Mon, 10 May 2010 13:31:44 +0100
changeset 539 cbc9d85d999d
parent 1 be27ed110b50
permissions -rw-r--r--
fix a resource copy problem (not copying when multiple copies required) that showed up in the tests.

digraph G {

"IBY list" -> "'s"
"'s" -> "Build roms"
"Per product" -> "Build roms"
"Per product" -> "sysdef test layers"
"sysdef test layers" -> "components pkg"  [label="Exclude any exclude.test.layers"]
"components pkg" -> "Generate install_steps"
"components pkg" -> "Generate execute_steps"
"Generate install_steps" -> "test.xml"
"Generate execute_steps" -> "test.xml"
"Build roms" -> "rom images"
"rom images" -> "ATSDrop zip"
"test.xml" -> "ATSDrop zip"
"ATSDrop zip"-> "network drive"
"network drive" -> "ats server"
"ats server" -> "Per test set (per component and or pkg)"
"Per test set (per component and or pkg)" -> "flash images"
"Per test set (per component and or pkg)" -> "install files"
"Per test set (per component and or pkg)" -> "execute tests"
"ats server" -> "send results to diamonds"

subgraph "cluster1" {color=yellow;style=filled;label="per sysdef component or module"; "components pkg"; "Generate install_steps"; "Generate execute_steps"; "test.xml"; "ATSDrop zip"; "rom images"}

subgraph "cluster2" {color=yellow;style=filled;label="ATS server runs each test set in parallel to protos"; "flash images"; "install files"; "execute tests"}