author raptorbot <raptorbot@systemstesthead.symbian.intra>
Fri, 18 Dec 2009 19:57:42 +0000
changeset 117 ecf683438dc6
parent 3 e1eecf4d390d
child 641 8dd670a9f34f
permissions -rw-r--r--
Don't mess around with EPOCROOT until actually entering raptor so we know what the original was Put the original epocroot back on the front of the whatcomp output. This allows what output to be either relative or absolute depending on what your epocroot is.

# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 

# Python Script to create the vmap file for Binary Variation support in SBSv2

import sys
import os
import re
import subprocess
import tempfile
import traceback
from optparse import OptionParser

# the script will exit with 0 if there are no errors
global exitCode
exitCode = 0

# are we running on Windows?
onWindows = sys.platform.lower().startswith("win")

# error messages go to stderr
def error(format, *extras):
	sys.stderr.write("createvmap: error: " + (format % extras) + "\n")
	global exitCode
	exitCode = 1

# warning messages go to stderr
def warning(format, *extras):
	sys.stderr.write("createvmap: warning: " + (format % extras) + "\n")

# debug messages go to stderr
global printDebug
def debug(format, *extras):
	if printDebug:
		sys.stderr.write("createvmap: " + (format % extras) + "\n")
# Return a dictionary with the feature names and values from the preinclude file, by running cpp over the source
def getVmapMacros(aPreInclude, aPreprocessedFile=None, aCPP="cpp", aDefines="", aIncludes = ""):

	validmacros = {}
	# Run the pre-processor
	command = aCPP + " -include " + os.path.abspath(aPreInclude) + " -dU " + aDefines + aIncludes

	# Feed in the file to stdin, because we must set the stdin to something
	# other than the parent stdin anyway as that may not exist - for example
	# when using Talon.
	infile = open(aPreprocessedFile, "r")

	if onWindows:
		p = subprocess.Popen(command, bufsize=65535,
		p = subprocess.Popen(command, bufsize=65535,
					                  close_fds=True, shell=True)
	stream = p.stdout

	# Parse the pre-processor output to look for -
	# lines "#define NAME VALUE" and "#undef NAME"
	defineRE = re.compile('^#define (?P<FEATURENAME>\w+)(\s+(?P<VALUE>\w+))?')
	undefRE = re.compile('^#undef (?P<FEATURENAME>\w+)')

	data = " "
	while data:
		data = stream.readline()

		definedmacro = defineRE.match(data)
		if definedmacro:
			name ='FEATURENAME')
			value ='VALUE')
			if value:
				validmacros[name] = value
				validmacros[name] = "defined"

			undefinedmacro = undefRE.match(data)
			if undefinedmacro:
				validmacros['FEATURENAME')] = "undefined"

	if p.wait() != 0:
		error("in command '%s'", command)
	return validmacros

# Extract the features from a featurelist file
def getFeatures(aFeatureList):
	features = set()
	for f in aFeatureList:
			file = open(os.path.abspath(f),'r')
			for data in file.readlines():
				data = data.strip()
		except IOError:
			error("Feature list file %s not found", f)

	return sorted(list(features))
# Returns a dictionary of the features to be put in the vmap file
def getVariationFeatures(aFeatureList = [] ,aPreinclude = None,aPreprocessedFile = None,aCPP = "cpp",aDefines="",aIncludes = ""):
	variation_features = {'FEATURENAME':[],'VALUE':[]}
	macros = getVmapMacros(aPreinclude,aPreprocessedFile,aCPP,aDefines,aIncludes)
	# Co-relate the macros obtained from the pre-processor to the featurelist
	for f in aFeatureList:
		if f in macros:
	return variation_features

# Write to the vmap file, with the supplied dictionary containing the features
# The vmap path will be created if it doesn't exist
def createVmapFile(aMacroDictionary,aOutputfile):
	if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(aOutputfile)):
		vmapfile = open(aOutputfile,'w')
	except IOError:
		error("Cannot write to " + aOutputfile)
	i = 0
	while i < len(aMacroDictionary['FEATURENAME']):
		i += 1

def check_exists(thing, filenames):
	if not filenames:
		error("No %s specified", thing)
	if not isinstance(filenames, list):
		# we just have a single string
		filenames = [filenames]
	for filename in filenames:
		if not os.path.exists(filename):
			error("The %s '%s' does not exist", thing, filename)
# Main function, creates the vmap file
def main():

		global exitCode, printDebug
		# any exceptions make us traceback and exit

		parser = OptionParser(prog = "")
		parser.add_option("-c","--cpploc",action="store",dest="cpplocation",help="Full path of the preprocessor")
		parser.add_option("-d","--debug",action="store_true",default=False,dest="debug",help="Turn debug information on")
		parser.add_option("-D","--define",action="append",dest="defines",help="Macro definition")
		parser.add_option("-f","--featurelist",action="append",dest="featurelistfile",help="List of featureslist files")
		parser.add_option("-o","--output",action="store",dest="outputvmapfile",help="Output VMAP file name")
		parser.add_option("-p","--preinclude",action="store",dest="preinclude",help="Pre-include file ")
		parser.add_option("-s","--source",action="append",dest="sourcefiles",help="List of source files")
		parser.add_option("-u","--userinc",action="append",dest="user_include",help="User Include Folders")
		parser.add_option("-x","--systeminc",action="append",dest="system_include",help="System Include Folders")

		(options, leftover_args) = parser.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

		if leftover_args:
			for invalids in leftover_args:
				warning("Unknown parameter '%s'" % invalids)
		printDebug = options.debug
		debug("Source Files     -> %s", options.sourcefiles)
		debug("Macro defines    -> %s", options.defines)
		debug("Features Files   -> %s", options.featurelistfile)
		debug("Pre-Include File -> %s", options.preinclude)
		debug("User Includes    -> %s", options.user_include)
		debug("System Includes  -> %s", options.system_include)
		debug("CPP Location     -> %s", options.cpplocation)
		debug("VMAP Output name -> %s", options.outputvmapfile)
		featurelist = []
		definelist = ""
		user_includeslist = ""
		system_includeslist = ""
		includeslist = ""

		# Some error checking code
		if not options.outputvmapfile:
			error("No output vmap file name supplied")
		# Source files must be supplied
		check_exists("source file", options.sourcefiles)
		# A valid preinclude file must be supplied
		check_exists("pre-include file", options.preinclude)
		# Some feature lists are required
		check_exists("feature list", options.featurelistfile)
		# A cpp tool is required
		check_exists("cpp tool", options.cpplocation)

		# if an essential option was missing then we should stop now
		if exitCode != 0:
		# macro definitions
		if options.defines:
			for macro in options.defines:
				definelist += " -D" + macro.replace('__SBS__QUOTE__', '\\"')

		# Note that we have to use -isystem for user includes and system
		# includes to match what happens in the compiler. Long story.

		# Add each source directory as a user-include, so that our temporary
		# concatenated source file can find includes that were next to the
		# original source files.
		# Check that all the specified source files exist
		# and collect a set of all the source directories
		sourcedirs = set()
		for src in options.sourcefiles:
		for srcdir in sourcedirs:
			user_includeslist += " -isystem " + srcdir

		# Convert the include list to a string to be passed to cpp
		if options.user_include:
			for userinc in options.user_include:
				user_includeslist += " -isystem " + userinc
		if options.system_include:
			for sysinc in options.system_include:
				system_includeslist += " -isystem " + sysinc
		includeslist = user_includeslist + system_includeslist

		# Get a list of all the features, from all the featurelist files
		featurelist = getFeatures(options.featurelistfile)

		# concatenate the source files together into a temporary file
			(tempfd, tempname) = tempfile.mkstemp()
			temp = os.fdopen(tempfd, "w")
			for src in options.sourcefiles:
				sfile = open(src, "r")
				for sline in sfile:
		except Exception,e:
			error("Could not write source files into temporary file %s : %s" % (tempname, str(e)))
			return 1
		debug("Temporary file name : " + tempname)

		# extract the macros from the concatenated source files
		macro_dictionary = getVariationFeatures(featurelist,
		debug("Macros extracted:") 
		for key,values in macro_dictionary.iteritems():
			debug(key + " " + str(values))

		# if there were no macros then the vmap file will be empty...
		if not macro_dictionary['FEATURENAME']:
			warning("No feature macros were found in the source")
		# Get rid of the temporary file
			error("Could not delete temporary %s" % tempname) 

		createVmapFile(macro_dictionary, options.outputvmapfile)
		# exit with 0 if OK
		return exitCode

	except Exception,ex:
		return 1

if __name__ == "__main__":