author Alex Gilkes <>
Wed, 28 Oct 2009 14:39:48 +0000
changeset 1 be27ed110b50
permissions -rw-r--r--
Bringing in Helium, imaker and cmaker

% howto.cls for Sphinx

\ProvidesClass{howto}[2008/10/18 Document class (Sphinx HOWTO)]

% Pass all given class options to the parent class.

% Set some sane defaults for section numbering depth and TOC depth.  You can
% reset these counters in your preamble.

% Change the title page to look a bit better, and fit in with the fncychap
% ``Bjarne'' style a bit better.
    % This \def is required to deal with multi-line authors; it
    % changes \\ to ', ' (comma-space), making it pass muster for
    % generating document info in the PDF file.
    \def\\{, }
      /Author (\@author)
      /Title (\@title)
    {\rm\Huge\py@HeaderFamily \@title} \par
    {\em\large\py@HeaderFamily \py@release\releaseinfo} \par
    {\Large\py@HeaderFamily \@author} \par
    \@date \par
    \py@authoraddress \par

    \parskip = 0mm

  \pagestyle{normal}}		% start this way; change for
\pagenumbering{arabic}		% ToC & chapters
