Thu, 25 Mar 2010 13:43:28 +0000
changeset 408 a819f9223567
parent 100 55250667c668
child 485 926e968477c6
permissions -rwxr-xr-x
fix: stop using "magic" numbers in string operations for the copyannofile2log feature fix: When using the copylogfromannofile workaround, extract the build ID and build duration and add to the log as these are useful for analysis. The log should now be identical to the stdout file. fix: Remove extra blank lines from output in copylogfromannofile mode.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 
# display summary information about recipes from raptor logs
# e.g. total times and so on.

import time

class RecipeStats(object):
	STAT_OK = 0

	def __init__(self):
		self.stats = {}
		self.failcount = 0
		self.failtime = 0.0
		self.failtypes = {}
		self.retryfails = 0
	def add(self, starttime, duration, name, status):
		if status != RecipeStats.STAT_OK:
			self.failcount += 1
			if name in self.failtypes:
				self.failtypes[name] += 1
				self.failtypes[name] = 1

			if status == 128:
				self.retryfails += 1
		if name in self.stats:
			(count, time) = self.stats[name]
			self.stats[name] = (count + 1, time + duration)
			self.stats[name] = (1,duration)

	def recipe_csv(self):
		s = "# name, time, count\n"
		for (name,(count,time)) in self.stats.iteritems():
			s += '"%s",%s,%d\n' % (name, str(time), count)
		return s

import sys
import re

def main():

	f = sys.stdin
	st = RecipeStats()

	recipe_re = re.compile(".*<recipe name='([^']+)'.*")
	time_re = re.compile(".*<time start='([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)' *elapsed='([0-9]+\.[0-9]+)'.*")
	status_re = re.compile(".*<status exit='(?P<exit>(ok|failed))'( *code='(?P<code>[0-9]+)')?.*")

	alternating = 0
	start_time = 0.0

	for l in f.xreadlines():
		l2 = l.rstrip("\n\r")
		rm = recipe_re.match(l2)

		if rm is not None:
			rname = rm.groups()[0]

		tm = time_re.match(l2)
		if tm is not None:
				s = float(tm.groups()[0])
				elapsed = float(tm.groups()[1])

				if start_time == 0.0:
					start_time = s

				s -= start_time

			except ValueError, e:
				raise Exception("Parse problem: float conversion on these groups: %s\n%s" %(str(tm.groups()), str(e)))
			if l2.find("<time") is not -1:
				raise Exception("unparsed timing status: %s\n"%l2)

		sm = status_re.match(l2)

		if sm is None:

		if sm.groupdict()['exit'] == 'ok':
			status = 0
			status = int(sm.groupdict()['code'])

		st.add(s, elapsed, rname, status)

	print st.recipe_csv()

if __name__ == '__main__': main()