author kelvzhu
Mon, 13 Sep 2010 13:11:19 +0800
changeset 640 ac0bbc1e5d79
parent 590 360bd6b35136
permissions -rw-r--r--
Merge sysdeftools's addtion

* Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 
* XmlWriter class implementation.
* @internalComponent
* @released


#include "reportwriter.h"
#include "libxml/xmlwriter.h"
#include "common.h"

Constants for XML report generation.
xml tags (headers,elements and attribute names).
const char KXmlEncoding[] = "ISO-8859-1";
const char KXslFileName[] = "imgcheck.xsl";
const char KXmlVersion[] = "1.0";
const char KDtdXslInfo[] = "<!DOCTYPE imgcheck_report [ \
							<!ELEMENT comment (imgcheck_report+) > \
							<!ELEMENT imgcheck_report (Image*)> \
							<!ELEMENT Image (Exe_Name*)> \
							<!ELEMENT Executable (Dependency*,SID*,VID*,DBG*)> \
							<!ELEMENT Dependency ANY> \
							<!ATTLIST comment comment CDATA #REQUIRED>\
							<!ATTLIST Image name CDATA #REQUIRED> \
							<!ATTLIST Executable \
							name CDATA #REQUIRED> \
							<!ATTLIST Dependency \
							name CDATA #REQUIRED \
							status (Nill | Hidden | Available | Missing) \"Nill\"> \
							<!ATTLIST SID \
							val CDATA #IMPLIED \
							status CDATA #IMPLIED> \
							<!ATTLIST VID \
							val CDATA #IMPLIED \
							status CDATA #IMPLIED> \
							<!ATTLIST DBG \
							val CDATA #IMPLIED \
							status CDATA #IMPLIED> \
							]> \
							<?xml-stylesheet type=\"text/xsl\" href=\"imgcheck.xsl\"?>";

const char KXmlRootElement[] = "imgcheck_report";
const char KXmlcomment[] = "comment";
const char KXmlinputcmd[] = "Inputcmd";

const char KXmlImageName[] = "Image";
const char KXmlImageAtt1[] = "name";

const char KXmlExeName[] = "Executable";
const char KXmlExeAtt1[] = "SNo";
const char KXmlExeAtt2[] = "name";

const char KDepName[] = "Dependency";
const char KDepAtt1[] = "name";
const char KAtt1[] = "status";
const char KAtt2[] = "val";
const char KDepAvaStatus[] = "Available";
const char KXml[] = "XML";
const char KXMLDbgFlag[] = "DBG";
const unsigned int KXmlGenBuffer=1024;

Xml writer derived class.

class XmlWriter: public ReportWriter

	XmlWriter(const string& aXmlFileName, const string& aInputCommand);

	int CreateXslFile(void);
	bool GetXslSourcePath(string& aExePath);
	void StartReport(void);
	void EndReport(void);
	void StartImage(const string& aImageName);
    void EndImage(void);
	void WriteExeAttribute(ExeAttribute& aOneSetExeAtt);
	void StartExecutable(const unsigned int aSerNo, const string& aExeName);
	void EndExecutable(void);
	void WriteNote(void);
	const string& ReportType(void);

	// File stream for xml output.
	ofstream iXmlFile;
	// Xml file name for output.
	string iXmlFileName;
	// Xml Buffer pointer.
	xmlBufferPtr iXmlBufPtr;
	// Xml write pointer to buffer.
	xmlTextWriterPtr iXmlTextWriter;
	//Hold the input command string
	string iInputCommnd;
	//Hold the report type
	string iRptType;

#endif // XMLWRITER_H