fix ou1cimx1#651819 rofsbiuld fails to generate correct log info when using multi-thread
# Copyright (c) 1996-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description:
# Produces symbolic information given a ROM image
require 5.003_07;
no strict 'vars';
use English;
use FindBin; # for FindBin::Bin
use File::Copy;
# Version
my $MajorVersion = 1;
my $MinorVersion = 1;
my $PatchVersion = 0;
# Globals
my $maksym = "";
my $rombuild;
my $debug = 0;
exit 0;
sub CompareAddrs()
return -1 if ($a < $b);
return 1 if ($a > $b);
return 0;
# main
sub main()
my $symbolfile = $rombuild;
$symbolfile =~ s/\.log$/\.symbol/i;
my @cmdres = `rombuild -loginput=$rombuild`;
print "@cmdres\n";
if(($maksym ne "") && ($maksym ne $symbolfile))
copy($symbolfile, $maksym);
unlink $symbolfile;
# args - get command line args
sub args
my $arg;
my @args;
my $flag;
&help if (!@ARGV);
while (@ARGV) {
$arg = shift @ARGV;
if ($arg=~/^[\-](\S*)$/) {
if ($flag=~/^[\?h]$/i) {
} elsif ($flag=~/^d$/i) {
$debug = 1;
} else {
print "\nERROR: Unknown flag \"-$flag\"\n";
exit 1;
} else {
push @args,$arg;
if (@args) {
$rombuild = shift @args;
if (@args) {
$maksym = shift @args;
if (@args) {
print "\nERROR: Incorrect argument(s) \"@args\"\n";
exit 1;
sub help ()
my $build;
print "\nmaksym - Produce symbolic information given a ROM image V${MajorVersion}.${MinorVersion}.${PatchVersion}\n";
exit 0;
sub usage ()
print <<EOF
maksym <logfile> [<outfile>]
<logfile> Log file from rombuild tool.
<outfile> Output file. Defaults to imagename.symbol.
exit 0;