revert the change to rofsbuild image format, but add checking codes to prevent address overflow
Product Build Variants
In order to create a build variant two files are required. A "Product Variant" HRH file
containing the variant-specific macros. And a configuration file (variant.cfg) that points
to it.
1. The Product Variant (.HRH) File
This file contains the macros to be defined for this product variant as #define statements.
#define EKA2
#define NEW_CRYPTO
#undef DONT_USE_ME
This file is a C++ header file, so comments are allowed.
The product variant can go anywhere on the same drive as the epoc32 directory.
Suggested location is somewhere under %EPOCROOT%\epoc32.
2. The Configuration File (variant.cfg)
The variant.cfg file must be called
The variant folder doesn't exist by default and has to be created manually.
This file should contain the name and path of the product variant (.HRH) file.
The file can be specified as
a) a path relative to %EPOCROOT%
b) an absolute path
A path starting with "\EPOC32" will be adjusted for EPOCROOT.
Perl-type comments (#) are allowed.