diff -r be27ed110b50 -r d8ac696cc51f buildframework/helium/external/python/lib/2.5/docutils-0.5-py2.5.egg/docutils/parsers/rst/include/mmlalias.txt --- a/buildframework/helium/external/python/lib/2.5/docutils-0.5-py2.5.egg/docutils/parsers/rst/include/mmlalias.txt Wed Oct 28 14:39:48 2009 +0000 +++ /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000 @@ -1,554 +0,0 @@ -.. This data file has been placed in the public domain. -.. Derived from the Unicode character mappings available from - . - Processed by unicode2rstsubs.py, part of Docutils: - . - -.. |angle| unicode:: U+02220 .. ANGLE -.. |ApplyFunction| unicode:: U+02061 .. FUNCTION APPLICATION -.. |approx| unicode:: U+02248 .. ALMOST EQUAL TO -.. |approxeq| unicode:: U+0224A .. ALMOST EQUAL OR EQUAL TO -.. |Assign| unicode:: U+02254 .. COLON EQUALS -.. |backcong| unicode:: U+0224C .. ALL EQUAL TO -.. |backepsilon| unicode:: U+003F6 .. GREEK REVERSED LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL -.. |backprime| unicode:: U+02035 .. REVERSED PRIME -.. |backsim| unicode:: U+0223D .. REVERSED TILDE -.. |backsimeq| unicode:: U+022CD .. REVERSED TILDE EQUALS -.. |Backslash| unicode:: U+02216 .. SET MINUS -.. |barwedge| unicode:: U+02305 .. PROJECTIVE -.. |Because| unicode:: U+02235 .. BECAUSE -.. |because| unicode:: U+02235 .. BECAUSE -.. |Bernoullis| unicode:: U+0212C .. SCRIPT CAPITAL B -.. |between| unicode:: U+0226C .. BETWEEN -.. |bigcap| unicode:: U+022C2 .. N-ARY INTERSECTION -.. |bigcirc| unicode:: U+025EF .. LARGE CIRCLE -.. |bigcup| unicode:: U+022C3 .. N-ARY UNION -.. |bigodot| unicode:: U+02A00 .. N-ARY CIRCLED DOT OPERATOR -.. |bigoplus| unicode:: U+02A01 .. N-ARY CIRCLED PLUS OPERATOR -.. |bigotimes| unicode:: U+02A02 .. N-ARY CIRCLED TIMES OPERATOR -.. |bigsqcup| unicode:: U+02A06 .. N-ARY SQUARE UNION OPERATOR -.. |bigstar| unicode:: U+02605 .. BLACK STAR -.. |bigtriangledown| unicode:: U+025BD .. WHITE DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE -.. |bigtriangleup| unicode:: U+025B3 .. WHITE UP-POINTING TRIANGLE -.. |biguplus| unicode:: U+02A04 .. N-ARY UNION OPERATOR WITH PLUS -.. |bigvee| unicode:: U+022C1 .. N-ARY LOGICAL OR -.. |bigwedge| unicode:: U+022C0 .. N-ARY LOGICAL AND -.. |bkarow| unicode:: U+0290D .. RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE DASH ARROW -.. |blacklozenge| unicode:: U+029EB .. BLACK LOZENGE -.. |blacksquare| unicode:: U+025AA .. BLACK SMALL SQUARE -.. |blacktriangle| unicode:: U+025B4 .. BLACK UP-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE -.. |blacktriangledown| unicode:: U+025BE .. BLACK DOWN-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE -.. |blacktriangleleft| unicode:: U+025C2 .. BLACK LEFT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE -.. |blacktriangleright| unicode:: U+025B8 .. BLACK RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE -.. |bot| unicode:: U+022A5 .. UP TACK -.. |boxminus| unicode:: U+0229F .. SQUARED MINUS -.. |boxplus| unicode:: U+0229E .. SQUARED PLUS -.. |boxtimes| unicode:: U+022A0 .. SQUARED TIMES -.. |Breve| unicode:: U+002D8 .. BREVE -.. |bullet| unicode:: U+02022 .. BULLET -.. |Bumpeq| unicode:: U+0224E .. GEOMETRICALLY EQUIVALENT TO -.. |bumpeq| unicode:: U+0224F .. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN -.. |CapitalDifferentialD| unicode:: U+02145 .. DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC CAPITAL D -.. |Cayleys| unicode:: U+0212D .. BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL C -.. |Cedilla| unicode:: U+000B8 .. CEDILLA -.. |CenterDot| unicode:: U+000B7 .. MIDDLE DOT -.. |centerdot| unicode:: U+000B7 .. MIDDLE DOT -.. |checkmark| unicode:: U+02713 .. CHECK MARK -.. |circeq| unicode:: U+02257 .. RING EQUAL TO -.. |circlearrowleft| unicode:: U+021BA .. ANTICLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW -.. |circlearrowright| unicode:: U+021BB .. CLOCKWISE OPEN CIRCLE ARROW -.. |circledast| unicode:: U+0229B .. CIRCLED ASTERISK OPERATOR -.. |circledcirc| unicode:: U+0229A .. CIRCLED RING OPERATOR -.. |circleddash| unicode:: U+0229D .. CIRCLED DASH -.. |CircleDot| unicode:: U+02299 .. CIRCLED DOT OPERATOR -.. |circledR| unicode:: U+000AE .. REGISTERED SIGN -.. |circledS| unicode:: U+024C8 .. CIRCLED LATIN CAPITAL LETTER S -.. |CircleMinus| unicode:: U+02296 .. CIRCLED MINUS -.. |CirclePlus| unicode:: U+02295 .. CIRCLED PLUS -.. |CircleTimes| unicode:: U+02297 .. CIRCLED TIMES -.. |ClockwiseContourIntegral| unicode:: U+02232 .. CLOCKWISE CONTOUR INTEGRAL -.. |CloseCurlyDoubleQuote| unicode:: U+0201D .. RIGHT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK -.. |CloseCurlyQuote| unicode:: U+02019 .. RIGHT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK -.. |clubsuit| unicode:: U+02663 .. BLACK CLUB SUIT -.. |coloneq| unicode:: U+02254 .. COLON EQUALS -.. |complement| unicode:: U+02201 .. COMPLEMENT -.. |complexes| unicode:: U+02102 .. DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL C -.. |Congruent| unicode:: U+02261 .. IDENTICAL TO -.. |ContourIntegral| unicode:: U+0222E .. CONTOUR INTEGRAL -.. |Coproduct| unicode:: U+02210 .. N-ARY COPRODUCT -.. |CounterClockwiseContourIntegral| unicode:: U+02233 .. ANTICLOCKWISE CONTOUR INTEGRAL -.. |CupCap| unicode:: U+0224D .. EQUIVALENT TO -.. |curlyeqprec| unicode:: U+022DE .. EQUAL TO OR PRECEDES -.. |curlyeqsucc| unicode:: U+022DF .. EQUAL TO OR SUCCEEDS -.. |curlyvee| unicode:: U+022CE .. CURLY LOGICAL OR -.. |curlywedge| unicode:: U+022CF .. CURLY LOGICAL AND -.. |curvearrowleft| unicode:: U+021B6 .. ANTICLOCKWISE TOP SEMICIRCLE ARROW -.. |curvearrowright| unicode:: U+021B7 .. CLOCKWISE TOP SEMICIRCLE ARROW -.. |dbkarow| unicode:: U+0290F .. RIGHTWARDS TRIPLE DASH ARROW -.. |ddagger| unicode:: U+02021 .. DOUBLE DAGGER -.. |ddotseq| unicode:: U+02A77 .. EQUALS SIGN WITH TWO DOTS ABOVE AND TWO DOTS BELOW -.. |Del| unicode:: U+02207 .. NABLA -.. |DiacriticalAcute| unicode:: U+000B4 .. ACUTE ACCENT -.. |DiacriticalDot| unicode:: U+002D9 .. DOT ABOVE -.. |DiacriticalDoubleAcute| unicode:: U+002DD .. DOUBLE ACUTE ACCENT -.. |DiacriticalGrave| unicode:: U+00060 .. GRAVE ACCENT -.. |DiacriticalTilde| unicode:: U+002DC .. SMALL TILDE -.. |Diamond| unicode:: U+022C4 .. DIAMOND OPERATOR -.. |diamond| unicode:: U+022C4 .. DIAMOND OPERATOR -.. |diamondsuit| unicode:: U+02666 .. BLACK DIAMOND SUIT -.. |DifferentialD| unicode:: U+02146 .. DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL D -.. |digamma| unicode:: U+003DD .. GREEK SMALL LETTER DIGAMMA -.. |div| unicode:: U+000F7 .. DIVISION SIGN -.. |divideontimes| unicode:: U+022C7 .. DIVISION TIMES -.. |doteq| unicode:: U+02250 .. APPROACHES THE LIMIT -.. |doteqdot| unicode:: U+02251 .. GEOMETRICALLY EQUAL TO -.. |DotEqual| unicode:: U+02250 .. APPROACHES THE LIMIT -.. |dotminus| unicode:: U+02238 .. DOT MINUS -.. |dotplus| unicode:: U+02214 .. DOT PLUS -.. |dotsquare| unicode:: U+022A1 .. SQUARED DOT OPERATOR -.. |doublebarwedge| unicode:: U+02306 .. PERSPECTIVE -.. |DoubleContourIntegral| unicode:: U+0222F .. SURFACE INTEGRAL -.. |DoubleDot| unicode:: U+000A8 .. DIAERESIS -.. |DoubleDownArrow| unicode:: U+021D3 .. DOWNWARDS DOUBLE ARROW -.. |DoubleLeftArrow| unicode:: U+021D0 .. LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW -.. |DoubleLeftRightArrow| unicode:: U+021D4 .. LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW -.. |DoubleLeftTee| unicode:: U+02AE4 .. VERTICAL BAR DOUBLE LEFT TURNSTILE -.. |DoubleLongLeftArrow| unicode:: U+027F8 .. LONG LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW -.. |DoubleLongLeftRightArrow| unicode:: U+027FA .. LONG LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW -.. |DoubleLongRightArrow| unicode:: U+027F9 .. LONG RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW -.. |DoubleRightArrow| unicode:: U+021D2 .. RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW -.. |DoubleRightTee| unicode:: U+022A8 .. TRUE -.. |DoubleUpArrow| unicode:: U+021D1 .. UPWARDS DOUBLE ARROW -.. |DoubleUpDownArrow| unicode:: U+021D5 .. UP DOWN DOUBLE ARROW -.. |DoubleVerticalBar| unicode:: U+02225 .. PARALLEL TO -.. |DownArrow| unicode:: U+02193 .. DOWNWARDS ARROW -.. |Downarrow| unicode:: U+021D3 .. DOWNWARDS DOUBLE ARROW -.. |downarrow| unicode:: U+02193 .. DOWNWARDS ARROW -.. |DownArrowUpArrow| unicode:: U+021F5 .. DOWNWARDS ARROW LEFTWARDS OF UPWARDS ARROW -.. |downdownarrows| unicode:: U+021CA .. DOWNWARDS PAIRED ARROWS -.. |downharpoonleft| unicode:: U+021C3 .. DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFTWARDS -.. |downharpoonright| unicode:: U+021C2 .. DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS -.. |DownLeftVector| unicode:: U+021BD .. LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS -.. |DownRightVector| unicode:: U+021C1 .. RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS -.. |DownTee| unicode:: U+022A4 .. DOWN TACK -.. |DownTeeArrow| unicode:: U+021A7 .. DOWNWARDS ARROW FROM BAR -.. |drbkarow| unicode:: U+02910 .. RIGHTWARDS TWO-HEADED TRIPLE DASH ARROW -.. |Element| unicode:: U+02208 .. ELEMENT OF -.. |emptyset| unicode:: U+02205 .. EMPTY SET -.. |eqcirc| unicode:: U+02256 .. RING IN EQUAL TO -.. |eqcolon| unicode:: U+02255 .. EQUALS COLON -.. |eqsim| unicode:: U+02242 .. MINUS TILDE -.. |eqslantgtr| unicode:: U+02A96 .. SLANTED EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN -.. |eqslantless| unicode:: U+02A95 .. SLANTED EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN -.. |EqualTilde| unicode:: U+02242 .. MINUS TILDE -.. |Equilibrium| unicode:: U+021CC .. RIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON -.. |Exists| unicode:: U+02203 .. THERE EXISTS -.. |expectation| unicode:: U+02130 .. SCRIPT CAPITAL E -.. |ExponentialE| unicode:: U+02147 .. DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL E -.. |exponentiale| unicode:: U+02147 .. DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL E -.. |fallingdotseq| unicode:: U+02252 .. APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO OR THE IMAGE OF -.. |ForAll| unicode:: U+02200 .. FOR ALL -.. |Fouriertrf| unicode:: U+02131 .. SCRIPT CAPITAL F -.. |geq| unicode:: U+02265 .. GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO -.. |geqq| unicode:: U+02267 .. GREATER-THAN OVER EQUAL TO -.. |geqslant| unicode:: U+02A7E .. GREATER-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO -.. |gg| unicode:: U+0226B .. MUCH GREATER-THAN -.. |ggg| unicode:: U+022D9 .. VERY MUCH GREATER-THAN -.. |gnapprox| unicode:: U+02A8A .. GREATER-THAN AND NOT APPROXIMATE -.. |gneq| unicode:: U+02A88 .. GREATER-THAN AND SINGLE-LINE NOT EQUAL TO -.. |gneqq| unicode:: U+02269 .. GREATER-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO -.. |GreaterEqual| unicode:: U+02265 .. GREATER-THAN OR EQUAL TO -.. |GreaterEqualLess| unicode:: U+022DB .. GREATER-THAN EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN -.. |GreaterFullEqual| unicode:: U+02267 .. GREATER-THAN OVER EQUAL TO -.. |GreaterLess| unicode:: U+02277 .. GREATER-THAN OR LESS-THAN -.. |GreaterSlantEqual| unicode:: U+02A7E .. GREATER-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO -.. |GreaterTilde| unicode:: U+02273 .. GREATER-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO -.. |gtrapprox| unicode:: U+02A86 .. GREATER-THAN OR APPROXIMATE -.. |gtrdot| unicode:: U+022D7 .. GREATER-THAN WITH DOT -.. |gtreqless| unicode:: U+022DB .. GREATER-THAN EQUAL TO OR LESS-THAN -.. |gtreqqless| unicode:: U+02A8C .. GREATER-THAN ABOVE DOUBLE-LINE EQUAL ABOVE LESS-THAN -.. |gtrless| unicode:: U+02277 .. GREATER-THAN OR LESS-THAN -.. |gtrsim| unicode:: U+02273 .. GREATER-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO -.. |gvertneqq| unicode:: U+02269 U+0FE00 .. GREATER-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO - with vertical stroke -.. |Hacek| unicode:: U+002C7 .. CARON -.. |hbar| unicode:: U+0210F .. PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI -.. |heartsuit| unicode:: U+02665 .. BLACK HEART SUIT -.. |HilbertSpace| unicode:: U+0210B .. SCRIPT CAPITAL H -.. |hksearow| unicode:: U+02925 .. SOUTH EAST ARROW WITH HOOK -.. |hkswarow| unicode:: U+02926 .. SOUTH WEST ARROW WITH HOOK -.. |hookleftarrow| unicode:: U+021A9 .. LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK -.. |hookrightarrow| unicode:: U+021AA .. RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH HOOK -.. |hslash| unicode:: U+0210F .. PLANCK CONSTANT OVER TWO PI -.. |HumpDownHump| unicode:: U+0224E .. GEOMETRICALLY EQUIVALENT TO -.. |HumpEqual| unicode:: U+0224F .. DIFFERENCE BETWEEN -.. |iiiint| unicode:: U+02A0C .. QUADRUPLE INTEGRAL OPERATOR -.. |iiint| unicode:: U+0222D .. TRIPLE INTEGRAL -.. |Im| unicode:: U+02111 .. BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL I -.. |ImaginaryI| unicode:: U+02148 .. DOUBLE-STRUCK ITALIC SMALL I -.. |imagline| unicode:: U+02110 .. SCRIPT CAPITAL I -.. |imagpart| unicode:: U+02111 .. BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL I -.. |Implies| unicode:: U+021D2 .. RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW -.. |in| unicode:: U+02208 .. ELEMENT OF -.. |integers| unicode:: U+02124 .. DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Z -.. |Integral| unicode:: U+0222B .. INTEGRAL -.. |intercal| unicode:: U+022BA .. INTERCALATE -.. |Intersection| unicode:: U+022C2 .. N-ARY INTERSECTION -.. |intprod| unicode:: U+02A3C .. INTERIOR PRODUCT -.. |InvisibleComma| unicode:: U+02063 .. INVISIBLE SEPARATOR -.. |InvisibleTimes| unicode:: U+02062 .. INVISIBLE TIMES -.. |langle| unicode:: U+02329 .. LEFT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET -.. |Laplacetrf| unicode:: U+02112 .. SCRIPT CAPITAL L -.. |lbrace| unicode:: U+0007B .. LEFT CURLY BRACKET -.. |lbrack| unicode:: U+0005B .. LEFT SQUARE BRACKET -.. |LeftAngleBracket| unicode:: U+02329 .. LEFT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET -.. |LeftArrow| unicode:: U+02190 .. LEFTWARDS ARROW -.. |Leftarrow| unicode:: U+021D0 .. LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW -.. |leftarrow| unicode:: U+02190 .. LEFTWARDS ARROW -.. |LeftArrowBar| unicode:: U+021E4 .. LEFTWARDS ARROW TO BAR -.. |LeftArrowRightArrow| unicode:: U+021C6 .. LEFTWARDS ARROW OVER RIGHTWARDS ARROW -.. |leftarrowtail| unicode:: U+021A2 .. LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL -.. |LeftCeiling| unicode:: U+02308 .. LEFT CEILING -.. |LeftDoubleBracket| unicode:: U+0301A .. LEFT WHITE SQUARE BRACKET -.. |LeftDownVector| unicode:: U+021C3 .. DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFTWARDS -.. |LeftFloor| unicode:: U+0230A .. LEFT FLOOR -.. |leftharpoondown| unicode:: U+021BD .. LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS -.. |leftharpoonup| unicode:: U+021BC .. LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPWARDS -.. |leftleftarrows| unicode:: U+021C7 .. LEFTWARDS PAIRED ARROWS -.. |LeftRightArrow| unicode:: U+02194 .. LEFT RIGHT ARROW -.. |Leftrightarrow| unicode:: U+021D4 .. LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW -.. |leftrightarrow| unicode:: U+02194 .. LEFT RIGHT ARROW -.. |leftrightarrows| unicode:: U+021C6 .. LEFTWARDS ARROW OVER RIGHTWARDS ARROW -.. |leftrightharpoons| unicode:: U+021CB .. LEFTWARDS HARPOON OVER RIGHTWARDS HARPOON -.. |leftrightsquigarrow| unicode:: U+021AD .. LEFT RIGHT WAVE ARROW -.. |LeftTee| unicode:: U+022A3 .. LEFT TACK -.. |LeftTeeArrow| unicode:: U+021A4 .. LEFTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR -.. |leftthreetimes| unicode:: U+022CB .. LEFT SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT -.. |LeftTriangle| unicode:: U+022B2 .. NORMAL SUBGROUP OF -.. |LeftTriangleEqual| unicode:: U+022B4 .. NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO -.. |LeftUpVector| unicode:: U+021BF .. UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFTWARDS -.. |LeftVector| unicode:: U+021BC .. LEFTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPWARDS -.. |leq| unicode:: U+02264 .. LESS-THAN OR EQUAL TO -.. |leqq| unicode:: U+02266 .. LESS-THAN OVER EQUAL TO -.. |leqslant| unicode:: U+02A7D .. LESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO -.. |lessapprox| unicode:: U+02A85 .. LESS-THAN OR APPROXIMATE -.. |lessdot| unicode:: U+022D6 .. LESS-THAN WITH DOT -.. |lesseqgtr| unicode:: U+022DA .. LESS-THAN EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN -.. |lesseqqgtr| unicode:: U+02A8B .. LESS-THAN ABOVE DOUBLE-LINE EQUAL ABOVE GREATER-THAN -.. |LessEqualGreater| unicode:: U+022DA .. LESS-THAN EQUAL TO OR GREATER-THAN -.. |LessFullEqual| unicode:: U+02266 .. LESS-THAN OVER EQUAL TO -.. |LessGreater| unicode:: U+02276 .. LESS-THAN OR GREATER-THAN -.. |lessgtr| unicode:: U+02276 .. LESS-THAN OR GREATER-THAN -.. |lesssim| unicode:: U+02272 .. LESS-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO -.. |LessSlantEqual| unicode:: U+02A7D .. LESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO -.. |LessTilde| unicode:: U+02272 .. LESS-THAN OR EQUIVALENT TO -.. |ll| unicode:: U+0226A .. MUCH LESS-THAN -.. |llcorner| unicode:: U+0231E .. BOTTOM LEFT CORNER -.. |Lleftarrow| unicode:: U+021DA .. LEFTWARDS TRIPLE ARROW -.. |lmoustache| unicode:: U+023B0 .. UPPER LEFT OR LOWER RIGHT CURLY BRACKET SECTION -.. |lnapprox| unicode:: U+02A89 .. LESS-THAN AND NOT APPROXIMATE -.. |lneq| unicode:: U+02A87 .. LESS-THAN AND SINGLE-LINE NOT EQUAL TO -.. |lneqq| unicode:: U+02268 .. LESS-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO -.. |LongLeftArrow| unicode:: U+027F5 .. LONG LEFTWARDS ARROW -.. |Longleftarrow| unicode:: U+027F8 .. LONG LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW -.. |longleftarrow| unicode:: U+027F5 .. LONG LEFTWARDS ARROW -.. |LongLeftRightArrow| unicode:: U+027F7 .. LONG LEFT RIGHT ARROW -.. |Longleftrightarrow| unicode:: U+027FA .. LONG LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW -.. |longleftrightarrow| unicode:: U+027F7 .. LONG LEFT RIGHT ARROW -.. |longmapsto| unicode:: U+027FC .. LONG RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR -.. |LongRightArrow| unicode:: U+027F6 .. LONG RIGHTWARDS ARROW -.. |Longrightarrow| unicode:: U+027F9 .. LONG RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW -.. |longrightarrow| unicode:: U+027F6 .. LONG RIGHTWARDS ARROW -.. |looparrowleft| unicode:: U+021AB .. LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH LOOP -.. |looparrowright| unicode:: U+021AC .. RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH LOOP -.. |LowerLeftArrow| unicode:: U+02199 .. SOUTH WEST ARROW -.. |LowerRightArrow| unicode:: U+02198 .. SOUTH EAST ARROW -.. |lozenge| unicode:: U+025CA .. LOZENGE -.. |lrcorner| unicode:: U+0231F .. BOTTOM RIGHT CORNER -.. |Lsh| unicode:: U+021B0 .. UPWARDS ARROW WITH TIP LEFTWARDS -.. |lvertneqq| unicode:: U+02268 U+0FE00 .. LESS-THAN BUT NOT EQUAL TO - with vertical stroke -.. |maltese| unicode:: U+02720 .. MALTESE CROSS -.. |mapsto| unicode:: U+021A6 .. RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR -.. |measuredangle| unicode:: U+02221 .. MEASURED ANGLE -.. |Mellintrf| unicode:: U+02133 .. SCRIPT CAPITAL M -.. |MinusPlus| unicode:: U+02213 .. MINUS-OR-PLUS SIGN -.. |mp| unicode:: U+02213 .. MINUS-OR-PLUS SIGN -.. |multimap| unicode:: U+022B8 .. MULTIMAP -.. |napprox| unicode:: U+02249 .. NOT ALMOST EQUAL TO -.. |natural| unicode:: U+0266E .. MUSIC NATURAL SIGN -.. |naturals| unicode:: U+02115 .. DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL N -.. |nearrow| unicode:: U+02197 .. NORTH EAST ARROW -.. |NegativeMediumSpace| unicode:: U+0200B .. ZERO WIDTH SPACE -.. |NegativeThickSpace| unicode:: U+0200B .. ZERO WIDTH SPACE -.. |NegativeThinSpace| unicode:: U+0200B .. ZERO WIDTH SPACE -.. |NegativeVeryThinSpace| unicode:: U+0200B .. ZERO WIDTH SPACE -.. |NestedGreaterGreater| unicode:: U+0226B .. MUCH GREATER-THAN -.. |NestedLessLess| unicode:: U+0226A .. MUCH LESS-THAN -.. |nexists| unicode:: U+02204 .. THERE DOES NOT EXIST -.. |ngeq| unicode:: U+02271 .. NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR EQUAL TO -.. |ngeqq| unicode:: U+02267 U+00338 .. GREATER-THAN OVER EQUAL TO with slash -.. |ngeqslant| unicode:: U+02A7E U+00338 .. GREATER-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO with slash -.. |ngtr| unicode:: U+0226F .. NOT GREATER-THAN -.. |nLeftarrow| unicode:: U+021CD .. LEFTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE -.. |nleftarrow| unicode:: U+0219A .. LEFTWARDS ARROW WITH STROKE -.. |nLeftrightarrow| unicode:: U+021CE .. LEFT RIGHT DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE -.. |nleftrightarrow| unicode:: U+021AE .. LEFT RIGHT ARROW WITH STROKE -.. |nleq| unicode:: U+02270 .. NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR EQUAL TO -.. |nleqq| unicode:: U+02266 U+00338 .. LESS-THAN OVER EQUAL TO with slash -.. |nleqslant| unicode:: U+02A7D U+00338 .. LESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO with slash -.. |nless| unicode:: U+0226E .. NOT LESS-THAN -.. |NonBreakingSpace| unicode:: U+000A0 .. NO-BREAK SPACE -.. |NotCongruent| unicode:: U+02262 .. NOT IDENTICAL TO -.. |NotDoubleVerticalBar| unicode:: U+02226 .. NOT PARALLEL TO -.. |NotElement| unicode:: U+02209 .. NOT AN ELEMENT OF -.. |NotEqual| unicode:: U+02260 .. NOT EQUAL TO -.. |NotEqualTilde| unicode:: U+02242 U+00338 .. MINUS TILDE with slash -.. |NotExists| unicode:: U+02204 .. THERE DOES NOT EXIST -.. |NotGreater| unicode:: U+0226F .. NOT GREATER-THAN -.. |NotGreaterEqual| unicode:: U+02271 .. NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR EQUAL TO -.. |NotGreaterFullEqual| unicode:: U+02266 U+00338 .. LESS-THAN OVER EQUAL TO with slash -.. |NotGreaterGreater| unicode:: U+0226B U+00338 .. MUCH GREATER THAN with slash -.. |NotGreaterLess| unicode:: U+02279 .. NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR LESS-THAN -.. |NotGreaterSlantEqual| unicode:: U+02A7E U+00338 .. GREATER-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO with slash -.. |NotGreaterTilde| unicode:: U+02275 .. NEITHER GREATER-THAN NOR EQUIVALENT TO -.. |NotHumpDownHump| unicode:: U+0224E U+00338 .. GEOMETRICALLY EQUIVALENT TO with slash -.. |NotLeftTriangle| unicode:: U+022EA .. NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF -.. |NotLeftTriangleEqual| unicode:: U+022EC .. NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO -.. |NotLess| unicode:: U+0226E .. NOT LESS-THAN -.. |NotLessEqual| unicode:: U+02270 .. NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR EQUAL TO -.. |NotLessGreater| unicode:: U+02278 .. NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR GREATER-THAN -.. |NotLessLess| unicode:: U+0226A U+00338 .. MUCH LESS THAN with slash -.. |NotLessSlantEqual| unicode:: U+02A7D U+00338 .. LESS-THAN OR SLANTED EQUAL TO with slash -.. |NotLessTilde| unicode:: U+02274 .. NEITHER LESS-THAN NOR EQUIVALENT TO -.. |NotPrecedes| unicode:: U+02280 .. DOES NOT PRECEDE -.. |NotPrecedesEqual| unicode:: U+02AAF U+00338 .. PRECEDES ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGN with slash -.. |NotPrecedesSlantEqual| unicode:: U+022E0 .. DOES NOT PRECEDE OR EQUAL -.. |NotReverseElement| unicode:: U+0220C .. DOES NOT CONTAIN AS MEMBER -.. |NotRightTriangle| unicode:: U+022EB .. DOES NOT CONTAIN AS NORMAL SUBGROUP -.. |NotRightTriangleEqual| unicode:: U+022ED .. DOES NOT CONTAIN AS NORMAL SUBGROUP OR EQUAL -.. |NotSquareSubsetEqual| unicode:: U+022E2 .. NOT SQUARE IMAGE OF OR EQUAL TO -.. |NotSquareSupersetEqual| unicode:: U+022E3 .. NOT SQUARE ORIGINAL OF OR EQUAL TO -.. |NotSubset| unicode:: U+02282 U+020D2 .. SUBSET OF with vertical line -.. |NotSubsetEqual| unicode:: U+02288 .. NEITHER A SUBSET OF NOR EQUAL TO -.. |NotSucceeds| unicode:: U+02281 .. DOES NOT SUCCEED -.. |NotSucceedsEqual| unicode:: U+02AB0 U+00338 .. SUCCEEDS ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGN with slash -.. |NotSucceedsSlantEqual| unicode:: U+022E1 .. DOES NOT SUCCEED OR EQUAL -.. |NotSuperset| unicode:: U+02283 U+020D2 .. SUPERSET OF with vertical line -.. |NotSupersetEqual| unicode:: U+02289 .. NEITHER A SUPERSET OF NOR EQUAL TO -.. |NotTilde| unicode:: U+02241 .. NOT TILDE -.. |NotTildeEqual| unicode:: U+02244 .. NOT ASYMPTOTICALLY EQUAL TO -.. |NotTildeFullEqual| unicode:: U+02247 .. NEITHER APPROXIMATELY NOR ACTUALLY EQUAL TO -.. |NotTildeTilde| unicode:: U+02249 .. NOT ALMOST EQUAL TO -.. |NotVerticalBar| unicode:: U+02224 .. DOES NOT DIVIDE -.. |nparallel| unicode:: U+02226 .. NOT PARALLEL TO -.. |nprec| unicode:: U+02280 .. DOES NOT PRECEDE -.. |npreceq| unicode:: U+02AAF U+00338 .. PRECEDES ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGN with slash -.. |nRightarrow| unicode:: U+021CF .. RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW WITH STROKE -.. |nrightarrow| unicode:: U+0219B .. RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH STROKE -.. |nshortmid| unicode:: U+02224 .. DOES NOT DIVIDE -.. |nshortparallel| unicode:: U+02226 .. NOT PARALLEL TO -.. |nsimeq| unicode:: U+02244 .. NOT ASYMPTOTICALLY EQUAL TO -.. |nsubset| unicode:: U+02282 U+020D2 .. SUBSET OF with vertical line -.. |nsubseteq| unicode:: U+02288 .. NEITHER A SUBSET OF NOR EQUAL TO -.. |nsubseteqq| unicode:: U+02AC5 U+00338 .. SUBSET OF ABOVE EQUALS SIGN with slash -.. |nsucc| unicode:: U+02281 .. DOES NOT SUCCEED -.. |nsucceq| unicode:: U+02AB0 U+00338 .. SUCCEEDS ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGN with slash -.. |nsupset| unicode:: U+02283 U+020D2 .. SUPERSET OF with vertical line -.. |nsupseteq| unicode:: U+02289 .. NEITHER A SUPERSET OF NOR EQUAL TO -.. |nsupseteqq| unicode:: U+02AC6 U+00338 .. SUPERSET OF ABOVE EQUALS SIGN with slash -.. |ntriangleleft| unicode:: U+022EA .. NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF -.. |ntrianglelefteq| unicode:: U+022EC .. NOT NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO -.. |ntriangleright| unicode:: U+022EB .. DOES NOT CONTAIN AS NORMAL SUBGROUP -.. |ntrianglerighteq| unicode:: U+022ED .. DOES NOT CONTAIN AS NORMAL SUBGROUP OR EQUAL -.. |nwarrow| unicode:: U+02196 .. NORTH WEST ARROW -.. |oint| unicode:: U+0222E .. CONTOUR INTEGRAL -.. |OpenCurlyDoubleQuote| unicode:: U+0201C .. LEFT DOUBLE QUOTATION MARK -.. |OpenCurlyQuote| unicode:: U+02018 .. LEFT SINGLE QUOTATION MARK -.. |orderof| unicode:: U+02134 .. SCRIPT SMALL O -.. |parallel| unicode:: U+02225 .. PARALLEL TO -.. |PartialD| unicode:: U+02202 .. PARTIAL DIFFERENTIAL -.. |pitchfork| unicode:: U+022D4 .. PITCHFORK -.. |PlusMinus| unicode:: U+000B1 .. PLUS-MINUS SIGN -.. |pm| unicode:: U+000B1 .. PLUS-MINUS SIGN -.. |Poincareplane| unicode:: U+0210C .. BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL H -.. |prec| unicode:: U+0227A .. PRECEDES -.. |precapprox| unicode:: U+02AB7 .. PRECEDES ABOVE ALMOST EQUAL TO -.. |preccurlyeq| unicode:: U+0227C .. PRECEDES OR EQUAL TO -.. |Precedes| unicode:: U+0227A .. PRECEDES -.. |PrecedesEqual| unicode:: U+02AAF .. PRECEDES ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGN -.. |PrecedesSlantEqual| unicode:: U+0227C .. PRECEDES OR EQUAL TO -.. |PrecedesTilde| unicode:: U+0227E .. PRECEDES OR EQUIVALENT TO -.. |preceq| unicode:: U+02AAF .. PRECEDES ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGN -.. |precnapprox| unicode:: U+02AB9 .. PRECEDES ABOVE NOT ALMOST EQUAL TO -.. |precneqq| unicode:: U+02AB5 .. PRECEDES ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO -.. |precnsim| unicode:: U+022E8 .. PRECEDES BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO -.. |precsim| unicode:: U+0227E .. PRECEDES OR EQUIVALENT TO -.. |primes| unicode:: U+02119 .. DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL P -.. |Proportion| unicode:: U+02237 .. PROPORTION -.. |Proportional| unicode:: U+0221D .. PROPORTIONAL TO -.. |propto| unicode:: U+0221D .. PROPORTIONAL TO -.. |quaternions| unicode:: U+0210D .. DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL H -.. |questeq| unicode:: U+0225F .. QUESTIONED EQUAL TO -.. |rangle| unicode:: U+0232A .. RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET -.. |rationals| unicode:: U+0211A .. DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL Q -.. |rbrace| unicode:: U+0007D .. RIGHT CURLY BRACKET -.. |rbrack| unicode:: U+0005D .. RIGHT SQUARE BRACKET -.. |Re| unicode:: U+0211C .. BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL R -.. |realine| unicode:: U+0211B .. SCRIPT CAPITAL R -.. |realpart| unicode:: U+0211C .. BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL R -.. |reals| unicode:: U+0211D .. DOUBLE-STRUCK CAPITAL R -.. |ReverseElement| unicode:: U+0220B .. CONTAINS AS MEMBER -.. |ReverseEquilibrium| unicode:: U+021CB .. LEFTWARDS HARPOON OVER RIGHTWARDS HARPOON -.. |ReverseUpEquilibrium| unicode:: U+0296F .. DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT BESIDE UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT -.. |RightAngleBracket| unicode:: U+0232A .. RIGHT-POINTING ANGLE BRACKET -.. |RightArrow| unicode:: U+02192 .. RIGHTWARDS ARROW -.. |Rightarrow| unicode:: U+021D2 .. RIGHTWARDS DOUBLE ARROW -.. |rightarrow| unicode:: U+02192 .. RIGHTWARDS ARROW -.. |RightArrowBar| unicode:: U+021E5 .. RIGHTWARDS ARROW TO BAR -.. |RightArrowLeftArrow| unicode:: U+021C4 .. RIGHTWARDS ARROW OVER LEFTWARDS ARROW -.. |rightarrowtail| unicode:: U+021A3 .. RIGHTWARDS ARROW WITH TAIL -.. |RightCeiling| unicode:: U+02309 .. RIGHT CEILING -.. |RightDoubleBracket| unicode:: U+0301B .. RIGHT WHITE SQUARE BRACKET -.. |RightDownVector| unicode:: U+021C2 .. DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS -.. |RightFloor| unicode:: U+0230B .. RIGHT FLOOR -.. |rightharpoondown| unicode:: U+021C1 .. RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB DOWNWARDS -.. |rightharpoonup| unicode:: U+021C0 .. RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPWARDS -.. |rightleftarrows| unicode:: U+021C4 .. RIGHTWARDS ARROW OVER LEFTWARDS ARROW -.. |rightleftharpoons| unicode:: U+021CC .. RIGHTWARDS HARPOON OVER LEFTWARDS HARPOON -.. |rightrightarrows| unicode:: U+021C9 .. RIGHTWARDS PAIRED ARROWS -.. |rightsquigarrow| unicode:: U+0219D .. RIGHTWARDS WAVE ARROW -.. |RightTee| unicode:: U+022A2 .. RIGHT TACK -.. |RightTeeArrow| unicode:: U+021A6 .. RIGHTWARDS ARROW FROM BAR -.. |rightthreetimes| unicode:: U+022CC .. RIGHT SEMIDIRECT PRODUCT -.. |RightTriangle| unicode:: U+022B3 .. CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP -.. |RightTriangleEqual| unicode:: U+022B5 .. CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP OR EQUAL TO -.. |RightUpVector| unicode:: U+021BE .. UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS -.. |RightVector| unicode:: U+021C0 .. RIGHTWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB UPWARDS -.. |risingdotseq| unicode:: U+02253 .. IMAGE OF OR APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO -.. |rmoustache| unicode:: U+023B1 .. UPPER RIGHT OR LOWER LEFT CURLY BRACKET SECTION -.. |Rrightarrow| unicode:: U+021DB .. RIGHTWARDS TRIPLE ARROW -.. |Rsh| unicode:: U+021B1 .. UPWARDS ARROW WITH TIP RIGHTWARDS -.. |searrow| unicode:: U+02198 .. SOUTH EAST ARROW -.. |setminus| unicode:: U+02216 .. SET MINUS -.. |ShortDownArrow| unicode:: U+02193 .. DOWNWARDS ARROW -.. |ShortLeftArrow| unicode:: U+02190 .. LEFTWARDS ARROW -.. |shortmid| unicode:: U+02223 .. DIVIDES -.. |shortparallel| unicode:: U+02225 .. PARALLEL TO -.. |ShortRightArrow| unicode:: U+02192 .. RIGHTWARDS ARROW -.. |ShortUpArrow| unicode:: U+02191 .. UPWARDS ARROW -.. |simeq| unicode:: U+02243 .. ASYMPTOTICALLY EQUAL TO -.. |SmallCircle| unicode:: U+02218 .. RING OPERATOR -.. |smallsetminus| unicode:: U+02216 .. SET MINUS -.. |spadesuit| unicode:: U+02660 .. BLACK SPADE SUIT -.. |Sqrt| unicode:: U+0221A .. SQUARE ROOT -.. |sqsubset| unicode:: U+0228F .. SQUARE IMAGE OF -.. |sqsubseteq| unicode:: U+02291 .. SQUARE IMAGE OF OR EQUAL TO -.. |sqsupset| unicode:: U+02290 .. SQUARE ORIGINAL OF -.. |sqsupseteq| unicode:: U+02292 .. SQUARE ORIGINAL OF OR EQUAL TO -.. |Square| unicode:: U+025A1 .. WHITE SQUARE -.. |SquareIntersection| unicode:: U+02293 .. SQUARE CAP -.. |SquareSubset| unicode:: U+0228F .. SQUARE IMAGE OF -.. |SquareSubsetEqual| unicode:: U+02291 .. SQUARE IMAGE OF OR EQUAL TO -.. |SquareSuperset| unicode:: U+02290 .. SQUARE ORIGINAL OF -.. |SquareSupersetEqual| unicode:: U+02292 .. SQUARE ORIGINAL OF OR EQUAL TO -.. |SquareUnion| unicode:: U+02294 .. SQUARE CUP -.. |Star| unicode:: U+022C6 .. STAR OPERATOR -.. |straightepsilon| unicode:: U+003F5 .. GREEK LUNATE EPSILON SYMBOL -.. |straightphi| unicode:: U+003D5 .. GREEK PHI SYMBOL -.. |Subset| unicode:: U+022D0 .. DOUBLE SUBSET -.. |subset| unicode:: U+02282 .. SUBSET OF -.. |subseteq| unicode:: U+02286 .. SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO -.. |subseteqq| unicode:: U+02AC5 .. SUBSET OF ABOVE EQUALS SIGN -.. |SubsetEqual| unicode:: U+02286 .. SUBSET OF OR EQUAL TO -.. |subsetneq| unicode:: U+0228A .. SUBSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO -.. |subsetneqq| unicode:: U+02ACB .. SUBSET OF ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO -.. |succ| unicode:: U+0227B .. SUCCEEDS -.. |succapprox| unicode:: U+02AB8 .. SUCCEEDS ABOVE ALMOST EQUAL TO -.. |succcurlyeq| unicode:: U+0227D .. SUCCEEDS OR EQUAL TO -.. |Succeeds| unicode:: U+0227B .. SUCCEEDS -.. |SucceedsEqual| unicode:: U+02AB0 .. SUCCEEDS ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGN -.. |SucceedsSlantEqual| unicode:: U+0227D .. SUCCEEDS OR EQUAL TO -.. |SucceedsTilde| unicode:: U+0227F .. SUCCEEDS OR EQUIVALENT TO -.. |succeq| unicode:: U+02AB0 .. SUCCEEDS ABOVE SINGLE-LINE EQUALS SIGN -.. |succnapprox| unicode:: U+02ABA .. SUCCEEDS ABOVE NOT ALMOST EQUAL TO -.. |succneqq| unicode:: U+02AB6 .. SUCCEEDS ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO -.. |succnsim| unicode:: U+022E9 .. SUCCEEDS BUT NOT EQUIVALENT TO -.. |succsim| unicode:: U+0227F .. SUCCEEDS OR EQUIVALENT TO -.. |SuchThat| unicode:: U+0220B .. CONTAINS AS MEMBER -.. |Sum| unicode:: U+02211 .. N-ARY SUMMATION -.. |Superset| unicode:: U+02283 .. SUPERSET OF -.. |SupersetEqual| unicode:: U+02287 .. SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO -.. |Supset| unicode:: U+022D1 .. DOUBLE SUPERSET -.. |supset| unicode:: U+02283 .. SUPERSET OF -.. |supseteq| unicode:: U+02287 .. SUPERSET OF OR EQUAL TO -.. |supseteqq| unicode:: U+02AC6 .. SUPERSET OF ABOVE EQUALS SIGN -.. |supsetneq| unicode:: U+0228B .. SUPERSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO -.. |supsetneqq| unicode:: U+02ACC .. SUPERSET OF ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO -.. |swarrow| unicode:: U+02199 .. SOUTH WEST ARROW -.. |Therefore| unicode:: U+02234 .. THEREFORE -.. |therefore| unicode:: U+02234 .. THEREFORE -.. |thickapprox| unicode:: U+02248 .. ALMOST EQUAL TO -.. |thicksim| unicode:: U+0223C .. TILDE OPERATOR -.. |ThinSpace| unicode:: U+02009 .. THIN SPACE -.. |Tilde| unicode:: U+0223C .. TILDE OPERATOR -.. |TildeEqual| unicode:: U+02243 .. ASYMPTOTICALLY EQUAL TO -.. |TildeFullEqual| unicode:: U+02245 .. APPROXIMATELY EQUAL TO -.. |TildeTilde| unicode:: U+02248 .. ALMOST EQUAL TO -.. |toea| unicode:: U+02928 .. NORTH EAST ARROW AND SOUTH EAST ARROW -.. |tosa| unicode:: U+02929 .. SOUTH EAST ARROW AND SOUTH WEST ARROW -.. |triangle| unicode:: U+025B5 .. WHITE UP-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE -.. |triangledown| unicode:: U+025BF .. WHITE DOWN-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE -.. |triangleleft| unicode:: U+025C3 .. WHITE LEFT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE -.. |trianglelefteq| unicode:: U+022B4 .. NORMAL SUBGROUP OF OR EQUAL TO -.. |triangleq| unicode:: U+0225C .. DELTA EQUAL TO -.. |triangleright| unicode:: U+025B9 .. WHITE RIGHT-POINTING SMALL TRIANGLE -.. |trianglerighteq| unicode:: U+022B5 .. CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP OR EQUAL TO -.. |TripleDot| unicode:: U+020DB .. COMBINING THREE DOTS ABOVE -.. |twoheadleftarrow| unicode:: U+0219E .. LEFTWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW -.. |twoheadrightarrow| unicode:: U+021A0 .. RIGHTWARDS TWO HEADED ARROW -.. |ulcorner| unicode:: U+0231C .. TOP LEFT CORNER -.. |Union| unicode:: U+022C3 .. N-ARY UNION -.. |UnionPlus| unicode:: U+0228E .. MULTISET UNION -.. |UpArrow| unicode:: U+02191 .. UPWARDS ARROW -.. |Uparrow| unicode:: U+021D1 .. UPWARDS DOUBLE ARROW -.. |uparrow| unicode:: U+02191 .. UPWARDS ARROW -.. |UpArrowDownArrow| unicode:: U+021C5 .. UPWARDS ARROW LEFTWARDS OF DOWNWARDS ARROW -.. |UpDownArrow| unicode:: U+02195 .. UP DOWN ARROW -.. |Updownarrow| unicode:: U+021D5 .. UP DOWN DOUBLE ARROW -.. |updownarrow| unicode:: U+02195 .. UP DOWN ARROW -.. |UpEquilibrium| unicode:: U+0296E .. UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFT BESIDE DOWNWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHT -.. |upharpoonleft| unicode:: U+021BF .. UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB LEFTWARDS -.. |upharpoonright| unicode:: U+021BE .. UPWARDS HARPOON WITH BARB RIGHTWARDS -.. |UpperLeftArrow| unicode:: U+02196 .. NORTH WEST ARROW -.. |UpperRightArrow| unicode:: U+02197 .. NORTH EAST ARROW -.. |upsilon| unicode:: U+003C5 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER UPSILON -.. |UpTee| unicode:: U+022A5 .. UP TACK -.. |UpTeeArrow| unicode:: U+021A5 .. UPWARDS ARROW FROM BAR -.. |upuparrows| unicode:: U+021C8 .. UPWARDS PAIRED ARROWS -.. |urcorner| unicode:: U+0231D .. TOP RIGHT CORNER -.. |varepsilon| unicode:: U+003B5 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER EPSILON -.. |varkappa| unicode:: U+003F0 .. GREEK KAPPA SYMBOL -.. |varnothing| unicode:: U+02205 .. EMPTY SET -.. |varphi| unicode:: U+003C6 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER PHI -.. |varpi| unicode:: U+003D6 .. GREEK PI SYMBOL -.. |varpropto| unicode:: U+0221D .. PROPORTIONAL TO -.. |varrho| unicode:: U+003F1 .. GREEK RHO SYMBOL -.. |varsigma| unicode:: U+003C2 .. GREEK SMALL LETTER FINAL SIGMA -.. |varsubsetneq| unicode:: U+0228A U+0FE00 .. SUBSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO - variant with stroke through bottom members -.. |varsubsetneqq| unicode:: U+02ACB U+0FE00 .. SUBSET OF ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO - variant with stroke through bottom members -.. |varsupsetneq| unicode:: U+0228B U+0FE00 .. SUPERSET OF WITH NOT EQUAL TO - variant with stroke through bottom members -.. |varsupsetneqq| unicode:: U+02ACC U+0FE00 .. SUPERSET OF ABOVE NOT EQUAL TO - variant with stroke through bottom members -.. |vartheta| unicode:: U+003D1 .. GREEK THETA SYMBOL -.. |vartriangleleft| unicode:: U+022B2 .. NORMAL SUBGROUP OF -.. |vartriangleright| unicode:: U+022B3 .. CONTAINS AS NORMAL SUBGROUP -.. |Vee| unicode:: U+022C1 .. N-ARY LOGICAL OR -.. |vee| unicode:: U+02228 .. LOGICAL OR -.. |Vert| unicode:: U+02016 .. DOUBLE VERTICAL LINE -.. |vert| unicode:: U+0007C .. VERTICAL LINE -.. |VerticalBar| unicode:: U+02223 .. DIVIDES -.. |VerticalTilde| unicode:: U+02240 .. WREATH PRODUCT -.. |VeryThinSpace| unicode:: U+0200A .. HAIR SPACE -.. |Wedge| unicode:: U+022C0 .. N-ARY LOGICAL AND -.. |wedge| unicode:: U+02227 .. LOGICAL AND -.. |wp| unicode:: U+02118 .. SCRIPT CAPITAL P -.. |wr| unicode:: U+02240 .. WREATH PRODUCT -.. |zeetrf| unicode:: U+02128 .. BLACK-LETTER CAPITAL Z