Fix for SF Bug 2562[Raptor]adds incorrect entries into .iby files w.r.t file paths
# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
use strict;
use File::Basename;
use Getopt::Long;
my $verbose = 0;
my ($rfifile, $excludepath) = "";
GetOptions ('v' => \$verbose, 'o=s' => \$rfifile, 'x=s' => \$excludepath);
if (!$rfifile || @ARGV < 1)
print (STDERR "\\n");
print STDERR << 'END_OF_HELP';
Usage: [-v] -o outputfile.rfi [-x excludepath] rss_cpp_deps_file_1.d rss_cpp_deps_file_n.d
Takes one or more files containing CPP dependency output from the preprocessing of a .rss file and
generates a "combined resource" .rfi that can be consumed by CDB.
Optionally takes an exclusion path under which "found" dependencies can be ignored.
my @depfiles = @ARGV;
my $exclude = $excludepath;
if ($exclude)
$exclude =~ s/\\/\//g; # Ensure consistent slashes
$exclude =~ s/\/\//\//g; # Remove double slashes
$exclude = quotemeta($exclude); # Convert for regex match
print ("RFI : exclude under - \"$exclude\"\n") if ($verbose);
my @resources;
my %loggedresources;
foreach my $depfile (@depfiles)
open DEPFILE, "< $depfile" or die "\nRFI : Cannot read \"$depfile\"!\n\n";
while (<DEPFILE>)
# .d file format - whitespace at front is key, path format varies depending on platform
# the aim is to get a list of the "real" files. Missing files can appear "unpathed"
#Audio.rsc: M:/src/common/techview/apps/audio/Src/Audio.rss \
# M:/epoc32/include/variant/Symbian_OS.hrh \
# M://epoc32/include/techview/eikon.rh \
# M://epoc32/include/techview/eikon.hrh M://epoc32/include/uikon.hrh \
# M://epoc32/include/techview/controls.hrh \
# M://epoc32/include/eikcolor.hrh \
# M://epoc32/include/techview/techview.hrh M://epoc32/include/uikon.rh \
# M://epoc32/include/badef.rh M://epoc32/include/baerrrsvr.rh \
# M://epoc32/include/techview/controls.rh M://epoc32/include/gulftflg.hrh \
# M://epoc32/include/eikcore.rsg M://epoc32/include/eikcoctl.rsg \
# M://epoc32/include/eikctl.rsg M://epoc32/include/eikfile.rsg \
# M://epoc32/include/eikprint.rsg M://epoc32/include/audio.mbg \
# M:/src/common/techview/apps/audio/Src/Audio.hrh \
# M:/src/common/techview/apps/audio/Src/NewAudio.rls
chomp $_;
next if !/\S/;
my @dependencies = split;
foreach my $dependency (@dependencies)
next if ($exclude && $dependency =~ /^$exclude/i);
print ("WARNING: Could not find dependency \"$dependency\" in \"$depfile\"\n") if (!-e $dependency and $verbose);
print ("RFI : processing - \"$dependency\"\n") if ($verbose);
if (!defined $loggedresources{$dependency})
push @resources, $dependency;
$loggedresources{$dependency} = 1;
close DEPFILE;
open RFIFILE, "> $rfifile" or die "\nRFI : Cannot write \"$rfifile\"!\n\n";
foreach my $resource (@resources)
print RFIFILE "\n\n/* GXP ***********************\n";
print RFIFILE " * ".basename($resource)."\n";
print RFIFILE " ****************************/\n\n";
open RESOURCE, "< $resource" or die "\nCannot read \"$resource\"!\n\n";
print RFIFILE $_ while (<RESOURCE>);
close RFIFILE;