diff -r 360bd6b35136 -r 22486c9c7b15 sbsv2/raptor/RELEASE-NOTES.html --- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 +++ b/sbsv2/raptor/RELEASE-NOTES.html Wed Jun 23 17:27:59 2010 +0800 @@ -0,0 +1,919 @@ + + +Release Notes for Symbian Build System v2 + + + +

Release Notes for Symbian Build System v2

+ +

version 2.14.0

+ +

New Features

+ + +

Defect Fixes

+ + + +

version 2.13.0

+ +

New Features

+ + +

Defect Fixes

+ + + +
+version 2.12.5
+Defect Fixes:
+- Fix: Workaround for emake engine log corruption when clockskew errors occur (annofile2log).
+  Allow Raptor to obtain log from emake annotation file where it is uncorrupted.  A new 
+  Make engine option "copylogfromannofile" enables/disables this mode for emake. If this option is disabled
+  or if no annotation file is specified for the build then Raptor reads logs directly as normal.
+- SF Bug 2125 - [Raptor] - tracecompiler what output incorrect if mmp basename contains '.' e.g. fred.prd.mmp 
+- SF Bug 2191 - [Raptor] - When forcesuccess is enabled, exit status for a failed recipe is "retry" but should be "failed"
+- Fix: extend tracecompiler tests to Linux
+- Fix: Amendment to SF Bug 1511 fix - removal of blanked DEFFILE keyword from e32abiv2ani.flm
+- Fix: improve robustness to bad -c options
+version 2.12.4
+Defect Fixes:
+- SF Bug 2113 - [Raptor] what/check filters can assign files to the wrong components
+- SF Bug 2081 - [Raptor] - Exported file executable permissions not maintained (linux)
+- Fix: host attribute in recipes was blank in windows, windows cluster builds.
+- SF Bug 1912 - Raptor should take python from the path [if not set with SBS_PYTHON or bundled with Raptor]
+- SF Bug 2042 - [Raptor] component field empty in recipe
+- SF Bug 2007 - [Raptor] GCCE 4.4.1 builds require 4.3.1 and 4.3.2 SBS_GCCE???BIN env vars etc.
+- SF Bug 2000 - [Raptor] Talon fails when installed in a path containing the string '-c' (windows only)
+- SF Bug 1861 - [Raptor] More helpful console message in case of timeouts
+- SF Bug 1571 - Raptor cannot report error or warning message in wrong implib project
+- DPDEF142718 Incremental rebuild fails if dependent files deleted
+  --no-depend-generate added to suppress the generation and processing of dependency files
+  .DEFAULT target introduced for all non --no-depend-generate and/or --no-depend-include builds
+- Add support for PLUGIN3 TARGETTYPEs
+- Fixing logfile corruption for large GCCXML builds by suppressing zip output
+- Stop copying .bmp files to epoc32/localisation and fix the "what" reporting
+version 2.12.3
+Defect Fixes:
+- Don't print trace "what" information if we do not run the trace compiler.
+version 2.12.2
+Defect Fixes:
+- SF Bug 1569 - excessive recompilation in incremental tracecompiler builds
+- Better error messages for make-engine selection.
+  e.g. "sbs -e arm" will now produce a useful error message rather than 
+  a traceback. "arm" is a real variant but it's not a make engine.  In
+  the past sbs would have tried to use it and would have failed with a
+  complicated traceback. Also doesn't traceback for non-existent make engines.
+- sbs_filter chose wrong embedded default python version. Set to 2.6.4 now.
+- FilterCheck did not check files when run from sbs_filter
+- Remove old references to python 2.5.2
+- Escape filenames with special XML characters inside <member> tags
+version 2.12.1
+Defect Fixes:
+- SF Bug 1494 - sbs --what does not report Trace Compiler output
+- sbs -c winscw.tracecompiler uses wrong UID and doesn't generate traces
+- SF Bug 1519 - Raptor output files may contain unescaped left angle brackets as XML character data
+version 2.12.0
+New Features:
+- New 'Patchable Constants' target type: TARGETTYPE pdll
+- Combine Linking and Postlinking into a single step - performance improvement.
+- Support exit codes from next version of the trace compiler which will issue them
+- New sbs_filter script and batchfile to ease the use of sbs_filter.py.  
+  Allows filters to be executed over a log after a build has been done.
+    e.g.
+  	sbs_filter --filters=FilterWhat < logfile.log 
+    (This runs a "--what" without regenerating any makefiles or reparsing
+    the matadata.)
+- New (beta) FilterWhatComp filter.  Simulates abld log output for
+  use with parse_what.pl for packing up zips by component.  Whatcomp output
+  uses the incoming epocroot value.  i.e. if epocroot is relative then so is
+  the what output.  e.g. if EPOCROOT=\ then the output will be of the form:
+	"\epoc32\release\armv5\...."  
+  If it's "..\myepocroot" then the output will be:
+	"..\myepocroot\epoc32\release\armv5".  
+  If it's absolute then the what output will also be absolute.
+- New FilterCheck filter.  This can be used with sbs_filter to perform the 
+  equivalent of --check using the log output from a build.  It is more
+  efficient than --check because the metadata is not parsed and no makefiles
+  are generated. e.g.
+	sbs_filter --filters=FilterCheck < logfile.log 
+- New (beta) graphical build visualisation tool (bin/timelines.py). 
+  Requires pygame and PyOpenGL. e.g.
+	python timelines.py < filename.log
+- New (beta) log analyser (recipestats.py) for recording the total time spent 
+  in each type of recipe in the build. e.g.
+	python recipestats.py < filename.log > stats.csv
+  The output is in CSV format.  
+Defect Fixes:
+- fix for ARM9E + ARMV5 pre-processing confusion
+- SF bug 1606: template_ext.flm wrongly creates dependencies to OTHER_CFG targets
+- SF bug 1570: Adding then removing a capability can produce incorrect 
+  result: e.g. ALL TCB -TCB becomes ALL -TCB but it should be just ALL
+Other Changes:
+- Default to using Python 2.6.4 on windows (no change in compatibility with 
+  older versions of Python).
+version 2.11.3
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF142616 Raptor: Variables can be set unnecessarily prior to TEM execution
+Fix for: filter terminal flags up when recipe truncated
+SF bug 170: invalid XML output when a zip file is missing
+SF bug 518: unpaged keyword in mmp files is not parsed properly
+version 2.11.2
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF143176 raptor does not respect STDCPP mmp file keyword
+version 2.11.1
+Other Changes:
+GCCE 4.4.1 variant added
+Restored python 2.4 compatibility
+Minor TOOLS2 --what corrections
+Retain Linux execute permissions on unpacked :zip archives
+Prototype of extended timing API added
+Option --noexport added for parallel parsing
+Made --noexport and --export-only mutually exclusive
+SBS_PYTHONPATH insulates sbs from the global PYTHONPATH
+Removed spurious bracket in e32abiv2textnotifier2
+More robust to multiple import library definitions
+version 2.11.0
+New Features:
+Parallel parsing of meta-data
+New keyword APPLY for MMP files
+SAX filter plugin base-class
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF142895 Raptor does the wrong thing with the ARMFPU keyword
+DPDEF143020 The savespace variant overrides elf2e32's return code
+Improved error reporting for --check and --what
+version 2.10.2
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF142958 regression - ARMV6 and __ARMV6__ are not defined for armv6_urel builds
+DPDEF142730 Raptor crashes with improper VERSION syntax
+DPDEF142928 RVCT 4.0: Linker error when the MMP files modifies the --cpu option
+version 2.10.1
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF142666 Cannot remove frozen exports from EABI DEF file in SBSv2
+DPDEF142745 OPTION_REPLACE problems with RVCT 4.0
+DPDEF140622 feature variant configuration file with non exist file set to 'FEATURELISTFILES'
+DPDEF141195 Raptor doesn't handle spaces in tool paths
+DPDEF142616 Raptor: Variables can be set unnecessarily prior to TEM execution
+DPDEF142455 Disable warning L6780W for certain components
+DPDEF142447 GCC-E: Raptor compiles CIA files as Thumb
+DPDEF142448 GCC-E: Raptor tries to build ABIV1 import libraries
+DPDEF142451 GCC-E: Raptor treats C files as C++ files.
+version 2.10.0
+New Features:
+Support for GCCE compiler
+More efficient Feature Variation support
+version 2.9.3
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF142166 Raptor sometimes invokes checklib.exe with incorrect parameters
+DPDEF141354 EXPORTUNFROZEN fails in target builds if .savespace is applied
+DPDEF141533 Inconsistent log output
+DPDEF141604 file winscw.auto.bat is released two times
+DPDEF141787 Raptor treats EFREEZE info message as warnings
+Other Changes:
+talon can read commands from a temporary file as well as with -c
+version 2.9.2
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF141531 Incorrect RVCT variables passed to TEM
+DPDEF141837 Some problems with dependency (.d) files
+DEF140258 Aborting SBSv2 mid-build often leads to corrupt .d files which prevent rebuilds
+DPDEF142049 Garbage in the Raptor log file
+DPDEF141954 Raptor: "tools" config static libraries can have incorrect compilation macros
+DPDEF141974 Raptor: "tools" builds can fail when done in combination with "tools2" builds
+Other Changes:
+Static libraries cannot be feature variant
+Option --no-depend-include for very big builds
+version 2.9.1
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF141503 RMTPClient::StartTransport Panic when using emulated test tranport plugin
+DPDEF141688 ARMV6 builds with SBSv2 have problems with missing DEF files
+version 2.9.0
+New Features:
+Talon shell to reduce memory usage and improve stability.
+Support for RVCT 4.0 advanced features.
+Optionally use SBS_CYGWIN, SBS_MINGW and SBS_PYTHON to locate tools.
+Makefile to build host tools on Linux.
+Single-file compilation for IDE integration.
+Splitlog and CheckSource filters.
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF141523 Raptor links kernel-side components to scppnwdl.dso
+DPDEF141418 Raptor turns echo on
+DPDEF141495 Raptor doesn't deal correctly with SOURECEPATH beginning with '/'
+DPDEF141388 raptor inserts epoc32\include at start of systeminclude path	
+version 2.8.6
+DPDEF135505 Some TEMs have race conditions for simultaneous urel and udeb. cp fails.
+DPDEF141498 If make crashes, Raptor exits with 0 errors
+DPDEF141071 Raptor: GCCXML build does not support the VAR2 TARGETTYPE
+DPDEF140816 STDCPP keyword in mmp file not interpreted by gccxml tool chain
+DPDEF137727 [Raptor Rollout] Raptor fails to build certain .mbg and .rsg files
+DPDEF137494 SBSv2: preprocessor warnings and errors might cause invalid XML in log
+DPDEF140731 Missing dependency files when building from clean
+DPDEF140540 [System Build]: Changes of Raptor cause 94_331 build failed
+DPDEF141129 raptor generates unknown origin file
+Other Changes:
+Fix to support trace compiler switch
+Better message for duplicate objects, states which file overrides which.
+Refactor to avoid "defects" of missing OS variants.
+version 2.8.5
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF141102 SBS doesn't set the paging attribute of excutables correctly
+DPDEF140731 Missing dependency files when building from clean
+DPDEF135620 Workaround for broken static libraries
+version 2.8.4
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF140839 RComp crashes if it's built with sbs
+DPDEF140929 OPTION GCCE in MMP files generates a build warning
+DPDEF135436 SBSv2 - Python traceback when illegal characters appear on command line
+version 2.8.3
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF139904 Raptor: .def file FREEZE attempted for ARMV5 when it shouldn't be
+DPDEF140589 Raptor: .def file FREEZE attempted for WINSCW when it shouldn't be
+DPDEF140456 Raptor build error with -c tools_rel
+DPDEF139759 Raptor warning regarding EXPORTSUNFROZEN is ambiguous
+DPDEF135436 SBSv2 - Python traceback when illegal characters appear on command line
+INC140156 SBSv2 crashes when build QtWebkit for ARMV5
+Other Changes:
+Add <info> to show which variant.hrh file is used.
+Replaced the corrupted awk.exe in cygwin distro.
+Fix previous trace compiler auto run mechanism.
+ROMFILE improvements.
+version 2.8.2
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF140540 [System Build]: Changes of Raptor cause 94_331 build failed
+Other Changes:
+Tolerate XML schema 1_0 files where possible.
+Treat system definition schema 1.[3-9] files the same as schema 1.4 files.
+Remove checksource and its python site-packages.
+version 2.8.1
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF140165 SBS error when creating info.xml on component base_omaph2
+DPDEF132996 Location of generated auto.bat files is inconsistent
+Other Changes:
+Feature variant "ln -f" fails intermittently in parallel builds.
+Traceback when "group" elements are redefined in XML.
+Trace compiler should run automatically if a trace path exists.
+Need a workaround for Carbide Missing SDK problem.
+version 2.8.0
+New Features:
+XML schema 2.0 with new alias and group elements.
+XML config element (use var instead).
+XML .first and .last mechanism (use alias or group instead).
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF140082 SBS cause env to dirty state
+DPDEF138565 SBSV2 doesn't define the correct macros for ARMV6
+DPDEF139950 SBSv2 Filter Handling not Robust enough - bad filters stop build.
+DEF139686 [TCL Build] coredumpserver compile warnings in DP00458
+version 2.7.2
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF139420 Raptor config does not correctly handle mifconv causing resource build errors
+DPDEF138679 Raptor does not create a DEFFILE when building for winscw_urel
+DPDEF139692 SBSV2: 'virtual memory exhausted' when building multiple variants
+DPDEF136321 SBSv2: Zip exports not cleaned
+INC139622 OPTION_REPLACE does not work properly in SBSv2
+Other Changes:
+Added utility.prebuilt FLM.
+version 2.7.1
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF138366 [T15379] Raptor raise some warnings when build Coredumpserver
+DPDEF139405 SBSV2: Trace compilation fails with large numbers of files.
+DPDEF139572 SBSV2: Changes to '--cpu' option syntax breaks existing MMP files.
+DPDEF139456 Toolcheck file is not created if EPOCROOT is \
+DPDEF133766 Poor SBSv2 reallyclean performance
+DPDEF135780 SBSV2: REALLYCLEAN is not cleaning all files
+version 2.7.0
+New Features:
+DS.1744 Recognize LINKEROPTION in MMP file
+DS.1744 Compiled objects on local filesystem (SBS_BUILD_DIR)
+Partial Deliveries:
+DS.1744 CheckSource in Raptor
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF138293 Carbide: Raptor doesn't resolve variant.cfg entries starting with "\" correctly
+version 2.6.5
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF138930 Raptor needs to change to match new trace compiler interface
+version 2.6.4
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF138527 [TCL Build] Miss tracecompiler.mk and exclude group for Raptor export
+DPDEF138484 Raptor uses wrong guard causing trace compiler ignores some projects.
+DPDEF138720 BV product folders have missing map files
+DPDEF138721 Raptor uses wrong lib when mmp keyword FIRSTLIB presents.
+DPDEF138053 SBSv2: tools platform: tools not installed by the time they need to be used.
+DPDEF138164 Carbide: Raptor crashes on unrecognised buildinfo.txt content
+DPDEF138296 SBSV2 disables all TOOLS2 compiler warnings
+DPDEF138329 Raptor generates marker file for trace compiler when it's not done
+DPDEF138352 SBSv2: rollout - unsplit EC makefiles not generating correct deps 4 missing .mbg
+DPDEF138480 SBSv2: rollout. Created files sometimes have insufficient permissions on Windows
+DPDEF137511 SBSv2 doesn't behave correctly with the default paging policy
+version 2.6.3
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF133508 Number of errors is counted wrong
+DPDEF138098 UID issue in Trace Compiler for Raptor 
+DPDEF138296 SBSV2 disables all TOOLS2 compiler warnings
+version 2.6.2
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF135330 Raptor Rollout: bangalore messaging winscw udeb test code
+DPDEF137726 Missing mscvr_readme.txt from the SBSv2 drop
+DPDEF137739 SBSv2: rollout - .cia object files can conflict with .cpp object files 
+version 2.6.1
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF137239 raptor does not include the msvcr71 runtime library
+DPDEF137489 BV builds try and write generated .s files in the wrong directory
+version 2.6.0
+New Features:
+DS.1542 SBSv2 generates Open System Trace dictionaries
+DS.1629 Resource autodependencies
+version 2.5.5
+Defect Fixes:
+DPINC137379 Emulator: Cursor is missing on emulator buttons
+DPDEF133640 SBSv2 usrt3_1.lib is missing from epocroot/epoc32/release/armv5/
+version 2.5.4
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF136719 Raptor: sbsv2cache.py cache file generation fails with very large log files
+DPDEF136715 On Linux the shipped python 2.5.2 is not found
+DPDEF132996 SBSv2 doesn't generate AUTO.BAT file
+DPDEF136382 SBSv2: explicit dll versioning not supported on arm platforms 	
+DPDEF135843 [Raptor Rollout] Raptor does not support OPTION_REPLACE ARMASM/OPTION ARMASM
+DPDEF136693 makesis fails when multiple instances are run concurrently with the same target
+version 2.5.3
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF136162 Raptor: resource dependencies require metadata workarounds
+DPDEF128288 SBSv2 does not fully support build target customization.
+DPDEF132880 BV builds cannot find system static libraries
+DPDEF133835 SBSv2 cannot build for ARMV6 or ARM9E
+version 2.5.2
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF135983 cpp-raptor crashes if source code contains builtin macro __FILE__
+DPDEF133808 Raptor does not support OPTION --no_rtti with mixed assembly/C++ projects
+DPDEF135577 SBSv2: rollout - TOOLS/TOOLS2 exes sometimes not executable or writable.
+version 2.5.1
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF135258 createvmap.py script can hang in BV builds
+DPDEF135385 warnings in RunModeDebugger in M04816vFuture with ARMV7
+version 2.5.0
+New Features:
+DS.1568 User defined configuration file location(s)
+version 2.4.3
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF134322 SBSV2 uses the wrong library when building STDCPP targets 	
+DPDEF132923 SBSv2 freeze don't add Vtable and RTTI information into def file for arm dll
+DPDEF133775 SBSv2: ARMFPU is not passed to compiler
+DPDEF134023 case inconsistency with libOpenVG.lib
+Other Changes:
+MINOR_CHANGE updated all copyright notices for SF delivery
+MINOR_CHANGE added vtb91sf variant for SF Timebox 9:1 builds
+MINOR_CHANGE added vtb92sf variant for SF Timebox 9:2 builds
+version 2.4.2
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF133820 Raptor Rollout: EXPORTUNFROZEN processing incorrect in ARMV5 builds
+DPDEF132033 Raptor picks up the wrong bld.inf macros when building for RVCT 3.1
+DPDEF133772 SBSv2: console log includes some winscw warnings that should be suppressed
+version 2.4.1
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF133639 Raptor Rollout:TEF test server doesn't start under SBSv2 - OK with abld
+DEF133255 [System Build]: Error in compiling NaviEngine Unistore on ARMV7 M04816 vFuture
+DPDEF127973 Freeze fails with SBSv2 under some environments
+version 2.4.0
+New Features:
+DS.1475 Pluggable Log Summariser
+DS.1476 Use FLMs from the source tree  
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF133417 SBSv2: tmp mounting errors on startup
+version 2.3.3
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF130261 sbs does not support explicit option to version keyword
+DPDEF130598 sbs does not provide debug and nodebug variants
+DPDEF131630 Raptor smoke tests break when EPOCROOT=\ on Windows
+DPDEF132898 no TEM nbl2.lib dependencies for armv7
+DPDEF133035 SBSv2 - Tools2 build does not include -m32 option.  Stlport flm also doesn't.
+DPDEF133176 SBSv2 ignores compillation error for "unidentified identifier" for winscw build
+version 2.3.2
+Other Changes:
+MINOR_CHANGE added vtb92 variant for Timebox 9:2 builds
+version 2.3.1
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF132374 SBSv2: Directory creation can fail leading to build errors
+DPDEF132070 SBSv2: stlport 5.2 build fails - library generated to wrong directory
+DPDEF128378 SBSv2 help for global targets only shown when a target is given
+DPDEF129634 ALWAYS_BUILD_AS_ARM does not suppress __MARM_THUMB__ with SBSv2
+version 2.3.0
+New Features:
+DS.1424 Support for ARMV5SMP platform  
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF129804 SBSv2 crashes when there are double \\ in prj_mmpfiles in bld.inf
+DPDEF130892 SBSv2: Reallyclean fails on TEM files
+DPDEF131619 SBSv2: ABIv1 .lib files aren't generated for -c armv5 -c armv5.smp
+DPDEF131637 SBSv2: stlport can fail to build under Cygwin - "/tmp no such directory"
+DPDEF131891 [System Build]: Errors in GT stage in Build M04774 vfuture
+version 2.2.9
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF129804 SBSv2 crashes when there are double \\ in prj_mmpfiles in bld.inf
+DPDEF131637 SBSv2: stlport can fail to build under Cygwin - "/tmp no such directory"
+DPDEF130892 SBSv2: Reallyclean fails on TEM files
+version 2.2.8
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF130569 .lib files for SSM targets build with different name compared to abld
+DPDEF130571 libxml2 component contains GCCXML build errors
+DPDEF131312 SBSv2 - DEBUGGABLE_UDEBONLY not supported by SBSv2 (Raptor)
+version 2.2.7
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF130533 SBSv2 fails to run when installed from SITK
+DPDEF130452 Some rcomp warnings need to be disabled
+DPDEF130286 SBSv2: sbs freezes during CLEAN and REALLYCLEAN operations.
+DPDEF127973 Freeze fails with SBSv2 under some environments
+DPDEF128455 Error during freeze with SBSv2
+DPDEF127149 SBSv2 TEM/extension makefile build doesn't support the .savespace variant
+version 2.2.6
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF130008 SBSv2 should recognize these new keywords: SMPSAFE, PAGEDCODE, PAGEDDATA, UN...
+DPDEF127887 Current directory wrong when executing extension makefiles in SBSv2
+DPDEF128915 CCheckEnv ERROR: CBRPatch: Absent file
+DPDEF127675 Raptor does not process stringtables correctly when HEADERONLY is on
+DPDEF127878 give wrong mmp filename for -p option should cause error in SBSv2
+Other Changes:
+Uses cygwin instead of msys for improved stability.
+Includes python 2.5.2 instead of using py2exe.
+version 2.2.5
+Defect Fixes:
+DEF127329 OMAP H4 Unistore2 Failure in Raptor 9.5 GT build
+DPDEF128632 SBSv2 : bld.inf ':zip' exports don't maintain timestamps, with an e32 impact
+DPDEF127399 SBSv2 -p [filename].mmp options also builds .mk files
+version 2.2.4
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF129187 SBSv2: ABIv1 .lib files are required (again)
+version 2.2.3
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF128916 C Standard Library failed on cia2cpp2o armv5 with 1
+DPDEF128503 sbs 2.2.0 produce malformed xml log on Linux with pvmgmake
+DPDEF127604 SIS registry panics at startup on emulator if SWI is built with SBS
+DPDEF128690 SBSv2 generates error when using emake on REALLYCLEAN target
+Other Changes:
+MINOR_CHANGE log summariser updated to deal with errors starting "make.exe: ***"
+version 2.2.2
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF127497 SBSv2 does not clean when -k or other switch is used with abld wrapper
+DPDEF127829 'cannot open Meta file' warning with SBSv2
+DPDEF127371 abld -v not working correctly through sbsv2
+DPDEF127555 SBSv2 doesn't do "romfile"
+Other Changes:
+MINOR_CHANGE made the default number of jobs 4
+version 2.2.1
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF128498 SBS creates paths with extra slashes which can cause problems
+Other Changes:
+MINOR_CHANGE Removed temporary ABIv1 .lib generation
+MINOR_CHANGE Added monty test data to the test folder
+version 2.2.0
+New Features:
+DS.1347 SBSv2 Compiler Selection  
+DS.1348 SBSv2 allow mixed slashes
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF127904	SBSv2 : recent installdefaultcommdb has broken the 9.4 build
+DPDEF128022	SBSv2: Unrecognised Keyword ['romtarget  some_file.dll'] warnings
+DPDEF127815	SBSv2: PAGED and EPOCCALLDLLENTRYPOINTS keywords not supported
+DPDEF127890	SBSv2:  TARGETPATH in mmps (also resources, bitmaps) must cope with backslashes
+DPDEF128229 SBSv2: some command invocations can fail, but could be "re-tried"
+version 2.1.10
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF126662	Intermittent networking_dhcp compilation failure in Raptor build GT phase
+DPDEF127799	SBSv2: zip and unzip commands not found in some builds
+DPDEF127665	ARMV7 libraries have wrong link order in Raptor
+version 2.1.9
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF127498	SBSv2: importlibversioned_abiv1 intermittently fails in ARMV5 builds
+DPDEF125483	CDB breaks due to Attribute values not matching expected values
+DPDEF126335	Intermittent GT errors due to "make" not being found on the PATH
+DPDEF127562	SBSv2 will not unzip the same file into more than one location
+DPDEF127626	SBSv2: sed version on windows is out of date
+version 2.1.8
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF125478	CDB breaks caused by file path/name mismatch
+DPDEF125145	Incorrect file access permissions for sbs v2.0.14 in Linux distribution
+DPDEF126126	Intermittent "Segmentation fault" error in Raptor GT phase
+DPDEF124836	SBSv2 cannot build just a single .mmp file from a bld.inf file
+DPDEF126675	Performance regression in SBSv2 python frontend caused by regex usage,
+DPDEF126790	groupin10 is not used in artarget_func
+DPDEF125639	TEM variables are reported incorrectly when building TEM for ARMV7
+DPDEF124273	abld help is ugly and hard to read
+DPDEF126614	"Virtual memory exhausted. Stop" error when building with SBSV2
+version 2.1.7
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF124290 SBS -e pvmgmake -j 12 on Linux produces malformed xml log files
+DPDEF126241	SBSv2 : SECURE_DATA error when building uiklaf toolkit in TechView
+DPDEF126328	Performance regression and related excessive memory usage in daily Raptor builds
+version 2.1.6
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF125740	SBSv2: Builds can hang during the GT stage in Windows builds when using "-j x"
+DPDEF125145	Incorrect file access permissions for sbs v2.0.14 in Linux distribution
+version 2.1.5
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF125812	There is no user created init.xml configuration file
+version 2.1.4
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF124680 Raptor builds hang  at "tools2" compilation phase
+DPDEF125304 Raptor crashes when running abld
+version 2.1.3
+Defect Fixes:
+DPDEF125394 sbs_2.1.0_(RC1) Building complete OS gives armasm errors on Windows
+DPDEF122556 GT0367: CLEANEXPORT target is not cleaning files with a space in them
+DPDEF124691 Raptor should ignore the new SMPSAFE keyword
+DPDEF125031 SBSv2 Stringtable build fails when EXPORTPATH specified
+version 2.1.2
+Change Requests:
+CR1413 Support for different toolchains to be called by SBSv1 and SBSv2
+version 2.1.1	
+Defect Fixes:
+DEF124748 GCCXML errors in Raptor related to missing arm lib files
+DEF124756 Raptor build : Orphan files reported in CBR phase
+DEF124758 Raptor build CBR errors due to missing ".a" files
+DEF124573 CDB breaks in Raptor build due to missing header,dll and lib files
+version 2.1.0
+Change Requests:
+CR1479 Add Armv7 support into SBSv2
+Defect Fixes:
+DEF124543 Raptor does not handle the STDCPP keyword correctly
+DEF124515 GT0367: 'bldmake plat' should now show ARMV7
+version 2.0.14
+Defect Fixes:
+DEF124705 CBR errors in raptor builds due to missing rpp files
+DEF120328 SBS v2.0 configuration files cannot be validated
+INC124096 Long list of MMP macros causes crashdump with .s files
+DEF124702 GT0367: Semaphores need altering to correct possible hangs (on Linux)
+version 2.0.13
+Defect Fixes:
+DEF123653 SBS -j 16 on Windows produces malformed xml log files
+version 2.0.12
+Defect Fixes:
+DEF123987 Raptor does not build a lot of .lib files for ARMV5
+DEF123981 SBSv2 doesn't generate DSO when EXPORTUNFROZEN is specified.
+version 2.0.11
+Defect Fixes:
+DEF123988 SBSv2 does not produce rpp files
+DEF123766 SBSv2 log output does not match the specification
+DEF122781 GT0367: 'bldmake bldfiles' output not going to stdout
+DEF122885 GT0367: Need to stop sbs -abld functioning on Linux
+DEF123354 GT0367: Incorrect output if the number of jobs provided is invalid
+version 2.0.10
+Defect Fixes:
+DEF123984 SBSv2 generates more warnings than abld
+DEF124139 GT0367: SBS causes a Python Traceback when a system_definition.xml error occurs
+DEF123601 SBSv2 : Python traceback error is reported when try to build systemtest code
+DEF123916 SBSv2 : "tools" build warns about overrides when "OPTION MSVC /w" in .mmp files
+version 2.0.9
+Defect Fixes:
+PDEF124028 .GXP files not getting created when built for GCCXML target
+DEF123653 SBS -j 16 on Windows produces malformed xml log files
+DEF123586 dso file is not remade when def file changes
+DEF122541 SBSv2 -what should report resource files
+DEF123265 Incorrect file access permissions for sbs v2.0.7 in Linux dist
+DEF123317 SBSv2 -what got error for whatexports if too much exports
+DEF123439 SBSv2 : Exports not performed in total before .mmp processing in sysdef builds
+DEF123552 STLport doesn't build with Raptor on Linux
+DEF123260 GT0367: Circular references in config files not handled
+version 2.0.8
+Defect Fixes:
+DEF122930 SBSv2:Target type exexp giving errors while building for winscw
+DEF123028 Raptor generating double slashes in command files
+DEF123048 SBSv2: build with -k (keep-going) stops when export makefile has a failure.
+DEF123069 False 'missing mmp file' errors reported by SBSv2
+DEF122472 SBSv2 doesn't report content of unpacked zip files
+DEF122534 SBSv2 -what should not report .sym files
+DEF123181 SBSv2: Failure of one export in python aborts remaining exports for bld.inf
+DEF123289 SBSv2 : Netcards doesn't build for "tools" in an SBSv2 build
+DEF123418 SBSV2: stlport build can fail with "no rule to make target"
+DEF123084 SBSv2: exits with an exception if -c option specifies non-existent configuration
+INC122876 Electric Accelerator build fails with Raptor
+version 2.0.7
+Defect Fixes:
+DEF122784 Large MMP files and GNUMAKEFILE causes shell to crash
+DEF122760 Problems with bmconv command files preventing bitmap generation?
+DEF122803 SBSv2 - Freeze doesnt work properly for OE target types
+DEF122833 SBSV2 Performance is poor with -j16 using the GNU Make engine
+DEF122535 GT0367: Invalid system_definition.xml causes SBSv2 layering crash
+DEF122570 SBSv2 : certain "-m" values cause a crash at makefile generation
+DEF122604 Errors in GT only build using sbsv2 on Windows
+DEF122796 Wrong default value for PVMGMAKE in make.xml
+DEF122783 SBSv2 WINSCW builds can produce incorrectly linked executables under emake
+DEF122785 log summariser crashes if errors contain % characters
+DEF122870 SBSv2 assembling .s files fails.
+DEF120473 Enable Windows and Linux Tools to Cohabit
+DEF121826 Pre-include HRH file directory from variant.cfg fails for template extension mak
+DEF121907 Raptor crashes when exporting zip file that already exists
+DEF122523 SBSv2 Logging output affected by bash version on Linux
+DEF122788 SBSv2: We don't ensure correct version of Make for TEMs and for use in FLMs
+version 2.0.6
+The first release of SBSv2 in the SITK.
+ +