Fix these errors:
Some cases of PREQ1230 fail because of buildrom issue
rombuild crashs when create ext-romimage
readimage crashes on reading wk42 vasco_ui core image
vc2008 compiling issues
# Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
#! perl
# Read a Schedule12 file and check the system_model items
# against a supplied System_Definition.xml
use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib ".";
use lib "./lib";
use lib "$FindBin::Bin";
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib";
use XML::DOM;
use XML::DOM::ValParser;
# produces the "Use of uninitialized value in concatenation (.) or string" warning
use XML::XQL;
use XML::XQL::DOM;
# Read the command line to get the filenames
sub Usage($)
my ($reason) = @_;
print "Usage: $reason\n" if ($reason);
print <<USAGE_EOF;
Usage: <params> [options]
-s <schedule12> XML version of Schedule 12
-m <system_model> XML version of System Model
-o <whats_left> XML file showing unreferenced
parts of the System Model
-r Remove matched objects from -o output
-c <cbr_mapping> Tab separated file showing the Schedule 12
component for each MRP file
use Getopt::Long;
my $schedule12file = "Symbian_OS_v9.1_Schedule12.xml";
my $systemmodelfile = "System_Definition.xml";
my $whatsleftfile = "";
my $remove = 0;
my $cbrmappingfile = "";
Usage("Bad arguments") unless GetOptions(
's=s' => \$schedule12file,
'm=s' => \$systemmodelfile,
'o=s' => \$whatsleftfile,
'r' => \$remove,
'c=s' => \$cbrmappingfile);
Usage("Too many arguments") if (scalar @ARGV > 0);
Usage("Cannot find $schedule12file") if (!-f $schedule12file);
Usage("Cannot find $systemmodelfile") if (!-f $systemmodelfile);
# Don't print info messages
sub my_fail
my $code = shift;
if ($code < 300)
XML::Checker::print_error ($code, @_);
$XML::Checker::FAIL = \&my_fail;
# Load the XML documents
my %expat_options =
KeepCDATA => 1,
Handlers => [],
my $xmlParser = new XML::DOM::ValParser(%expat_options);
my $sch12path = ".";
my $modelpath = ".";
$sch12path = $1 if ($schedule12file =~ /^(.+)\\[^\\]+$/);
$modelpath = $1 if ($systemmodelfile =~ /^(.+)\\[^\\]+$/);
$xmlParser->set_sgml_search_path($sch12path, $modelpath);
my $modelXML = $xmlParser->parsefile ($systemmodelfile);
my $sch12XML = $xmlParser->parsefile ($schedule12file);
# Collect the Schedule12 entries, checking for duplicates
my %sch12refs;
my %componenttype;
my ($sch12) = $sch12XML->getElementsByTagName("Schedule12");
Usage("No <Schedule12> in $schedule12file ?") if (!defined $sch12);
my @children = $sch12->getChildNodes;
foreach my $child (@children)
next if ($child->getNodeTypeName ne "ELEMENT_NODE");
my $tagname = $child->getTagName;
next if ($tagname eq "footnote");
my $component = $child->getAttribute("name");
$componenttype{$component} = $tagname;
my @entries = $child->getElementsByTagName("system_model");
if (scalar @entries == 0)
print STDERR "No system_model entries in $component\n";
foreach my $entry (@entries)
my $name = $entry->getAttribute("entry");
if (defined $sch12refs{$name})
print STDERR "$name occurs in $sch12refs{$name} and $component\n";
$sch12refs{$name} = $component;
# Find the Schedule12 entries in the XML file
my %modelnames;
sub match_names($); # declare the prototype for recursive call
sub match_names($)
my ($node) = @_;
my @children = $node->getChildNodes;
foreach my $child (@children)
if ($child->getNodeTypeName ne "ELEMENT_NODE")
# text and comments don't count
my $tagname = $child->getTagName;
if ($tagname eq "unit")
# units are detail inside the model, so they don't count
my $name = $child->getAttribute("name");
if ($name)
if (defined $modelnames{$name})
print STDERR "Name $name occurs more than once in the System Model\n";
$modelnames{$name} = $tagname;
if (defined $sch12refs{$name})
$child->setAttribute("MATCHED", $sch12refs{$name});
$modelnames{$name} = "1";
my ($model) = $modelXML->getElementsByTagName("systemModel");
# Report on the accuracy of Schedule 12
print STDERR "\n";
my @allnames = ();
my $unmatched = 0;
foreach my $name (sort keys %sch12refs)
next if (defined $modelnames{$name});
push @allnames, "$name\t(Sch12 $sch12refs{$name})\n";
print STDERR "No match for $name (associated with $sch12refs{$name})\n";
$unmatched += 1;
if ($unmatched == 0)
print STDERR "All Schedule 12 entries matched in System Model\n";
printf STDERR "%d Schedule 12 entry references not matched (from a total of %d)\n", $unmatched, scalar keys %sch12refs;
# Remove the matched elements to leave the unmatched parts,
# and accumulate the MRP files for each Sch12 component
my %sch12bymrp;
my %locationbymrp;
sub list_mrps($$$); # declare the prototype for recursive call
sub list_mrps($$$)
my ($node,$location,$sch12name) = @_;
my @children = $node->getChildNodes;
my $nodename = $node->getAttribute("name");
my $sublocation = $nodename;
$sublocation = "$location/$nodename" if ($location ne "");
foreach my $child (@children)
if ($child->getNodeTypeName ne "ELEMENT_NODE")
# text and comments don't count
my $tagname = $child->getTagName;
if ($tagname eq "unit" || $tagname eq "package" || $tagname eq "prebuilt")
# these elements have the mrp information, but no substructure
my $mrp = $child->getAttribute("mrp");
$mrp = $1 if ($mrp =~ /\\([^\\]+)\.mrp$/i);
$sch12bymrp{$mrp} = $sch12name;
$locationbymrp{$mrp} = "$location\t$nodename";
my $submatch = $child->getAttribute("MATCHED");
if ($submatch)
sub delete_matched($$); # declare the prototype for recursive call
sub delete_matched($$)
my ($node, $location) = @_;
my $nodename = $node->getAttribute("name");
my $sublocation = $nodename;
$sublocation = "$location/$nodename" if ($location ne "");
my @children = $node->getChildNodes;
return 0 if (scalar @children == 0);
my $now_empty = 1;
foreach my $child (@children)
if ($child->getNodeTypeName ne "ELEMENT_NODE")
# text and comments don't count
my $sch12name = $child->getAttribute("MATCHED");
if ($sch12name)
list_mrps($child, $sublocation, $sch12name);
$node->removeChild($child) if ($remove);
if (delete_matched($child,$sublocation) == 1)
# Child was empty and can be removed
$node->removeChild($child) if ($remove);
list_mrps($child, $sublocation, "*UNREFERENCED*");
$now_empty = 0; # something left in due to this child
return $now_empty;
# scan the tagged model, recording various details as a side-effect
my $allgone = delete_matched($model,"");
if ($whatsleftfile ne "")
if ($allgone)
print STDERR "System Model is completely covered by Schedule 12\n";
print STDERR "Remains of System Model written to $whatsleftfile\n";
if ($cbrmappingfile ne "")
$componenttype{"*UNREFERENCED*"} = "??";
open CBRMAP, ">$cbrmappingfile" or die("Unable to write to $cbrmappingfile: $!\n");
foreach my $mrp (sort keys %sch12bymrp)
my $component = $sch12bymrp{$mrp};
my $comptype = $componenttype{$component};
my $location = $locationbymrp{$mrp};
print CBRMAP "$mrp\t$location\t$component\t$comptype\n";
close CBRMAP;
print STDERR "MRP -> Schedule 12 mapping written to $cbrmappingfile\n";
exit 0;