author Daniel Jacobs <>
Mon, 10 May 2010 10:18:26 +0100
changeset 526 bf8ad270b306
parent 0 044383f39525
permissions -rw-r--r--
Application of review comments for fix to SF Bug 2605 - [Raptor] ROMFILE creation using Raptor is not clean.

   1              	@ DLL Stub routines
   2              	@
   3              	@ Compile with "gcc -c -Wa,-adhln stubs.s"
   4              	@
   5              	.text
   6              		.code 32
   7              		.globl  arm4_stub
   8              	arm4_stub:
   9 0000 00C09FE5 		ldr     ip, [pc]
  10 0004 00F09CE5 		ldr     pc, [ip]
  11 0008 44332211 		.word   0x11223344  @ address in IAT/edata
  13              		.code 32
  14              		.globl  armi_stub
  15              	armi_stub:
  16 000c 04C09FE5 		ldr     ip, [pc, #4]
  17 0010 00F09CE5 		ldr     pc, [ip]
  18 0014 1CFF2FE1 		bx      ip
  19 0018 44332211 		.word   0x11223344  @ address in IAT/edata
  21              		.code 16
  22              		.globl  thumb_stub
  23              	thumb_stub:
  24 001c 40B4     		push    {r6}
  25 001e 024E     		ldr     r6, [pc, #8]
  26 0020 3668     		ldr     r6, [r6]
  27 0022 B446     		mov     ip, r6
  28 0024 40BC     		pop     {r6}
  29 0026 6047     		bx      ip
  30 0028 44332211 		.word   0x11223344	@ address in IAT/edata
  32              		.code 16
  33              		.globl  thumb_r3unused_stub
  34              	thumb_r3unused_stub:
  35 002c 014B     		ldr     r3, [pc, #4]
  36 002e 1B68     		ldr     r3, [r3]
  37 0030 1847     		bx      r3
  38 0032 C046     		nop
  39 0034 44332211 		.word   0x11223344	@ address in IAT/edata
  42              	@ In-place rewrites if destination address
  43              	@ is fixed
  44              	@
  45              		.code 32
  46              		.globl  fast_armi_stub
  47              	fast_armi_stub:
  48 0038 04C09FE5 		ldr     ip, [pc, #4]
  49 003c 1CFF2FE1 		bx      ip
  50 0040 00000000 		.word   0           @ nop
  51 0044 53525150 		.word   0x50515253  @ destination address
  53              		.code 16
  54              		.globl  fast_thumb_stub
  55              	fast_thumb_stub:
  56 0048 40B4     		push    {r6}
  57 004a 024E     		ldr     r6, [pc, #8]
  58 004c B446     		mov     ip, r6
  59 004e 40BC     		pop     {r6}
  60 0050 6047     		bx      ip
  61 0052 C046     		nop
  62 0054 53525150 		.word   0x50515253  @ destination address
  64              		.code 16
  65              		.globl  fast_thumb_r3unused_stub
  66              	fast_thumb_r3unused_stub:
  67 0058 014B     		ldr     r3, [pc, #4]
  68 005a 1847     		bx      r3
  69 005c C046     		nop
  70 005e C046     		nop
  71 0060 53525150 		.word   0x50515253  @ destination address