Thu, 25 Mar 2010 13:43:28 +0000
changeset 408 a819f9223567
parent 3 e1eecf4d390d
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix: stop using "magic" numbers in string operations for the copyannofile2log feature fix: When using the copylogfromannofile workaround, extract the build ID and build duration and add to the log as these are useful for analysis. The log should now be identical to the stdout file. fix: Remove extra blank lines from output in copylogfromannofile mode.

# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 
# Creates CBR tool compatible cache files from SBSv2 .whatlog variant output

import sys
import os
from optparse import OptionParser
import xml.parsers.expat
import re

# Global dictionary of ComponentReleasable objects, keyed on bld.inf file
BuildReleasables = {}

# Provide a means to form  "traditional" ABLD-like build platforms and variants from SBSv2 configurations
ConfigMatch = re.compile(r'^(?P<PLATFORM>\w+)_(?P<VARIANT>\w+)(\.((?P<PLATFORMADD>smp)|\w+))*')

WinscwTreeMatch = re.compile(r'[\\|\/]epoc32[\\|\/]release[\\|\/]winscw[\\|\/](?P<VARIANT>(urel|udeb))[\\|\/]', re.IGNORECASE)
WinDriveMatch = re.compile(r'[A-Za-z]:')

# $self->{abldcache}->{'<bld.inf location> export -what'} =
# $self->{abldcache}->{'<bld.inf location> <phase> <platform> <variant> -what'} =
# $self->{abldcache}->{'plats'} =
CacheGroupPrefix = "$self->{abldcache}->{\'"
CacheGroupSuffix = "\'} =\n"
CacheExportGroup = CacheGroupPrefix+"%s export -what"+CacheGroupSuffix
CacheBuildOutputGroup = CacheGroupPrefix+"%s %s %s %s -what"+CacheGroupSuffix
CachePlatsGroup = CacheGroupPrefix+"plats"+CacheGroupSuffix
CacheListOpen = "\t[\n"
CacheListItem = "\t\'%s\'"
CacheListItemPair = "\t[\'%s\', \'%s\']"
CacheListClose = "\t];\n\n"

class ComponentReleasable(object):
	"""Wraps up a bld.inf file in terms of its packagable releasable output."""
	# If EPOCROOT is set, provide a means to confirm that potentially publishable releasables live under EPOCROOT/epoc32
	ReleaseTreeMatch = None
	if os.environ.has_key("EPOCROOT"):
		ReleaseTreeMatch = re.compile(r'\"*'+os.path.abspath(os.path.join(os.environ["EPOCROOT"],"epoc32")).replace('\\',r'\/').replace('\/',r'[\\|\/]+')+r'[\\|\/]+', re.IGNORECASE)
	def __init__(self, aBldInfFile, aVerbose=False):
		self.__BldInfFile = aBldInfFile
		self.__Verbose = aVerbose
		self.__Exports = {}
		self.__BuildOutput = {}
		self.__Platforms = {}
	def __IsReleasableItem(self, aBuildItem):
		if self.ReleaseTreeMatch and self.ReleaseTreeMatch.match(aBuildItem):
			return True
		if self.__Verbose:
			print "Discarding: \'%s\' from \'%s\' as not in the release tree." % (aBuildItem, self.__BldInfFile)
		return False

	def __StoreBuildItem(self, aPlatform, aVariant, aBuildItem):
		if not self.__BuildOutput.has_key(aPlatform):
			self.__BuildOutput[aPlatform] = {}
			if aPlatform != "ALL":
				self.__Platforms[aPlatform.upper()] = 1
		if not self.__BuildOutput[aPlatform].has_key(aVariant):
			self.__BuildOutput[aPlatform][aVariant] = {}
		if aBuildItem:
			self.__BuildOutput[aPlatform][aVariant][aBuildItem] = 1
	def AddExport(self, aDestination, aSource):
		if not self.__IsReleasableItem(aDestination):
		self.__Exports[aDestination] = aSource

	def AddBuildOutput(self, aBuildItem, aPlatform="ALL", aVariant="ALL"):
		if not self.__IsReleasableItem(aBuildItem):
		if aPlatform != "ALL" and aVariant == "ALL":
			self.__StoreBuildItem(aPlatform, "urel", aBuildItem)
			self.__StoreBuildItem(aPlatform, "udeb", aBuildItem)
			self.__StoreBuildItem(aPlatform, aVariant, aBuildItem)
	def Finalise(self):
		# Re-visit the stored build items and, in the context of all build platforms having been processed for the
		# component, copy platform-generic "ALL" output to the concrete build platform outputs
		if self.__BuildOutput.has_key("ALL"):
			allItems = self.__BuildOutput["ALL"]["ALL"].keys()		
			for platform in self.__BuildOutput.keys():
				for variant in self.__BuildOutput[platform].keys():
					for allItem in allItems:
						self.__StoreBuildItem(platform, variant, allItem)			
			del self.__BuildOutput["ALL"]
	def GetBldInf(self):
		return self.__BldInfFile

	def GetExports(self):
		return self.__Exports

	def GetBuildOutput(self):
		return self.__BuildOutput

	def GetPlatforms(self):
		return self.__Platforms

	def HasReleasables(self):
		return (self.__BuildOutput or self.__Exports)

def error(aMessage):
	sys.stderr.write("ERROR: : %s\n" % aMessage)
def processReleasableElement(aContext, aName, aValue, aVerbose):
	bldinf = aContext["bldinf"]
	mmp = aContext["mmp"]
	config = aContext["config"]

	platform = ""
	variant = ""
	configMatchResults = ConfigMatch.match(config)
	if configMatchResults:
		platform ='PLATFORM')
		variant ='VARIANT')	
			platform +='PLATFORMADD')
	if not BuildReleasables.has_key(bldinf):
		BuildReleasables[bldinf] = ComponentReleasable(bldinf, aVerbose)
	componentReleasable = BuildReleasables[bldinf]
	if aName == "export" :
		componentReleasable.AddExport(aValue["destination"], aValue["source"])
	elif aName == "member":
		componentReleasable.AddExport(aValue.keys()[0], aContext["zipfile"])
	elif aName == "build":
		componentReleasable.AddBuildOutput(aValue.keys()[0], platform, variant)
	elif aName == "resource" or aName == "bitmap":
		item = aValue.keys()[0]
		# Identify winscw urel/udeb specific resources, and store accordingly
		winscwTreeMatchResult =
		if platform == "winscw" and winscwTreeMatchResult:
			componentReleasable.AddBuildOutput(item, platform,"VARIANT").lower())
			componentReleasable.AddBuildOutput(item, platform)
	elif aName == "stringtable":

def parseLog(aLog, aVerbose):
	if not os.path.exists(aLog):
		error("Log file %s does not exist." % aLog)
	parser = xml.parsers.expat.ParserCreate()
	parser.buffer_text = True
	elementContext = {}
	currentElement = []
	def start_element(name, attributes):
		if name == "whatlog" or name == "archive":
		elif elementContext.has_key("bldinf"):
			if name == "export":
				# Exports are all attributes, so deal with them directly
				processReleasableElement(elementContext, name, attributes, aVerbose)
				# Other elements wrap values, get these later
	def end_element(name):
		if name == "whatlog":
		elif name == "archive":
			del elementContext["zipfile"]
	def char_data(data):
		if elementContext.has_key("bldinf") and currentElement:
			processReleasableElement(elementContext, currentElement.pop(), {str(data):1}, aVerbose)
	parser.StartElementHandler = start_element
	parser.EndElementHandler = end_element
	parser.CharacterDataHandler = char_data

		if aVerbose:
			print "Parsing: " + aLog
		parser.ParseFile(open(aLog, "r"))
	except xml.parsers.expat.ExpatError, e:	
		error("Failure parsing log file \'%s\' (line %s)" % (aLog, e.lineno))

def normFileForCache(aFile):
	normedFile = WinDriveMatch.sub("",aFile)
	normedFile = normedFile.replace("/", "\\")
	normedFile = normedFile.replace("\\", "\\\\")
	normedFile = normedFile.replace("\\\\\\\\", "\\\\")
	normedFile = normedFile.replace("\"", "")
	return normedFile
def dumpCacheFileList(aCacheFileObject, aItems, aPairs=False):	
	numItems = len(aItems)
	suffix = ",\n"
	for item in aItems:
		if aItems.index(item) == numItems-1:
			suffix = "\n"			
		if aPairs:
			aCacheFileObject.write((CacheListItemPair % (normFileForCache(item[0]), normFileForCache(item[1]))) + suffix)
			aCacheFileObject.write((CacheListItem % normFileForCache(item)) + suffix)
def createCacheFile(aComponentReleasable, aOutputPath, aSourceExports, aVerbose):	
	if not aComponentReleasable.HasReleasables():
	cacheFileDir = os.path.normpath(\
				os.path.join(aOutputPath, \
	cacheFile = os.path.join(cacheFileDir, "cache")
	bldInfLoc = WinDriveMatch.sub("",os.path.dirname(aComponentReleasable.GetBldInf())).replace("/", "\\")

	if aVerbose:
		print "Creating: " + cacheFile
	if not os.path.exists(cacheFileDir):
		cacheFileObject = open(cacheFile, 'w')
		exports = aComponentReleasable.GetExports()
		if exports:
			cacheFileObject.write(CacheExportGroup % bldInfLoc)
			if aSourceExports:
				dumpCacheFileList(cacheFileObject, exports.items(), True)
				dumpCacheFileList(cacheFileObject, exports.keys())
		buildOutput = aComponentReleasable.GetBuildOutput()		
		if buildOutput:
			for plat in buildOutput.keys():
				# Most cache output is represented as if performed for the "abld target" phase, but tools platforms
				# are presented as if performed by "abld build", and so must additionally replicate any exports
				# performed for the component in their variant output
				phase = "target"
				additionalOutput = []
				if plat == "tools" or plat == "tools2":
					phase = "build"
					if exports:
						additionalOutput = exports.keys()
				for variant in buildOutput[plat].keys():
					cacheFileObject.write(CacheBuildOutputGroup % (bldInfLoc, phase, plat, variant))
					dumpCacheFileList(cacheFileObject, buildOutput[plat][variant].keys() + additionalOutput)
		dumpCacheFileList(cacheFileObject, aComponentReleasable.GetPlatforms().keys())
	except IOError:
		error("Failure creating cache file %s." % cacheFile)

def main():
	parser = OptionParser(prog="")
	parser.add_option("-l", "--log", action="append", dest="logs", help="log file to parse for <whatlog/> wrapped content.")
	parser.add_option("-o", "--outputpath", action="store", dest="outputpath", help="root location to generate cache files.")
	parser.add_option("-s", "--sourceexports", action="store_true", default=False, dest="sourceexports", help="generate cache files where each element in the export array is a ['destination', 'source'] array rather than just a 'destination' element.")
	parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true", default=False, dest="verbose", help="provide more information as things happen.")
	(options, leftover_args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

	if leftover_args or not options.logs or not options.outputpath:
	print "sbsv2cache: started"
	# Parse build logs to populate the BuildReleasables dictionary
	for log in options.logs:
		parseLog(os.path.abspath(log), options.verbose)
	# Finalise components in BuildReleasables and create cache files as we go
	for component in BuildReleasables.keys():
		createCacheFile(BuildReleasables[component], os.path.abspath(options.outputpath), options.sourceexports, options.verbose)
	print "sbsv2cache: finished"
if __name__ == "__main__":