Fix tests as review comments.
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# raptor_xml module
import os
import raptor_data
import raptor_utilities
import xml.dom.minidom
import re
import generic_path
# raptor_xml module attributes
namespace = ""
xsdVersion = "build/2_0.xsd"
xsdIgnore = "build/666.xsd"
_constructors = {"alias":raptor_data.Alias,
# raptor_xml module classes
class XMLError(Exception):
# raptor_xml module functions
def Read(Raptor, filename):
"Read in a Raptor XML document"
# try to read and parse the XML file
dom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(filename)
except: # a whole bag of exceptions can be raised here
raise XMLError
# <build> is always the root element
build = dom.documentElement
objects = []
fileVersion = build.getAttribute("xsi:schemaLocation")
# ignore the file it matches the "invalid" schema
if fileVersion.endswith(xsdIgnore):
return objects
# check that the file matches the expected schema
if not fileVersion.endswith(xsdVersion):
Raptor.Warn("file '%s' uses schema '%s' which does not end with the expected version '%s'", filename, fileVersion, xsdVersion)
# create a Data Model object from each sub-element
for child in build.childNodes:
if child.namespaceURI == namespace \
and child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE:
o = XMLtoDataModel(Raptor, child)
if o is not None:
except raptor_data.InvalidChildError:
Raptor.Warn("Invalid element %s in %s", child.localName, filename)
# discard the XML
return objects
def XMLtoDataModel(Raptor, node):
"Create a data-model object from an XML element"
# look-up a function to create an object from the node name
constructor = _constructors[node.localName]
except KeyError:
Raptor.Warn("Unknown element %s", node.localName)
model = constructor()
# deal with the attributes first
if node.hasAttributes():
for i in range(node.attributes.length):
attribute = node.attributes.item(i)
model.SetProperty(attribute.localName, attribute.value)
except raptor_data.InvalidPropertyError:
Raptor.Warn("Can't set attribute %s for element %s",
attribute.localName, node.localName)
# add the sub-elements
for child in node.childNodes:
if child.namespaceURI == namespace \
and child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE:
gc = XMLtoDataModel(Raptor, child)
if gc is not None:
except raptor_data.InvalidChildError:
Raptor.Warn("Can't add child %s to element %s",
child.localName, node.localName)
# only return a valid object (or raise error)
if model.Valid():
if model.IsApplicable():
return model
return None
raise raptor_data.InvalidChildError
class SystemModelComponent(generic_path.Path):
"""Path sub-class that wraps up a component bld.inf file with
system_definition.xml context information."""
def __init__(self, aBldInfFile, aContainerNames, aSystemDefinitionFile, aSystemDefinitionBase, aSystemDefinitionVersion):
generic_path.Path.__init__(self, aBldInfFile.Absolute().path)
self.__ContainerNames = aContainerNames
self.__SystemDefinitionFile = aSystemDefinitionFile
self.__SystemDefinitionBase = aSystemDefinitionBase
self.__SystemDefinitionVersion = aSystemDefinitionVersion
def GetSystemDefinitionFile(self):
return self.__SystemDefinitionFile
def GetSystemDefinitionBase(self):
return self.__SystemDefinitionBase
def GetSystemDefinitionFile(self):
return self.__SystemDefinitionVersion
def GetContainerName(self, aContainerType):
if self.__ContainerNames.has_key(aContainerType):
return self.__ContainerNames[aContainerType]
return ""
class SystemModel(object):
"""A representation of the SystemModel section of a Symbian system_definition.xml file."""
def __init__(self, aLogger, aSystemDefinitionFile, aSystemDefinitionBase):
self.__Logger = aLogger
self.__SystemDefinitionFile = aSystemDefinitionFile.GetLocalString()
self.__SystemDefinitionBase = aSystemDefinitionBase.GetLocalString()
self.__Version = {'MAJOR':0,'MID':0,'MINOR':0}
self.__ComponentRoot = ""
self.__TotalComponents = 0
self.__LayerList = []
self.__LayerDetails = {}
self.__DOM = None
self.__SystemDefinitionElement = None
if self.__Read():
if self.__Validate():
if self.__DOM:
def HasLayer(self, aLayer):
return aLayer in self.__LayerList
def GetLayerNames(self):
return self.__LayerList
def GetLayerComponents(self, aLayer):
if not self.HasLayer(aLayer):
self.__Logger.Error("System Definition layer \"%s\" does not exist in %s", aLayer, self.__SystemDefinitionFile)
return []
return self.__LayerDetails[aLayer]
def IsLayerBuildable(self, aLayer):
if len(self.GetLayerComponents(aLayer)):
return True
return False
def GetAllComponents(self):
components = []
for layer in self.GetLayerNames():
return components
def DumpLayerInfo(self, aLayer):
if self.HasLayer(aLayer):
self.__Logger.Info("Found %d bld.inf references in layer \"%s\"", len(self.GetLayerComponents(aLayer)), aLayer)
def DumpInfo(self):
self.__Logger.Info("Found %d bld.inf references in %s within %d layers:", len(self.GetAllComponents()), self.__SystemDefinitionFile, len(self.GetLayerNames()))
self.__Logger.Info("\t%s", ", ".join(self.GetLayerNames()))
def __Read(self):
if not os.path.exists(self.__SystemDefinitionFile):
self.__Logger.Error("System Definition file %s does not exist", self.__SystemDefinitionFile)
return False
self.__Logger.Info("System Definition file %s", self.__SystemDefinitionFile)
# try to read the XML file
self.__DOM = xml.dom.minidom.parse(self.__SystemDefinitionFile)
except: # a whole bag of exceptions can be raised here
self.__Logger.Error("Failed to parse XML file %s", self.__SystemDefinitionFile)
return False
# <SystemDefinition> is always the root element
self.__SystemDefinitionElement = self.__DOM.documentElement
return True
def __Validate(self):
# account for different schema versions in processing
# old format : version >= 1.3.0
# new format : version >= 2.0.0 (assume later versions are least for now)
version = re.match(r'(?P<MAJOR>\d)\.(?P<MID>\d)(\.(?P<MINOR>\d))?', self.__SystemDefinitionElement.getAttribute("schema"))
if not version:
self.__Logger.Error("Cannot determine schema version of XML file %s", self.__SystemDefinitionFile)
return False
self.__Version['MAJOR'] = int('MAJOR'))
self.__Version['MID'] = int('MID'))
self.__Version['MINOR'] = int('MINOR'))
if self.__Version['MAJOR'] == 1 and self.__Version['MID'] > 2:
self.__ComponentRoot = self.__SystemDefinitionBase
elif self.__Version['MAJOR'] == 2:
# 2.0.0 format supports SOURCEROOT as an environment specified base - we respect this, unless
# explicitly overridden on the command line
if os.environ.has_key('SOURCEROOT'):
self.__ComponentRoot = generic_path.Path(os.environ['SOURCEROOT'])
if self.__SystemDefinitionBase and self.__SystemDefinitionBase != ".":
self.__ComponentRoot = self.__SystemDefinitionBase
if os.environ.has_key('SOURCEROOT'):
self.__Logger.Info("Command line specified System Definition file base \'%s\' overriding environment SOURCEROOT \'%s\'", self.__SystemDefinitionBase, os.environ['SOURCEROOT'])
self.__Logger.Error("Cannot process schema version %s of file %s", version.string, self.__SystemDefinitionFile)
return False
return True
def __Parse(self):
# find the <systemModel> element (there can be 0 or 1) and search any <layer> elements for <unit> elements with "bldFile" attributes
# the <layer> context of captured "bldFile" attributes is recorded as we go
for child in self.__SystemDefinitionElement.childNodes:
if child.localName == "systemModel":
def __CreateComponent(self, aBldInfFile, aUnitElement):
# take a resolved bld.inf file and associated <unit/> element and returns a populated Component object
containers = {}
self.__GetElementContainers(aUnitElement, containers)
component = SystemModelComponent(aBldInfFile, containers, self.__SystemDefinitionFile, self.__SystemDefinitionBase, self.__Version)
return component
def __GetElementContainers(self, aElement, aContainers):
# take a <unit/> element and creates a type->name dictionary of all of its parent containers
# We're only interested in parent nodes if they're not the top-most node
if aElement.parentNode.parentNode:
parent = aElement.parentNode
name = parent.getAttribute("name")
if name:
aContainers[parent.tagName] = name
self.__GetElementContainers(parent, aContainers)
def __ProcessSystemModelElement(self, aElement):
"""Search for XML <unit/> elements with 'bldFile' attributes and resolve concrete bld.inf locations
with an appreciation of different schema versions."""
if aElement.tagName == "layer":
currentLayer = aElement.getAttribute("name")
if not self.__LayerDetails.has_key(currentLayer):
self.__LayerDetails[currentLayer] = []
if not currentLayer in self.__LayerList:
elif aElement.tagName == "unit" and aElement.hasAttributes():
bldFileValue = aElement.getAttribute("bldFile")
if bldFileValue:
bldInfRoot = self.__ComponentRoot
if self.__Version['MAJOR'] == 1 and self.__Version['MID'] == 4:
# version 1.4.x schema paths can use DOS slashes
bldFileValue = raptor_utilities.convertToUnixSlash(bldFileValue)
elif self.__Version['MAJOR'] == 2:
# version 2.x.x schema paths are subject to a "root" attribute off-set, if it exists
rootValue = aElement.getAttribute("root")
if rootValue:
if os.environ.has_key(rootValue):
bldInfRoot = generic_path.Path(os.environ[rootValue])
# Assume that this is an error i.e. don't attempt to resolve in relation to SOURCEROOT
bldInfRoot = None
self.__Logger.Error("Cannot resolve \'root\' attribute value \"%s\" in %s", rootValue, self.__SystemDefinitionFile)
group = generic_path.Path(bldFileValue)
if not group.isAbsolute() and bldInfRoot:
group = generic_path.Join(bldInfRoot, group)
bldinf = generic_path.Join(group, "bld.inf").FindCaseless()
if bldinf == None:
self.__Logger.Error("No bld.inf found at %s in %s", group.GetLocalString(), self.__SystemDefinitionFile)
component = self.__CreateComponent(bldinf, aElement)
layer = component.GetContainerName("layer")
if layer:
self.__TotalComponents += 1
self.__Logger.Error("No containing layer found for %s in %s", str(bldinf), self.__SystemDefinitionFile)
# search the sub-elements
for child in aElement.childNodes:
if child.nodeType == child.ELEMENT_NODE:
# end of the raptor_xml module