fix: stop using "magic" numbers in string operations for the copyannofile2log feature
fix: When using the copylogfromannofile workaround, extract the build ID and build duration and add to the log as these are useful for analysis. The log should now be identical to the stdout file.
fix: Remove extra blank lines from output in copylogfromannofile mode.
* Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#if !defined(__PE_FILE_H__)
#define __PE_FILE_H__
#include <e32rom.h>
#include <e32image.h>
#include "pe_defs.h"
const TInt KTextSection=0;
const TInt KConstSection=1;
const TInt KExportSection=2;
const TInt KDataSection=3;
const TInt KBssSection=4;
const TInt KImportSection=5;
const TInt KCrtSection=6;
const TInt KRelocSection=7;
const TInt KNumberOfSections=8;
enum TImportStat {EImpError, EImpSuccess, EImpDone};
class PEFile
TBool Init(const TText * const aFileName);
void Close();
TImportStat GetNextImport(TText * &aDllName, TUint16 &aOrdinal, TUint32 * &aThunkPtr);
TUint32 GetFixUp(const TUint16 aOrdinal);
// TText *GetImageName();
// TUint8 *GetExportName(const TUint16 aOrdinal);
// TUint32 WriteDllRefTable(PEFile aPeArray[], TUint aMaxFiles);
void RelocateExportTable();
TUint GetNumberOfExportedFunctions();
TUint GetOrdinalBase();
TBool ExportSectionExists();
TBool ImportSectionExists();
TUint RoundToSectionSize(TUint aSize);
void DumpPeHeaders();
TInt Normalise();
void GetRelocs(TUint *aReloc, TUint *aRelocSection, TInt aNumberOfRelocs);
TInt ReadSectionHeaders();
TInt ReadData();
TInt ReadExportDirectory();
char *ReadSectionData(PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER aHeader);
TInt NumberOfImports() const;
TInt NumberOfImportDlls() const;
TInt NumberOfExports() const;
TInt NumberOfRelocs();
static TInt CmpSectionName(PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER apSectionHeader, char *aName);
TInt VirtualAddressInSection(TUint aVA, PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER aHeader);
TUint DistanceFromSection(TUint aVA, PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER aHeader);
TInt FindSectionByVa(TUint aVa, TUint aTryToBeClever=0);
static TInt HasInitialisedData(PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER aHeader);
// static TBool DoFixUps(PEFile aPeArray[], TUint aMaxFiles);
// static TBool FindByName(PEFile aPeArray[], TUint aMaxFiles,const TText * const aDllName, PEFile * &aExportPEFile);
// static void WriteDllRefTables(PEFile aPeArray[], TUint aMaxFiles);
// static void RelocateExportTables(PEFile aPeArray[], TUint aMaxFiles);
TBool IsInCode(TUint32 anAddr);
TBool IsInData(TUint32 anAddr);
TBool IsInDataReloc(TUint32 anAddr);
TBool IsInExport(TUint32 anAddr);
TBool IsInImport(TUint32 anAddr);
TBool IsValidNTHeader(PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS pNTHeader);
TBool IsValidFileHeader(PIMAGE_FILE_HEADER pFileHeader);
void DumpNextSectionInFile(PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER pSectionHeader);
void CopySectionData(TAny *source, TAny *dest, TUint32 fileLength, TUint32 memLength);
TBool ProcessRelocData(TAny *relocData,TInt dataSize);
PEFile(const PEFile&);
const PEFile & operator = (const PEFile&);
static TUint32 iRomMemBase; // where the ROM is being loaded to
static TUint32 iRomLinearBase; // where the ROM will run
TUint32 iMemBase; // where this file is being loaded to
TUint32 iEntryPoint;
TUint32 iImageSize;
TUint32 iCodeSize;
TUint32 iDataSize;
TUint32 iHeapReservedSize;
TUint32 iHeapCommittedSize;
TUint32 iStackReservedSize;
TUint32 iStackCommittedSize;
TUint32 iBssSize;
TUint32 iBssOffset;
TUint32 iSectionAlign;
TUint32 iExpDirectoryOffset;
TUint32 iDataOffset;
TBool iImageIsDll;
TText *iFileName;
TInt32 iFileHandle;
TUint32 iLinkedBase;
TUint32 iStartOfHeaders; // whether DOS header or not
TUint32 iSizeOfHeaders; // Up to and including section headers
TUint32 iNumSections;
TUint32 iRomRunAddr; // where the code will run & rdata be accessed
TUint32 iRamRunAddr; // and where the data & bss will be when it does
TUint32 iRomDelta;
TUint32 iRamDelta;
TBool iHadDataSection;
// stuff for relocating image successfully in 2 parts
TUint32 iBssSectionLinkedAddr;
TUint32 iBssSectionAddr;
TUint32 iBssSectionSize;
TUint32 iDataSectionLinkedAddr;
TUint32 iDataSectionAddr;
TUint32 iDataSectionSize;
TUint32 iCodeSectionAddr;
TUint32 iCodeSectionSize;
TUint32 iRDataSectionAddr;
TUint32 iRDataSectionSize;
TUint32 iCRTSectionAddr;
TUint32 iCRTSectionSize;
TUint32 iExportDataDir;
// stuff for the pe->e32image translator
PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER iSectionHeader[KNumberOfSections];
char *iSectionData[KNumberOfSections];
TInt iExportDirSize;
TInt iCpu;
friend class E32ImageFile;
friend class E32ImageFile_PE;
class E32ImageFile_PE : public E32ImageFile
virtual ~E32ImageFile_PE();
virtual TBool Translate(const char* aFileName, TUint aDataBase, TBool aAllowDllData, TBool /*aSymLkupEnabled*/);
TBool Translate(PEFile &aPEFile);
TUint ImportAddressTableOffset();
TUint ConstOffset();
TInt DoCodeHeader(PEFile &aPeFile);
TInt DoDataHeader(PEFile &aPeFile, TUint aDataBase);
TInt CopyCode(char *aPtr, PEFile &aPeFile);
TInt CopyData(char *aPtr, PEFile &aPeFile);
TInt CopyImportAddrTable(char *aPtr, PEFile &aPeFile);
char *CreateImportSection(const PEFile &aPeFile, TInt &aSize);
void CreateExportSection(char *aPtr, PEFile &aPeFile);
void CreateExportDirectory(char *aPtr, PEFile &aPeFile);
void FixExportDirectory(TUint *aExportDir, PEFile &aPeFile);
void FixRelocs(PEFile &aPeFile, TUint *relocation, TUint *relocsection, TInt aNumberOfRelocs);
char *CreateCodeRelocs(TUint *reloc, TUint *relocsection, TInt nrelocs, TInt &aSize);
char *CreateDataRelocs(TUint *reloc, TUint *relocsection, TInt nrelocs, TInt &aSize);
TUint FixAddress(PEFile &aPeFile, TUint va);
TUint FixImportThunk(PEFile &aPeFile, TUint va);
PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER iPeHeader[KNumberOfSections];
char *iPeData[KNumberOfSections];
TUint iConstOffset;
TUint iCrtOffset;