author Zheng Shen <>
Thu, 09 Sep 2010 19:09:10 +0800
changeset 633 a4eca1f021ac
parent 628 7c4a911dc066
child 645 b8d81fa19e7d
permissions -rw-r--r--
ROMTools- Bug 3415 - SBS failing to build open C libraries

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
Name        : ido-prep.ant.xml 
Part of     : Helium 

Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
All rights reserved.
This component and the accompanying materials are made available
under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
which accompanies this distribution, and is available
at the URL "".

Initial Contributors:
Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.



<!--* @package preparation -->
<project name="ido-prep" xmlns:hlm="">
        IDO related targets.
         * Build area preparation
         * Codescanner integration
         * Cenrep generation (old way)
         * IBY export (old way)
    <!-- Path to a INI file that contains the mapping between the ADO from Synergy WA and it's location on the BA.
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="ado.mapping.file" location="${build.output.dir}/build/ado_mapping.ini"/>
    <!-- Path to a INI file that contains the mapping between the ADO from Synergy WA and it's location on the BA for quality targets.
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="ado.quality.mapping.file" location="${build.output.dir}/build/ado_quality_mapping.ini"/>
    <!-- Path to the build romtree; the location contains iby files. Default value is "${}${env.EPOCROOT}/epoc32/rom/include"
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="ido.romtree" location="${}${env.EPOCROOT}/epoc32/rom/include"  />
    <!-- Path to the cenrep root. Default value is "${}${env.EPOCROOT}/epoc32/tools/cenrep/ido/src"
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="ido.cenrep.root" location="${}${env.EPOCROOT}/epoc32/tools/cenrep/ido/src"  />
    <!-- Path to the cenrep target directory. Default value is "${}${env.EPOCROOT}/epoc32/data/z/private/10202be9"
    @type string
    @scope private
    <property name="" value="${}${env.EPOCROOT}/epoc32/data/z/private/10202be9"  />
    <!-- Defines the location of Codescanner output.
    @type string
    <property name="ido.codescanner.output.dir" location="${build.output.dir}/${}_codescanner"/>

    <!-- Defines the location of CMT++ output and the input for the diamonds creation target.
    @type string
    <property name="ido.cmt.html.output.dir" location="${build.log.dir}/${}_cmt"/>
    <!--* @property package.cone.validation.enabled
    Enables to run confml file validation.
    @type boolean
    @editable required
    @scope public
    @since 11.0
    <!--* @property internal.package.cone.validation.enabled
    Enables the targets to run confml file validation if package.cone.validation.enabled set to true.
    @type boolean
    @scope private
    <!--* @property cmt.enabled
    Enables to run cmt, testing code coverage tool.
    @type boolean
    @editable required
    @scope public
    @since 11.0
    <!--* @property internal.cmt.enabled
    Enables to run cmt tools targets if cmt.enabled is set to true, testing code coverage tool.
    @type boolean
    @scope private
    <!--* @property enable.cmt
    Enables to run cmt, testing code coverage tool. - deprecated: Start using cmt.enabled property.
    @type boolean
    @editable required
    @scope public
    @deprecated since 11.0
    <!--* Enables codescanner tool to run.
    @type boolean
    @editable required
    @scope public
    @since 11.0
    <property name="codescanner.enabled" value="true"/>

    <!--* @property internal.codescanner.enabled
    Enables codescanner targets to run if codescanner.enabled is set to true.
    @type boolean
    @scope private
    <!--* @property skip.codescanner
    Enables codescanner tool to run. - deprecated: Start using codescanner.enabled property.
    @type boolean
    @editable required
    @scope public
    @deprecated since 11.0
    <!-- Set to true to keep old sources of build area.
    @type boolean
    @editable required
    @scope public
    @since 11.0
    <property name="keep.old.source.enabled" value="false"/>
    <!--* @property ido.keep.old
    Set to true to keep old sources of build area. - deprecated: Start using keep.old.source.enabled property.
    @type boolean
    @editable required
    @scope public
    @deprecated since 11.0
    <!-- Set to true to copy internal folders while coping source from wa to build area.
    @type boolean
    @editable required
    @scope public
    @since 11.0
    <property name="keep.internal.folders.enabled" value="false"/>
    <!--* @property keep.internals
    Set to true to keep old internal folder while coping source from wa to build area. - deprecated: Start using keep.internal.folders.enabled property.
    @type boolean
    @editable required
    @scope public
    @deprecated since 11.0
    <!-- Internal target that generates the '''ado.mapping.file'''.
     It is a INI file that contains ADO location as a key and target location as value.
    <!-- To enable to confml file validation -->
    <condition property="internal.package.cone.validation.enabled">
        <istrue value="${package.cone.validation.enabled}" />
    <!-- check, is cmt enabled -->
    <condition property="internal.cmt.enabled">
            <istrue value="${cmt.enabled}" />
            <isset property="enable.cmt"/>
    <!-- check is codescanner enabled-->
    <condition property="internal.codescanner.enabled">
                <isfalse value="${codescanner.enabled}" />
                <isset property="skip.codescanner"/>
    <target name="ido-create-ado-mapping">
        <mkdir dir="${build.output.dir}/build"/>
        <mkdir dir="${}"/>
            <istrue value="${sysdef3.enabled}" />
                <hlm:createPackageMapping epocroot="${}" destFile="${ado.mapping.file}">
                    <path refid="system.definition.files" />
                    <isreference refid="ado.quality.dirs" />
                        <hlm:createPackageMapping epocroot="${}" destFile="${ado.quality.mapping.file}"
                            filterDirSet="ado.quality.dirs" >
                            <path refid="system.definition.files" />
                        <copy file="${ado.mapping.file}" tofile="${ado.quality.mapping.file}" overwrite="true" />
                <tempfile property="prep.dynamic.sysdef.config" suffix=".txt" deleteonexit="false" destdir="${}"/>
                <trycatch property="error.message">
                        <hlm:referenceToFileMacro refid="system.definition.files" output="${prep.dynamic.sysdef.config}"/>
                        <propertyregex property="message" input="${error.message}"
                          select="\1" casesensitive="false" />
                        <fail message="Error: ${message}" />     
                        <pathconvert pathsep="," property="ado.quality.dirs.path">
                            <dirset refid="ado.quality.dirs"/>
                <script language="jython" setbeans="false">
import idoprep
idoprep.create_ado_mapping(project.getProperty(r"prep.dynamic.sysdef.config"), project.getProperty(r"ado.mapping.file"), project.getProperty(r"ado.quality.mapping.file"), project.getProperty(r""), project.getProperty("ado.quality.dirs.path"))
    <!-- Target to generate cenreps using cone tool -->
    <target name="ido-gen-cenrep">
        <mkdir dir="${post.log.dir}" />
        <mkdir dir="${}" />
        <tempfile property="cenrep.dynamic.config" suffix=".xml" deleteonexit="false" destdir="${}"/>
        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/ido/ido-cenrep-gen.xml.ftl"
            <data expandProperties="yes">
                dbPath: ${metadata.dbfile}
                ant: antProperties()
                os: eval('System.getProperty("")')
        <ant antfile="${cenrep.dynamic.config}"/>
        <copy file="${post.log.dir}/${}_cenrep.cone.log" tofile="${}/${}_cenrep_includefile.txt" overwrite="true" failonerror="false">
                    <regexp pattern="^\s*Generating file"/>
        <hlm:metadatarecord database="${metadata.dbfile}">
                <fileset casesensitive="false" file="${post.log.dir}/${}_cenrep.cone.log" />
                    <metadatafilter priority="error" regex="^ERROR\s+:.*" description="cone error" />
                    <metadatafilter priority="warning" regex="^WARNING\s+:.*" description="cone warnings" />
                    <metadatafilter priority="info" regex="^INFO\s+:.*" description="cone info" />
        <hlm:metadataCountSeverity severity="ERROR" log="${post.log.dir}/${}_cenrep.cone.log" database="${metadata.dbfile}" property=""/>
        <echo>ConE error: ${}</echo>
        <hlm:generateBuildStatus file="${post.log.dir}/${}_cenrep.cone.log" />
    <!-- To validate confml files of packages.-->
    <target name="ido-validate-confml" if="internal.package.cone.validation.enabled">
        <mkdir dir="${post.log.dir}" />
        <mkdir dir="${}" />
        <tempfile property="confml.dynamic.config" suffix=".xml" deleteonexit="false" destdir="${}"/>
        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/ido/ido-confml-validate.ant.xml.ftl"
            <data expandProperties="yes">
                dbPath: ${metadata.dbfile}
                ant: antProperties()
                os: eval('System.getProperty("")')
        <trycatch property="confml.validate.thrown">
                <ant antfile="${confml.dynamic.config}"/>
                <fail message="${confml.validate.thrown}"/>
                <hlm:metadatarecord database="${metadata.dbfile}">
                        <fileset dir="" casesensitive="false" file="${post.log.dir}/${}_validate_confml.log" />
                            <metadatafilter priority="error" regex="^ERROR\s+:.*" description="cone error" />
                            <metadatafilter priority="warning" regex="^WARNING\s+:.*" description="cone warnings" />
                            <metadatafilter priority="info" regex="^INFO\s+:.*" description="cone info" />
                            <metadatafilter priority="error" regex="\s*[1-9]\d*\s*problem\(s\).*?" description="cone validation error" />
                <hlm:metadataCountSeverity severity="ERROR" log="${post.log.dir}/${}_validate_confml.log" database="${metadata.dbfile}" property=""/>
                <echo>ConE error: ${}</echo>
                <hlm:generateBuildStatus file="${}_validate_confml.log" />
                <hlm:signalMacro logfile="${post.log.dir}/${}_validate_confml.log" phase="post" signal.input="ConEValidateSignalInput" />

    <!--* Defines which template to use in order to achive the package copying.
    @type string
    @scope public
    <property name="ido.prep.copy.template" location="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/ido/ido-ant-copy.xml.ftl" />
    <!-- Target that uses the information from the system.definition.files to prepare the IDO build area.
        It relies on the fact that layer_real_source_path entity is declared in each ADO configuration.
        By default it deletes the previous content. If you want to backup what was previoulsy used please
        defined '''keep.old.source.enabled''' property.         
    <target name="ido-prep-copy" depends="ido-create-ado-mapping">
        <mkdir dir="${}"/>
        <tempfile property="prep.dynamic.config" suffix=".xml" deleteonexit="false" destdir="${}"/>
        <fmpp sourceFile="${ido.prep.copy.template}"
            <data expandProperties="yes">
                inputfile: antProperty(ado.mapping.file)
                ant: antProperties()
                    data: eval('
                   pin = new;
                            java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
                            return props;
                            ', {filename:get(inputfile)})
        <ant antfile="${prep.dynamic.config}"/>
    Run cleanup system definition configuration. The configuration name are
    generated from the '''sysdef.configurations.list''' property, appending '_clean'
    at the end of each configuration also reversing their build order.
    if '''sysdef.clean.configurations.list''' is defined it overrides
    the previous beharvious and is used to cleanup the environment.
    <target name ="ido-prep-clean">
                <isset property="sysdef.clean.configurations.list"/>
                    <isset property="sysdef.configurations.list"/>
                        <script language="jython" setbeans="false">
rev_names = ""
for sysdef in project.getProperty("sysdef.configurations.list").split(","):    
    rev_names = sysdef + "_clean," + rev_names;
project.setProperty("sysdef.clean.configurations.list", rev_names)
                        <fail message="You should either define sysdef.clean.configurations.list or sysdef.configurations.list."/>
        <antcall target="compile-main" inheritRefs="true">
            <param name="sysdef.configurations.list" value="${sysdef.clean.configurations.list}"/>
            <param name="compile.signal.input" value="compileCleanSignalInput"/>
            <param name="internal.compile.discard.result.enabled" value="true"/>
            <param name="internal.compile.cmd.clean.enabled" value="true"/>

        This targets run the codescanner application on each discovered ADO.
        The location of the output is defined byt '''ido.codescanner.output.dir''' property.
        And the type is defined by '''ido.codescanner.output.type''' (default is HTML). 
    <target name="ido-codescanner" depends="ido-create-ado-mapping" if="internal.codescanner.enabled">
        <!--hlm:iniKeys2Path ini="${ado.mapping.file}" pathid="ado.src.path"/-->
        <!-- Defines the format of Codescanner output (html|xml|std).
        @type string
        <property name="ido.codescanner.output.type" value="html"/>
        <script language="jython" setbeans="false">
""" """
import os
import fileutils
import configuration
import pathaddition.relative

config = configuration.PropertiesConfiguration(stream=open(str(project.getProperty("ado.quality.mapping.file")), 'r'))
prefix = pathaddition.relative.commonprefix(config.keys())
if not os.path.exists(prefix):
    raise Exception("Could not find common prefix for the following paths:\n" + "\n".join(config.keys()))
if os.sep == '\\':
    self.log(str('Substing %s' % prefix))
    drive = fileutils.get_next_free_drive()
    fileutils.subst(drive, prefix)
    drive = prefix
project.setProperty('', drive)

# creating the structure form subst drive.
path = project.createDataType("path")
for location in config.keys():
    self.log(str("From %s" % location))
    location = drive + os.sep + pathaddition.relative.abs2rel(location, prefix)
    self.log(str("To %s" % location))
    pe = path.createPathElement()
project.addReference('substed.ado.src.path', path)
        <trycatch property="codescanner.thrown">
                <hlm:codescanner dest="${ido.codescanner.output.dir}"
                    <path refid="substed.ado.src.path"/>
                <fail message="${codescanner.thrown}" />
                <hlm:unsubst drive="${}"/>

        <!-- CMT Tool target. Complexity tool measures. Supported options for cmt tool macro is
        1. input - files to be measured
        2. output - output xml file (file size is huge 68MB for JAVA IDO, if this needs to be send, need to consider
        3. config - input config . 
    <target name="ido-cmt" depends="ido-create-ado-mapping" if="internal.cmt.enabled">
        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/ido/ido-cmt-ant.xml.ftl"
            <data expandProperties="yes">
                        inputfile: antProperty(ado.quality.mapping.file)
                        ant: antProperties()
                            data: eval('
                           pin = new;
                                       java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
                                    return props;
                                    ', {filename:get(inputfile)})
        <ant antfile="${}/ido-cmt.ant.xml"/>
        <runtarget target="cmt-generate-diamond-summary" />

        <!-- CMT Tool target. Once the CMT tool has been run this scans the results file and puts the
        results into a .XML file in the diamonds folder ready for transmission to diamonds. 
        The target uses the ido-cmt-summary-ant.xml.ftl file to create a file called ido-cmt-summary.ant.xml
        which contains 1 new target for each of the input folders found under the build area. Then the 
        ido-cmt-summary.ant.xml file is called as an ant file and the targets executed. Each target runs
        the file scanner looking for CMT summary information which it extracts and writes to an 
        XML file in the diamonds folder.
    <target name="cmt-generate-diamond-summary" if="internal.cmt.enabled">
        <!--use the header.ftl template file to create the init part of the output file
        that can be copied to the final output file by the java class-->
        <property name="" location="${env.TEMP}/diamonds_header.xml" />
        <fmpp sourcefile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/diamonds/diamonds_header.ftl" 
              outputfile="${}" quiet="true"/>
        <property name="" location="${env.TEMP}/diamonds_footer.xml" />
        <fmpp sourcefile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/diamonds/diamonds_footer.ftl" 
              outputfile="${}" quiet="true"/>
        <hlm:cmtsummarytask diamondsHeaderFileName="${}" diamondsFooterFileName="${}"
            inputFile="${ido.cmt.html.output.dir}/CMTHTML/index.html" />
        <delete file="${}" failonerror="false" />
        <delete file="${}" failonerror="false" />

    <!-- Internal target that generates a temporary file that allow the 
    either export of iby or either key*.xls. The generated Ant build file
    contains two targets with copy insturctions and generic set of fileset rules.     
    <target name="ido-create-copy-file" depends="ido-create-ado-mapping">
        <tempfile property="copyfile.dynamic.config" suffix=".ant.xml" deleteonexit="false" destdir="${}"/>
        <fmpp sourceFile="${helium.dir}/tools/common/templates/ido/ido-export.ant.xml.ftl"
            <data expandProperties="yes">
                inputfile: antProperty(ado.mapping.file)
                ant: antProperties()
                data: eval('
                   pin = new;
                               java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
                            return props;
                            ', {filename:get(inputfile)})

    <!-- Do the export of the ibys from ADO work area level to epoc32 tree. -->    
    <target name="ido-copy-iby" depends="ido-create-copy-file">
        <ant antfile="${copyfile.dynamic.config}" target="ido-copy-iby"/>

    <!-- Do the export of the Excel keys*.xls from ADO work area level to 
    epoc32 tree.
    <target name="ido-copy-cenrep" depends="ido-create-copy-file">
        <delete dir="${ido.cenrep.root}"/>
        <mkdir dir="${ido.cenrep.root}"/>
        <ant antfile="${copyfile.dynamic.config}" target="ido-copy-cenrep"/>

    <!-- Generated cenrep from exported keys*.xls files. -->
    <target name="ido-create-cenrep" depends="ido-copy-cenrep">
        <delete dir="${ido.cenrep.root}/../data"/>
        <mkdir dir="${ido.cenrep.root}/../data"/>
        <exec executable="perl" dir="${ido.cenrep.root}" failonerror="true">
            <arg value="${}/epoc32/tools/cenrep/"/>
            <arg value="-r"/>
            <arg value="${ido.cenrep.platform}"/>
            <arg value="-d"/>
            <arg value="${ido.cenrep.root}"/>
            <arg value="-rd"/>
            <arg value="${ido.cenrep.root}/../data"/>
        <!-- Copy generated files to target path -->
        <copy todir="${}" verbose="true" flatten="true" overwrite="true">
            <fileset dir="${ido.cenrep.root}/../data">
                <include name="*.txt"/>

    <!-- Gets the contents from a network drive or Dragonfly -->
    <target name="ido-check-latest-release" depends="ido-check-latest-release-grace" unless="env.HLM_SUBCON">
        <runtarget target="ido-check-latest-release-dragonfly"/>

    <!--* @property s60.grace.server
        UNC path to file server.
        @type string
        @editable required
        @scope public
    <!--* @property s60.grace.service
        File service to look into.
        @type string
        @editable required
        @scope public
    <!--* @property s60.grace.product
        Product to look into.
        @type string
        @editable required
        @scope public
    <!--* @property s60.grace.release
        Regular expression to match a particular realease.
        @type string
        @editable required
        @scope public
    <!--* @property s60.grace.release.fixbuildregex
        Regular expression to match a particular release fixbuilds. Example _(.*?)$ or _(\d+)$ 
        @type string
        @editable required
        @scope public
    <!--* @property s60.grace.cache
        Location of the Grace result cache for a builder.
        @type string
        @editable required
        @scope public
    <!--* @property s60.grace.checkmd5
        Enable MD5 validation for release metadata (default: false).
        @type boolean
        @editable required
        @scope public
        @deprecate Since 11.0
    <!--* @property s60.grace.checkmd5.enabled
        Enable MD5 validation for release metadata (default: false).
        @type boolean
        @editable required
        @scope public
    <!--* @property internal.s60.grace.checkmd5.enabled
        set if s60.grace.checkmd5.enabled set to true.
        @type boolean
        @scope private
    <!--* @property s60.grace.revision
        Defined the regular expression to find a particular revision.
        @type string
        @editable required
        @scope public
    <!--* @property s60.grace.usetickler
        Enable the detection of ready release using release tickler mechanism.
        @type boolean
        @editable required
        @scope public
    <!-- Check is the s60.grace.checkmd5.enabled is set -->
    <condition property="internal.s60.grace.checkmd5.enabled" else="false" value="true">
            <istrue value="${s60.grace.checkmd5.enabled}"/>
            <istrue value="${s60.grace.checkmd5}"/>
    <!-- Checks the contents from the release. -->    
    <target name="ido-check-latest-release-grace" unless="internal.dragonfly.enabled">
        <script language="jython" setbeans="false">
import os
import idoprep

result = idoprep.get_s60_env_details(project.getProperty('s60.grace.server'), project.getProperty('s60.grace.service'), project.getProperty('s60.grace.product'), project.getProperty('s60.grace.release'), project.getProperty('s60.grace.revision'), project.getProperty('s60.grace.cache'), project.getProperty('internal.s60.grace.checkmd5.enabled'), project.getProperty('s60.grace.usetickler'))
resultname = os.path.basename(result[0])
project.setProperty('s60.getenv.path', str(result[0]))
project.setProperty('s60.getenv.release', str(resultname))
version = idoprep.get_version(project.getProperty(''), resultname)
if version is None or version.strip() != resultname:
    project.setProperty('s60.getenv.update', "1")

    <!-- Updates the build area from either a network drive or Dragonfly server.-->
    <target name="ido-update-build-area" depends="backup-subst-drives,ido-update-build-area-grace" unless="env.HLM_SUBCON">
        <runtarget target="ido-update-build-area-dragonfly"/>

    <!-- Creates the build area by getting the contents from the release.-->    
    <target name="ido-update-build-area-grace" if="s60.getenv.update" depends="ido-check-latest-release" unless="internal.dragonfly.enabled">
        <!-- Just get S60 for IDOs -->
        <echo>Location of the new S60 release:${s60.getenv.path}</echo>
            <format property="getenv.tstamp" pattern="yyyyMMddHHmmss"/>
        <!-- For linux build value should not be changed as 
        as <==> -->
        <condition property="ba.root.dir" value="${}" else="${prep.root.dir}/${getenv.tstamp}_${s60.getenv.release}">
            <os family="unix"/>
        <antcall target="init-drive">
            <param name="" location="${ba.root.dir}"/>            
        <antcall target="preparation-getenv">
            <param name="base_release.path" value="${s60.getenv.path}"/>
        <antcall target="ido-prep-variant"/>

                <hlm:hasSeverity severity="error" file="${build.cache.log.dir}/${}_getenv.log.xml" />
from path import path
print "Writing version file...."
vfile = path(r'${}'+"/").joinpath('s60_version.txt')
f = open(str(vfile), 'w')

    <!-- Gets the Contents for particular variant, by unpacking the variant zip from the metadata file.-->
    <target name="ido-prep-variant" if="ido.variant">
        <script language="jython" setbeans="false">
import re
import os
import symrec
from import Helper
rel_path = Helper.getProperty(project, 's60.getenv.path')
metadata = symrec.find_latest_metadata(str(rel_path))
self.log(str("Release metadata file: %s." % metadata))
rel_metadata = symrec.ReleaseMetadata(metadata)
variant_pkg = rel_metadata.getVariantPackage(project.getProperty('ido.variant'))
project.setProperty('ido.variant.package', os.path.join(rel_path, variant_pkg))
        <unzip src="${ido.variant.package}" dest="${}${env.EPOCROOT}"/>

    <!-- This target will help CI tool to trigger a build by updating a 's60.getenv.trigger.location' file timestamp. -->
    <target name="ido-latest-release-trigger" if="s60.getenv.update" depends="ido-check-latest-release">
            <isset property="s60.getenv.trigger.location"/>
                <echo>Touching the trigger.</echo>
                <touch file="${s60.getenv.trigger.location}"/>
                <echo>Property s60.getenv.trigger.location is not defined, trigger will not get updated.</echo>
    <!-- Convert keys of an ini file into a path structure.
        e.g: <pre><hlm:iniKeys2Path ini="${ado.mapping.file}" pathid="ado.src.path"/></pre>

    Usage example:
        <target name="test-iniKeys2Path" depends="ido-create-ado-mapping">
            <hlm:iniKeys2Path ini="${ado.mapping.file}" pathid="ado.src.path"/>
            <hlm:codescanner dest="${}/codescanner">
                <path refid="ado.src.path"/>
    <scriptdef name="iniKeys2Path" language="beanshell" uri="">
        <attribute name="ini"/>
        <attribute name="pathid"/>
if (attributes.get("ini") == null) {
    throw new"ini is not defined");
if (attributes.get("pathid") == null) {
    throw new"pathid is not defined");
try { pin = new"ini"));
    java.util.Properties props = new java.util.Properties();
    props.load(pin); path = project.createDataType("path");
    for (java.util.Iterator i = props.stringPropertyNames().iterator(); i.hasNext() ; ) { pe = (;
    self.log("Creating reference: " + attributes.get("pathid"));
    project.addReference(attributes.get("pathid"), path);
catch ( e) {
    throw new;

    <!-- Target to get the Substituted drives information-->
    <target name="backup-subst-drives">
        <exec dir="${cache.dir}" executable="subst.exe" osfamily="windows" output="${cache.dir}\hlmsubsteddrives.bat" failonerror="false"/>
        <trycatch property="backup-subst-drives.exception">
                    <available file="${cache.dir}/hlmsubsteddrives.bat" type="file"/>
                        <replaceregexp file="${cache.dir}\hlmsubsteddrives.bat" match="\\: => " replace=" " flags="g" byline="true"/>
                        <replaceregexp file="${cache.dir}\hlmsubsteddrives.bat" match="\A" replace="subst.exe " byline="true"/>
                        <replaceregexp file="${cache.dir}\hlmsubsteddrives.bat" match="UNC" replace="\\\\" byline="true"/>

    <import file="ci.ant.xml"/>