Make tests cope with the renamed trace marker files.
# Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# This module implements the MD5 version of the Evalid's compare
package EvalidMD5;
use strict;
use Carp;
use File::Find;
use IO::File;
use Sys::Hostname;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
require Exporter;
use File::Basename;
use vars qw($VERSION );
$VERSION = 0.02;
use EvalidCompare;
# Public
# MD5Generate
# Inputs
# $iLeftDir - Left side directory or File containing listing of left side
# $iResultsFile - Name of file to write the list of files and MD5 checksum to
# $iExclude - Reference to array of regular expression patterns to exclude
# $iInclude - Reference to array of regular expression patterns to include
# $iListFile - Filename to read for list of files from [Optional]
# $iDumpDir - Directory to generate dump of comparison data [Optional]
# Outputs
# Description
# This function generates the MD5 checksum file
sub MD5Generate
my ($iLeftDir, $iResultsFile, $iExclude, $iInclude, $iListFile, $iDumpDir) = @_;
my (@iLeftFiles);
# This should have been check before getting here but to be on the safe side
# check again, as it should never overwrite or append to the file
croak "$iResultsFile already exists" if (-e $iResultsFile);
croak "$iListFile does exist" if ((defined($iListFile) && (!-e $iListFile)));
if (-d $iLeftDir){
# Make sure all the \ are / for the RegEx
$iLeftDir =~ s/\\/\//g;
# Make sure it does not have a / on the end
$iLeftDir =~ s/\/$//;
# If $iFileList is defined then use the filelist to generate @iLeftFiles
if (defined($iListFile))
# Generate list of files
@iLeftFiles = &FilterDir($iLeftDir,$iExclude,$iInclude, $iListFile);
} else {
# Generate the the directory listing
@iLeftFiles = &FilterDir($iLeftDir,$iExclude,$iInclude);
} else {
croak "$iLeftDir is not a directory";
# Open the results file for writing
my ($fResultsFile) = new IO::File;
croak "Cannot for $iResultsFile for writing" unless ($fResultsFile->open("> $iResultsFile"));
# Write headers to the file
print $fResultsFile "Host:".&hostname()."\n";
print $fResultsFile "Username:".$ENV{'USERNAME'}."\n";
print $fResultsFile "Date-Time:".scalar(localtime)."\n";
print $fResultsFile "Version:".$VERSION."\n";
print $fResultsFile "Directory:".$iLeftDir."\n";
print $fResultsFile "FileList:".$iListFile."\n" if (defined($iListFile));
print $fResultsFile "Exclusion(s):";
foreach my $iExc (sort @$iExclude)
print $fResultsFile "$iExc ";
print $fResultsFile "\n";
print $fResultsFile "Inclusion(s):";
foreach my $iInc (@$iInclude)
print $fResultsFile "$iInc ";
print $fResultsFile "\n";
print $fResultsFile "----------------\n";
# Write out sorted list of files with MD5 Checksums
foreach my $iFile (sort @iLeftFiles)
my ($MD5, $type) = &EvalidCompare::GenerateSignature($iLeftDir."/".$iFile, $iDumpDir);
print $fResultsFile $iFile." TYPE=".$type." MD5=".$MD5."\n";
# MD5Compare
# Inputs
# $iLeftFile - Left side File containing listing and MD5 of left side
# $iRightFile - Right side File containing listing and MD5 of right side
# $iVerbose - Verbose Flag
# $iLog - Logfile name
# Outputs
# %iCommon - hash relative filenames with values of file type that are in both directories and Compare results/types
# %iDiff - hash relative filenames with values of file type and directory side infomation
# Description
sub MD5Compare
my ($iLeftFile) = shift;
my ($iRightFile) = shift;
my ($iVerbose) = defined($_[0]) ? shift : 0;
my ($iLog) = defined($_[0]) ? shift : *STDOUT;
my (%iCommon, %iDiff);
my (%iLeftFiles, %iRightFiles);
my (%iLeftHeaders, %iRightHeaders);
# Backup check the files are available to read.
croak "$iLeftFile is not a file" unless (-f $iLeftFile);
croak "$iRightFile is not a file" unless(-f $iRightFile);
#Read the files
&ReadMD5File($iLeftFile, \%iLeftFiles, \%iLeftHeaders);
&ReadMD5File($iRightFile, \%iRightFiles, \%iRightHeaders);
# Check Critical headers
foreach my $iHeader (sort keys %iLeftHeaders)
# Warning is certain headers are not identical
if ($iHeader =~ /^Version|Exclusion\(s\)|Inclusion\(s\)/)
print $iLog "WARNING:$iHeader is different\n" if ($iLeftHeaders{$iHeader} ne $iRightHeaders{$iHeader});
# A Hash is used to combine the two directory listing using the filename as the key
my %iCombinedFiles;
# Enter the files from the left side listing and check the right side critical header are the same
# Note all filenames are turned to lower case as this is designed to only wotk on Windows
foreach my $iFile (sort keys %iLeftFiles)
$iCombinedFiles{$iFile} = "Left";
# Enter the files from the right side listing
# Note all filenames are turned to lower case as this is designed to only wotk on Windows
foreach my $iFile (sort keys %iRightFiles)
# Check to see if any entry for this file exists on the left side
if ((defined ($iCombinedFiles{$iFile})) && ( $iCombinedFiles{$iFile} eq "Left"))
# Yes, so add to the Common set
# Check if the MD5 checksum matches
# The [0] element is the file type
if ($iLeftFiles{$iFile}[0] ne $iRightFiles{$iFile}[0])
$iCommon{$iFile} = [$iLeftFiles{$iFile}[0]." to ".$iRightFiles{$iFile}[0], "Type Changed"];
} elsif ($iLeftFiles{$iFile}[1] eq $iRightFiles{$iFile}[1]) {
$iCommon{$iFile} = [$iLeftFiles{$iFile}[0],"OK"];
} else {
$iCommon{$iFile} = [$iLeftFiles{$iFile}[0],"Different"];
# The filename key is not needed any more as both sides have been processed, so delete the hash entry
delete $iCombinedFiles{$iFile};
} elsif (!defined($iCombinedFiles{$iFile})) {
# No, the key is not defined, so this filename is only in the right side
$iDiff{$iFile} = [$iRightFiles{$iFile}[0],"Right"];
# The filename key is not needed any more as both sides have been processed, so delete the hash entry
delete $iCombinedFiles{$iFile};
# Add the files left in the hash to the Left side only list
foreach my $iFile (sort keys %iCombinedFiles)
$iDiff{$iFile} = [$iLeftFiles{$iFile}[0],"Left"];
# Return References to the Arrays
return (\%iCommon, \%iLeftHeaders, \%iRightHeaders, \%iDiff);
# FilterDir
# Inputs
# $iDir - Directory to process
# $iExclude - Reference to array of regular expression patterns to exclude
# $iInclude - Reference to array of regular expression patterns to include
# $iListFile - Filename to read for list of files from [Optional]
# Outputs
# @iFinalFileList - Filtered list relative filenames
# Description
# This function produces a filtered list of filenames in the specified directory or from file
sub FilterDir
my ($iDir,$iExclude,$iInclude, $iListFile) = @_;
my (@iFileList, @iFinalFileList, $iFileName);
open LIST, "$iListFile" or croak "Cannot open $iListFile\n";
next if /^\s+$/; # skip blank lines
my $iFileName = $iDir."/".$_;
chomp $iFileName; # Remove new line
if(-e $iFileName)
# The listed file exists add to the @iFileList
push @iFileList, $iFileName;
} else {
print "Warning: Cannot find $iFileName\n";
close LIST;
} else {
# Produce full filelist listing without directory names
find sub { push @iFileList, $File::Find::name if (!-d) ;}, $iDir;
foreach my $iFile ( @iFileList)
my $iExcludeFile = 0;
# Remove the specified directory path from the front of the filename
$iFile =~ s#^$iDir/##;
# Process all Exclude RegEx to see if this file matches
foreach my $iExcludeRegEx (@$iExclude)
if ($iFile =~ /$iExcludeRegEx/i)
# Mark this file to be excluded from the final list
$iExcludeFile = 1;
# Process all Include RegEx to see if this file matches
foreach my $iIncludeRegEx (@$iInclude)
if ($iFile =~ /$iIncludeRegEx/i)
# Mark this file to be Included in the final list
$iExcludeFile = 0;
# Added the file to the final list based on the flag
push @iFinalFileList, lc($iFile) unless $iExcludeFile;
return @iFinalFileList;
# MD5ComparePrint
# Inputs
# $iCommon - Reference to Hash of common file names and the result the comparision
# $iLeftHeaders - Reference to Hash contain the left side
# $iRightHeaders - Reference to Hash contain the right side
# $iDiff - Reference to Hash of relative filenames with values of file type and left/right directory side
# $iLog - Logfile name
# Outputs
# Description
# This function prints the output of a Compare
sub MD5ComparePrint
my ($iCommon) = shift;
my ($iLeftHeaders) = shift;
my ($iRightHeaders) = shift;
my ($iDiff) = shift;
my ($iLog) = shift;
my ($iFailed) = 0; # Count of the failed comparisions
my ($iPassed) = 0; # Count of the Passed comparisions
my ($iLeft) = 0; # Count of the Passed comparisions
my ($iRight) = 0; # Count of the Passed comparisions
my ($sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year) = localtime(time);
printf $iLog "\n----------------\n%02d:%02d %02d/%02d/%04d\n", $hour, $min, $mday, $mon+1, $year+1900;
print $iLog "evalid\nLeft Side=$ARGV[0]\nRight Side=$ARGV[1]\n";
print $iLog "\nLeft side information\n";
foreach my $iHeader (sort keys %$iLeftHeaders)
print $iLog $iHeader.":".$$iLeftHeaders{$iHeader}."\n";
print $iLog "\nRight side information\n";
foreach my $iHeader (sort keys %$iRightHeaders)
print $iLog $iHeader.":".$$iRightHeaders{$iHeader}."\n";
print $iLog "\n";
foreach my $iFile (sort keys %$iCommon)
if ($$iCommon{$iFile}[1] eq "OK")
print $iLog "Passed:$iFile (".$$iCommon{$iFile}[0].")\n";
print $iLog "\n";
foreach my $iFile (sort keys %$iCommon)
if ($$iCommon{$iFile}[1] eq "Type Changed")
print $iLog "Type Changed:$iFile (".$$iCommon{$iFile}[0].")\n";
print $iLog "\n";
foreach my $iFile (sort keys %$iCommon)
if ($$iCommon{$iFile}[1] eq "Different")
print $iLog "Failed:$iFile (".$$iCommon{$iFile}[0].")\n";
print $iLog "\n";
foreach my $iFile (sort keys %$iDiff)
if ($$iDiff{$iFile}[1] eq "Left")
print $iLog "Missing Left:$iFile (".$$iDiff{$iFile}[0].")\n";
print $iLog "\n";
foreach my $iFile (sort keys %$iDiff)
if ($$iDiff{$iFile}[1] eq "Right")
print $iLog "Missing Right:$iFile (".$$iDiff{$iFile}[0].")\n";
print $iLog "\n\nSummary\n";
print $iLog "Total files processed=".($iPassed+$iFailed+$iRight+$iLeft)."\n";
print $iLog "Files Passed=$iPassed\n";
print $iLog "Files Failed=$iFailed\n";
print $iLog "Missing Files in Left=".$iRight."\n";
print $iLog "Missing Files in Right=".$iLeft."\n";
return ($iFailed);
# NameOnly
# Inputs
# $filename - may contain path and file extension
# Outputs
# $nameOnly - filename without extension and path
# Description
# This routine is used to extract the name of the file
# only from a filename that may include a path and file extension
sub NameOnly
my ($filename) = @_;
my $nameOnly = basename($filename);
$nameOnly =~ s/(\w+.*)\.\w+$/$1/;
return $nameOnly;
# MD5CompareZipDel
# Inputs
# $iCommon - Reference to Hash of common file names and the result the comparision
# $iDiff - Reference to Hash of relative filenames with values of file type and left/right directory side
# $iLeft - filename of Left side directory
# $iRight - filename of Right side directory
# Outputs
# Description
# This function prints the output of a Compare results in a format ready for creating the a
# Zip and batch file to upgrade the left side to the equivalent of the right side.
sub MD5CompareZipDel
my ($iCommon) = shift;
my ($iDiff) = shift;
my ($iLeft) = shift;
my ($iRight) = shift;
# Build a suitable name for outputfiles based on input filenames
$iLeft = NameOnly($iLeft);
$iRight = NameOnly($iRight);
my ($iBasename) = $iLeft."_to_".$iRight;
open DELLIST, ">del_$iBasename.bat";
open ZIPLIST, ">zip_$iBasename.log";
open ZIPBAT, ">zip_$iBasename.bat";
foreach my $iFile (sort keys %$iCommon)
if (($$iCommon{$iFile}[1] eq "Different") || ($$iCommon{$iFile}[1] eq "Type Changed"))
print ZIPLIST "$iFile\n";
foreach my $iFile (sort keys %$iDiff)
if ($$iDiff{$iFile}[1] eq "Right")
print ZIPLIST "$iFile\n";
} else {
# DEL needs the / to be \
$iFile =~ s/\//\\/g;
print DELLIST "del /F $iFile\n";
print ZIPBAT "zip $ -@<zip_$iBasename.log\n";
close DELLIST;
close ZIPLIST;
close ZIPBAT;
# Private
# ReadMD5File
# Inputs
# $iResultsFile - Results filename to process
# $iResults - Reference to Results Hash
# $iHeaders - Reference to Headers Hash
# Outputs
# Description
# This function reads the conntent of the MD5 File in to a Hash
sub ReadMD5File
my ($iResultsFile, $iResults, $iHeaders) = @_;
# Open the results file for reading
open (INPUT, "$iResultsFile") or croak "Cannot for $iResultsFile for reading";
while (<INPUT>)
if (/^(\S+?):(.*)/)
$$iHeaders{$1} = $2;
} elsif (/^(\S+?)\sTYPE=(.*?)\sMD5=(.*)/){
$$iResults{$1} = [$2,$3];
close INPUT;