = "zip ".$self->{ __filename }." $filename\n";
&__OUT::Print (scalar(`$cmd`));
sub AddFilesFromList
my ( $self, $listfilename ) = (shift,shift);
if ( -e $listfilename )
&__OUT::Print ("Adding files using '$listfilename'\n");
my $cmd = "more $listfilename | zip -9 ".$self->{ __filename }." -@";
&__OUT::Print ( $cmd."\n" );
&__OUT::Print ( scalar( `$cmd` ) );
## @class Finder
package Finder;
sub new
my ( $class, $regexp, $rootdir ) = @_;
my $self = {
__rootdir => $rootdir,
__regexp => $regexp,
return bless $self, $class;
sub Find
my ($self, $dir, $list) = @_;
my @fake;
$list = \@fake unless (defined ($list));
$dir = $self->{__rootdir} unless (defined($dir));
opendir (DIR, $dir);
my @l = readdir(DIR);
foreach my $name (@l)
next if ($name =~ /^\.+$/);
my $filename = "$dir/$name";
if ( -d $filename )
$self->Find($filename, $list);
elsif ( $filename =~ /$self->{__regexp}/i )
push @$list, $filename;
return $list;
## @class Localiser
package Localiser;
use strict;
use File::Path;
#use ISIS::GenBuildTools;
use IPC::Open3;
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;
my $DEFAULT_LOC_PATH = "\\s60\\S60LocFiles";
use constant DEFAULT_XML_PATH => ".xml";
use constant DEFAULT_WHATXML_PATH => "_what.xml";
use constant DEFAULT_CHECKXML_PATH => "_check.xml";
use constant DEFAULT_TPATH => "\\zips";
use constant DEFAULT_MAKE_PATH => ".make";
use constant DEFAULT_WHATMAKE_PATH => "whatMakefile";
use constant DEFAULT_CHECKMAKE_PATH => "checkMakefile";
sub new
my $class = shift;
my $configfiles = shift;
my $languagelist = shift;
my $includepath = shift;
my $bldfile = shift;
my $tpath = shift || DEFAULT_TPATH;
my @configuration;
my %platform;# = ("armv5");
my $self = {
__configfiles => $configfiles,
__includepath => $includepath,
__languagelist => $languagelist,
__configuration => \@configuration,
__platform => \%platform,
__tpath => $tpath,
__bldfile => $bldfile
return bless $self, $class;
sub DefaultLocPath
my ($k) = @_;
$DEFAULT_LOC_PATH = $k if (defined ($k));
sub Keepgoing
my ($self, $k) = @_;
$self->{__keepgoing} = $k if (defined ($k));
return $self->{__keepgoing};
sub SetLoggerPackage
my ($self, $outputer) = @_;
return unless($outputer);
sub Initialise()
my $self = shift;
my ($drive) = File::Spec->splitpath(File::Spec->rel2abs(File::Spec->curdir()));
foreach my $filename ( @{ $self->{__configfiles} } )
# adding path of the input file into the include path list
my $includepath = "";
$includepath .= "-I ".File::Spec->rel2abs(dirname($filename));
foreach my $path ( @{ $self->{__includepath} } )
$path = File::Spec->rel2abs($path);
$path = "$drive$path" if ($path =~ /^\\/);
$includepath .= " -I $path";
# command line to execute
my $cmd = "cpp -nostdinc -u $includepath ".File::Spec->rel2abs($filename);
__OUT::Print( "$cmd\n");
# parsing using cpp...
my $childpid = open3(\*WTRFH, \*RDRFH, \*ERRFH, $cmd);
while (<RDRFH>)
if ( /^\s*<option (\w+)>/ )
my $option = lc($1);
$self->{ __platform }->{ $option } = $option; # if ($option =~ /^(armv5|winscw)$/i);
my $c = &__LocInfoData::CreateFromLine( $_ );
push ( @{ $self->{__configuration} }, $c ) if ($c);
# Manage cpp errors
my $err = "";
while(<ERRFH>) { $err .= "$_\n";}
if (not ($err eq "")){ __OUT::Error ("$err"); }
# Closing cleanly....
waitpid($childpid, 0);
# if not platform add default one: armv5
unless (scalar (keys (%{$self->{ __platform }}) ))
__OUT::Warning("No platform specified, using default (ARMV5)");
$self->{ __platform }->{ 'armv5' } = 'armv5';
sub CheckConfig
my $self = shift;
my $result = 1;
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
$result &&= $c->CheckBldInf();
$result &&= $c->CheckLocFiles();
return $result;
sub PrepareLocalisation
my $self = shift;
my $filename = shift;
my $zip = new ZipUp($filename);
__OUT::Print ("Preparing each component\n");
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
$c->ZipUpLocFiles( $zip );
HandleEpoc32LocFiles( $self-> { __languagelist }, $zip );
my $time1;
my $time2;
$time1 = time();
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
$c->GenerateStubLocFiles( $self-> { __languagelist } );
$c->ChangeMMPsAndMKs( $self-> { __languagelist }, $zip );
$time2 = time();
my $time = $time2 - $time1;
__OUT::Print ("time for loc file / mmp changes: $time\n");
sub GenerateMakefiles
my $self = shift;
my $time1;
my $time2;
$time1 = time();
__OUT::Print ("Generating Makefiles for EC\n");
$time2 = time();
my $time = $time2 - $time1;
__OUT::Print ("time for GenerateMakefiles: $time\n");
sub GenerateXMLFiles
my $self = shift;
__OUT::Print ("Generating XML for TBS\n");
sub __GenerateTBSXML
my $self = shift;
my $xmlfile = $self->{ __bldfile }."".DEFAULT_XML_PATH;
open (XML, ">$xmlfile") or __OUT::Die ("Cannot open '$xmlfile':$!");
print XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n";
print XML "<Product Name=\"$xmlfile\">\n";
print XML "\t<Commands>\n";
my $id = 1;
my $stage = 1;
print XML "\t\t<SetEnv Order = \"1\" Name = \"EPOCROOT\" Value = \"\\\"/>\n";
print XML "\t\t<SetEnv Order = \"2\" Name = \"PATH\" Value = \"\\epoc32\\gcc\\bin;\\epoc32\\tools;%PATH%\"/>\n";
# bldmake bldfiles
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
#<Execute CommandLine="call bldmake bldfiles -k" Component="\s60\icons" Cwd="\s60\icons\group" ID="2" Stage="1" />
print XML " <Execute CommandLine=\"call bldmake bldfiles -k\" Component=\"".$c->GetPath()."\" Cwd=\"".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()."\" ID=\"".$id++."\" Stage=\"$stage\" />\n";
# abld makefile
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
foreach my $mmp ( @{$c->GetMMPs()} )
print XML " <Execute CommandLine=\"call abld makefile $p ".$mmp." -k\" Component=\"".$c->GetPath()."\" Cwd=\"".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()."\" ID=\"".$id++."\" Stage=\"$stage\" />\n";
# Next platform
# abld resource
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
foreach my $mmp ( @{ $c->GetMMPs() } )
if ( $c->GetMMPType($mmp) eq 'mmp')
print XML " <Execute CommandLine=\"call abld resource $p ".$mmp." -k\" Component=\"".$c->GetPath()."\" Cwd=\"".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()."\" ID=\"".$id++."\" Stage=\"$stage\" />\n";
# Next platform
# Mk are treated by languages
foreach my $lang ( @{ $self-> { __languagelist } } )
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
foreach my $mmp ( @{ $c->GetMMPs() } )
if ( $c->GetMMPType($mmp) eq 'mk')
print XML " <Execute CommandLine=\"set LANGUAGE=$lang && call abld resource $p ".$mmp." -k\" Component=\"".$c->GetPath()."\" Cwd=\"".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()."\" ID=\"".$id++."\" Stage=\"$stage\" />\n";
# Next platform...
print XML " </Commands>\n";
print XML "</Product>\n";
sub __GenerateWhatTBSXML
my $self = shift;
my $xmlfile = $self->{ __bldfile }."".DEFAULT_WHATXML_PATH;
open (XML, ">$xmlfile") or __OUT::Die ("Cannot open '$xmlfile':$!");
print XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n";
print XML "<Product Name=\"$xmlfile\">\n";
print XML "\t<Commands>\n";
my $id = 1;
my $stage = 1;
print XML "\t\t<SetEnv Order = \"1\" Name = \"EPOCROOT\" Value = \"\\\"/>\n";
print XML "\t\t<SetEnv Order = \"2\" Name = \"PATH\" Value = \"\\epoc32\\gcc\\bin;\\epoc32\\tools;%PATH%\"/>\n";
# abld resource
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
foreach my $mmp ( @{$c->GetMMPs()} )
if ( $c->GetMMPType($mmp) eq 'mk')
foreach my $lang ( @{ $self-> { __languagelist } } )
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
print XML " <Execute CommandLine=\"set LANGUAGE=$lang && call abld build $p ".$mmp." -w\" Component=\"".$c->GetPath()."\" Cwd=\"".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()."\" ID=\"".$id++."\" Stage=\"$stage\" />\n";
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
print XML " <Execute CommandLine=\"call abld build $p ".$mmp." -w\" Component=\"".$c->GetPath()."\" Cwd=\"".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()."\" ID=\"".$id++."\" Stage=\"$stage\" />\n";
print XML " </Commands>\n";
print XML "</Product>\n";
sub __GenerateCheckTBSXML
my $self = shift;
my $xmlfile = $self->{ __bldfile }."".DEFAULT_CHECKXML_PATH;
open (XML, ">$xmlfile") or __OUT::Die ("Cannot open '$xmlfile':$!");
print XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n";
print XML "<Product Name=\"$xmlfile\">\n";
print XML "\t<Commands>\n";
my $id = 1;
my $stage = 1;
print XML "\t\t<SetEnv Order = \"1\" Name = \"EPOCROOT\" Value = \"\\\"/>\n";
print XML "\t\t<SetEnv Order = \"2\" Name = \"PATH\" Value = \"\\epoc32\\gcc\\bin;\\epoc32\\tools;%PATH%\"/>\n";
# abld resource
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
foreach my $mmp ( @{$c->GetMMPs()} )
if ( $c->GetMMPType($mmp) eq 'mk')
foreach my $lang ( @{ $self-> { __languagelist } } )
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
print XML " <Execute CommandLine=\"set LANGUAGE=$lang && call abld build $p ".$mmp." -c\" Component=\"".$c->GetPath()."\" Cwd=\"".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()."\" ID=\"".$id++."\" Stage=\"$stage\" />\n";
foreach my $p ( keys ( %{ $self->{ __platform } } ) )
print XML " <Execute CommandLine=\"call abld build $p ".$mmp." -c\" Component=\"".$c->GetPath()."\" Cwd=\"".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()."\" ID=\"".$id++."\" Stage=\"$stage\" />\n";
print XML " </Commands>\n";
print XML "</Product>\n";
sub HandleEpoc32LocFiles
my ($langlist, $zip) = (shift, shift);
open (LST,">>\\cleanupfiles.lst");
foreach my $locfile (@{GetEpoc32LocFiles()})
print LST $locfile."\n";
__OUT::Print ("=== updating '$locfile' ===\n");
my ($path, $group, @mmps, @locfiles, @tlocfiles);
push(@locfiles, $locfile);
my $lid = new __LocInfoData($path, $group, \@mmps, \@locfiles, \@tlocfiles);
$lid = __LocInfoData::CreateFromLine(",,\"\",\"$locfile\"");
$lid->GenerateStubLocFile($locfile, $langlist);
sub GetEpoc32LocFiles
my @array;
my (@locs) = `dir /s/b \\epoc32\\include\\*.loc`;
foreach my $loc (@locs)
if ($loc =~ /^[A-Z]:(.*)\\(.*?)$/i)
print "Found $loc ($1, $2).\n";
push(@array, $1."\\".$2);
return \@array;
sub __GenerateECMakefile
my $self = shift;
my $makefile =$self->{ __bldfile }."".DEFAULT_MAKE_PATH;
open (XML, ">$makefile") or __OUT::Die ("Cannot open '$makefile':$!");
print XML "".$self->{ __bldfile }.":bldmake_bldfiles_all \\\n";
print XML "\t abld_makefile_all \\\n";
print XML "\t abld_resource_all \n\n";
print XML "".$self->{ __bldfile }."_what: what_all\n\n";
print XML "".$self->{ __bldfile }."_check: check_all\n\n";
#print XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n";
#print XML "<Product Name=\"$xmlfile\">\n";
#print XML "\t<Commands>\n";
my $id = 1;
my $stage = 1;
my %componentHash;
my $component="";
#print XML "\t\t<SetEnv Order = \"1\" Name = \"EPOCROOT\" Value = \"\\\"/>\n";
#print XML "\t\t<SetEnv Order = \"2\" Name = \"PATH\" Value = \"\\epoc32\\gcc\\bin;\\epoc32\\tools;%PATH%\"/>\n";
# bldmake bldfiles
#my $concatStages = "bldmake_bldfiles_all:";
#my $componontID = 1;
my $makeUnitList = "bldmake-UNITS:=";
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
$component = $c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup();
if ( ! exists($componentHash{$component})){
$componentHash{$component} = $component;
#$concatStages .= "\t\\\n";
#<Execute CommandLine="call bldmake bldfiles -k" Component="\s60\icons" Cwd="\s60\icons\group" ID="2" Stage="1" />
#print XML "bldmake_bldfiles-$componontID:\n";
$makeUnitList .="\t\\\n\t".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup();
#print XML " <Execute CommandLine=\"call bldmake bldfiles -k\" Component=\"".$c->GetPath()."\" Cwd=\"".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()."\" ID=\"".$id++."\" Stage=\"$stage\" />\n";
#$concatStages .= "\t bldmake_bldfiles-$componontID";
$makeUnitList .="\n\n";
print XML $makeUnitList;
print XML "bldmake_bldfiles_all: \$(addsuffix -bldmake_bldfiles-k,\$(bldmake-UNITS))\n\n";
print XML "%-bldmake_bldfiles-k:\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n";
print XML "\t\@echo === bldmake \$*\n";
print XML "\tcd \$* && bldmake bldfiles -k\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n";
print XML "\n\n";
#print XML "".$concatStages."\n\n";
#$concatStages = "abld_makefile_all: ";
#$componontID = 1;
$makeUnitList = "abld-UNITS:= \$(abld-mmp-UNITS) \$(abld-mk-UNITS)";
my $abldMMPUnitList = "abld-mmp-UNITS:=";
my $abldMKUnitList = "abld-mk-UNITS:=";
my $isAbldUnitAdded = 0;
# abld makefile
my $mmptype;
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
foreach my $mmp ( @{$c->GetMMPs()} )
#$concatStages .= "\t\\\n";
#print XML "abld_makefile-$componontID: bldmake_bldfiles_all \n";
#print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n";
#print XML "\t\@echo === abld_makefile\n";
#print XML "\t\@echo === ".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()."\n";
#print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n";
#print XML "\t cd ".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()." && abld makefile $p ".$mmp." -k \n\n";
$mmptype = $c->GetMMPType($mmp);
print "mmptype:...$mmptype\n";
print "getgroup:...".$c->GetGroup()."\n";
print "getpath:...".$c->GetPath()."\n";
print "mmp:...".$mmp."\n";
print "length of getgroup string:....".(length($c->GetGroup()))."\n";
my $strlength = length($c->GetGroup());
if($isAbldUnitAdded == 0){
if($mmptype eq 'mmp'){
if($strlength != 0){
$abldMMPUnitList .="\t\\\n\t".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()."\\".$mmp;
}else {
$abldMMPUnitList .="\t\\\n\t".$c->GetPath()."\\".$mmp;
}else {
if($strlength != 0){
$abldMKUnitList .="\t\\\n\t".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()."\\".$mmp;
}else {
$abldMKUnitList .="\t\\\n\t".$c->GetPath()."\\".$mmp;
#print XML " <Execute CommandLine=\"call abld makefile $p ".$mmp." -k\" Component=\"".$c->GetPath()."\" Cwd=\"".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()."\" ID=\"".$id++."\" Stage=\"$stage\" />\n";
#$concatStages .= "\t abld_makefile-$componontID";
$isAbldUnitAdded = 1;
# Next platform
$makeUnitList .="\n\n";
$abldMMPUnitList .="\n\n";
$abldMKUnitList .="\n\n";
print XML $abldMMPUnitList;
print XML $abldMKUnitList;
print XML $makeUnitList;
my $abldDepRule = "abld_makefile_all: ";
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
print XML "abld_makefile_$p: \$(addsuffix -abld_makefile_$p-k,\$(abld-UNITS))\n\n";
print XML "%-abld_makefile_$p-k:bldmake_bldfiles_all\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n";
print XML "\t\@echo === abld makefile \$*\n";
print XML "\tcd \$(*D) && abld makefile $p \$(*F) -k\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n\n";
print XML $abldDepRule;
print XML "\n\n";
#print XML "".$concatStages."\n\n";
#$concatStages = "abld_resource_all:";
#$componontID = 1;
$abldDepRule = "abld_resource_mmp: ";
# abld resource
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
print XML "abld_resource_mmp_$p: \$(addsuffix -abld_resource_mmp_$p-k,\$(abld-mmp-UNITS))\n\n";
print XML "%-abld_resource_mmp_$p-k:abld_makefile_all\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n";
print XML "\t\@echo === abld resource $p \$*\n";
print XML "\tcd \$(*D) && abld resource $p \$(*F) -k\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n\n";
print XML $abldDepRule;
print XML "\n\n";
$abldDepRule = "abld_resource_mk: ";
foreach my $lang ( @{ $self-> { __languagelist } } )
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
print XML "abld_resource_mk_".$p."_".$lang.": \$(addsuffix -abld_resource_mk_".$p."_".$lang."-k,\$(abld-mk-UNITS))\n\n";
print XML "%-abld_resource_mk_".$p."_".$lang."-k:abld_resource_mmp\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n";
print XML "\t\@echo === abld resource $p \$*\n";
print XML "\tSET LANGUAGE=".$lang." && cd \$(*D) && abld resource $p \$(*F) -k\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n\n";
print XML $abldDepRule;
print XML "\n\n";
print XML "abld_resource_all: abld_resource_mmp abld_resource_mk\n\n";
$abldDepRule = "abld_what_mmp: ";
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
print XML "abld_what_mmp_$p: \$(addsuffix -abld_what_mmp_$p,\$(abld-mmp-UNITS))\n\n";
print XML "%-abld_what_mmp_$p:\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n";
print XML "\t\@echo === abld what $p \$*\n";
print XML "\tcd \$(*D) && abld build $p \$(*F) -w\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n\n";
print XML $abldDepRule;
$abldDepRule = "abld_what_mk: ";
foreach my $lang ( @{ $self-> { __languagelist } } )
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
print XML "abld_what_mk_".$p."_".$lang.": \$(addsuffix -abld_what_mk_".$p."_".$lang.",\$(abld-mk-UNITS))\n\n";
print XML "%-abld_what_mk_".$p."_".$lang." : abld_what_mmp\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n";
print XML "\t\@echo === abld what $p \$*\n";
print XML "\tSET LANGUAGE=".$lang." && cd \$(*D) && abld build $p \$(*F) -w\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n\n";
print XML $abldDepRule;
print XML "what_all: abld_what_mmp abld_what_mk\n\n";
$abldDepRule = "abld_check_mmp: ";
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
print XML "abld_check_mmp_$p: \$(addsuffix -abld_check_mmp_$p,\$(abld-mmp-UNITS))\n\n";
print XML "%-abld_check_mmp_$p:\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n";
print XML "\t\@echo === abld check $p \$*\n";
print XML "\tcd \$(*D) && abld build $p \$(*F) -c\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n\n";
print XML $abldDepRule;
$abldDepRule = "abld_check_mk: ";
foreach my $lang ( @{ $self-> { __languagelist } } )
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
print XML "abld_check_mk_".$p."_".$lang.": \$(addsuffix -abld_check_mk_".$p."_".$lang.",\$(abld-mk-UNITS))\n\n";
print XML "%-abld_check_mk_".$p."_".$lang." : abld_check_mmp\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n";
print XML "\t\@echo === abld check $p \$*\n";
print XML "\tSET LANGUAGE=".$lang." && cd \$(*D) && abld build $p \$(*F) -c\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n\n";
print XML $abldDepRule;
print XML "check_all: abld_check_mmp abld_check_mk\n\n";
sub __GenerateWhatECMakefile
my $self = shift;
my $makefile =$self->{ __bldfile }."_".DEFAULT_WHATMAKE_PATH;
open (XML, ">$makefile") or __OUT::Die ("Cannot open '$makefile':$!");
#print XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n";
#print XML "<Product Name=\"$xmlfile\">\n";
#print XML "\t<Commands>\n";
my $id = 1;
my $stage = 1;
print XML "all: abld_resource_all \\\n";
print XML "\t abld_mk_all \n\n";
my $concatStages = "abld_resource_all:";
my $componontID = 1;
#print XML "\t\t<SetEnv Order = \"1\" Name = \"EPOCROOT\" Value = \"\\\"/>\n";
#print XML "\t\t<SetEnv Order = \"2\" Name = \"PATH\" Value = \"\\epoc32\\gcc\\bin;\\epoc32\\tools;%PATH%\"/>\n";
# abld resource
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
foreach my $mmp ( @{ $c->GetMMPs() } )
if ( $c->GetMMPType($mmp) eq 'mmp')
$concatStages .= "\t\\\n";
print XML "abld_resource-$componontID: \n";
print XML "\t cd ".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()." && abld build $p ".$mmp." -w \n\n";
$concatStages .= "\t abld_resource-$componontID";
# Next platform
print XML "\n\n";
print XML "".$concatStages."\n\n";
$concatStages = "abld_mk_all: ";
$componontID = 1;
# Mk are treated by languages
foreach my $lang ( @{ $self-> { __languagelist } } )
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
foreach my $mmp ( @{ $c->GetMMPs() } )
if ( $c->GetMMPType($mmp) eq 'mk')
$concatStages .= "\t\\\n";
if($componontID eq 1){
print XML "abld_mk-$componontID: abld_resource_all \n";
}else {
print XML "abld_mk-$componontID: abld_mk-".($componontID-1)." \n";
print XML "\t SET LANGUAGE=".$lang." && cd ".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()." && abld build $p ".$mmp." -w\n\n";
$concatStages .= "\t abld_mk-$componontID";
# Next platform...
print XML "\n";
print XML "".$concatStages."\n\n";
#print XML " </Commands>\n";
#print XML "</Product>\n";
sub __GenerateCheckECMakefile
my $self = shift;
my $makefile =$self->{ __bldfile }."_".DEFAULT_CHECKMAKE_PATH;
open (XML, ">$makefile") or __OUT::Die ("Cannot open '$makefile':$!");
#print XML "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"ISO-8859-1\"?>\n";
#print XML "<Product Name=\"$xmlfile\">\n";
#print XML "\t<Commands>\n";
my $id = 1;
my $stage = 1;
print XML "all: abld_resource_all \\\n";
print XML "\t abld_mk_all \n\n";
my $concatStages = "abld_resource_all:";
my $componontID = 1;
#print XML "\t\t<SetEnv Order = \"1\" Name = \"EPOCROOT\" Value = \"\\\"/>\n";
#print XML "\t\t<SetEnv Order = \"2\" Name = \"PATH\" Value = \"\\epoc32\\gcc\\bin;\\epoc32\\tools;%PATH%\"/>\n";
# abld resource
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
foreach my $mmp ( @{ $c->GetMMPs() } )
if ( $c->GetMMPType($mmp) eq 'mmp')
$concatStages .= "\t\\\n";
print XML "abld_resource-$componontID: \n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n";
print XML "\t\@echo === abld_resource-$componontID\n";
print XML "\t\@echo === ".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()."\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n";
print XML "\t cd ".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()." && abld build $p ".$mmp." -c \n\n";
$concatStages .= "\t abld_resource-$componontID";
# Next platform
print XML "\n\n";
print XML "".$concatStages."\n\n";
$concatStages = "abld_mk_all: ";
$componontID = 1;
# Mk are treated by languages
foreach my $lang ( @{ $self-> { __languagelist } } )
foreach my $p ( keys (%{ $self->{ __platform } }) )
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
foreach my $mmp ( @{ $c->GetMMPs() } )
if ( $c->GetMMPType($mmp) eq 'mk')
$concatStages .= "\t\\\n";
if($componontID eq 1){
print XML "abld_mk-$componontID: abld_resource_all \n";
}else {
print XML "abld_mk-$componontID: abld_mk-".($componontID-1)." \n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n";
print XML "\t\@echo === abld_mk-$componontID\n";
print XML "\t\@echo === ".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()."\n";
print XML "\t\@echo ===-------------------------------------------------\n";
print XML "\t SET LANGUAGE=".$lang." && cd ".$c->GetPath()."\\".$c->GetGroup()." && abld build $p ".$mmp." -c\n\n";
$concatStages .= "\t abld_mk-$componontID";
# Next platform...
print XML "\n";
print XML "".$concatStages."\n\n";
sub DeleteOriginalLocFiles{
my $line;
if( -e "\\cleanupfiles.lst"){
open (LST,"<\\cleanupfiles.lst");
while ($line = <LST>)
if( -e "$line.isis.orig"){
unlink ( "$line.isis.orig" ) or __OUT::Warning(" Failed to delete stubbed loc file $line.isis.orig --- \n");
}else {
if( -e "$line.orig"){
unlink ( "$line.orig" ) or __OUT::Warning(" Failed to delete stubbed mk file $line.orig --- \n");
if( -e "$line.isis.trace"){
unlink ( "$line.isis.trace" ) or __OUT::Warning(" Failed to delete stubbed loc file $line.isis.trace --- \n");
unlink( "\\cleanupfiles.lst" ) or __OUT::Warning(" Failed to delete cleanupfiles.lst \n");
sub SaveGeneratedResources
my $tpath = shift;
my $bldfile = shift;
my $time1;
my $time2;
$time1 = time();
__SaveGeneratedResource($tpath, $bldfile);
$time2 = time();
__OUT::Print ("Total Time SaveGeneratedResources:" .($time2-$time1)."\n");
sub __SaveGeneratedResource
my $tpath = shift;
my $bldfile = shift;
my %hlist;
# Saving localised resources
__OUT::Print ("<b>Zipping generated resources</b>\n");
__OUT::Print ("<b>bldfile ---- $bldfile"."_what_compile.log"."</b>\n");
open (LOG, "$bldfile"."_what_compile.log") or __OUT::Die ("Cannot open"."$bldfile"."_what_compile.log:$!");
foreach my $line ( <LOG> )
chomp ($line);
if ( $line =~ /^\\/ and $line =~ /\.r(\d+)$/i)
push @{ $hlist{$1} }, $line;
close (LOG);
#my $tpath = $self->{__tpath};
mkpath ( "$tpath\\LocPackages" ) unless ( -e "$tpath\\LocPackages" );
foreach my $lid ( sort keys %hlist )
__OUT::Print ("<b>Zipping resources of language $lid</b>\n");
unlink ("\\resourcelist_${lid}.lst") if ( -e "\\resourcelist_${lid}.lst" );
open (LST,">\\resourcelist_${lid}.lst");
foreach ( sort @{ $hlist{$lid} } )
print LST "$_\n";
close (LST);
my $zip = new ZipUp( "$tpath\\LocPackages\\package_${lid}.zip" );
$zip->AddFilesFromList ( "\\resourcelist_${lid}.lst" );
sub Cleanup
my $self = shift;
my @ll = ("sc");
foreach my $c ( @{ $self->{__configuration} } )
#$c->ChangeMMPsAndMKs( \@ll );
## @class LocaliseTBS
# This is an internal class. It is a modelisation of the locinfo data line.
package LocaliseTBS;
use strict;
use File::Path;
use ISIS::GenBuildTools;
use IPC::Open3;
use File::Spec;
use File::Basename;
use constant DEFAULT_XML_PATH => ".xml";
use constant DEFAULT_WHATXML_PATH => "_what.xml";
use constant DEFAULT_CHECKXML_PATH => "_check.xml";
use constant DEFAULT_TPATH => "\\zips";
sub Localise
my $time1 = time();
my $bldfile = shift;
__OUT::Print ("Localisation starting - ".localtime()."\n");
__OUT::Print ("Localisation $bldfile -\n");
GenBuildTools::BuildTBS( "$bldfile".DEFAULT_XML_PATH );
GenBuildTools::BuildTBS( "$bldfile".DEFAULT_WHATXML_PATH );
GenBuildTools::BuildTBS( "$bldfile".DEFAULT_CHECKXML_PATH );
__OUT::Print ("Localisation ending - ".localtime()."\n");
my $time2 = time();
__OUT::Print ("Total Time:" .($time2-$time1)."\n");
## @class __LocInfoData
# This is an internal class. It is a modelisation of the locinfo data line.
package __LocInfoData;
use strict;
use File::Copy;
sub CreateFromLine
my ( $line ) = shift;
# managing comments and empty lines
return undef if ( $line =~ /^\s*((#|\/\/).*)*$/ );
my @atoms = split( /,/, $line );
if (scalar(@atoms)==3 or scalar(@atoms)==4 or scalar(@atoms)==5)
my @locfiles;
my @mmps;
#path,path_to_bld_inf,"list of mmp",["path/to.loc"[,"/path/to/delivery"]]
if ($atoms[2] =~ s/\"([^\"]*)\"/$1/)
@mmps = split(/\s+/, $atoms[2]);
__OUT::Die("Malformed3 input file at line: '$line'\n");
if (scalar(@atoms)>3)
if ($atoms[3] =~ s/\"([^\"]*)\"/$1/)
@locfiles = split(/\s+/, $atoms[3])
__OUT::Die("Malformed4 input file at line: '$line'\n");
if (scalar(@atoms)==5)
if ($atoms[4] =~ s/\"([^\"]*)\"/$1/)
my @tlocfiles = split(/\s+/, $atoms[4]);
push @tlocfiles, &Localiser::DefaultLocPath();
return new __LocInfoData($atoms[0], $atoms[1], \@mmps, \@locfiles, \@tlocfiles);
__OUT::Die("Malformed5 input file at line: '$line'\n");
elsif (scalar(@atoms)==4)
my @tlocfiles;
push @tlocfiles, &Localiser::DefaultLocPath();
return new __LocInfoData($atoms[0], $atoms[1], \@mmps, \@locfiles, \@tlocfiles);
elsif (scalar(@atoms)==3)
my @tlocfiles;
push @tlocfiles, &Localiser::DefaultLocPath();
return new __LocInfoData($atoms[0], $atoms[1], \@mmps, \@locfiles, \@tlocfiles);
return undef;
sub new
my $class = shift;
my ($path, $group, $mmps, $locfiles, $tlocfiles) = @_;
my $self = {
__path => $path,
__group => $group,
__mmps => $mmps,
__mmpstype => undef,
__locfiles => $locfiles,
__tlocfiles => $tlocfiles
return bless $self, $class;
sub GetPath
my $self = shift;
return $self->{__path};
sub GetGroup
my $self = shift;
return $self->{__group};
sub GetMMPs
my $self = shift;
return $self->{__mmps};
sub GetMMPType
my ($self, $mmp) = (shift, shift);
return $self->{__mmpstype}->{$mmp}->{type};
sub GetLocFiles
my $self = shift;
return $self->{__locfiles};
sub GetTranslatedLocFiles
my $self = shift;
return $self->{__tlocfiles};
sub CheckBldInf
my $self = shift;
my $bldinf = $self->GetPath()."/".$self->GetGroup()."/bld.inf";
unless ( -e $bldinf )
__OUT::Error ("Cannot find bld.inf in '$bldinf' directory\n");
return 0;
return 1;
sub CheckLocFiles
my $self = shift;
my $result = 1;
foreach ( @{ $self->{__locfiles} } )
my $loc = $self->GetPath()."/$_";
unless ( -e $loc )
__OUT::Error ("Cannot find '$loc'\n");
return $result;
sub ZipUpLocFiles
my ( $self, $zip ) = (shift, shift);
foreach ( @{ $self->{__locfiles} } )
my $loc = $self->GetPath()."/$_";
$zip->AddFile( $loc );
sub GenerateStubLocFiles
my ($self, $langlist) = (shift, shift);
open (LST,">>\\cleanupfiles.lst");
foreach ( @{ $self->{__locfiles} } )
my $loc = $self->GetPath()."/$_";
print LST $loc."\n";
$self->GenerateStubLocFile( $loc, $langlist );
close (LST);
sub RestoreOrigLocFiles
my ($self, $langlist) = (shift, shift);
foreach ( @{ $self->{__locfiles} } )
my $loc = $self->GetPath()."/$_";
if ( -e "$loc.isis.orig" )
unlink ( $loc ) or __OUT::Warning(" Failed to delete stubbed loc file $loc \n");
copy ( "$loc.isis.orig", $loc) or __OUT::Warning(" Failed to restore loc file from $loc.isis.orig to $loc \n");
unlink ( "$loc.isis.orig" ) or __OUT::Warning(" Failed to delete original backup loc file $loc \n");
if ( -e "$loc.isis.trace" )
unlink ( "$loc.isis.trace" ) or __OUT::Warning(" Failed to delete $loc.isis.trace \n");
unlink ( "$loc" ) or __OUT::Warning(" Failed to delete original backup loc file $loc \n");
sub GenerateStubLocFile
my ($self, $locfile, $langlist) = (shift, shift, shift);
my $sav = $locfile.".isis.orig";
my $trace = $locfile.".isis.trace";
__OUT::Print (" Backuping $locfile as $sav \n");
if ( -e "$trace" )
unlink ( $trace ) or __OUT::Warning(" Failed to delete $trace \n");
if ( -e "$sav" )
unlink ( $sav ) or __OUT::Warning(" Failed to delete stubbed loc file $sav \n");
copy ($locfile, $sav) or __OUT::Error ("Cannot sav '$locfile'");
unless ( -e "$locfile" )
open (TRACE, ">$trace") or __OUT::Error ("Cannot create trace file '$trace':$!");
print TRACE "// File generated by for tracing missing loc file - DO NOT EDIT!\n\n";
close (TRACE);
__OUT::Print ("=== Stubbing '$locfile' ===\n");
open (LOC, ">$locfile") or __OUT::Die ("Cannot open/create '$locfile':$!");
print LOC "// File generated by - DO NOT EDIT!\n\n";
my $first = 1;
my $name = $locfile;
$name =~ /(\w+\.loc)$/;$name=$1;
foreach my $lid ( @$langlist )
if ($first)
$first = 0;
print LOC "#if defined(LANGUAGE_$lid)\n";
print LOC "#elif defined(LANGUAGE_$lid)\n";
my $f = $self->FindLocFor($name, $lid);
if ($f)
print LOC "\t#include \"".&__MakeRlt($locfile, $f)."\"\n";
__OUT::Warning ("no translation to $lid for $locfile\n");
print LOC "\t#warning no translation to $lid for $locfile\n";
if ( -e "$sav" )
$sav =~ /(\w+\.loc.isis.orig)$/;
print LOC "\t#include \"$1\"\n";
if ( -e "$sav" )
print LOC "#else\n";
print LOC "// fallback to EE by default\n";
$sav =~ /(\w+\.loc.isis.orig)$/;
print LOC "#include \"$1\"\n";
print LOC "#endif\n";
print LOC "// END OF FILE\n";
close (LOC);
sub __MakeRlt
my ($spath, $dpath) = @_;
#print "__MakeRlt($spath, $dpath)\n";
# only backslahes
$spath =~ s/\//\\/g;
$dpath =~ s/\//\\/g;
$spath =~ s/^.:\\/\\/;
$dpath =~ s/^.:\\/\\/;
# remove filename
$spath =~ s/(\\|\/)\w+\.loc$/$1/;
# remove transform abs to rel path
$spath =~ s/\\[^\\]+/..\\/g;
# clean up
# no trailing, no double \\
$dpath =~ s/^\\+//;
$spath =~ s/\\+$//;
$dpath =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
$spath =~ s/\\\\/\\/g;
return $spath."\\".$dpath;
sub FindLocFor
my ($self, $locfile, $lid) = (shift, shift, shift);
my $target = $locfile;
$target =~ s/\.loc$/_$lid.loc/i;
foreach my $dir ( @{ $self->GetTranslatedLocFiles() } )
opendir(DIR, "$dir/$lid");
my @files = readdir(DIR);
close (DIR);
foreach my $f ( @files )
if ( $f =~ /^$target$/i )
return "$dir/$lid/$target";
return undef;
sub TouchRSS
my $self = shift;
my $component = $self->GetPath();
$component =~ s/\//\\/g;
foreach ( `dir /s/b $component\\*.rss 2>&1` )
`attrib -r $_ 2>&1`;
`etouch $_ 2>&1`;
sub ChangeMMPsAndMKs
my ($self, $langlist,$zip) = @_;
my $finder = new Finder( "\\.(mmp|mk)\$", $self->GetPath() );
my $dmmps = $finder->Find();
foreach my $mmp ( @{ $self->{__mmps} } )
__OUT::Print ("=== $mmp changing Language to [".join(' ',@$langlist)."]\n");
my $dir = $self->GetPath()."/".$self->GetGroup();
$self->{__mmpstype}->{$mmp}->{type} = 'notfound';
foreach my $f ( @$dmmps )
my $uf = $f;
$uf =~ s/\.(mmp|mk)$//i;
if ( $uf =~ m/$mmp$/i )
__OUT::Print (" + Found '$mmp' match => '$f'\n");
$self->{__mmpstype}->{$mmp}->{path} = $f;
if ( $f =~ /^.*\.mmp$/i )
$self->{__mmpstype}->{$mmp}->{type} = 'mmp';
$self->__AlterLanguage( $langlist, "$f" );
elsif ( $f =~ /^.*\.mk$/i )
$self->{__mmpstype}->{$mmp}->{type} = 'mk';
$self->__PatchMakefile( $langlist, "$f" ) if ( $f =~ /^.*\.mk$/i );
__OUT::Print (" - Path: ".$self->{__mmpstype}->{$mmp}->{path}."\n");
__OUT::Print (" - Type: ".$self->{__mmpstype}->{$mmp}->{type}."\n");
if ( $self->{__mmpstype}->{$mmp}->{type} eq 'notfound' )
__OUT::Error("Cannot find an mmp or mk file for this configuration definition: '$mmp'\n");
sub __PatchMakefile
my ( $self, $langlist, $mkfilepath ) = @_;
print " - $mkfilepath\n";
# Restoring if required.
if( -e $mkfilepath.'.orig' )
print " restoring orig file";
move ( $mkfilepath.'.orig', $mkfilepath );
return 1 if (((scalar(@$langlist))==1) and (@{$langlist}[0] =~ /\s*sc\s*/));
# saving orig file to .orig
copy ($mkfilepath, $mkfilepath.'.orig') unless ( -e $mkfilepath.'.orig' );
if ( open (MK, "$mkfilepath.orig") )
return 0 unless ( open (MKO, ">$mkfilepath") );
foreach my $line ( <MK> )
if ($line =~ /^\s*LANGUAGE\s*=/i)
elsif ( $line =~ /epocrc\.bat/i )
print MKO "$line -DLANGUAGE_\$(LANGUAGE)\n";
print MKO $line;
close (MKO);
open (LST,">>\\cleanupfiles.lst");
print LST "$mkfilepath\n";
return 1;
return 0;
sub __AlterLanguage
my ($self, $langlist, $file) = @_;
my ($type,$subst,$open_comment,$rss);
if ($file =~ /\.mmp$/i) {
elsif ($file =~ /\.mmpi$/i){
else {
print STDERR "Unknown file $file\n";
print " - $file\n";
open(IN, $file);
my @lines=<IN>;
close (IN);
foreach (@lines){
if (m!^\s*/\*!){
if (m!\*/!) {
if (m!\*/!) {
next if ($open_comment);
next if (m!^\s*//!);
if ((/^\s*lang\s+\w+\s*/i) and ($type eq "mmp"))
$_ = "LANG\t".join(' ', @$langlist)."\n";
if (/\.rss/i)
if ($subst) {
__OUT::Print (scalar(`attrib -r $file`));
open (OUT,">$file") or __OUT::Die ("Cannot open $file for overwriting");
print OUT @lines;
close OUT;
elsif ($rss)
__OUT::Warning ("$file has no LANGUAGE or LANG definition in MMP,MK file\n");
## @package HelpManagement
package HelpManagement;
use strict;
use File::Copy;
sub Copy
my ($languages, $path, $tpath) = @_;
$tpath = $tpath || Localiser::DEFAULT_TPATH;
my @help_destination_path=qw(\epoc32\data\z\resource\Help\ \epoc32\winscw\c\resource\Help\ );
my $locfiledir="\\S60\\S60Helps\\Data"; # Default path to locfiles (can be changed by $locfile_path option)
foreach my $lid (@$languages)
if (opendir (DIR, $path."/$lid" ))
my $zip = new ZipUp( File::Spec->catfile($tpath,"LocPackages","package_${lid}.zip" ) );
foreach my $file ( readdir(DIR))
if ($file =~ /(\w+\.h)lp$/i)
my $realname=lc($1).$lid;
foreach my $dpath (@help_destination_path)
__OUT::Print ("Exporting '$path/$lid/$file' to '$dpath\\$realname'\n");
copy ("$path/$lid/$file", "$dpath\\$realname");
$zip->AddFile( "$dpath\\$realname" );
package DTDHandler;
use strict;
use File::Copy;
use File::Path;
use File::Find; # for finding
use File::Basename; # for fileparse
my (@dtdfiles,@GeneratedFiles);
# DTDHandler::find_dtdfiles()
# Finds the input DTD files in supplied directory. This is call back function
# Parameters:
sub find_dtdfiles
my $dtd_name = $File::Find::name;
$dtd_name =~ s/\//\\/g; #Change / marks to \
my($n, $d, $ext) = fileparse($dtd_name, '\..*');
if( $ext =~ /\.dtd/i)
push @dtdfiles, $dtd_name;
sub HandleDTD
my ($locFilesPath,$dtdTarget) = (shift,shift);
$dtdTarget .= "";
my $dtd_path = "\\epoc32\\winscw\\c\\Nokia\\Installs\\MyThemes\\";
my %original_dtd;
@dtdfiles = ();
@GeneratedFiles = ();
# get components that include DTD files
opendir(SDIR, ${dtd_path}) or __OUT::Die("can not read ${dtd_path}\n");
my @folders = grep !/^\.\.?$/ && -d (${dtd_path}.$_), readdir SDIR;
foreach my $dtd_folder(@folders) {
-d "${dtd_path}${dtd_folder}\\loc" || mkpath ("${dtd_path}${dtd_folder}\\loc",0,0x755);
#search for in dtd input files in loc files directory
find( \&find_dtdfiles, "$locFilesPath" );
#copy all dtd files to dtd handler input directory
foreach (@dtdfiles)
foreach my $dtd_folder (@folders) {
if ($_ =~ m/$dtd_folder/i) {
xcopy ($_,"${dtd_path}${dtd_folder}\\loc");
__OUT::Print("==== DTD generation ====\n");
#create Dtd files
foreach my $dtd_folder (@folders) {
__OUT::Print(`\\epoc32\\RELEASE\\WINSCW\\UREL\\XnThemeInstallerCons.exe c:\\Nokia\\installs\\MyThemes\\${dtd_folder}\\loc\\ 2&>1`);
rmtree( "\\epoc32\\WINSCW\\C\\private\\10207254\\themes\\sources" );
# this kind of xcopy call MUST be replaced by a Perl command
__OUT::Print(`call xcopy \\epoc32\\WINSCW\\C\\private\\10207254\\themes\\* \\epoc32\\data\\z\\private\\10207254\\themes\\ \/E \/I \/Y \/R`);
__OUT::Print(`call xcopy \\epoc32\\WINSCW\\C\\private\\10207254\\themes\\* \\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\z\\private\\10207254\\themes\\ \/E \/I \/Y \/R`);
__OUT::Print(`call xcopy \\epoc32\\WINSCW\\C\\private\\10207254\\themes\\* \\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\urel\\z\\private\\10207254\\themes\\ \/E \/I \/Y \/R`);
__OUT::Print("==== DTD Language packaging ====\n");
system ("zip -r -q ${dtdTarget} \\epoc32\\data\\z\\private\\10207254\\themes\\* \\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\udeb\\z\\private\\10207254\\themes\\* \\epoc32\\release\\winscw\\urel\\z\\private\\10207254\\themes\\*");
__OUT::Print("==== Done DTD ====\n");
# DTDHandler::CopyDTDFiles($lid, $s60locpath)
# Copy the DTD files
# Parameters:
sub CopyDTDFiles
my ($language,$locFilesPath) = (shift, shift);
my @list = ();
@dtdfiles = ();
#search for in dtd input files in loc files directory
find( \&find_dtdfiles, "$locFilesPath" );
my $file_found_flag = 0;
foreach my $file (@dtdfiles)
my($n, $d, $ext) = fileparse($file, '\..*');
# find if file name without extention ends with language id.
if ($n =~ /\_$language$/i)
$file_found_flag = 1;
#remove language id from the file name
$n =~ s/\_$language$//i;
#copy dtd file to \epoc32\data\Z\private\101F4CD2\Content\<language> directory
my $dist = "\\epoc32\\data\\Z\\private\\101F4CD2\\Content\\$language\\$n$ext";
__OUT::Print("Copy '$file' to '$dist'\n");
push (@list,$dist);
#copy dtd file to \epoc32\release\winscw\udeb\Z\private\101F4CD2\Content\<language> directory
$dist =~ s/data/RELEASE\\WINSCW\\UDEB/i;
__OUT::Print("Copy '$file' to '$dist'\n");
push (@list,$dist);
#copy dtd file to \epoc32\release\winscw\urel\Z\private\101F4CD2\Content\<language> directory
$dist =~ s/UDEB/UREL/i;
__OUT::Print("Copy '$file' to '$dist'\n");
push (@list,$dist);
__OUT::Print("Error: Dtd files for $language not found!!!") if (! $file_found_flag);
return @list;
# DTDHandler::xcopy()
# copies file from source path to destination path.
# Parameters:
# Source file with path
# Destination file with path
sub xcopy
my $source = shift;
my $dist = shift;
# if distination file exist then clear read flag
if (-f $dist)
chmod ($dist , 0755);
my($n, $d, $ext) = fileparse($dist, '\..*');
# check weather distination directory exist or not. If directory doesn't exist then create it.
-d $d || mkpath($d, 0, 0x755);
# copy source to distination
## @package Locales
package Locales;
use File::Spec;
sub CreatesLocales
my ($languages, $product, $flags, $ddir) = @_;
$ddir = $ddir || Localiser::DEFAULT_TPATH;
foreach my $lid (@$languages)
my $zip = new ZipUp( File::Spec->catfile($ddir,"LocPackages","package_${lid}.zip") );
$zip->AddFile( __GenerateLocalesIBY((defined($product))?"${product}_":'', $lid, $flags) );
use IPC::Open3;
sub __GenerateLocalesIBY($$$)
my ($prefix, $langcode, $flags) = @_;
return if ($langcode =~ /sc/);
return if ($langcode !~ /\d+/);
my $output = File::Spec->catfile("/epoc32/rom/include","${prefix}locales_$langcode.iby");
__OUT::Print ("Generating $output...\n");
open (OUT, ">$output");
print OUT "#ifndef __LOCALES_".$langcode."_IBY__\n";
print OUT "#define __LOCALES_".$langcode."_IBY__\n";
my $arg = "-I ..\\include\\oem -I .\\include -I.\\Variant ";
foreach (@$flags) { $arg .= " -D$_ "; }
# use open3 to manage the error stream
chdir ("\\epoc32\\rom");
local (*WTRFH, *RDRFH, *ERRFH);
my $cmd = "cpp -nostdinc -u $arg include\\locales_sc.iby -include .\\include\\header.iby";
__OUT::Print ("Calling $cmd\n");
my $childpid = open3(\*WTRFH, \*RDRFH, \*ERRFH, $cmd);
if (/^\s*data\s*=\s*MULTI_LINGUIFY/)
my $ext = $1;
my $w1 = $2;
my $w2 = $3;
if ( $ext=~ /^RSC$/i )
$ext =~ s/RSC/r$langcode/i;
print OUT "data=$w1.$ext $w2.$ext\n";
__OUT::Warning ("Cannot extract '$_'");
elsif (/\.rsc/i)
print OUT $_;
elsif (/\.dbz/i)
print OUT $_;
elsif (/\.hlp/i)
print OUT $_;
elsif ( /\\elocl\.dll/i )
print OUT $_;
#rename Content\01 to Content\xx (where xx is language id). This is for handlng DTD files
elsif (/Content\\01/)
print OUT $_;
#rename .o0001 to .0xx (where xx is language id). This is for handlng DTD files
elsif (/\.o0001/i)
my $line = $_;
my $lang = $langcode;
#round up language id to 4 digis
while (length($lang) < 4)
$lang = "0".$lang;
$line =~ s/\.o0001/\.o$lang/ogi;
print OUT $line;
elsif ( /^\s*(data|file)=/ )
__OUT::Warning ("This should not be included in resource.iby '$_'\nThis file should be included using an 'applicationnameVariant.iby' file.\n");
print OUT "#endif\n";
# Closing cleanly....
# Manage cpp errors
my $err = "";
while(<ERRFH>) { $err .= "$_\n";}
if (not ($err eq "")){ __OUT::Error ("$err"); }
# Closing cleanly....
waitpid($childpid, 0);
return $output;
# End of File