2010-02-19 Jon Chatten fix - add support for PLUGIN3 TARGETTYPEs fix
2010-02-01 Jon Chatten Add support for NO_DEPEND_GENERATE to makefile calls and respond accordingly in FLMs. fix
2009-12-11 Iain Williamson Review rework 1: Enabling winscw builds of PDLLs wip
2009-12-10 Iain Williamson Adding a patchable constants dll (PDLL) targettype + tests wip
2009-11-29 timothy murphy Catch up to wip branch wip
2009-11-20 timothy murphy Update to 2.11.0 from perforce wip
2009-11-16 tnmurphy Team sf branch.
2009-10-27 Alex Gilkes Convert Build package from SFL to EPL
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