fix: stop using "magic" numbers in string operations for the copyannofile2log feature
fix: When using the copylogfromannofile workaround, extract the build ID and build duration and add to the log as these are useful for analysis. The log should now be identical to the stdout file.
fix: Remove extra blank lines from output in copylogfromannofile mode.
# Add environment settings to user's
# .bashrc
# .bash_profile
# Add a .pvmrc
. `dirname $0`/user.bash_profile
echo "Configuring user account $USER for sbsv2 in: $SBS_HOME"
if [ ! -d "$SBS_HOME" ]; then
echo "SBS_HOME appears to not be set correctly: $SBS_HOME" 1>&2
exit 1
echo "Adding '$2' to $1"
grep -q '# SBS_SETTINGS' "$1"
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
sed "s%.* # SBS_SETTINGS (do not edit this line).*%$2 # SBS_SETTINGS (do not edit this line)%" "$1" > "$1.sbsv2" &&
mv "$1" "$1.orig" &&
mv "$1.sbsv2" "$1"
cp "$1" "$1.orig" &&
echo "$2 # SBS_SETTINGS (do not edit this line)" >> "$1"
# Patch the bash profile
patchfile ~/.bash_profile ". $SBS_HOME/bin/user.bash_profile"
patchfile ~/.bashrc ". $SBS_HOME/bin/user.bashrc"
if [ -f ~/.pvmrc ]; then
cp ~/.pvmrc ~/.pvmrc.orig
cp $SBS_HOME/util/install-linux/linux_pvmrc ~/.pvmrc