Fri, 23 Apr 2010 17:44:43 +0100
changeset 528 f6aa47076e0f
parent 0 044383f39525
child 590 360bd6b35136
permissions -rw-r--r--
allow recipestats to print hosts used in the build.

* Copyright (c) 2006-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
* All rights reserved.
* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
* at the URL "".
* Initial Contributors:
* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
* Contributors:
* Description: 
* This file contains the definition of class TFATBaseBootSector. 
* TFATBaseBootSector is the base class for the boot sector class 
* of different FAT file system type.This contains the data member 
* representing the common fields in each FAT image type
* @internalComponent
* @released

#include "fatbasebootsector.h"

Constructor of the base boot sector class


Destructor of the base boot sector class


Function Sets the OEM name generally, Indication of what system 
formats the volume

void TFATBaseBootSector::SetOEMName()
		strcpy( reinterpret_cast<char*>(iOEMName),KDefaultOEMName);

Function to get the OEM name


@return OEM Name
unsigned char* TFATBaseBootSector::OEMName() 
		return iOEMName;

Function to set the jump instructions

void TFATBaseBootSector::SetJumpInstruction()
	iJmpBoot[0]= 0xEB;
	iJmpBoot[1]= 0x5A;
	iJmpBoot[2]= 0x90;

Function to get the jump instructions


@return jump boot instruction
unsigned char* TFATBaseBootSector::JumpInstruction()  
	return iJmpBoot;

Function to set the bytes per sector.  


@param aDriveSectorSize Sector size in bytes 
void TFATBaseBootSector::SetBytesPerSector(unsigned int aDriveSectorSize)
	// Take the default value if SectorSize is not provided by the user. 
	if (aDriveSectorSize != 0)
		unsigned short int acceptableValues[] = {512,1024,2048,4096};
		unsigned short int acceptableValuesCount = 4;
		bool validSectorSize = false;
		for (unsigned int count=0; count<acceptableValuesCount; count++)
			if(aDriveSectorSize == acceptableValues[count])
				validSectorSize = true;
		// If invalid value for Sector Size is provided, consider the default value.
		if (validSectorSize)
			std::cout<<"Warning: Invalid Sector Size value. Default value is considered.\n";

Return the bytes per sector


@return bytes per sector, hard coded as 512 here.
unsigned int TFATBaseBootSector::BytesPerSector() const
	return iBytesPerSector;

Sets the number of Fats on the volume


@param aDriveNoOfFATs Number of fats
void TFATBaseBootSector::SetNumberOfFats(unsigned int aDriveNoOfFATs) 
	// Take the default value if No of FATs is not provided by the user. 
	if (aDriveNoOfFATs != 0)
		// If invalid value for No of FATs is provided, generate a warning and take the default value. 
		if ((aDriveNoOfFATs>255) || (aDriveNoOfFATs<1))
			std::cout<<"Warning: No of FATs should be between 0 and 256. Default value is considered.\n";
			iNumberOfFats= KDefaultNumFats;
		iNumberOfFats= aDriveNoOfFATs;
		iNumberOfFats= KDefaultNumFats;

Total sectors on the volume,This count includes the total count of all sectors 
in all four regions of the volume.iTatalSectors is a 16 bit field and iTotalSectors32
is a 32 bit field.Hence if the total sectors are more than 2^16(0x10000 in hex) 
then iTotalSectors32 is set otherwise it is zero.


@param aPartitionSize Partition size in bytes
void TFATBaseBootSector::ComputeTotalSectors(Long64 aPartitionSize)
	int Log2OfBytesPerSector = Log2(iBytesPerSector);
	unsigned long TotalSectors64 = (unsigned long)(aPartitionSize >> Log2OfBytesPerSector);
	if(TotalSectors64 >= 0x10000)
			iTotalSectors = 0;
			iTotalSectors32 = (unsigned int) TotalSectors64;
			iTotalSectors = (unsigned short)TotalSectors64;

Set the media descriptor,0xF8 is the standard for fixed (non removable) media.

void TFATBaseBootSector::SetMedia()

This methods gets the media descriptor


@return media descriptor
unsigned char TFATBaseBootSector::Media() const
	return iMedia;

Set the number of hidden sectors in the volume,Count of hidden sector
preceding the partition.

void TFATBaseBootSector::SetHiddenSectors()

Gets the number of hidden sectors in the volume


@return the number of hidden sectors in a given FAT Volume
unsigned int TFATBaseBootSector::HiddenSectors() const
	return iHiddenSectors;

Set the sectors per track preceding the partition.

void TFATBaseBootSector::SetSectorsPerTrack()
	iSectorsPerTrack=KDefaultSectorsPerTrack;// default value for flash memory

Gets the number sectors per track in the volume


@return the number of sectors per track in a given FAT Volume
unsigned short TFATBaseBootSector::SectorsPerTrack() const
	 return iSectorsPerTrack;

Set the number of heads

void TFATBaseBootSector::SetNumberOfHeads()
	iNumHeads=KDefaultNumHeads;// default value for flash memory

Gets the the number of heads


@return number of heads in a given FAT Volume
unsigned short TFATBaseBootSector::NumberOfHeads() const
	return iNumHeads;// default value for flash memory

Set the Physical drive number,not used in Symbian OS

void TFATBaseBootSector::SetBootSectorDriveNumber()

Function to return drive number


@return Physical drive number, not used in Symbian OS
unsigned char TFATBaseBootSector::BootSectorDriveNumber() const
	return iPhysicalDriveNumber;

Set the reserved byte value

void TFATBaseBootSector::SetReservedByte()

Get the value of reserved byte in boot sector


@return Returns the reserved byte value
unsigned char TFATBaseBootSector::ReservedByte() const
	return iReservedByte;

Set the extended boot signature


void TFATBaseBootSector::SetBootSignature() 

Gets the extended boot signature


@return boot signature
unsigned char TFATBaseBootSector::BootSignature() const
	return iBootSign;

Set the unique volume serial number,This ID is usually generated by 
simply combining the current date and time in to 32 bit value.

void TFATBaseBootSector::SetVolumeId()
	time_t rawtime;

Returns the volume id 


@return volume id field of the boot sector 
unsigned int TFATBaseBootSector::VolumeId() const
return iVolumeId ;

Set the volume's label


@param aVolumeLable Data Drive Volume Label
void TFATBaseBootSector::SetVolumeLab(String aVolumeLable)
	// Set the default value of VolumeLable(i.e. "NO NAME    ") if not provided
	// by the user.
	if (aVolumeLable.empty())	
		// If the volume label provided is greater than 11 characters then consider only 
		// the first 11 characters and generate a warning.
		int volumeMaxLangth= 11;
		int volumeLabelSize= aVolumeLable.size();
		if (volumeLabelSize > volumeMaxLangth)
			std::cout<<"Warning: Size overflow for Data Drive Volume Label. Truncating to 11-bytes.\n";	
		// If the VolumeLable provided is less than 11-characters then pad the 
		// remaining bytes with white-spaces.		
		if (volumeLabelSize < KMaxVolumeLabel)
			while(volumeLabelSize < 11)
				aVolumeLable.append(" ");
				volumeLabelSize = aVolumeLable.size();

returns  the volume's label


unsigned char* TFATBaseBootSector::VolumeLab() 
	return iVolumeLabel;

Returns the number of reserved sectors on the volume


@return iReservedSectors
unsigned short TFATBaseBootSector::ReservedSectors() const
	return iReservedSectors;

Returns the number of Fats on the volume


@return iNumberOfFats
unsigned char TFATBaseBootSector::NumberOfFats() const
	return iNumberOfFats;

Returns the number of entries allowed in the root directory, specific to Fat12/16, zero for FAT32


@return iRootDirEntries
unsigned short TFATBaseBootSector::RootDirEntries() const
	return iRootDirEntries;

Returns the total sectors on the volume, 


@return iTotalSectors 
unsigned int TFATBaseBootSector::TotalSectors(Long64 aPartitionSize) const
	if((aPartitionSize/iBytesPerSector)>= 0x10000)	
	return iTotalSectors32;
	return iTotalSectors;

Returns base 2 Logarithm of a number 


@param aNum number whose logarithm is to be taken
@return log base 2 of the number passed
int TFATBaseBootSector::Log2(int aNum) 
	int res=-1;

Returns the sectors per cluster ratio


@return iSectorsPerCluster
unsigned char TFATBaseBootSector::SectorsPerCluster() const
	return iSectorsPerCluster;

Returns the 16 bit count of total sectors on the volume 


@return iTotalSectors 
unsigned short TFATBaseBootSector::LowSectorsCount() const
	return iTotalSectors;

Returns the 32 bit count of total sectors on the volume 


@return iTotalSectors 
unsigned int TFATBaseBootSector::HighSectorsCount() const
	return iTotalSectors32;

Returns sectors used for the Fat table, zero for FAT32


@return iFatSectors
unsigned short TFATBaseBootSector::FatSectors() const
	return (unsigned short)iFatSectors;

Returns sectors used for the Fat table in FAT32


@return iFatSectors32
unsigned int TFATBaseBootSector::FatSectors32() const
	return iFatSectors32;