fix: emake log output corruption fix by using output from the annotation file.
* Copyright (c) 1995-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#ifndef __R_ROM_H__
#define __R_ROM_H__
#include "e32image.h"
#include <e32rom.h>
#if defined(__MSVCDOTNET__) || defined(__TOOLS2__)
#include <fstream>
#else //!__MSVCDOTNET__
#include <fstream.h>
#endif //__MSVCDOTNET__
#include <boost/thread/thread.hpp>
#include <boost/thread/mutex.hpp>
#include <queue>
#include "h_utl.h"
#include "r_mromimage.h"
#include <malloc.h>
const TUint KRomWrapperSize = 0x100;
const TUint KRomNameSize = 16;
const TUint KOverrideStack = 0x01;
const TUint KOverrideHeapMin = 0x02;
const TUint KOverrideHeapMax = 0x04;
const TUint KOverrideAddress = 0x08;
const TUint KOverrideUid1 = 0x10;
const TUint KOverrideUid2 = 0x20;
const TUint KOverrideUid3 = 0x40;
const TUint KOverrideCallEntryPoint = 0x80;
const TUint KOverrideNoCallEntryPoint = 0x100;
const TUint KOverridePriority = 0x200;
const TUint KOverrideStackReserve = 0x400;
const TUint KOverrideKeepIAT = 0x800;
const TUint KOverrideCapability = 0x1000;
const TUint KOverrideCodeUnpaged = 0x2000;
const TUint KOverrideCodePaged = 0x4000;
const TUint KOverrideDataUnpaged = 0x8000;
const TUint KOverrideDataPaged = 0x10000;
const TUint KOverrideHCRData = 0x20000 ;
enum TKernelModel {ESingleKernel, EMultipleKernels};
enum TMemModel {E_MM_Moving, E_MM_Direct, E_MM_Multiple, E_MM_Flexible};
class TRomBuilderEntry;
class E32Rom;
typedef queue<TRomBuilderEntry*> EntryQueue;
const TUint KVariantIndependent = 0x01000000;
extern TInt CompareCapabilities(const TUint32* aSubCaps, const TUint32* aSuperCaps, const char* aSubName, const char* aSuperName);
class LoadImageWorker
static EntryQueue *m_queue;
static boost::mutex m_mutex;
static TInt m_errors;
static TMemModel m_memmodel;
LoadImageWorker(EntryQueue* aQueue, TMemModel aMemModel);
void operator()();
class CompressPageWorker
static E32Rom* m_rom;
static TInt m_nextpage;
static TInt m_totalpages;
static TInt m_pagesize;
static boost::mutex m_mutex;
static TInt m_error;
CompressPageWorker(E32Rom* aRom, TInt aPageSize, TInt aTotalPages, TInt aNextPage);
void operator()();
class THardwareVariant
enum THardwareVariantOrder
THardwareVariant() {iVariant=KVariantIndependent;}
THardwareVariant(TUint aVariant) {iVariant=aVariant;}
operator TUint() const {return iVariant;}
TBool MutuallyExclusive(THardwareVariant aHardwareVariant) const;
TInt Compare(THardwareVariant aHardwareVariant) const;
TBool operator<(THardwareVariant a) const { return ((Compare(a)&ELess)!=0); }
TBool operator==(THardwareVariant a) const { return ((Compare(a)&EEqual)!=0); }
TBool operator>(THardwareVariant a) const { return ((Compare(a)&EGreater)!=0); }
TBool operator<=(THardwareVariant a) const { return ((Compare(a)&(ELess|EEqual))!=0); }
TBool operator>=(THardwareVariant a) const { return ((Compare(a)&(EGreater|EEqual))!=0); }
TBool IsIndependent() const {return Layer()<=3;}
TBool IsCpu() const {return Parent()==3; }
TBool IsVariant() const;
TUint32 ReturnVariant() const {return iVariant;}
TUint Layer() const {return iVariant>>24;}
TUint Parent() const {return (iVariant>>16)&0xff;}
TUint VMask() const {return iVariant&0xffff;}
TUint32 iVariant;
class TRomLoad
TText name[KRomNameSize];
TText versionStr[4];
TText buildNumStr[4];
TUint romSize;
TUint wrapSize;
// representation of a relocation record for areas.
class TReloc
TInt iLength;
TUint iSrc;
TUint iDest;
// thing for tracking the various addresses at which to find something
class TAddressRange
void Append(TAddressRange& aRange);
void Extend(TInt aOffset);
void Move(TInt aOffset);
TAny* iImagePtr; // data in the ROM image buffer
TUint32 iImageAddr; // address in the ROM image
TUint32 iRunAddr; // runtime address, usually the same as the iImageAddr
TUint iSize; // size of this section
class TImageSection : public TAddressRange
TImageSection() : TAddressRange(), iFilePtr(0) {}
TAny* iFilePtr; // original data in the E32Image file
void Load() const; // copy the file data into the image, if needed
const TUint KFillSize = KRomWrapperSize-sizeof(TRomLoad);
class CObeyFile;
class TRomLoaderHeader
void SetUp(CObeyFile *aObey);
TRomLoad r;
TUint8 filler[KFillSize];
class TRomBuilderEntry;
class TRomNode;
class TRomFile;
class TDllFindInfo
TDllFindInfo(const char* aImportName, const TRomBuilderEntry* aEntry);
const char* iBareName; // filename+extension to find, not including path UID or version
TUint32 iUid3; // requested UID3 - 0 if don't care
TUint32 iModuleVersion; // requested version
TUint32 iHwVariant; // requested hardware variant
class TAutoFree
TAutoFree(void* aPtr) {iPtr=aPtr;}
~TAutoFree() {free(iPtr);}
void* iPtr;
#define AUTO_FREE(p) TAutoFree _auto_free_##p(p)
class TModuleName
TModuleName(const TRomBuilderEntry* aEntry);
TModuleName(const TDllFindInfo& aInfo);
TModuleName(const TRomNode& aNode);
TModuleName(const TRomFile& aFile, const TRomNode* aRootDir);
operator const char* () {return iName;}
char* iName;
// class representing a file (or directory) in the ROM
class TRomFile
TInt AddressFromOrdinal(TLinAddr& aEDataAddr,TLinAddr& aExport, TUint aOrdinal);
void Finalise(TInt aSize);
void Close() { if (--iRefCount<=0) delete this; };
void Open() {iRefCount++; };
TInt MarkDeps();
TInt FindRouteTo(TRomFile* aDest, TRomFile** aStack, TInt aIndex);
TRomEntry* RomEntry() const {return iRomEntry;}
void SetRomEntry(TRomEntry* aEntry);
TAddressRange iAddresses;
inline TRomImageHeader* RomImgHdr() const
{return (TRomImageHeader*)iAddresses.iImagePtr;}
TAddressRange iExportDir;
TRomBuilderEntry* iRbEntry; // only until Layout stage
TBool iDir;
TBool iFinal;
THardwareVariant iHwvd;
TRomEntry* iRomEntry; // in ROM image buffer
friend class FileEntry;
TInt iDataBssOffsetInExe; // for allocating DLL data in process data section
// dependence graph
TInt iNumDeps;
TRomFile** iDeps;
TInt iNumPDeps;
TRomFile** iPDeps;
TInt iMark;
TRomFile* iAttachProcess;
TInt iTotalDataBss;
// Data used when computing SMP properties.
struct TSmpInfo
TSmpInfo() : isInit(0), isActive(0), isSafe(0) {}
bool isInit;
bool isActive;
bool isSafe;
} iSmpInfo;
bool ComputeSmpSafe(const TRomBuilderEntry*);
TUint32 Uid3() const;
TUint32 ModuleVersion() const;
THardwareVariant HardwareVariant() const;
TUint32 ABI() const;
TInt ExportDirCount() const;
TUint32 RomImageFlags() const;
TLinAddr DataBssLinearBase() const;
const SSecurityInfo& SecurityInfo() const;
TInt iRefCount;
class TRomBuilderEntry;
class RomFileStructure;
// class representing a directory entry in the ROM file system
class TRomNode
TRomNode(const TText* aName, TRomBuilderEntry* aEntry=0);
TRomNode(const TText* aName, TRomNode* aNode);
TRomNode(const TRomNode& aNode);
void Destroy();
TInt SetAtt(TText *anAttWord);
TInt NameCpy(char* aDest); // returns the length of aDest (in UTF-16 characters for Unicode, not bytes)
TInt SetBareName();
TRomNode* NewSubDir(const TText* aName);
void AddFile(TRomNode *aChild);
TInt Rename(TRomNode *aOldParent, TRomNode* aNewParent, TText* aNewName);
TRomNode* FindInDirectory(const TText* aName);
TRomNode* FindInDirectory(const TText* aName, THardwareVariant aVariant , TBool aPatchDataFlag=FALSE);
TRomEntry* RomEntry() const {return iRomFile->RomEntry();}
void Finalise(TInt aSize);
void CountDirectory(TInt& aFileCount, TInt& aDirCount);
TInt ProcessDirectory(RomFileStructure* aRFS);
static void AddExecutableFile(TRomNode*& aLast, TRomNode* aNode);
TRomNode* FindImageFileByName(const TDllFindInfo& aInfo, TBool aPrintDiag, TBool& aFallBack);
TInt CheckForVersionConflicts(const TRomBuilderEntry* a);
TRomNode* CopyDirectory(TRomNode*& aLastExecutable, TRomNode* aParent);
TInt Alias(TRomNode* aNode, TRomNode*& aLastExecutable);
char* BareName() const;
TUint32 Uid3() const;
TUint32 ModuleVersion() const;
THardwareVariant HardwareVariant() const;
TUint32 ABI() const;
TInt FullNameLength(TBool aIgnoreHiddenAttrib = EFalse) const;
TInt GetFullName(char* aBuf, TBool aIgnoreHiddenAttrib = EFalse) const;
void Add(TRomNode* aChild);
void Remove(TRomNode* aChild);
static TInt Count; // seed for unique identifiers
TRomNode* iSibling;
TRomNode* iChild;
TRomNode* iParent;
TRomNode* iNextExecutable;
TInt iIdentifier;
friend class FileEntry;
TRomFile* iRomFile;
TText* iName;
char* iBareName; // name including extension but without UID or version
TUint8 iAtt;
TBool iHidden;
class E32Rom;
class Area;
class TRomBuilderEntry : public E32ImageFile
TRomBuilderEntry(const char *aFileName, TText *aName);
TInt SetCodeAlignment(TText *aStr);
TInt SetDataAlignment(TText *aStr);
TInt SetRelocationAddress(TText *aStr);
TInt SetStackReserve(TText *aStr);
TInt SetStackSize(TText *aStr);
TInt SetHeapSizeMin(TText *aStr);
TInt SetHeapSizeMax(TText *aStr);
TInt SetCapability(TText *aStr);
TInt SetUid1(TText *aStr);
TInt SetUid2(TText *aStr);
TInt SetUid3(TText *aStr);
TInt SetCallEntryPoint(TBool aState);
TInt SetPriority(TText *aStr);
TInt SetAttachProcess(TText *aStr);
TInt OpenImageFile();
TInt SizeInRom();
void SizeInSections(TInt& aSize1, TInt& aSize2);
void LoadToRom();
TInt FixupImports(E32Rom& aRom);
TInt ResolveDllRefTable(E32Rom& aRom);
TInt BuildDependenceGraph(E32Rom& aRom);
TInt FindAttachProcess(E32Rom& aRom);
const char* GetDefaultAttachProcess();
void SetRomNode(TRomNode* aNode);
void FixupRomEntries(TInt aSize);
TRomEntry* RomEntry() const {return iRomNode->RomEntry(); };
void DisplaySize(TPrintType aWhere);
inline TBool Primary() const
{return iRomImageFlags & KRomImageFlagPrimary;}
inline TBool Variant() const
{return iRomImageFlags & KRomImageFlagVariant;}
inline TBool Extension() const
{return iRomImageFlags & KRomImageFlagExtension;}
inline TBool Device() const
{return iRomImageFlags & KRomImageFlagDevice;}
inline TBool Secondary() const
{return iRomImageFlags & KRomImageFlagSecondary;}
inline TBool HCRDataFile() const
{ return iOverrideFlags & KOverrideHCRData ;}
TRomBuilderEntry(const TRomBuilderEntry&);
const TRomBuilderEntry& operator=(const TRomBuilderEntry &);
void Relocate();
TText *iName;
TBool iResource;
TBool iNonXIP;
TBool iPreferred;
TUint iCompression;
TBool iPatched;
Area* iArea;
TInt iRomSectionNumber;
TUint iOverrideFlags;
TUint32 iRelocationAddress;
TInt iAlignment;
TInt iCodeAlignment;
TInt iDataAlignment;
TInt iStackSize;
TInt iHeapSizeMin;
TInt iHeapSizeMax;
TProcessPriority iPriority;
TUint iUid1;
TUint iUid2;
TUint iUid3;
TLinAddr iDataBssLinearBase;
SSecurityInfo iS;
char* iBareName; // EPOC name+extension but without path or version
TUint32 iVersionInName;
TUint32 iVersionPresentInName;
THardwareVariant iHardwareVariant;
TUint iDataBssOffset;
TInt iStackReserve;
TRomImageHeader* iRomImageHeader;
TAddressRange iHeaderRange;
TImageSection iCodeSection;
TImageSection iImportAddressTableSection;
TImageSection iExportDirSection;
TImageSection iDataSection;
TAddressRange iDllRefTableRange;
TLinAddr** iIATRefs; // image addresses of pointers to IAT
TRomBuilderEntry* iNext;
TRomBuilderEntry* iNextInArea;
TUint32 iRomImageFlags;
TText* iProcessName;
// Used by the collapse routines
TInt iImportCount;
TUint32 iImportBlockStartAddress;
TUint32 iImportBlockEndAddress;
TRomNode *iRomNode;
class ImpTRomHeader : public TRomHeader
void Display();
void SetUp(CObeyFile *aObey);
void CheckSum(TUint32 aTargetValue);
class COrderedFileList
static COrderedFileList* New(TInt aMaxFiles);
void Add(TRomBuilderEntry* anEntry);
TInt Count() {return iCount;}
TRomBuilderEntry* operator[](TInt anIndex) {return iOrderedFiles[anIndex];}
COrderedFileList(TInt aMaxFiles);
TInt iCount;
TInt iMaxFiles;
TRomBuilderEntry **iOrderedFiles;
class CObeyFile;
class Area;
class Memmap;
class E32Rom : public MRomImage
E32Rom(CObeyFile *aObey);
TInt Create();
TInt CreateExtension(MRomImage* aKernelRom);
TInt Align(TInt aVal);
void DisplaySizes(TPrintType aWhere);
TInt WriteImages(TInt aHeaderType);
TInt Compare(char* anImage, TInt aHeaderType);
char *RomToActualAddress(TUint aPtr);
TUint ActualToRomAddress(TAny *aPtr);
void Display(TRomImageHeader *aHdr);
TRomNode* FindImageFileByName(const TDllFindInfo& aInfo, TBool aPrintDiag, TBool& aFallBack);
TInt CheckForVersionConflicts(const TRomBuilderEntry* a);
TRomNode* CopyDirectory(TRomNode*& aLastExecutable);
TRomNode* RootDirectory();
TText* RomFileName();
TUint32 RomBase();
TUint32 RomSize();
TVersion Version();
TInt64 Time();
TUint32 CheckSum();
TUint32 DataRunAddress();
TUint32 RomAlign();
void CalculateDataAddresses();
void CalculateDataAddress(TRomBuilderEntry *aFile);
char *LayoutRom(char *anAddr);
char *ReserveRomExceptionSearchTable(char *anAddr, TRomExceptionSearchTable*& exceptionSearchTable);
void ConstructRomExceptionSearchTable(TRomExceptionSearchTable* exceptionSearchTable);
void LayoutFile(TRomBuilderEntry*, TAddressRange& aMain, TAddressRange* aSecond, CBytePair* aBPE);
void NextRom(TAddressRange* aFirst, TAddressRange* aSecond);
TInt TranslateFiles();
void EnumerateVariants();
TUint32 AlignToChunk(TUint32 anAddr);
TUint32 AlignToPage(TUint32 anAddr);
TUint32 AllocVirtual(TUint32 aAddr,TUint aSize);
TInt LoadDataToRom(TRomBuilderEntry *aFile, TAddressRange& aAddress, CBytePair* aBPE);
void LoadFileToRom(TRomBuilderEntry *aFile);
void Write(ofstream &of, TInt aHeaderType); // main ROM image
void WriteOdd(ofstream &of); // odd halfwords
void WriteEven(ofstream &of); // even halfwords
void WriteSRecord(ofstream &of); // SREC or S19 format
TInt LoadContents(char*& anAddr, TRomHeader* aHeader);
TInt BuildDependenceGraph();
TInt ResolveDllRefTables();
TInt ResolveImports();
TInt CreateExportDirectory();
char *WriteDirectory(char *aAddr, TRomHeader* aHeader);
TInt WriteHeadersToRom(char *anAddr);
TInt RequiredSize();
void SetCompressionInfo(TUint aCompressionType, TUint aCompressedSize, TUint aUncompressedSize);
void FinaliseSectionHeader();
void FinaliseExtensionHeader(MRomImage* aKernelRom);
void DisplayExtensionHeader();
void SetImageAddr(TAddressRange& aSet, TAny* aPtr, TUint32 aRunOffset=0);
void SetImageAddr(TAddressRange& aSet, TUint aAddr, TUint32 aRunOffset=0);
TInt CollapseImportThunks();
TInt CollapseImportThunks(TRomBuilderEntry* aFile);
TInt CollapseBranches();
TInt CollapseBranches(TRomBuilderEntry* aFile);
TUint32 FindFinalJumpDestination(TUint32 ja);
char* AllocateRelocationTable(char* aAddr, TReloc*& aRelocTable);
void FillInRelocationTable(TReloc* aRelocTable);
void LinkKernelExtensions(TRomBuilderEntry* aExtArray[], TInt aExtCount);
void FillInCrcs();
void ProcessDllData();
void CreatePageIndex(char*& aAddr);
TInt CompressPages();
TInt CompressPage(SRomPageInfo& aPageInfo, TInt aOutOffset, CBytePair * aBPE);
// dependence graph
void UnmarkGraph(TInt aMark=0xffffffff);
void FindMarked(TInt aMarkMask, TInt aMark, TRomFile**& aList);
TInt ProcessDependencies();
void ListRouteTo(TRomFile* aStart, TRomFile* aDest, TInt aNDeps);
void SetSmpFlags();
// Check if the unpaged memory size overflows. For page enabled ROM only.
TInt CheckUnpagedMemSize();
// Initialize the page info prior to compression
TInt SetupPages();
Memmap *iImageMap;
char* iData;
TInt iSize;
TRomLoaderHeader *iLoaderHeader;
TRomHeader *iHeader;
TExtensionRomHeader *iExtensionRomHeader; // NULL if not extension ROM
CObeyFile *iObey;
char *iSectionPtr;
TInt iSizeUsed;
TInt iUncompressedSize;
TInt iOverhead;
TInt iDirectorySize;
TInt iImportsFixedUp;
TInt iBranchesFixedUp;
TInt iVtableEntriesFixedUp;
TUint32 iNextDataChunkBase;
TUint32 iTotalSvDataSize;
TUint32 iNextDllDataAddr;
char* iPrevPrimaryAddress;
char* iPrevVariantAddress;
COrderedFileList** iVariantFileLists;
TRomBuilderEntry** iPeFiles;