diff -r c7c26511138f -r 360bd6b35136 imgtools/buildrom/tools/ImageContentHandler.pm
--- a/imgtools/buildrom/tools/ImageContentHandler.pm Wed Jun 16 16:51:40 2010 +0300
+++ b/imgtools/buildrom/tools/ImageContentHandler.pm Wed Jun 23 16:56:47 2010 +0800
@@ -1,1550 +1,1551 @@
-# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# This package processes the Image Content XML, and creates an OBY file to create a Rom image.
-package ImageContentHandler;
-require Exporter;
- ParseImageContentXML
- ProcessImageContent
- AddBinary
- GetBldRomOpts
- SetBldRomOpts
- GenObyFile
- GetObyFiles
- AddBinaryFromOby
- UpdateObyBinaryStaticDep
- PrintMsg
- DumpBinaries
-use strict;
-use genericparser;
-use cdfparser;
-use Dep_Lister;
-#Error list
-my @errors;
-my %ImageContent=(); #Image details are stored in this tree
-my $RootNode; #The root node of the XML root document element
-my @TargetImageList; #The list of target element nodes in the XML. These are ordered based on their
- # imageid (if it is a number, else, based on the availibility of Rom locations within 0..7).
-my @binarySelectionArray; #This array stores the ABI directories to be looked up to select binaries.
-my @ImageContentBinaries; #This list is for the biaries mentioned in Image content XML for
- # keywords like, 'primary', 'secondary', 'device', 'extension', 'variant'.
-# List that contains information of binary from OBY file. This list is maintained to check if their static dependencies
-# have been included already in Rom.
-my %obyFileInfo=();
-my $ImageIndex=-1;
-my @Includes; #List of included features. The included feature in this list is a hash table giving the
- #Uid or the name. These features are collected either from the Image content or the CDF XMLs.
-my @Excludes; #List of excluded features.The excluded feature in this list is a hash table giving the
- #Uid or the name. These features are collected either from the Image content or the CDF XMLs.
-my %DefaultDirs =();#This hash table records the default ABI and the BUILD directories. These are updated in case
- # the overriding buildrom options are provided e.g., -D_FULL_DEBUG or -D_PLAT=GCCE etc.
-my @BPABIPlats = &BPABIutl::BPABIutl_Plat_List; # Add the BPABI Platforms to be added
-my $isEcomPlugin=0; # This flag will be set when PLUGINs are provided in the CDF file.
-sub ParseImageContentXML
- my $XMLFile = shift;
- $XMLFile =~ s/\\/\//g;
- $RootNode = &getRootElement($XMLFile);
- &SetImageDetails(\%ImageContent, $RootNode);
-my @padding;
-#This subroutine traverses the XML tree and stores the fields in the hast table %ImageContent. The keys
-# are the branch names. For target nodes., it stores the nodes themselves in the hash table and doesn't
-# go deeper. These nodes are processed laster. For the other nodes, it keeps traversing recursively.
-# There are some special keys used to store the nodes and values in the tree. While storing an XML::DOM
-# node, it sores with the keys 'nodes', while, for storing a value, it is stored with the key 'vals'.
-# These are the keys used to retrieve the contents of the tree while generating the final OBY.
-sub SetImageDetails
- my ($ImageDetailRef, $ImageNode) = @_;
- my @children = &genericparser::getChildElements($ImageNode);
- my $child;
- my $TreeRef;
- my $branch;
- my $parentName = &genericparser::getElementName($ImageNode);
- my $childCnt = scalar @children;
- my ($indent) = join('', @padding);
- my $val = &genericparser::getElementValue($ImageNode);
- $val = Trim($val);
- if($val ne "")
- {
- push @{$ImageDetailRef->{vals}}, $val;
- }
- my $NodeRef;
- foreach $child (@children)
- {
- $branch = &genericparser::getElementName($child);
- $NodeRef = \%{$ImageDetailRef->{$branch}};
- if($branch eq "cdf" and $parentName eq "romscope")
- {
-# Record the romscope node. This node indicates the oby files or cdf files/directories
-# that may be used.
- push @{$NodeRef->{nodes}}, $child;
- next;
- }
- if($branch eq "target" and $parentName eq "romtarget")
- {
- push @{$NodeRef->{nodes}}, $child;
- next;
- }
- if( ($branch =~ /primary/i ) ||
- ($branch =~ /secondary/i) ||
- ($branch =~ /extension/i) ||
- ($branch =~ /variant/i ) ||
- ($branch =~ /device/i ) )
- {
- next;
- }
- if( $child->hasChildNodes() )
- {
- $NodeRef->{hasChildren} = 1;
- push @padding, ".";
- SetImageDetails($NodeRef, $child);
- }
- else
- {
- $NodeRef->{hasChildren} = 0;
- }
-# Get all attributes...
- my $attribs = &genericparser::getNodeAttributes($child);
- my $attrib;
- my $nodeName;
- my $nodeVal;
- my %attr=();
- my $attrLen = $attribs->getLength;
- for (my $pos = 0; $pos < $attrLen;$pos++)
- {
- $attrib = $attribs->item($pos);
- if(!$attrib)
- {
- next;
- }
- $nodeName = lc ($attrib->getName);
- $nodeVal = lc ($attrib->getValue);
- $attr{$nodeName}=$nodeVal;
- }
- push @{$NodeRef->{vals}}, \%attr;
- }
- pop @padding;
-my @romGeometry; #Array to store all Roms mentioned in RomGeometry
-my %romGeometryHash = (); #This Hash table records the indices in @romGeometry array, keying on their Ids.
-my $curRomImageIndex; #This scalar records the current Rom image being processed. An binary encountered
- # becomes part of the Rom image corresponding to this partition.
-# This subroutine associates the RomGeometry and the RomTarget sub-trees to set indices for the Rom-target
-# nodes.It stores the Image content XML entries for primary/secondary/device/extension/variant keywords.
-# It also stores the features that are included/excluded in Image content XML.
-sub ProcessImageContent
- my $TotalImages = &ProcessRomGeometry();
- my @trgList;
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{romtarget}{target}{nodes}})
- {
- @trgList = @{$ImageContent{romtarget}{target}{nodes}};
- }
-# Go through the romgeometry to find the location of each image. The valid IDs are 0 through 7.
- foreach my $trg (@trgList)
- {
-# The ID field in romgeometry can be an integer in the range 0 through 7.
-# If it is not a number, its location is assumed as its sequence number
- my $imageid = &genericparser::getAttrValue($trg, "imageid");
- if($imageid =~ /Any/i)
- {
- next;
- }
- elsif(exists $romGeometryHash{$imageid})
- {
- $ImageIndex = $romGeometryHash{$imageid};
- push @{$TargetImageList[$ImageIndex]} , $trg;
- }
- }
-# Romscope - update the maps if the files and directories are mentioned.
- my @romScopeNodes;
- if(defined @{$ImageContent{romscope}{cdf}{nodes}})
- {
- @romScopeNodes = @{$ImageContent{romscope}{cdf}{nodes}};
- }
- my $type;
- my $file;
- my $dir;
- foreach my $aNode (@romScopeNodes)
- {
- $type = &genericparser::getAttrValue($aNode, "type");
- if( $type =~ /dir/i)
- {
- $dir = &genericparser::getElementValue($aNode);
- &cdfparser::CreateCDFFileBinaryMapFromDir($dir);
- }
- elsif($type =~ /file/i)
- {
- $file = &genericparser::getElementValue($aNode);
- &cdfparser::CreateCDFFileBinaryMap($file);
- }
- }
- my $availablePos = 0;
- foreach my $trg (@trgList)
- {
- if(&genericparser::getAttrValue($trg, "imageid") =~ /Any/i)
- {
- while($availablePos < $TotalImages)
- {
- if( !defined($TargetImageList[$availablePos][0]) )
- {
- push @{$TargetImageList[$availablePos]}, $trg;
- last;
- }
- $availablePos++;
- }
- }
- }
- my $pos = 0;
- while( $pos < 8)
- {
- if( defined $TargetImageList[$pos][0] )
- {
-# Record the current Rom image index so that the binaries are included in the corresponding
-# Rom image.
-# The romGeometry and TargetImageList arrays are associated both being indexed on
-# the Rom-image index.
- $curRomImageIndex = $pos;
- &ProcessTarget($pos, \@{$TargetImageList[$pos]});
- }
- $pos++;
- }
-# Pick the primary/secondary/device binaries
- my @nodes = &genericparser::getNodeFromTree($RootNode, "options", "primary", "file");
- if( defined @nodes)
- {
- &SaveImageContentBinaries(\@nodes, "primary");
- }
- @nodes = &genericparser::getNodeFromTree($RootNode, "options", "secondary", "file");
- if( defined @nodes)
- {
- &SaveImageContentBinaries(\@nodes, "secondary");
- }
- @nodes = &genericparser::getNodeFromTree($RootNode, "options", "extension", "file");
- if( defined @nodes)
- {
- &SaveImageContentBinaries(\@nodes, "extension");
- }
- @nodes = &genericparser::getNodeFromTree($RootNode, "options", "variant", "file");
- if( defined @nodes)
- {
- &SaveImageContentBinaries(\@nodes, "variant");
- }
- @nodes = &genericparser::getNodeFromTree($RootNode, "options", "device", "file");
- if( defined @nodes)
- {
- &SaveImageContentBinaries(\@nodes, "device");
- }
- foreach my $imgBin (@ImageContentBinaries)
- {
- &ProcessStaticDep($imgBin->{source});
- }
-# Pick the binary selection order
- if (exists($ImageContent{options}{binaryselectionorder}{vals}))
- {
- my ($abiDirs) = @{$ImageContent{options}{binaryselectionorder}{vals}};
- @binarySelectionArray = split(',', $abiDirs);
- @binarySelectionArray = Trim(@binarySelectionArray);
- }
- my $featureList = &cdfparser::GetIncludedFeatureList();
- foreach my $feature (@$featureList)
- {
- push @Includes, $feature;
- }
- $featureList = &cdfparser::GetExcludedFeatureList();
- foreach my $feature (@$featureList)
- {
- push @Excludes, $feature;
- }
-#Arrange the Rom-geometry according to their Id when they are numbers. The named images
-#are arranged starting from the empty slots in Rom geometry array.
-sub ProcessRomGeometry
- my $RomImageCount = 0;
- my $pos = 0;
- while($pos < 8)
- {
- $romGeometry[$pos++] = undef;
- }
- my @roms = @{$ImageContent{romgeometry}{image}{vals}};
- $RomImageCount = scalar (@roms);
- my @namedImages;
-# Visit all images and allocate them the indices they mention.
- foreach my $img (@roms)
- {
- if($img->{id} =~ /(\d+)/)
- {
- $pos = $1;
- if( defined($romGeometry[$pos]) )
- {
- print "Error: $romGeometry[$pos]->{id} and $img->{id} cant be allocated the same position\n";
- exit;
- }
- $romGeometry[$pos] = $img;
-# Record the index of this Rom
- $romGeometryHash{$img->{id}} = $pos;
- }
- else
- {
-# These are the named images that are allocated there positions sequentially starting from
-# the first available empty position
- push @namedImages, $img;
- }
- }
-# Revisit the images and allocate the remaining (unallocated) positions.
- $pos = 0;
- my $namedImageCount = scalar (@namedImages);
- my $firstNamedImgIdx = 0;
- my $img;
- while( ($pos < 8) and ($namedImageCount > 0) )
- {
- if( $romGeometry[$pos] )
- {
-# skip the positions already allocated.
- $pos++;
- next;
- }
- $img = $namedImages[$firstNamedImgIdx];
- $romGeometry[$pos] = $img;
-# Record the index of this Rom
- $romGeometryHash{$img->{id}} = $pos;
- $pos++;$firstNamedImgIdx++;
- $namedImageCount--;
- }
- return $RomImageCount;
-my @ObyFileList;
-#This subrouting processes the target nodes that may include OBYs/CDFs or features. For CDFs, the satic/dynamic
-# dependencies are evaluated.
-sub ProcessTarget
- my ($ImgPos , $trgNodesRef) = @_;
- my @cdfFileList;
-# For all the 'target' nodes associated with an image in romgeometry at the given index...
-# The link between a target and an image in romGeometry is the image id. If the imageid
-# of a target is 'Any', then the first available image in romGeometry is allocated to
-# that target.
- foreach my $target (@$trgNodesRef)
- {
-# Fetch any cdfs included within the Image Content file
- my @cdfs = &getNodeFromTree($target, "include","cdf");
- my $type;
- my $file;
- my $dir;
- foreach my $cdfNode (@cdfs)
- {
- $type = &genericparser::getAttrValue($cdfNode, "type");
- if( !($type) || ($type eq "file") )
- {
- $file = &genericparser::getElementValue($cdfNode);
- push @cdfFileList, $file;
- }
- elsif($type eq "dir")
- {
- $dir = &genericparser::getElementValue($cdfNode);
- &cdfparser::CreateCDFFileBinaryMapFromDir($dir);
- }
- }
-# Collect all the obey files mentioned in this 'target' node.
- my @obys = &getNodeFromTree($target, "include","obyFile");
- foreach my $obyNode (@obys)
- {
- $file = &genericparser::getElementValue($obyNode);
- push @ObyFileList, $file;
- }
- &CollectFeatures($target, 1, \@Includes);
- &CollectFeatures($target, 0, \@Excludes);
- }
- ProcessCDFList(\@cdfFileList);
-# This subroutine updates the include or exclude feature list collected from Image content XML.
-sub CollectFeatures
-# Collect all the features included/excluded in this 'target' node.
- my ($target, $Inc, $IncludeExcludeListRef) = @_;
- my $IncExcStr;
- if($Inc == 1)
- {
- $IncExcStr = "include";
- }
- else
- {
- $IncExcStr = "exclude";
- }
- my @nodes = &getNodeFromTree($target, $IncExcStr,"feature");
- foreach my $node (@nodes)
- {
- my %aFeatureInfo = ();
- my $isValidFeature = 0;
- my $feature = &genericparser::getAttrValue($node, "name");
- if($Inc)
- {
-# Mark the feature included.
- $aFeatureInfo{include} = 1;
- }
- else
- {
-# Mark the feature excluded.
- $aFeatureInfo{exclude} = 1;
- }
- if(defined $feature and $feature ne "")
- {
- $aFeatureInfo{name}= $feature;
- $aFeatureInfo{uid} = undef;
- $isValidFeature = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- $feature = &genericparser::getAttrValue($node, "uid");
- if(!defined $feature or $feature eq "")
- {
- print "Warning: Neither feature name nor uid is defined \n";
- }
- else
- {
- if(&featureparser::ValidateUIDValue($feature))
- {
- $feature = &featureparser::ConvertHexToDecimal($feature);
- $aFeatureInfo{uid}= $feature;
- $aFeatureInfo{name}= undef;
- $isValidFeature = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- print "The uid value $feature specified in the Image Content Description is not a valid number\n";
- }
- }
- }
- if($isValidFeature)
- {
- push @$IncludeExcludeListRef, \%aFeatureInfo;
- }
- }
-sub DumpImageDetails
- my ($HRef) = @_;
- my %hash = %$HRef;
- my $ChildHRef;
- foreach my $Key (keys %hash)
- {
- if($Key eq "hasChildren" || $Key eq "vals")
- {
- next;
- }
- my $indent = join('', @padding);
- &PrintMsg ($indent. $Key);
- if($hash{$Key}{hasChildren} == 1)
- {
- push @padding, ".";
- &PrintMsg ("\n");
- $ChildHRef = \%{$hash{$Key}};
- &DumpImageDetails($ChildHRef);
- }
- elsif( defined ($hash{$Key}{vals}) )
- {
- &PrintMsg ("\nVals $hash{$Key}{vals}\n");
- push @padding, ".";
- $indent = join('', @padding);
- my @array = @{$hash{$Key}{vals}};
- &PrintMsg ("array len = " . scalar(@array) . "\n");
- foreach my $attrib ( @array )
- {
- foreach my $key1 (keys %$attrib)
- {
- &PrintMsg ($indent . $Key. " ". "$key1=$$attrib{$key1}\n");
- }
- &PrintMsg ("\n");
- }
- }
- elsif( defined (@{$hash{$Key}{nodes}}) )
- {
- my $node = $hash{$Key}{nodes}[0];
- &PrintMsg ("{". scalar(@{$hash{$Key}{nodes}})."}\n");
- }
- }
- pop @padding;
-sub CheckErrors
- if($#errors > -1)
- {
- &PrintMsg ("errors..........$#errors \n");
- foreach (@errors)
- {
- &PrintMsg ($_ ."\n");
- }
- exit;
- }
-my @ImageBinaryList;#2d array storing the list of binaries per rom image
-sub AddBinary
- my ($binaryName) = @_;
- {
- push @{$ImageBinaryList[$curRomImageIndex]}, $binaryName;
- }
-sub SetBldRomOpts
- my ($key, $value) = @_;
- if( $key eq undef )
- {
-# The default ABI directory is armv5 unless specified otherwise in the buildrom command-line.
-# The default build directory is urel unless specified otherwise in the buildrom command-line.
- $DefaultDirs{ABI_DIR} = 'ARMV5';
- $DefaultDirs{BUILD_DIR}='urel';
- $DefaultDirs{DEST_DIR}= "\\sys\\bin";
- }
- else
- {
-# trim the value for leading/trailing whitespace
- $value = Trim($value);
- $DefaultDirs{$key} = $value;
- }
-sub Trim()
- my @out = @_;
- for (@out) {
- s/^\s+//;
- s/\s+$//;
- }
- return wantarray ? @out : $out[0];
-sub GetBldRomOpts
- my ($key) = @_;
- return $DefaultDirs{$key};
-sub DumpBinaries
- &PrintMsg ("***********Binaries in ROM***********\n");
- my $img_idx = 0;
- while ($img_idx < 8 and defined ($ImageBinaryList[$img_idx]))
- {
- my @list = @{$ImageBinaryList[$img_idx]};
- &PrintMsg ("Image $img_idx has ". scalar (@list ) . " binaries\n");
- foreach my $bin (@list)
- {
- &PrintMsg ("file[$img_idx]=$bin\n");
- }
- $img_idx++;
- }
- &PrintMsg ("***********END***********\n");
-sub PrintMsg
- my ($msg) = @_;
- print "$msg";
-# This subroutine is used to generate OBY-contents based on contents of the Image content XML. The image content XML
-# may have, in turn, included other OBYs/CDFs. These contents are appended to the Phase-I OBY file (where, the
-# Phase-I OBY file is generated by the preprocessor which is the conglomeration of all the buildrom supplied OBY files).
-sub GenObyFile
- my ($ObyFileName) = @_;
- open (OBYFH, ">>$ObyFileName") or die("* Can't open $ObyFileName\n");
- my $binRef;
- my $line;
- my $index;
- my $new_src_path;
- my $exec_src_path = $ENV{EPOCROOT};#This is the Executable source path
- $exec_src_path .= "epoc32\\release\\";
- my $abidir = $DefaultDirs{ABI_DIR};
- my $blddir = $DefaultDirs{BUILD_DIR};
- GenObyHeader(*OBYFH);
- for($index = 0;$index < 8;$index++)
- {
- if( !defined $romGeometry[$index] )
- {
- next;
- }
- $line = "rom_image $index ";
- $line .= $romGeometry[$index]{name} . " ";
- $line .= "size=" . $romGeometry[$index]{size} . " ";
- if( $romGeometry[$index]{type} =~ /nonxip/)
- {
- $line .= " non-xip ";
- }
- else
- {
- $line .= " xip ";
- }
- $line .= $romGeometry[$index]{compression} . " ";
- if($romGeometry[$index]{extension} eq "yes")
- {
- $line .= " extension ";
- }
- $line .= "\n";
- print OBYFH $line;
- $line = "ROM_IMAGE[$index] {\n"; #Start of contents of this image
- print OBYFH $line;
- foreach my $binary (@{$ImageBinaryList[$index]}) {
- $binRef = &cdfparser::GetBinaryInfo($binary);
- if( defined ($binRef) and $binRef->{IsFoundInCDF})
- {
- if(exists $binRef->{default})
- {
- $line = "DEFAULT_LANGUAGE $binRef->{default} \n";
- print OBYFH "$line";
- }
- if(exists $binRef->{language})
- {
- my $langCodes = $binRef->{language};
- foreach my $lang (@$langCodes)
- {
- $line = "LANGUAGE_CODE $lang \n";
- print OBYFH "$line";
- }
- }
-# Replace the BUILD_DIR with udeb or urel
-# Default BUILD_DIR is urel and can be overridden by using cmd line option '_FULL_DEBUG'
-# If a binary is to be picked always from udeb, then the src path in CDF must be mentioned
-# as udeb e.g. , in which case, the mentioned dir
-# is picked as it is.
- $new_src_path = $binRef->{source};
- $new_src_path =~ s/ABI_DIR/$abidir/i;
- $new_src_path =~ s/BUILD_DIR/$blddir/i;
- $new_src_path =~ s/DEBUG_DIR/udeb/i;
- $new_src_path =~ s/epocroot/EPOCROOT/;
- $new_src_path =~ s/zresource/ZRESOURCE/;
- $new_src_path =~ s/zprivate/ZPRIVATE/;
- $new_src_path =~ s/zsystem/ZSYSTEM/;
- my $FileFound = 0;
- if($binRef->{IsExecutable})
- {
- $new_src_path = $exec_src_path . $new_src_path;
- if(!-f $new_src_path)
- {
- foreach my $newAbiDir (@binarySelectionArray)
- {
- $new_src_path =~ s/$abidir/$newAbiDir/i;
- if(-f $new_src_path)
- {
- $FileFound = 1;
- last;
- }
- $abidir = $newAbiDir;
- }
- if( !$FileFound )
- {
- $FileFound = fallback($abidir, \$new_src_path);
- if( !$FileFound )
- {
- print "Missing file $binRef->{source} \n";
- $new_src_path = $binRef->{source};
- }
- }
- }
-# compress options
- if(exists $binRef->{compress} and ($binRef->{compress} eq "uncompress") )
- {
- $line = "fileuncompress=";
- }
- elsif($binRef->{compress} eq "compress")
- {
- $line = "filecompress=";
- }
- elsif( exists $binRef->{dll})
- {
- $line = "dll=";
- }
-# Checks the plugin type
- elsif( exists $binRef->{type} and $binRef->{type} eq "plugin")
- {
- if (exists $binRef->{plugin_name})
- {
- $isEcomPlugin=1;
- $line = "__$binRef->{plugin_name}_PLUGIN(ABI_DIR\\BUILD_DIR,ECOM_BIN_DIR,DATAZ_,ECOM_RSC_DIR,$binRef->{id},$binRef->{id})\n";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- $isEcomPlugin=0;
- $line = "file=";
- }
- if (!$isEcomPlugin)
- {
- $line .= $new_src_path . " ";
- $line .= $binRef->{destination};
- }
-# stack,heap,fixed,priority,uid,dll,dlldatatop
- if( exists $binRef->{stack})
- {
- $line .= " stack " . $binRef->{stack};
- }
- if( exists $binRef->{heapmin})
- {
- $line .= " heapmin " . $binRef->{heapmin};
- }
- if( exists $binRef->{heapmax})
- {
- $line .= " heapmax " . $binRef->{heapmax};
- }
- if( exists $binRef->{fixed})
- {
- $line .= " fixed";
- }
- if( exists $binRef->{priority})
- {
- $line .= " priority " . $binRef->{priority};
- }
- if( exists $binRef->{uid1})
- {
- $line .= " uid1 " . $binRef->{uid1};
- }
- if( exists $binRef->{uid2})
- {
- $line .= " uid2 " . $binRef->{uid2};
- }
- if( exists $binRef->{uid3})
- {
- $line .= " uid3 " . $binRef->{uid3};
- }
- if( exists $binRef->{dlldatatop})
- {
- $line .= " dlldatatop ". $binRef->{dlldatatop};
- }
- if( exists $binRef->{customisable} and $binRef->{customisable} eq "true")
- {
- $line .= " patched ";
- }
- }
- else
- {
- my $type = $binRef->{type};
- if($type =~ /normal/i)
- {
- $line = "data=";
- }
- if($type =~ /aif/i)
- {
- $line = "aif=";
- }
- elsif($type =~ /compressedbitmap/i)
- {
- $line = "compressed-bitmap=";
- }
- elsif($type =~ /autobitmap/i)
- {
- $line = "auto-bitmap=";
- }
- elsif($type =~ /bitmap/i)
- {
- $line = "bitmap=";
- }
- if(exists $binRef->{multilinguify})
- {
- my $extension;
- my $srcNameWithoutExt;
- my $dstNameWithoutExt;
- if($new_src_path =~ /(.*)\.(.*)/)
- {
- $srcNameWithoutExt = $1;
- $extension = $2;
- }
- if($binRef->{destination} =~ /(.*)\.(.*)/)
- {
- $dstNameWithoutExt = $1;
- }
- $line .= "MULTI_LINGUIFY(";
- $line .= $extension . " ";
- $line .= $srcNameWithoutExt . " ";
- $line .= $dstNameWithoutExt;
- $line .= ") ";
- }
- else
- {
- $line .= $new_src_path . " ";
- $line .= $binRef->{destination};
- }
- }
- $line .= "\n";
- print OBYFH $line;
- }
- else
- {
- #Check if the binary is from ImageContent XML file.
- my $imagecontentbin = 0;
- foreach my $bin (@ImageContentBinaries) {
- my $source;
- if( $bin->{source} =~ /.*\\(\S+)/)
- {
- $source = $1;
- }
- if (grep /$binary/i, $source) {#Skip the binary that is already included in the OBY Header
- $imagecontentbin = 1;
- next;
- }
- }
- if ($imagecontentbin) {
- next;
- }
- my $obyInfo = &ImageContentHandler::GetObyBinaryInfo($binary);
- if(!defined $obyInfo)
- {
- $line = "file=" . $exec_src_path. $DefaultDirs{ABI_DIR}. "\\" . $DefaultDirs{BUILD_DIR}. "\\". $binary. " ";
- $line .= $DefaultDirs{DEST_DIR}. "\\". $binary;
- $line .= "\n";
- print OBYFH $line;
- }
- }
- }
- $line = "\n}\n";
- print OBYFH $line;
- }
- close OBYFH;
-#Sets default target to ARMV5 directory if the requested binary is not found
-sub fallback{
- my ($abidir, $abiFileRef) = @_;
- my $foundFile=0;
- foreach my $BpabiPlat (@BPABIPlats)
- {
- if ($$abiFileRef =~ /^(.*)\\$BpabiPlat\\(.*)$/)
- {
- $$abiFileRef =~ s/$abidir/ARMV5/i;
- if(-f $$abiFileRef)
- {
- $foundFile = 1;
- last;
- }
- }
- }
- return $foundFile;
-# This subroutine generates the Rom configuration details like, 'bootbinary', 'romlinearbase', romalign,
-# 'kerneldataaddress', 'kernelheapmin' etc.
-sub GenObyHeader
- my ($fh) = @_;
- my $line;
-# version
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{version}{vals}})
- {
- my $ver = @{$ImageContent{version}{vals}}[0];
- if(defined $ver)
- {
- $line = "version=$ver\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- }
-# romchecksum
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{romchecksum}{vals}})
- {
- my $cksum = @{$ImageContent{romchecksum}{vals}}[0];
- if(defined $cksum)
- {
- $line = "romchecksum=$cksum\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- }
-# time
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{time}{vals}})
- {
- my $time = @{$ImageContent{time}{vals}}[0];
- if(defined $time)
- {
- $line = "time=ROMDATE $time\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- }
-# The Binary selection order
- if(scalar @binarySelectionArray )
- {
- my $abilist = join (',', @binarySelectionArray);
- $line = "\nBINARY_SELECTION_ORDER $abilist\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
-# trace
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{trace}{vals}})
- {
- my @traceFlags = @{$ImageContent{options}{trace}{vals}};
- if(scalar @traceFlags)
- {
- $line = "trace $traceFlags[0]\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- }
-# The bootbinary
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{bootbinary}{vals}})
- {
- my $binary;
- my @bootbin = @{$ImageContent{options}{bootbinary}{vals}};
- if(scalar @bootbin)
- {
- $binary = $bootbin[0];
- $binary =~ s/abi_dir/ABI_DIR/;
- $line = "bootbinary=$binary\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- }
-# dataaddress
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{dataaddress}{vals}})
- {
- my @dataAddr = @{$ImageContent{options}{dataaddress}{vals}};
- if(scalar @dataAddr)
- {
- $line = "dataaddress=$dataAddr[0]\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- }
-# debugport
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{debugport}{vals}})
- {
- my @dgbPort = @{$ImageContent{options}{debugport}{vals}};
- if(scalar @dgbPort)
- {
- $line = "debugport=$dgbPort[0]\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- }
-# defaultstackreserve
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{defaultstackreserve}{vals}})
- {
- my @defStackRes = @{$ImageContent{options}{defaultstackreserve}{vals}};
- if(scalar @defStackRes)
- {
- $line = "defaultstackreserve=$defStackRes[0]\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- }
-# wrapper
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{wrapper}{vals}})
- {
- my %tbl = @{$ImageContent{options}{wrapper}{vals}}[0];
- if(exists $tbl{epoc})
- {
- $line = "epocwrapper\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- elsif(exists $tbl{coff})
- {
- $line = "coffwrapper\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- elsif(exists $tbl{none})
- {
- $line = "nowrapper\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- }
-# kernel options
- my $val;
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{name}{vals}})
- {
- $val = @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{name}{vals}}[0];
- $line = "kernelromname=$val\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{dataaddress}{vals}})
- {
- $val = @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{dataaddress}{vals}}[0];
- $line = "kerneldataaddress=$val\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{trace}{vals}})
- {
- $val = @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{trace}{vals}}[0];
- $line = "kerneltrace $val\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{heapmin}{vals}})
- {
- $val = @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{heapmin}{vals}}[0];
- $line = "kernelheapmin=$val\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{heapmax}{vals}})
- {
- $val = @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{heapmax}{vals}}[0];
- $line = "kernelheapmax=$val\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
-# romlinearbase
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{romlinearbase}{vals}})
- {
- my @romLinBase = @{$ImageContent{options}{romlinearbase}{vals}};
- if(scalar @romLinBase)
- {
- $line = "romlinearbase=$romLinBase[0]\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- }
-# romalign
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{romalign}{vals}})
- {
- my @romAlign = @{$ImageContent{options}{romalign}{vals}};
- if(scalar @romAlign )
- {
- $line = "romalign=$romAlign[0]\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- }
-# autosize keyword with the block size
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{autosize}{vals}})
- {
- my @autoSz = @{$ImageContent{options}{autosize}{vals}};
- if(scalar @autoSz )
- {
- $line = "autosize=$autoSz[0]\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- }
-# coreimage keyword with the coreimage name.
- if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{coreimage}{vals}})
- {
- my @coreImg = @{$ImageContent{options}{coreimage}{vals}};
- if(scalar @coreImg)
- {
- $line = "coreimage=$coreImg[0]\n";
- print $fh $line;
- }
- }
- foreach my $imgBin (@ImageContentBinaries)
- {
- $line = $imgBin->{keyword};
- my $srcPath = $imgBin->{source};
- $srcPath =~ s/abi_dir/ABI_DIR/;
- $srcPath =~ s/kernel_dir/KERNEL_DIR/;
- $srcPath =~ s/debug_dir/DEBUG_DIR/;
- $srcPath =~ s/build_dir/BUILD_DIR/;
- if(! ($imgBin->{keyword} =~ /secondary/i) )
- {
-# VARID mentioned for primary, device, extension and variant keywords.
- $line .= "[VARID]" ;
- }
- $line .= "=" . $srcPath . "\t\t" . $imgBin->{destination};
- for my $key (keys %$imgBin)
- {
- if( ($key =~ /keyword/i) ||
- ($key =~ /source/i) ||
- ($key =~ /destination/i))
- {
-# These keys are already taken care.
- next;
- }
-# Write the rest of the keywords if any, (e.g., 'fixed' or HEAPMAX(0x40000) ) to the oby line.
- $line .= " ".($key);
- if( defined $imgBin->{$key})
- {
- $line .= "(". $imgBin->{$key}. ") ";
- }
- }
- print $fh "$line\n";
- }
-sub GetObyFiles
- return \@ObyFileList;
-sub GetBinarySelectionOrder
- return \@binarySelectionArray;
-sub GetFeatures()
- my %FeatureMap = ();
- my @FeatList;
- my $featRef;
- my $uid;
- foreach my $feat (@Includes)
- {
- if($feat->{name})
- {
- $uid = &featureparser::getFeatureUID($feat->{name});
- if(!defined $uid)
- {
- print "Error: Feature $feat->{name} not found in feature list XML\n";
- next;
- }
- $feat->{uid} = $uid;
- }
- else
- {
- $uid = $feat->{uid};
- if(!&featureparser::getFeatureInfo($uid))
- {
- print "Error: Feature Uid $uid not found in feature list XML\n";
- next;
- }
- }
- $featRef = $FeatureMap{$uid};
- if( $featRef->{include} == 1 )
- {
-# Already added to the final feature list
- }
- else
- {
- $FeatureMap{$uid} = $feat;
- push @FeatList, $feat;
- }
- }
- foreach my $feat (@Excludes)
- {
- if($feat->{name})
- {
- $uid = &featureparser::getFeatureUID($feat->{name});
- if(!defined $uid)
- {
- print "Error: Feature $feat->{name} not found in feature list XML\n";
- next;
- }
- $feat->{uid} = $uid;
- }
- else
- {
- $uid = $feat->{uid};
- if(!&featureparser::getFeatureInfo($uid))
- {
- print "Error: Feature Uid $uid not found in feature list XML\n";
- next;
- }
- }
- $featRef = $FeatureMap{$uid};
- if( $featRef->{include} == 1 )
- {
- print "Error:The feature Uid $uid was added into the include as well as exclude list\n";
- next;
- }
- elsif($featRef->{exclude} == 1)
- {
-# Already added to the final feature list
- next;
- }
- else
- {
- $FeatureMap{$uid} = $feat;
- push @FeatList, $feat;
- }
- }
- return \@FeatList;
-sub AddBinaryFromOby
- my $aBinary = lc shift;
- my $aFullPath = lc shift;
- my $bin = \%{$obyFileInfo{$aBinary}};
- $bin->{IsFoundInOby} = 1;
- $bin->{fullpath} = $aFullPath;
-sub GetObyBinaryInfo
- my $aBinary = lc shift;
- my $aBinaryInfoHash = \%{$obyFileInfo{$aBinary}};
- if( $aBinaryInfoHash->{IsFoundInOby} == 1)
- {
- return $aBinaryInfoHash;
- }
- return undef;
-sub UpdateObyBinaryStaticDep
-# Go through the files added from Oby to see if any of their static
-# dependencies need to be resolved.
- foreach my $obyBin (keys %obyFileInfo)
- {
- if(!defined (&VisitedBinaryInfo($obyBin)) )
- {
- &ProcessStaticDep($obyFileInfo{$obyBin}{fullpath});
- }
- }
-sub SaveImageContentBinaries
- my ($binaryListRef, $aKeyword) = @_;
- foreach my $node (@$binaryListRef)
- {
- my %binInfo = ();
-# The keywords being primary, secondary, extension, variant and device
- $binInfo{keyword} = $aKeyword;
- my @children = &genericparser::getChildElements($node);
- foreach my $child (@children)
- {
- my $name = &genericparser::getElementName($child);
- my $val = &genericparser::getElementValue($child);
- $binInfo{$name} = $val;
- }
- push @ImageContentBinaries, \%binInfo;
- }
-my %VisitedBinaries = ();
-my @RomIncludeList;
-sub ProcessCDFList {
- my ($CDFListRef) = @_;
- foreach my $cdf (@$CDFListRef)
- {
- &LoadFromCDF($cdf);
- }
-my @padding ;
-sub LoadFromCDF
- my $cdf;
- my $binFile;
- my @BinList;
- ($cdf, $binFile) = @_;
-#Load the XML and get its contents
- cdfparser::LoadCDF($cdf);
-#Get all binaries from the mdf
- (@BinList) = &cdfparser::GetBinaries($cdf);
- my $DynBinListRef;
- my $aBinary;
- my $aFile;
- my $VisitedBinaryInfoHash;
- my $indent = join('', @padding);
- my $binInfo;
- foreach $aBinary (@BinList)
- {
- $VisitedBinaryInfoHash = &VisitedBinaryInfo($aBinary);
- if($VisitedBinaryInfoHash)
- {
- next;
- }
- else
- {
- $VisitedBinaryInfoHash = \%{$VisitedBinaries{$aBinary}};
- }
- &ImageContentHandler::AddBinary($aBinary);
- $VisitedBinaryInfoHash->{Marked} = 1;
- push @RomIncludeList, $aBinary;
-# Include the dynamic dependencies.
- ($DynBinListRef) = cdfparser::GetDynamicDependencies($aBinary);
- foreach $aFile (@$DynBinListRef)
- {
- if(grep $aFile, @BinList)
- {
-# the dynamic dependency is found in the same cdf file which
-# is already loaded.
- next;
- }
- my $new_cdf = cdfparser::GetCDFFileName($aFile);
-# In case there is no cdf describing this binary, ignore it.
- if( defined $new_cdf )
- {
- push @padding, ".";
- LoadFromCDF($new_cdf, $aFile);
- }
- }
- $binInfo = cdfparser::GetBinaryInfo($aBinary);
- &ProcessStaticDep($binInfo->{source}, $aBinary);
- }
-sub ProcessStaticDep
- my ($aBinary) = @_;
- my $aAbsFile;
-# Include the static dependencies.
- my $dir = "$ENV{EPOCROOT}epoc32\\release\\";
- my $abidir = &ImageContentHandler::GetBldRomOpts("ABI_DIR");
- my $blddir = &ImageContentHandler::GetBldRomOpts("BUILD_DIR");
- if($aBinary =~ /(.*)\\.*/)
- {
- $aBinary =~ s/ABI_DIR/$abidir/i;
- $aBinary =~ s/BUILD_DIR/$blddir/i;
- $aBinary =~ s/DEBUG_DIR/udeb/i;
- }
- else
- {
- $dir .= $abidir . "\\";
- $dir .= $blddir. "\\";
- }
- $aAbsFile = $dir. $aBinary;
- if(!-f $aAbsFile)
- {
-# While evaluating the static dependency, check if the file is found in the
-# default abi directory. Otherwise, look into the binary selection order.
- my $binSelOrderRef = &ImageContentHandler::GetBinarySelectionOrder();
- my $foundFile = 0;
- foreach my $newAbiDir (@$binSelOrderRef)
- {
- $aAbsFile =~ s/$abidir/$newAbiDir/i;
- if(-f $aAbsFile)
- {
- $foundFile = 1;
- last;
- }
- $abidir = $newAbiDir;
- }
- if($foundFile == 0)
- {
-#While evaluating the static dependency, check if the file is found in the
-#default abi directory. Otherwise, fallback to the default ARMV5 directory.
- $foundFile = fallback($abidir, \$aAbsFile);
- if($foundFile == 0)
- {
- return;
- }
- }
- }
-# Collect the static dependencies of this binary.
- my (@StatDepsList) = &Dep_Lister::StaticDeps($aAbsFile);
-# Remove the path portion from the file name if found to get the filename.
-# This is the key into the BinaryInfo map maintained by cdfparser.
- my $filename;
- if( $aBinary =~ /.*\\(\S+)/)
- {
- $filename = $1;
- }
- else
- {
- $filename = $aBinary;
- }
- my $binaryInfoRef = cdfparser::GetBinaryInfo($filename);
- if( defined $binaryInfoRef)
- {
-# Mark the binary it it is a valid E32 executable.
- if(defined @StatDepsList)
- {
- $binaryInfoRef->{IsExecutable} = 1;
- }
- else
- {
- $binaryInfoRef->{IsExecutable} = 0;
- }
- }
- my $VisitedBinaryInfoHash;
- foreach my $aFile (@StatDepsList)
- {
- my $new_cdf = cdfparser::GetCDFFileName($aFile);
- if(defined($new_cdf))
- {
- LoadFromCDF($new_cdf, $aFile);
- }
- else
- {
-# Include the static dependencies even if there is no mdf describing this binary
- $VisitedBinaryInfoHash = &VisitedBinaryInfo($aFile);
- if( !defined ($VisitedBinaryInfoHash) )
- {
- $VisitedBinaryInfoHash = \%{$VisitedBinaries{$aFile}};
- $VisitedBinaryInfoHash->{Marked} = 1;
- &ImageContentHandler::AddBinary($aFile);
- &ProcessStaticDep($aFile);
- }
- else
- {
- }
- }
- }
-sub VisitedBinaryInfo
- my ($aBinary) = @_;
- my $VisitedBinaryInfoHash = \%{$VisitedBinaries{$aBinary}};
- if($VisitedBinaryInfoHash->{Marked} == 1)
- {
- return $VisitedBinaryInfoHash;
- }
- return undef;
+# Copyright (c) 1997-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# This package processes the Image Content XML, and creates an OBY file to create a Rom image.
+package imagecontenthandler;
+require Exporter;
+ ParseImageContentXML
+ ProcessImageContent
+ AddBinary
+ GetBldRomOpts
+ SetBldRomOpts
+ GenObyFile
+ GetObyFiles
+ AddBinaryFromOby
+ UpdateObyBinaryStaticDep
+ PrintMsg
+ DumpBinaries
+use strict;
+use genericparser;
+use cdfparser;
+use dep_lister;
+use romutl;
+#Error list
+my @errors;
+my %ImageContent=(); #Image details are stored in this tree
+my $RootNode; #The root node of the XML root document element
+my @TargetImageList; #The list of target element nodes in the XML. These are ordered based on their
+ # imageid (if it is a number, else, based on the availibility of Rom locations within 0..7).
+my @binarySelectionArray; #This array stores the ABI directories to be looked up to select binaries.
+my @ImageContentBinaries; #This list is for the biaries mentioned in Image content XML for
+ # keywords like, 'primary', 'secondary', 'device', 'extension', 'variant'.
+# List that contains information of binary from OBY file. This list is maintained to check if their static dependencies
+# have been included already in Rom.
+my %obyFileInfo=();
+my $ImageIndex=-1;
+my @Includes; #List of included features. The included feature in this list is a hash table giving the
+ #Uid or the name. These features are collected either from the Image content or the CDF XMLs.
+my @Excludes; #List of excluded features.The excluded feature in this list is a hash table giving the
+ #Uid or the name. These features are collected either from the Image content or the CDF XMLs.
+my %DefaultDirs =();#This hash table records the default ABI and the BUILD directories. These are updated in case
+ # the overriding buildrom options are provided e.g., -D_FULL_DEBUG or -D_PLAT=GCCE etc.
+my @BPABIPlats = &BPABIutl::BPABIutl_Plat_List; # Add the BPABI Platforms to be added
+my $isEcomPlugin=0; # This flag will be set when PLUGINs are provided in the CDF file.
+sub ParseImageContentXML
+ my $XMLFile = shift;
+ $XMLFile =~ s/\\/\//g;
+ $RootNode = &getRootElement($XMLFile);
+ &SetImageDetails(\%ImageContent, $RootNode);
+my @padding;
+#This subroutine traverses the XML tree and stores the fields in the hast table %ImageContent. The keys
+# are the branch names. For target nodes., it stores the nodes themselves in the hash table and doesn't
+# go deeper. These nodes are processed laster. For the other nodes, it keeps traversing recursively.
+# There are some special keys used to store the nodes and values in the tree. While storing an XML::DOM
+# node, it sores with the keys 'nodes', while, for storing a value, it is stored with the key 'vals'.
+# These are the keys used to retrieve the contents of the tree while generating the final OBY.
+sub SetImageDetails
+ my ($ImageDetailRef, $ImageNode) = @_;
+ my @children = &genericparser::getChildElements($ImageNode);
+ my $child;
+ my $TreeRef;
+ my $branch;
+ my $parentName = &genericparser::getElementName($ImageNode);
+ my $childCnt = scalar @children;
+ my ($indent) = join('', @padding);
+ my $val = &genericparser::getElementValue($ImageNode);
+ $val = Trim($val);
+ if($val ne "")
+ {
+ push @{$ImageDetailRef->{vals}}, $val;
+ }
+ my $NodeRef;
+ foreach $child (@children)
+ {
+ $branch = &genericparser::getElementName($child);
+ $NodeRef = \%{$ImageDetailRef->{$branch}};
+ if($branch eq "cdf" and $parentName eq "romscope")
+ {
+# Record the romscope node. This node indicates the oby files or cdf files/directories
+# that may be used.
+ push @{$NodeRef->{nodes}}, $child;
+ next;
+ }
+ if($branch eq "target" and $parentName eq "romtarget")
+ {
+ push @{$NodeRef->{nodes}}, $child;
+ next;
+ }
+ if( ($branch =~ /primary/i ) ||
+ ($branch =~ /secondary/i) ||
+ ($branch =~ /extension/i) ||
+ ($branch =~ /variant/i ) ||
+ ($branch =~ /device/i ) )
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ if( $child->hasChildNodes() )
+ {
+ $NodeRef->{hasChildren} = 1;
+ push @padding, ".";
+ SetImageDetails($NodeRef, $child);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $NodeRef->{hasChildren} = 0;
+ }
+# Get all attributes...
+ my $attribs = &genericparser::getNodeAttributes($child);
+ my $attrib;
+ my $nodeName;
+ my $nodeVal;
+ my %attr=();
+ my $attrLen = $attribs->getLength;
+ for (my $pos = 0; $pos < $attrLen;$pos++)
+ {
+ $attrib = $attribs->item($pos);
+ if(!$attrib)
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ $nodeName = lc ($attrib->getName);
+ $nodeVal = lc ($attrib->getValue);
+ $attr{$nodeName}=$nodeVal;
+ }
+ push @{$NodeRef->{vals}}, \%attr;
+ }
+ pop @padding;
+my @romGeometry; #Array to store all Roms mentioned in RomGeometry
+my %romGeometryHash = (); #This Hash table records the indices in @romGeometry array, keying on their Ids.
+my $curRomImageIndex; #This scalar records the current Rom image being processed. An binary encountered
+ # becomes part of the Rom image corresponding to this partition.
+# This subroutine associates the RomGeometry and the RomTarget sub-trees to set indices for the Rom-target
+# nodes.It stores the Image content XML entries for primary/secondary/device/extension/variant keywords.
+# It also stores the features that are included/excluded in Image content XML.
+sub ProcessImageContent
+ my $TotalImages = &ProcessRomGeometry();
+ my @trgList;
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{romtarget}{target}{nodes}})
+ {
+ @trgList = @{$ImageContent{romtarget}{target}{nodes}};
+ }
+# Go through the romgeometry to find the location of each image. The valid IDs are 0 through 7.
+ foreach my $trg (@trgList)
+ {
+# The ID field in romgeometry can be an integer in the range 0 through 7.
+# If it is not a number, its location is assumed as its sequence number
+ my $imageid = &genericparser::getAttrValue($trg, "imageid");
+ if($imageid =~ /Any/i)
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif(exists $romGeometryHash{$imageid})
+ {
+ $ImageIndex = $romGeometryHash{$imageid};
+ push @{$TargetImageList[$ImageIndex]} , $trg;
+ }
+ }
+# Romscope - update the maps if the files and directories are mentioned.
+ my @romScopeNodes;
+ if(defined @{$ImageContent{romscope}{cdf}{nodes}})
+ {
+ @romScopeNodes = @{$ImageContent{romscope}{cdf}{nodes}};
+ }
+ my $type;
+ my $file;
+ my $dir;
+ foreach my $aNode (@romScopeNodes)
+ {
+ $type = &genericparser::getAttrValue($aNode, "type");
+ if( $type =~ /dir/i)
+ {
+ $dir = &genericparser::getElementValue($aNode);
+ &cdfparser::CreateCDFFileBinaryMapFromDir($dir);
+ }
+ elsif($type =~ /file/i)
+ {
+ $file = &genericparser::getElementValue($aNode);
+ &cdfparser::CreateCDFFileBinaryMap($file);
+ }
+ }
+ my $availablePos = 0;
+ foreach my $trg (@trgList)
+ {
+ if(&genericparser::getAttrValue($trg, "imageid") =~ /Any/i)
+ {
+ while($availablePos < $TotalImages)
+ {
+ if( !defined($TargetImageList[$availablePos][0]) )
+ {
+ push @{$TargetImageList[$availablePos]}, $trg;
+ last;
+ }
+ $availablePos++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ my $pos = 0;
+ while( $pos < 8)
+ {
+ if( defined $TargetImageList[$pos][0] )
+ {
+# Record the current Rom image index so that the binaries are included in the corresponding
+# Rom image.
+# The romGeometry and TargetImageList arrays are associated both being indexed on
+# the Rom-image index.
+ $curRomImageIndex = $pos;
+ &ProcessTarget($pos, \@{$TargetImageList[$pos]});
+ }
+ $pos++;
+ }
+# Pick the primary/secondary/device binaries
+ my @nodes = &genericparser::getNodeFromTree($RootNode, "options", "primary", "file");
+ if( defined @nodes)
+ {
+ &SaveImageContentBinaries(\@nodes, "primary");
+ }
+ @nodes = &genericparser::getNodeFromTree($RootNode, "options", "secondary", "file");
+ if( defined @nodes)
+ {
+ &SaveImageContentBinaries(\@nodes, "secondary");
+ }
+ @nodes = &genericparser::getNodeFromTree($RootNode, "options", "extension", "file");
+ if( defined @nodes)
+ {
+ &SaveImageContentBinaries(\@nodes, "extension");
+ }
+ @nodes = &genericparser::getNodeFromTree($RootNode, "options", "variant", "file");
+ if( defined @nodes)
+ {
+ &SaveImageContentBinaries(\@nodes, "variant");
+ }
+ @nodes = &genericparser::getNodeFromTree($RootNode, "options", "device", "file");
+ if( defined @nodes)
+ {
+ &SaveImageContentBinaries(\@nodes, "device");
+ }
+ foreach my $imgBin (@ImageContentBinaries)
+ {
+ &ProcessStaticDep($imgBin->{source});
+ }
+# Pick the binary selection order
+ if (exists($ImageContent{options}{binaryselectionorder}{vals}))
+ {
+ my ($abiDirs) = @{$ImageContent{options}{binaryselectionorder}{vals}};
+ @binarySelectionArray = split(',', $abiDirs);
+ @binarySelectionArray = Trim(@binarySelectionArray);
+ }
+ my $featureList = &cdfparser::GetIncludedFeatureList();
+ foreach my $feature (@$featureList)
+ {
+ push @Includes, $feature;
+ }
+ $featureList = &cdfparser::GetExcludedFeatureList();
+ foreach my $feature (@$featureList)
+ {
+ push @Excludes, $feature;
+ }
+#Arrange the Rom-geometry according to their Id when they are numbers. The named images
+#are arranged starting from the empty slots in Rom geometry array.
+sub ProcessRomGeometry
+ my $RomImageCount = 0;
+ my $pos = 0;
+ while($pos < 8)
+ {
+ $romGeometry[$pos++] = undef;
+ }
+ my @roms = @{$ImageContent{romgeometry}{image}{vals}};
+ $RomImageCount = scalar (@roms);
+ my @namedImages;
+# Visit all images and allocate them the indices they mention.
+ foreach my $img (@roms)
+ {
+ if($img->{id} =~ /(\d+)/)
+ {
+ $pos = $1;
+ if( defined($romGeometry[$pos]) )
+ {
+ print "Error: $romGeometry[$pos]->{id} and $img->{id} cant be allocated the same position\n";
+ exit;
+ }
+ $romGeometry[$pos] = $img;
+# Record the index of this Rom
+ $romGeometryHash{$img->{id}} = $pos;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+# These are the named images that are allocated there positions sequentially starting from
+# the first available empty position
+ push @namedImages, $img;
+ }
+ }
+# Revisit the images and allocate the remaining (unallocated) positions.
+ $pos = 0;
+ my $namedImageCount = scalar (@namedImages);
+ my $firstNamedImgIdx = 0;
+ my $img;
+ while( ($pos < 8) and ($namedImageCount > 0) )
+ {
+ if( $romGeometry[$pos] )
+ {
+# skip the positions already allocated.
+ $pos++;
+ next;
+ }
+ $img = $namedImages[$firstNamedImgIdx];
+ $romGeometry[$pos] = $img;
+# Record the index of this Rom
+ $romGeometryHash{$img->{id}} = $pos;
+ $pos++;$firstNamedImgIdx++;
+ $namedImageCount--;
+ }
+ return $RomImageCount;
+my @ObyFileList;
+#This subrouting processes the target nodes that may include OBYs/CDFs or features. For CDFs, the satic/dynamic
+# dependencies are evaluated.
+sub ProcessTarget
+ my ($ImgPos , $trgNodesRef) = @_;
+ my @cdfFileList;
+# For all the 'target' nodes associated with an image in romgeometry at the given index...
+# The link between a target and an image in romGeometry is the image id. If the imageid
+# of a target is 'Any', then the first available image in romGeometry is allocated to
+# that target.
+ foreach my $target (@$trgNodesRef)
+ {
+# Fetch any cdfs included within the Image Content file
+ my @cdfs = &getNodeFromTree($target, "include","cdf");
+ my $type;
+ my $file;
+ my $dir;
+ foreach my $cdfNode (@cdfs)
+ {
+ $type = &genericparser::getAttrValue($cdfNode, "type");
+ if( !($type) || ($type eq "file") )
+ {
+ $file = &genericparser::getElementValue($cdfNode);
+ push @cdfFileList, $file;
+ }
+ elsif($type eq "dir")
+ {
+ $dir = &genericparser::getElementValue($cdfNode);
+ &cdfparser::CreateCDFFileBinaryMapFromDir($dir);
+ }
+ }
+# Collect all the obey files mentioned in this 'target' node.
+ my @obys = &getNodeFromTree($target, "include","obyFile");
+ foreach my $obyNode (@obys)
+ {
+ $file = &genericparser::getElementValue($obyNode);
+ push @ObyFileList, $file;
+ }
+ &CollectFeatures($target, 1, \@Includes);
+ &CollectFeatures($target, 0, \@Excludes);
+ }
+ ProcessCDFList(\@cdfFileList);
+# This subroutine updates the include or exclude feature list collected from Image content XML.
+sub CollectFeatures
+# Collect all the features included/excluded in this 'target' node.
+ my ($target, $Inc, $IncludeExcludeListRef) = @_;
+ my $IncExcStr;
+ if($Inc == 1)
+ {
+ $IncExcStr = "include";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $IncExcStr = "exclude";
+ }
+ my @nodes = &getNodeFromTree($target, $IncExcStr,"feature");
+ foreach my $node (@nodes)
+ {
+ my %aFeatureInfo = ();
+ my $isValidFeature = 0;
+ my $feature = &genericparser::getAttrValue($node, "name");
+ if($Inc)
+ {
+# Mark the feature included.
+ $aFeatureInfo{include} = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+# Mark the feature excluded.
+ $aFeatureInfo{exclude} = 1;
+ }
+ if(defined $feature and $feature ne "")
+ {
+ $aFeatureInfo{name}= $feature;
+ $aFeatureInfo{uid} = undef;
+ $isValidFeature = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $feature = &genericparser::getAttrValue($node, "uid");
+ if(!defined $feature or $feature eq "")
+ {
+ print "Warning: Neither feature name nor uid is defined \n";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if(&featureparser::ValidateUIDValue($feature))
+ {
+ $feature = &featureparser::ConvertHexToDecimal($feature);
+ $aFeatureInfo{uid}= $feature;
+ $aFeatureInfo{name}= undef;
+ $isValidFeature = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ print "The uid value $feature specified in the Image Content Description is not a valid number\n";
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if($isValidFeature)
+ {
+ push @$IncludeExcludeListRef, \%aFeatureInfo;
+ }
+ }
+sub DumpImageDetails
+ my ($HRef) = @_;
+ my %hash = %$HRef;
+ my $ChildHRef;
+ foreach my $Key (keys %hash)
+ {
+ if($Key eq "hasChildren" || $Key eq "vals")
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ my $indent = join('', @padding);
+ &PrintMsg ($indent. $Key);
+ if($hash{$Key}{hasChildren} == 1)
+ {
+ push @padding, ".";
+ &PrintMsg ("\n");
+ $ChildHRef = \%{$hash{$Key}};
+ &DumpImageDetails($ChildHRef);
+ }
+ elsif( defined ($hash{$Key}{vals}) )
+ {
+ &PrintMsg ("\nVals $hash{$Key}{vals}\n");
+ push @padding, ".";
+ $indent = join('', @padding);
+ my @array = @{$hash{$Key}{vals}};
+ &PrintMsg ("array len = " . scalar(@array) . "\n");
+ foreach my $attrib ( @array )
+ {
+ foreach my $key1 (keys %$attrib)
+ {
+ &PrintMsg ($indent . $Key. " ". "$key1=$$attrib{$key1}\n");
+ }
+ &PrintMsg ("\n");
+ }
+ }
+ elsif( defined (@{$hash{$Key}{nodes}}) )
+ {
+ my $node = $hash{$Key}{nodes}[0];
+ &PrintMsg ("{". scalar(@{$hash{$Key}{nodes}})."}\n");
+ }
+ }
+ pop @padding;
+sub CheckErrors
+ if($#errors > -1)
+ {
+ &PrintMsg ("errors..........$#errors \n");
+ foreach (@errors)
+ {
+ &PrintMsg ($_ ."\n");
+ }
+ exit;
+ }
+my @ImageBinaryList;#2d array storing the list of binaries per rom image
+sub AddBinary
+ my ($binaryName) = @_;
+ {
+ push @{$ImageBinaryList[$curRomImageIndex]}, $binaryName;
+ }
+sub SetBldRomOpts
+ my ($key, $value) = @_;
+ if( $key eq undef )
+ {
+# The default ABI directory is armv5 unless specified otherwise in the buildrom command-line.
+# The default build directory is urel unless specified otherwise in the buildrom command-line.
+ $DefaultDirs{ABI_DIR} = 'ARMV5';
+ $DefaultDirs{BUILD_DIR}='urel';
+ $DefaultDirs{DEST_DIR}= "\/sys\/bin";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+# trim the value for leading/trailing whitespace
+ $value = Trim($value);
+ $DefaultDirs{$key} = $value;
+ }
+sub Trim()
+ my @out = @_;
+ for (@out) {
+ s/^\s+//;
+ s/\s+$//;
+ }
+ return wantarray ? @out : $out[0];
+sub GetBldRomOpts
+ my ($key) = @_;
+ return $DefaultDirs{$key};
+sub DumpBinaries
+ &PrintMsg ("***********Binaries in ROM***********\n");
+ my $img_idx = 0;
+ while ($img_idx < 8 and defined ($ImageBinaryList[$img_idx]))
+ {
+ my @list = @{$ImageBinaryList[$img_idx]};
+ &PrintMsg ("Image $img_idx has ". scalar (@list ) . " binaries\n");
+ foreach my $bin (@list)
+ {
+ &PrintMsg ("file[$img_idx]=$bin\n");
+ }
+ $img_idx++;
+ }
+ &PrintMsg ("***********END***********\n");
+sub PrintMsg
+ my ($msg) = @_;
+ print "$msg";
+# This subroutine is used to generate OBY-contents based on contents of the Image content XML. The image content XML
+# may have, in turn, included other OBYs/CDFs. These contents are appended to the Phase-I OBY file (where, the
+# Phase-I OBY file is generated by the preprocessor which is the conglomeration of all the buildrom supplied OBY files).
+sub GenObyFile
+ my ($ObyFileName) = @_;
+ open (OBYFH, ">>$ObyFileName") or die("* Can't open $ObyFileName\n");
+ my $binRef;
+ my $line;
+ my $index;
+ my $new_src_path;
+ my $exec_src_path = &get_epocroot;#This is the Executable source path
+ $exec_src_path .= "epoc32\/release\/";
+ my $abidir = $DefaultDirs{ABI_DIR};
+ my $blddir = $DefaultDirs{BUILD_DIR};
+ GenObyHeader(*OBYFH);
+ for($index = 0;$index < 8;$index++)
+ {
+ if( !defined $romGeometry[$index] )
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ $line = "rom_image $index ";
+ $line .= $romGeometry[$index]{name} . " ";
+ $line .= "size=" . $romGeometry[$index]{size} . " ";
+ if( $romGeometry[$index]{type} =~ /nonxip/)
+ {
+ $line .= " non-xip ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $line .= " xip ";
+ }
+ $line .= $romGeometry[$index]{compression} . " ";
+ if($romGeometry[$index]{extension} eq "yes")
+ {
+ $line .= " extension ";
+ }
+ $line .= "\n";
+ print OBYFH $line;
+ $line = "ROM_IMAGE[$index] {\n"; #Start of contents of this image
+ print OBYFH $line;
+ foreach my $binary (@{$ImageBinaryList[$index]}) {
+ $binRef = &cdfparser::GetBinaryInfo($binary);
+ if( defined ($binRef) and $binRef->{IsFoundInCDF})
+ {
+ if(exists $binRef->{default})
+ {
+ $line = "DEFAULT_LANGUAGE $binRef->{default} \n";
+ print OBYFH "$line";
+ }
+ if(exists $binRef->{language})
+ {
+ my $langCodes = $binRef->{language};
+ foreach my $lang (@$langCodes)
+ {
+ $line = "LANGUAGE_CODE $lang \n";
+ print OBYFH "$line";
+ }
+ }
+# Replace the BUILD_DIR with udeb or urel
+# Default BUILD_DIR is urel and can be overridden by using cmd line option '_FULL_DEBUG'
+# If a binary is to be picked always from udeb, then the src path in CDF must be mentioned
+# as udeb e.g. , in which case, the mentioned dir
+# is picked as it is.
+ $new_src_path = $binRef->{source};
+ $new_src_path =~ s/ABI_DIR/$abidir/i;
+ $new_src_path =~ s/BUILD_DIR/$blddir/i;
+ $new_src_path =~ s/DEBUG_DIR/udeb/i;
+ $new_src_path =~ s/epocroot/EPOCROOT/;
+ $new_src_path =~ s/zresource/ZRESOURCE/;
+ $new_src_path =~ s/zprivate/ZPRIVATE/;
+ $new_src_path =~ s/zsystem/ZSYSTEM/;
+ my $FileFound = 0;
+ if($binRef->{IsExecutable})
+ {
+ $new_src_path = $exec_src_path . $new_src_path;
+ if(!-f $new_src_path)
+ {
+ foreach my $newAbiDir (@binarySelectionArray)
+ {
+ $new_src_path =~ s/$abidir/$newAbiDir/i;
+ if(-f $new_src_path)
+ {
+ $FileFound = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ $abidir = $newAbiDir;
+ }
+ if( !$FileFound )
+ {
+ $FileFound = fallback($abidir, \$new_src_path);
+ if( !$FileFound )
+ {
+ print "Missing file $binRef->{source} \n";
+ $new_src_path = $binRef->{source};
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# compress options
+ if(exists $binRef->{compress} and ($binRef->{compress} eq "uncompress") )
+ {
+ $line = "fileuncompress=";
+ }
+ elsif($binRef->{compress} eq "compress")
+ {
+ $line = "filecompress=";
+ }
+ elsif( exists $binRef->{dll})
+ {
+ $line = "dll=";
+ }
+# Checks the plugin type
+ elsif( exists $binRef->{type} and $binRef->{type} eq "plugin")
+ {
+ if (exists $binRef->{plugin_name})
+ {
+ $isEcomPlugin=1;
+ $line = "__$binRef->{plugin_name}_PLUGIN(ABI_DIR\/BUILD_DIR,ECOM_BIN_DIR,DATAZ_,ECOM_RSC_DIR,$binRef->{id},$binRef->{id})\n";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $isEcomPlugin=0;
+ $line = "file=";
+ }
+ if (!$isEcomPlugin)
+ {
+ $line .= $new_src_path . " ";
+ $line .= $binRef->{destination};
+ }
+# stack,heap,fixed,priority,uid,dll,dlldatatop
+ if( exists $binRef->{stack})
+ {
+ $line .= " stack " . $binRef->{stack};
+ }
+ if( exists $binRef->{heapmin})
+ {
+ $line .= " heapmin " . $binRef->{heapmin};
+ }
+ if( exists $binRef->{heapmax})
+ {
+ $line .= " heapmax " . $binRef->{heapmax};
+ }
+ if( exists $binRef->{fixed})
+ {
+ $line .= " fixed";
+ }
+ if( exists $binRef->{priority})
+ {
+ $line .= " priority " . $binRef->{priority};
+ }
+ if( exists $binRef->{uid1})
+ {
+ $line .= " uid1 " . $binRef->{uid1};
+ }
+ if( exists $binRef->{uid2})
+ {
+ $line .= " uid2 " . $binRef->{uid2};
+ }
+ if( exists $binRef->{uid3})
+ {
+ $line .= " uid3 " . $binRef->{uid3};
+ }
+ if( exists $binRef->{dlldatatop})
+ {
+ $line .= " dlldatatop ". $binRef->{dlldatatop};
+ }
+ if( exists $binRef->{customisable} and $binRef->{customisable} eq "true")
+ {
+ $line .= " patched ";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ my $type = $binRef->{type};
+ if($type =~ /normal/i)
+ {
+ $line = "data=";
+ }
+ if($type =~ /aif/i)
+ {
+ $line = "aif=";
+ }
+ elsif($type =~ /compressedbitmap/i)
+ {
+ $line = "compressed-bitmap=";
+ }
+ elsif($type =~ /autobitmap/i)
+ {
+ $line = "auto-bitmap=";
+ }
+ elsif($type =~ /bitmap/i)
+ {
+ $line = "bitmap=";
+ }
+ if(exists $binRef->{multilinguify})
+ {
+ my $extension;
+ my $srcNameWithoutExt;
+ my $dstNameWithoutExt;
+ if($new_src_path =~ /(.*)\.(.*)/)
+ {
+ $srcNameWithoutExt = $1;
+ $extension = $2;
+ }
+ if($binRef->{destination} =~ /(.*)\.(.*)/)
+ {
+ $dstNameWithoutExt = $1;
+ }
+ $line .= "MULTI_LINGUIFY(";
+ $line .= $extension . " ";
+ $line .= $srcNameWithoutExt . " ";
+ $line .= $dstNameWithoutExt;
+ $line .= ") ";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $line .= $new_src_path . " ";
+ $line .= $binRef->{destination};
+ }
+ }
+ $line .= "\n";
+ print OBYFH $line;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ #Check if the binary is from ImageContent XML file.
+ my $imagecontentbin = 0;
+ foreach my $bin (@ImageContentBinaries) {
+ my $source;
+ if( $bin->{source} =~ /.*[\\\/](\S+)/)
+ {
+ $source = $1;
+ }
+ if (grep /$binary/i, $source) {#Skip the binary that is already included in the OBY Header
+ $imagecontentbin = 1;
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($imagecontentbin) {
+ next;
+ }
+ my $obyInfo = &ImageContentHandler::GetObyBinaryInfo($binary);
+ if(!defined $obyInfo)
+ {
+ $line = "file=" . $exec_src_path. $DefaultDirs{ABI_DIR}. "\/" . $DefaultDirs{BUILD_DIR}. "\/". $binary. " ";
+ $line .= $DefaultDirs{DEST_DIR}. "\/". $binary;
+ $line .= "\n";
+ print OBYFH $line;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ $line = "\n}\n";
+ print OBYFH $line;
+ }
+ close OBYFH;
+#Sets default target to ARMV5 directory if the requested binary is not found
+sub fallback{
+ my ($abidir, $abiFileRef) = @_;
+ my $foundFile=0;
+ foreach my $BpabiPlat (@BPABIPlats)
+ {
+ if ($$abiFileRef =~ /^(.*)[\/\\]$BpabiPlat[\/\\](.*)$/)
+ {
+ $$abiFileRef =~ s/$abidir/ARMV5/i;
+ if(-f $$abiFileRef)
+ {
+ $foundFile = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return $foundFile;
+# This subroutine generates the Rom configuration details like, 'bootbinary', 'romlinearbase', romalign,
+# 'kerneldataaddress', 'kernelheapmin' etc.
+sub GenObyHeader
+ my ($fh) = @_;
+ my $line;
+# version
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{version}{vals}})
+ {
+ my $ver = @{$ImageContent{version}{vals}}[0];
+ if(defined $ver)
+ {
+ $line = "version=$ver\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ }
+# romchecksum
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{romchecksum}{vals}})
+ {
+ my $cksum = @{$ImageContent{romchecksum}{vals}}[0];
+ if(defined $cksum)
+ {
+ $line = "romchecksum=$cksum\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ }
+# time
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{time}{vals}})
+ {
+ my $time = @{$ImageContent{time}{vals}}[0];
+ if(defined $time)
+ {
+ $line = "time=ROMDATE $time\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ }
+# The Binary selection order
+ if(scalar @binarySelectionArray )
+ {
+ my $abilist = join (',', @binarySelectionArray);
+ $line = "\nBINARY_SELECTION_ORDER $abilist\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+# trace
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{trace}{vals}})
+ {
+ my @traceFlags = @{$ImageContent{options}{trace}{vals}};
+ if(scalar @traceFlags)
+ {
+ $line = "trace $traceFlags[0]\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ }
+# The bootbinary
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{bootbinary}{vals}})
+ {
+ my $binary;
+ my @bootbin = @{$ImageContent{options}{bootbinary}{vals}};
+ if(scalar @bootbin)
+ {
+ $binary = $bootbin[0];
+ $binary =~ s/abi_dir/ABI_DIR/;
+ $line = "bootbinary=$binary\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ }
+# dataaddress
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{dataaddress}{vals}})
+ {
+ my @dataAddr = @{$ImageContent{options}{dataaddress}{vals}};
+ if(scalar @dataAddr)
+ {
+ $line = "dataaddress=$dataAddr[0]\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ }
+# debugport
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{debugport}{vals}})
+ {
+ my @dgbPort = @{$ImageContent{options}{debugport}{vals}};
+ if(scalar @dgbPort)
+ {
+ $line = "debugport=$dgbPort[0]\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ }
+# defaultstackreserve
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{defaultstackreserve}{vals}})
+ {
+ my @defStackRes = @{$ImageContent{options}{defaultstackreserve}{vals}};
+ if(scalar @defStackRes)
+ {
+ $line = "defaultstackreserve=$defStackRes[0]\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ }
+# wrapper
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{wrapper}{vals}})
+ {
+ my %tbl = @{$ImageContent{options}{wrapper}{vals}}[0];
+ if(exists $tbl{epoc})
+ {
+ $line = "epocwrapper\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ elsif(exists $tbl{coff})
+ {
+ $line = "coffwrapper\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ elsif(exists $tbl{none})
+ {
+ $line = "nowrapper\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ }
+# kernel options
+ my $val;
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{name}{vals}})
+ {
+ $val = @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{name}{vals}}[0];
+ $line = "kernelromname=$val\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{dataaddress}{vals}})
+ {
+ $val = @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{dataaddress}{vals}}[0];
+ $line = "kerneldataaddress=$val\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{trace}{vals}})
+ {
+ $val = @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{trace}{vals}}[0];
+ $line = "kerneltrace $val\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{heapmin}{vals}})
+ {
+ $val = @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{heapmin}{vals}}[0];
+ $line = "kernelheapmin=$val\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{heapmax}{vals}})
+ {
+ $val = @{$ImageContent{options}{kernel}{heapmax}{vals}}[0];
+ $line = "kernelheapmax=$val\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+# romlinearbase
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{romlinearbase}{vals}})
+ {
+ my @romLinBase = @{$ImageContent{options}{romlinearbase}{vals}};
+ if(scalar @romLinBase)
+ {
+ $line = "romlinearbase=$romLinBase[0]\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ }
+# romalign
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{romalign}{vals}})
+ {
+ my @romAlign = @{$ImageContent{options}{romalign}{vals}};
+ if(scalar @romAlign )
+ {
+ $line = "romalign=$romAlign[0]\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ }
+# autosize keyword with the block size
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{autosize}{vals}})
+ {
+ my @autoSz = @{$ImageContent{options}{autosize}{vals}};
+ if(scalar @autoSz )
+ {
+ $line = "autosize=$autoSz[0]\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ }
+# coreimage keyword with the coreimage name.
+ if( defined @{$ImageContent{options}{coreimage}{vals}})
+ {
+ my @coreImg = @{$ImageContent{options}{coreimage}{vals}};
+ if(scalar @coreImg)
+ {
+ $line = "coreimage=$coreImg[0]\n";
+ print $fh $line;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $imgBin (@ImageContentBinaries)
+ {
+ $line = $imgBin->{keyword};
+ my $srcPath = $imgBin->{source};
+ $srcPath =~ s/abi_dir/ABI_DIR/;
+ $srcPath =~ s/kernel_dir/KERNEL_DIR/;
+ $srcPath =~ s/debug_dir/DEBUG_DIR/;
+ $srcPath =~ s/build_dir/BUILD_DIR/;
+ if(! ($imgBin->{keyword} =~ /secondary/i) )
+ {
+# VARID mentioned for primary, device, extension and variant keywords.
+ $line .= "[VARID]" ;
+ }
+ $line .= "=" . $srcPath . "\t\t" . $imgBin->{destination};
+ for my $key (keys %$imgBin)
+ {
+ if( ($key =~ /keyword/i) ||
+ ($key =~ /source/i) ||
+ ($key =~ /destination/i))
+ {
+# These keys are already taken care.
+ next;
+ }
+# Write the rest of the keywords if any, (e.g., 'fixed' or HEAPMAX(0x40000) ) to the oby line.
+ $line .= " ".($key);
+ if( defined $imgBin->{$key})
+ {
+ $line .= "(". $imgBin->{$key}. ") ";
+ }
+ }
+ print $fh "$line\n";
+ }
+sub GetObyFiles
+ return \@ObyFileList;
+sub GetBinarySelectionOrder
+ return \@binarySelectionArray;
+sub GetFeatures()
+ my %FeatureMap = ();
+ my @FeatList;
+ my $featRef;
+ my $uid;
+ foreach my $feat (@Includes)
+ {
+ if($feat->{name})
+ {
+ $uid = &featureparser::getFeatureUID($feat->{name});
+ if(!defined $uid)
+ {
+ print "Error: Feature $feat->{name} not found in feature list XML\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $feat->{uid} = $uid;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $uid = $feat->{uid};
+ if(!&featureparser::getFeatureInfo($uid))
+ {
+ print "Error: Feature Uid $uid not found in feature list XML\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ $featRef = $FeatureMap{$uid};
+ if( $featRef->{include} == 1 )
+ {
+# Already added to the final feature list
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $FeatureMap{$uid} = $feat;
+ push @FeatList, $feat;
+ }
+ }
+ foreach my $feat (@Excludes)
+ {
+ if($feat->{name})
+ {
+ $uid = &featureparser::getFeatureUID($feat->{name});
+ if(!defined $uid)
+ {
+ print "Error: Feature $feat->{name} not found in feature list XML\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ $feat->{uid} = $uid;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $uid = $feat->{uid};
+ if(!&featureparser::getFeatureInfo($uid))
+ {
+ print "Error: Feature Uid $uid not found in feature list XML\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ }
+ $featRef = $FeatureMap{$uid};
+ if( $featRef->{include} == 1 )
+ {
+ print "Error:The feature Uid $uid was added into the include as well as exclude list\n";
+ next;
+ }
+ elsif($featRef->{exclude} == 1)
+ {
+# Already added to the final feature list
+ next;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $FeatureMap{$uid} = $feat;
+ push @FeatList, $feat;
+ }
+ }
+ return \@FeatList;
+sub AddBinaryFromOby
+ my $aBinary = lc shift;
+ my $aFullPath = lc shift;
+ my $bin = \%{$obyFileInfo{$aBinary}};
+ $bin->{IsFoundInOby} = 1;
+ $bin->{fullpath} = $aFullPath;
+sub GetObyBinaryInfo
+ my $aBinary = lc shift;
+ my $aBinaryInfoHash = \%{$obyFileInfo{$aBinary}};
+ if( $aBinaryInfoHash->{IsFoundInOby} == 1)
+ {
+ return $aBinaryInfoHash;
+ }
+ return undef;
+sub UpdateObyBinaryStaticDep
+# Go through the files added from Oby to see if any of their static
+# dependencies need to be resolved.
+ foreach my $obyBin (keys %obyFileInfo)
+ {
+ if(!defined (&VisitedBinaryInfo($obyBin)) )
+ {
+ &ProcessStaticDep($obyFileInfo{$obyBin}{fullpath});
+ }
+ }
+sub SaveImageContentBinaries
+ my ($binaryListRef, $aKeyword) = @_;
+ foreach my $node (@$binaryListRef)
+ {
+ my %binInfo = ();
+# The keywords being primary, secondary, extension, variant and device
+ $binInfo{keyword} = $aKeyword;
+ my @children = &genericparser::getChildElements($node);
+ foreach my $child (@children)
+ {
+ my $name = &genericparser::getElementName($child);
+ my $val = &genericparser::getElementValue($child);
+ $binInfo{$name} = $val;
+ }
+ push @ImageContentBinaries, \%binInfo;
+ }
+my %VisitedBinaries = ();
+my @RomIncludeList;
+sub ProcessCDFList {
+ my ($CDFListRef) = @_;
+ foreach my $cdf (@$CDFListRef)
+ {
+ &LoadFromCDF($cdf);
+ }
+my @padding ;
+sub LoadFromCDF
+ my $cdf;
+ my $binFile;
+ my @BinList;
+ ($cdf, $binFile) = @_;
+#Load the XML and get its contents
+ cdfparser::LoadCDF($cdf);
+#Get all binaries from the mdf
+ (@BinList) = &cdfparser::GetBinaries($cdf);
+ my $DynBinListRef;
+ my $aBinary;
+ my $aFile;
+ my $VisitedBinaryInfoHash;
+ my $indent = join('', @padding);
+ my $binInfo;
+ foreach $aBinary (@BinList)
+ {
+ $VisitedBinaryInfoHash = &VisitedBinaryInfo($aBinary);
+ if($VisitedBinaryInfoHash)
+ {
+ next;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $VisitedBinaryInfoHash = \%{$VisitedBinaries{$aBinary}};
+ }
+ &ImageContentHandler::AddBinary($aBinary);
+ $VisitedBinaryInfoHash->{Marked} = 1;
+ push @RomIncludeList, $aBinary;
+# Include the dynamic dependencies.
+ ($DynBinListRef) = cdfparser::GetDynamicDependencies($aBinary);
+ foreach $aFile (@$DynBinListRef)
+ {
+ if(grep $aFile, @BinList)
+ {
+# the dynamic dependency is found in the same cdf file which
+# is already loaded.
+ next;
+ }
+ my $new_cdf = cdfparser::GetCDFFileName($aFile);
+# In case there is no cdf describing this binary, ignore it.
+ if( defined $new_cdf )
+ {
+ push @padding, ".";
+ LoadFromCDF($new_cdf, $aFile);
+ }
+ }
+ $binInfo = cdfparser::GetBinaryInfo($aBinary);
+ &ProcessStaticDep($binInfo->{source}, $aBinary);
+ }
+sub ProcessStaticDep
+ my ($aBinary) = @_;
+ my $aAbsFile;
+# Include the static dependencies.
+ my $dir = &get_epocroot()."epoc32\/release\/";
+ my $abidir = &ImageContentHandler::GetBldRomOpts("ABI_DIR");
+ my $blddir = &ImageContentHandler::GetBldRomOpts("BUILD_DIR");
+ if($aBinary =~ /(.*)[\\\/].*/)
+ {
+ $aBinary =~ s/ABI_DIR/$abidir/i;
+ $aBinary =~ s/BUILD_DIR/$blddir/i;
+ $aBinary =~ s/DEBUG_DIR/udeb/i;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $dir .= $abidir . "\/";
+ $dir .= $blddir. "\/";
+ }
+ $aAbsFile = $dir. $aBinary;
+ if(!-f $aAbsFile)
+ {
+# While evaluating the static dependency, check if the file is found in the
+# default abi directory. Otherwise, look into the binary selection order.
+ my $binSelOrderRef = &ImageContentHandler::GetBinarySelectionOrder();
+ my $foundFile = 0;
+ foreach my $newAbiDir (@$binSelOrderRef)
+ {
+ $aAbsFile =~ s/$abidir/$newAbiDir/i;
+ if(-f $aAbsFile)
+ {
+ $foundFile = 1;
+ last;
+ }
+ $abidir = $newAbiDir;
+ }
+ if($foundFile == 0)
+ {
+#While evaluating the static dependency, check if the file is found in the
+#default abi directory. Otherwise, fallback to the default ARMV5 directory.
+ $foundFile = fallback($abidir, \$aAbsFile);
+ if($foundFile == 0)
+ {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+# Collect the static dependencies of this binary.
+ my (@StatDepsList) = &Dep_Lister::StaticDeps($aAbsFile);
+# Remove the path portion from the file name if found to get the filename.
+# This is the key into the BinaryInfo map maintained by cdfparser.
+ my $filename;
+ if( $aBinary =~ /.*[\\\/](\S+)/)
+ {
+ $filename = $1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $filename = $aBinary;
+ }
+ my $binaryInfoRef = cdfparser::GetBinaryInfo($filename);
+ if( defined $binaryInfoRef)
+ {
+# Mark the binary it it is a valid E32 executable.
+ if(defined @StatDepsList)
+ {
+ $binaryInfoRef->{IsExecutable} = 1;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $binaryInfoRef->{IsExecutable} = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ my $VisitedBinaryInfoHash;
+ foreach my $aFile (@StatDepsList)
+ {
+ my $new_cdf = cdfparser::GetCDFFileName($aFile);
+ if(defined($new_cdf))
+ {
+ LoadFromCDF($new_cdf, $aFile);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+# Include the static dependencies even if there is no mdf describing this binary
+ $VisitedBinaryInfoHash = &VisitedBinaryInfo($aFile);
+ if( !defined ($VisitedBinaryInfoHash) )
+ {
+ $VisitedBinaryInfoHash = \%{$VisitedBinaries{$aFile}};
+ $VisitedBinaryInfoHash->{Marked} = 1;
+ &ImageContentHandler::AddBinary($aFile);
+ &ProcessStaticDep($aFile);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ }
+ }
+ }
+sub VisitedBinaryInfo
+ my ($aBinary) = @_;
+ my $VisitedBinaryInfoHash = \%{$VisitedBinaries{$aBinary}};
+ if($VisitedBinaryInfoHash->{Marked} == 1)
+ {
+ return $VisitedBinaryInfoHash;
+ }
+ return undef;