author wbernard
Wed, 23 Dec 2009 19:29:07 +0200
changeset 179 d8ac696cc51f
permissions -rw-r--r--

.. This data file has been placed in the public domain.
.. Derived from the Unicode character mappings available from
   Processed by, part of Docutils:

.. |Copf| unicode:: U+02102 .. DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL C
.. |Hopf| unicode:: U+0210D .. DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL H
.. |Nopf| unicode:: U+02115 .. DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL N
.. |Popf| unicode:: U+02119 .. DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL P
.. |Qopf| unicode:: U+0211A .. DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Q
.. |Ropf| unicode:: U+0211D .. DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL R
.. |Zopf| unicode:: U+02124 .. DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Z