fix: depcrunch was using re.match where re.findall was what was wanted. Add a test.
* Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description:
#include <e32std.h>
#include <e32std_private.h>
#include <e32uid.h>
#include <f32file.h>
#include "h_utl.h"
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include "r_obey.h"
#include "r_rofs.h"
#include "r_coreimage.h"
#include "memmap.h"
extern TInt gLogLevel;
extern TBool gLowMem;
extern TBool gFastCompress;
extern TInt gThreadNum;
inline TUint32 AlignData(TUint32 anAddr)
return ((anAddr+0x0f)&~0x0f);
E32Rofs::E32Rofs(CObeyFile *aObey)
// Constructor
: iObey( aObey ), iOverhead(0)
iImageMap = new Memmap();
if(iImageMap == NULL)
iSize = 0;
Print(EError, "Out of memory.\n");
if(iImageMap->CreateMemoryMap(0, 0xff) == EFalse)
iSize = 0;
Print(EError, "Failed to create image map object");
delete iImageMap;
iImageMap = NULL;
iData = iImageMap->GetMemoryMapPointer();
iData=new char [iSize];
if (iData==NULL)
HMem::Set(iData, 0xff, iSize);
// Destructor
delete iImageMap;
delete iData;
TInt E32Rofs::CreateExtension(MRofsImage* aImage)
TUint8* addr=(TUint8*)iData;
TRomNode* pRootDir = aImage->RootDirectory();
const TInt extensionRofsheaderSize = KExtensionRofsHeaderSize;
// aImage->iSize contains the max size of the core image
// Layout the directory structure. Does not actually write it
// to the image. Returns the number of bytes used for the directory
// structure within the image.
TInt directoryOffset = extensionRofsheaderSize;
const TInt directorySize = LayoutDirectory( pRootDir, aImage->Size()+directoryOffset );
if( directorySize <= 0 )
Print(EError, "Failed laying out directories - return code %d\n", directorySize);
return KErrGeneral;
// get offset to start of file data, rounded up to next word boundary
TInt offs = extensionRofsheaderSize + directorySize;
const TInt fileDataStartOffset = offs + ( (4 - offs) & 3);
// Now we traverse the list of entries placing each file
// This updates the directory entries to point to the correct offset
// to the start of the file
const TInt fileDataSize = PlaceFiles( pRootDir, addr + fileDataStartOffset, fileDataStartOffset + aImage->Size(), aImage->Size());
if( fileDataSize <= 0 )
Print(EError, "Failed placing files - return code %d\n", fileDataSize);
return KErrGeneral;
// and then put the directory into the image
TInt err = PlaceDirectory( pRootDir, addr - aImage->Size() ); // offset pointer by size of core image
if( err != KErrNone )
Print(EError, "Failed placing directory - return code %d\n", err);
return err;
directoryOffset+=aImage->Size(); // offset offset by size of core image
// Now write the header
TExtensionRofsHeader * pHeader = (TExtensionRofsHeader*)iData;
pHeader->iIdentifier[0] = 'R';
pHeader->iIdentifier[1] = 'O';
pHeader->iIdentifier[2] = 'F';
pHeader->iIdentifier[3] = 'x';
pHeader->iHeaderSize = KExtensionRofsHeaderSize;
pHeader->iDirTreeOffset = directoryOffset;
pHeader->iDirTreeSize = iTotalDirectoryBlockSize;
pHeader->iDirFileEntriesOffset = directoryOffset + iTotalDirectoryBlockSize;
pHeader->iDirFileEntriesSize = iTotalFileBlockSize;
pHeader->iRofsFormatVersion = KRofsFormatVersion;
pHeader->iTime = iObey->iTime;
iSizeUsed = fileDataSize + fileDataStartOffset;
pHeader->iImageSize = iSizeUsed;
if (iObey->AutoSize())
MakeAutomaticSize(iObey->AutoPageSize()); // change iSize to nearest page size
pHeader->iMaxImageSize = iSize;
pHeader->iCheckSum = 0; // not used yet
return KErrNone;
void E32Rofs::MakeAutomaticSize(TUint32 aPageSize)
TUint32 size = iSizeUsed;
if (iSizeUsed % aPageSize > 0)
//used size needs to be rounded up to nearest page size
size = (iSizeUsed/aPageSize + 1)*aPageSize;
iSize = size;
TInt E32Rofs::Create()
// This is the main entry point to the ROFS image creation
TUint8* addr=(TUint8*)iData;
TRomNode* pRootDir = iObey->iRootDirectory;
const TInt headerSize = KRofsHeaderSize;
// Layout the directory structure. Does not actually write it
// to the image. Returns the number of bytes used for the directory
// structure within the image.
const TInt directoryOffset = headerSize;
const TInt directorySize = LayoutDirectory( pRootDir, directoryOffset );
if( directorySize <= 0 )
Print(EError, "Failed laying out directories - return code %d\n", directorySize);
return KErrGeneral;
// get offset to start of file data, rounded up to next word boundary
TInt offs = headerSize + directorySize;
const TInt fileDataStartOffset = offs + ( (4 - offs) & 3);
// Now we traverse the list of entries placing each file
// This updates the directory entries to point to the correct offset
// to the start of the file
const TInt fileDataSize = PlaceFiles( pRootDir, addr + fileDataStartOffset, fileDataStartOffset );
if( fileDataSize < 0 )
Print(EError, "Failed placing files - return code %d\n", fileDataSize);
return KErrGeneral;
// and then put the directory into the image
TInt err = PlaceDirectory( pRootDir, addr );
if( err != KErrNone )
Print(EError, "Failed placing directory - return code %d\n", err);
return err;
// Now write the header
TRofsHeader* pHeader = (TRofsHeader*)iData;
pHeader->iIdentifier[0] = 'R';
pHeader->iIdentifier[1] = 'O';
pHeader->iIdentifier[2] = 'F';
pHeader->iIdentifier[3] = 'S';
pHeader->iHeaderSize = KExtensionRofsHeaderSize;
pHeader->iDirTreeOffset = directoryOffset;
pHeader->iDirTreeSize = iTotalDirectoryBlockSize;
pHeader->iDirFileEntriesOffset = directoryOffset + iTotalDirectoryBlockSize;
pHeader->iDirFileEntriesSize = iTotalFileBlockSize;
pHeader->iRofsFormatVersion = KRofsFormatVersion;
pHeader->iTime = iObey->iTime;
iSizeUsed = fileDataSize + fileDataStartOffset;
pHeader->iImageSize = iSizeUsed;
pHeader->iImageVersion = iObey->iVersion;
if (iObey->AutoSize())
MakeAutomaticSize(iObey->AutoPageSize()); // change iSize to nearest page size
pHeader->iMaxImageSize = iSize;
pHeader->iCheckSum = 0; // not used yet
return KErrNone;
void E32Rofs::DisplaySizes(TPrintType aWhere)
Print(aWhere, "Summary of file sizes in rofs:\n");
TRomBuilderEntry *file=iObey->FirstFile();
Print( aWhere, "Directory block size: %d\n"
"File block size: %d\n"
"Total directory size: %d\n"
"Total image size: %d\n",
iTotalDirectoryBlockSize + iTotalFileBlockSize,
iSizeUsed );
void E32Rofs::LogExecutableAttributes(E32ImageHeaderV *aHdr)
Print(ELog, "Uids: %08x %08x %08x %08x\n", aHdr->iUid1, aHdr->iUid2, aHdr->iUid3, aHdr->iUidChecksum);
Print(ELog, "Data size: %08x\n", aHdr->iDataSize);
Print(ELog, "Heap min: %08x\n", aHdr->iHeapSizeMin);
Print(ELog, "Heap max: %08x\n", aHdr->iHeapSizeMax);
Print(ELog, "Stack size: %08x\n", aHdr->iStackSize);
Print(ELog, "Secure ID: %08x\n", aHdr->iS.iSecureId);
Print(ELog, "Vendor ID: %08x\n", aHdr->iS.iVendorId);
Print(ELog, "Priority: %d\n\n", aHdr->iProcessPriority);
class Worker : public boost::thread {
static void thrd_func(E32Rofs* rofs){
CBytePair bpe(gFastCompress);
bool deferred = false;
TPlacingSection* p = rofs->GetFileNode(deferred);
while(p) {
p->len = p->node->PlaceFile(p->buf, (TUint32)-1, 0, &bpe);
p = rofs->GetFileNode(deferred);
p = rofs->GetDeferredJob();
while(p) {
p->len = p->node->PlaceFile(p->buf, (TUint32)-1, 0, &bpe);
p = rofs->GetDeferredJob();
Worker(E32Rofs* rofs) : boost::thread(thrd_func,rofs) {
TPlacingSection* E32Rofs::GetFileNode(bool &aDeferred) {
//get a node from the node list, the node list is protected by mutex iMuxTree.
//The iMuxTree also helps to make sure the order in iVPS is consistent with the node list.
//And this is the guarantee of same outputs regardless of how many threads being used.
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(iMuxTree);
aDeferred = false;
TRomNode* node = iLastNode;
while(node) {
if( node->IsFile()) {
if(!node->iHidden) {
iLastNode = node->NextNode();
node = node->NextNode();
if(node && node->IsFile() && !node->iHidden) {
TPlacingSection* pps = new TPlacingSection(node);
if(node->iAlias) {
aDeferred = true;
return pps;
return NULL;
TPlacingSection* E32Rofs::GetDeferredJob() {
// waiting all the normal node have been placed.
while(iWorkerArrived < gThreadNum)
// now we can safely handle the alias nodes.
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(iMuxTree);
TPlacingSection* p = NULL;
if(!iQueueAliasNode.empty()) {
p = iQueueAliasNode.front();
return p;
void E32Rofs::ArriveDeferPoint() {
boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(iMuxTree);
TInt E32Rofs::PlaceFiles( TRomNode* /*aRootDir*/, TUint8* aDestBase, TUint aBaseOffset, TInt aCoreSize )
// Traverses all entries placing all files and updating directory entry pointers.
// Returns number of bytes placed or -ve error code.
iLastNode = TRomNode::FirstNode();
iWorkerArrived = 0;
boost::thread_group thrds;
Worker** workers = new Worker*[gThreadNum];
int i;
for (i = 0; i < gThreadNum; ++i) {
workers[i] = new Worker(this);
delete [] workers;
TUint offset = aBaseOffset;
TUint8* dest = aDestBase;
TBool aIgnoreHiddenAttrib = ETrue;
TInt len = iVPS.size();
TInt maxSize;
for(i=0;i<len;i++) {
maxSize = aCoreSize + iSize - offset;
if(maxSize <= 0) {
// Image size is too low to proceed.
return maxSize;
if(iVPS[i]->node->iFileStartOffset != (TUint)KFileHidden) {
if(iVPS[i]->node->iEntry->iFileOffset == -1) {
iVPS[i]->node->iEntry->iFileOffset = offset;
iVPS[i]->node->iFileStartOffset = iVPS[i]->node->iEntry->iFileOffset;
else {
TRomBuilderEntry* aEntry = (TRomBuilderEntry*)(iVPS[i]->node->iFileStartOffset);
iVPS[i]->node->iFileStartOffset = aEntry->iFileOffset;
iVPS[i]->len += (4-iVPS[i]->len) & 3;// round up to next word boundary
dest += iVPS[i]->len;
offset += iVPS[i]->len;
if(gLogLevel > DEFAULT_LOG_LEVEL )
TRomNode* node = iVPS[i]->node;
TInt aLen = node->FullNameLength(aIgnoreHiddenAttrib);
char *aBuf = new char[aLen+1];
node->GetFullName(aBuf, aIgnoreHiddenAttrib);
Print(ELog,"%s\t%d\t%s\t%s\n", node->iEntry->iFileName, node->iEntry->RealFileSize(), (node->iHidden || node->iEntry->iHidden)? "hidden":"", aBuf);
Print(ELog,"%s\t%s\n", (node->iHidden || node->iEntry->iHidden) ? "hidden":"", aBuf);
if(!node->iHidden && !node->iEntry->iHidden)
Print(ELog, "Device file name: %s\n", aBuf);
delete[] aBuf;
return offset - aBaseOffset; // number of bytes used
TInt E32Rofs::LayoutDirectory( TRomNode* /*aRootDir*/, TUint aBaseOffset )
// Creates the directory layout but does not write it to the image.
// All directories are given a location in the image.
// Returns the total number of bytes used for the directory (rounded
// up to the nearest word) or a -ve error code.
TRomNode* node = TRomNode::FirstNode();
TUint offset = aBaseOffset;
while( node )
if( node->IsDirectory())
// it is a directory block so we have to give it a location
node->SetImagePosition( offset );
// work out how much space it requires for the directory block
TInt dirLen;
TInt fileLen;
TInt err = node->CalculateDirectoryEntrySize( dirLen, fileLen );
if( err != KErrNone )
return err;
Print( ELog, "Directory '%s' @offs=0x%x, size=%d\n", node->iName, offset, dirLen );
dirLen += (4-dirLen) & 3; // round up to next word boundary
offset += dirLen;
node = node->NextNode();
TInt totalDirectoryBlockSize = offset - aBaseOffset; // number of bytes used
totalDirectoryBlockSize += (4 - totalDirectoryBlockSize) & 3; // round up
// Now go round again placing the file blocks
offset = aBaseOffset + totalDirectoryBlockSize;
const TUint fileBlockStartOffset = offset;
node = TRomNode::FirstNode();
while( node )
if( node->IsDirectory() )
// work out how much space it requires for the file block
TInt dummy;
TInt fileLen;
TInt err = node->CalculateDirectoryEntrySize( dummy, fileLen );
if( err != KErrNone )
return fileLen;
if( fileLen )
node->SetFileBlockPosition( offset );
Print( ELog, "File block for dir '%s' @offs=0x%x, size=%d\n", node->iName, offset, fileLen );
fileLen += (4-fileLen) & 3; // round up to next word boundary
offset += fileLen;
node = node->NextNode();
TInt totalFileBlockSize = offset - fileBlockStartOffset; // number of bytes used
totalFileBlockSize += (4 - totalFileBlockSize) & 3; // round up
iTotalDirectoryBlockSize = totalDirectoryBlockSize;
iTotalFileBlockSize = totalFileBlockSize;
return totalDirectoryBlockSize + totalFileBlockSize;
TInt E32Rofs::PlaceDirectory( TRomNode* /*aRootDir*/, TUint8* aDestBase )
// Writes the directory into the image.
// Returns KErrNone on success, or error code
TRomNode* node = TRomNode::FirstNode();
while( node )
if( node->IsDirectory() )
TInt err = node->Place( aDestBase );
if( err != KErrNone )
return err;
node = node->NextNode();
return KErrNone;
TInt E32Rofs::WriteImage( TInt aHeaderType )
ofstream romFile((const char *)iObey->iRomFileName,ios::binary);
if (!romFile)
return Print(EError,"Cannot open ROM file %s for output\n",iObey->iRomFileName);
Write(romFile, aHeaderType);
return KErrNone;
TRomNode* E32Rofs::CopyDirectory(TRomNode*& aLastExecutable)
return iObey->iRootDirectory->CopyDirectory(aLastExecutable);
void E32Rofs::Write(ofstream &os, TInt aHeaderType)
// Output a rom image
switch (aHeaderType)
case 0:
Print(EAlways, "\nWriting Rom image without");
case 2:
Print(EAlways, "\nWriting Rom image with PE-COFF");
unsigned char coffhead[0x58] = {0}; // zero all the elements
// fill in the constant bits
// this is supposed to be simple, remember
coffhead[1] = 0x0a;
coffhead[2] = 0x01;
coffhead[0x10] = 0x1c;
coffhead[0x12] = 0x0f;
coffhead[0x13] = 0xa1;
coffhead[0x14] = 0x0b;
coffhead[0x15] = 0x01;
coffhead[0x26] = 0x40;
coffhead[0x2a] = 0x40;
coffhead[0x30] = 0x2e;
coffhead[0x31] = 0x74;
coffhead[0x32] = 0x65;
coffhead[0x33] = 0x78;
coffhead[0x34] = 0x74;
coffhead[0x3a] = 0x40;
coffhead[0x3e] = 0x40;
coffhead[0x44] = 0x58;
coffhead[0x54] = 0x20;
// now fill in the text segment size
*(TUint32 *) (&coffhead[0x18]) = ALIGN4K(iSizeUsed);
*(TUint32 *) (&coffhead[0x40]) = ALIGN4K(iSizeUsed);
os.write(reinterpret_cast<char *>(coffhead), sizeof(coffhead));
Print(EAlways, " header to file %s\n", iObey->iRomFileName);
os.write( iData, iSizeUsed );
TRomNode* E32Rofs::RootDirectory()
return iObey->iRootDirectory;
void E32Rofs::SetRootDirectory(TRomNode* aDir)
iObey->iRootDirectory = aDir;
TText* E32Rofs::RomFileName()
return iObey->iRomFileName;
TInt E32Rofs::Size()
return iSize;