Thu, 25 Mar 2010 13:43:28 +0000
changeset 408 a819f9223567
parent 0 044383f39525
child 590 360bd6b35136
child 606 30b30f9da0b7
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix: stop using "magic" numbers in string operations for the copyannofile2log feature fix: When using the copylogfromannofile workaround, extract the build ID and build duration and add to the log as these are useful for analysis. The log should now be identical to the stdout file. fix: Remove extra blank lines from output in copylogfromannofile mode.

# Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 
# This package contains fuctions specific to data drive image generation

package datadriveimage;

require Exporter;

use strict;
use File::Path;		# Module to provide functions to remove or create directories in a convenient way.
use File::Copy;		# Module to provide functions to copy file(s) from source to destination.

use Pathutl;
use Cwd;			# Module to provide functions for determining the pathname of the current working directory.

# This fuction is used primiarly to check for whitespace in the location for "zdrive" / "datadrive" folder creation,
# specified by the user, if yes then it returns one, else zero
sub checkForWhiteSpace
	my ($dirLoc,$dirName) = @_;
	if( $dirLoc =~ m/ / )
		print "* Warning: $dirLoc contains whitespace, hence $dirName will be created in default location \n";
		return 1;
		return 0;

# This function reports the appropriate meassage supplied to it
# and does a exit if and only if keepgoing option is disabled.
sub reportError
	my( $message,$keepgoingOpt ) = @_;
	# print the specified meassage.
	print STDERR "$message \n";
	# bail out, if keepgoing option is not set.
	exit(1) if (!$keepgoingOpt);

# generate header for final datadrive oby file.
sub generate_datadriveheader
	my ($idx,$datadriveimage) = @_;
	my $header;
	$header =  "dataimagename=$$datadriveimage[$idx]{name}.img\n";
	$header .= "dataimagefilesystem=$$datadriveimage[$idx]{fstype}\n";

	# check whether the size of the image has been mentioned
		$header .= "dataimagesize=$$datadriveimage[$idx]{size}\n\n";
	return $header;

# Create the specified directory by making use of mkpath function 
# from File::Path module.
sub createDirectory
	my($dir) = @_;
	if( !-d $dir )
		if (! -e $dir) 
			print ("ERROR: Couldn't create $dir\n");

# check if the given file is a reg file or ctl file or a txt file
# if it is any of these files then return true else false.
# This check is need since these three files or not valid not valid e32 file 
# and hence needs to be placed as an data file inside the image.
sub checkRegCtlFiles
	my ($fileName) = @_;

	# check whether the file has "reg","ctl" or "txt" extension.
	if( $fileName =~/\.(reg|ctl|txt)$/i )
		return 1;		
		return 0;

# delete the given directory by making use of rmtree function 
# from File::Path module.
sub deleteDirectory
	my($dir,$verboseOpt) = @_;
	# check whether the directory exists.
	if( -d $dir )
		print("found $dir directory \n") if($verboseOpt);
			print("$dir directory deleted \n") if($verboseOpt);
			return 0;
			print("$dir directory could'nt be deleted \n") if($verboseOpt);
			return 1;

# check for processed data drive image index.
# if there is a match return one else return zero.
# this check is done in order to ensure data drive image index is not repeated.
sub checkInArray
	my($array, $value) = @_;
	foreach my $aLine(@$array)
		if( $aLine eq $value )
			return 0;
	return 1;

# set the path for the given directory.
sub setPath
	my($dirName) = @_;
	# get the working directory.
	my $curWorkingDir = getcwd;
	# substitute slash with double backward slash.
	$curWorkingDir =~ s/\//\\/g;
 	#if $curWorkingDir already has trailing '\', don't include it again 
 	if( $curWorkingDir =~ /\\$/)
 		return $curWorkingDir.$dirName;
 		return $curWorkingDir."\\".$dirName;

# create directory and copy respective file on to that directory.
# is there is a problem while copying files from source to destination
# then bail out if and only if keep going option is disabled.
sub copyFilesToFolders
	my ($source,$dest,$dir,$verboseOpt) = @_;
	$source =~ s/\"//g; # remove double quotes from the string. 
	my $destFileName = "";	# name of the destination file.
	$dest =~ s/\"//g;	# remove double quotes from the string. 
	my $destDirectory = $dest;
	# strip the last substring to get destination file 
	if ($dest=~/.*\\(\S+)/) 
		$destFileName = $1;
		$destFileName = $dest;
	#get the destination directory along with full path
	#when "[" and "]" appear in the file name we need add "\" before "[" or "]"
	#like this: [filename].exe translate to \[filename\].exe 
	if($destFileName =~ /\[|\]/)
		my $tempFileName = $destFileName;
		$tempFileName =~ s/(\[|\])/\\$1/g;
		$destDirectory =~ s/$tempFileName//;
		$destDirectory =~ s/$destFileName//;
	my $destfile = $dir."\\".$dest;
	my $createdir = $dir."\\".$destDirectory ;

	# create the specified directory.
	if (!copy($source,$destfile))
		warn "warning : $source file could not found \n";
		return 0;
		print "$source copied to $destfile\n" if($verboseOpt);
		return $destfile;

# Make a check for sisfile keyword by reading the specified iby/oby file,
# if sisfile keyword is found then push the respective image on to the respective array 
# and return true.
sub checkForSisFile 
	my($obyfile,$sisFileArray,$sisFilePrestent) = @_;
	# open the oby file in read only mode. 
	open (DATA, "< $obyfile") or die("* Can't open $obyfile\n");
	while  (my $line =<DATA>)
		if($line =~ /^\s*sisfile\s*=\s*(\S+)/i )
			# found a sis file.
			$$sisFilePrestent = 1;
			# push sis file on to stack.
	return $$sisFilePrestent;

# Make a check for zdriveimagename keyword by reading the specified iby/oby file,
# if zdriveimagename keyword is found then push the respective image on to the respective array 
# and return true.
sub checkForZDriveImageKeyword 
	my($obyfile,$ZDriveImageKeywordArray,$ImageFilePresent) = @_;
	# open the oby file in read only mode. 
	open (DATA, "< $obyfile") or die("* Can't open $obyfile\n");
	while  (my $line =<DATA>)
		if($line =~ /^\s*zdriveimagename\s*=\s*(\S+)/i )
			# found a Z Drive Image file.
			$$ImageFilePresent = 1;
			# push sis file on to stack.
	return $$ImageFilePresent;

# copy all non-sis file(s) on to prototype data drive folder 
# which are mentioned under input data drive iby/oby file.
sub copyNonSisFiles
	my($dir,$obyfile,$nonsisFileArray,$renameArray,$aliasArray,$hideArray,$verboseOpt,$keepgoingOpt) = @_;
	open (OBEY ,$obyfile) or die($obyfile."\n");
	while(my $line =<OBEY>) 
		if( $line =~ /^(file|data)\s*=\s*(\S+)\s+(\S+)/i )
			my $keyWord=$1;
			my $source=$2;
			my $dest=$3;

			if( $source !~ /(\S+):(\S+)/ )
				$source = Path_Drive().$2;
			my $var = &copyFilesToFolders( $source,$dest,$dir,$verboseOpt);
				$var = $keyWord."=".$var;
				$line =~ s/^(\S+)=(\S+)/$var/;
		elsif($line =~ /^rename\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/i)
			my $oldFile = $dir.$1;	# existing-file
			my $newFile = $dir.$2;	# destination-file
			print"found rename keyword\nrenaming $oldFile to $newFile\n" if ($verboseOpt);
			if ( rename($oldFile, $newFile) )
				# push the line on to the stack.
				&datadriveimage::reportError("* Warning : can't rename $oldFile to $newFile: $!",$keepgoingOpt);
		elsif($line =~ /^alias\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/i)
			my $exFile = $dir.$1;	# existing-file
			my $destFile = $dir.$2;	# destination-file
			print"found alias keyword\n" if ($verboseOpt);
				&datadriveimage::reportError("* warning : couldnt create alias of $1 to $2 ",$keepgoingOpt);
				# push the line on to the stack.
		elsif($line =~ /^hide\s+(\S+)/i)
			print"found hide keyword\n" if ($verboseOpt);
			print "$1 is marked as hidden, hence will not be part of the image\n" if($verboseOpt);
			if( unlink($dir.$1) )
				# push the line on to the stack.
				&datadriveimage::reportError("* Warning : Can't delete $1: $! ",$keepgoingOpt);

# invoke the INTERPRETSIS tool with appropriate parameters.
sub invokeInterpretsis
	my($sisFileArray,$dataDrivePath,$verboseOpt,$zDrivePath,$parafile,$keepgoingOpt,$interpretsisOptList) = @_;
	my $sisfile = ""; 
	# default system drive letter is specified since interpretsis doesnt allow overloading of options unless default 
	# options are specified.
	my $basicOption = "-d C: ";	# default system drive letter
	my $command = "interpretsis ";
	my $vOption = "-w info" if ($verboseOpt);

	# do a check if the path has a white space.
	if( $dataDrivePath =~ m/ /)
		$dataDrivePath = '"'.$dataDrivePath.'"';

	# find out size of the array
	my $sisarraysize = scalar(@$sisFileArray);
	for( my $i=0; $i<$sisarraysize; $i++ )
		if($sisfile ne "")
			$sisfile = pop(@$sisFileArray).",".$sisfile;
			$sisfile = pop(@$sisFileArray);

	# check whether the directory exists or not 
	if( -d $zDrivePath )
		# do a check if the path has a white space.
		if( $zDrivePath =~ m/ /)
			$zDrivePath = '"'.$zDrivePath.'"';
		$basicOption .= "-z $zDrivePath "; 

	$basicOption .= "-c $dataDrivePath -s $sisfile $vOption";

	# if parameter file is specified then invoke the INTERPRETSIS
	# with the specified parameter file with "-p" option.
	if( defined($parafile) )
		# do a check if the path has a white space.
		if( $parafile =~ m/ /)
			$parafile = '"'.$parafile.'"';
		$command .= "-p $parafile "; 
	# else invoke the INTERPRETSIS with default parameter file with "-p" option. 
		# Truncate and open the parameter file for writing..
		open( OPTDATA, "> parameterfile.txt" )  or die "can't open parameterfile.txt";
		print OPTDATA $basicOption."\n";
		close( OPTDATA );
		$command .= "-p parameterfile.txt ";

	if( $interpretsisOptList )
		# find out size of the array
		my $arraysize = scalar( @$interpretsisOptList );
		for( my $i = 0; $i < $arraysize; $i++ )
			$command .= $$interpretsisOptList[$i]." ";

	print "* Executing $command\n" if ( $verboseOpt );
	system ( $command );

	if ($? != 0)
		&datadriveimage::reportError("* ERROR: INTERPRETSIS failed",$keepgoingOpt);

# invoke the READIMAGE tool with appropriate parameters.
sub invokeReadImage
	my($imageName,$loc,$verboseOpt,$logFile,$keepgoingOpt) = @_;
	my $command = "readimage ";
	# check if log file has been supplied.
		if( $logFile =~ m/ /)
			$logFile = '"'.$logFile.'"';
		$command .= "-l $logFile ";
	# do a check if the path has a white space.
	if( $loc =~ m/ /)
		$loc = '"'.$loc.'"';
	$command .= "-z ".$loc." ".$imageName;
	print "* Executing $command\n" if ($verboseOpt);
	system ($command);
	if ($? != 0)
		&datadriveimage::reportError("* ERROR: READIMAGE failed to read the image",$keepgoingOpt);
		return 0;
	return 1;

# Each line from the OBY file is read and if any of the line contains "rename"/ "alias" keyword
# then that corresponding line source and line destination is obtained and is passed to this function as one of the parameters.
# This fuction compares given array with non-sis file(s) array, when an given line destination matches with the destination of an
# element in the rename array/alias array(array holding list of file(s) that are renamed / made alias) then,
# that respective element is removed from the rename array and a further check is made to see whether the given
# line source matches with the destination of an element in the rename array/alias array.If a match is found then
# a keyword check is done,if the keyword is "rename" then corresponding element's source and destination file is replaced
# with given line destination file and if the keyword is "alias" then a new element will be added to non sis file array
# with line destination file as the source and destination file.
sub compareArrays
	my ( $firstarray,$nonsisArray,$linesource,$linedest,$linekeyword ) = @_;
	# count of array element(s).
	my $firstArrayCount = 0;
	# source file.
	my $linesourceFile;
	# destination file.
	my $linedestFile;
	# get source file.

	# strip first occurrence of back slash
	$linesource =~ s/\\//; 

	# get source file.
	if ($linesource =~ /.*\\(\S+)/ ) 
		$linesourceFile = $1;
	# get destination file.
	if ($linedest =~ /.*\\(\S+)/ )
		$linedestFile = $1;
	# iterate trough all
	foreach my $firstarrayEntry (@$firstarray) 
		if( $firstarrayEntry =~ /(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ )
			my $firstarrayEntrydest = $2;

			if( $linedest eq $firstarrayEntrydest )
				# remove the specified element from the array.
				# initialize the nonsisFileListCount to zero.
				my $nonsisFileListCount = 0;
				foreach my $nonsisEntry ( @$nonsisArray )
					if( $nonsisEntry =~ /^(\S+)=(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ )
						my $nonsisEntryDest = $3;
						# remove double quotes.
						$nonsisEntryDest =~ s/\"//g;
						my $nonsisEntryDestFile;
						if ($nonsisEntryDest =~ /.*\\(\S+)/ ) 
							$nonsisEntryDestFile = $1;
						if( $nonsisEntryDest eq $linesource )
							if($linekeyword eq "rename")
								# remove the specified element from the array.
								$nonsisEntry =~ s/$nonsisEntryDestFile/$linedestFile/g;
							elsif($linekeyword eq "alias")
								my $newLine = $nonsisEntry;
								$newLine =~ s/$nonsisEntryDestFile/$linedestFile/g;
				 }#end of loop foreach my $newLine ( @nonsisArray )
		}#end of loop foreach my $newLine ( @firstarray) 

# Traverse the entire directory and log the folder contents on to a file.
sub dumpDatadriveObydata
	#assign a temporary name and extension to the new oby file.
	my $newobyfile = "temp.$$";
	my ($datadir,$oldobyfile,$size,$nonsisFileArray,$renameArray,$aliasArray,
		$hideArray,$sisobyArray,$datadriveArray,$keepgoingOpt,$verboseOpt) = @_;
	# get the working directory.
	my $curWorkingDir = getcwd;
	# traverse the updated data drive directory structure.
	# change the directrory to the Working directory.
	# copy non-sis file(s) on to prototype data drive folder.
	#open the oby file in read-only mode. 
	open (OLDDATA, "< $oldobyfile") or die("* Can't open $oldobyfile\n");
	# Truncate and open the new oby file for writing..
	open(NEWDATA, "> $newobyfile")  or die "can't open $newobyfile";
	while  (my $line =<OLDDATA>)
		if( $line =~ /^hide\s+(\S+)/i)
			my $lineToSearch = $1; 
			my $hideListCount = 0;
			foreach my $newLine ( @$hideArray ) 
				if( $newLine eq $lineToSearch )
					my $nonsisFileListCount = 0;
					foreach my $newLine ( @$nonsisFileArray )
						if( $newLine =~ /^(\S+)=(\S+)\s+(\S+)/ )
							my $newLineKeyword = $1;
							my $newLinesource = $2;
							my $newLinedest = $3;
							$newLinedest =~ s/\"//g;
							$newLinedest = "\\".$newLinedest;
							if( $newLinedest eq $lineToSearch )
								# remove the specified element from the array.
						# increment the non sis file list count.
				# increment the  hide file list count.
		elsif( $line =~ /^rename\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/i) 
			my $linesource = $1 ;
			my $linedest = $2;
			my $linekeyword = "rename";
		elsif( $line =~ /^alias\s+(\S+)\s+(\S+)/i )
			my $linesource = $1 ;
			my $linedest = $2;
			my $linekeyword = "alias";
		elsif(	$line =~ /^(file|data)\s*=\s*/i || $line =~ /^\s*(zdriveimagename|sisfile)\s*=\s*/i )
			# skip to next line. 
			# push it on to the array.
	# close the old oby files.
	close(OLDDATA)or die "can't close $oldobyfile";
	#write the array contents on to the file
	print"* Updating $oldobyfile - final OBY file\n";
	&writeDataToFile( $datadriveArray );
	&writeDataToFile( $sisobyArray );
	&writeDataToFile( $nonsisFileArray );
	# close the new oby file.
	close(NEWDATA)or die "can't close $newobyfile";
	#rename the file.
	rename( $newobyfile, $oldobyfile )or die "can't rename $newobyfile to $oldobyfile: $!";

# Traverse the entire given directory 
# push all the folder contents on to an array.
sub  TraverseDir
	my($dir,$folderList,$sisFileContent,$rootdir) = @_;
	#check the specified directory
	chdir($dir) || die "Cannot chdir to $dir\n";
	opendir(DIR, ".");#open current directory.
	my $sourcedir;
	my $destdir;
	while (my $entry=readdir(DIR)) 
		#skip, parent directory and current directory.
		next if ($entry eq "." || $entry eq "..");
		#check if it is a file 
		if( -f $entry )
			my $sourcedir = $rootdir."\\".$folderList.$entry;
			my $destdir	= "$folderList".$entry;
			my $sisSource;
			my $sisdestination;
				# check for any whitespace
				if($sourcedir =~ m/ /)
					# if yes, then append double quotes
					$sisSource = "data="."\"".$sourcedir."\"";
					# else dont append any double quotes for destination
					$sisSource = "data=".$sourcedir;
				# push the line on to the array.
				# check for any white space
				if($sourcedir =~ m/ /)
					# if yes, then append double quotes
					$sisSource = "file="."\"".$sourcedir."\"";
					# else dont append any double quotes for destination
					$sisSource = "file=".$sourcedir;
				# push the line on to the array.
		#else it's a directory

# write the data in to oby file by accessing appropriate array.
sub writeDataToFile
	my ($array) = @_; 
	#get the array size.
	my $arraySize = scalar(@$array);
	for(my $i=0; $i<$arraySize ; $i++ )
		#pop out the element to the respective obey file.
		 print NEWDATA pop(@$array)."\n";