Fri, 30 Apr 2010 16:30:15 +0100
changeset 512 f270c42a56c4
parent 0 044383f39525
permissions -rw-r--r--
notes about tcomsupport update

# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
# All rights reserved.
# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
# at the URL "".
# Initial Contributors:
# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
# Contributors:
# Description: 

# This package contains routines to read the information from the Feature registry XML file.
package featureregistry;  # Derived class implementation for feature registry xml file

	@ISA = qw(featureparser); # Derived from featureparser
	require featureparser;

# Parse the featureregistry XML file and generate the maps and counts
#feature hash map:
# {<uid1>}{name}<name>
#		  {installable}<true\false> - optional

# Class constructor
sub new
	my $class = shift;
	my $object = $class->SUPER::new();
	# Class members
	$object->{_OBJNAME} = "FeatureRegistry";
	$object->{_FEAT_MAP} = {};           # Feature Info Hash map
	$object->{_FEAT_NAME_UID_MAP} = {};  # Hash map of feature name and uid
	return $object;

# Private methods

# Private method to Get/Set the _FEAT_MAP member value of this class
# @param : Feature Info Hash map (optional for GET)
my $featureHashMap = sub 
	my $object = shift; 
	return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"featureHashMap"));
	if (@_) 
		$object->{_FEAT_MAP} = shift; 
	return $object->{_FEAT_MAP};

# Public methods

# Get/Set the _FEAT_NAME_UID_MAP member value of this class
# @param : Hash map of feature name and uid (optional for GET)
sub featureNameUidMap 
	my $object = shift; 
	return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"featureNameUidMap"));
	if (@_) 
		$object->{_FEAT_NAME_UID_MAP} = shift; 
	return $object->{_FEAT_NAME_UID_MAP};

# Return the feature uid for the given feature name.
# @param : Feature Name
sub getFeatureUID
	my $object = shift; 
	return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"getFeatureUID"));
	my $feature = shift;
	my $featureNameUidMap = $object->featureNameUidMap();
	$feature = lc($feature);
	if(exists $featureNameUidMap->{$feature}){
		return $featureNameUidMap->{$feature};
		return undef;

# Get the details of feature with given featureuid and other parameters
# This function only consider the feature UID only and that UID should be in decimal
# @param : Feature UID value
sub getFeatureInfo
	my $object = shift;
	return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"getFeatureInfo"));
	my $uid = shift;
	my $featureMap = $object->$featureHashMap();
	if(exists $featureMap->{$uid}) {
		return \%{$featureMap->{$uid}};
	else {
		return undef;

# Utility functions

# Update the feature hash map with the values from the xml feature registry file
sub createFeatureMap
	my $object = shift; 
	return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"createFeatureMap"));
	return 0 if($object->rootElement() < 0);
	# Get all <feature> Elements to @featureList
	my @featureList =  &featureparser::getnodefromTree($object->rootElement(), "features", "feature");

		my $featureNameUidMap = $object->featureNameUidMap();
		my $featureMap = $object->$featureHashMap();
		foreach my $node (@featureList)
			# Define local variables to hold attribute names and values for each $node
			my $uid_value = &featureparser::getattrValue($node, "uid");
			my $name_value = &featureparser::getattrValue($node, "name");
			# Validate Name
			if(!$name_value) {
				&featureparser::ERROR("Feature name attribute is empty");
				return 0;
			# Validate UID
			if(&featureparser::IsValidNum($uid_value)) {
				$uid_value = &featureparser::ConvertHexToDecimal($uid_value);
			else {
				&featureparser::ERROR("Valid hexadecimal or decimal value expected in UID entry for \"$name_value\"");
				return 0;
			# Check the duplicate entry of feature
			if(exists $featureNameUidMap->{$name_value}) {
				&featureparser::ERROR("Feature entry \"".$name_value."\" already exists");
				return 0;
			if(exists $featureMap->{$uid_value}) {
				&featureparser::ERROR("UID entry for \"".$name_value."\" already exists");
				return 0;
			my $install_value = &featureparser::getattrValue($node, "installable");
			if ($install_value eq undef) {
				$install_value = "false";

			# Store all key=values to global %featureHashMap & %featureNameUidMap
			$featureNameUidMap->{$name_value} = $uid_value;
			$featureMap->{$uid_value}{"name"} = &featureparser::getattrValue($node, "name",1);
			$featureMap->{$uid_value}{"installable"} = $install_value;
		return 1;
	return 0;

# Read the <defaultfeaturerange> element
sub createDefaultRangeMap
	my $object = shift; 
	return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"createDefaultRangeMap"));
	# Return error if the rootelement reference is NULL
	return 0 if($object->rootElement() < 0);
	# Get all the <defaultfeaturerange> elements
	my @attrSet =  &featureparser::getnodefromTree($object->rootElement(), "default", "range");
	# Add the defaultfeaturerange elements into the object
	return &featureparser::createDefaultRangeMap($object,@attrSet);

sub readRangeAttributes
	my ($object, $currNode, $range) = @_; 
	return 0 if(!&featureparser::ISREF($object,"readRangeAttributes"));	
	#Get the lower and higher uids
	$range->{min} = &featureparser::getattrValue($currNode, "min");
	$range->{max} = &featureparser::getattrValue($currNode, "max");

	#Read the support keyword
	$range->{support} = &featureparser::getattrValue($currNode, "support");
	#Read the installable element
	$range->{installable} = &featureparser::getattrValue($currNode, "installable");
