author raptorbot <raptorbot@systemstesthead.symbian.intra>
Fri, 18 Dec 2009 19:57:42 +0000
changeset 117 ecf683438dc6
parent 115 5869e06bf2ac
child 125 dc823469fda2
permissions -rw-r--r--
Don't mess around with EPOCROOT until actually entering raptor so we know what the original was Put the original epocroot back on the front of the whatcomp output. This allows what output to be either relative or absolute depending on what your epocroot is.

# Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 
# Filter class for doing --what and --check operations

import os
import sys
import re
import filter_interface

class FilterWhat(filter_interface.Filter):

	def __init__(self):
		self.path_prefix_to_strip = None
		self.path_prefix_to_add_on = None
	def print_file(self, line, start, end):
		"Ensure DOS slashes on Windows"
		"""Use chars between enclosing tags ("<>", "''", etc)
				start = opening tag, so the line we need
				actually starts at 'start + 1' """
		if "win" in self.buildparameters.platform:
			filename = line[(start + 1):end].replace("/","\\")
			filename = line[(start + 1):end]

		if self.path_prefix_to_strip:
			if filename.startswith(self.path_prefix_to_strip):
				filename = filename[len(self.path_prefix_to_strip):]
			if self.path_prefix_to_add_on != None:
				filename = self.path_prefix_to_add_on + filename
		if self.check:
			if not os.path.isfile(filename):
				print "MISSING:", filename
				self.ok = False

		self.prints += 1

	def start_bldinf(self, bldinf):

	def end_bldinf(self):

	def open(self, build_parameters):
		self.buildparameters = build_parameters
		self.check = build_parameters.doCheck
		self.what = build_parameters.doWhat

		self.outfile = sys.stdout
		self.outfile_close = False

		if "FILTERWHAT_FILE" in os.environ:
				self.outfile = open(os.environ['FILTERWHAT_FILE'],"w+")
				self.outfile_close = True
			except Exception,e:
				raise Exception("The 'What Filter' could not open the output file specified in the FILTER_WHAT environment variable: " + os.environ['FILTERWHAT_FILE'])
		# repetitions is for tracking repeated lines in the output log
		# when --check and --what are called
		self.repetitions = {}
		"Regex for old what output"
		if "win" in self.buildparameters.platform:
			self.regex = re.compile("^[a-zA-Z]:\S+$")
			self.regex = re.compile("^/\S+$")
		"Regex for targets"
		self.target_regex = re.compile("^<(build|stringtable|resource|bitmap)>.*")
		"Regex for exports"
		self.export_regex = re.compile("^<export destination.*")
		"Regex for zip exports"
		self.zip_export_regex = re.compile("^<member>.*")

		"Regex for determining bld.inf name"
		self.whatlog_regex = re.compile("^<whatlog *bldinf='(?P<bldinf>[^']*)'.*")
		self.current_bldinf = ''
		self.prints = 0
		self.ok = True		
		return self.ok
	def write(self, text):
		"process some log text"
		for line in text.splitlines():
			line = line.rstrip()
			# we are normally the ONLY filter running so we have to pass on
			# any errors and warnings that emerge
			if line.startswith("<error"):
				self.ok = False
			if line.startswith("<warning"):
			if not line in self.repetitions:
				self.repetitions[line] = 0
			if self.repetitions[line] == 0:
				if self.regex.match(line) and (self.what or self.check):
					"Print the whole line"
					self.print_file(line, (-1), len(line))
				if self.target_regex.match(line):
					"Grab the filename between <build> and </build>" 
					start = line.find(">")
					end = line.rfind("<")
					self.print_file(line, start, end)
				elif self.export_regex.match(line):
					"Grab the filename between the first set of '' chars" 
					start = line.find("'")
					end = line.find("'", (start + 1))
					self.print_file(line, start, end)
				elif self.zip_export_regex.match(line):
					"Grab the filename between <member> and </member>" 
					start = line.find(">")
					end = line.rfind("<")
					self.print_file(line, start, end)

					"work out what the 'current' bldinf file is"
					m = self.whatlog_regex.match(line)
					if m:
						bi = m.groupdict()['bldinf']
						if self.current_bldinf != bi:
							if self.current_bldinf != '':
							self.current_bldinf = bi
							if bi != '':
			self.repetitions[line] += 1
		return self.ok
	def summary(self):
		if self.prints == 0:
			if self.what:
				message = "no WHAT information found"
				message = "no CHECK information found"
			self.ok = False
		return self.ok
	def close(self):
		if self.outfile_close:
		return self.ok