# HG changeset patch
# User timothy.murphy@nokia.com
# Date 1270665289 -3600
# Node ID 27d11156067259e0f45b3ece47d32845c3952221
# Parent f9d258cee458dd80f1bc0aee9c0a7de5d2d1c884# Parent 04060c70e4fc0487b0657828c7d583f67fa353b5
Merge in resource speedups
diff -r f9d258cee458 -r 27d111560672 sbsv2/raptor/RELEASE-NOTES.html
--- a/sbsv2/raptor/RELEASE-NOTES.html Wed Apr 07 12:26:04 2010 +0100
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/RELEASE-NOTES.html Wed Apr 07 19:34:49 2010 +0100
@@ -22,17 +22,20 @@
Defect Fixes
-- DPDEF143018 - Raptor doesn't handle spaces in GCCE installation directory correctly
-- DPDEF143101 - GCC-E isn't tested as part of the tool checking mechanism
-- DPDEF141195 - Raptor doesn't handle spaces in tool paths
+- DPDEF143018 - Raptor doesn't handle spaces in GCCE installation directory correctly
+- DPDEF143101 - GCC-E isn't tested as part of the tool checking mechanism
+- DPDEF141195 - Raptor doesn't handle spaces in tool paths
- SF Bug 2172 - [Raptor] Resource builds warn on encountering trigraph-like strings
- SF Bug 2308 - [Raptor] PLUGIN3 TARGETTYPEs don't set resource output offsets correctly
-- Fix: in copylogfromannofile mode, ensure that the build id and duration are included in the log. These are not critical but are useful
-- Fix: remove unnecessary empty lines in log output in copylogfromannofile mode
+- Fix: in copylogfromannofile mode, ensure that the build id and duration are included in the log. These are not critical but are useful
+- Fix: remove unnecessary empty lines in log output in copylogfromannofile mode
- SF Bug 1939 - [Raptor] PAGED keyword in MMP files should imply byte pair compressed
-- DPDEF144648 - Raptor failed to build tools_deb objects under Windows XP
+- DPDEF144648 - Raptor failed to build tools_deb objects under Windows XP
- SF Bug 2134 - [Raptor] Raptor does not pass overridden make variables into its makefiles
-- Fix : do not allow data to be paged implicitly
+- Fix : do not allow data to be paged implicitly
+- Fix : Makefile Parse Performance in Resource stage is poor. Large size of included dependency files is a factor. In --no-depend-generate mode, create dependency files which only refer to other rsg/mbg files that are yet to be built - store no other dependencies.
+- Fix : don't generate multiple copies of the same resource just because there are several target paths. Generate it once and copy that to the different target paths.
diff -r f9d258cee458 -r 27d111560672 sbsv2/raptor/lib/flm/resource.flm
--- a/sbsv2/raptor/lib/flm/resource.flm Wed Apr 07 12:26:04 2010 +0100
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/lib/flm/resource.flm Wed Apr 07 19:34:49 2010 +0100
@@ -59,12 +59,12 @@
# which produces the header.
HEADLANG:=$(lastword $(LANGUAGES:SC=sc))
# we create intermediate .rpp and .d files
################################## localisation ###########################$(GNUMKDIR)#############
# Only make copies for full resource builds
@@ -113,18 +113,22 @@
# common pre-processor options
CPPOPT:=-nostdinc -undef -Wno-trigraphs -D_UNICODE -include $(PRODUCT_INCLUDE)\
- -I$(dir $(SOURCE)) $(foreach I, $(USERINCLUDE),-I$(I) ) -I- $(foreach J,$(SYSTEMINCLUDE),-I$(J) )
+ -I$(dir $(SOURCE)) $(foreach I, $(USERINCLUDE),-iquote $(I) ) $(foreach J,$(SYSTEMINCLUDE),-I $(J) )
+# We intend to generate the resource in an intermediate locationand copy to the final destination to
+# ensure that when the "same" resource is built into separare locations it is
# additional binary resource copies performed based on BINCOPYDIRS
ifneq ($(BINCOPYDIRS),)
- RSCCOPYDIRS:=$(subst //,/,$(patsubst %,%/$(if $(TARGETPATH),/z/$(TARGETPATH),),$(BINCOPYDIRS)))
+ RSCCOPYDIRS:=$(RSCCOPYDIRS) $(subst //,/,$(patsubst %,%/$(if $(TARGETPATH),/z/$(TARGETPATH),),$(BINCOPYDIRS)))
define preprocessresource
# $(1) is the RPPFILE (eg. /epoc32/build/xxx/b_sc.rpp)
# $(2) is the related RESOURCEFILE if any (eg. /a/b.rsc)
@@ -132,14 +136,30 @@
ifeq ($(TARGET_$(call sanitise,$1)),)
TARGET_$(call sanitise,$1):=1
- $(if $(FLMDEBUG),$(info preprocessresource: $(1) for $(2) LANG:$(3)))
+ $(if $(FLMDEBUG),$(info preprocessresource: $(1) for $(2) LANG:$(3)))
+ # Correct dependency information when a header file can't be found.
+ # If the c preprocessor can't find a dependency it appears as it did in the #include statement
+ # e.g. "filename.mbg" or "filename.rsg" in the dependency file.
+ # we can correct the dependencies by assuming that the file will be in epoc32\include as this is the default
+ ifneq ($(NO_DEPEND_GENERATE),)
+ # This version minimises the size of dependency files, to contain only .mbg and .rsg deps.
+ # It allows resources to be built in the right order but doesn't impose the weight of
+ # of full dependency information which can overwhelm make in large builds.
+ DEPENDENCY_CORRECTOR:={ $(GNUSED) -n -r '1 p;\% [^ \/]+\.((rsg)|(mbg))%I {s% ([^ \/]+\.((rsg)|(mbg)))% $(EPOCROOT)\/epoc32\/include\/\1%ig; p}' && echo "" ; }
+ else
+ # Generate full dependency information
+ DEPENDENCY_CORRECTOR:=$(GNUSED) -r 's% ([^ \/]+\.((rsg)|(mbg)))% $(EPOCROOT)\/epoc32\/include\/\1%ig'
+ endif
$(1).d: $(SOURCE)
$(call startrule,resourcedependencies,FORCESUCCESS) \
$(GNUCPP) -C -DLANGUAGE_$(3) -DLANGUAGE_$(subst sc,SC,$(3)) $(call makemacrodef,-D,$(MMPDEFS))\
$(CPPOPT) $(SOURCE) -M -MG -MT"$(1)" | \
- $(GNUSED) -r 's# ([^ \/]+\.((rsg)|(mbg)))# $(EPOCROOT)\/epoc32\/include\/\1#ig' > $(1).d \
$(call endrule,resourcedependencies)
$(1): $(1).d
@@ -156,7 +176,9 @@
ifneq "$(DEPENDFILE)" ""
ifeq "$(filter %CLEAN,$(call uppercase,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))" ""
- -include $(DEPENDFILE)
+ ifeq "$(filter RESOURCE_DEPS,$(call uppercase,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))" ""
+ -include $(DEPENDFILE)
+ endif
@@ -214,6 +236,8 @@
# are any new copies to be made for this variant. e.g. winscw requires that we make
# some extra copies.
+ $(if $(FLMDEBUG),$(info resource copies of $(notdir $1) in: $(RSCCOPYDIRS)))
+ $(foreach F,$(sort $(patsubst %,%/$(notdir $(1)),$(RSCCOPYDIRS))),$(call copyresource,$(1),$(F)))
$(foreach F,$(sort $(patsubst %,%/$(notdir $(1)),$(RSCCOPYDIRS))),$(call copyresource,$(1),$(F)))
# individual source file compilation
@@ -232,7 +256,7 @@
ifeq ($(TARGET_$(call sanitise,$1)),)
TARGET_$(call sanitise,$1):=1
- $(if $(FLMDEBUG),$(info resourceheader: $(1) from $(2) LANG:$(3)))
+ $(if $(FLMDEBUG),$(info resourceheader: $(1) from $(2) LANG:$(3)))
@@ -261,8 +285,8 @@
ifeq ($(HEADERONLY),)
# generate a resource file for each language
# For sc we generate $(RESBASE).rsc and define LANGUAGE_SC and LANGUAGE_sc.
- $(foreach L,$(LANGUAGES:SC=sc),$(eval $(call preprocessresource,$(INTERBASE)_$(L).rpp,$(RESBASE).r$(L),$(L))))
- $(foreach L,$(LANGUAGES:SC=sc),$(eval $(call generateresource,$(RESBASE).r$(L),$(INTERBASE)_$(L).rpp,$(L))))
+ $(foreach L,$(LANGUAGES:SC=sc),$(eval $(call preprocessresource,$(INTERBASE)_$(L).rpp,$(INTERBASE).r$(L),$(L))))
+ $(foreach L,$(LANGUAGES:SC=sc),$(eval $(call generateresource,$(INTERBASE).r$(L),$(INTERBASE)_$(L).rpp,$(L))))
# No resources are going to be made so unless we specifically ask for it, there will be no
# preprocessed file from which to create the header:
diff -r f9d258cee458 -r 27d111560672 sbsv2/raptor/test/smoke_suite/resource.py
--- a/sbsv2/raptor/test/smoke_suite/resource.py Wed Apr 07 12:26:04 2010 +0100
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/test/smoke_suite/resource.py Wed Apr 07 19:34:49 2010 +0100
@@ -15,20 +15,15 @@
from raptor_tests import SmokeTest
+from raptor_tests import ReplaceEnvs
+from raptor_meta import BldInfFile
def run():
t = SmokeTest()
t.id = "30"
t.name = "resource"
- t.command = "sbs -b smoke_suite/test_resources/resource/group/bld.inf -b smoke_suite/test_resources/simple_gui/Bld.inf RESOURCE"
+ t.command = "sbs -b smoke_suite/test_resources/simple_gui/Bld.inf RESOURCE"
t.targets = [
- "$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/include/testresource.rsg",
- "$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/include/testresource.hrh",
- "$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/data/z/resource/testresource/testresource.r01",
- "$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/data/z/resource/testresource/testresource.rsc",
- "$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/localisation/group/testresource.info",
- "$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/localisation/testresource/rsc/testresource.rpp",
@@ -45,25 +40,60 @@
- t.addbuildtargets('smoke_suite/test_resources/resource/group/bld.inf', [
- "testresource_/testresource_resource_testresource2_sc.rpp.d",
- "testresource_/testresource_resource_testresource3_02.rpp",
- "testresource_/testresource_resource_testresource3_02.rpp.d",
- "testresource_/testresource_resource_testresource3_sc.rpp",
- "testresource_/testresource_resource_testresource3_sc.rpp.d",
- "testresource_/testresource_resource_testresource_01.rpp",
- "testresource_/testresource_resource_testresource_01.rpp.d",
- "testresource_/testresource_resource_testresource_sc.rpp",
- "testresource_/testresource_resource_testresource_sc.rpp.d"])
t.addbuildtargets('smoke_suite/test_resources/simple_gui/Bld.inf', [
- "helloworld_exe/helloworld__resource_apps_sc.rpp",
- "helloworld_exe/helloworld__resource_apps_sc.rpp.d",
- "helloworld_reg_exe/helloworld_reg__private_10003a3f_apps_sc.rpp",
- "helloworld_reg_exe/helloworld_reg__private_10003a3f_apps_sc.rpp.d"])
+ "helloworld_exe/helloworld_sc.rpp",
+ "helloworld_exe/helloworld_sc.rpp.d",
+ "helloworld_reg_exe/helloworld_reg_sc.rpp",
+ "helloworld_reg_exe/helloworld_reg_sc.rpp.d"])
t.mustnotmatch = ["HelloWorld.rss.* warning: trigraph"]
+ t.id="30a"
+ t.name = "no_depend_gen_resource"
+ t.usebash = True
+ t.description = """Check that dependent resources still build correctly even when we turn dependency generation off. This
+ test cannot really do this reliably, if you think about it, since it can't force make to try building resources
+ in the 'wrong' order. What it does attempt is to check that
+ the ultimately generated dependency file is ok.
+ N.B. It also attempts to ensure that the dependency file is 'minimal' i.e. that it only references .mbg and .rsg files
+ that might come from other parts of the same build. This is important for performance in situations where --no-depend-generate
+ is used because the weight of 'complete' dependency information would overwhelm make.
+ """
+ buildLocation = ReplaceEnvs("$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/build/") + BldInfFile.outputPathFragment('smoke_suite/test_resources/resource/group/bld.inf')
+ #res_depfile= buildLocation+"/dependentresource_/dependentresource_resource_dependentresource_sc.rpp.d"
+ res_depfile= buildLocation+"/dependentresource_/dependentresource_sc.rpp.d"
+ t.targets = [
+ "$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/include/testresource.rsg",
+ "$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/include/testresource.hrh",
+ "$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/data/z/resource/testresource/testresource.r01",
+ "$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/data/z/resource/testresource/testresource.rsc",
+ "$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/release/armv5/urel/testresource.exe",
+ "$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/localisation/group/testresource.info",
+ "$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/localisation/testresource/rsc/testresource.rpp",
+ res_depfile
+ ]
+ t.addbuildtargets('smoke_suite/test_resources/resource/group/bld.inf', [
+ "testresource_/testresource_02.rpp",
+ "testresource_/testresource_02.rpp.d",
+ "testresource_/testresource_01.rpp",
+ "testresource_/testresource_01.rpp.d",
+ "testresource_/testresource_sc.rpp",
+ "testresource_/testresource_sc.rpp.d"])
+ t.command = "sbs -b smoke_suite/test_resources/resource/group/bld.inf -c armv5_urel reallyclean ; sbs --no-depend-generate -j 16 -b smoke_suite/test_resources/resource/group/bld.inf -c armv5_urel -f ${SBSLOGFILE} -m ${SBSMAKEFILE} && grep 'epoc32.include.testresource.rsg' %s && wc -l %s " % (res_depfile, res_depfile)
+ t.mustnotmatch = []
+ t.mustmatch = [
+ "3 .*.dependentresource_.dependentresource_sc.rpp.d"
+ ]
+ t.run()
return t
diff -r f9d258cee458 -r 27d111560672 sbsv2/raptor/test/smoke_suite/test_resources/resource/dependentresource.rss
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/test/smoke_suite/test_resources/resource/dependentresource.rss Wed Apr 07 19:34:49 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,333 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2003-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "../inc/testresource.rh"
+#include "../inc/testresource.hrh"
+#include "testresource.rls"
+#include "testresource.mbg"
+// MACRO statements in .mmp files should be reflected in resource preprocessing
+#error "mmp MACRO SHOULD_BE_DEFINED is not defined!"
+// Initial configuration
+RESOURCE CONFIG r_log_initial_config
+ {
+ size = 1000; // Maximum number of events
+ recent = 20; // Maximum size of recent lists
+ age = 2592000; // 30 days
+ }
+ RESOURCE ARRAY r_log_initial_events
+ {
+ items =
+ {
+ ETYPE { uid = KLogCallEventType; description = LOG_CALL_EVENT_TYPE; },
+ ETYPE { uid = KLogDataEventType; description = LOG_DATA_EVENT_TYPE; },
+ ETYPE { uid = KLogFaxEventType; description = LOG_FAX_EVENT_TYPE; },
+ ETYPE { uid = KLogShortMessageEventType; description = LOG_SHORT_MESSAGE_EVENT_TYPE; },
+ ETYPE { uid = KLogTaskSchedulerEventType; description = LOG_TASK_SCHEDULER_EVENT_TYPE; },
+ ETYPE { uid = KLogPacketDataEventType; description = LOG_PACKET_DATA_EVENT_TYPE; },
+ ETYPE { uid = KLogLbsSelfLocateEventType; description = LOG_LBS_SELF_LOCATE_EVENT_TYPE; },
+ ETYPE { uid = KLogLbsExternalLocateEventType; description = LOG_LBS_EXTERNAL_LOCATE_EVENT_TYPE; },
+ ETYPE { uid = KLogLbsTransmitLocationEventType; description = LOG_LBS_TRANSMIT_LOCATION_EVENT_TYPE; },
+ ETYPE { uid = KLogLbsNetworkLocateEventType; description = LOG_LBS_NETWORK_LOCATE_EVENT_TYPE; },
+ ETYPE { uid = KLogLbsAssistanceDataEventType; description = LOG_LBS_ASSISTANCE_DATA_EVENT_TYPE; }
+ };
+ }
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_log_security
+// [See logwrap.rh for the definitions of SECURITY and CAPABILITY.]
+// This structure defines settings for platform security in the Log engine.
+// All event types defined above in 'r_log_initial_events' need to be policed.
+// The server must always determine whether a client thread has the required
+// capability to read/write a log event(s) of a built-in type. Each operation
+// may have from one to seven capabilities defined for it. All operations on
+// built in types _MUST_ have an associated security policy defined here. If no
+// security is required, then use 'cap=ECapability_None'. The CAPABILITY values
+// defined here will provide constructor arguments for TSecurityPolicy objects.
+// The maximum number of CAPABILITY(s) for each read or write operation is 7.
+// ( a read_caps or a write_caps { contains <= 7 CAPABILITY{} statements } )
+// Note that SID-based security isn't supported in the Log Engine.
+ {
+ items =
+ {
+ {
+ uid = KLogCallEventType;
+ read_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityReadUserData; }
+ };
+ write_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityWriteUserData; }
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ uid=KLogDataEventType;
+ read_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityReadUserData; }
+ };
+ write_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityWriteUserData; }
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ uid=KLogFaxEventType;
+ read_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityReadUserData; }
+ };
+ write_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityWriteUserData; }
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ uid=KLogShortMessageEventType;
+ read_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityReadUserData; }
+ };
+ write_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityWriteUserData; }
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ uid=KLogTaskSchedulerEventType;
+ read_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityReadUserData; }
+ };
+ write_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapability_None; }
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ uid=KLogPacketDataEventType;
+ read_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityReadUserData; }
+ };
+ write_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityWriteUserData; }
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ uid=KLogLbsSelfLocateEventType;
+ read_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityReadDeviceData; }
+ };
+ write_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityWriteDeviceData; }
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ uid=KLogLbsExternalLocateEventType;
+ read_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityReadDeviceData; }
+ };
+ write_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityWriteDeviceData; }
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ uid=KLogLbsTransmitLocationEventType;
+ read_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityReadDeviceData; }
+ };
+ write_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityWriteDeviceData; }
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ uid=KLogLbsNetworkLocateEventType;
+ read_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityReadDeviceData; }
+ };
+ write_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityWriteDeviceData; }
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ uid=KLogLbsAssistanceDataEventType;
+ read_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityReadDeviceData; }
+ };
+ write_caps=
+ {
+ CAPABILITY { cap=ECapabilityWriteDeviceData; }
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ }
+// Index entries
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_log_indexes
+ {
+ items =
+ {
+ {
+ name = "Index1"; // do not translate
+ table = "Event"; // do not translate
+ keys =
+ {
+ KEY { col = "Id"; } // do not translate
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Index2"; // do not translate
+ table = "Event"; // do not translate
+ keys =
+ {
+ KEY { col = "ETime"; } // do not translate
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ name = "Index3"; // do not translate
+ table = "String"; // do not translate
+ keys =
+ {
+ KEY { col = "Id"; } // do not translate
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ }
+// Recent list setup
+RESOURCE ARRAY r_log_recent
+ {
+ items =
+ {
+ {
+ id = KLogRecentIncomingCalls;
+ duplicate = ELogRemotePartyField|ELogContactField|ELogNumberField;
+ conditions =
+ {
+ MATCH { field = ELogEventTypeField; value = KLogCallEventType; },
+ MATCH { field = ELogDirectionField; string = LOG_DIR_IN; },
+ MATCH { field = ELogDirectionField; string = LOG_DIR_IN_ALT; }
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ id = KLogRecentOutgoingCalls;
+ duplicate = ELogRemotePartyField|ELogContactField|ELogNumberField;
+ conditions =
+ {
+ MATCH { field = ELogEventTypeField; value = KLogCallEventType; },
+ MATCH { field = ELogDirectionField; string = LOG_DIR_OUT; },
+ MATCH { field = ELogDirectionField; string = LOG_DIR_OUT_ALT; }
+ };
+ },
+ {
+ id = KLogRecentMissedCalls;
+ duplicate = ELogRemotePartyField|ELogContactField|ELogNumberField;
+ conditions =
+ {
+ MATCH { field = ELogEventTypeField; value = KLogCallEventType; },
+ MATCH { field = ELogDirectionField; string = LOG_DIR_MISSED; },
+ MATCH { field = ELogDirectionField; string = LOG_DIR_MISSED_ALT; }
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ }
+// Direction
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_dir_in { txt = LOG_DIR_IN; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_dir_out { txt = LOG_DIR_OUT; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_dir_in_alt { txt = LOG_DIR_IN_ALT; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_dir_out_alt { txt = LOG_DIR_OUT_ALT; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_dir_fetched { txt = LOG_DIR_FETCHED; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_dir_missed { txt = LOG_DIR_MISSED; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_dir_missed_alt { txt = LOG_DIR_MISSED_ALT; }
+// Delivery
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_del_pending { txt = LOG_DEL_PENDING; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_del_sent { txt = LOG_DEL_SENT; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_del_failed { txt = LOG_DEL_FAILED; }
+/* R_LOG_DEL_NONE comes from the rsg that we're trying to depend on */
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_del_none { txt = R_LOG_DEL_NONE; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_del_done { txt = LOG_DEL_DONE; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_del_not_sent { txt = LOG_DEL_NOT_SENT; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_del_scheduled { txt = LOG_DEL_SCHEDULED; }
+// Other
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_remote_unknown { txt = LOG_REMOTE_UNKNOWN; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_remote_multiple { txt = LOG_REMOTE_MULTIPLE; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_subject_none { txt = LOG_SUBJECT_NONE; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_subject_data_message { txt = LOG_SUBJECT_DATA_MESSAGE; }
+// Connection
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_con_connected { txt = LOG_CON_CONNECTED; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_con_connecting { txt = LOG_CON_CONNECTING; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_con_disconnecting { txt = LOG_CON_DISCONNECTING; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_con_disconnected{ txt = LOG_CON_DISCONNECTED; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_con_suspended{ txt = LOG_CON_SUSPENDED; }
+// Delivery
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_del_notified { txt = LOG_DEL_NOTIFIED; }
+RESOURCE LBUF r_log_del_expired { txt = LOG_DEL_EXPIRED; }
diff -r f9d258cee458 -r 27d111560672 sbsv2/raptor/test/smoke_suite/test_resources/resource/group/testresource.mmp
--- a/sbsv2/raptor/test/smoke_suite/test_resources/resource/group/testresource.mmp Wed Apr 07 12:26:04 2010 +0100
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/test/smoke_suite/test_resources/resource/group/testresource.mmp Wed Apr 07 19:34:49 2010 +0100
@@ -52,6 +52,12 @@
LANG 02 sc
+START RESOURCE dependentresource.rss
+TARGETPATH resource/dependentresource
+LANG sc
START BITMAP testresource.mbm
diff -r f9d258cee458 -r 27d111560672 sbsv2/raptor/test/smoke_suite/test_resources/resource/test.cpp
--- /dev/null Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/test/smoke_suite/test_resources/resource/test.cpp Wed Apr 07 19:34:49 2010 +0100
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+* Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+* All rights reserved.
+* This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+* under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+* which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+* at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+* Initial Contributors:
+* Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+* Contributors:
+* Description:
+#include "e32def.h" // intentional include
+char test[]="Resource test";
+TInt E32Main()
+ return 0;