author raptorbot <raptorbot@systemstesthead.symbian.intra>
Fri, 18 Dec 2009 19:57:42 +0000
changeset 117 ecf683438dc6
parent 0 044383f39525
permissions -rw-r--r--
Don't mess around with EPOCROOT until actually entering raptor so we know what the original was Put the original epocroot back on the front of the whatcomp output. This allows what output to be either relative or absolute depending on what your epocroot is.

* Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 

#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <elfdefs.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>

#if defined(__MSVCDOTNET__) || defined(__TOOLS2__)
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
#else //(!__MSVCDOTNET__ && !__TOOLS2__) 
#include <iostream.h>
#include <iomanip.h>
#endif //__MSVCDOTNET__

#define ADDR(rtype, p, o) (rtype *)(((char *)p) + o)

bool ignoreSomeSections;

void hexdump(unsigned char* data, int aSize, int offset)
	//  print hex dump of relevant sections
	int i=0;
	int p=0;
	while (i<aSize)	
		int count=0;
		if(p==0){printf("\t%06x   ",offset);} // offset into section
		while (i<aSize && count<4)
			printf("%02X", *data);		// print 4 lots of %08x for the data expresed as 32-bit word 

		printf("  ");
		if (p==4)
			for (int i=0;i<16;i++)			//print 16 bytes of memory interpreted 
				{							//as ASCII characters with all non-printing 
				if (*data>32 && *data <127)	//characters converted to dots
			printf(" \n "); 
		printf(" \n\n "); 	   	

void print_directive(unsigned char* data, int size)
	// print formatted text of directive section
	printf ("\t");

	for (int i=0; i<size; i++)
		if ((char)data[i]>31 && (char)data[i]<127)
			printf ("%c", (char)data[i]);

		if ((char)data[i]=='\n')
			printf ("\n\t");

	printf ("\n");

void print_reloc(Elf32_Ehdr* eh, Elf32_Sym* symT, unsigned char* strtab)
	// print relocation section
	Elf32_Shdr* shdr = ADDR(Elf32_Shdr, eh, eh->e_shoff);
	for (int j=0;j< eh->e_shnum;j++)
		char* sname = ADDR(char, eh, shdr[eh->e_shstrndx].sh_offset);
		if ( (shdr[j].sh_type==9) && 
		     ( (!ignoreSomeSections) || 
		       (strncmp(".rel.debug_", &sname[shdr[j].sh_name], 11))
			unsigned char* data = ADDR(unsigned char, eh, shdr[j].sh_offset);
			int noOfReloc=shdr[j].sh_size / shdr[j].sh_entsize;
			printf("\n\n\n\t\t\t%s\n", &sname[shdr[j].sh_name]);
			Elf32_Rel* rl=(Elf32_Rel*)data;				// pointer to relocation section	
			for (int i=0;i<noOfReloc;i++)
				unsigned char* symbolName = strtab;		// pointer to firest element of string											// table which holds symbol names
				Elf32_Sym*  sym = symT;					// pointer to symbol table
				int symTIndx= ELF32_R_SYM(rl->r_info);		// symbol Tableindex
				symbolName=symbolName+sym->st_name;		// index into string table section 
															// with symbol names
				printf("\t0x%08x \t", rl->r_offset);		// prints offset into relocation section
				printf("%d", symTIndx);					// symbol table index
				printf("\t%s\n",symbolName);				// symbol name

void print_GlSymbols(Elf32_Ehdr* eh, Elf32_Sym* symT, unsigned char* strtab)
	// print global symbols from Symbol Table
	Elf32_Shdr* shdr = ADDR(Elf32_Shdr, eh, eh->e_shoff);
	char* sname = ADDR(char, eh, shdr[eh->e_shstrndx].sh_offset);
	for (int i=0;i< eh->e_shnum;i++)
		if (!strcmp(".symtab", &sname[shdr[i].sh_name]))
		  	int noOfSym=shdr[i].sh_size / shdr[i].sh_entsize; 	// number of symbols
		  	const char *symName =(const char *)strtab;
		  	int count = 1;										
		  	printf("Global symbols:\n");
		  	for (int l=0;l< noOfSym ;l++)
				if( ELF32_ST_BIND(symT->st_info) == 1)			// searching for global symbols
			  		symName = symName + symT->st_name;			// index into string table section 
			 		printf("%d	",count);
			  		symName = symName - symT->st_name;			// back to pointing to first byte of string table
void print_elf_header(Elf32_Ehdr* eh)
	// print elf header
	if (eh->e_version==1)
		printf("\tHeader version: EV_CURRENT (Current version)\n");
		printf("\tInvalid version: EV_NONE (Invalid version)\n");

	if (eh->e_type==0)
		printf("\tFile Type: ET_NONE (No file type) (0)\n");
	else if (eh->e_type==1)
			printf("\tFile Type: ET_REL (Relocatable object) (1)\n");
	else if (eh->e_type==2)
			printf("\tFile Type: ET_EXEC (Executable file) (2)\n"); 
	else if (eh->e_type==3)
			printf("\tFile Type: ET_DYN (Shared object file) (3)\n"); 
	else if (eh->e_type==4)
			printf("\tFile Type: ET_CORE (Core File) (4)\n"); 
	else if (eh->e_type==65280)
			printf("\tFile Type: ET_LOPROC (Precessor Specific) (ff00)\n");
			printf("\tFile Type: ET_HIPROC (Precessor Specific) (ffff)\n");
	if (eh->e_machine==40)
		printf("\tMachine: EM_ARM (ARM)\n");
		printf("\tERROR:\tUnexpected machine\n");

	printf("\tEntry offset (in SHF_ENTRYSECT section):0x%08x \n",eh->e_entry);
	printf("\tProgram header entries : %d\n",eh->e_phnum); 
	printf("\tSection header entries : %d\n",eh->e_shnum); 
	printf("\tProgram header offset  : %d",eh->e_phoff); 
	printf("  bytes (0x%08X",eh->e_phoff);
	printf("\tSection header offset  : %d",eh->e_shoff); 
	printf("  bytes (0x%08X",eh->e_shoff);

	printf("\tProgram header entry size  : %d",eh->e_phentsize); 
	printf("  bytes (0x%02X",eh->e_phentsize);
	printf("\tSection header entry size  : %d",eh->e_shentsize); 
	printf("  bytes (0x%02X",eh->e_shentsize);
	printf("\tSection header string table index: %d \n", eh->e_shstrndx);
	printf("\tHeader size: %d", eh->e_ehsize);
	printf("  bytes (0x%02X",eh->e_ehsize);

void print_sect_header(char* sname, Elf32_Shdr* shdr, int count)
	// print section header names
	static const char* KtypeName[]={"0","SHT_PROGBITS (1)","SHT_SYMTAB (2)","SHT_STRTAB (3)",
								  "SHT_RELA (4)","5",	"SHT_DINAMIC (6)","7","8","SHT_REL (9)",
								  "10","SHT_DINSYM (11)"};
	printf("\n\n\tName\t\t:%1s\n ",&sname[shdr[count].sh_name]);
	printf("\tType\t\t: %s\n",  KtypeName[shdr[count].sh_type]);
	printf("\tAddr\t\t: 0x%08X\n",shdr[count].sh_addr);
	printf("\tSize\t\t: %1d", shdr[count].sh_size);
	printf("  bytes (0x%X",shdr[count].sh_size);
	printf("\tEntry Size\t: %1d\n",shdr[count].sh_entsize);
	printf("\tAligment\t: %1d\n\n\n",shdr[count].sh_addralign);		 	

unsigned char* findSymbolStringT(Elf32_Ehdr* eh)
	//calculate and return pointer to the first byte of string table(the one with symbol names)
	Elf32_Shdr* shdr = ADDR(Elf32_Shdr, eh, eh->e_shoff);
	char* sname = ADDR(char, eh, shdr[eh->e_shstrndx].sh_offset);
	for (int i=0;i < eh->e_shnum; i++)
		if (!strcmp(".strtab", &sname[shdr[i].sh_name]))
			unsigned char* data = ADDR(unsigned char, eh, shdr[i].sh_offset); 
			return data;	//pointer to the first byte of string table section
	return NULL;	//if not found  

Elf32_Sym* findSymbolT(Elf32_Ehdr* eh)
	//calculate and return pointer to the first element of symbol table	
	Elf32_Shdr* shdr = ADDR(Elf32_Shdr, eh, eh->e_shoff);
	for (int i=0;i < eh->e_shnum;i++)
		if (shdr[i].sh_type==2)
			unsigned char* data = ADDR(unsigned char, eh, shdr[i].sh_offset);
			Elf32_Sym* sym=(Elf32_Sym*)data;
			return sym;		//pointer to the first element of symbol table.
	return NULL; // if not found

void print_Summary(Elf32_Ehdr* eh)
	//print section names
	Elf32_Shdr* shdr = ADDR(Elf32_Shdr, eh, eh->e_shoff);
	char* sname = ADDR(char, eh, shdr[eh->e_shstrndx].sh_offset);
	printf("\nSummary: \n");
	for (int i=0;i< eh->e_shnum;i++)

bool printAll;

int do_elf_file(char* buffer, char* name)
	Elf32_Ehdr* eh=(Elf32_Ehdr *)buffer;	//elf header
	if (eh->e_ident[EI_MAG0] !=0x7f || eh->e_ident[EI_MAG1] != 0x45 || eh->e_ident[EI_MAG2] !=0x4c || eh->e_ident[EI_MAG3] != 0x46)
		// EI_MAG0 to EI_MAG3 - A files' first 4 bytes hold a 'magic number', identifying the file as an ELF object file. 
		cout << "Error: " << name << " is not a valid ELF file";
		return 1;
	if (eh->e_ident[EI_DATA] == 2)							
		// ELF Header size should be 52 bytes or converted into Big-Endian system 13312
		if (eh->e_ehsize != 13312)
			printf("\tERROR:\tELF Header contains invalid file type\n");
		// e_ident[EI_DATA] specifies the data encoding of the processor-specific data in the object file.
		printf("\tERROR:\tData encoding ELFDATA2MSB (Big-Endian) not supported\n");
	if (eh->e_ehsize != 52)
		// ELF Header size should be 52 bytes
        printf("\tERROR:\tELF Header contains invalid file type\n");
	int shoff = eh->e_shoff;							    // offset of section header table
	Elf32_Shdr* shdr = ADDR(Elf32_Shdr, eh, shoff);			// calculating pointer to Secton Header Table
															// Elf32_Shdr * shdr = (Elf32_Shdr *)(buffer+shoff); 
	int shnum = eh->e_shnum;							    // number of section headers
	int shstrndx = eh->e_shstrndx;
	int snameoffset = shdr[shstrndx].sh_offset;				// offset in file of sections' names
	char* sname = ADDR(char, eh, snameoffset);				// pointer to String Table which holds section names
															// char * sname = (char *)(buffer+snameoffset);
	print_elf_header(eh);									// print Elf Header
	Elf32_Sym* symT= findSymbolT(eh);	// pointer to Symbol table
	if (symT==NULL)
		printf("\nSymbol table not found\n");
	unsigned char* strtab=findSymbolStringT(eh);	// pointer to String table which holds symbol names
	if (strtab==NULL)
		printf("\nString (the one which holds symbol names) table not found\n");
		print_reloc(eh,symT, strtab);	// print relocation info showing symbol names and
					        // and the name of section in which the relocaton occurs.														
	for(int i = 0; i < shnum; i++)
		unsigned char* data = ADDR(unsigned char, eh, shdr[i].sh_offset);	//pointer to the first byte in the section
															//unsigned char * data = (unsigned char * )(buffer+shdr[i].sh_offset);
		int size = shdr[i].sh_size;	// section size in bytes
		//print directive section
		if (!strcmp(".directive", &sname[shdr[i].sh_name])) 
			print_sect_header(sname, shdr, i);

		if (!strcmp(".symtab", &sname[shdr[i].sh_name])) 
			 print_sect_header(sname, shdr, i);	
			 // print global symbols
			 print_GlSymbols(eh,symT, strtab);								

		//print relevant section header names
 		//print hex dump of relevant sections
		if (shdr[i].sh_type==1 || shdr[i].sh_type==4 || shdr[i].sh_type==6 ||
		    shdr[i].sh_type==9 || shdr[i].sh_type==11)
			if (strcmp(".comment", &sname[shdr[i].sh_name])&&
				strcmp(".line", &sname[shdr[i].sh_name])   &&
				strcmp(".hash", &sname[shdr[i].sh_name])   &&
				strcmp(".note", &sname[shdr[i].sh_name])   &&
				strcmp(".directive", &sname[shdr[i].sh_name]) &&
				strncmp(".debug",&sname[shdr[i].sh_name] ,6))
				if ( ! ( (ignoreSomeSections) &&
					 (strncmp(".rel.debug_", &sname[shdr[i].sh_name], 11)==0)
					print_sect_header(sname, shdr, i);			
		if (printAll)		// displays extra information
		 	 	print_sect_header(sname, shdr, i);					
	print_Summary(eh);	// print section names
	return 0;

int read_ar_element_header(char* ptr)
	int length = strtol(ptr+48,0,10);

	if (strncmp(ptr+58, "\x60\x0A", 2) != 0)
		return -1;
	return length;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	char* arg;
	int numberOfOptions=2;
	if (argc<2)
		cout << "File not specified";
	else if (argc>numberOfOptions+2)
		cout << "Too many arguments";
		for (int i=1;i<=argc-2;i++)
			if ( strcmp("-i", argv[i]) ==0 )
			else if ( strcmp("-a", argv[i]) ==0 )

	struct stat results;
	stat(arg, &results); 
	FILE *elffile;
	if((elffile  = fopen(arg, "rb" )) == NULL)
   		cout << "Error opening file " << arg;
		exit (1); 
	char* buffer=new  char [results.st_size];//allocating enough memory 
	fread( buffer, sizeof( char ), results.st_size, elffile);
	if (strncmp(buffer, "!<arch>\x0A", 8) != 0)
		// plain ELF file
		if (do_elf_file(buffer, arg) != 0)
			return 1;
		return 0;

	// library file
	char* nextfile = buffer;
	int remainder = results.st_size;

#define ADVANCE(n)	nextfile+=(n); remainder-=(n);

	while (remainder > 0)
		int element_length = read_ar_element_header(nextfile);
		if (element_length < 0 || element_length > remainder)
			cout << "Error: archive file corrupt";
			return 1;
		if (strncmp(nextfile, "\x7F\x45\x4C\x46",4) == 0)
			if (do_elf_file(nextfile, "archive_element") != 0)
				return 1;
		element_length += element_length&1;	// round up to a multiple of 2
	return 0;