2010-03-02 timothy murphy SF Bug 2113 - make test actually test so that it would actually fail if the output was wrong.
2010-03-02 timothy murphy SF Bug 2113 - make test work on windows as well as linux.
2010-03-02 timothy murphy SF Bug 2113 - [Raptor] what/check filters can assign files to the wrong components
2010-01-26 Iain Williamson Fixing qt_helloworld test id. Fixing copyright notices. fix
2010-01-25 Iain Williamson Renumbering commandline, pdll_arm and toolchain_macro tests to avoid duplicates. fix
2010-01-18 raptorbot Test fixes for whatcomp test: Deal with slashes correctly. Use Python 264. wip
2010-01-17 timothy murphy sbs_filter: Fix so that return code is 0 on success (was always 1) wip
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