@echo offremrem Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).rem All rights reserved.rem This component and the accompanying materials are made availablerem under the terms of the License "Symbian Foundation License v1.0"rem which accompanies this distribution, and is availablerem at the URL "http://www.symbianfoundation.org/legal/sfl-v10.html".remrem Initial Contributors:rem Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.remrem Contributors:remrem Description: iMaker wrapper for Windowsremsetlocalset MAKE=set IMAKER_CMDARG=%*if "%EPOCROOT%"=="" set EPOCROOT=\if "%CONFIGROOT%"=="" set CONFIGROOT=%EPOCROOT%epoc32\rom\configif "%ITOOL_DIR%"=="" set ITOOL_DIR=%EPOCROOT%epoc32\tools\romif "%IMAKER_DIR%"=="" set IMAKER_DIR=%ITOOL_DIR%\imakerif "%IMAKER_MAKE%"=="" set IMAKER_MAKE=%IMAKER_DIR%\mingw_make.exeif "%IMAKER_MAKESHELL%"=="" set IMAKER_MAKESHELL=%COMSPEC%if "%IMAKER_MAKESHELL%"=="" set IMAKER_MAKESHELL=cmd.exeif "%IMAKER_CYGWIN%"=="" set IMAKER_CYGWIN=0if "%PERL%"=="" set PERL=perlcall %PERL% -x %IMAKER_DIR%\imaker.plset IMAKER_ERROR=%errorlevel%if %IMAKER_ERROR% geq 1 ( call %PERL% -v >nul 2>&1 if errorlevel 1 echo Perl is not properly installed! Environment variable PERL can be used to set the Perl exe.)if 0%IMAKER_EXITSHELL% equ 0 exit /b %IMAKER_ERROR%exit %IMAKER_ERROR%endlocal:: END OF IMAKER.CMD