author raptorbot <raptorbot@systemstesthead.symbian.intra>
Fri, 18 Dec 2009 19:57:42 +0000
changeset 117 ecf683438dc6
parent 1 be27ed110b50
child 179 d8ac696cc51f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Don't mess around with EPOCROOT until actually entering raptor so we know what the original was Put the original epocroot back on the front of the whatcomp output. This allows what output to be either relative or absolute depending on what your epocroot is.

#Name        : 
#Part of     : Helium 

#Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
#All rights reserved.
#This component and the accompanying materials are made available
#under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
#which accompanies this distribution, and is available
#at the URL "".
#Initial Contributors:
#Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
import os
import sys
import xml.dom.minidom
import iadinfo
import zipfile
import encodings.utf_8

class IADPackager :

    def __init__ (self) :
        self.hasStub = False

    def getBldDirs (self, layer, bldDirs) :
        units = layer.getElementsByTagName ("unit")
        for unit in units :
            dir = unit.getAttribute ("bldFile").rstrip ('\\/')
            i = dir.rfind ("\\")
            if i == - 1 :
                i = dir.rfind ("/")
            bldDirs.append (dir[:i + 1])
    def getLayer (self, configuration, layers, bldDirs) :
        layerRef = configuration.getElementsByTagName ("layerRef")[0].getAttribute ("layerName")
        for layer in layers :
            if layer.getAttribute ("name") == layerRef :
                self.getBldDirs (layer, bldDirs)
    def createInfoFiles (self, sisInfo) :
        depends = xml.dom.minidom.parse ("depends.xml")
        info = xml.dom.minidom.parseString (sisInfo)
        infoFile = file ("sisinfo.xml", "w")
        platDeps = info.getElementsByTagName("platform_dependency")
        packageDeps = info.getElementsByTagName("package_dependency")
        for packageDep in packageDeps :
            p = depends.createElement ("package")
            depends.childNodes[1].appendChild (p)
            for child in packageDep.childNodes :
                p.appendChild (child)
        infoFile.write (info.toxml ())
        depFile = file ("depends.xml", "w")
        depFile.write (depends.toxml ())
    def createSis (self, packageDir, packageName) :
        sisReader = iadinfo.IADHandler()
        os.chdir (packageDir)
        sisPackage = packageName + ".sis"
        stubPackage = packageName + "_stub.sis"
        print "Creating", sisPackage
        cmd = makesis + " package.pkg " + sisPackage
        os.system (cmd)
        self.createInfoFiles (sisReader.getInfo (sisPackage))
        if os.path.exists(stubPackage) :
            print "Creating stub SIS file", stubPackage
            self.hasStub = True
            cmd = makesis + " -s package.pkg " + stubPackage
            os.system (cmd)
    def createPackage (self, topDir, packageName) :
        print "Creating package", packageName
        os.chdir (topDir)
        zipFile = packageName + ".zip"
        sisFile = packageName + '/' + packageName + ".sis"
        infoFile = packageName + "/sisinfo.xml"
        depFile = packageName + "/depends.xml"
        zip = zipfile.ZipFile (zipFile, "w")
        zip.write (sisFile, sisFile.encode ("utf-8"))
        zip.write (infoFile, infoFile.encode ("utf-8"))
        zip.write (depFile, depFile.encode ("utf-8"))
        if self.hasStub :
            stubFile = packageName + '/' + packageName + "_stub.sis"
            zip.write (stubFile, stubFile.encode ("utf-8"))
    def processSisDir (self, sisDir) :
        for root, dirs, files in os.walk (sisDir):
            for name in dirs :
                self.createSis (os.path.join (root, name), name)
                self.createPackage (root, name)

makesis = sys.argv[3] + "\\epoc32\\tools\\makesis.exe"
signsis = sys.argv[3] + "\\epoc32\\tools\\signsis.exe"

sysdef = xml.dom.minidom.parse (sys.argv[1])
configurations = sysdef.getElementsByTagName ("configuration")
layers = sysdef.getElementsByTagName ("layer")
bldDirs = []

packager = IADPackager()

for configuration in configurations :
    if configuration.getAttribute ("name") == sys.argv[2] :
        packager.getLayer (configuration, layers, bldDirs)

for bldDir in bldDirs :
    packager.processSisDir (sys.argv[3] + bldDir + "sis\\")