Thu, 25 Mar 2010 13:43:28 +0000
changeset 408 a819f9223567
parent 0 044383f39525
child 590 360bd6b35136
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix: stop using "magic" numbers in string operations for the copyannofile2log feature fix: When using the copylogfromannofile workaround, extract the build ID and build duration and add to the log as these are useful for analysis. The log should now be identical to the stdout file. fix: Remove extra blank lines from output in copylogfromannofile mode.

# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 

# features tool version
use constant TOOL_VERSION=>"0.2";

# global variables
my $PerlLibPath;    # fully qualified pathname of the directory containing our Perl modules
my $ibyPath; # destination path for the iby files
my $hdrPath; # destination path for the header files
my $datPath; # destination path for the features.DAT file
my $convPath; # destination path for the feature registry database convertion
my $epocroot = $ENV{EPOCROOT}; # epcoroot directory

# xml database file name(s)
my @xmlDBFile;

# flags to suppress the output files
# 0x01 = generate header files only
# 0x02 = genereate iby files only
# 0x04 = generate dat files only
# 0x08 = convert feature registry database to feature manager database
use constant FLG_GENHDR=>0x01;
use constant FLG_GENIBY=>0x02;
use constant FLG_GENDAT=>0x04;
use constant FLG_CONVFR=>0x08;
my $flagOut = 0;

use FindBin;		# for FindBin::Bin
# check user has a version of perl that will cope
	require 5.005_03;
# establish the path to the Perl libraries
    $PerlLibPath = $FindBin::Bin;	# X:/epoc32/tools
    $PerlLibPath .= "/";
use  lib $PerlLibPath;
# Includes the validation perl modules for XML validation against the given DTD.
use lib "$PerlLibPath/build/lib";
# Include routines to create the feature header and iby files.
use features;

# main - Tool entry function
	# Default path settings
	&features::set_DefaultPath($epocroot, \$hdrPath, \$ibyPath, \$datPath, \$convPath);
	# Process the command line arguments
	if(&process_cmdline_arguments()) {
		# Open the xml database
		if(&features::open_Database(@xmlDBFile)) {
			# Generate the header file in the appropriate format with the featureset attributes
			&features::generate_Headerfile($hdrPath) if($flagOut&FLG_GENHDR);
			# Generate the obey file in the appropriate format with the featureset attributes
			&features::generate_Obeyfile($ibyPath) if($flagOut&FLG_GENIBY);
			# Generate the feature dat file
			&features::generate_DATfile($datPath) if($flagOut&FLG_GENDAT);
			# Convert the feature registry database to feature manager database
			&features::convert_FeatRegToFeatMgr($convPath,@xmlDBFile) if($flagOut&FLG_CONVFR);

# Process the command line arguments
sub process_cmdline_arguments
	my $helpCmd = 0;
	foreach my $arg (@ARGV)
		if( ($arg =~ /^--(\S+)$/)  or ($arg =~ /^-([ridc]=.+)$/) )
			$arg = $1;
			if( (($arg =~ /^hdrfile$/i) || ($arg =~ /^hdrfile=(.+)/i)) or ($arg =~ /^r=(.+)/) ) {
				# option to generate only header files
				if($1) {
					$hdrPath = $1;
				$flagOut |= FLG_GENHDR;
			elsif( (($arg =~ /^ibyfile$/i) || ($arg =~ /^ibyfile=(.+)/i)) or ($arg =~ /^i=(.+)/) ) {
				# option to generate only iby files
				if($1) {
					$ibyPath = $1;
				$flagOut |= FLG_GENIBY;
			elsif( (($arg =~ /^datfile$/i) || ($arg =~ /^datfile=(.+)/i)) or ($arg =~ /^d=(.+)/) ) {
				# option to generate only dat files
				if($1) {
					$datPath = $1;
				$flagOut |= FLG_GENDAT;
			elsif( (($arg =~ /^convert$/i) || ($arg =~ /^convert=(.+)/i)) or ($arg =~ /^c=(.+)/) ) {
				# option to convert feature registry database
				if($1) {
					$convPath = $1;
				$flagOut |= FLG_CONVFR;
			elsif( $arg =~ /^verbose$/i ) {
				# option to enable verbose mode
			elsif( $arg =~ /^strict$/i ) {
				# option to enable strict mode
			elsif( $arg =~ /^help$/i ) {
				# print the usage on console
				$helpCmd = 1;
			elsif( $arg =~ /^version$/i ) {
				# print the title on console
				return 1 if(scalar(@ARGV) == 1); # if this is the only option
				print "Error: Unknown parameter $arg\n";
				return 0;
		elsif( $arg =~ /^-(\S+)$/ )
			my @flags = split("",$1);
			foreach my $opt (@flags) {
				if( $opt =~ /^r/i ) {
					# option to generate only header files
					$flagOut |= FLG_GENHDR;
				elsif( $opt =~ /^i/i ) {
					# option to generate only iby files
					$flagOut |= FLG_GENIBY;
				elsif( $opt =~ /^d/i ) {
					# option to generate only dat files
					$flagOut |= FLG_GENDAT;
				elsif( $opt =~ /^c/i ) {
					# option to convert feature registry database
					$flagOut |= FLG_CONVFR;
				elsif( $opt =~ /^v/i ) {
					# option to enable verbose mode
				elsif( $opt =~ /^s/i ) {
					# option to enable strict mode
				elsif( $opt =~ /^h/i ) {
					# print the usage on console
					$helpCmd = 1;
					print "Error: Unknown option $opt\n";
					return 0;
		next if(xmlfile($arg));
		next if(xmlfile("$arg.xml"));
		next if(xmlfile("$epocroot"."epoc32/rom/include/$arg"));
		print "Error: Cannot find xml file: $arg\n";

	# process the help command
	if($helpCmd) {
		return 1 if(scalar(@ARGV) == 1); # if this is the only option
	if(!@xmlDBFile) {
		# xml database is must here
		print "Error: No xml database given\n";
		&print_usage() if(!$helpCmd);
		return 0;
	# if the suppress output option is not passed then generate both
	return 1;

# --Utility Functions

# check whether the given file exists
# @param - file name for the existance check
sub xmlfile
	my ($file) = shift;
	if(-e $file) {
		push @xmlDBFile, $file;
		return 1;
	return 0;

# Process the given absolute path
# Add backslash at the end if required
# @param - path to be processed
sub processPath
	my ($path) = shift;
	return if( $$path =~ /(\\$)/ );
	return if( $$path =~ /(\/$)/ );
	$$path .= "/";

# Print the title
sub printTitle
	print "FEATURES - Features manager tool V".TOOL_VERSION."\n";
	print "Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation.\n\n"

# print the usage of this tool
sub print_usage
	print <<USAGE_EOF;
  features [options] <xml database> [<xml database> <xml database> ...]

Generation of C++ header file and IBY file for the given featuremanger 
database file. It also generates features DAT file for the given 
featuemanager/featureregistry database file

   -r or --hdrfile[=<destination path>] - generates only header file
   -i or --ibyfile[=<destination path>] - generates only IBY file
   -d or --datfile[=<destination path>] - generates only features.DAT file
   -c or --convert[=<destination path>] - converts feature registry database
   -s or --strict        - enable strict mode
   -v or --verbose       - enable verbose mode
   -h or --help          - displays this help
   --version             - displays the tools version

Ex: option combination \"-ri\" generates header and IBY files
Default destination paths:
   <header file>         - $EPOCROOT\\epoc32\\include\\
   <iby file>            - $EPOCROOT\\epoc32\\rom\\include\\
   <features.dat file>   - generates in current directory
Note: The conversion(--convert) of feature registry database requires the 
feature registry dtd file(featureuids.dtd) in $EPOCROOT\\epoc32\\tools\\