--- a/sbsv2/raptor/python/raptor_meta.py Mon Jan 04 17:19:58 2010 +0000
+++ b/sbsv2/raptor/python/raptor_meta.py Fri Jan 15 13:37:16 2010 +0000
@@ -1,3309 +1,3310 @@
-# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
-# All rights reserved.
-# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
-# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
-# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
-# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
-# Initial Contributors:
-# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
-# Contributors:
-# Description:
-# This module includes classes that process bld.inf and .mmp files to
-# generate Raptor build specifications
-import copy
-import re
-import os.path
-import shutil
-import stat
-import hashlib
-import base64
-import raptor
-import raptor_data
-import raptor_utilities
-import raptor_xml
-import generic_path
-import subprocess
-import zipfile
-from mmpparser import *
-import time
-PiggyBackedBuildPlatforms = {'ARMV5':['GCCXML']}
-PlatformDefaultDefFileDir = {'WINSCW':'bwins',
- 'ARMV5' :'eabi',
- 'ARMV5SMP' :'eabi',
- 'GCCXML':'eabi',
- 'ARMV6':'eabi',
- 'ARMV7' : 'eabi',
- 'ARMV7SMP' : 'eabi'}
-def getVariantCfgDetail(aEPOCROOT, aVariantCfgFile):
- """Obtain pertinent build related detail from the Symbian variant.cfg file.
- This variant.cfg file, usually located relative to $(EPOCROOT), contains:
- (1) The $(EPOCROOT) relative location of the primary .hrh file used to configure the specific OS variant build
- (2) A flag determining whether ARMV5 represents an ABIV1 or ABIV2 build (currently unused by Raptor)."""
- variantCfgDetails = {}
- variantCfgFile = None
- try:
- variantCfgFile = open(str(aVariantCfgFile))
- except IOError, (number, message):
- raise MetaDataError("Could not read variant configuration file "+str(aVariantCfgFile)+" ("+message+")")
- for line in variantCfgFile.readlines():
- if re.search('^(\s$|\s*#)', line):
- continue
- # Note that this detection of the .hrh file matches the command line build i.e. ".hrh" somewhere
- # in the specified line
- elif re.search('\.hrh', line, re.I):
- variantHrh = line.strip()
- if variantHrh.startswith('\\') or variantHrh.startswith('/'):
- variantHrh = variantHrh[1:]
- variantHrh = aEPOCROOT.Append(variantHrh)
- variantCfgDetails['VARIANT_HRH'] = variantHrh
- else:
- lineContent = line.split()
- if len(lineContent) == 1:
- variantCfgDetails[lineContent.pop(0)] = 1
- else:
- variantCfgDetails[lineContent.pop(0)] = lineContent
- variantCfgFile.close()
- if not variantCfgDetails.has_key('VARIANT_HRH'):
- raise MetaDataError("No variant file specified in "+str(aVariantCfgFile))
- if not variantHrh.isFile():
- raise MetaDataError("Variant file "+str(variantHrh)+" does not exist")
- return variantCfgDetails
-def getOsVerFromKifXml(aPathToKifXml):
- """Obtain the OS version from the kif.xml file located at $EPOCROOT/epoc32/data/kif.xml.
- If successful, the function returns a string such as "v95" to indicate 9.5; None is
- returned if for any reason the function cannot determine the OS version."""
- releaseTagName = "ki:release"
- osVersion = None
- import xml.dom.minidom
- try:
- # Parsed document object
- kifDom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(str(aPathToKifXml))
- # elements - the elements whose names are releaseTagName
- elements = kifDom.getElementsByTagName(releaseTagName)
- # There should be exactly one of the elements whose name is releaseTagName
- # If more than one, osVersion is left as None, since the version should be
- # unique to the kif.xml file
- if len(elements) == 1:
- osVersionTemp = elements[0].getAttribute("version")
- osVersion = "v" + osVersionTemp.replace(".", "")
- kifDom.unlink() # Clean up
- except:
- # There's no documentation on which exceptions are raised by these functions.
- # We catch everything and assume any exception means there was a failure to
- # determine OS version. None is returned, and the code will fall back
- # to looking at the buildinfo.txt file.
- pass
- return osVersion
-def getOsVerFromBuildInfoTxt(aPathToBuildInfoTxt):
- """Obtain the OS version from the buildinfo.txt file located at $EPOCROOT/epoc32/data/buildinfo.txt.
- If successful, the function returns a string such as "v95" to indicate 9.5; None is
- returned if for any reason the function cannot determine the OS version.
- The file $EPOCROOT/epoc32/data/buildinfo.txt is presumed to exist. The client code should
- handle existance/non-existance."""
- pathToBuildInfoTxt = str(aPathToBuildInfoTxt) # String form version of path to buildinfo.txt
- # Open the file for reading; throw an exception if it could not be read - note that
- # it should exist at this point.
- try:
- buildInfoTxt = open(pathToBuildInfoTxt)
- except IOError, (number, message):
- raise MetaDataError("Could not read buildinfo.txt file at" + pathToBuildInfoTxt + ": (" + message + ")")
- # Example buildinfo.txt contents:
- #
- # DeviceFamily 100
- # DeviceFamilyRev 0x900
- # ManufacturerSoftwareBuild M08765_Symbian_OS_v9.5
- #
- # Regexp to match the line containing the OS version
- # Need to match things like M08765_Symbian_OS_v9.5 and M08765_Symbian_OS_vFuture
- # So for the version, match everything except whitespace after v. Whitespace
- # signifies the end of the regexp.
- osVersionMatcher = re.compile('.*_Symbian_OS_v([^\s]*)', re.I)
- osVersion = None
- # Search for a regexp match over all the times in the file
- # Note: if two or more lines match the search pattern then
- # the latest match will overwrite the osVersion string.
- for line in buildInfoTxt:
- matchResult = osVersionMatcher.match(line)
- if matchResult:
- result = matchResult.groups()
- osVersion = "v" + str(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, result))
- osVersion = osVersion.replace(".", "")
- buildInfoTxt.close() # Clean-up
- return osVersion
-def getBuildableBldInfBuildPlatforms(aBldInfBuildPlatforms,
- aDefaultOSBuildPlatforms,
- aBaseDefaultOSBuildPlatforms,
- aBaseUserDefaultOSBuildPlatforms):
- """Obtain a set of build platform names supported by a bld.inf file
- Build platform deduction is based on both the contents of the PRJ_PLATFORMS section of
- a bld.inf file together with a hard-coded set of default build platforms supported by
- the build system itself."""
- expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms = []
- removePlatforms = set()
- for bldInfBuildPlatform in aBldInfBuildPlatforms:
- if bldInfBuildPlatform.upper() == "DEFAULT":
- expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms.extend(aDefaultOSBuildPlatforms.split())
- elif bldInfBuildPlatform.upper() == "BASEDEFAULT":
- expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms.extend(aBaseDefaultOSBuildPlatforms.split())
- elif bldInfBuildPlatform.upper() == "BASEUSERDEFAULT":
- expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms.extend(aBaseUserDefaultOSBuildPlatforms.split())
- elif bldInfBuildPlatform.startswith("-"):
- removePlatforms.add(bldInfBuildPlatform.lstrip("-").upper())
- else:
- expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms.append(bldInfBuildPlatform.upper())
- if len(expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms) == 0:
- expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms.extend(aDefaultOSBuildPlatforms.split())
- # make a set of platforms that can be built
- buildableBldInfBuildPlatforms = set(expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms)
- # Add platforms that are buildable by virtue of the presence of another
- for piggyBackedPlatform in PiggyBackedBuildPlatforms:
- if piggyBackedPlatform in buildableBldInfBuildPlatforms:
- buildableBldInfBuildPlatforms.update(PiggyBackedBuildPlatforms.get(piggyBackedPlatform))
- # Remove platforms that were negated
- buildableBldInfBuildPlatforms -= removePlatforms
- return buildableBldInfBuildPlatforms
-def getPreProcessorCommentDetail (aPreProcessorComment):
- """Takes a preprocessor comment and returns an array containing the filename and linenumber detail."""
- commentDetail = []
- commentMatch = re.search('# (?P<LINENUMBER>\d+) "(?P<FILENAME>.*)"', aPreProcessorComment)
- if commentMatch:
- filename = commentMatch.group('FILENAME')
- filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
- filename = re.sub(r'\\\\', r'\\', filename)
- filename = re.sub(r'//', r'/', filename)
- filename = generic_path.Path(filename)
- linenumber = int (commentMatch.group('LINENUMBER'))
- commentDetail.append(filename)
- commentDetail.append(linenumber)
- return commentDetail
-def getSpecName(aFileRoot, fullPath=False):
- """Returns a build spec name: this is the file root (full path
- or simple file name) made safe for use as a file name."""
- if fullPath:
- specName = str(aFileRoot).replace("/","_")
- specName = specName.replace(":","")
- else:
- specName = aFileRoot.File()
- return specName.lower()
-# Classes
-class MetaDataError(Exception):
- """Fatal error wrapper, to be thrown directly back to whatever is calling."""
- def __init__(self, aText):
- self.Text = aText
- def __str__(self):
- return repr(self.Text)
-class PreProcessedLine(str):
- """Custom string class that accepts filename and line number information from
- a preprocessed context."""
- def __new__(cls, value, *args, **keywargs):
- return str.__new__(cls, value)
- def __init__(self, value, aFilename, aLineNumber):
- self.filename = aFilename
- self.lineNumber = aLineNumber
- def getFilename (self):
- return self.filename
- def getLineNumber (self):
- return self.lineNumber
-class PreProcessor(raptor_utilities.ExternalTool):
- """Preprocessor wrapper suitable for Symbian metadata file processing."""
- def __init__(self, aPreProcessor,
- aStaticOptions,
- aIncludeOption,
- aMacroOption,
- aPreIncludeOption,
- aRaptor):
- raptor_utilities.ExternalTool.__init__(self, aPreProcessor)
- self.__StaticOptions = aStaticOptions
- self.__IncludeOption = aIncludeOption
- self.__MacroOption = aMacroOption
- self.__PreIncludeOption = aPreIncludeOption
- self.filename = ""
- self.__Macros = []
- self.__IncludePaths = []
- self.__PreIncludeFile = ""
- self.raptor = aRaptor
- def call(self, aArgs, sourcefilename):
- """ Override call so that we can do our own error handling."""
- tool = self._ExternalTool__Tool
- commandline = tool + " " + aArgs + " " + str(sourcefilename)
- try:
- # the actual call differs between Windows and Unix
- if raptor_utilities.getOSFileSystem() == "unix":
- p = subprocess.Popen(commandline, \
- shell=True, bufsize=65535, \
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE, \
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, \
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE, \
- close_fds=True)
- else:
- p = subprocess.Popen(commandline, \
- bufsize=65535, \
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE, \
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE, \
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE, \
- universal_newlines=True)
- # run the command and wait for all the output
- (self._ExternalTool__Output, errors) = p.communicate()
- if self.raptor.debugOutput:
- self.raptor.Debug("Preprocessing Start %s", str(sourcefilename))
- self.raptor.Debug("Output:\n%s", self._ExternalTool__Output)
- self.raptor.Debug("Errors:\n%s", errors)
- self.raptor.Debug("Preprocessing End %s", str(sourcefilename))
- incRE = re.compile("In file included from")
- fromRE = re.compile(r"\s+from")
- warningRE = re.compile("warning:|pasting.+token|from.+:")
- remarkRE = re.compile("no newline at end of file|does not give a valid preprocessing token")
- actualErr = False
- if errors != "":
- for error in errors.splitlines():
- if incRE.search(error) or fromRE.search(error):
- continue
- if not remarkRE.search(error):
- if warningRE.search(error):
- self.raptor.Warn("%s: %s", tool, error)
- else:
- self.raptor.Error("%s: %s", tool, error)
- actualErr = True
- if actualErr:
- raise MetaDataError("Errors in %s" % str(sourcefilename))
- except Exception,e:
- raise MetaDataError("Preprocessor exception: '%s' : in command : '%s'" % (str(e), commandline))
- return 0 # all OK
- def setMacros(self, aMacros):
- self.__Macros = aMacros
- def addMacro(self, aMacro):
- self.__Macros.append(aMacro)
- def addMacros(self, aMacros):
- self.__Macros.extend(aMacros)
- def getMacros(self):
- return self.__Macros
- def addIncludePath(self, aIncludePath):
- p = str(aIncludePath)
- if p == "":
- self.raptor.Warn("attempt to set an empty preprocessor include path for %s" % str(self.filename))
- else:
- self.__IncludePaths.append(p)
- def addIncludePaths(self, aIncludePaths):
- for path in aIncludePaths:
- self.addIncludePath(path)
- def setIncludePaths(self, aIncludePaths):
- self.__IncludePaths = []
- self.addIncludePaths(aIncludePaths)
- def setPreIncludeFile(self, aPreIncludeFile):
- self.__PreIncludeFile = aPreIncludeFile
- def preprocess(self):
- preProcessorCall = self.__constructPreProcessorCall()
- returnValue = self.call(preProcessorCall, self.filename)
- return self.getOutput()
- def __constructPreProcessorCall(self):
- call = self.__StaticOptions
- if self.__PreIncludeFile:
- call += " " + self.__PreIncludeOption
- call += " " + str(self.__PreIncludeFile)
- for macro in self.__Macros:
- call += " " + self.__MacroOption + macro
- for includePath in self.__IncludePaths:
- call += " " + self.__IncludeOption
- call += " " + str(includePath)
- return call
-class MetaDataFile(object):
- """A generic representation of a Symbian metadata file
- Symbian metadata files are subject to preprocessing, primarily with macros based
- on the selected build platform. This class provides a generic means of wrapping
- up the preprocessing of such files."""
- def __init__(self, aFilename, gnucpp, depfiles, aRootLocation=None, log=None):
- """
- @param aFilename An MMP, bld.inf or other preprocessable build spec file
- @param aDefaultPlatform Default preprocessed version of this file
- @param aCPP location of GNU CPP
- @param depfiles list to add dependency file tuples to
- @param aRootLocation where the file is
- @param log A class with Debug(<string>), Info(<string>) and Error(<string>) methods
- """
- self.filename = aFilename
- self.__RootLocation = aRootLocation
- # Dictionary with key of build platform and a text string of processed output as values
- self.__PreProcessedContent = {}
- self.log = log
- self.depfiles = depfiles
- self.__gnucpp = gnucpp
- if gnucpp is None:
- raise ValueError('gnucpp must be set')
- def depspath(self, platform):
- """ Where does dependency information go relative to platform's SBS_BUILD_DIR?
- Subclasses should redefine this
- """
- return str(platform['SBS_BUILD_DIR']) + "/" + str(self.__RootLocation) + "." + platform['key_md5'] + ".d"
- def getContent(self, aBuildPlatform):
- key = aBuildPlatform['key']
- config_macros = []
- adepfilename = self.depspath(aBuildPlatform)
- generateDepsOptions = ""
- if adepfilename:
- if raptor_utilities.getOSPlatform().startswith("win"):
- metatarget = "$(PARSETARGET)"
- else:
- metatarget = "'$(PARSETARGET)'"
- generateDepsOptions = "-MD -MF%s -MT%s" % (adepfilename, metatarget)
- self.depfiles.append((adepfilename, metatarget))
- try:
- os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(adepfilename))
- except Exception, e:
- self.log.Debug("Couldn't make bldinf outputpath for dependency generation")
- config_macros = (aBuildPlatform['PLATMACROS']).split()
- if not key in self.__PreProcessedContent:
- preProcessor = PreProcessor(self.__gnucpp, '-undef -nostdinc ' + generateDepsOptions + ' ',
- '-I', '-D', '-include', self.log)
- preProcessor.filename = self.filename
- # always have the current directory on the include path
- preProcessor.addIncludePath('.')
- # the SYSTEMINCLUDE directories defined in the build config
- # should be on the include path. This is added mainly to support
- # Feature Variation as SYSTEMINCLUDE is usually empty at this point.
- systemIncludes = aBuildPlatform['SYSTEMINCLUDE']
- if systemIncludes:
- preProcessor.addIncludePaths(systemIncludes.split())
- preInclude = aBuildPlatform['VARIANT_HRH']
- # for non-Feature Variant builds, the directory containing the HRH should
- # be on the include path
- if not aBuildPlatform['ISFEATUREVARIANT']:
- preProcessor.addIncludePath(preInclude.Dir())
- # and EPOCROOT/epoc32/include
- preProcessor.addIncludePath(aBuildPlatform['EPOCROOT'].Append('epoc32/include'))
- # and the directory containing the bld.inf file
- if self.__RootLocation is not None and str(self.__RootLocation) != "":
- preProcessor.addIncludePath(self.__RootLocation)
- # and the directory containing the file we are processing
- preProcessor.addIncludePath(self.filename.Dir())
- # there is always a pre-include file
- preProcessor.setPreIncludeFile(preInclude)
- macros = ["SBSV2"]
- if config_macros:
- macros.extend(config_macros)
- if macros:
- for macro in macros:
- preProcessor.addMacro(macro + "=_____" +macro)
- # extra "raw" macros that do not need protecting
- preProcessor.addMacro("__GNUC__=3")
- preProcessorOutput = preProcessor.preprocess()
- # Resurrect preprocessing replacements
- pattern = r'([\\|/]| |) ?_____(('+macros[0]+')'
- for macro in macros[1:]:
- pattern += r'|('+macro+r')'
- pattern += r'\s*)'
- # Work on all Macros in one substitution.
- text = re.sub(pattern, r"\1\2", preProcessorOutput)
- text = re.sub(r"\n[\t ]*", r"\n", text)
- self.__PreProcessedContent[key] = text
- return self.__PreProcessedContent[key]
-class MMPFile(MetaDataFile):
- """A generic representation of a Symbian metadata file
- Symbian metadata files are subject to preprocessing, primarily with macros based
- on the selected build platform. This class provides a generic means of wrapping
- up the preprocessing of such files."""
- def __init__(self, aFilename, gnucpp, bldinf, depfiles, log=None):
- """
- @param aFilename An MMP, bld.inf or other preprocessable build spec file
- @param gnucpp location of GNU CPP
- @param bldinf the bld.inf file this mmp was specified in
- @param depfiles list to fill with mmp dependency files
- @param log A class with Debug(<string>), Info(<string>) and Error(<string>) methods
- """
- super(MMPFile, self).__init__(aFilename, gnucpp, depfiles, str(bldinf.filename.Dir()), log)
- self.__bldinf = bldinf
- self.depfiles = depfiles
- self.__gnucpp = gnucpp
- if gnucpp is None:
- raise ValueError('gnucpp must be set')
- def depspath(self, platform):
- """ Where does dependency information go relative to platform's SBS_BUILD_DIR?
- Subclasses should redefine this
- """
- return self.__bldinf.outputpath(platform) + "/" + self.filename.File() + '.' + platform['key_md5'] + ".d"
-class Export(object):
- """Single processed PRJ_EXPORTS or PRJ_TESTEXPORTS entry from a bld.inf file"""
- def getPossiblyQuotedStrings(cls,spec):
- """ Split a string based on whitespace
- but keep double quoted substrings together.
- """
- inquotes=False
- intokengap=False
- sourcedest=[]
- word = 0
- for c in spec:
- if c == '"':
- if inquotes:
- inquotes = False
- word += 1
- intokengap = True
- else:
- inquotes = True
- intokengap = False
- pass
- elif c == ' ' or c == '\t':
- if inquotes:
- if len(sourcedest) == word:
- sourcedest.append(c)
- else:
- sourcedest[word] += c
- else:
- if intokengap:
- # gobble unquoted spaces
- pass
- else:
- word += 1
- intokengap=True
- pass
- else:
- intokengap = False
- if len(sourcedest) == word:
- sourcedest.append(c)
- else:
- sourcedest[word] += c
- return sourcedest
- getPossiblyQuotedStrings = classmethod(getPossiblyQuotedStrings)
- def __init__(self, aBldInfFile, aExportsLine, aType):
- """
- Rules from the OS library for convenience:
- source_file_1 [destination_file]
- source_file_n [destination_file]
- If the source file is listed with a relative path, the path will
- be considered relative to the directory containing the bld.inf file.
- If a destination file is not specified, the source file will be copied
- to the directory containing the bld.inf file.
- If a relative path is specified with the destination file, the path
- will be considered relative to directory containing the bld.inf file.
- source_file_1 [destination_file]
- source_file_n [destination_file]
- :zip zip_file [destination_path]
- Note that:
- If a source file is listed with a relative path, the path will be
- considered relative to the directory containing the bld.inf file.
- If a destination file is not specified, the source file will be copied
- to epoc32\include\.
- If a destination file is specified with the relative path, the path will
- be considered relative to directory epoc32\include\.
- If a destination begins with a drive letter, then the file is copied to
- epoc32\data\<drive_letter>\<path>. For example,
- mydata.dat e:\appdata\mydata.dat
- copies mydata.dat to epoc32\data\e\appdata\mydata.dat.
- You can use any driveletter between A and Z.
- A line can start with the preface :zip. This instructs the build tools
- to unzip the specified zip file to the specified destination path. If a
- destination path is not specified, the source file will be unzipped in
- the root directory.
- """
- # Work out what action is required - unzip or copy?
- action = "copy"
- typematch = re.match(r'^\s*(?P<type>:zip\s+)?(?P<spec>[^\s].*[^\s])\s*$',aExportsLine, re.I)
- spec = typematch.group('spec')
- if spec == None:
- raise ValueError('must specify at least a source file for an export')
- if typematch.group('type') is not None:
- action = "unzip"
- # Split the spec into source and destination but take care
- # to allow filenames with quoted strings.
- exportEntries = Export.getPossiblyQuotedStrings(spec)
- # Get the source path as specified by the bld.inf
- source_spec = exportEntries.pop(0).replace(' ','%20')
- # Resolve the source file
- sourcepath = generic_path.Path(raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(str(aBldInfFile), source_spec))
- # Find it if the case of the filename is wrong:
- # Carry on even if we don't find it
- foundfile = sourcepath.FindCaseless()
- if foundfile != None:
- source = str(foundfile).replace(' ','%20')
- else:
- source = str(sourcepath).replace(' ','%20')
- # Get the destination path as specified by the bld.inf
- if len(exportEntries) > 0:
- dest_spec = exportEntries.pop(0).replace(' ','%20')
- else:
- dest_spec = None
- # Destination list - list of destinations. For the WINSCW resource building stage,
- # files exported to the emulated drives and there are several locations, for example,
- # 1234ABCD.SPD z:/private/10009876/policy/1234ABCD.spd
- # needs to end up copied in
- # epoc32/data/z/private/10009876/policy/1234ABCD.spd *and* in
- # epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/private/10009876/policy/1234ABCD.spd *and* in
- # epoc32/release/winscw/urel/z/private/10009876/policy/1234ABCD.spd
- dest_list = []
- # Resolve the destination if one is specified
- if dest_spec:
- # check for troublesome characters
- if ':' in dest_spec and not re.search('^[a-z]:', dest_spec, re.I):
- raise ValueError("invalid filename " + dest_spec)
- dest_spec = dest_spec.replace(' ','%20')
- aSubType=""
- if action == "unzip":
- aSubType=":zip"
- dest_spec = dest_spec.rstrip("\\/")
- # Get the export destination(s) - note this can be a list of strings or just a string.
- dest_list = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(str(aBldInfFile), dest_spec, aType, aSubType)
- def process_dest(aDest):
- if dest_spec.endswith('/') or dest_spec.endswith('\\'):
- m = generic_path.Path(source)
- aDest += '/'+m.File()
- return aDest
- if isinstance(dest_list, list):
- # Process each file in the list
- dest_list = map(process_dest, dest_list)
- else:
- # Process the single destination
- dest_list = process_dest(dest_list)
- else:
- # No destination was specified so we assume an appropriate one
- dest_filename=generic_path.Path(source).File()
- if aType == "PRJ_EXPORTS":
- if action == "copy":
- destination = '$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/include/'+dest_filename
- elif action == "unzip":
- destination = '$(EPOCROOT)'
- elif aType == "PRJ_TESTEXPORTS":
- d = aBldInfFile.Dir()
- if action == "copy":
- destination = str(d.Append(dest_filename))
- elif action == "unzip":
- destination = "$(EPOCROOT)"
- else:
- raise ValueError("Export type should be 'PRJ_EXPORTS' or 'PRJ_TESTEXPORTS'. It was: "+str(aType))
- self.__Source = source
- if len(dest_list) > 0: # If the list has length > 0, this means there are several export destinations.
- self.__Destination = dest_list
- else: # Otherwise the list has length zero, so there is only a single export destination.
- self.__Destination = destination
- self.__Action = action
- def getSource(self):
- return self.__Source
- def getDestination(self):
- return self.__Destination # Note that this could be either a list, or a string, depending on the export destination
- def getAction(self):
- return self.__Action
-class ExtensionmakefileEntry(object):
- def __init__(self, aGnuLine, aBldInfFile, tmp):
- self.__BldInfFile = aBldInfFile
- bldInfLocation = self.__BldInfFile.Dir()
- biloc = str(bldInfLocation)
- extInfLocation = tmp.filename.Dir()
- eiloc = str(extInfLocation)
- if eiloc is None or eiloc == "":
- eiloc="." # Someone building with a relative raptor path
- if biloc is None or biloc == "":
- biloc="." # Someone building with a relative raptor path
- self.__StandardVariables = {}
- # Relative step-down to the root - let's try ignoring this for now, as it
- # should amount to the same thing in a world where absolute paths are king
- self.__StandardVariables['TO_ROOT'] = ""
- # Top-level bld.inf location
- self.__StandardVariables['TO_BLDINF'] = biloc
- self.__StandardVariables['EXTENSION_ROOT'] = eiloc
- # Get the directory and filename from the full path containing the extension makefile
- self.__FullPath = generic_path.Join(eiloc,aGnuLine)
- self.__FullPath = self.__FullPath.GetLocalString()
- self.__Filename = os.path.split(self.__FullPath)[1]
- self.__Directory = os.path.split(self.__FullPath)[0]
- def getMakefileName(self):
- return self.__Filename
- def getMakeDirectory(self):
- return self.__Directory
- def getStandardVariables(self):
- return self.__StandardVariables
-class Extension(object):
- from a bld.inf file"""
- def __init__(self, aBldInfFile, aStartLine, aOptionLines, aBuildPlatform, aRaptor):
- self.__BldInfFile = aBldInfFile
- self.__Options = {}
- self.interface = ""
- self.__Raptor = aRaptor
- makefile = ""
- makefileMatch = re.search(r'^\s*START EXTENSION\s+(?P<MAKEFILE>\S+)\s*(?P<NAMETAG>\S*)$', aStartLine, re.I)
- self.__RawMakefile = ""
- if (makefileMatch):
- self.__RawMakefile = makefileMatch.group('MAKEFILE')
- self.nametag = makefileMatch.group('NAMETAG').lower()
- # Ensure all \'s are translated into /'s if required
- self.interface = self.__RawMakefile
- self.interface = self.interface.replace("\\", "/").replace("/", ".")
- # To support standalone testing, '$(' prefixed TEMs are assumed to start with
- # a makefile variable and hence be fully located in FLM operation
- if self.__RawMakefile.startswith("$("):
- self.__Makefile = self.__RawMakefile + ".mk"
- else:
- self.__Makefile = '$(MAKEFILE_TEMPLATES)/' + self.__RawMakefile + ".mk"
- for optionLine in aOptionLines:
- optionMatch = re.search(r'^\s*(OPTION\s+)?(?P<VARIABLE>\S+)\s+(?P<VALUE>\S+.*)$',optionLine, re.I)
- if optionMatch:
- self.__Options[optionMatch.group('VARIABLE').upper()] = optionMatch.group('VALUE')
- bldInfLocation = self.__BldInfFile.Dir()
- biloc = str(bldInfLocation)
- if biloc is None or biloc == "":
- biloc="." # Someone building with a relative raptor path
- extInfLocation = aStartLine.filename.Dir()
- eiloc = str(extInfLocation)
- if eiloc is None or eiloc == "":
- eiloc="." # Someone building with a relative raptor path
- self.__StandardVariables = {}
- # Relative step-down to the root - let's try ignoring this for now, as it
- # should amount to the same thing in a world where absolute paths are king
- self.__StandardVariables['TO_ROOT'] = ""
- # Top-level bld.inf location
- self.__StandardVariables['TO_BLDINF'] = biloc
- # Location of bld.inf file containing the current EXTENSION block
- self.__StandardVariables['EXTENSION_ROOT'] = eiloc
- # If the interface exists, this means it's not a Template Extension Makefile so don't look for a .meta file for it;
- # so do nothing if it's not a template extension makefile
- try:
- self.__Raptor.cache.FindNamedInterface(str(self.interface), aBuildPlatform['CACHEID'])
- except KeyError: # This means that this Raptor doesn't have the interface self.interface, so we are in a TEM
- # Read extension meta file and get default options from it. The use of TEM meta file is compulsory if TEM is used
- metaFilename = "%s/epoc32/tools/makefile_templates/%s.meta" % (aBuildPlatform['EPOCROOT'], self.__RawMakefile)
- metaFile = None
- try:
- metaFile = open(metaFilename, "r")
- except IOError, e:
- self.__warn("Extension: %s - cannot open Meta file: %s" % (self.__RawMakefile, metaFilename))
- if metaFile:
- for line in metaFile.readlines():
- defaultOptionMatch = re.search(r'^OPTION\s+(?P<VARIABLE>\S+)\s+(?P<VALUE>\S+.*)$',line, re.I)
- if defaultOptionMatch and defaultOptionMatch.group('VARIABLE').upper() not in self.__Options.keys():
- self.__Options[defaultOptionMatch.group('VARIABLE').upper()] = defaultOptionMatch.group('VALUE')
- metaFile.close()
- def __warn(self, format, *extras):
- if (self.__Raptor):
- self.__Raptor.Warn(format, *extras)
- def getIdentifier(self):
- return re.sub (r'\\|\/|\$|\(|\)', '_', self.__RawMakefile)
- def getMakefile(self):
- return self.__Makefile
- def getOptions(self):
- return self.__Options
- def getStandardVariables(self):
- return self.__StandardVariables
-class MMPFileEntry(object):
- def __init__(self, aFilename, aTestOption, aARMOption):
- self.filename = aFilename
- self.testoption = aTestOption
- if aARMOption:
- self.armoption = True
- else:
- self.armoption = False
-class BldInfFile(MetaDataFile):
- """Representation of a Symbian bld.inf file"""
- def __init__(self, aFilename, gnucpp, depfiles, log=None):
- MetaDataFile.__init__(self, aFilename, gnucpp, depfiles, None, log)
- self.__Raptor = log
- self.testManual = 0
- self.testAuto = 0
- # Generic
- def getBuildPlatforms(self, aBuildPlatform):
- platformList = []
- for platformLine in self.__getSection(aBuildPlatform, 'PRJ_PLATFORMS'):
- for platformEntry in platformLine.split():
- platformList.append(platformEntry)
- return platformList
- # Build Platform Specific
- def getMMPList(self, aBuildPlatform, aType="PRJ_MMPFILES"):
- mmpFileList=[]
- gnuList = []
- makefileList = []
- extFound = False
- m = None
- hashValue = {'mmpFileList': [] , 'gnuList': [], 'makefileList' : []}
- for mmpFileEntry in self.__getSection(aBuildPlatform, aType):
- actualBldInfRoot = mmpFileEntry.getFilename()
- n = re.match('\s*(?P<makefiletype>(GNUMAKEFILE|N?MAKEFILE))\s+(?P<extmakefile>[^ ]+)\s*(support|manual)?\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$',mmpFileEntry,re.I)
- if n:
- if (n.groupdict()['invalid']):
- self.log.Error("%s (%d) : invalid .mmp file qualifier \"%s\"", mmpFileEntry.filename, mmpFileEntry.getLineNumber(), n.groupdict()['invalid'])
- if raptor_utilities.getOSFileSystem() == "unix":
- self.log.Warn("NMAKEFILE/GNUMAKEFILE/MAKEFILE keywords not supported on Linux")
- else:
- extmakefilearg = n.groupdict()['extmakefile']
- bldInfDir = actualBldInfRoot.Dir()
- extmakefilename = bldInfDir.Append(extmakefilearg)
- extmakefile = ExtensionmakefileEntry(extmakefilearg, self.filename, mmpFileEntry)
- if (n.groupdict()['makefiletype']).upper() == "GNUMAKEFILE":
- gnuList.append(extmakefile)
- else:
- makefileList.append(extmakefile)
- else:
- # Currently there is only one possible option - build as arm.
- # For TESTMMPFILES, the supported options are support, tidy, ignore, manual and build as arm
- if aType.upper()=="PRJ_TESTMMPFILES":
- if re.match('\s*(?P<name>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<baa>build_as_arm)?\s*(?P<support>support)?\s*(?P<ignore>ignore)?\s*(?P<tidy>tidy)?\s*(?P<manual>manual)?\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$', mmpFileEntry, re.I):
- m = re.match('\s*(?P<name>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<baa>build_as_arm)?\s*(?P<support>support)?\s*(?P<ignore>ignore)?\s*(?P<tidy>tidy)?\s*(?P<manual>manual)?\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$', mmpFileEntry, re.I)
- else:
- if re.match('\s*(?P<name>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<baa>build_as_arm)?\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$', mmpFileEntry, re.I):
- m = re.match('\s*(?P<name>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<baa>build_as_arm)?\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$', mmpFileEntry, re.I)
- if m:
- if (m.groupdict()['invalid']):
- self.log.Error("%s (%d) : invalid .mmp file qualifier \"%s\"", mmpFileEntry.filename, mmpFileEntry.getLineNumber(), m.groupdict()['invalid'])
- mmpFileName = m.groupdict()['name']
- testmmpoption = "auto" # Setup tests to be automatic by default
- tokens = m.groupdict()
- for key,item in tokens.iteritems():
- if key=="manual" and item=="manual":
- testmmpoption = "manual"
- elif key=="support" and item=="support":
- testmmpoption = "support"
- elif key=="ignore" and item=="ignore":
- testmmpoption = "ignore"
- buildasarm = False
- if m.groupdict()['baa']:
- if m.groupdict()['baa'].lower() == 'build_as_arm':
- buildasarm = True
- if not mmpFileName.lower().endswith('.mmp'):
- mmpFileName += '.mmp'
- bldInfDir = actualBldInfRoot.Dir()
- try:
- mmpFileName = bldInfDir.Append(mmpFileName)
- mmpfe = MMPFileEntry(mmpFileName, testmmpoption, buildasarm)
- mmpFileList.append(mmpfe)
- except ValueError, e:
- self.log.Error("invalid .mmp file name: %s" % str(e))
- m = None
- hashValue['mmpFileList'] = mmpFileList
- hashValue['gnuList'] = gnuList
- hashValue['makefileList'] = makefileList
- return hashValue
- # Return a list of gnumakefiles used in the bld.inf
- def getExtensionmakefileList(self, aBuildPlatform, aType="PRJ_MMPFILES",aString = ""):
- extMakefileList=[]
- m = None
- for extmakeFileEntry in self.__getSection(aBuildPlatform, aType):
- actualBldInfRoot = extmakeFileEntry.filename
- if aType.upper()=="PRJ_TESTMMPFILES":
- m = re.match('\s*GNUMAKEFILE\s+(?P<extmakefile>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<support>support)?\s*(?P<ignore>ignore)?\s*(?P<tidy>tidy)?\s*(?P<manual>manual)?\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$',extmakeFileEntry,re.I)
- else:
- if aString == "gnumakefile":
- m = re.match('\s*GNUMAKEFILE\s+(?P<extmakefile>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$',extmakeFileEntry,re.I)
- elif aString == "nmakefile":
- m = re.match('\s*NMAKEFILE\s+(?P<extmakefile>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$',extmakeFileEntry,re.I)
- elif aString == "makefile":
- m = re.match('\s*MAKEFILE\s+(?P<extmakefile>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$',extmakeFileEntry,re.I)
- if m:
- if (m.groupdict()['invalid']):
- self.log.Error("%s (%d) : invalid extension makefile qualifier \"%s\"", extmakeFileEntry.filename, extmakeFileEntry.getLineNumber(), m.groupdict()['invalid'])
- extmakefilearg = m.groupdict()['extmakefile']
- bldInfDir = actualBldInfRoot.Dir()
- extmakefilename = bldInfDir.Append(extmakefilearg)
- extmakefile = ExtensionmakefileEntry(extmakefilearg, self.filename, extmakeFileEntry)
- extMakefileList.append(extmakefile)
- m = None
- return extMakefileList
- def getTestExtensionmakefileList(self,aBuildPlatform,aString=""):
- return self.getExtensionmakefileList(aBuildPlatform,"PRJ_TESTMMPFILES",aString)
- def getTestMMPList(self, aBuildPlatform):
- return self.getMMPList(aBuildPlatform, "PRJ_TESTMMPFILES")
- def getRomTestType(self, aBuildPlatform):
- testMMPList = self.getTestMMPList(aBuildPlatform)
- for testMMPFileEntry in testMMPList['mmpFileList']:
- if aBuildPlatform["TESTCODE"]:
- # Calculate test type (manual or auto)
- if testMMPFileEntry.testoption == "manual":
- self.testManual += 1
- if not (testMMPFileEntry.testoption == "support" or testMMPFileEntry.testoption == "manual" or testMMPFileEntry.testoption == "ignore"):
- self.testAuto += 1
- if self.testManual and self.testAuto:
- return 'BOTH'
- elif self.testAuto:
- return 'AUTO'
- elif self.testManual:
- return 'MANUAL'
- else:
- return 'NONE'
- def getExports(self, aBuildPlatform, aType="PRJ_EXPORTS"):
- exportList = []
- for exportLine in self.__getSection(aBuildPlatform, aType):
- if not re.match(r'\S+', exportLine):
- continue
- try:
- exportList.append(Export(exportLine.getFilename(), exportLine, aType))
- except ValueError,e:
- self.log.Error(str(e))
- return exportList
- def getTestExports(self, aBuildPlatform):
- return self.getExports(aBuildPlatform, "PRJ_TESTEXPORTS")
- def getExtensions(self, aBuildPlatform, aType="PRJ_EXTENSIONS"):
- extensionObjects = []
- start = ""
- options = []
- for extensionLine in self.__getSection(aBuildPlatform, aType):
- if (re.search(r'^\s*START ',extensionLine, re.I)):
- start = extensionLine
- elif re.search(r'^\s*END\s*$',extensionLine, re.I):
- extensionObjects.append(Extension(self.filename, start, options, aBuildPlatform, self.__Raptor))
- start = ""
- options = []
- elif re.search(r'^\s*$',extensionLine, re.I):
- continue
- elif start:
- options.append(extensionLine)
- return extensionObjects
- def getTestExtensions(self, aBuildPlatform):
- return self.getExtensions(aBuildPlatform, "PRJ_TESTEXTENSIONS")
- def __getSection(self, aBuildPlatform, aSection):
- activeSection = False
- sectionContent = []
- lineContent = re.split(r'\n', self.getContent(aBuildPlatform));
- currentBldInfFile = self.filename
- currentLineNumber = 0
- for line in lineContent:
- if line.startswith("#"):
- commentDetail = getPreProcessorCommentDetail(line)
- currentBldInfFile = commentDetail[0]
- currentLineNumber = commentDetail[1]-1
- continue
- currentLineNumber += 1
- if not re.match(r'.*\S+', line):
- continue
- elif re.match(r'\s*' + aSection + r'\s*$', line, re.I):
- activeSection = True
- elif re.match(r'\s*PRJ_\w+\s*$', line, re.I):
- activeSection = False
- elif activeSection:
- sectionContent.append(PreProcessedLine(line, currentBldInfFile, currentLineNumber))
- return sectionContent
- @staticmethod
- def outputPathFragment(bldinfpath):
- """Return a relative path that uniquely identifies this bldinf file
- whilst being short so that it can be appended to epoc32/build.
- The build product of a particular bld.inf may be placed in here.
- This affects its TEMs and its MMPs"""
- absroot_str = os.path.abspath(str(bldinfpath)).lower().replace("\\","/")
- uniqueid = hashlib.md5()
- uniqueid.update(absroot_str)
- specnamecomponents = (re.sub("^[A-Za-z]:", "", absroot_str)).split('/') # split, removing any drive identifier (if present)
- pathlist=[]
- while len(specnamecomponents) > 0:
- top = specnamecomponents.pop()
- if top.endswith('.inf'):
- continue
- elif top == 'group':
- continue
- else:
- pathlist = [top]
- break
- pathlist.append("c_"+uniqueid.hexdigest()[:16])
- return "/".join(pathlist)
- def outputpath(self, platform):
- """ The full path where product from this bldinf is created."""
- return str(platform['SBS_BUILD_DIR']) + "/" + BldInfFile.outputPathFragment(self.filename)
- def depspath(self, platform):
- """ Where does dependency information go relative to platform's SBS_BUILD_DIR?
- Subclasses should redefine this
- """
- return self.outputpath(platform) + "/bldinf." + platform['key_md5'] + ".d"
-class MMPRaptorBackend(MMPBackend):
- """A parser "backend" for the MMP language
- This is used to map recognised MMP syntax onto a buildspec """
- # Support priorities, with case-fixed mappings for use
- epoc32priorities = {
- 'low':'Low',
- 'background':'Background',
- 'foreground':'Foreground',
- 'high':'High',
- 'windowserver':'WindowServer',
- 'fileserver':'FileServer',
- 'realtimeserver':'RealTimeServer',
- 'supervisor':'SuperVisor'
- }
- # Known capability flags with associated bitwise operations
- supportedCapabilities = {
- 'tcb':(1<<0),
- 'commdd':(1<<1),
- 'powermgmt':(1<<2),
- 'multimediadd':(1<<3),
- 'readdevicedata':(1<<4),
- 'writedevicedata':(1<<5),
- 'drm':(1<<6),
- 'trustedui':(1<<7),
- 'protserv':(1<<8),
- 'diskadmin':(1<<9),
- 'networkcontrol':(1<<10),
- 'allfiles':(1<<11),
- 'swevent':(1<<12),
- 'networkservices':(1<<13),
- 'localservices':(1<<14),
- 'readuserdata':(1<<15),
- 'writeuserdata':(1<<16),
- 'location':(1<<17),
- 'surroundingsdd':(1<<18),
- 'userenvironment':(1<<19),
- # Old capability names have zero value
- 'root':0,
- 'mediadd':0,
- 'readsystemdata':0,
- 'writesystemdata':0,
- 'sounddd':0,
- 'uidd':0,
- 'killanyprocess':0,
- 'devman':0,
- 'phonenetwork':0,
- 'localnetwork':0
- }
- library_re = re.compile(r"^(?P<name>[^{]+?)(?P<version>{(?P<major>[0-9]+)\.(?P<minor>[0-9]+)})?(\.(lib|dso))?$",re.I)
- def __init__(self, aRaptor, aMmpfilename, aBldInfFilename):
- super(MMPRaptorBackend,self).__init__()
- self.platformblock = None
- self.__Raptor = aRaptor
- self.__debug("-----+++++ %s " % aMmpfilename)
- self.BuildVariant = raptor_data.Variant(name = "mmp")
- self.ApplyVariants = []
- self.ResourceVariants = []
- self.BitmapVariants = []
- self.StringTableVariants = []
- self.__bldInfFilename = aBldInfFilename
- self.__targettype = "UNKNOWN"
- self.__currentMmpFile = aMmpfilename
- self.__defFileRoot = self.__currentMmpFile
- self.__currentLineNumber = 0
- self.__sourcepath = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(self.__currentMmpFile, "")
- self.__userinclude = ""
- self.__systeminclude = ""
- self.__bitmapSourcepath = self.__sourcepath
- self.__current_resource = ""
- self.__resourceFiles = []
- self.__pageConflict = []
- self.__debuggable = ""
- self.__compressionKeyword = ""
- self.sources = []
- self.capabilities = []
- self.__TARGET = ""
- self.__TARGETEXT = ""
- self.deffile = ""
- self.__LINKAS = ""
- self.nostrictdef = False
- self.featureVariant = False
- self.__currentResourceVariant = None
- self.__currentStringTableVariant = None
- self.__explicitversion = False
- self.__versionhex = ""
- # "ALL" capability calculated based on the total capabilities currently supported
- allCapabilities = 0
- for supportedCapability in MMPRaptorBackend.supportedCapabilities.keys():
- allCapabilities = allCapabilities | MMPRaptorBackend.supportedCapabilities[supportedCapability]
- MMPRaptorBackend.supportedCapabilities['all'] = allCapabilities
- # Permit unit-testing output without a Raptor context
- def __debug(self, format, *extras):
- if (self.__Raptor):
- self.__Raptor.Debug(format, *extras)
- def __warn(self, format, *extras):
- if (self.__Raptor):
- self.__Raptor.Warn(format, *extras)
- def doPreProcessorComment(self,s,loc,toks):
- commentDetail = getPreProcessorCommentDetail(toks[0])
- self.__currentMmpFile = commentDetail[0].GetLocalString()
- self.__currentLineNumber = commentDetail[1]
- self.__debug("Current file %s, line number %s\n" % (self.__currentMmpFile,str(self.__currentLineNumber)))
- return "OK"
- def doBlankLine(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- def doStartPlatform(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- self.__debug( "Start Platform block "+toks[0])
- self.platformblock = toks[0]
- return "OK"
- def doEndPlatform(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- self.__debug( "Finalise platform " + self.platformblock)
- return "OK"
- def doSetSwitch(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- prefix=""
- varname = toks[0].upper()
- # A bright spark made the optionname the same as
- # the env variable. One will override the other if we pass this
- # on to make. Add a prefix to prevent the clash.
- if varname=='ARMINC':
- prefix="SET_"
- self.__debug( "Set switch "+toks[0]+" ON")
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(prefix+varname, "1"))
- elif varname=='NOSTRICTDEF':
- self.nostrictdef = True
- self.__debug( "Set switch "+toks[0]+" ON")
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(prefix+varname, "1"))
- elif varname == 'PAGED':
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname, "1"))
- self.__debug( "Set switch PAGE ON")
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDCODE_OPTION", "paged"))
- self.__debug( "Set switch PAGEDCODE ON")
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDDATA_OPTION", "paged"))
- self.__debug( "Set data PAGEDDATA ON")
- self.__pageConflict.append("PAGEDCODE")
- self.__pageConflict.append("PAGEDDATA")
- elif varname == 'UNPAGED':
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGED", "0"))
- self.__debug( "Set switch PAGED OFF")
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDCODE_OPTION", "unpaged"))
- self.__debug( "Set switch PAGEDCODE OFF")
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDDATA_OPTION", "unpaged"))
- self.__debug( "Set data PAGEDDATA OFF")
- self.__pageConflict.append("UNPAGEDCODE")
- self.__pageConflict.append("UNPAGEDDATA")
- elif varname == 'PAGEDCODE':
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDCODE_OPTION", "paged"))
- self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " ON")
- self.__pageConflict.append(varname)
- elif varname == 'PAGEDDATA':
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDDATA_OPTION", "paged"))
- self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " ON")
- self.__pageConflict.append(varname)
- elif varname == 'UNPAGEDCODE':
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDCODE_OPTION", "unpaged"))
- self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " ON")
- self.__pageConflict.append(varname)
- elif varname == 'UNPAGEDDATA':
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDDATA_OPTION", "unpaged"))
- self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " ON")
- self.__pageConflict.append(varname)
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("LTCG",""))
- self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " OFF")
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("MULTIFILE_ENABLED",""))
- self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " OFF")
- elif varname == 'DEBUGGABLE':
- if self.__debuggable != "udeb":
- self.__debuggable = "udeb urel"
- else:
- self.__Raptor.Warn("DEBUGGABLE keyword ignored as DEBUGGABLE_UDEBONLY is already specified")
- elif varname == 'DEBUGGABLE_UDEBONLY':
- if self.__debuggable != "":
- self.__Raptor.Warn("DEBUGGABLE keyword has no effect as DEBUGGABLE or DEBUGGABLE_UDEBONLY is already set")
- self.__debuggable = "udeb"
- elif varname == 'FEATUREVARIANT':
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,"1"))
- self.featureVariant = True
- if self.__compressionKeyword:
- self.__Raptor.Warn("%s keyword in %s overrides earlier use of %s" % (varname, self.__currentMmpFile, self.__compressionKeyword))
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(self.__compressionKeyword,""))
- self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " OFF")
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,"1"))
- self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " ON")
- self.__compressionKeyword = varname
- else:
- self.__debug( "Set switch "+toks[0]+" ON")
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(prefix+varname, "1"))
- return "OK"
- def doAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- varname = toks[0].upper()
- if varname=='TARGET':
- (self.__TARGET, self.__TARGETEXT) = os.path.splitext(toks[1])
- self.__TARGETEXT = self.__TARGETEXT.lstrip('.')
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("REQUESTEDTARGETEXT", self.__TARGETEXT.lower()))
- lowercase_TARGET = self.__TARGET.lower()
- self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" to " + lowercase_TARGET)
- self.__debug("Set REQUESTEDTARGETEXT to " + self.__TARGETEXT.lower())
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET", self.__TARGET))
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET_lower", lowercase_TARGET))
- if lowercase_TARGET != self.__TARGET:
- self.__debug("TARGET is not lowercase: '%s' - might cause BC problems." % self.__TARGET)
- elif varname=='TARGETTYPE':
- self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" to " + str(toks[1]))
- self.__targettype=toks[1]
- if self.__targettype.lower() == "none":
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET", ""))
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET_lower",""))
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("REQUESTEDTARGETEXT", ""))
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,toks[1].lower()))
- elif varname=='TARGETPATH':
- value = toks[1].lower().replace('\\','/')
- self.__debug("Set "+varname+" to " + value)
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname, value))
- elif varname=='OPTION' or varname=='LINKEROPTION':
- self.__debug("Set "+toks[1]+varname+" to " + str(toks[2]))
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append(varname+"_"+toks[1].upper()," ".join(toks[2])))
- # Warn about OPTION ARMASM
- if "armasm" in toks[1].lower():
- self.__Raptor.Warn(varname+" ARMASM has no effect (use OPTION ARMCC).")
- elif varname=='OPTION_REPLACE':
- if "armasm" in toks[1].lower():
- self.__Raptor.Warn("OPTION_REPLACE ARMASM has no effect (use OPTION_REPLACE ARMCC).")
- else:
- args = " ".join(toks[2])
- searchReplacePairs = self.resolveOptionReplace(args)
- for searchReplacePair in searchReplacePairs:
- self.__debug("Append %s to OPTION_REPLACE_%s", searchReplacePair, toks[1].upper())
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append(varname+"_"+toks[1].upper(),searchReplacePair))
- elif varname=='SYSTEMINCLUDE' or varname=='USERINCLUDE':
- for path in toks[1]:
- resolved = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(self.__currentMmpFile, path)
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append(varname,resolved))
- if varname=='SYSTEMINCLUDE':
- self.__systeminclude += ' ' + resolved
- self.__debug(" %s = %s",varname, self.__systeminclude)
- else:
- self.__userinclude += ' ' + resolved
- self.__debug(" %s = %s",varname, self.__userinclude)
- self.__debug("Appending %s to %s",resolved, varname)
- self.__systeminclude = self.__systeminclude.strip()
- self.__systeminclude = self.__systeminclude.rstrip('\/')
- self.__userinclude = self.__userinclude.strip()
- self.__userinclude = self.__userinclude.rstrip('\/')
- elif varname=='EXPORTLIBRARY':
- # Remove extension from the EXPORTLIBRARY name
- libName = toks[1].rsplit(".", 1)[0]
- self.__debug("Set "+varname+" to " + libName)
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,"".join(libName)))
- elif varname=='CAPABILITY':
- for cap in toks[1]:
- self.__debug("Setting "+toks[0]+": " + cap)
- self.capabilities.append(cap)
- elif varname=='DEFFILE':
- self.__defFileRoot = self.__currentMmpFile
- self.deffile = toks[1]
- elif varname=='LINKAS':
- self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" OPTION to " + str(toks[1]))
- self.__LINKAS = toks[1]
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname, toks[1]))
- elif varname=='SECUREID' or varname=='VENDORID':
- hexoutput = MMPRaptorBackend.canonicalUID(toks[1])
- self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" OPTION to " + hexoutput)
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname, hexoutput))
- elif varname=='VERSION':
- if toks[-1] == "EXPLICIT":
- self.__explicitversion = True
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("EXPLICITVERSION", "1"))
- vm = re.match(r'^(\d+)(\.(\d+))?$', toks[1])
- if vm is not None:
- version = vm.groups()
- # the major version number
- major = int(version[0],10)
- # add in the minor number
- minor = 0
- if version[1] is not None:
- minor = int(version[2],10)
- else:
- self.__Raptor.Warn("VERSION (%s) missing '.minor' in %s, using '.0'" % (toks[1],self.__currentMmpFile))
- self.__versionhex = "%04x%04x" % (major, minor)
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname, "%d.%d" %(major, minor)))
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname+"HEX", self.__versionhex))
- self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" OPTION to " + toks[1])
- self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+"HEX OPTION to " + "%04x%04x" % (major,minor))
- else:
- self.__Raptor.Warn("Invalid version supplied to VERSION (%s), using default value" % toks[1])
- elif varname=='EPOCHEAPSIZE':
- # Standardise on sending hex numbers to the FLMS.
- if toks[1].lower().startswith('0x'):
- min = long(toks[1],16)
- else:
- min = long(toks[1],10)
- if toks[2].lower().startswith('0x'):
- max = long(toks[2],16)
- else:
- max = long(toks[2],10)
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname+"MIN", "%x" % min))
- self.__debug("Set "+varname+"MIN OPTION to '%x' (hex)" % min )
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname+"MAX", "%x" % max))
- self.__debug("Set "+varname+"MAX OPTION to '%x' (hex)" % max )
- # Some toolchains require decimal versions of the min/max values, converted to KB and
- # rounded up to the next 1KB boundary
- min_dec_kb = (int(min) + 1023) / 1024
- max_dec_kb = (int(max) + 1023) / 1024
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname+"MIN_DEC_KB", "%d" % min_dec_kb))
- self.__debug("Set "+varname+"MIN OPTION KB to '%d' (dec)" % min_dec_kb )
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname+"MAX_DEC_KB", "%d" % max_dec_kb))
- self.__debug("Set "+varname+"MAX OPTION KB to '%d' (dec)" % max_dec_kb )
- elif varname=='EPOCSTACKSIZE':
- if toks[1].lower().startswith('0x'):
- stack = long(toks[1],16)
- else:
- stack = long(toks[1],10)
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname, "%x" % stack))
- self.__debug("Set "+varname+" OPTION to '%x' (hex)" % stack )
- elif varname=='EPOCPROCESSPRIORITY':
- # low, background, foreground, high, windowserver, fileserver, realtimeserver or supervisor
- # These are case insensitive in metadata entries, but must be mapped to a static case pattern for use
- prio = toks[1].lower()
- # NOTE: Original validation here didn't actually work. This has been corrected to provide an error, but probably needs re-examination.
- if not MMPRaptorBackend.epoc32priorities.has_key(prio):
- self.__Raptor.Error("Priority setting '%s' is not a valid priority - should be one of %s.", prio, MMPRaptorBackend.epoc32priorities.values())
- else:
- self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" to " + MMPRaptorBackend.epoc32priorities[prio])
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,MMPRaptorBackend.epoc32priorities[prio]))
- elif varname=='ROMTARGET' or varname=='RAMTARGET':
- if len(toks) == 1:
- self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" to <none>" )
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,"<none>"))
- else:
- toks1 = str(toks[1]).replace("\\","/")
- if toks1.find(","):
- toks1 = re.sub("[,'\[\]]", "", toks1).replace("//","/")
- self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" to " + toks1)
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,toks1))
- elif varname=='APPLY':
- self.ApplyVariants.append(toks[1])
- else:
- self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" to " + str(toks[1]))
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,"".join(toks[1])))
- if varname=='LINKAS':
- self.__LINKAS = toks[1]
- return "OK"
- def doAppend(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- """MMP command
- """
- name=toks[0].upper()
- if len(toks) == 1:
- # list can be empty e.g. MACRO _FRED_ when fred it defined in the HRH
- # causes us to see just "MACRO" in the input - it is valid to ignore this
- self.__debug("Empty append list for " + name)
- return "OK"
- self.__debug("Append to "+name+" the values: " +str(toks[1]))
- if name=='MACRO':
- name='MMPDEFS'
- elif name=='LANG':
- # don't break the environment variable
- name='LANGUAGES'
- for item in toks[1]:
- if name=='MMPDEFS':
- # Unquote any macros since the FLM does it anyhow
- if item.startswith('"') and item.endswith('"') \
- or item.startswith("'") and item.endswith("'"):
- item = item.strip("'\"")
- if name=='LIBRARY' or name=='DEBUGLIBRARY':
- im = MMPRaptorBackend.library_re.match(item)
- if not im:
- self.__error("LIBRARY: %s Seems to have an invalid name.\nExpected xxxx.lib or xxxx.dso\n where xxxx might be\n\tname or \n\tname(n,m) where n is a major version number and m is a minor version number\n" %item)
- d = im.groupdict()
- item = d['name']
- if d['version'] is not None:
- item += "{%04x%04x}" % (int(d['major']), int(d['minor']))
- item += ".dso"
- elif name=='STATICLIBRARY':
- # the FLM will decide on the ending appropriate to the platform
- item = re.sub(r"^(.*)\.[Ll][Ii][Bb]$",r"\1", item)
- elif name=="LANGUAGES":
- item = item.lower()
- elif (name=="WIN32_LIBRARY" and (item.startswith(".") or re.search(r'[\\|/]',item))) \
- or (name=="WIN32_RESOURCE"):
- # Relatively pathed win32 libraries, and all win32 resources, are resolved in relation
- # to the wrapper bld.inf file in which their .mmp file is specified. This equates to
- # the current working directory in ABLD operation.
- item = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(self.__bldInfFilename, item)
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append(name,item," "))
- # maintain a debug library list, the same as LIBRARY but with DEBUGLIBRARY values
- # appended as they are encountered
- if name=='LIBRARY' or name=='DEBUGLIBRARY':
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("LIBRARY_DEBUG",item," "))
- return "OK"
- def canonicalUID(number):
- """ convert a UID string into an 8 digit hexadecimal string without leading 0x """
- if number.lower().startswith("0x"):
- n = int(number,16)
- else:
- n = int(number,10)
- return "%08x" % n
- canonicalUID = staticmethod(canonicalUID)
- def doUIDAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
- """A single UID command results in a number of spec variables"""
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- hexoutput = MMPRaptorBackend.canonicalUID(toks[1][0])
- self.__debug( "Set UID2 to %s" % hexoutput )
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("UID2", hexoutput))
- if len(toks[1]) > 1:
- hexoutput = MMPRaptorBackend.canonicalUID(toks[1][1])
- self.__debug( "Set UID3 to %s" % hexoutput)
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("UID3", hexoutput))
- self.__debug( "done set UID")
- return "OK"
- def doSourcePathAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- self.__sourcepath = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(self.__currentMmpFile, toks[1])
- self.__debug( "Remembering self.sourcepath state: "+str(toks[0])+" is now " + self.__sourcepath)
- self.__debug("selfcurrentMmpFile: " + self.__currentMmpFile)
- return "OK"
- def doSourceAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- self.__debug( "Setting "+toks[0]+" to " + str(toks[1]))
- for file in toks[1]:
- # file is always relative to sourcepath but some MMP files
- # have items that begin with a slash...
- file = file.lstrip("/")
- source = generic_path.Join(self.__sourcepath, file)
- # If the SOURCEPATH itself begins with a '/', then dont look up the caseless version, since
- # we don't know at this time what $(EPOCROOT) will evaluate to.
- if source.GetLocalString().startswith('$(EPOCROOT)'):
- self.sources.append(str(source))
- self.__debug("Append SOURCE " + str(source))
- else:
- foundsource = source.FindCaseless()
- if foundsource == None:
- # Hope that the file will be generated later
- self.__debug("Sourcefile not found: %s" % source)
- foundsource = source
- self.sources.append(str(foundsource))
- self.__debug("Append SOURCE " + str(foundsource))
- self.__debug(" sourcepath: " + self.__sourcepath)
- return "OK"
- # Resource
- def doOldResourceAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
- # Technically deprecated, but still used, so...
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- self.__debug("Processing old-style "+toks[0]+" "+str(toks[1]))
- sysRes = (toks[0].lower() == "systemresource")
- for rss in toks[1]:
- variant = raptor_data.Variant()
- source = generic_path.Join(self.__sourcepath, rss)
- variant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("SOURCE", str(source)))
- self.__resourceFiles.append(str(source))
- target = source.File().rsplit(".", 1)[0] # remove the extension
- variant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET", target))
- variant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET_lower", target.lower()))
- header = target.lower() + ".rsg" # filename policy
- variant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("HEADER", header))
- if sysRes:
- dsrtp = self.getDefaultSystemResourceTargetPath()
- variant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGETPATH", dsrtp))
- self.ResourceVariants.append(variant)
- return "OK"
- def getDefaultSystemResourceTargetPath(self):
- # the default systemresource TARGETPATH value should come from the
- # configuration rather than being hard-coded here. Then again, this
- # should really be deprecated away into oblivion...
- return "system/data"
- def getDefaultResourceTargetPath(self, targettype):
- # the different default TARGETPATH values should come from the
- # configuration rather than being hard-coded here.
- if targettype == "plugin":
- return "resource/plugins"
- if targettype == "pdl":
- return "resource/printers"
- return ""
- def resolveOptionReplace(self, content):
- """
- Constructs search/replace pairs based on .mmp OPTION_REPLACE entries for use on tool command lines
- within FLMS.
- Depending on what's supplied to OPTION_REPLACE <TOOL>, the core part of the <TOOL> command line
- in the relevant FLM will have search and replace actions performed on it post-expansion (but pre-
- any OPTION <TOOL> additions).
- In terms of logic, we try to follow what ABLD does, as the current behaviour is undocumented.
- What happens is a little inconsistent, and best described by some generic examples:
- OPTION_REPLACE TOOL existing_option replacement_value
- Replace all instances of "option existing_value" with "option replacement_value"
- OPTION_REPLACE TOOL existing_option replacement_option
- Replace all instances of "existing_option" with "replacement_option".
- If "existing_option" is present in isolation then a removal is performed.
- Any values encountered that don't follow an option are ignored.
- Options are identified as being prefixed with either '-' or '--'.
- The front-end processes each OPTION_REPLACE entry and then appends one or more search/replace pairs
- to an OPTION_REPLACE_<TOOL> variable in the following format:
- search<->replace
- """
- # Note that, for compatibility reasons, the following is mostly a port to Python of the corresponding
- # ABLD Perl, and hence maintains ABLD's idiosyncrasies in what it achieves
- searchReplacePairs = []
- matches = re.findall("-{1,2}\S+\s*(?!-)\S*",content)
- if matches:
- # reverse so we can process as a stack whilst retaining original order
- matches.reverse()
- while (len(matches)):
- match = matches.pop()
- standaloneMatch = re.match('^(?P<option>\S+)\s+(?P<value>\S+)$', match)
- if (standaloneMatch):
- # Option listed standalone with a replacement value
- # Example:
- # Intention:
- # Replace instances of "--cpu <something>" with "--cpu 6"
- # Substitute any existing "option <existing_value>" instances with a single word
- # "@@<existing_value>" for later replacement
- searchReplacePairs.append('%s <->@@' % standaloneMatch.group('option'))
- # Replace "@@<existing_value>" entries from above with "option <new_value>" entries
- # A pattern substitution is used to cover pre-existing values
- searchReplacePairs.append('@@%%<->%s %s' % (standaloneMatch.group('option'), standaloneMatch.group('value')))
- else:
- # Options specified in search/replace pairs with optional values
- # Example:
- # Intention:
- # Replace instances of "--O2" with "--O3"
- # At this point we will be looking at just the search option - there may or may not
- # be a replacement to consider
- search = match
- replace = ""
- if len(matches):
- replace = matches.pop()
- searchReplacePairs.append('%s<->%s' % (search, replace))
- # Replace spaces to maintain word-based grouping in downstream makefile lists
- for i in range(0,len(searchReplacePairs)):
- searchReplacePairs[i] = searchReplacePairs[i].replace(' ','%20')
- return searchReplacePairs
- def doStartResource(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- self.__debug("Start RESOURCE "+toks[1])
- self.__current_resource = generic_path.Path(self.__sourcepath, toks[1])
- self.__current_resource = str(self.__current_resource)
- self.__debug("sourcepath: " + self.__sourcepath)
- self.__debug("self.__current_resource source: " + toks[1])
- self.__debug("adjusted self.__current_resource source=" + self.__current_resource)
- self.__currentResourceVariant = raptor_data.Variant()
- self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("SOURCE", self.__current_resource))
- self.__resourceFiles.append(self.__current_resource)
- # The target name is the basename of the resource without the extension
- # e.g. "/fred/129ab34f.rss" would have a target name of "129ab34f"
- target = self.__current_resource.rsplit("/",1)[-1]
- target = target.rsplit(".",1)[0]
- self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET", target))
- self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET_lower", target.lower()))
- self.__headerspecified = False
- self.__headeronlyspecified = False
- self.__current_resource_header = target.lower() + ".rsg"
- return "OK"
- def doResourceAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
- """ Assign variables for resource files """
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- varname = toks[0].upper() # the mmp keyword
- varvalue = "".join(toks[1])
- # Get rid of any .rsc extension because the build system
- # needs to have it stripped off to calculate other names
- # for other purposes and # we aren't going to make it
- # optional anyhow.
- if varname == "TARGET":
- target_withext = varvalue.rsplit("/\\",1)[-1]
- target = target_withext.rsplit(".",1)[0]
- self.__current_resource_header = target.lower() + ".rsg"
- self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET_lower", target.lower()))
- self.__debug("Set resource "+varname+" to " + target)
- self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,target))
- if varname == "TARGETPATH":
- varvalue=varvalue.replace('\\','/')
- self.__debug("Set resource "+varname+" to " + varvalue)
- self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,varvalue))
- else:
- self.__debug("Set resource "+varname+" to " + varvalue)
- self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,varvalue))
- return "OK"
- def doResourceAppend(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- self.__debug("Append resource to "+toks[0]+" the values: " +str(toks[1]))
- varname = toks[0].upper()
- # we cannot use LANG as it interferes with the environment
- if varname == "LANG":
- varname = "LANGUAGES"
- for item in toks[1]:
- if varname == "LANGUAGES":
- item = item.lower()
- self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append(varname,item))
- return "OK"
- def doResourceSetSwitch(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- name = toks[0].upper()
- if name == "HEADER":
- self.__headerspecified = True
- elif name == "HEADERONLY":
- self.__headeronlyspecified = True
- else:
- value = "1"
- self.__debug( "Set resource switch " + name + " " + value)
- self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(name, value))
- return "OK"
- def doEndResource(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- # Header name can change, depening if there was a TARGET defined or not, so it must be appended at the end
- if self.__headerspecified:
- self.__debug("Set resource switch HEADER " + self.__current_resource_header)
- self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("HEADER", self.__current_resource_header))
- if self.__headeronlyspecified:
- self.__debug("Set resource switch HEADERONLY " + self.__current_resource_header)
- self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("HEADER", self.__current_resource_header))
- self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("HEADERONLY", "True"))
- self.__debug("End RESOURCE")
- self.ResourceVariants.append(self.__currentResourceVariant)
- self.__currentResourceVariant = None
- self.__current_resource = ""
- return "OK"
- # Bitmap
- def doStartBitmap(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- self.__debug("Start BITMAP "+toks[1])
- self.__currentBitmapVariant = raptor_data.Variant(name = toks[1].replace('.','_'))
- # Use BMTARGET and BMTARGET_lower because that prevents
- # confusion with the TARGET and TARGET_lower of our parent MMP
- # when setting the OUTPUTPATH. This in turn allows us to
- # not get tripped up by multiple mbms being generated with
- # the same name to the same directory.
- self.__currentBitmapVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("BMTARGET", toks[1]))
- self.__currentBitmapVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("BMTARGET_lower", toks[1].lower()))
- self.__currentBitmapVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("SOURCE", ""))
- return "OK"
- def doBitmapAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- self.__debug("Set bitmap "+toks[0]+" to " + str(toks[1]))
- name = toks[0].upper()
- value = "".join(toks[1])
- if name == "TARGETPATH":
- value = value.replace('\\','/')
- self.__currentBitmapVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(name,value))
- return "OK"
- def doBitmapSourcePathAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- self.__debug("Previous bitmap sourcepath:" + self.__bitmapSourcepath)
- self.__bitmapSourcepath = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(self.__currentMmpFile, toks[1])
- self.__debug("New bitmap sourcepath: " + self.__bitmapSourcepath)
- def doBitmapSourceAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- self.__debug( "Setting "+toks[0]+" to " + str(toks[1]))
- # The first "source" is the colour depth for all the others.
- # The depth format is b[,m] where b is the bitmap depth and m is
- # the mask depth.
- # Valid values for b are: 1 2 4 8 c4 c8 c12 c16 c24 c32 c32a (?)
- # Valid values for m are: 1 8 (any number?)
- #
- # If m is specified then the bitmaps are in pairs: b0 m0 b1 m1...
- # If m is not specified then there are no masks, just bitmaps: b0 b1...
- colordepth = toks[1][0].lower()
- if "," in colordepth:
- (bitmapdepth, maskdepth) = colordepth.split(",")
- else:
- bitmapdepth = colordepth
- maskdepth = 0
- sources=""
- mask = False
- for file in toks[1][1:]:
- path = generic_path.Join(self.__bitmapSourcepath, file)
- if sources:
- sources += " "
- if mask:
- sources += "DEPTH=" + maskdepth + " FILE=" + str(path)
- else:
- sources += "DEPTH=" + bitmapdepth + " FILE=" + str(path)
- if maskdepth:
- mask = not mask
- self.__debug("sources: " + sources)
- self.__currentBitmapVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("SOURCE", sources))
- return "OK"
- def doBitmapSetSwitch(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- self.__debug( "Set bitmap switch "+toks[0]+" ON")
- self.__currentBitmapVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(toks[0].upper(), "1"))
- return "OK"
- def doEndBitmap(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- self.__bitmapSourcepath = self.__sourcepath
- self.BitmapVariants.append(self.__currentBitmapVariant)
- self.__currentBitmapVariant = None
- self.__debug("End BITMAP")
- return "OK"
- # Stringtable
- def doStartStringTable(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- self.__debug( "Start STRINGTABLE "+toks[1])
- specstringtable = generic_path.Join(self.__sourcepath, toks[1])
- uniqname = specstringtable.File().replace('.','_') # corrected, filename only
- source = str(specstringtable.FindCaseless())
- self.__debug("sourcepath: " + self.__sourcepath)
- self.__debug("stringtable: " + toks[1])
- self.__debug("adjusted stringtable source=" + source)
- self.__currentStringTableVariant = raptor_data.Variant(name = uniqname)
- self.__currentStringTableVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("SOURCE", source))
- self.__currentStringTableVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("EXPORTPATH", ""))
- self.__stringtableExported = False
- # The target name by default is the name of the stringtable without the extension
- # e.g. the stringtable "/fred/http.st" would have a default target name of "http"
- stringtable_withext = specstringtable.File()
- self.__stringtable = stringtable_withext.rsplit(".",1)[0].lower()
- self.__currentStringTableVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET", self.__stringtable))
- self.__stringtableHeaderonlyspecified = False
- return "OK"
- def doStringTableAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
- """ Assign variables for stringtables """
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- varname = toks[0].upper() # the mmp keyword
- varvalue = "".join(toks[1])
- # Get rid of any .rsc extension because the build system
- # needs to have it stripped off to calculate other names
- # for other purposes and # we aren't going to make it
- # optional anyhow.
- if varname == "EXPORTPATH":
- finalvalue = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(self.__currentMmpFile, varvalue)
- self.__stringtableExported = True
- else:
- finalvalue = varvalue
- self.__debug("Set stringtable "+varname+" to " + finalvalue)
- self.__currentStringTableVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,finalvalue))
- return "OK"
- def doStringTableSetSwitch(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- if toks[0].upper()== "HEADERONLY":
- self.__stringtableHeaderonlyspecified = True
- self.__debug( "Set stringtable switch "+toks[0]+" ON")
- self.__currentStringTableVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(toks[0].upper(), "1"))
- return "OK"
- def doEndStringTable(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- if not self.__stringtableExported:
- # There was no EXPORTPATH specified for this stringtable
- # so for our other code to be able to reference it we
- # must add the path of the generated location to the userinclude path
- ipath = "$(OUTPUTPATH)"
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("USERINCLUDE",ipath))
- self.__userinclude += ' ' + ipath
- self.__debug(" USERINCLUDE = %s", self.__userinclude)
- self.__userinclude.strip()
- self.StringTableVariants.append(self.__currentStringTableVariant)
- self.__currentStringTableVariant = None
- self.__debug("End STRINGTABLE")
- if not self.__stringtableHeaderonlyspecified:
- # Have to assume that this is where the cpp file will be. This has to be maintained
- # in sync with the FLM's idea of where this file should be. We need a better way.
- # Interfaces also need outputs that allow other interfaces to refer to their outputs
- # without having to "know" where they will be.
- self.sources.append('$(OUTPUTPATH)/' + self.__stringtable + '.cpp')
- return "OK"
- def doUnknownStatement(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__warn("%s (%d) : Unrecognised Keyword %s", self.__currentMmpFile, self.__currentLineNumber, str(toks))
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- return "OK"
- def doUnknownBlock(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__warn("%s (%d) : Unrecognised Block %s", self.__currentMmpFile, self.__currentLineNumber, str(toks))
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- return "OK"
- def doDeprecated(self,s,loc,toks):
- self.__debug( "Deprecated command " + str(toks))
- self.__warn("%s (%d) : %s is deprecated .mmp file syntax", self.__currentMmpFile, self.__currentLineNumber, str(toks))
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- return "OK"
- def doNothing(self):
- self.__currentLineNumber += 1
- return "OK"
- def finalise(self, aBuildPlatform):
- """Post-processing of data that is only applicable in the context of a fully
- processed .mmp file."""
- resolvedDefFile = ""
- if self.__TARGET:
- defaultRootName = self.__TARGET
- if self.__TARGETEXT!="":
- defaultRootName += "." + self.__TARGETEXT
- # NOTE: Changing default .def file name based on the LINKAS argument is actually
- # a defect, but this follows the behaviour of the current build system.
- if (self.__LINKAS):
- defaultRootName = self.__LINKAS
- resolvedDefFile = self.resolveDefFile(defaultRootName, aBuildPlatform)
- self.__debug("Resolved def file: %s" % resolvedDefFile )
- # We need to store this resolved deffile location for the FREEZE target
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("RESOLVED_DEFFILE", resolvedDefFile))
- # If a deffile is specified, an FLM will put in a dependency.
- # If a deffile is specified then raptor_meta will guess a name but:
- # 1) If the guess is wrong then the FLM will complain "no rule to make ..."
- # 2) In some cases, e.g. plugin, 1) is not desirable as the presence of a def file
- # is not a necessity. In these cases the FLM needs to know if DEFFILE
- # is a guess or not so it can decide if a dependency should be added.
- # We check that the def file exists and that it is non-zero (incredible
- # that this should be needed).
- deffile_keyword="1"
- if self.deffile == "":
- # If the user didn't specify a deffile name then
- # we must be guessing
- # Let's check if our guess actually corresponds to a
- # real file. If it does then that confims the guess.
- # If there's no file then we still need to pass make the name
- # so it can complain about there not being a DEF file
- # for this particular target type and fail to build this target.
- deffile_keyword=""
- try:
- findpath = generic_path.Path(resolvedDefFile)
- foundfile = findpath.FindCaseless()
- if foundfile == None:
- raise IOError("file not found")
- self.__debug("Found DEFFILE " + foundfile.GetLocalString())
- rfstat = os.stat(foundfile.GetLocalString())
- mode = rfstat[stat.ST_MODE]
- if mode != None and stat.S_ISREG(mode) and rfstat[stat.ST_SIZE] > 0:
- resolvedDefFile = str(foundfile)
- else:
- resolvedDefFile=""
- except Exception,e:
- self.__debug("While Searching for an IMPLIED DEFFILE: %s: %s" % (str(e),str(findpath)) )
- resolvedDefFile=""
- else:
- if not resolvedDefFile == "":
- try:
- findpath = generic_path.Path(resolvedDefFile)
- resolvedDefFile = str(findpath.FindCaseless())
- if resolvedDefFile=="None":
- raise IOError("file not found")
- except Exception,e:
- self.__warn("While Searching for a SPECIFIED DEFFILE: %s: %s" % (str(e),str(findpath)) )
- resolvedDefFile=""
- else:
- self.__warn("DEFFILE KEYWORD used (%s) but def file not resolved" % (self.deffile) )
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("DEFFILE", resolvedDefFile))
- self.__debug("Set DEFFILE to " + resolvedDefFile)
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("DEFFILEKEYWORD", deffile_keyword))
- self.__debug("Set DEFFILEKEYWORD to '%s'",deffile_keyword)
- # if this target type has a default TARGETPATH other than "" for
- # resources then we need to add that default to all resources which
- # do not explicitly set the TARGETPATH themselves.
- tp = self.getDefaultResourceTargetPath(self.getTargetType())
- if tp:
- for i,var in enumerate(self.ResourceVariants):
- # does this resource specify its own TARGETPATH?
- needTP = True
- for op in var.ops:
- if isinstance(op, raptor_data.Set) \
- and op.name == "TARGETPATH":
- needTP = False
- break
- if needTP:
- self.ResourceVariants[i].AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGETPATH", tp))
- # some core build configurations need to know about the resource builds, and
- # some resource building configurations need knowledge of the core build
- for resourceFile in self.__resourceFiles:
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("RESOURCEFILES", resourceFile))
- for i,var in enumerate(self.ResourceVariants):
- self.ResourceVariants[i].AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("MAIN_TARGET_lower", self.__TARGET.lower()))
- self.ResourceVariants[i].AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("MAIN_REQUESTEDTARGETEXT", self.__TARGETEXT.lower()))
- # Create Capability variable in one SET operation (more efficient than multiple appends)
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CAPABILITY"," ".join(self.capabilities)))
- # Resolve combined capabilities as hex flags, for configurations that require them
- capabilityFlag1 = 0
- capabilityFlag2 = 0 # Always 0
- for capability in [c.lower() for c in self.capabilities]:
- invert = 0
- if capability.startswith('-'):
- invert = 0xffffffff
- capability = capability.lstrip('-')
- if MMPRaptorBackend.supportedCapabilities.has_key(capability):
- capabilityFlag1 = capabilityFlag1 ^ invert
- capabilityFlag1 = capabilityFlag1 | MMPRaptorBackend.supportedCapabilities[capability]
- capabilityFlag1 = capabilityFlag1 ^ invert
- capabilityFlag1 = "%08xu" % capabilityFlag1
- capabilityFlag2 = "%08xu" % capabilityFlag2
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CAPABILITYFLAG1", capabilityFlag1))
- self.__debug ("Set CAPABILITYFLAG1 to " + capabilityFlag1)
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CAPABILITYFLAG2", capabilityFlag2))
- self.__debug ("Set CAPABILITYFLAG2 to " + capabilityFlag2)
- # For non-Feature Variant builds, the location of the product include hrh file is
- # appended to the SYSTEMINCLUDE list
- if not aBuildPlatform['ISFEATUREVARIANT']:
- productIncludePath = str(aBuildPlatform['VARIANT_HRH'].Dir())
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("SYSTEMINCLUDE",productIncludePath))
- self.__debug("Appending product include location %s to SYSTEMINCLUDE",productIncludePath)
- # Specifying both a PAGED* and its opposite UNPAGED* keyword in a .mmp file
- # will generate a warning and the last keyword specified will take effect.
- self.__pageConflict.reverse()
- if "PAGEDCODE" in self.__pageConflict and "UNPAGEDCODE" in self.__pageConflict:
- for x in self.__pageConflict:
- if x == "PAGEDCODE" or x == "UNPAGEDCODE":
- self.__Raptor.Warn("Both PAGEDCODE and UNPAGEDCODE are specified. The last one %s will take effect" % x)
- break
- if "PAGEDDATA" in self.__pageConflict and "UNPAGEDDATA" in self.__pageConflict:
- for x in self.__pageConflict:
- if x == "PAGEDDATA" or x == "UNPAGEDDATA":
- self.__Raptor.Warn("Both PAGEDDATA and UNPAGEDDATA are specified. The last one %s will take effect" % x)
- break
- # Set Debuggable
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("DEBUGGABLE", self.__debuggable))
- if self.__explicitversion:
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("UNIQUETARGETPATH","$(TARGET_lower)_$(VERSIONHEX)_$(REQUESTEDTARGETEXT)",'/'))
- else:
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("UNIQUETARGETPATH","$(TARGET_lower)_$(REQUESTEDTARGETEXT)",'/'))
- # Put the list of sourcefiles in with one Set operation - saves memory
- # and performance over using multiple Append operations.
- self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("SOURCE",
- " ".join(self.sources)))
- def getTargetType(self):
- """Target type in lower case - the standard format"""
- return self.__targettype.lower()
- def resolveDefFile(self, aTARGET, aBuildPlatform):
- """Returns a fully resolved DEFFILE entry depending on .mmp file location and TARGET, DEFFILE and NOSTRICTDEF
- entries in the .mmp file itself (where appropriate).
- Is able to deal with target names that have multiple '.' characters e.g. messageintercept.esockdebug.dll
- """
- resolvedDefFile = ""
- platform = aBuildPlatform['PLATFORM']
- # Not having a default .def file directory is a pretty strong indicator that
- # .def files aren't supported for the particular platform
- if PlatformDefaultDefFileDir.has_key(platform):
- (targetname,targetext) = os.path.splitext(aTARGET)
- (defname,defext) = os.path.splitext(self.deffile)
- if defext=="":
- defext = ".def"
- if len(targetext) > 4:
- targetname += defext
- if not self.deffile:
- resolvedDefFile = targetname
- else:
- if re.search('[\\|\/]$', self.deffile):
- # If DEFFILE is *solely* a path, signified by ending in a slash, then TARGET is the
- # basis for the default .def filename but with the specified path as prefix
- resolvedDefFile = self.deffile + targetname
- else:
- resolvedDefFile = defname
- resolvedDefFile = resolvedDefFile.replace('~', PlatformDefaultDefFileDir[platform])
- if resolvedDefFile:
- if not self.nostrictdef:
- resolvedDefFile += 'u'
- if self.__explicitversion:
- resolvedDefFile += '{' + self.__versionhex + '}'
- resolvedDefFile += defext
- # If a DEFFILE statement doesn't specify a path in any shape or form, prepend the default .def file
- # location based on the platform being built
- if not re.search('[\\\/]+', self.deffile):
- resolvedDefFile = '../'+PlatformDefaultDefFileDir[platform]+'/'+resolvedDefFile
- resolvedDefFile = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(self.__defFileRoot, resolvedDefFile, 'DEFFILE', "", str(aBuildPlatform['EPOCROOT']))
- return resolvedDefFile
-def CheckedGet(self, key, default = None):
- """extract a value from an self and raise an exception if None.
- An optional default can be set to replace a None value.
- This function belongs in the Evaluator class logically. But
- Evaluator doesn't know how to raise a Metadata error. Since
- being able to raise a metadata error is the whole point of
- the method, it makes sense to adapt the Evaluator class from
- raptor_meta for the use of everything inside raptor_meta.
- ... so it will be added to the Evaluator class.
- """
- value = self.Get(key)
- if value == None:
- if default == None:
- raise MetaDataError("configuration " + self.buildUnit.name +
- " has no variable " + key)
- else:
- return default
- return value
-raptor_data.Evaluator.CheckedGet = CheckedGet
-class MetaReader(object):
- """Entry point class for Symbian metadata processing.
- Provides a means of integrating "traditional" Symbian metadata processing
- with the new Raptor build system."""
- filesplit_re = re.compile(r"^(?P<name>.*)\.(?P<ext>[^\.]*)$")
- def __init__(self, aRaptor, configsToBuild):
- self.__Raptor = aRaptor
- self.BuildPlatforms = []
- self.ExportPlatforms = []
- # Get the version of CPP that we are using
- metadata = self.__Raptor.cache.FindNamedVariant("meta")
- evaluator = self.__Raptor.GetEvaluator(None, raptor_data.BuildUnit(metadata.name, [metadata]) )
- self.__gnucpp = evaluator.CheckedGet("GNUCPP")
- self.__defaultplatforms = evaluator.CheckedGet("DEFAULT_PLATFORMS")
- self.__basedefaultplatforms = evaluator.CheckedGet("BASE_DEFAULT_PLATFORMS")
- self.__baseuserdefaultplatforms = evaluator.CheckedGet("BASE_USER_DEFAULT_PLATFORMS")
- # Only read each variant.cfg once
- variantCfgs = {}
- # Group the list of configurations into "build platforms".
- # A build platform is a set of configurations which share
- # the same metadata. In other words, a set of configurations
- # for which the bld.inf and MMP files pre-process to exactly
- # the same text.
- platforms = {}
- # Exports are not "platform dependent" but they are configuration
- # dependent because different configs can have different EPOCROOT
- # and VARIANT_HRH values. Each "build platform" has one associated
- # "export platform" but several "build platforms" can be associated
- # with the same "export platform".
- exports = {}
- self.__Raptor.Debug("MetaReader: configsToBuild: %s", [b.name for b in configsToBuild])
- for buildConfig in configsToBuild:
- # get everything we need to know about the configuration
- evaluator = self.__Raptor.GetEvaluator(None, buildConfig)
- detail = {}
- detail['PLATFORM'] = evaluator.CheckedGet("TRADITIONAL_PLATFORM")
- epocroot = evaluator.CheckedGet("EPOCROOT")
- detail['EPOCROOT'] = generic_path.Path(epocroot)
- sbs_build_dir = evaluator.CheckedGet("SBS_BUILD_DIR")
- detail['SBS_BUILD_DIR'] = generic_path.Path(sbs_build_dir)
- flm_export_dir = evaluator.CheckedGet("FLM_EXPORT_DIR")
- detail['FLM_EXPORT_DIR'] = generic_path.Path(flm_export_dir)
- detail['CACHEID'] = flm_export_dir
- if raptor_utilities.getOSPlatform().startswith("win"):
- detail['PLATMACROS'] = evaluator.CheckedGet("PLATMACROS.WINDOWS")
- else:
- detail['PLATMACROS'] = evaluator.CheckedGet("PLATMACROS.LINUX")
- # Apply OS variant provided we are not ignoring this
- if not self.__Raptor.ignoreOsDetection:
- self.__Raptor.Debug("Automatic OS detection enabled.")
- self.ApplyOSVariant(buildConfig, epocroot)
- else: # We are ignore OS versions so no detection required, so no variant will be applied
- self.__Raptor.Debug("Automatic OS detection disabled.")
- # is this a feature variant config or an ordinary variant
- fv = evaluator.Get("FEATUREVARIANTNAME")
- if fv:
- variantHdr = evaluator.CheckedGet("VARIANT_HRH")
- variantHRH = generic_path.Path(variantHdr)
- detail['ISFEATUREVARIANT'] = True
- else:
- variantCfg = evaluator.CheckedGet("VARIANT_CFG")
- variantCfg = generic_path.Path(variantCfg)
- if not variantCfg in variantCfgs:
- # get VARIANT_HRH from the variant.cfg file
- varCfg = getVariantCfgDetail(detail['EPOCROOT'], variantCfg)
- variantCfgs[variantCfg] = varCfg['VARIANT_HRH']
- # we expect to always build ABIv2
- if not 'ENABLE_ABIV2_MODE' in varCfg:
- self.__Raptor.Warn("missing flag ENABLE_ABIV2_MODE in %s file. ABIV1 builds are not supported.",
- str(variantCfg))
- variantHRH = variantCfgs[variantCfg]
- detail['ISFEATUREVARIANT'] = False
- detail['VARIANT_HRH'] = variantHRH
- self.__Raptor.Info("'%s' uses variant hrh file '%s'", buildConfig.name, variantHRH)
- detail['SYSTEMINCLUDE'] = evaluator.CheckedGet("SYSTEMINCLUDE")
- # find all the interface names we need
- ifaceTypes = evaluator.CheckedGet("INTERFACE_TYPES")
- interfaces = ifaceTypes.split()
- for iface in interfaces:
- detail[iface] = evaluator.CheckedGet("INTERFACE." + iface)
- # not test code unless positively specified
- detail['TESTCODE'] = evaluator.CheckedGet("TESTCODE", "")
- # make a key that identifies this platform uniquely
- # - used to tell us whether we have done the pre-processing
- # we need already using another platform with compatible values.
- key = str(detail['VARIANT_HRH']) \
- + str(detail['EPOCROOT']) \
- + detail['SYSTEMINCLUDE'] \
- + detail['PLATFORM']
- # Keep a short version of the key for use in filenames.
- uniq = hashlib.md5()
- uniq.update(key)
- detail['key'] = key
- detail['key_md5'] = "p_" + uniq.hexdigest()
- del uniq
- # compare this configuration to the ones we have already seen
- # Is this an unseen export platform?
- # concatenate all the values we care about in a fixed order
- # and use that as a signature for the exports.
- export = ""
- for i in items:
- if i in detail:
- export += i + str(detail[i])
- if export in exports:
- # add this configuration to an existing export platform
- index = exports[export]
- self.ExportPlatforms[index]['configs'].append(buildConfig)
- else:
- # create a new export platform with this configuration
- exports[export] = len(self.ExportPlatforms)
- exp = copy.copy(detail)
- exp['PLATFORM'] = 'EXPORT'
- exp['configs'] = [buildConfig]
- self.ExportPlatforms.append(exp)
- # Is this an unseen build platform?
- # concatenate all the values we care about in a fixed order
- # and use that as a signature for the platform.
- if raptor_utilities.getOSPlatform().startswith("win"):
- items.append('PLATMACROS.WINDOWS')
- else:
- items.append('PLATMACROS.LINUX')
- items.extend(interfaces)
- platform = ""
- for i in items:
- if i in detail:
- platform += i + str(detail[i])
- if platform in platforms:
- # add this configuration to an existing build platform
- index = platforms[platform]
- self.BuildPlatforms[index]['configs'].append(buildConfig)
- else:
- # create a new build platform with this configuration
- platforms[platform] = len(self.BuildPlatforms)
- detail['configs'] = [buildConfig]
- self.BuildPlatforms.append(detail)
- # one platform is picked as the "default" for extracting things
- # that are supposedly platform independent (e.g. PRJ_PLATFORMS)
- self.defaultPlatform = self.ExportPlatforms[0]
- def ReadBldInfFiles(self, aComponentList, doexport, dobuild = True):
- """Take a list of bld.inf files and return a list of build specs.
- The returned specification nodes will be suitable for all the build
- configurations under consideration (using Filter nodes where required).
- """
- # we need a Filter node per export platform
- exportNodes = []
- for i,ep in enumerate(self.ExportPlatforms):
- filter = raptor_data.Filter(name = "export_" + str(i))
- # what configurations is this node active for?
- for config in ep['configs']:
- filter.AddConfigCondition(config.name)
- exportNodes.append(filter)
- # we need a Filter node per build platform
- platformNodes = []
- for i,bp in enumerate(self.BuildPlatforms):
- filter = raptor_data.Filter(name = "build_" + str(i))
- # what configurations is this node active for?
- for config in bp['configs']:
- filter.AddConfigCondition(config.name)
- # platform-wide data
- platformVar = raptor_data.Variant()
- platformVar.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PRODUCT_INCLUDE",
- str(bp['VARIANT_HRH'])))
- filter.AddVariant(platformVar)
- platformNodes.append(filter)
- # check that each bld.inf exists and add a Specification node for it
- # to the nodes of the export and build platforms that it supports.
- for c in aComponentList:
- if c.bldinf_filename.isFile():
- self.__Raptor.Info("Processing %s", str(c.bldinf_filename))
- try:
- self.AddComponentNodes(c, exportNodes, platformNodes)
- except MetaDataError, e:
- self.__Raptor.Error(e.Text, bldinf=str(c.bldinf_filename))
- if not self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
- return []
- else:
- self.__Raptor.Error("build info file does not exist", bldinf=str(c.bldinf_filename))
- if not self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
- return []
- # now we have the top-level structure in place...
- #
- # <filter exports 1>
- # <spec bld.inf 1 />
- # <spec bld.inf 2 />
- # <spec bld.inf N /> </filter>
- # <filter build 1>
- # <spec bld.inf 1 />
- # <spec bld.inf 2 />
- # <spec bld.inf N /> </filter>
- # <filter build 2>
- # <spec bld.inf 1 />
- # <spec bld.inf 2 />
- # <spec bld.inf N /> </filter>
- # <filter build 3>
- # <spec bld.inf 1 />
- # <spec bld.inf 2 />
- # <spec bld.inf N /> </filter>
- #
- # assuming that every bld.inf builds for every platform and all
- # exports go to the same place. clearly, it is more likely that
- # some filters have less than N child nodes. in bigger builds there
- # will also be more than one export platform.
- # we now need to process the EXPORTS for all the bld.inf nodes
- # before we can do anything else (because raptor itself must do
- # some exports before the MMP files that include them can be
- # processed).
- if doexport:
- for i,p in enumerate(exportNodes):
- exportPlatform = self.ExportPlatforms[i]
- for s in p.GetChildSpecs():
- try:
- self.ProcessExports(s, exportPlatform)
- except MetaDataError, e:
- self.__Raptor.Error("%s",e.Text)
- if not self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
- return []
- else:
- self.__Raptor.Info("Not Processing Exports (--noexport enabled)")
- # this is a switch to return the function at this point if export
- # only option is specified in the run
- if dobuild is not True:
- self.__Raptor.Info("Processing Exports only")
- return[]
- # after exports are done we can look to see if there are any
- # new Interfaces which can be used for EXTENSIONS. Make sure
- # that we only load each cache once as some export platforms
- # may share a directory.
- doneID = {}
- for ep in self.ExportPlatforms:
- flmDir = ep["FLM_EXPORT_DIR"]
- cid = ep["CACHEID"]
- if flmDir.isDir() and not cid in doneID:
- self.__Raptor.cache.Load(flmDir, cid)
- doneID[cid] = True
- # finally we can process all the other parts of the bld.inf nodes.
- # Keep a list of the projects we were asked to build so that we can
- # tell at the end if there were any we didn't know about.
- self.projectList = list(self.__Raptor.projects)
- for i,p in enumerate(platformNodes):
- buildPlatform = self.BuildPlatforms[i]
- for s in p.GetChildSpecs():
- try:
- self.ProcessTEMs(s, buildPlatform)
- self.ProcessMMPs(s, buildPlatform)
- except MetaDataError, e:
- self.__Raptor.Error(e.Text)
- if not self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
- return []
- for badProj in self.projectList:
- self.__Raptor.Warn("Can't find project '%s' in any build info file", badProj)
- # everything is specified
- return exportNodes + platformNodes
- def ModuleName(self,aBldInfPath):
- """Calculate the name of the ROM/emulator batch files that run the tests"""
- def LeftPortionOf(pth,sep):
- """ Internal function to return portion of str that is to the left of sep.
- The split is case-insensitive."""
- length = len((pth.lower().split(sep.lower()))[0])
- return pth[0:length]
- modulePath = LeftPortionOf(LeftPortionOf(os.path.dirname(aBldInfPath), "group"), "ongoing")
- moduleName = os.path.basename(modulePath.strip("/"))
- # Ensure that ModuleName does not return blank, if the above calculation determines
- # that moduleName is blank
- if moduleName == "" or moduleName.endswith(":"):
- moduleName = "module"
- return moduleName
- def AddComponentNodes(self, component, exportNodes, platformNodes):
- """Add Specification nodes for a bld.inf to the appropriate platforms."""
- bldInfFile = BldInfFile(component.bldinf_filename, self.__gnucpp, component.depfiles, self.__Raptor)
- component.bldinf = bldInfFile
- specName = getSpecName(component.bldinf_filename, fullPath=True)
- if isinstance(component.bldinf, raptor_xml.SystemModelComponent):
- # this component came from a system_definition.xml
- layer = component.bldinf.GetContainerName("layer")
- componentName = component.bldinf.GetContainerName("component")
- else:
- # this is a plain old bld.inf file from the command-line
- layer = ""
- componentName = ""
- # exports are independent of build platform
- for i,ep in enumerate(self.ExportPlatforms):
- specNode = raptor_data.Specification(name = specName)
- # keep the BldInfFile object for later
- specNode.component = component
- # add some basic data in a component-wide variant
- var = raptor_data.Variant(name='component-wide')
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("COMPONENT_META", str(component.bldinf_filename)))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("COMPONENT_NAME", componentName))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("COMPONENT_LAYER", layer))
- specNode.AddVariant(var)
- # add this bld.inf Specification to the export platform
- exportNodes[i].AddChild(specNode)
- component.exportspecs.append(specNode)
- # get the relevant build platforms
- listedPlatforms = bldInfFile.getBuildPlatforms(self.defaultPlatform)
- platforms = getBuildableBldInfBuildPlatforms(listedPlatforms,
- self.__defaultplatforms,
- self.__basedefaultplatforms,
- self.__baseuserdefaultplatforms)
- outputDir = BldInfFile.outputPathFragment(component.bldinf_filename)
- # Calculate "module name"
- modulename = self.ModuleName(str(component.bldinf_filename))
- for i,bp in enumerate(self.BuildPlatforms):
- plat = bp['PLATFORM']
- if bp['PLATFORM'] in platforms:
- specNode = raptor_data.Specification(name = specName)
- # remember what component this spec node comes from for later
- specNode.component = component
- # add some basic data in a component-wide variant
- var = raptor_data.Variant(name='component-wide-settings-' + plat)
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("COMPONENT_META",str(component.bldinf_filename)))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("COMPONENT_NAME", componentName))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("COMPONENT_LAYER", layer))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("MODULE", modulename))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("OUTPUTPATHOFFSET", outputDir, '/'))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("OUTPUTPATH", outputDir, '/'))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("BLDINF_OUTPUTPATH",outputDir, '/'))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TEST_OPTION", component.bldinf.getRomTestType(bp)))
- specNode.AddVariant(var)
- # add this bld.inf Specification to the build platform
- platformNodes[i].AddChild(specNode)
- # also attach it into the component
- component.specs.append(specNode)
- def ProcessExports(self, componentNode, exportPlatform):
- """Do the exports for a given platform and skeleton bld.inf node.
- This will actually perform exports as certain types of files (.mmh)
- are required to be in place before the rest of the bld.inf node
- (and parts of other bld.inf nodes) can be processed.
- [some MMP files #include exported .mmh files]
- """
- if exportPlatform["TESTCODE"]:
- exports = componentNode.component.bldinf.getTestExports(exportPlatform)
- else:
- exports = componentNode.component.bldinf.getExports(exportPlatform)
- self.__Raptor.Debug("%i exports for %s",
- len(exports), str(componentNode.component.bldinf.filename))
- if exports:
- # each export is either a 'copy' or 'unzip'
- # maybe we should trap multiple exports to the same location here?
- epocroot = str(exportPlatform["EPOCROOT"])
- bldinf_filename = str(componentNode.component.bldinf.filename)
- exportwhatlog="<whatlog bldinf='%s' mmp='' config=''>\n" % bldinf_filename
- for export in exports:
- expSrc = export.getSource()
- expDstList = export.getDestination() # Might not be a list in all circumstances
- # make it a list if it isn't
- if not isinstance(expDstList, list):
- expDstList = [expDstList]
- fromFile = generic_path.Path(expSrc.replace("$(EPOCROOT)", epocroot))
- # For each destination in the destination list, add an export target, perform it if required.
- # This ensures that make knows the dependency situation but that the export is made
- # before any other part of the metadata requires it. It also helps with the build
- # from clean situation where we can't use order only prerequisites.
- for expDst in expDstList:
- toFile = generic_path.Path(expDst.replace("$(EPOCROOT)", epocroot))
- try:
- if export.getAction() == "copy":
- # export the file
- exportwhatlog += self.CopyExport(fromFile, toFile, bldinf_filename)
- else:
- exportwhatlog += ("<archive zipfile='" + str(fromFile) + "'>\n")
- members = self.UnzipExport(fromFile, toFile,
- str(exportPlatform['SBS_BUILD_DIR']),
- bldinf_filename)
- if members != None:
- exportwhatlog += members
- exportwhatlog += "</archive>\n"
- except MetaDataError, e:
- if self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
- self.__Raptor.Error("%s",e.Text, bldinf=bldinf_filename)
- else:
- raise e
- exportwhatlog+="</whatlog>\n"
- self.__Raptor.PrintXML("%s",exportwhatlog)
- def CopyExport(self, _source, _destination, bldInfFile):
- """Copy the source file to the destination file (create a directory
- to copy into if it does not exist). Don't copy if the destination
- file exists and has an equal or newer modification time."""
- source = generic_path.Path(str(_source).replace('%20',' '))
- destination = generic_path.Path(str(_destination).replace('%20',' '))
- dest_str = str(destination)
- source_str = str(source)
- exportwhatlog="<export destination='" + dest_str + "' source='" + \
- source_str + "'/>\n"
- try:
- destDir = destination.Dir()
- if not destDir.isDir():
- os.makedirs(str(destDir))
- shutil.copyfile(source_str, dest_str)
- return exportwhatlog
- sourceMTime = 0
- destMTime = 0
- try:
- sourceMTime = os.stat(source_str)[stat.ST_MTIME]
- destMTime = os.stat(dest_str)[stat.ST_MTIME]
- except OSError, e:
- if sourceMTime == 0:
- message = "Source of export does not exist: " + str(source)
- if not self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
- raise MetaDataError(message)
- else:
- self.__Raptor.Error(message, bldinf=bldInfFile)
- if destMTime == 0 or destMTime < sourceMTime:
- if os.path.exists(dest_str):
- os.chmod(dest_str,stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)
- shutil.copyfile(source_str, dest_str)
- self.__Raptor.Info("Copied %s to %s", source_str, dest_str)
- else:
- self.__Raptor.Info("Up-to-date: %s", dest_str)
- except Exception,e:
- message = "Could not export " + source_str + " to " + dest_str + " : " + str(e)
- if not self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
- raise MetaDataError(message)
- else:
- self.__Raptor.Error(message, bldinf=bldInfFile)
- return exportwhatlog
- def UnzipExport(self, _source, _destination, _sbs_build_dir, bldinf_filename):
- """Unzip the source zipfile into the destination directory
- but only if the markerfile does not already exist there
- or it does exist but is older than the zipfile.
- the markerfile is comprised of the name of the zipfile
- with the ".zip" removed and ".unzipped" added.
- """
- # Insert spaces into file if they are there
- source = str(_source).replace('%20',' ')
- destination = str(_destination).replace('%20',' ')
- sanitisedSource = raptor_utilities.sanitise(source)
- sanitisedDestination = raptor_utilities.sanitise(destination)
- destination = str(_destination).replace('%20',' ')
- exportwhatlog = ""
- try:
- if not _destination.isDir():
- os.makedirs(destination)
- # Form the directory to contain the unzipped marker files, and make the directory if require.
- markerfiledir = generic_path.Path(_sbs_build_dir)
- if not markerfiledir.isDir():
- os.makedirs(str(markerfiledir))
- # Form the marker file name and convert to Python string
- markerfilename = str(generic_path.Join(markerfiledir, sanitisedSource + sanitisedDestination + ".unzipped"))
- # Don't unzip if the marker file is already there or more uptodate
- sourceMTime = 0
- destMTime = 0
- try:
- sourceMTime = os.stat(source)[stat.ST_MTIME]
- destMTime = os.stat(markerfilename)[stat.ST_MTIME]
- except OSError, e:
- if sourceMTime == 0:
- raise MetaDataError("Source zip for export does not exist: " + source)
- if destMTime != 0 and destMTime >= sourceMTime:
- # This file has already been unzipped. Print members then return
- exportzip = zipfile.ZipFile(source, 'r')
- files = exportzip.namelist()
- files.sort()
- for file in files:
- if not file.endswith('/'):
- expfilename = str(generic_path.Join(destination, file))
- exportwhatlog += "<member>" + expfilename + "</member>\n"
- self.__Raptor.PrintXML("<clean bldinf='" + bldinf_filename + "' mmp='' config=''>\n")
- self.__Raptor.PrintXML("<zipmarker>" + markerfilename + "</zipmarker>\n")
- self.__Raptor.PrintXML("</clean>\n")
- return exportwhatlog
- exportzip = zipfile.ZipFile(source, 'r')
- files = exportzip.namelist()
- files.sort()
- filecount = 0
- for file in files:
- expfilename = str(generic_path.Join(destination, file))
- if file.endswith('/'):
- try:
- os.makedirs(expfilename)
- except OSError, e:
- pass # errors to do with "already exists" are not interesting.
- else:
- try:
- os.makedirs(os.path.split(expfilename)[0])
- except OSError, e:
- pass # errors to do with "already exists" are not interesting.
- try:
- if os.path.exists(expfilename):
- os.chmod(expfilename,stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)
- expfile = open(expfilename, 'wb')
- expfile.write(exportzip.read(file))
- expfile.close()
- # Resurrect any file execution permissions present in the archived version
- if (exportzip.getinfo(file).external_attr >> 16L) & 0100:
- os.chmod(expfilename, stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(expfilename).st_mode) | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)
- # Each file keeps its modified time the same as what it was before unzipping
- accesstime = time.time()
- datetime = exportzip.getinfo(file).date_time
- timeTuple=(int(datetime[0]), int(datetime[1]), int(datetime[2]), int(datetime[3]), \
- int(datetime[4]), int(datetime[5]), int(0), int(0), int(0))
- modifiedtime = time.mktime(timeTuple)
- os.utime(expfilename,(accesstime, modifiedtime))
- filecount += 1
- exportwhatlog+="<member>" + expfilename + "</member>\n"
- except IOError, e:
- message = "Could not unzip %s to %s: file %s: %s" %(source, destination, expfilename, str(e))
- if not self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
- raise MetaDataError(message)
- else:
- self.__Raptor.Error(message, bldinf=bldinf_filename)
- markerfile = open(markerfilename, 'wb+')
- markerfile.close()
- self.__Raptor.PrintXML("<clean bldinf='" + bldinf_filename + "' mmp='' config=''>\n")
- self.__Raptor.PrintXML("<zipmarker>" + markerfilename + "</zipmarker>\n")
- self.__Raptor.PrintXML("</clean>\n")
- except IOError:
- self.__Raptor.Warn("Problem while unzipping export %s to %s: %s",source,destination,str(e))
- self.__Raptor.Info("Unzipped %d files from %s to %s", filecount, source, destination)
- return exportwhatlog
- def ProcessTEMs(self, componentNode, buildPlatform):
- """Add Template Extension Makefile nodes for a given platform
- to a skeleton bld.inf node.
- This happens after exports have been handled.
- """
- if buildPlatform["ISFEATUREVARIANT"]:
- return # feature variation does not run extensions at all
- if buildPlatform["TESTCODE"]:
- extensions = componentNode.component.bldinf.getTestExtensions(buildPlatform)
- else:
- extensions = componentNode.component.bldinf.getExtensions(buildPlatform)
- self.__Raptor.Debug("%i template extension makefiles for %s",
- len(extensions), str(componentNode.component.bldinf.filename))
- for i,extension in enumerate(extensions):
- if self.__Raptor.projects:
- if not extension.nametag in self.__Raptor.projects:
- self.__Raptor.Debug("Skipping %s", extension.getMakefile())
- continue
- elif extension.nametag in self.projectList:
- self.projectList.remove(extension.nametag)
- extensionSpec = raptor_data.Specification("extension" + str(i))
- interface = buildPlatform["extension"]
- customInterface = False
- # is there an FLM replacement for this extension?
- if extension.interface:
- try:
- interface = self.__Raptor.cache.FindNamedInterface(extension.interface, buildPlatform["CACHEID"])
- customInterface = True
- except KeyError:
- # no, there isn't an FLM
- pass
- extensionSpec.SetInterface(interface)
- var = raptor_data.Variant()
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("EPOCBLD", "$(OUTPUTPATH)"))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PLATFORM", buildPlatform["PLATFORM"]))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PLATFORM_PATH", buildPlatform["PLATFORM"].lower()))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CFG", "$(VARIANTTYPE)"))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CFG_PATH", "$(VARIANTTYPE)"))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("GENERATEDCPP", "$(OUTPUTPATH)"))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TEMPLATE_EXTENSION_MAKEFILE", extension.getMakefile()))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TEMCOUNT", str(i)))
- # Extension inputs are added to the build spec.
- # '$'s are escaped so that they are not expanded by Raptor or
- # by Make in the call to the FLM
- # The Extension makefiles are supposed to expand them themselves
- # Path separators need not be parameterised anymore
- # as bash is the standard shell
- standardVariables = extension.getStandardVariables()
- for standardVariable in standardVariables.keys():
- self.__Raptor.Debug("Set %s=%s", standardVariable, standardVariables[standardVariable])
- value = standardVariables[standardVariable].replace('$(', '$$$$(')
- value = value.replace('$/', '/').replace('$;', ':')
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(standardVariable, value))
- # . . . as with the standard variables but the names and number
- # of options are not known in advance so we add them to
- # a "structure" that is self-describing
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("O._MEMBERS", ""))
- options = extension.getOptions()
- for option in options:
- self.__Raptor.Debug("Set %s=%s", option, options[option])
- value = options[option].replace('$(EPOCROOT)', '$(EPOCROOT)/')
- value = value.replace('$(', '$$$$(')
- value = value.replace('$/', '/').replace('$;', ':')
- value = value.replace('$/', '/').replace('$;', ':')
- if customInterface:
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(option, value))
- else:
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("O._MEMBERS", option))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("O." + option, value))
- extensionSpec.AddVariant(var)
- componentNode.AddChild(extensionSpec)
- def ProcessMMPs(self, componentNode, buildPlatform):
- """Add project nodes for a given platform to a skeleton bld.inf node.
- This happens after exports have been handled.
- """
- gnuList = []
- makefileList = []
- component = componentNode.component
- if buildPlatform["TESTCODE"]:
- MMPList = component.bldinf.getTestMMPList(buildPlatform)
- else:
- MMPList = component.bldinf.getMMPList(buildPlatform)
- bldInfFile = component.bldinf.filename
- for mmpFileEntry in MMPList['mmpFileList']:
- component.AddMMP(mmpFileEntry.filename) # Tell the component another mmp is specified (for this platform)
- projectname = mmpFileEntry.filename.File().lower()
- if self.__Raptor.projects:
- if not projectname in self.__Raptor.projects:
- self.__Raptor.Debug("Skipping %s", str(mmpFileEntry.filename))
- continue
- elif projectname in self.projectList:
- self.projectList.remove(projectname)
- foundmmpfile = (mmpFileEntry.filename).FindCaseless()
- if foundmmpfile == None:
- self.__Raptor.Error("Can't find mmp file '%s'", str(mmpFileEntry.filename), bldinf=str(bldInfFile))
- continue
- mmpFile = MMPFile(foundmmpfile,
- self.__gnucpp,
- component.bldinf,
- component.depfiles,
- log = self.__Raptor)
- mmpFilename = mmpFile.filename
- self.__Raptor.Info("Processing %s for platform %s",
- str(mmpFilename),
- " + ".join([x.name for x in buildPlatform["configs"]]))
- # Run the Parser
- # The backend supplies the actions
- content = mmpFile.getContent(buildPlatform)
- backend = MMPRaptorBackend(self.__Raptor, str(mmpFilename), str(bldInfFile))
- parser = MMPParser(backend)
- parseresult = None
- try:
- parseresult = parser.mmp.parseString(content)
- except ParseException,e:
- self.__Raptor.Debug(e) # basically ignore parse exceptions
- if (not parseresult) or (parseresult[0] != 'MMP'):
- self.__Raptor.Error("The MMP Parser didn't recognise the mmp file '%s'",
- str(mmpFileEntry.filename),
- bldinf=str(bldInfFile))
- self.__Raptor.Debug(content)
- self.__Raptor.Debug("The parse result was %s", parseresult)
- else:
- backend.finalise(buildPlatform)
- # feature variation only processes FEATUREVARIANT binaries
- if buildPlatform["ISFEATUREVARIANT"] and not backend.featureVariant:
- continue
- # now build the specification tree
- mmpSpec = raptor_data.Specification(generic_path.Path(getSpecName(mmpFilename)))
- var = backend.BuildVariant
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PROJECT_META", str(mmpFilename)))
- # If it is a TESTMMPFILE section, the FLM needs to know about it
- if buildPlatform["TESTCODE"] and (mmpFileEntry.testoption in
- ["manual", "auto"]):
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TESTPATH",
- mmpFileEntry.testoption.lower() + ".bat"))
- # The output path for objects, stringtables and bitmaps specified by
- # this MMP. Adding in the requested target extension prevents build
- # "fouling" in cases where there are several mmp targets which only differ
- # by the requested extension. e.g. elocl.01 and elocl.18
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("OUTPUTPATH","$(UNIQUETARGETPATH)",'/'))
- # If the bld.inf entry for this MMP had the BUILD_AS_ARM option then
- # tell the FLM.
- if mmpFileEntry.armoption:
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("ALWAYS_BUILD_AS_ARM","1"))
- # what interface builds this node?
- try:
- interfaceName = buildPlatform[backend.getTargetType()]
- mmpSpec.SetInterface(interfaceName)
- except KeyError:
- self.__Raptor.Error("Unsupported target type '%s' in %s",
- backend.getTargetType(),
- str(mmpFileEntry.filename),
- bldinf=str(bldInfFile))
- continue
- # Although not part of the MMP, some MMP-based build specs additionally require knowledge of their
- # container bld.inf exported headers
- for export in componentNode.component.bldinf.getExports(buildPlatform):
- destination = export.getDestination()
- if isinstance(destination, list):
- exportfile = str(destination[0])
- else:
- exportfile = str(destination)
- if re.search('\.h',exportfile,re.IGNORECASE):
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("EXPORTHEADERS", str(exportfile)))
- # now we have something worth adding to the component
- mmpSpec.AddVariant(var)
- componentNode.AddChild(mmpSpec)
- # if there are APPLY variants then add them to the mmpSpec too
- for applyVar in backend.ApplyVariants:
- try:
- mmpSpec.AddVariant(self.__Raptor.cache.FindNamedVariant(applyVar))
- except KeyError:
- self.__Raptor.Error("APPLY unknown variant '%s' in %s",
- applyVar,
- str(mmpFileEntry.filename),
- bldinf=str(bldInfFile))
- # resources, stringtables and bitmaps are sub-nodes of this project
- # (do not add these for feature variant builds)
- if not buildPlatform["ISFEATUREVARIANT"]:
- # Buildspec for Resource files
- for i,rvar in enumerate(backend.ResourceVariants):
- resourceSpec = raptor_data.Specification('resource' + str(i))
- resourceSpec.SetInterface(buildPlatform['resource'])
- resourceSpec.AddVariant(rvar)
- mmpSpec.AddChild(resourceSpec)
- # Buildspec for String Tables
- for i,stvar in enumerate(backend.StringTableVariants):
- stringTableSpec = raptor_data.Specification('stringtable' + str(i))
- stringTableSpec.SetInterface(buildPlatform['stringtable'])
- stringTableSpec.AddVariant(stvar)
- mmpSpec.AddChild(stringTableSpec)
- # Buildspec for Bitmaps
- for i,bvar in enumerate(backend.BitmapVariants):
- bitmapSpec = raptor_data.Specification('bitmap' + str(i))
- bitmapSpec.SetInterface(buildPlatform['bitmap'])
- bitmapSpec.AddVariant(bvar)
- mmpSpec.AddChild(bitmapSpec)
- # feature variation does not run extensions at all
- # so return without considering .*MAKEFILE sections
- if buildPlatform["ISFEATUREVARIANT"]:
- return
- # Build spec for gnumakefile
- for g in MMPList['gnuList']:
- projectname = g.getMakefileName().lower()
- if self.__Raptor.projects:
- if not projectname in self.__Raptor.projects:
- self.__Raptor.Debug("Skipping %s", str(g.getMakefileName()))
- continue
- elif projectname in self.projectList:
- self.projectList.remove(projectname)
- self.__Raptor.Debug("%i gnumakefile extension makefiles for %s",
- len(gnuList), str(componentNode.component.bldinf.filename))
- var = raptor_data.Variant()
- gnuSpec = raptor_data.Specification("gnumakefile " + str(g.getMakefileName()))
- interface = buildPlatform["ext_makefile"]
- gnuSpec.SetInterface(interface)
- gnumakefilePath = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(str(bldInfFile), g.getMakefileName())
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("EPOCBLD", "$(OUTPUTPATH)"))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PLATFORM", buildPlatform["PLATFORM"]))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("EXTMAKEFILENAME", g.getMakefileName()))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("DIRECTORY",g.getMakeDirectory()))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CFG","$(VARIANTTYPE)"))
- standardVariables = g.getStandardVariables()
- for standardVariable in standardVariables.keys():
- self.__Raptor.Debug("Set %s=%s", standardVariable, standardVariables[standardVariable])
- value = standardVariables[standardVariable].replace('$(', '$$$$(')
- value = value.replace('$/', '/').replace('$;', ':')
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(standardVariable, value))
- gnuSpec.AddVariant(var)
- componentNode.AddChild(gnuSpec)
- # Build spec for makefile
- for m in MMPList['makefileList']:
- projectname = m.getMakefileName().lower()
- if self.__Raptor.projects:
- if not projectname in self.__Raptor.projects:
- self.__Raptor.Debug("Skipping %s", str(m.getMakefileName()))
- continue
- elif projectname in self.projectList:
- projectList.remove(projectname)
- self.__Raptor.Debug("%i makefile extension makefiles for %s",
- len(makefileList), str(componentNode.component.bldinf.filename))
- var = raptor_data.Variant()
- gnuSpec = raptor_data.Specification("makefile " + str(m.getMakefileName()))
- interface = buildPlatform["ext_makefile"]
- gnuSpec.SetInterface(interface)
- gnumakefilePath = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(str(bldInfFile), m.getMakefileName())
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("EPOCBLD", "$(OUTPUTPATH)"))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PLATFORM", buildPlatform["PLATFORM"]))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("EXTMAKEFILENAME", m.getMakefileName()))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("DIRECTORY",m.getMakeDirectory()))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CFG","$(VARIANTTYPE)"))
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("USENMAKE","1"))
- standardVariables = m.getStandardVariables()
- for standardVariable in standardVariables.keys():
- self.__Raptor.Debug("Set %s=%s", standardVariable, standardVariables[standardVariable])
- value = standardVariables[standardVariable].replace('$(', '$$$$(')
- value = value.replace('$/', '/').replace('$;', ':')
- var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(standardVariable, value))
- gnuSpec.AddVariant(var)
- componentNode.AddChild(gnuSpec)
- def ApplyOSVariant(self, aBuildUnit, aEpocroot):
- # Form path to kif.xml and path to buildinfo.txt
- kifXmlPath = generic_path.Join(aEpocroot, "epoc32", "data","kif.xml")
- buildInfoTxtPath = generic_path.Join(aEpocroot, "epoc32", "data","buildinfo.txt")
- # Start with osVersion being None. This variable is a string and does two things:
- # 1) is a representation of the OS version
- # 2) is potentially the name of a variant
- osVersion = None
- if kifXmlPath.isFile(): # kif.xml exists so try to read it
- osVersion = getOsVerFromKifXml(str(kifXmlPath))
- if osVersion != None:
- self.__Raptor.Info("OS version \"%s\" determined from file \"%s\"" % (osVersion, kifXmlPath))
- # OS version was not determined from the kif.xml, e.g. because it doesn't exist
- # or there was a problem parsing it. So, we fall over to using the buildinfo.txt
- if osVersion == None and buildInfoTxtPath.isFile():
- osVersion = getOsVerFromBuildInfoTxt(str(buildInfoTxtPath))
- if osVersion != None:
- self.__Raptor.Info("OS version \"%s\" determined from file \"%s\"" % (osVersion, buildInfoTxtPath))
- # If we determined a non-empty string for the OS Version, attempt to apply it
- if osVersion and osVersion in self.__Raptor.cache.variants:
- self.__Raptor.Info("applying the OS variant to the configuration \"%s\"." % aBuildUnit.name)
- aBuildUnit.variants.append(self.__Raptor.cache.variants[osVersion])
- else:
- self.__Raptor.Info("no OS variant for the configuration \"%s\"." % aBuildUnit.name)
+# Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+# All rights reserved.
+# This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+# under the terms of the License "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+# which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+# at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+# Initial Contributors:
+# Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+# Contributors:
+# Description:
+# This module includes classes that process bld.inf and .mmp files to
+# generate Raptor build specifications
+import copy
+import re
+import os.path
+import shutil
+import stat
+import hashlib
+import base64
+import raptor
+import raptor_data
+import raptor_utilities
+import raptor_xml
+import generic_path
+import subprocess
+import zipfile
+from mmpparser import *
+import time
+PiggyBackedBuildPlatforms = {'ARMV5':['GCCXML']}
+PlatformDefaultDefFileDir = {'WINSCW':'bwins',
+ 'ARMV5' :'eabi',
+ 'ARMV5SMP' :'eabi',
+ 'GCCXML':'eabi',
+ 'ARMV6':'eabi',
+ 'ARMV7' : 'eabi',
+ 'ARMV7SMP' : 'eabi'}
+def getVariantCfgDetail(aEPOCROOT, aVariantCfgFile):
+ """Obtain pertinent build related detail from the Symbian variant.cfg file.
+ This variant.cfg file, usually located relative to $(EPOCROOT), contains:
+ (1) The $(EPOCROOT) relative location of the primary .hrh file used to configure the specific OS variant build
+ (2) A flag determining whether ARMV5 represents an ABIV1 or ABIV2 build (currently unused by Raptor)."""
+ variantCfgDetails = {}
+ variantCfgFile = None
+ try:
+ variantCfgFile = open(str(aVariantCfgFile))
+ except IOError, (number, message):
+ raise MetaDataError("Could not read variant configuration file "+str(aVariantCfgFile)+" ("+message+")")
+ for line in variantCfgFile.readlines():
+ if re.search('^(\s$|\s*#)', line):
+ continue
+ # Note that this detection of the .hrh file matches the command line build i.e. ".hrh" somewhere
+ # in the specified line
+ elif re.search('\.hrh', line, re.I):
+ variantHrh = line.strip()
+ if variantHrh.startswith('\\') or variantHrh.startswith('/'):
+ variantHrh = variantHrh[1:]
+ variantHrh = aEPOCROOT.Append(variantHrh)
+ variantCfgDetails['VARIANT_HRH'] = variantHrh
+ else:
+ lineContent = line.split()
+ if len(lineContent) == 1:
+ variantCfgDetails[lineContent.pop(0)] = 1
+ else:
+ variantCfgDetails[lineContent.pop(0)] = lineContent
+ variantCfgFile.close()
+ if not variantCfgDetails.has_key('VARIANT_HRH'):
+ raise MetaDataError("No variant file specified in "+str(aVariantCfgFile))
+ if not variantHrh.isFile():
+ raise MetaDataError("Variant file "+str(variantHrh)+" does not exist")
+ return variantCfgDetails
+def getOsVerFromKifXml(aPathToKifXml):
+ """Obtain the OS version from the kif.xml file located at $EPOCROOT/epoc32/data/kif.xml.
+ If successful, the function returns a string such as "v95" to indicate 9.5; None is
+ returned if for any reason the function cannot determine the OS version."""
+ releaseTagName = "ki:release"
+ osVersion = None
+ import xml.dom.minidom
+ try:
+ # Parsed document object
+ kifDom = xml.dom.minidom.parse(str(aPathToKifXml))
+ # elements - the elements whose names are releaseTagName
+ elements = kifDom.getElementsByTagName(releaseTagName)
+ # There should be exactly one of the elements whose name is releaseTagName
+ # If more than one, osVersion is left as None, since the version should be
+ # unique to the kif.xml file
+ if len(elements) == 1:
+ osVersionTemp = elements[0].getAttribute("version")
+ osVersion = "v" + osVersionTemp.replace(".", "")
+ kifDom.unlink() # Clean up
+ except:
+ # There's no documentation on which exceptions are raised by these functions.
+ # We catch everything and assume any exception means there was a failure to
+ # determine OS version. None is returned, and the code will fall back
+ # to looking at the buildinfo.txt file.
+ pass
+ return osVersion
+def getOsVerFromBuildInfoTxt(aPathToBuildInfoTxt):
+ """Obtain the OS version from the buildinfo.txt file located at $EPOCROOT/epoc32/data/buildinfo.txt.
+ If successful, the function returns a string such as "v95" to indicate 9.5; None is
+ returned if for any reason the function cannot determine the OS version.
+ The file $EPOCROOT/epoc32/data/buildinfo.txt is presumed to exist. The client code should
+ handle existance/non-existance."""
+ pathToBuildInfoTxt = str(aPathToBuildInfoTxt) # String form version of path to buildinfo.txt
+ # Open the file for reading; throw an exception if it could not be read - note that
+ # it should exist at this point.
+ try:
+ buildInfoTxt = open(pathToBuildInfoTxt)
+ except IOError, (number, message):
+ raise MetaDataError("Could not read buildinfo.txt file at" + pathToBuildInfoTxt + ": (" + message + ")")
+ # Example buildinfo.txt contents:
+ #
+ # DeviceFamily 100
+ # DeviceFamilyRev 0x900
+ # ManufacturerSoftwareBuild M08765_Symbian_OS_v9.5
+ #
+ # Regexp to match the line containing the OS version
+ # Need to match things like M08765_Symbian_OS_v9.5 and M08765_Symbian_OS_vFuture
+ # So for the version, match everything except whitespace after v. Whitespace
+ # signifies the end of the regexp.
+ osVersionMatcher = re.compile('.*_Symbian_OS_v([^\s]*)', re.I)
+ osVersion = None
+ # Search for a regexp match over all the times in the file
+ # Note: if two or more lines match the search pattern then
+ # the latest match will overwrite the osVersion string.
+ for line in buildInfoTxt:
+ matchResult = osVersionMatcher.match(line)
+ if matchResult:
+ result = matchResult.groups()
+ osVersion = "v" + str(reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, result))
+ osVersion = osVersion.replace(".", "")
+ buildInfoTxt.close() # Clean-up
+ return osVersion
+def getBuildableBldInfBuildPlatforms(aBldInfBuildPlatforms,
+ aDefaultOSBuildPlatforms,
+ aBaseDefaultOSBuildPlatforms,
+ aBaseUserDefaultOSBuildPlatforms):
+ """Obtain a set of build platform names supported by a bld.inf file
+ Build platform deduction is based on both the contents of the PRJ_PLATFORMS section of
+ a bld.inf file together with a hard-coded set of default build platforms supported by
+ the build system itself."""
+ expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms = []
+ removePlatforms = set()
+ for bldInfBuildPlatform in aBldInfBuildPlatforms:
+ if bldInfBuildPlatform.upper() == "DEFAULT":
+ expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms.extend(aDefaultOSBuildPlatforms.split())
+ elif bldInfBuildPlatform.upper() == "BASEDEFAULT":
+ expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms.extend(aBaseDefaultOSBuildPlatforms.split())
+ elif bldInfBuildPlatform.upper() == "BASEUSERDEFAULT":
+ expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms.extend(aBaseUserDefaultOSBuildPlatforms.split())
+ elif bldInfBuildPlatform.startswith("-"):
+ removePlatforms.add(bldInfBuildPlatform.lstrip("-").upper())
+ else:
+ expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms.append(bldInfBuildPlatform.upper())
+ if len(expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms) == 0:
+ expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms.extend(aDefaultOSBuildPlatforms.split())
+ # make a set of platforms that can be built
+ buildableBldInfBuildPlatforms = set(expandedBldInfBuildPlatforms)
+ # Add platforms that are buildable by virtue of the presence of another
+ for piggyBackedPlatform in PiggyBackedBuildPlatforms:
+ if piggyBackedPlatform in buildableBldInfBuildPlatforms:
+ buildableBldInfBuildPlatforms.update(PiggyBackedBuildPlatforms.get(piggyBackedPlatform))
+ # Remove platforms that were negated
+ buildableBldInfBuildPlatforms -= removePlatforms
+ return buildableBldInfBuildPlatforms
+def getPreProcessorCommentDetail (aPreProcessorComment):
+ """Takes a preprocessor comment and returns an array containing the filename and linenumber detail."""
+ commentDetail = []
+ commentMatch = re.search('# (?P<LINENUMBER>\d+) "(?P<FILENAME>.*)"', aPreProcessorComment)
+ if commentMatch:
+ filename = commentMatch.group('FILENAME')
+ filename = os.path.abspath(filename)
+ filename = re.sub(r'\\\\', r'\\', filename)
+ filename = re.sub(r'//', r'/', filename)
+ filename = generic_path.Path(filename)
+ linenumber = int (commentMatch.group('LINENUMBER'))
+ commentDetail.append(filename)
+ commentDetail.append(linenumber)
+ return commentDetail
+def getSpecName(aFileRoot, fullPath=False):
+ """Returns a build spec name: this is the file root (full path
+ or simple file name) made safe for use as a file name."""
+ if fullPath:
+ specName = str(aFileRoot).replace("/","_")
+ specName = specName.replace(":","")
+ else:
+ specName = aFileRoot.File()
+ return specName.lower()
+# Classes
+class MetaDataError(Exception):
+ """Fatal error wrapper, to be thrown directly back to whatever is calling."""
+ def __init__(self, aText):
+ self.Text = aText
+ def __str__(self):
+ return repr(self.Text)
+class PreProcessedLine(str):
+ """Custom string class that accepts filename and line number information from
+ a preprocessed context."""
+ def __new__(cls, value, *args, **keywargs):
+ return str.__new__(cls, value)
+ def __init__(self, value, aFilename, aLineNumber):
+ self.filename = aFilename
+ self.lineNumber = aLineNumber
+ def getFilename (self):
+ return self.filename
+ def getLineNumber (self):
+ return self.lineNumber
+class PreProcessor(raptor_utilities.ExternalTool):
+ """Preprocessor wrapper suitable for Symbian metadata file processing."""
+ def __init__(self, aPreProcessor,
+ aStaticOptions,
+ aIncludeOption,
+ aMacroOption,
+ aPreIncludeOption,
+ aRaptor):
+ raptor_utilities.ExternalTool.__init__(self, aPreProcessor)
+ self.__StaticOptions = aStaticOptions
+ self.__IncludeOption = aIncludeOption
+ self.__MacroOption = aMacroOption
+ self.__PreIncludeOption = aPreIncludeOption
+ self.filename = ""
+ self.__Macros = []
+ self.__IncludePaths = []
+ self.__PreIncludeFile = ""
+ self.raptor = aRaptor
+ def call(self, aArgs, sourcefilename):
+ """ Override call so that we can do our own error handling."""
+ tool = self._ExternalTool__Tool
+ commandline = tool + " " + aArgs + " " + str(sourcefilename)
+ try:
+ # the actual call differs between Windows and Unix
+ if raptor_utilities.getOSFileSystem() == "unix":
+ p = subprocess.Popen(commandline, \
+ shell=True, bufsize=65535, \
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE, \
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, \
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, \
+ close_fds=True)
+ else:
+ p = subprocess.Popen(commandline, \
+ bufsize=65535, \
+ stdin=subprocess.PIPE, \
+ stdout=subprocess.PIPE, \
+ stderr=subprocess.PIPE, \
+ universal_newlines=True)
+ # run the command and wait for all the output
+ (self._ExternalTool__Output, errors) = p.communicate()
+ if self.raptor.debugOutput:
+ self.raptor.Debug("Preprocessing Start %s", str(sourcefilename))
+ self.raptor.Debug("Output:\n%s", self._ExternalTool__Output)
+ self.raptor.Debug("Errors:\n%s", errors)
+ self.raptor.Debug("Preprocessing End %s", str(sourcefilename))
+ incRE = re.compile("In file included from")
+ fromRE = re.compile(r"\s+from")
+ warningRE = re.compile("warning:|pasting.+token|from.+:")
+ remarkRE = re.compile("no newline at end of file|does not give a valid preprocessing token")
+ actualErr = False
+ if errors != "":
+ for error in errors.splitlines():
+ if incRE.search(error) or fromRE.search(error):
+ continue
+ if not remarkRE.search(error):
+ if warningRE.search(error):
+ self.raptor.Warn("%s: %s", tool, error)
+ else:
+ self.raptor.Error("%s: %s", tool, error)
+ actualErr = True
+ if actualErr:
+ raise MetaDataError("Errors in %s" % str(sourcefilename))
+ except Exception,e:
+ raise MetaDataError("Preprocessor exception: '%s' : in command : '%s'" % (str(e), commandline))
+ return 0 # all OK
+ def setMacros(self, aMacros):
+ self.__Macros = aMacros
+ def addMacro(self, aMacro):
+ self.__Macros.append(aMacro)
+ def addMacros(self, aMacros):
+ self.__Macros.extend(aMacros)
+ def getMacros(self):
+ return self.__Macros
+ def addIncludePath(self, aIncludePath):
+ p = str(aIncludePath)
+ if p == "":
+ self.raptor.Warn("attempt to set an empty preprocessor include path for %s" % str(self.filename))
+ else:
+ self.__IncludePaths.append(p)
+ def addIncludePaths(self, aIncludePaths):
+ for path in aIncludePaths:
+ self.addIncludePath(path)
+ def setIncludePaths(self, aIncludePaths):
+ self.__IncludePaths = []
+ self.addIncludePaths(aIncludePaths)
+ def setPreIncludeFile(self, aPreIncludeFile):
+ self.__PreIncludeFile = aPreIncludeFile
+ def preprocess(self):
+ preProcessorCall = self.__constructPreProcessorCall()
+ returnValue = self.call(preProcessorCall, self.filename)
+ return self.getOutput()
+ def __constructPreProcessorCall(self):
+ call = self.__StaticOptions
+ if self.__PreIncludeFile:
+ call += " " + self.__PreIncludeOption
+ call += " " + str(self.__PreIncludeFile)
+ for macro in self.__Macros:
+ call += " " + self.__MacroOption + macro
+ for includePath in self.__IncludePaths:
+ call += " " + self.__IncludeOption
+ call += " " + str(includePath)
+ return call
+class MetaDataFile(object):
+ """A generic representation of a Symbian metadata file
+ Symbian metadata files are subject to preprocessing, primarily with macros based
+ on the selected build platform. This class provides a generic means of wrapping
+ up the preprocessing of such files."""
+ def __init__(self, aFilename, gnucpp, depfiles, aRootLocation=None, log=None):
+ """
+ @param aFilename An MMP, bld.inf or other preprocessable build spec file
+ @param aDefaultPlatform Default preprocessed version of this file
+ @param aCPP location of GNU CPP
+ @param depfiles list to add dependency file tuples to
+ @param aRootLocation where the file is
+ @param log A class with Debug(<string>), Info(<string>) and Error(<string>) methods
+ """
+ self.filename = aFilename
+ self.__RootLocation = aRootLocation
+ # Dictionary with key of build platform and a text string of processed output as values
+ self.__PreProcessedContent = {}
+ self.log = log
+ self.depfiles = depfiles
+ self.__gnucpp = gnucpp
+ if gnucpp is None:
+ raise ValueError('gnucpp must be set')
+ def depspath(self, platform):
+ """ Where does dependency information go relative to platform's SBS_BUILD_DIR?
+ Subclasses should redefine this
+ """
+ return str(platform['SBS_BUILD_DIR']) + "/" + str(self.__RootLocation) + "." + platform['key_md5'] + ".d"
+ def getContent(self, aBuildPlatform):
+ key = aBuildPlatform['key']
+ config_macros = []
+ adepfilename = self.depspath(aBuildPlatform)
+ generateDepsOptions = ""
+ if adepfilename:
+ if raptor_utilities.getOSPlatform().startswith("win"):
+ metatarget = "$(PARSETARGET)"
+ else:
+ metatarget = "'$(PARSETARGET)'"
+ generateDepsOptions = "-MD -MF%s -MT%s" % (adepfilename, metatarget)
+ self.depfiles.append((adepfilename, metatarget))
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(adepfilename))
+ except Exception, e:
+ self.log.Debug("Couldn't make bldinf outputpath for dependency generation")
+ config_macros = (aBuildPlatform['PLATMACROS']).split()
+ if not key in self.__PreProcessedContent:
+ preProcessor = PreProcessor(self.__gnucpp, '-undef -nostdinc ' + generateDepsOptions + ' ',
+ '-I', '-D', '-include', self.log)
+ preProcessor.filename = self.filename
+ # always have the current directory on the include path
+ preProcessor.addIncludePath('.')
+ # the SYSTEMINCLUDE directories defined in the build config
+ # should be on the include path. This is added mainly to support
+ # Feature Variation as SYSTEMINCLUDE is usually empty at this point.
+ systemIncludes = aBuildPlatform['SYSTEMINCLUDE']
+ if systemIncludes:
+ preProcessor.addIncludePaths(systemIncludes.split())
+ preInclude = aBuildPlatform['VARIANT_HRH']
+ # for non-Feature Variant builds, the directory containing the HRH should
+ # be on the include path
+ if not aBuildPlatform['ISFEATUREVARIANT']:
+ preProcessor.addIncludePath(preInclude.Dir())
+ # and EPOCROOT/epoc32/include
+ preProcessor.addIncludePath(aBuildPlatform['EPOCROOT'].Append('epoc32/include'))
+ # and the directory containing the bld.inf file
+ if self.__RootLocation is not None and str(self.__RootLocation) != "":
+ preProcessor.addIncludePath(self.__RootLocation)
+ # and the directory containing the file we are processing
+ preProcessor.addIncludePath(self.filename.Dir())
+ # there is always a pre-include file
+ preProcessor.setPreIncludeFile(preInclude)
+ macros = ["SBSV2"]
+ if config_macros:
+ macros.extend(config_macros)
+ if macros:
+ for macro in macros:
+ preProcessor.addMacro(macro + "=_____" +macro)
+ # extra "raw" macros that do not need protecting
+ preProcessor.addMacro("__GNUC__=3")
+ preProcessorOutput = preProcessor.preprocess()
+ # Resurrect preprocessing replacements
+ pattern = r'([\\|/]| |) ?_____(('+macros[0]+')'
+ for macro in macros[1:]:
+ pattern += r'|('+macro+r')'
+ pattern += r'\s*)'
+ # Work on all Macros in one substitution.
+ text = re.sub(pattern, r"\1\2", preProcessorOutput)
+ text = re.sub(r"\n[\t ]*", r"\n", text)
+ self.__PreProcessedContent[key] = text
+ return self.__PreProcessedContent[key]
+class MMPFile(MetaDataFile):
+ """A generic representation of a Symbian metadata file
+ Symbian metadata files are subject to preprocessing, primarily with macros based
+ on the selected build platform. This class provides a generic means of wrapping
+ up the preprocessing of such files."""
+ def __init__(self, aFilename, gnucpp, bldinf, depfiles, log=None):
+ """
+ @param aFilename An MMP, bld.inf or other preprocessable build spec file
+ @param gnucpp location of GNU CPP
+ @param bldinf the bld.inf file this mmp was specified in
+ @param depfiles list to fill with mmp dependency files
+ @param log A class with Debug(<string>), Info(<string>) and Error(<string>) methods
+ """
+ super(MMPFile, self).__init__(aFilename, gnucpp, depfiles, str(bldinf.filename.Dir()), log)
+ self.__bldinf = bldinf
+ self.depfiles = depfiles
+ self.__gnucpp = gnucpp
+ if gnucpp is None:
+ raise ValueError('gnucpp must be set')
+ def depspath(self, platform):
+ """ Where does dependency information go relative to platform's SBS_BUILD_DIR?
+ Subclasses should redefine this
+ """
+ return self.__bldinf.outputpath(platform) + "/" + self.filename.File() + '.' + platform['key_md5'] + ".d"
+class Export(object):
+ """Single processed PRJ_EXPORTS or PRJ_TESTEXPORTS entry from a bld.inf file"""
+ def getPossiblyQuotedStrings(cls,spec):
+ """ Split a string based on whitespace
+ but keep double quoted substrings together.
+ """
+ inquotes=False
+ intokengap=False
+ sourcedest=[]
+ word = 0
+ for c in spec:
+ if c == '"':
+ if inquotes:
+ inquotes = False
+ word += 1
+ intokengap = True
+ else:
+ inquotes = True
+ intokengap = False
+ pass
+ elif c == ' ' or c == '\t':
+ if inquotes:
+ if len(sourcedest) == word:
+ sourcedest.append(c)
+ else:
+ sourcedest[word] += c
+ else:
+ if intokengap:
+ # gobble unquoted spaces
+ pass
+ else:
+ word += 1
+ intokengap=True
+ pass
+ else:
+ intokengap = False
+ if len(sourcedest) == word:
+ sourcedest.append(c)
+ else:
+ sourcedest[word] += c
+ return sourcedest
+ getPossiblyQuotedStrings = classmethod(getPossiblyQuotedStrings)
+ def __init__(self, aBldInfFile, aExportsLine, aType):
+ """
+ Rules from the OS library for convenience:
+ source_file_1 [destination_file]
+ source_file_n [destination_file]
+ If the source file is listed with a relative path, the path will
+ be considered relative to the directory containing the bld.inf file.
+ If a destination file is not specified, the source file will be copied
+ to the directory containing the bld.inf file.
+ If a relative path is specified with the destination file, the path
+ will be considered relative to directory containing the bld.inf file.
+ source_file_1 [destination_file]
+ source_file_n [destination_file]
+ :zip zip_file [destination_path]
+ Note that:
+ If a source file is listed with a relative path, the path will be
+ considered relative to the directory containing the bld.inf file.
+ If a destination file is not specified, the source file will be copied
+ to epoc32\include\.
+ If a destination file is specified with the relative path, the path will
+ be considered relative to directory epoc32\include\.
+ If a destination begins with a drive letter, then the file is copied to
+ epoc32\data\<drive_letter>\<path>. For example,
+ mydata.dat e:\appdata\mydata.dat
+ copies mydata.dat to epoc32\data\e\appdata\mydata.dat.
+ You can use any driveletter between A and Z.
+ A line can start with the preface :zip. This instructs the build tools
+ to unzip the specified zip file to the specified destination path. If a
+ destination path is not specified, the source file will be unzipped in
+ the root directory.
+ """
+ # Work out what action is required - unzip or copy?
+ action = "copy"
+ typematch = re.match(r'^\s*(?P<type>:zip\s+)?(?P<spec>[^\s].*[^\s])\s*$',aExportsLine, re.I)
+ spec = typematch.group('spec')
+ if spec == None:
+ raise ValueError('must specify at least a source file for an export')
+ if typematch.group('type') is not None:
+ action = "unzip"
+ # Split the spec into source and destination but take care
+ # to allow filenames with quoted strings.
+ exportEntries = Export.getPossiblyQuotedStrings(spec)
+ # Get the source path as specified by the bld.inf
+ source_spec = exportEntries.pop(0).replace(' ','%20')
+ # Resolve the source file
+ sourcepath = generic_path.Path(raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(str(aBldInfFile), source_spec))
+ # Find it if the case of the filename is wrong:
+ # Carry on even if we don't find it
+ foundfile = sourcepath.FindCaseless()
+ if foundfile != None:
+ source = str(foundfile).replace(' ','%20')
+ else:
+ source = str(sourcepath).replace(' ','%20')
+ # Get the destination path as specified by the bld.inf
+ if len(exportEntries) > 0:
+ dest_spec = exportEntries.pop(0).replace(' ','%20')
+ else:
+ dest_spec = None
+ # Destination list - list of destinations. For the WINSCW resource building stage,
+ # files exported to the emulated drives and there are several locations, for example,
+ # 1234ABCD.SPD z:/private/10009876/policy/1234ABCD.spd
+ # needs to end up copied in
+ # epoc32/data/z/private/10009876/policy/1234ABCD.spd *and* in
+ # epoc32/release/winscw/udeb/z/private/10009876/policy/1234ABCD.spd *and* in
+ # epoc32/release/winscw/urel/z/private/10009876/policy/1234ABCD.spd
+ dest_list = []
+ # Resolve the destination if one is specified
+ if dest_spec:
+ # check for troublesome characters
+ if ':' in dest_spec and not re.search('^[a-z]:', dest_spec, re.I):
+ raise ValueError("invalid filename " + dest_spec)
+ dest_spec = dest_spec.replace(' ','%20')
+ aSubType=""
+ if action == "unzip":
+ aSubType=":zip"
+ dest_spec = dest_spec.rstrip("\\/")
+ # Get the export destination(s) - note this can be a list of strings or just a string.
+ dest_list = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(str(aBldInfFile), dest_spec, aType, aSubType)
+ def process_dest(aDest):
+ if dest_spec.endswith('/') or dest_spec.endswith('\\'):
+ m = generic_path.Path(source)
+ aDest += '/'+m.File()
+ return aDest
+ if isinstance(dest_list, list):
+ # Process each file in the list
+ dest_list = map(process_dest, dest_list)
+ else:
+ # Process the single destination
+ dest_list = process_dest(dest_list)
+ else:
+ # No destination was specified so we assume an appropriate one
+ dest_filename=generic_path.Path(source).File()
+ if aType == "PRJ_EXPORTS":
+ if action == "copy":
+ destination = '$(EPOCROOT)/epoc32/include/'+dest_filename
+ elif action == "unzip":
+ destination = '$(EPOCROOT)'
+ elif aType == "PRJ_TESTEXPORTS":
+ d = aBldInfFile.Dir()
+ if action == "copy":
+ destination = str(d.Append(dest_filename))
+ elif action == "unzip":
+ destination = "$(EPOCROOT)"
+ else:
+ raise ValueError("Export type should be 'PRJ_EXPORTS' or 'PRJ_TESTEXPORTS'. It was: "+str(aType))
+ self.__Source = source
+ if len(dest_list) > 0: # If the list has length > 0, this means there are several export destinations.
+ self.__Destination = dest_list
+ else: # Otherwise the list has length zero, so there is only a single export destination.
+ self.__Destination = destination
+ self.__Action = action
+ def getSource(self):
+ return self.__Source
+ def getDestination(self):
+ return self.__Destination # Note that this could be either a list, or a string, depending on the export destination
+ def getAction(self):
+ return self.__Action
+class ExtensionmakefileEntry(object):
+ def __init__(self, aGnuLine, aBldInfFile, tmp):
+ self.__BldInfFile = aBldInfFile
+ bldInfLocation = self.__BldInfFile.Dir()
+ biloc = str(bldInfLocation)
+ extInfLocation = tmp.filename.Dir()
+ eiloc = str(extInfLocation)
+ if eiloc is None or eiloc == "":
+ eiloc="." # Someone building with a relative raptor path
+ if biloc is None or biloc == "":
+ biloc="." # Someone building with a relative raptor path
+ self.__StandardVariables = {}
+ # Relative step-down to the root - let's try ignoring this for now, as it
+ # should amount to the same thing in a world where absolute paths are king
+ self.__StandardVariables['TO_ROOT'] = ""
+ # Top-level bld.inf location
+ self.__StandardVariables['TO_BLDINF'] = biloc
+ self.__StandardVariables['EXTENSION_ROOT'] = eiloc
+ # Get the directory and filename from the full path containing the extension makefile
+ self.__FullPath = generic_path.Join(eiloc,aGnuLine)
+ self.__FullPath = self.__FullPath.GetLocalString()
+ self.__Filename = os.path.split(self.__FullPath)[1]
+ self.__Directory = os.path.split(self.__FullPath)[0]
+ def getMakefileName(self):
+ return self.__Filename
+ def getMakeDirectory(self):
+ return self.__Directory
+ def getStandardVariables(self):
+ return self.__StandardVariables
+class Extension(object):
+ from a bld.inf file"""
+ def __init__(self, aBldInfFile, aStartLine, aOptionLines, aBuildPlatform, aRaptor):
+ self.__BldInfFile = aBldInfFile
+ self.__Options = {}
+ self.interface = ""
+ self.__Raptor = aRaptor
+ makefile = ""
+ makefileMatch = re.search(r'^\s*START EXTENSION\s+(?P<MAKEFILE>\S+)\s*(?P<NAMETAG>\S*)$', aStartLine, re.I)
+ self.__RawMakefile = ""
+ if (makefileMatch):
+ self.__RawMakefile = makefileMatch.group('MAKEFILE')
+ self.nametag = makefileMatch.group('NAMETAG').lower()
+ # Ensure all \'s are translated into /'s if required
+ self.interface = self.__RawMakefile
+ self.interface = self.interface.replace("\\", "/").replace("/", ".")
+ # To support standalone testing, '$(' prefixed TEMs are assumed to start with
+ # a makefile variable and hence be fully located in FLM operation
+ if self.__RawMakefile.startswith("$("):
+ self.__Makefile = self.__RawMakefile + ".mk"
+ else:
+ self.__Makefile = '$(MAKEFILE_TEMPLATES)/' + self.__RawMakefile + ".mk"
+ for optionLine in aOptionLines:
+ optionMatch = re.search(r'^\s*(OPTION\s+)?(?P<VARIABLE>\S+)\s+(?P<VALUE>\S+.*)$',optionLine, re.I)
+ if optionMatch:
+ self.__Options[optionMatch.group('VARIABLE').upper()] = optionMatch.group('VALUE')
+ bldInfLocation = self.__BldInfFile.Dir()
+ biloc = str(bldInfLocation)
+ if biloc is None or biloc == "":
+ biloc="." # Someone building with a relative raptor path
+ extInfLocation = aStartLine.filename.Dir()
+ eiloc = str(extInfLocation)
+ if eiloc is None or eiloc == "":
+ eiloc="." # Someone building with a relative raptor path
+ self.__StandardVariables = {}
+ # Relative step-down to the root - let's try ignoring this for now, as it
+ # should amount to the same thing in a world where absolute paths are king
+ self.__StandardVariables['TO_ROOT'] = ""
+ # Top-level bld.inf location
+ self.__StandardVariables['TO_BLDINF'] = biloc
+ # Location of bld.inf file containing the current EXTENSION block
+ self.__StandardVariables['EXTENSION_ROOT'] = eiloc
+ # If the interface exists, this means it's not a Template Extension Makefile so don't look for a .meta file for it;
+ # so do nothing if it's not a template extension makefile
+ try:
+ self.__Raptor.cache.FindNamedInterface(str(self.interface), aBuildPlatform['CACHEID'])
+ except KeyError: # This means that this Raptor doesn't have the interface self.interface, so we are in a TEM
+ # Read extension meta file and get default options from it. The use of TEM meta file is compulsory if TEM is used
+ metaFilename = "%s/epoc32/tools/makefile_templates/%s.meta" % (aBuildPlatform['EPOCROOT'], self.__RawMakefile)
+ metaFile = None
+ try:
+ metaFile = open(metaFilename, "r")
+ except IOError, e:
+ self.__warn("Extension: %s - cannot open Meta file: %s" % (self.__RawMakefile, metaFilename))
+ if metaFile:
+ for line in metaFile.readlines():
+ defaultOptionMatch = re.search(r'^OPTION\s+(?P<VARIABLE>\S+)\s+(?P<VALUE>\S+.*)$',line, re.I)
+ if defaultOptionMatch and defaultOptionMatch.group('VARIABLE').upper() not in self.__Options.keys():
+ self.__Options[defaultOptionMatch.group('VARIABLE').upper()] = defaultOptionMatch.group('VALUE')
+ metaFile.close()
+ def __warn(self, format, *extras):
+ if (self.__Raptor):
+ self.__Raptor.Warn(format, *extras)
+ def getIdentifier(self):
+ return re.sub (r'\\|\/|\$|\(|\)', '_', self.__RawMakefile)
+ def getMakefile(self):
+ return self.__Makefile
+ def getOptions(self):
+ return self.__Options
+ def getStandardVariables(self):
+ return self.__StandardVariables
+class MMPFileEntry(object):
+ def __init__(self, aFilename, aTestOption, aARMOption):
+ self.filename = aFilename
+ self.testoption = aTestOption
+ if aARMOption:
+ self.armoption = True
+ else:
+ self.armoption = False
+class BldInfFile(MetaDataFile):
+ """Representation of a Symbian bld.inf file"""
+ def __init__(self, aFilename, gnucpp, depfiles, log=None):
+ MetaDataFile.__init__(self, aFilename, gnucpp, depfiles, None, log)
+ self.__Raptor = log
+ self.testManual = 0
+ self.testAuto = 0
+ # Generic
+ def getBuildPlatforms(self, aBuildPlatform):
+ platformList = []
+ for platformLine in self.__getSection(aBuildPlatform, 'PRJ_PLATFORMS'):
+ for platformEntry in platformLine.split():
+ platformList.append(platformEntry)
+ return platformList
+ # Build Platform Specific
+ def getMMPList(self, aBuildPlatform, aType="PRJ_MMPFILES"):
+ mmpFileList=[]
+ gnuList = []
+ makefileList = []
+ extFound = False
+ m = None
+ hashValue = {'mmpFileList': [] , 'gnuList': [], 'makefileList' : []}
+ for mmpFileEntry in self.__getSection(aBuildPlatform, aType):
+ actualBldInfRoot = mmpFileEntry.getFilename()
+ n = re.match('\s*(?P<makefiletype>(GNUMAKEFILE|N?MAKEFILE))\s+(?P<extmakefile>[^ ]+)\s*(support|manual)?\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$',mmpFileEntry,re.I)
+ if n:
+ if (n.groupdict()['invalid']):
+ self.log.Error("%s (%d) : invalid .mmp file qualifier \"%s\"", mmpFileEntry.filename, mmpFileEntry.getLineNumber(), n.groupdict()['invalid'])
+ if raptor_utilities.getOSFileSystem() == "unix":
+ self.log.Warn("NMAKEFILE/GNUMAKEFILE/MAKEFILE keywords not supported on Linux")
+ else:
+ extmakefilearg = n.groupdict()['extmakefile']
+ bldInfDir = actualBldInfRoot.Dir()
+ extmakefilename = bldInfDir.Append(extmakefilearg)
+ extmakefile = ExtensionmakefileEntry(extmakefilearg, self.filename, mmpFileEntry)
+ if (n.groupdict()['makefiletype']).upper() == "GNUMAKEFILE":
+ gnuList.append(extmakefile)
+ else:
+ makefileList.append(extmakefile)
+ else:
+ # Currently there is only one possible option - build as arm.
+ # For TESTMMPFILES, the supported options are support, tidy, ignore, manual and build as arm
+ if aType.upper()=="PRJ_TESTMMPFILES":
+ if re.match('\s*(?P<name>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<baa>build_as_arm)?\s*(?P<support>support)?\s*(?P<ignore>ignore)?\s*(?P<tidy>tidy)?\s*(?P<manual>manual)?\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$', mmpFileEntry, re.I):
+ m = re.match('\s*(?P<name>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<baa>build_as_arm)?\s*(?P<support>support)?\s*(?P<ignore>ignore)?\s*(?P<tidy>tidy)?\s*(?P<manual>manual)?\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$', mmpFileEntry, re.I)
+ else:
+ if re.match('\s*(?P<name>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<baa>build_as_arm)?\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$', mmpFileEntry, re.I):
+ m = re.match('\s*(?P<name>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<baa>build_as_arm)?\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$', mmpFileEntry, re.I)
+ if m:
+ if (m.groupdict()['invalid']):
+ self.log.Error("%s (%d) : invalid .mmp file qualifier \"%s\"", mmpFileEntry.filename, mmpFileEntry.getLineNumber(), m.groupdict()['invalid'])
+ mmpFileName = m.groupdict()['name']
+ testmmpoption = "auto" # Setup tests to be automatic by default
+ tokens = m.groupdict()
+ for key,item in tokens.iteritems():
+ if key=="manual" and item=="manual":
+ testmmpoption = "manual"
+ elif key=="support" and item=="support":
+ testmmpoption = "support"
+ elif key=="ignore" and item=="ignore":
+ testmmpoption = "ignore"
+ buildasarm = False
+ if m.groupdict()['baa']:
+ if m.groupdict()['baa'].lower() == 'build_as_arm':
+ buildasarm = True
+ if not mmpFileName.lower().endswith('.mmp'):
+ mmpFileName += '.mmp'
+ bldInfDir = actualBldInfRoot.Dir()
+ try:
+ mmpFileName = bldInfDir.Append(mmpFileName)
+ mmpfe = MMPFileEntry(mmpFileName, testmmpoption, buildasarm)
+ mmpFileList.append(mmpfe)
+ except ValueError, e:
+ self.log.Error("invalid .mmp file name: %s" % str(e))
+ m = None
+ hashValue['mmpFileList'] = mmpFileList
+ hashValue['gnuList'] = gnuList
+ hashValue['makefileList'] = makefileList
+ return hashValue
+ # Return a list of gnumakefiles used in the bld.inf
+ def getExtensionmakefileList(self, aBuildPlatform, aType="PRJ_MMPFILES",aString = ""):
+ extMakefileList=[]
+ m = None
+ for extmakeFileEntry in self.__getSection(aBuildPlatform, aType):
+ actualBldInfRoot = extmakeFileEntry.filename
+ if aType.upper()=="PRJ_TESTMMPFILES":
+ m = re.match('\s*GNUMAKEFILE\s+(?P<extmakefile>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<support>support)?\s*(?P<ignore>ignore)?\s*(?P<tidy>tidy)?\s*(?P<manual>manual)?\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$',extmakeFileEntry,re.I)
+ else:
+ if aString == "gnumakefile":
+ m = re.match('\s*GNUMAKEFILE\s+(?P<extmakefile>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$',extmakeFileEntry,re.I)
+ elif aString == "nmakefile":
+ m = re.match('\s*NMAKEFILE\s+(?P<extmakefile>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$',extmakeFileEntry,re.I)
+ elif aString == "makefile":
+ m = re.match('\s*MAKEFILE\s+(?P<extmakefile>[^ ]+)\s*(?P<invalid>\S+.*)?\s*$',extmakeFileEntry,re.I)
+ if m:
+ if (m.groupdict()['invalid']):
+ self.log.Error("%s (%d) : invalid extension makefile qualifier \"%s\"", extmakeFileEntry.filename, extmakeFileEntry.getLineNumber(), m.groupdict()['invalid'])
+ extmakefilearg = m.groupdict()['extmakefile']
+ bldInfDir = actualBldInfRoot.Dir()
+ extmakefilename = bldInfDir.Append(extmakefilearg)
+ extmakefile = ExtensionmakefileEntry(extmakefilearg, self.filename, extmakeFileEntry)
+ extMakefileList.append(extmakefile)
+ m = None
+ return extMakefileList
+ def getTestExtensionmakefileList(self,aBuildPlatform,aString=""):
+ return self.getExtensionmakefileList(aBuildPlatform,"PRJ_TESTMMPFILES",aString)
+ def getTestMMPList(self, aBuildPlatform):
+ return self.getMMPList(aBuildPlatform, "PRJ_TESTMMPFILES")
+ def getRomTestType(self, aBuildPlatform):
+ testMMPList = self.getTestMMPList(aBuildPlatform)
+ for testMMPFileEntry in testMMPList['mmpFileList']:
+ if aBuildPlatform["TESTCODE"]:
+ # Calculate test type (manual or auto)
+ if testMMPFileEntry.testoption == "manual":
+ self.testManual += 1
+ if not (testMMPFileEntry.testoption == "support" or testMMPFileEntry.testoption == "manual" or testMMPFileEntry.testoption == "ignore"):
+ self.testAuto += 1
+ if self.testManual and self.testAuto:
+ return 'BOTH'
+ elif self.testAuto:
+ return 'AUTO'
+ elif self.testManual:
+ return 'MANUAL'
+ else:
+ return 'NONE'
+ def getExports(self, aBuildPlatform, aType="PRJ_EXPORTS"):
+ exportList = []
+ for exportLine in self.__getSection(aBuildPlatform, aType):
+ if not re.match(r'\S+', exportLine):
+ continue
+ try:
+ exportList.append(Export(exportLine.getFilename(), exportLine, aType))
+ except ValueError,e:
+ self.log.Error(str(e))
+ return exportList
+ def getTestExports(self, aBuildPlatform):
+ return self.getExports(aBuildPlatform, "PRJ_TESTEXPORTS")
+ def getExtensions(self, aBuildPlatform, aType="PRJ_EXTENSIONS"):
+ extensionObjects = []
+ start = ""
+ options = []
+ for extensionLine in self.__getSection(aBuildPlatform, aType):
+ if (re.search(r'^\s*START ',extensionLine, re.I)):
+ start = extensionLine
+ elif re.search(r'^\s*END\s*$',extensionLine, re.I):
+ extensionObjects.append(Extension(self.filename, start, options, aBuildPlatform, self.__Raptor))
+ start = ""
+ options = []
+ elif re.search(r'^\s*$',extensionLine, re.I):
+ continue
+ elif start:
+ options.append(extensionLine)
+ return extensionObjects
+ def getTestExtensions(self, aBuildPlatform):
+ return self.getExtensions(aBuildPlatform, "PRJ_TESTEXTENSIONS")
+ def __getSection(self, aBuildPlatform, aSection):
+ activeSection = False
+ sectionContent = []
+ lineContent = re.split(r'\n', self.getContent(aBuildPlatform));
+ currentBldInfFile = self.filename
+ currentLineNumber = 0
+ for line in lineContent:
+ if line.startswith("#"):
+ commentDetail = getPreProcessorCommentDetail(line)
+ currentBldInfFile = commentDetail[0]
+ currentLineNumber = commentDetail[1]-1
+ continue
+ currentLineNumber += 1
+ if not re.match(r'.*\S+', line):
+ continue
+ elif re.match(r'\s*' + aSection + r'\s*$', line, re.I):
+ activeSection = True
+ elif re.match(r'\s*PRJ_\w+\s*$', line, re.I):
+ activeSection = False
+ elif activeSection:
+ sectionContent.append(PreProcessedLine(line, currentBldInfFile, currentLineNumber))
+ return sectionContent
+ @staticmethod
+ def outputPathFragment(bldinfpath):
+ """Return a relative path that uniquely identifies this bldinf file
+ whilst being short so that it can be appended to epoc32/build.
+ The build product of a particular bld.inf may be placed in here.
+ This affects its TEMs and its MMPs"""
+ absroot_str = os.path.abspath(str(bldinfpath)).lower().replace("\\","/")
+ uniqueid = hashlib.md5()
+ uniqueid.update(absroot_str)
+ specnamecomponents = (re.sub("^[A-Za-z]:", "", absroot_str)).split('/') # split, removing any drive identifier (if present)
+ pathlist=[]
+ while len(specnamecomponents) > 0:
+ top = specnamecomponents.pop()
+ if top.endswith('.inf'):
+ continue
+ elif top == 'group':
+ continue
+ else:
+ pathlist = [top]
+ break
+ pathlist.append("c_"+uniqueid.hexdigest()[:16])
+ return "/".join(pathlist)
+ def outputpath(self, platform):
+ """ The full path where product from this bldinf is created."""
+ return str(platform['SBS_BUILD_DIR']) + "/" + BldInfFile.outputPathFragment(self.filename)
+ def depspath(self, platform):
+ """ Where does dependency information go relative to platform's SBS_BUILD_DIR?
+ Subclasses should redefine this
+ """
+ return self.outputpath(platform) + "/bldinf." + platform['key_md5'] + ".d"
+class MMPRaptorBackend(MMPBackend):
+ """A parser "backend" for the MMP language
+ This is used to map recognised MMP syntax onto a buildspec """
+ # Support priorities, with case-fixed mappings for use
+ epoc32priorities = {
+ 'low':'Low',
+ 'background':'Background',
+ 'foreground':'Foreground',
+ 'high':'High',
+ 'windowserver':'WindowServer',
+ 'fileserver':'FileServer',
+ 'realtimeserver':'RealTimeServer',
+ 'supervisor':'SuperVisor'
+ }
+ # Known capability flags with associated bitwise operations
+ supportedCapabilities = {
+ 'tcb':(1<<0),
+ 'commdd':(1<<1),
+ 'powermgmt':(1<<2),
+ 'multimediadd':(1<<3),
+ 'readdevicedata':(1<<4),
+ 'writedevicedata':(1<<5),
+ 'drm':(1<<6),
+ 'trustedui':(1<<7),
+ 'protserv':(1<<8),
+ 'diskadmin':(1<<9),
+ 'networkcontrol':(1<<10),
+ 'allfiles':(1<<11),
+ 'swevent':(1<<12),
+ 'networkservices':(1<<13),
+ 'localservices':(1<<14),
+ 'readuserdata':(1<<15),
+ 'writeuserdata':(1<<16),
+ 'location':(1<<17),
+ 'surroundingsdd':(1<<18),
+ 'userenvironment':(1<<19),
+ # Old capability names have zero value
+ 'root':0,
+ 'mediadd':0,
+ 'readsystemdata':0,
+ 'writesystemdata':0,
+ 'sounddd':0,
+ 'uidd':0,
+ 'killanyprocess':0,
+ 'devman':0,
+ 'phonenetwork':0,
+ 'localnetwork':0
+ }
+ library_re = re.compile(r"^(?P<name>[^{]+?)(?P<version>{(?P<major>[0-9]+)\.(?P<minor>[0-9]+)})?(\.(lib|dso))?$",re.I)
+ def __init__(self, aRaptor, aMmpfilename, aBldInfFilename):
+ super(MMPRaptorBackend,self).__init__()
+ self.platformblock = None
+ self.__Raptor = aRaptor
+ self.__debug("-----+++++ %s " % aMmpfilename)
+ self.BuildVariant = raptor_data.Variant(name = "mmp")
+ self.ApplyVariants = []
+ self.ResourceVariants = []
+ self.BitmapVariants = []
+ self.StringTableVariants = []
+ self.__bldInfFilename = aBldInfFilename
+ self.__targettype = "UNKNOWN"
+ self.__currentMmpFile = aMmpfilename
+ self.__defFileRoot = self.__currentMmpFile
+ self.__currentLineNumber = 0
+ self.__sourcepath = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(self.__currentMmpFile, "")
+ self.__userinclude = ""
+ self.__systeminclude = ""
+ self.__bitmapSourcepath = self.__sourcepath
+ self.__current_resource = ""
+ self.__resourceFiles = []
+ self.__pageConflict = []
+ self.__debuggable = ""
+ self.__compressionKeyword = ""
+ self.sources = []
+ self.capabilities = []
+ self.__TARGET = ""
+ self.__TARGETEXT = ""
+ self.deffile = ""
+ self.__LINKAS = ""
+ self.nostrictdef = False
+ self.featureVariant = False
+ self.__currentResourceVariant = None
+ self.__currentStringTableVariant = None
+ self.__explicitversion = False
+ self.__versionhex = ""
+ # "ALL" capability calculated based on the total capabilities currently supported
+ allCapabilities = 0
+ for supportedCapability in MMPRaptorBackend.supportedCapabilities.keys():
+ allCapabilities = allCapabilities | MMPRaptorBackend.supportedCapabilities[supportedCapability]
+ MMPRaptorBackend.supportedCapabilities['all'] = allCapabilities
+ # Permit unit-testing output without a Raptor context
+ def __debug(self, format, *extras):
+ if (self.__Raptor):
+ self.__Raptor.Debug(format, *extras)
+ def __warn(self, format, *extras):
+ if (self.__Raptor):
+ self.__Raptor.Warn(format, *extras)
+ def doPreProcessorComment(self,s,loc,toks):
+ commentDetail = getPreProcessorCommentDetail(toks[0])
+ self.__currentMmpFile = commentDetail[0].GetLocalString()
+ self.__currentLineNumber = commentDetail[1]
+ self.__debug("Current file %s, line number %s\n" % (self.__currentMmpFile,str(self.__currentLineNumber)))
+ return "OK"
+ def doBlankLine(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ def doStartPlatform(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ self.__debug( "Start Platform block "+toks[0])
+ self.platformblock = toks[0]
+ return "OK"
+ def doEndPlatform(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ self.__debug( "Finalise platform " + self.platformblock)
+ return "OK"
+ def doSetSwitch(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ prefix=""
+ varname = toks[0].upper()
+ # A bright spark made the optionname the same as
+ # the env variable. One will override the other if we pass this
+ # on to make. Add a prefix to prevent the clash.
+ if varname=='ARMINC':
+ prefix="SET_"
+ self.__debug( "Set switch "+toks[0]+" ON")
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(prefix+varname, "1"))
+ elif varname=='NOSTRICTDEF':
+ self.nostrictdef = True
+ self.__debug( "Set switch "+toks[0]+" ON")
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(prefix+varname, "1"))
+ elif varname == 'PAGED':
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname, "1"))
+ self.__debug( "Set switch PAGE ON")
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDCODE_OPTION", "paged"))
+ self.__debug( "Set switch PAGEDCODE ON")
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDDATA_OPTION", "paged"))
+ self.__debug( "Set data PAGEDDATA ON")
+ self.__pageConflict.append("PAGEDCODE")
+ self.__pageConflict.append("PAGEDDATA")
+ elif varname == 'UNPAGED':
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGED", "0"))
+ self.__debug( "Set switch PAGED OFF")
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDCODE_OPTION", "unpaged"))
+ self.__debug( "Set switch PAGEDCODE OFF")
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDDATA_OPTION", "unpaged"))
+ self.__debug( "Set data PAGEDDATA OFF")
+ self.__pageConflict.append("UNPAGEDCODE")
+ self.__pageConflict.append("UNPAGEDDATA")
+ elif varname == 'PAGEDCODE':
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDCODE_OPTION", "paged"))
+ self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " ON")
+ self.__pageConflict.append(varname)
+ elif varname == 'PAGEDDATA':
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDDATA_OPTION", "paged"))
+ self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " ON")
+ self.__pageConflict.append(varname)
+ elif varname == 'UNPAGEDCODE':
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDCODE_OPTION", "unpaged"))
+ self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " ON")
+ self.__pageConflict.append(varname)
+ elif varname == 'UNPAGEDDATA':
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PAGEDDATA_OPTION", "unpaged"))
+ self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " ON")
+ self.__pageConflict.append(varname)
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("LTCG",""))
+ self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " OFF")
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("MULTIFILE_ENABLED",""))
+ self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " OFF")
+ elif varname == 'DEBUGGABLE':
+ if self.__debuggable != "udeb":
+ self.__debuggable = "udeb urel"
+ else:
+ self.__Raptor.Warn("DEBUGGABLE keyword ignored as DEBUGGABLE_UDEBONLY is already specified")
+ elif varname == 'DEBUGGABLE_UDEBONLY':
+ if self.__debuggable != "":
+ self.__Raptor.Warn("DEBUGGABLE keyword has no effect as DEBUGGABLE or DEBUGGABLE_UDEBONLY is already set")
+ self.__debuggable = "udeb"
+ elif varname == 'FEATUREVARIANT':
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,"1"))
+ self.featureVariant = True
+ if self.__compressionKeyword:
+ self.__Raptor.Warn("%s keyword in %s overrides earlier use of %s" % (varname, self.__currentMmpFile, self.__compressionKeyword))
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(self.__compressionKeyword,""))
+ self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " OFF")
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,"1"))
+ self.__debug( "Set switch " + varname + " ON")
+ self.__compressionKeyword = varname
+ else:
+ self.__debug( "Set switch "+toks[0]+" ON")
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(prefix+varname, "1"))
+ return "OK"
+ def doAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ varname = toks[0].upper()
+ if varname=='TARGET':
+ (self.__TARGET, self.__TARGETEXT) = os.path.splitext(toks[1])
+ self.__TARGETEXT = self.__TARGETEXT.lstrip('.')
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("REQUESTEDTARGETEXT", self.__TARGETEXT.lower()))
+ lowercase_TARGET = self.__TARGET.lower()
+ self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" to " + lowercase_TARGET)
+ self.__debug("Set REQUESTEDTARGETEXT to " + self.__TARGETEXT.lower())
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET", self.__TARGET))
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET_lower", lowercase_TARGET))
+ if lowercase_TARGET != self.__TARGET:
+ self.__debug("TARGET is not lowercase: '%s' - might cause BC problems." % self.__TARGET)
+ elif varname=='TARGETTYPE':
+ self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" to " + str(toks[1]))
+ self.__targettype=toks[1]
+ if self.__targettype.lower() == "none":
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET", ""))
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET_lower",""))
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("REQUESTEDTARGETEXT", ""))
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,toks[1].lower()))
+ elif varname=='TARGETPATH':
+ value = toks[1].lower().replace('\\','/')
+ self.__debug("Set "+varname+" to " + value)
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname, value))
+ elif varname=='OPTION' or varname=='LINKEROPTION':
+ self.__debug("Set "+toks[1]+varname+" to " + str(toks[2]))
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append(varname+"_"+toks[1].upper()," ".join(toks[2])))
+ # Warn about OPTION ARMASM
+ if "armasm" in toks[1].lower():
+ self.__Raptor.Warn(varname+" ARMASM has no effect (use OPTION ARMCC).")
+ elif varname=='OPTION_REPLACE':
+ if "armasm" in toks[1].lower():
+ self.__Raptor.Warn("OPTION_REPLACE ARMASM has no effect (use OPTION_REPLACE ARMCC).")
+ else:
+ args = " ".join(toks[2])
+ searchReplacePairs = self.resolveOptionReplace(args)
+ for searchReplacePair in searchReplacePairs:
+ self.__debug("Append %s to OPTION_REPLACE_%s", searchReplacePair, toks[1].upper())
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append(varname+"_"+toks[1].upper(),searchReplacePair))
+ elif varname=='SYSTEMINCLUDE' or varname=='USERINCLUDE':
+ for path in toks[1]:
+ resolved = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(self.__currentMmpFile, path)
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append(varname,resolved))
+ if varname=='SYSTEMINCLUDE':
+ self.__systeminclude += ' ' + resolved
+ self.__debug(" %s = %s",varname, self.__systeminclude)
+ else:
+ self.__userinclude += ' ' + resolved
+ self.__debug(" %s = %s",varname, self.__userinclude)
+ self.__debug("Appending %s to %s",resolved, varname)
+ self.__systeminclude = self.__systeminclude.strip()
+ self.__systeminclude = self.__systeminclude.rstrip('\/')
+ self.__userinclude = self.__userinclude.strip()
+ self.__userinclude = self.__userinclude.rstrip('\/')
+ elif varname=='EXPORTLIBRARY':
+ # Remove extension from the EXPORTLIBRARY name
+ libName = toks[1].rsplit(".", 1)[0]
+ self.__debug("Set "+varname+" to " + libName)
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,"".join(libName)))
+ elif varname=='CAPABILITY':
+ for cap in toks[1]:
+ self.__debug("Setting "+toks[0]+": " + cap)
+ self.capabilities.append(cap)
+ elif varname=='DEFFILE':
+ self.__defFileRoot = self.__currentMmpFile
+ self.deffile = toks[1]
+ elif varname=='LINKAS':
+ self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" OPTION to " + str(toks[1]))
+ self.__LINKAS = toks[1]
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname, toks[1]))
+ elif varname=='SECUREID' or varname=='VENDORID':
+ hexoutput = MMPRaptorBackend.canonicalUID(toks[1])
+ self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" OPTION to " + hexoutput)
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname, hexoutput))
+ elif varname=='VERSION':
+ if toks[-1] == "EXPLICIT":
+ self.__explicitversion = True
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("EXPLICITVERSION", "1"))
+ vm = re.match(r'^(\d+)(\.(\d+))?$', toks[1])
+ if vm is not None:
+ version = vm.groups()
+ # the major version number
+ major = int(version[0],10)
+ # add in the minor number
+ minor = 0
+ if version[1] is not None:
+ minor = int(version[2],10)
+ else:
+ self.__Raptor.Warn("VERSION (%s) missing '.minor' in %s, using '.0'" % (toks[1],self.__currentMmpFile))
+ self.__versionhex = "%04x%04x" % (major, minor)
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname, "%d.%d" %(major, minor)))
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname+"HEX", self.__versionhex))
+ self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" OPTION to " + toks[1])
+ self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+"HEX OPTION to " + "%04x%04x" % (major,minor))
+ else:
+ self.__Raptor.Warn("Invalid version supplied to VERSION (%s), using default value" % toks[1])
+ elif varname=='EPOCHEAPSIZE':
+ # Standardise on sending hex numbers to the FLMS.
+ if toks[1].lower().startswith('0x'):
+ min = long(toks[1],16)
+ else:
+ min = long(toks[1],10)
+ if toks[2].lower().startswith('0x'):
+ max = long(toks[2],16)
+ else:
+ max = long(toks[2],10)
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname+"MIN", "%x" % min))
+ self.__debug("Set "+varname+"MIN OPTION to '%x' (hex)" % min )
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname+"MAX", "%x" % max))
+ self.__debug("Set "+varname+"MAX OPTION to '%x' (hex)" % max )
+ # Some toolchains require decimal versions of the min/max values, converted to KB and
+ # rounded up to the next 1KB boundary
+ min_dec_kb = (int(min) + 1023) / 1024
+ max_dec_kb = (int(max) + 1023) / 1024
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname+"MIN_DEC_KB", "%d" % min_dec_kb))
+ self.__debug("Set "+varname+"MIN OPTION KB to '%d' (dec)" % min_dec_kb )
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname+"MAX_DEC_KB", "%d" % max_dec_kb))
+ self.__debug("Set "+varname+"MAX OPTION KB to '%d' (dec)" % max_dec_kb )
+ elif varname=='EPOCSTACKSIZE':
+ if toks[1].lower().startswith('0x'):
+ stack = long(toks[1],16)
+ else:
+ stack = long(toks[1],10)
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname, "%x" % stack))
+ self.__debug("Set "+varname+" OPTION to '%x' (hex)" % stack )
+ elif varname=='EPOCPROCESSPRIORITY':
+ # low, background, foreground, high, windowserver, fileserver, realtimeserver or supervisor
+ # These are case insensitive in metadata entries, but must be mapped to a static case pattern for use
+ prio = toks[1].lower()
+ # NOTE: Original validation here didn't actually work. This has been corrected to provide an error, but probably needs re-examination.
+ if not MMPRaptorBackend.epoc32priorities.has_key(prio):
+ self.__Raptor.Error("Priority setting '%s' is not a valid priority - should be one of %s.", prio, MMPRaptorBackend.epoc32priorities.values())
+ else:
+ self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" to " + MMPRaptorBackend.epoc32priorities[prio])
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,MMPRaptorBackend.epoc32priorities[prio]))
+ elif varname=='ROMTARGET' or varname=='RAMTARGET':
+ if len(toks) == 1:
+ self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" to <none>" )
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,"<none>"))
+ else:
+ toks1 = str(toks[1]).replace("\\","/")
+ if toks1.find(","):
+ toks1 = re.sub("[,'\[\]]", "", toks1).replace("//","/")
+ self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" to " + toks1)
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,toks1))
+ elif varname=='APPLY':
+ self.ApplyVariants.append(toks[1])
+ else:
+ self.__debug("Set "+toks[0]+" to " + str(toks[1]))
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,"".join(toks[1])))
+ if varname=='LINKAS':
+ self.__LINKAS = toks[1]
+ return "OK"
+ def doAppend(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ """MMP command
+ """
+ name=toks[0].upper()
+ if len(toks) == 1:
+ # list can be empty e.g. MACRO _FRED_ when fred it defined in the HRH
+ # causes us to see just "MACRO" in the input - it is valid to ignore this
+ self.__debug("Empty append list for " + name)
+ return "OK"
+ self.__debug("Append to "+name+" the values: " +str(toks[1]))
+ if name=='MACRO':
+ name='MMPDEFS'
+ elif name=='LANG':
+ # don't break the environment variable
+ name='LANGUAGES'
+ for item in toks[1]:
+ if name=='MMPDEFS':
+ # Unquote any macros since the FLM does it anyhow
+ if item.startswith('"') and item.endswith('"') \
+ or item.startswith("'") and item.endswith("'"):
+ item = item.strip("'\"")
+ if name=='LIBRARY' or name=='DEBUGLIBRARY':
+ im = MMPRaptorBackend.library_re.match(item)
+ if not im:
+ self.__error("LIBRARY: %s Seems to have an invalid name.\nExpected xxxx.lib or xxxx.dso\n where xxxx might be\n\tname or \n\tname(n,m) where n is a major version number and m is a minor version number\n" %item)
+ d = im.groupdict()
+ item = d['name']
+ if d['version'] is not None:
+ item += "{%04x%04x}" % (int(d['major']), int(d['minor']))
+ item += ".dso"
+ elif name=='STATICLIBRARY':
+ # the FLM will decide on the ending appropriate to the platform
+ item = re.sub(r"^(.*)\.[Ll][Ii][Bb]$",r"\1", item)
+ elif name=="LANGUAGES":
+ item = item.lower()
+ elif (name=="WIN32_LIBRARY" and (item.startswith(".") or re.search(r'[\\|/]',item))) \
+ or (name=="WIN32_RESOURCE"):
+ # Relatively pathed win32 libraries, and all win32 resources, are resolved in relation
+ # to the wrapper bld.inf file in which their .mmp file is specified. This equates to
+ # the current working directory in ABLD operation.
+ item = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(self.__bldInfFilename, item)
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append(name,item," "))
+ # maintain a debug library list, the same as LIBRARY but with DEBUGLIBRARY values
+ # appended as they are encountered
+ if name=='LIBRARY' or name=='DEBUGLIBRARY':
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("LIBRARY_DEBUG",item," "))
+ return "OK"
+ def canonicalUID(number):
+ """ convert a UID string into an 8 digit hexadecimal string without leading 0x """
+ if number.lower().startswith("0x"):
+ n = int(number,16)
+ else:
+ n = int(number,10)
+ return "%08x" % n
+ canonicalUID = staticmethod(canonicalUID)
+ def doUIDAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
+ """A single UID command results in a number of spec variables"""
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ hexoutput = MMPRaptorBackend.canonicalUID(toks[1][0])
+ self.__debug( "Set UID2 to %s" % hexoutput )
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("UID2", hexoutput))
+ if len(toks[1]) > 1:
+ hexoutput = MMPRaptorBackend.canonicalUID(toks[1][1])
+ self.__debug( "Set UID3 to %s" % hexoutput)
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("UID3", hexoutput))
+ self.__debug( "done set UID")
+ return "OK"
+ def doSourcePathAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ self.__sourcepath = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(self.__currentMmpFile, toks[1])
+ self.__debug( "Remembering self.sourcepath state: "+str(toks[0])+" is now " + self.__sourcepath)
+ self.__debug("selfcurrentMmpFile: " + self.__currentMmpFile)
+ return "OK"
+ def doSourceAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ self.__debug( "Setting "+toks[0]+" to " + str(toks[1]))
+ for file in toks[1]:
+ # file is always relative to sourcepath but some MMP files
+ # have items that begin with a slash...
+ file = file.lstrip("/")
+ source = generic_path.Join(self.__sourcepath, file)
+ # If the SOURCEPATH itself begins with a '/', then dont look up the caseless version, since
+ # we don't know at this time what $(EPOCROOT) will evaluate to.
+ if source.GetLocalString().startswith('$(EPOCROOT)'):
+ self.sources.append(str(source))
+ self.__debug("Append SOURCE " + str(source))
+ else:
+ foundsource = source.FindCaseless()
+ if foundsource == None:
+ # Hope that the file will be generated later
+ self.__debug("Sourcefile not found: %s" % source)
+ foundsource = source
+ self.sources.append(str(foundsource))
+ self.__debug("Append SOURCE " + str(foundsource))
+ self.__debug(" sourcepath: " + self.__sourcepath)
+ return "OK"
+ # Resource
+ def doOldResourceAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
+ # Technically deprecated, but still used, so...
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ self.__debug("Processing old-style "+toks[0]+" "+str(toks[1]))
+ sysRes = (toks[0].lower() == "systemresource")
+ for rss in toks[1]:
+ variant = raptor_data.Variant()
+ source = generic_path.Join(self.__sourcepath, rss)
+ variant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("SOURCE", str(source)))
+ self.__resourceFiles.append(str(source))
+ target = source.File().rsplit(".", 1)[0] # remove the extension
+ variant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET", target))
+ variant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET_lower", target.lower()))
+ header = target.lower() + ".rsg" # filename policy
+ variant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("HEADER", header))
+ if sysRes:
+ dsrtp = self.getDefaultSystemResourceTargetPath()
+ variant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGETPATH", dsrtp))
+ self.ResourceVariants.append(variant)
+ return "OK"
+ def getDefaultSystemResourceTargetPath(self):
+ # the default systemresource TARGETPATH value should come from the
+ # configuration rather than being hard-coded here. Then again, this
+ # should really be deprecated away into oblivion...
+ return "system/data"
+ def getDefaultResourceTargetPath(self, targettype):
+ # the different default TARGETPATH values should come from the
+ # configuration rather than being hard-coded here.
+ if targettype == "plugin":
+ return "resource/plugins"
+ if targettype == "pdl":
+ return "resource/printers"
+ return ""
+ def resolveOptionReplace(self, content):
+ """
+ Constructs search/replace pairs based on .mmp OPTION_REPLACE entries for use on tool command lines
+ within FLMS.
+ Depending on what's supplied to OPTION_REPLACE <TOOL>, the core part of the <TOOL> command line
+ in the relevant FLM will have search and replace actions performed on it post-expansion (but pre-
+ any OPTION <TOOL> additions).
+ In terms of logic, we try to follow what ABLD does, as the current behaviour is undocumented.
+ What happens is a little inconsistent, and best described by some generic examples:
+ OPTION_REPLACE TOOL existing_option replacement_value
+ Replace all instances of "option existing_value" with "option replacement_value"
+ OPTION_REPLACE TOOL existing_option replacement_option
+ Replace all instances of "existing_option" with "replacement_option".
+ If "existing_option" is present in isolation then a removal is performed.
+ Any values encountered that don't follow an option are ignored.
+ Options are identified as being prefixed with either '-' or '--'.
+ The front-end processes each OPTION_REPLACE entry and then appends one or more search/replace pairs
+ to an OPTION_REPLACE_<TOOL> variable in the following format:
+ search<->replace
+ """
+ # Note that, for compatibility reasons, the following is mostly a port to Python of the corresponding
+ # ABLD Perl, and hence maintains ABLD's idiosyncrasies in what it achieves
+ searchReplacePairs = []
+ matches = re.findall("-{1,2}\S+\s*(?!-)\S*",content)
+ if matches:
+ # reverse so we can process as a stack whilst retaining original order
+ matches.reverse()
+ while (len(matches)):
+ match = matches.pop()
+ standaloneMatch = re.match('^(?P<option>\S+)\s+(?P<value>\S+)$', match)
+ if (standaloneMatch):
+ # Option listed standalone with a replacement value
+ # Example:
+ # Intention:
+ # Replace instances of "--cpu <something>" with "--cpu 6"
+ # Substitute any existing "option <existing_value>" instances with a single word
+ # "@@<existing_value>" for later replacement
+ searchReplacePairs.append('%s <->@@' % standaloneMatch.group('option'))
+ # Replace "@@<existing_value>" entries from above with "option <new_value>" entries
+ # A pattern substitution is used to cover pre-existing values
+ searchReplacePairs.append('@@%%<->%s %s' % (standaloneMatch.group('option'), standaloneMatch.group('value')))
+ else:
+ # Options specified in search/replace pairs with optional values
+ # Example:
+ # Intention:
+ # Replace instances of "--O2" with "--O3"
+ # At this point we will be looking at just the search option - there may or may not
+ # be a replacement to consider
+ search = match
+ replace = ""
+ if len(matches):
+ replace = matches.pop()
+ searchReplacePairs.append('%s<->%s' % (search, replace))
+ # Replace spaces to maintain word-based grouping in downstream makefile lists
+ for i in range(0,len(searchReplacePairs)):
+ searchReplacePairs[i] = searchReplacePairs[i].replace(' ','%20')
+ return searchReplacePairs
+ def doStartResource(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ self.__debug("Start RESOURCE "+toks[1])
+ self.__current_resource = generic_path.Path(self.__sourcepath, toks[1])
+ self.__current_resource = str(self.__current_resource)
+ self.__debug("sourcepath: " + self.__sourcepath)
+ self.__debug("self.__current_resource source: " + toks[1])
+ self.__debug("adjusted self.__current_resource source=" + self.__current_resource)
+ self.__currentResourceVariant = raptor_data.Variant()
+ self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("SOURCE", self.__current_resource))
+ self.__resourceFiles.append(self.__current_resource)
+ # The target name is the basename of the resource without the extension
+ # e.g. "/fred/129ab34f.rss" would have a target name of "129ab34f"
+ target = self.__current_resource.rsplit("/",1)[-1]
+ target = target.rsplit(".",1)[0]
+ self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET", target))
+ self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET_lower", target.lower()))
+ self.__headerspecified = False
+ self.__headeronlyspecified = False
+ self.__current_resource_header = target.lower() + ".rsg"
+ return "OK"
+ def doResourceAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
+ """ Assign variables for resource files """
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ varname = toks[0].upper() # the mmp keyword
+ varvalue = "".join(toks[1])
+ # Get rid of any .rsc extension because the build system
+ # needs to have it stripped off to calculate other names
+ # for other purposes and # we aren't going to make it
+ # optional anyhow.
+ if varname == "TARGET":
+ target_withext = varvalue.rsplit("/\\",1)[-1]
+ target = target_withext.rsplit(".",1)[0]
+ self.__current_resource_header = target.lower() + ".rsg"
+ self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET_lower", target.lower()))
+ self.__debug("Set resource "+varname+" to " + target)
+ self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,target))
+ if varname == "TARGETPATH":
+ varvalue=varvalue.replace('\\','/')
+ self.__debug("Set resource "+varname+" to " + varvalue)
+ self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,varvalue))
+ else:
+ self.__debug("Set resource "+varname+" to " + varvalue)
+ self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,varvalue))
+ return "OK"
+ def doResourceAppend(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ self.__debug("Append resource to "+toks[0]+" the values: " +str(toks[1]))
+ varname = toks[0].upper()
+ # we cannot use LANG as it interferes with the environment
+ if varname == "LANG":
+ varname = "LANGUAGES"
+ for item in toks[1]:
+ if varname == "LANGUAGES":
+ item = item.lower()
+ self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append(varname,item))
+ return "OK"
+ def doResourceSetSwitch(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ name = toks[0].upper()
+ if name == "HEADER":
+ self.__headerspecified = True
+ elif name == "HEADERONLY":
+ self.__headeronlyspecified = True
+ else:
+ value = "1"
+ self.__debug( "Set resource switch " + name + " " + value)
+ self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(name, value))
+ return "OK"
+ def doEndResource(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ # Header name can change, depening if there was a TARGET defined or not, so it must be appended at the end
+ if self.__headerspecified:
+ self.__debug("Set resource switch HEADER " + self.__current_resource_header)
+ self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("HEADER", self.__current_resource_header))
+ if self.__headeronlyspecified:
+ self.__debug("Set resource switch HEADERONLY " + self.__current_resource_header)
+ self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("HEADER", self.__current_resource_header))
+ self.__currentResourceVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("HEADERONLY", "True"))
+ self.__debug("End RESOURCE")
+ self.ResourceVariants.append(self.__currentResourceVariant)
+ self.__currentResourceVariant = None
+ self.__current_resource = ""
+ return "OK"
+ # Bitmap
+ def doStartBitmap(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ self.__debug("Start BITMAP "+toks[1])
+ self.__currentBitmapVariant = raptor_data.Variant(name = toks[1].replace('.','_'))
+ # Use BMTARGET and BMTARGET_lower because that prevents
+ # confusion with the TARGET and TARGET_lower of our parent MMP
+ # when setting the OUTPUTPATH. This in turn allows us to
+ # not get tripped up by multiple mbms being generated with
+ # the same name to the same directory.
+ self.__currentBitmapVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("BMTARGET", toks[1]))
+ self.__currentBitmapVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("BMTARGET_lower", toks[1].lower()))
+ self.__currentBitmapVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("SOURCE", ""))
+ return "OK"
+ def doBitmapAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ self.__debug("Set bitmap "+toks[0]+" to " + str(toks[1]))
+ name = toks[0].upper()
+ value = "".join(toks[1])
+ if name == "TARGETPATH":
+ value = value.replace('\\','/')
+ self.__currentBitmapVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(name,value))
+ return "OK"
+ def doBitmapSourcePathAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ self.__debug("Previous bitmap sourcepath:" + self.__bitmapSourcepath)
+ self.__bitmapSourcepath = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(self.__currentMmpFile, toks[1])
+ self.__debug("New bitmap sourcepath: " + self.__bitmapSourcepath)
+ def doBitmapSourceAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ self.__debug( "Setting "+toks[0]+" to " + str(toks[1]))
+ # The first "source" is the colour depth for all the others.
+ # The depth format is b[,m] where b is the bitmap depth and m is
+ # the mask depth.
+ # Valid values for b are: 1 2 4 8 c4 c8 c12 c16 c24 c32 c32a (?)
+ # Valid values for m are: 1 8 (any number?)
+ #
+ # If m is specified then the bitmaps are in pairs: b0 m0 b1 m1...
+ # If m is not specified then there are no masks, just bitmaps: b0 b1...
+ colordepth = toks[1][0].lower()
+ if "," in colordepth:
+ (bitmapdepth, maskdepth) = colordepth.split(",")
+ else:
+ bitmapdepth = colordepth
+ maskdepth = 0
+ sources=""
+ mask = False
+ for file in toks[1][1:]:
+ path = generic_path.Join(self.__bitmapSourcepath, file)
+ if sources:
+ sources += " "
+ if mask:
+ sources += "DEPTH=" + maskdepth + " FILE=" + str(path)
+ else:
+ sources += "DEPTH=" + bitmapdepth + " FILE=" + str(path)
+ if maskdepth:
+ mask = not mask
+ self.__debug("sources: " + sources)
+ self.__currentBitmapVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("SOURCE", sources))
+ return "OK"
+ def doBitmapSetSwitch(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ self.__debug( "Set bitmap switch "+toks[0]+" ON")
+ self.__currentBitmapVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(toks[0].upper(), "1"))
+ return "OK"
+ def doEndBitmap(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ self.__bitmapSourcepath = self.__sourcepath
+ self.BitmapVariants.append(self.__currentBitmapVariant)
+ self.__currentBitmapVariant = None
+ self.__debug("End BITMAP")
+ return "OK"
+ # Stringtable
+ def doStartStringTable(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ self.__debug( "Start STRINGTABLE "+toks[1])
+ specstringtable = generic_path.Join(self.__sourcepath, toks[1])
+ uniqname = specstringtable.File().replace('.','_') # corrected, filename only
+ source = str(specstringtable.FindCaseless())
+ self.__debug("sourcepath: " + self.__sourcepath)
+ self.__debug("stringtable: " + toks[1])
+ self.__debug("adjusted stringtable source=" + source)
+ self.__currentStringTableVariant = raptor_data.Variant(name = uniqname)
+ self.__currentStringTableVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("SOURCE", source))
+ self.__currentStringTableVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("EXPORTPATH", ""))
+ self.__stringtableExported = False
+ # The target name by default is the name of the stringtable without the extension
+ # e.g. the stringtable "/fred/http.st" would have a default target name of "http"
+ stringtable_withext = specstringtable.File()
+ self.__stringtable = stringtable_withext.rsplit(".",1)[0].lower()
+ self.__currentStringTableVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGET", self.__stringtable))
+ self.__stringtableHeaderonlyspecified = False
+ return "OK"
+ def doStringTableAssignment(self,s,loc,toks):
+ """ Assign variables for stringtables """
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ varname = toks[0].upper() # the mmp keyword
+ varvalue = "".join(toks[1])
+ # Get rid of any .rsc extension because the build system
+ # needs to have it stripped off to calculate other names
+ # for other purposes and # we aren't going to make it
+ # optional anyhow.
+ if varname == "EXPORTPATH":
+ finalvalue = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(self.__currentMmpFile, varvalue)
+ self.__stringtableExported = True
+ else:
+ finalvalue = varvalue
+ self.__debug("Set stringtable "+varname+" to " + finalvalue)
+ self.__currentStringTableVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(varname,finalvalue))
+ return "OK"
+ def doStringTableSetSwitch(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ if toks[0].upper()== "HEADERONLY":
+ self.__stringtableHeaderonlyspecified = True
+ self.__debug( "Set stringtable switch "+toks[0]+" ON")
+ self.__currentStringTableVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(toks[0].upper(), "1"))
+ return "OK"
+ def doEndStringTable(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ if not self.__stringtableExported:
+ # There was no EXPORTPATH specified for this stringtable
+ # so for our other code to be able to reference it we
+ # must add the path of the generated location to the userinclude path
+ ipath = "$(OUTPUTPATH)"
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("USERINCLUDE",ipath))
+ self.__userinclude += ' ' + ipath
+ self.__debug(" USERINCLUDE = %s", self.__userinclude)
+ self.__userinclude.strip()
+ self.StringTableVariants.append(self.__currentStringTableVariant)
+ self.__currentStringTableVariant = None
+ self.__debug("End STRINGTABLE")
+ if not self.__stringtableHeaderonlyspecified:
+ # Have to assume that this is where the cpp file will be. This has to be maintained
+ # in sync with the FLM's idea of where this file should be. We need a better way.
+ # Interfaces also need outputs that allow other interfaces to refer to their outputs
+ # without having to "know" where they will be.
+ self.sources.append('$(OUTPUTPATH)/' + self.__stringtable + '.cpp')
+ return "OK"
+ def doUnknownStatement(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__warn("%s (%d) : Unrecognised Keyword %s", self.__currentMmpFile, self.__currentLineNumber, str(toks))
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ return "OK"
+ def doUnknownBlock(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__warn("%s (%d) : Unrecognised Block %s", self.__currentMmpFile, self.__currentLineNumber, str(toks))
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ return "OK"
+ def doDeprecated(self,s,loc,toks):
+ self.__debug( "Deprecated command " + str(toks))
+ self.__warn("%s (%d) : %s is deprecated .mmp file syntax", self.__currentMmpFile, self.__currentLineNumber, str(toks))
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ return "OK"
+ def doNothing(self):
+ self.__currentLineNumber += 1
+ return "OK"
+ def finalise(self, aBuildPlatform):
+ """Post-processing of data that is only applicable in the context of a fully
+ processed .mmp file."""
+ resolvedDefFile = ""
+ if self.__TARGET:
+ defaultRootName = self.__TARGET
+ if self.__TARGETEXT!="":
+ defaultRootName += "." + self.__TARGETEXT
+ # NOTE: Changing default .def file name based on the LINKAS argument is actually
+ # a defect, but this follows the behaviour of the current build system.
+ if (self.__LINKAS):
+ defaultRootName = self.__LINKAS
+ resolvedDefFile = self.resolveDefFile(defaultRootName, aBuildPlatform)
+ self.__debug("Resolved def file: %s" % resolvedDefFile )
+ # We need to store this resolved deffile location for the FREEZE target
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("RESOLVED_DEFFILE", resolvedDefFile))
+ # If a deffile is specified, an FLM will put in a dependency.
+ # If a deffile is specified then raptor_meta will guess a name but:
+ # 1) If the guess is wrong then the FLM will complain "no rule to make ..."
+ # 2) In some cases, e.g. plugin, 1) is not desirable as the presence of a def file
+ # is not a necessity. In these cases the FLM needs to know if DEFFILE
+ # is a guess or not so it can decide if a dependency should be added.
+ # We check that the def file exists and that it is non-zero (incredible
+ # that this should be needed).
+ deffile_keyword="1"
+ if self.deffile == "":
+ # If the user didn't specify a deffile name then
+ # we must be guessing
+ # Let's check if our guess actually corresponds to a
+ # real file. If it does then that confims the guess.
+ # If there's no file then we still need to pass make the name
+ # so it can complain about there not being a DEF file
+ # for this particular target type and fail to build this target.
+ deffile_keyword=""
+ try:
+ findpath = generic_path.Path(resolvedDefFile)
+ foundfile = findpath.FindCaseless()
+ if foundfile == None:
+ raise IOError("file not found")
+ self.__debug("Found DEFFILE " + foundfile.GetLocalString())
+ rfstat = os.stat(foundfile.GetLocalString())
+ mode = rfstat[stat.ST_MODE]
+ if mode != None and stat.S_ISREG(mode) and rfstat[stat.ST_SIZE] > 0:
+ resolvedDefFile = str(foundfile)
+ else:
+ resolvedDefFile=""
+ except Exception,e:
+ self.__debug("While Searching for an IMPLIED DEFFILE: %s: %s" % (str(e),str(findpath)) )
+ resolvedDefFile=""
+ else:
+ if not resolvedDefFile == "":
+ try:
+ findpath = generic_path.Path(resolvedDefFile)
+ resolvedDefFile = str(findpath.FindCaseless())
+ if resolvedDefFile=="None":
+ raise IOError("file not found")
+ except Exception,e:
+ self.__warn("While Searching for a SPECIFIED DEFFILE: %s: %s" % (str(e),str(findpath)) )
+ resolvedDefFile=""
+ else:
+ self.__warn("DEFFILE KEYWORD used (%s) but def file not resolved" % (self.deffile) )
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("DEFFILE", resolvedDefFile))
+ self.__debug("Set DEFFILE to " + resolvedDefFile)
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("DEFFILEKEYWORD", deffile_keyword))
+ self.__debug("Set DEFFILEKEYWORD to '%s'",deffile_keyword)
+ # if this target type has a default TARGETPATH other than "" for
+ # resources then we need to add that default to all resources which
+ # do not explicitly set the TARGETPATH themselves.
+ tp = self.getDefaultResourceTargetPath(self.getTargetType())
+ if tp:
+ for i,var in enumerate(self.ResourceVariants):
+ # does this resource specify its own TARGETPATH?
+ needTP = True
+ for op in var.ops:
+ if isinstance(op, raptor_data.Set) \
+ and op.name == "TARGETPATH":
+ needTP = False
+ break
+ if needTP:
+ self.ResourceVariants[i].AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TARGETPATH", tp))
+ # some core build configurations need to know about the resource builds, and
+ # some resource building configurations need knowledge of the core build
+ for resourceFile in self.__resourceFiles:
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("RESOURCEFILES", resourceFile))
+ for i,var in enumerate(self.ResourceVariants):
+ self.ResourceVariants[i].AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("MAIN_TARGET_lower", self.__TARGET.lower()))
+ self.ResourceVariants[i].AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("MAIN_REQUESTEDTARGETEXT", self.__TARGETEXT.lower()))
+ # Create Capability variable in one SET operation (more efficient than multiple appends)
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CAPABILITY"," ".join(self.capabilities)))
+ # Resolve combined capabilities as hex flags, for configurations that require them
+ capabilityFlag1 = 0
+ capabilityFlag2 = 0 # Always 0
+ for capability in [c.lower() for c in self.capabilities]:
+ invert = 0
+ if capability.startswith('-'):
+ invert = 0xffffffff
+ capability = capability.lstrip('-')
+ if MMPRaptorBackend.supportedCapabilities.has_key(capability):
+ capabilityFlag1 = capabilityFlag1 ^ invert
+ capabilityFlag1 = capabilityFlag1 | MMPRaptorBackend.supportedCapabilities[capability]
+ capabilityFlag1 = capabilityFlag1 ^ invert
+ capabilityFlag1 = "%08xu" % capabilityFlag1
+ capabilityFlag2 = "%08xu" % capabilityFlag2
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CAPABILITYFLAG1", capabilityFlag1))
+ self.__debug ("Set CAPABILITYFLAG1 to " + capabilityFlag1)
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CAPABILITYFLAG2", capabilityFlag2))
+ self.__debug ("Set CAPABILITYFLAG2 to " + capabilityFlag2)
+ # For non-Feature Variant builds, the location of the product include hrh file is
+ # appended to the SYSTEMINCLUDE list
+ if not aBuildPlatform['ISFEATUREVARIANT']:
+ productIncludePath = str(aBuildPlatform['VARIANT_HRH'].Dir())
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("SYSTEMINCLUDE",productIncludePath))
+ self.__debug("Appending product include location %s to SYSTEMINCLUDE",productIncludePath)
+ # Specifying both a PAGED* and its opposite UNPAGED* keyword in a .mmp file
+ # will generate a warning and the last keyword specified will take effect.
+ self.__pageConflict.reverse()
+ if "PAGEDCODE" in self.__pageConflict and "UNPAGEDCODE" in self.__pageConflict:
+ for x in self.__pageConflict:
+ if x == "PAGEDCODE" or x == "UNPAGEDCODE":
+ self.__Raptor.Warn("Both PAGEDCODE and UNPAGEDCODE are specified. The last one %s will take effect" % x)
+ break
+ if "PAGEDDATA" in self.__pageConflict and "UNPAGEDDATA" in self.__pageConflict:
+ for x in self.__pageConflict:
+ if x == "PAGEDDATA" or x == "UNPAGEDDATA":
+ self.__Raptor.Warn("Both PAGEDDATA and UNPAGEDDATA are specified. The last one %s will take effect" % x)
+ break
+ # Set Debuggable
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("DEBUGGABLE", self.__debuggable))
+ if self.__explicitversion:
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("UNIQUETARGETPATH","$(TARGET_lower)_$(VERSIONHEX)_$(REQUESTEDTARGETEXT)",'/'))
+ else:
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("UNIQUETARGETPATH","$(TARGET_lower)_$(REQUESTEDTARGETEXT)",'/'))
+ # Put the list of sourcefiles in with one Set operation - saves memory
+ # and performance over using multiple Append operations.
+ self.BuildVariant.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("SOURCE",
+ " ".join(self.sources)))
+ def getTargetType(self):
+ """Target type in lower case - the standard format"""
+ return self.__targettype.lower()
+ def resolveDefFile(self, aTARGET, aBuildPlatform):
+ """Returns a fully resolved DEFFILE entry depending on .mmp file location and TARGET, DEFFILE and NOSTRICTDEF
+ entries in the .mmp file itself (where appropriate).
+ Is able to deal with target names that have multiple '.' characters e.g. messageintercept.esockdebug.dll
+ """
+ resolvedDefFile = ""
+ platform = aBuildPlatform['PLATFORM']
+ # Not having a default .def file directory is a pretty strong indicator that
+ # .def files aren't supported for the particular platform
+ if PlatformDefaultDefFileDir.has_key(platform):
+ (targetname,targetext) = os.path.splitext(aTARGET)
+ (defname,defext) = os.path.splitext(self.deffile)
+ if defext=="":
+ defext = ".def"
+ if len(targetext) > 4:
+ targetname += defext
+ if not self.deffile:
+ resolvedDefFile = targetname
+ else:
+ if re.search('[\\|\/]$', self.deffile):
+ # If DEFFILE is *solely* a path, signified by ending in a slash, then TARGET is the
+ # basis for the default .def filename but with the specified path as prefix
+ resolvedDefFile = self.deffile + targetname
+ else:
+ resolvedDefFile = defname
+ resolvedDefFile = resolvedDefFile.replace('~', PlatformDefaultDefFileDir[platform])
+ if resolvedDefFile:
+ if not self.nostrictdef:
+ resolvedDefFile += 'u'
+ if self.__explicitversion:
+ resolvedDefFile += '{' + self.__versionhex + '}'
+ resolvedDefFile += defext
+ # If a DEFFILE statement doesn't specify a path in any shape or form, prepend the default .def file
+ # location based on the platform being built
+ if not re.search('[\\\/]+', self.deffile):
+ resolvedDefFile = '../'+PlatformDefaultDefFileDir[platform]+'/'+resolvedDefFile
+ resolvedDefFile = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(self.__defFileRoot, resolvedDefFile, 'DEFFILE', "", str(aBuildPlatform['EPOCROOT']))
+ return resolvedDefFile
+def CheckedGet(self, key, default = None):
+ """extract a value from an self and raise an exception if None.
+ An optional default can be set to replace a None value.
+ This function belongs in the Evaluator class logically. But
+ Evaluator doesn't know how to raise a Metadata error. Since
+ being able to raise a metadata error is the whole point of
+ the method, it makes sense to adapt the Evaluator class from
+ raptor_meta for the use of everything inside raptor_meta.
+ ... so it will be added to the Evaluator class.
+ """
+ value = self.Get(key)
+ if value == None:
+ if default == None:
+ raise MetaDataError("configuration " + self.buildUnit.name +
+ " has no variable " + key)
+ else:
+ return default
+ return value
+raptor_data.Evaluator.CheckedGet = CheckedGet
+class MetaReader(object):
+ """Entry point class for Symbian metadata processing.
+ Provides a means of integrating "traditional" Symbian metadata processing
+ with the new Raptor build system."""
+ filesplit_re = re.compile(r"^(?P<name>.*)\.(?P<ext>[^\.]*)$")
+ def __init__(self, aRaptor, configsToBuild):
+ self.__Raptor = aRaptor
+ self.BuildPlatforms = []
+ self.ExportPlatforms = []
+ # Get the version of CPP that we are using
+ metadata = self.__Raptor.cache.FindNamedVariant("meta")
+ evaluator = self.__Raptor.GetEvaluator(None, raptor_data.BuildUnit(metadata.name, [metadata]) )
+ self.__gnucpp = evaluator.CheckedGet("GNUCPP")
+ self.__defaultplatforms = evaluator.CheckedGet("DEFAULT_PLATFORMS")
+ self.__basedefaultplatforms = evaluator.CheckedGet("BASE_DEFAULT_PLATFORMS")
+ self.__baseuserdefaultplatforms = evaluator.CheckedGet("BASE_USER_DEFAULT_PLATFORMS")
+ # Only read each variant.cfg once
+ variantCfgs = {}
+ # Group the list of configurations into "build platforms".
+ # A build platform is a set of configurations which share
+ # the same metadata. In other words, a set of configurations
+ # for which the bld.inf and MMP files pre-process to exactly
+ # the same text.
+ platforms = {}
+ # Exports are not "platform dependent" but they are configuration
+ # dependent because different configs can have different EPOCROOT
+ # and VARIANT_HRH values. Each "build platform" has one associated
+ # "export platform" but several "build platforms" can be associated
+ # with the same "export platform".
+ exports = {}
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("MetaReader: configsToBuild: %s", [b.name for b in configsToBuild])
+ for buildConfig in configsToBuild:
+ # get everything we need to know about the configuration
+ evaluator = self.__Raptor.GetEvaluator(None, buildConfig)
+ detail = {}
+ detail['PLATFORM'] = evaluator.CheckedGet("TRADITIONAL_PLATFORM")
+ epocroot = evaluator.CheckedGet("EPOCROOT")
+ detail['EPOCROOT'] = generic_path.Path(epocroot)
+ sbs_build_dir = evaluator.CheckedGet("SBS_BUILD_DIR")
+ detail['SBS_BUILD_DIR'] = generic_path.Path(sbs_build_dir)
+ flm_export_dir = evaluator.CheckedGet("FLM_EXPORT_DIR")
+ detail['FLM_EXPORT_DIR'] = generic_path.Path(flm_export_dir)
+ detail['CACHEID'] = flm_export_dir
+ if raptor_utilities.getOSPlatform().startswith("win"):
+ detail['PLATMACROS'] = evaluator.CheckedGet("PLATMACROS.WINDOWS")
+ else:
+ detail['PLATMACROS'] = evaluator.CheckedGet("PLATMACROS.LINUX")
+ # Apply OS variant provided we are not ignoring this
+ if not self.__Raptor.ignoreOsDetection:
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("Automatic OS detection enabled.")
+ self.ApplyOSVariant(buildConfig, epocroot)
+ else: # We are ignore OS versions so no detection required, so no variant will be applied
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("Automatic OS detection disabled.")
+ # is this a feature variant config or an ordinary variant
+ fv = evaluator.Get("FEATUREVARIANTNAME")
+ if fv:
+ variantHdr = evaluator.CheckedGet("VARIANT_HRH")
+ variantHRH = generic_path.Path(variantHdr)
+ detail['ISFEATUREVARIANT'] = True
+ else:
+ variantCfg = evaluator.CheckedGet("VARIANT_CFG")
+ variantCfg = generic_path.Path(variantCfg)
+ if not variantCfg in variantCfgs:
+ # get VARIANT_HRH from the variant.cfg file
+ varCfg = getVariantCfgDetail(detail['EPOCROOT'], variantCfg)
+ variantCfgs[variantCfg] = varCfg['VARIANT_HRH']
+ # we expect to always build ABIv2
+ if not 'ENABLE_ABIV2_MODE' in varCfg:
+ self.__Raptor.Warn("missing flag ENABLE_ABIV2_MODE in %s file. ABIV1 builds are not supported.",
+ str(variantCfg))
+ variantHRH = variantCfgs[variantCfg]
+ detail['ISFEATUREVARIANT'] = False
+ detail['VARIANT_HRH'] = variantHRH
+ self.__Raptor.Info("'%s' uses variant hrh file '%s'", buildConfig.name, variantHRH)
+ detail['SYSTEMINCLUDE'] = evaluator.CheckedGet("SYSTEMINCLUDE")
+ # find all the interface names we need
+ ifaceTypes = evaluator.CheckedGet("INTERFACE_TYPES")
+ interfaces = ifaceTypes.split()
+ for iface in interfaces:
+ detail[iface] = evaluator.CheckedGet("INTERFACE." + iface)
+ # not test code unless positively specified
+ detail['TESTCODE'] = evaluator.CheckedGet("TESTCODE", "")
+ # make a key that identifies this platform uniquely
+ # - used to tell us whether we have done the pre-processing
+ # we need already using another platform with compatible values.
+ key = str(detail['VARIANT_HRH']) \
+ + str(detail['EPOCROOT']) \
+ + detail['SYSTEMINCLUDE'] \
+ + detail['PLATFORM']
+ # Keep a short version of the key for use in filenames.
+ uniq = hashlib.md5()
+ uniq.update(key)
+ detail['key'] = key
+ detail['key_md5'] = "p_" + uniq.hexdigest()
+ del uniq
+ # compare this configuration to the ones we have already seen
+ # Is this an unseen export platform?
+ # concatenate all the values we care about in a fixed order
+ # and use that as a signature for the exports.
+ export = ""
+ for i in items:
+ if i in detail:
+ export += i + str(detail[i])
+ if export in exports:
+ # add this configuration to an existing export platform
+ index = exports[export]
+ self.ExportPlatforms[index]['configs'].append(buildConfig)
+ else:
+ # create a new export platform with this configuration
+ exports[export] = len(self.ExportPlatforms)
+ exp = copy.copy(detail)
+ exp['PLATFORM'] = 'EXPORT'
+ exp['configs'] = [buildConfig]
+ self.ExportPlatforms.append(exp)
+ # Is this an unseen build platform?
+ # concatenate all the values we care about in a fixed order
+ # and use that as a signature for the platform.
+ if raptor_utilities.getOSPlatform().startswith("win"):
+ items.append('PLATMACROS.WINDOWS')
+ else:
+ items.append('PLATMACROS.LINUX')
+ items.extend(interfaces)
+ platform = ""
+ for i in items:
+ if i in detail:
+ platform += i + str(detail[i])
+ if platform in platforms:
+ # add this configuration to an existing build platform
+ index = platforms[platform]
+ self.BuildPlatforms[index]['configs'].append(buildConfig)
+ else:
+ # create a new build platform with this configuration
+ platforms[platform] = len(self.BuildPlatforms)
+ detail['configs'] = [buildConfig]
+ self.BuildPlatforms.append(detail)
+ # one platform is picked as the "default" for extracting things
+ # that are supposedly platform independent (e.g. PRJ_PLATFORMS)
+ self.defaultPlatform = self.ExportPlatforms[0]
+ def ReadBldInfFiles(self, aComponentList, doexport, dobuild = True):
+ """Take a list of bld.inf files and return a list of build specs.
+ The returned specification nodes will be suitable for all the build
+ configurations under consideration (using Filter nodes where required).
+ """
+ # we need a Filter node per export platform
+ exportNodes = []
+ for i,ep in enumerate(self.ExportPlatforms):
+ filter = raptor_data.Filter(name = "export_" + str(i))
+ # what configurations is this node active for?
+ for config in ep['configs']:
+ filter.AddConfigCondition(config.name)
+ exportNodes.append(filter)
+ # we need a Filter node per build platform
+ platformNodes = []
+ for i,bp in enumerate(self.BuildPlatforms):
+ filter = raptor_data.Filter(name = "build_" + str(i))
+ # what configurations is this node active for?
+ for config in bp['configs']:
+ filter.AddConfigCondition(config.name)
+ # platform-wide data
+ platformVar = raptor_data.Variant()
+ platformVar.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PRODUCT_INCLUDE",
+ str(bp['VARIANT_HRH'])))
+ filter.AddVariant(platformVar)
+ platformNodes.append(filter)
+ # check that each bld.inf exists and add a Specification node for it
+ # to the nodes of the export and build platforms that it supports.
+ for c in aComponentList:
+ if c.bldinf_filename.isFile():
+ self.__Raptor.Info("Processing %s", str(c.bldinf_filename))
+ try:
+ self.AddComponentNodes(c, exportNodes, platformNodes)
+ except MetaDataError, e:
+ self.__Raptor.Error(e.Text, bldinf=str(c.bldinf_filename))
+ if not self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
+ return []
+ else:
+ self.__Raptor.Error("build info file does not exist", bldinf=str(c.bldinf_filename))
+ if not self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
+ return []
+ # now we have the top-level structure in place...
+ #
+ # <filter exports 1>
+ # <spec bld.inf 1 />
+ # <spec bld.inf 2 />
+ # <spec bld.inf N /> </filter>
+ # <filter build 1>
+ # <spec bld.inf 1 />
+ # <spec bld.inf 2 />
+ # <spec bld.inf N /> </filter>
+ # <filter build 2>
+ # <spec bld.inf 1 />
+ # <spec bld.inf 2 />
+ # <spec bld.inf N /> </filter>
+ # <filter build 3>
+ # <spec bld.inf 1 />
+ # <spec bld.inf 2 />
+ # <spec bld.inf N /> </filter>
+ #
+ # assuming that every bld.inf builds for every platform and all
+ # exports go to the same place. clearly, it is more likely that
+ # some filters have less than N child nodes. in bigger builds there
+ # will also be more than one export platform.
+ # we now need to process the EXPORTS for all the bld.inf nodes
+ # before we can do anything else (because raptor itself must do
+ # some exports before the MMP files that include them can be
+ # processed).
+ if doexport:
+ for i,p in enumerate(exportNodes):
+ exportPlatform = self.ExportPlatforms[i]
+ for s in p.GetChildSpecs():
+ try:
+ self.ProcessExports(s, exportPlatform)
+ except MetaDataError, e:
+ self.__Raptor.Error("%s",e.Text)
+ if not self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
+ return []
+ else:
+ self.__Raptor.Info("Not Processing Exports (--noexport enabled)")
+ # this is a switch to return the function at this point if export
+ # only option is specified in the run
+ if dobuild is not True:
+ self.__Raptor.Info("Processing Exports only")
+ return[]
+ # after exports are done we can look to see if there are any
+ # new Interfaces which can be used for EXTENSIONS. Make sure
+ # that we only load each cache once as some export platforms
+ # may share a directory.
+ doneID = {}
+ for ep in self.ExportPlatforms:
+ flmDir = ep["FLM_EXPORT_DIR"]
+ cid = ep["CACHEID"]
+ if flmDir.isDir() and not cid in doneID:
+ self.__Raptor.cache.Load(flmDir, cid)
+ doneID[cid] = True
+ # finally we can process all the other parts of the bld.inf nodes.
+ # Keep a list of the projects we were asked to build so that we can
+ # tell at the end if there were any we didn't know about.
+ self.projectList = list(self.__Raptor.projects)
+ for i,p in enumerate(platformNodes):
+ buildPlatform = self.BuildPlatforms[i]
+ for s in p.GetChildSpecs():
+ try:
+ self.ProcessTEMs(s, buildPlatform)
+ self.ProcessMMPs(s, buildPlatform)
+ except MetaDataError, e:
+ self.__Raptor.Error(e.Text)
+ if not self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
+ return []
+ for badProj in self.projectList:
+ self.__Raptor.Warn("Can't find project '%s' in any build info file", badProj)
+ # everything is specified
+ return exportNodes + platformNodes
+ def ModuleName(self,aBldInfPath):
+ """Calculate the name of the ROM/emulator batch files that run the tests"""
+ def LeftPortionOf(pth,sep):
+ """ Internal function to return portion of str that is to the left of sep.
+ The split is case-insensitive."""
+ length = len((pth.lower().split(sep.lower()))[0])
+ return pth[0:length]
+ modulePath = LeftPortionOf(LeftPortionOf(os.path.dirname(aBldInfPath), "group"), "ongoing")
+ moduleName = os.path.basename(modulePath.strip("/"))
+ # Ensure that ModuleName does not return blank, if the above calculation determines
+ # that moduleName is blank
+ if moduleName == "" or moduleName.endswith(":"):
+ moduleName = "module"
+ return moduleName
+ def AddComponentNodes(self, component, exportNodes, platformNodes):
+ """Add Specification nodes for a bld.inf to the appropriate platforms."""
+ bldInfFile = BldInfFile(component.bldinf_filename, self.__gnucpp, component.depfiles, self.__Raptor)
+ component.bldinf = bldInfFile
+ specName = getSpecName(component.bldinf_filename, fullPath=True)
+ if isinstance(component.bldinf, raptor_xml.SystemModelComponent):
+ # this component came from a system_definition.xml
+ layer = component.bldinf.GetContainerName("layer")
+ componentName = component.bldinf.GetContainerName("component")
+ else:
+ # this is a plain old bld.inf file from the command-line
+ layer = ""
+ componentName = ""
+ # exports are independent of build platform
+ for i,ep in enumerate(self.ExportPlatforms):
+ specNode = raptor_data.Specification(name = specName)
+ # keep the BldInfFile object for later
+ specNode.component = component
+ # add some basic data in a component-wide variant
+ var = raptor_data.Variant(name='component-wide')
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("COMPONENT_META", str(component.bldinf_filename)))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("COMPONENT_NAME", componentName))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("COMPONENT_LAYER", layer))
+ specNode.AddVariant(var)
+ # add this bld.inf Specification to the export platform
+ exportNodes[i].AddChild(specNode)
+ component.exportspecs.append(specNode)
+ # get the relevant build platforms
+ listedPlatforms = bldInfFile.getBuildPlatforms(self.defaultPlatform)
+ platforms = getBuildableBldInfBuildPlatforms(listedPlatforms,
+ self.__defaultplatforms,
+ self.__basedefaultplatforms,
+ self.__baseuserdefaultplatforms)
+ outputDir = BldInfFile.outputPathFragment(component.bldinf_filename)
+ # Calculate "module name"
+ modulename = self.ModuleName(str(component.bldinf_filename))
+ for i,bp in enumerate(self.BuildPlatforms):
+ plat = bp['PLATFORM']
+ if bp['PLATFORM'] in platforms:
+ specNode = raptor_data.Specification(name = specName)
+ # remember what component this spec node comes from for later
+ specNode.component = component
+ # add some basic data in a component-wide variant
+ var = raptor_data.Variant(name='component-wide-settings-' + plat)
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("COMPONENT_META",str(component.bldinf_filename)))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("COMPONENT_NAME", componentName))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("COMPONENT_LAYER", layer))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("MODULE", modulename))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("OUTPUTPATHOFFSET", outputDir, '/'))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("OUTPUTPATH", outputDir, '/'))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("BLDINF_OUTPUTPATH",outputDir, '/'))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TEST_OPTION", component.bldinf.getRomTestType(bp)))
+ specNode.AddVariant(var)
+ # add this bld.inf Specification to the build platform
+ platformNodes[i].AddChild(specNode)
+ # also attach it into the component
+ component.specs.append(specNode)
+ def ProcessExports(self, componentNode, exportPlatform):
+ """Do the exports for a given platform and skeleton bld.inf node.
+ This will actually perform exports as certain types of files (.mmh)
+ are required to be in place before the rest of the bld.inf node
+ (and parts of other bld.inf nodes) can be processed.
+ [some MMP files #include exported .mmh files]
+ """
+ if exportPlatform["TESTCODE"]:
+ exports = componentNode.component.bldinf.getTestExports(exportPlatform)
+ else:
+ exports = componentNode.component.bldinf.getExports(exportPlatform)
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("%i exports for %s",
+ len(exports), str(componentNode.component.bldinf.filename))
+ if exports:
+ # each export is either a 'copy' or 'unzip'
+ # maybe we should trap multiple exports to the same location here?
+ epocroot = str(exportPlatform["EPOCROOT"])
+ bldinf_filename = str(componentNode.component.bldinf.filename)
+ exportwhatlog="<whatlog bldinf='%s' mmp='' config=''>\n" % bldinf_filename
+ for export in exports:
+ expSrc = export.getSource()
+ expDstList = export.getDestination() # Might not be a list in all circumstances
+ # make it a list if it isn't
+ if not isinstance(expDstList, list):
+ expDstList = [expDstList]
+ fromFile = generic_path.Path(expSrc.replace("$(EPOCROOT)", epocroot))
+ # For each destination in the destination list, add an export target, perform it if required.
+ # This ensures that make knows the dependency situation but that the export is made
+ # before any other part of the metadata requires it. It also helps with the build
+ # from clean situation where we can't use order only prerequisites.
+ for expDst in expDstList:
+ toFile = generic_path.Path(expDst.replace("$(EPOCROOT)", epocroot))
+ try:
+ if export.getAction() == "copy":
+ # export the file
+ exportwhatlog += self.CopyExport(fromFile, toFile, bldinf_filename)
+ else:
+ members = self.UnzipExport(fromFile, toFile,
+ str(exportPlatform['SBS_BUILD_DIR']),
+ bldinf_filename)
+ exportwhatlog += ("<archive zipfile='" + str(fromFile) + "'>\n")
+ if members != None:
+ exportwhatlog += members
+ exportwhatlog += "</archive>\n"
+ except MetaDataError, e:
+ if self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
+ self.__Raptor.Error("%s",e.Text, bldinf=bldinf_filename)
+ else:
+ raise e
+ exportwhatlog+="</whatlog>\n"
+ self.__Raptor.PrintXML("%s",exportwhatlog)
+ def CopyExport(self, _source, _destination, bldInfFile):
+ """Copy the source file to the destination file (create a directory
+ to copy into if it does not exist). Don't copy if the destination
+ file exists and has an equal or newer modification time."""
+ source = generic_path.Path(str(_source).replace('%20',' '))
+ destination = generic_path.Path(str(_destination).replace('%20',' '))
+ dest_str = str(destination)
+ source_str = str(source)
+ exportwhatlog="<export destination='" + dest_str + "' source='" + \
+ source_str + "'/>\n"
+ try:
+ destDir = destination.Dir()
+ if not destDir.isDir():
+ os.makedirs(str(destDir))
+ shutil.copyfile(source_str, dest_str)
+ return exportwhatlog
+ sourceMTime = 0
+ destMTime = 0
+ try:
+ sourceMTime = os.stat(source_str)[stat.ST_MTIME]
+ destMTime = os.stat(dest_str)[stat.ST_MTIME]
+ except OSError, e:
+ if sourceMTime == 0:
+ message = "Source of export does not exist: " + str(source)
+ if not self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
+ raise MetaDataError(message)
+ else:
+ self.__Raptor.Error(message, bldinf=bldInfFile)
+ if destMTime == 0 or destMTime < sourceMTime:
+ if os.path.exists(dest_str):
+ os.chmod(dest_str,stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)
+ shutil.copyfile(source_str, dest_str)
+ self.__Raptor.Info("Copied %s to %s", source_str, dest_str)
+ else:
+ self.__Raptor.Info("Up-to-date: %s", dest_str)
+ except Exception,e:
+ message = "Could not export " + source_str + " to " + dest_str + " : " + str(e)
+ if not self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
+ raise MetaDataError(message)
+ else:
+ self.__Raptor.Error(message, bldinf=bldInfFile)
+ return exportwhatlog
+ def UnzipExport(self, _source, _destination, _sbs_build_dir, bldinf_filename):
+ """Unzip the source zipfile into the destination directory
+ but only if the markerfile does not already exist there
+ or it does exist but is older than the zipfile.
+ the markerfile is comprised of the name of the zipfile
+ with the ".zip" removed and ".unzipped" added.
+ """
+ # Insert spaces into file if they are there
+ source = str(_source).replace('%20',' ')
+ destination = str(_destination).replace('%20',' ')
+ sanitisedSource = raptor_utilities.sanitise(source)
+ sanitisedDestination = raptor_utilities.sanitise(destination)
+ destination = str(_destination).replace('%20',' ')
+ exportwhatlog = ""
+ try:
+ if not _destination.isDir():
+ os.makedirs(destination)
+ # Form the directory to contain the unzipped marker files, and make the directory if require.
+ markerfiledir = generic_path.Path(_sbs_build_dir)
+ if not markerfiledir.isDir():
+ os.makedirs(str(markerfiledir))
+ # Form the marker file name and convert to Python string
+ markerfilename = str(generic_path.Join(markerfiledir, sanitisedSource + sanitisedDestination + ".unzipped"))
+ # Don't unzip if the marker file is already there or more uptodate
+ sourceMTime = 0
+ destMTime = 0
+ try:
+ sourceMTime = os.stat(source)[stat.ST_MTIME]
+ destMTime = os.stat(markerfilename)[stat.ST_MTIME]
+ except OSError, e:
+ if sourceMTime == 0:
+ raise MetaDataError("Source zip for export does not exist: " + source)
+ if destMTime != 0 and destMTime >= sourceMTime:
+ # This file has already been unzipped. Print members then return
+ exportzip = zipfile.ZipFile(source, 'r')
+ files = exportzip.namelist()
+ files.sort()
+ for file in files:
+ if not file.endswith('/'):
+ expfilename = str(generic_path.Join(destination, file))
+ exportwhatlog += "<member>" + expfilename + "</member>\n"
+ self.__Raptor.PrintXML("<clean bldinf='" + bldinf_filename + "' mmp='' config=''>\n")
+ self.__Raptor.PrintXML("<zipmarker>" + markerfilename + "</zipmarker>\n")
+ self.__Raptor.PrintXML("</clean>\n")
+ return exportwhatlog
+ exportzip = zipfile.ZipFile(source, 'r')
+ files = exportzip.namelist()
+ files.sort()
+ filecount = 0
+ for file in files:
+ expfilename = str(generic_path.Join(destination, file))
+ if file.endswith('/'):
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(expfilename)
+ except OSError, e:
+ pass # errors to do with "already exists" are not interesting.
+ else:
+ try:
+ os.makedirs(os.path.split(expfilename)[0])
+ except OSError, e:
+ pass # errors to do with "already exists" are not interesting.
+ try:
+ if os.path.exists(expfilename):
+ os.chmod(expfilename,stat.S_IREAD | stat.S_IWRITE)
+ expfile = open(expfilename, 'wb')
+ expfile.write(exportzip.read(file))
+ expfile.close()
+ # Resurrect any file execution permissions present in the archived version
+ if (exportzip.getinfo(file).external_attr >> 16L) & 0100:
+ os.chmod(expfilename, stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(expfilename).st_mode) | stat.S_IXUSR | stat.S_IXGRP | stat.S_IXOTH)
+ # Each file keeps its modified time the same as what it was before unzipping
+ accesstime = time.time()
+ datetime = exportzip.getinfo(file).date_time
+ timeTuple=(int(datetime[0]), int(datetime[1]), int(datetime[2]), int(datetime[3]), \
+ int(datetime[4]), int(datetime[5]), int(0), int(0), int(0))
+ modifiedtime = time.mktime(timeTuple)
+ os.utime(expfilename,(accesstime, modifiedtime))
+ filecount += 1
+ exportwhatlog+="<member>" + expfilename + "</member>\n"
+ except IOError, e:
+ message = "Could not unzip %s to %s: file %s: %s" %(source, destination, expfilename, str(e))
+ if not self.__Raptor.keepGoing:
+ raise MetaDataError(message)
+ else:
+ self.__Raptor.Error(message, bldinf=bldinf_filename)
+ markerfile = open(markerfilename, 'wb+')
+ markerfile.close()
+ self.__Raptor.PrintXML("<clean bldinf='" + bldinf_filename + "' mmp='' config=''>\n")
+ self.__Raptor.PrintXML("<zipmarker>" + markerfilename + "</zipmarker>\n")
+ self.__Raptor.PrintXML("</clean>\n")
+ except IOError:
+ self.__Raptor.Warn("Problem while unzipping export %s to %s: %s",source,destination,str(e))
+ self.__Raptor.Info("Unzipped %d files from %s to %s", filecount, source, destination)
+ return exportwhatlog
+ def ProcessTEMs(self, componentNode, buildPlatform):
+ """Add Template Extension Makefile nodes for a given platform
+ to a skeleton bld.inf node.
+ This happens after exports have been handled.
+ """
+ if buildPlatform["ISFEATUREVARIANT"]:
+ return # feature variation does not run extensions at all
+ if buildPlatform["TESTCODE"]:
+ extensions = componentNode.component.bldinf.getTestExtensions(buildPlatform)
+ else:
+ extensions = componentNode.component.bldinf.getExtensions(buildPlatform)
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("%i template extension makefiles for %s",
+ len(extensions), str(componentNode.component.bldinf.filename))
+ for i,extension in enumerate(extensions):
+ if self.__Raptor.projects:
+ if not extension.nametag in self.__Raptor.projects:
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("Skipping %s", extension.getMakefile())
+ continue
+ elif extension.nametag in self.projectList:
+ self.projectList.remove(extension.nametag)
+ extensionSpec = raptor_data.Specification("extension" + str(i))
+ interface = buildPlatform["extension"]
+ customInterface = False
+ # is there an FLM replacement for this extension?
+ if extension.interface:
+ try:
+ interface = self.__Raptor.cache.FindNamedInterface(extension.interface, buildPlatform["CACHEID"])
+ customInterface = True
+ except KeyError:
+ # no, there isn't an FLM
+ pass
+ extensionSpec.SetInterface(interface)
+ var = raptor_data.Variant()
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("EPOCBLD", "$(OUTPUTPATH)"))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PLATFORM", buildPlatform["PLATFORM"]))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PLATFORM_PATH", buildPlatform["PLATFORM"].lower()))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CFG", "$(VARIANTTYPE)"))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CFG_PATH", "$(VARIANTTYPE)"))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("GENERATEDCPP", "$(OUTPUTPATH)"))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TEMPLATE_EXTENSION_MAKEFILE", extension.getMakefile()))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TEMCOUNT", str(i)))
+ # Extension inputs are added to the build spec.
+ # '$'s are escaped so that they are not expanded by Raptor or
+ # by Make in the call to the FLM
+ # The Extension makefiles are supposed to expand them themselves
+ # Path separators need not be parameterised anymore
+ # as bash is the standard shell
+ standardVariables = extension.getStandardVariables()
+ for standardVariable in standardVariables.keys():
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("Set %s=%s", standardVariable, standardVariables[standardVariable])
+ value = standardVariables[standardVariable].replace('$(', '$$$$(')
+ value = value.replace('$/', '/').replace('$;', ':')
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(standardVariable, value))
+ # . . . as with the standard variables but the names and number
+ # of options are not known in advance so we add them to
+ # a "structure" that is self-describing
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("O._MEMBERS", ""))
+ options = extension.getOptions()
+ for option in options:
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("Set %s=%s", option, options[option])
+ value = options[option].replace('$(EPOCROOT)', '$(EPOCROOT)/')
+ value = value.replace('$(', '$$$$(')
+ value = value.replace('$/', '/').replace('$;', ':')
+ value = value.replace('$/', '/').replace('$;', ':')
+ if customInterface:
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(option, value))
+ else:
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("O._MEMBERS", option))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("O." + option, value))
+ extensionSpec.AddVariant(var)
+ componentNode.AddChild(extensionSpec)
+ def ProcessMMPs(self, componentNode, buildPlatform):
+ """Add project nodes for a given platform to a skeleton bld.inf node.
+ This happens after exports have been handled.
+ """
+ gnuList = []
+ makefileList = []
+ component = componentNode.component
+ if buildPlatform["TESTCODE"]:
+ MMPList = component.bldinf.getTestMMPList(buildPlatform)
+ else:
+ MMPList = component.bldinf.getMMPList(buildPlatform)
+ bldInfFile = component.bldinf.filename
+ for mmpFileEntry in MMPList['mmpFileList']:
+ component.AddMMP(mmpFileEntry.filename) # Tell the component another mmp is specified (for this platform)
+ projectname = mmpFileEntry.filename.File().lower()
+ if self.__Raptor.projects:
+ if not projectname in self.__Raptor.projects:
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("Skipping %s", str(mmpFileEntry.filename))
+ continue
+ elif projectname in self.projectList:
+ self.projectList.remove(projectname)
+ foundmmpfile = (mmpFileEntry.filename).FindCaseless()
+ if foundmmpfile == None:
+ self.__Raptor.Error("Can't find mmp file '%s'", str(mmpFileEntry.filename), bldinf=str(bldInfFile))
+ continue
+ mmpFile = MMPFile(foundmmpfile,
+ self.__gnucpp,
+ component.bldinf,
+ component.depfiles,
+ log = self.__Raptor)
+ mmpFilename = mmpFile.filename
+ self.__Raptor.Info("Processing %s for platform %s",
+ str(mmpFilename),
+ " + ".join([x.name for x in buildPlatform["configs"]]))
+ # Run the Parser
+ # The backend supplies the actions
+ content = mmpFile.getContent(buildPlatform)
+ backend = MMPRaptorBackend(self.__Raptor, str(mmpFilename), str(bldInfFile))
+ parser = MMPParser(backend)
+ parseresult = None
+ try:
+ parseresult = parser.mmp.parseString(content)
+ except ParseException,e:
+ self.__Raptor.Debug(e) # basically ignore parse exceptions
+ if (not parseresult) or (parseresult[0] != 'MMP'):
+ self.__Raptor.Error("The MMP Parser didn't recognise the mmp file '%s'",
+ str(mmpFileEntry.filename),
+ bldinf=str(bldInfFile))
+ self.__Raptor.Debug(content)
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("The parse result was %s", parseresult)
+ else:
+ backend.finalise(buildPlatform)
+ # feature variation only processes FEATUREVARIANT binaries
+ if buildPlatform["ISFEATUREVARIANT"] and not backend.featureVariant:
+ continue
+ # now build the specification tree
+ mmpSpec = raptor_data.Specification(generic_path.Path(getSpecName(mmpFilename)))
+ var = backend.BuildVariant
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PROJECT_META", str(mmpFilename)))
+ # If it is a TESTMMPFILE section, the FLM needs to know about it
+ if buildPlatform["TESTCODE"] and (mmpFileEntry.testoption in
+ ["manual", "auto"]):
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("TESTPATH",
+ mmpFileEntry.testoption.lower() + ".bat"))
+ # The output path for objects, stringtables and bitmaps specified by
+ # this MMP. Adding in the requested target extension prevents build
+ # "fouling" in cases where there are several mmp targets which only differ
+ # by the requested extension. e.g. elocl.01 and elocl.18
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("OUTPUTPATH","$(UNIQUETARGETPATH)",'/'))
+ # If the bld.inf entry for this MMP had the BUILD_AS_ARM option then
+ # tell the FLM.
+ if mmpFileEntry.armoption:
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("ALWAYS_BUILD_AS_ARM","1"))
+ # what interface builds this node?
+ try:
+ interfaceName = buildPlatform[backend.getTargetType()]
+ mmpSpec.SetInterface(interfaceName)
+ except KeyError:
+ self.__Raptor.Error("Unsupported target type '%s' in %s",
+ backend.getTargetType(),
+ str(mmpFileEntry.filename),
+ bldinf=str(bldInfFile))
+ continue
+ # Although not part of the MMP, some MMP-based build specs additionally require knowledge of their
+ # container bld.inf exported headers
+ for export in componentNode.component.bldinf.getExports(buildPlatform):
+ destination = export.getDestination()
+ if isinstance(destination, list):
+ exportfile = str(destination[0])
+ else:
+ exportfile = str(destination)
+ if re.search('\.h',exportfile,re.IGNORECASE):
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Append("EXPORTHEADERS", str(exportfile)))
+ # now we have something worth adding to the component
+ mmpSpec.AddVariant(var)
+ componentNode.AddChild(mmpSpec)
+ # if there are APPLY variants then add them to the mmpSpec too
+ for applyVar in backend.ApplyVariants:
+ try:
+ mmpSpec.AddVariant(self.__Raptor.cache.FindNamedVariant(applyVar))
+ except KeyError:
+ self.__Raptor.Error("APPLY unknown variant '%s' in %s",
+ applyVar,
+ str(mmpFileEntry.filename),
+ bldinf=str(bldInfFile))
+ # resources, stringtables and bitmaps are sub-nodes of this project
+ # (do not add these for feature variant builds)
+ if not buildPlatform["ISFEATUREVARIANT"]:
+ # Buildspec for Resource files
+ for i,rvar in enumerate(backend.ResourceVariants):
+ resourceSpec = raptor_data.Specification('resource' + str(i))
+ resourceSpec.SetInterface(buildPlatform['resource'])
+ resourceSpec.AddVariant(rvar)
+ mmpSpec.AddChild(resourceSpec)
+ # Buildspec for String Tables
+ for i,stvar in enumerate(backend.StringTableVariants):
+ stringTableSpec = raptor_data.Specification('stringtable' + str(i))
+ stringTableSpec.SetInterface(buildPlatform['stringtable'])
+ stringTableSpec.AddVariant(stvar)
+ mmpSpec.AddChild(stringTableSpec)
+ # Buildspec for Bitmaps
+ for i,bvar in enumerate(backend.BitmapVariants):
+ bitmapSpec = raptor_data.Specification('bitmap' + str(i))
+ bitmapSpec.SetInterface(buildPlatform['bitmap'])
+ bitmapSpec.AddVariant(bvar)
+ mmpSpec.AddChild(bitmapSpec)
+ # feature variation does not run extensions at all
+ # so return without considering .*MAKEFILE sections
+ if buildPlatform["ISFEATUREVARIANT"]:
+ return
+ # Build spec for gnumakefile
+ for g in MMPList['gnuList']:
+ projectname = g.getMakefileName().lower()
+ if self.__Raptor.projects:
+ if not projectname in self.__Raptor.projects:
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("Skipping %s", str(g.getMakefileName()))
+ continue
+ elif projectname in self.projectList:
+ self.projectList.remove(projectname)
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("%i gnumakefile extension makefiles for %s",
+ len(gnuList), str(componentNode.component.bldinf.filename))
+ var = raptor_data.Variant()
+ gnuSpec = raptor_data.Specification("gnumakefile " + str(g.getMakefileName()))
+ interface = buildPlatform["ext_makefile"]
+ gnuSpec.SetInterface(interface)
+ gnumakefilePath = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(str(bldInfFile), g.getMakefileName())
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("EPOCBLD", "$(OUTPUTPATH)"))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PLATFORM", buildPlatform["PLATFORM"]))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("EXTMAKEFILENAME", g.getMakefileName()))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("DIRECTORY",g.getMakeDirectory()))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CFG","$(VARIANTTYPE)"))
+ standardVariables = g.getStandardVariables()
+ for standardVariable in standardVariables.keys():
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("Set %s=%s", standardVariable, standardVariables[standardVariable])
+ value = standardVariables[standardVariable].replace('$(', '$$$$(')
+ value = value.replace('$/', '/').replace('$;', ':')
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(standardVariable, value))
+ gnuSpec.AddVariant(var)
+ componentNode.AddChild(gnuSpec)
+ # Build spec for makefile
+ for m in MMPList['makefileList']:
+ projectname = m.getMakefileName().lower()
+ if self.__Raptor.projects:
+ if not projectname in self.__Raptor.projects:
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("Skipping %s", str(m.getMakefileName()))
+ continue
+ elif projectname in self.projectList:
+ projectList.remove(projectname)
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("%i makefile extension makefiles for %s",
+ len(makefileList), str(componentNode.component.bldinf.filename))
+ var = raptor_data.Variant()
+ gnuSpec = raptor_data.Specification("makefile " + str(m.getMakefileName()))
+ interface = buildPlatform["ext_makefile"]
+ gnuSpec.SetInterface(interface)
+ gnumakefilePath = raptor_utilities.resolveSymbianPath(str(bldInfFile), m.getMakefileName())
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("EPOCBLD", "$(OUTPUTPATH)"))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("PLATFORM", buildPlatform["PLATFORM"]))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("EXTMAKEFILENAME", m.getMakefileName()))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("DIRECTORY",m.getMakeDirectory()))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("CFG","$(VARIANTTYPE)"))
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set("USENMAKE","1"))
+ standardVariables = m.getStandardVariables()
+ for standardVariable in standardVariables.keys():
+ self.__Raptor.Debug("Set %s=%s", standardVariable, standardVariables[standardVariable])
+ value = standardVariables[standardVariable].replace('$(', '$$$$(')
+ value = value.replace('$/', '/').replace('$;', ':')
+ var.AddOperation(raptor_data.Set(standardVariable, value))
+ gnuSpec.AddVariant(var)
+ componentNode.AddChild(gnuSpec)
+ def ApplyOSVariant(self, aBuildUnit, aEpocroot):
+ # Form path to kif.xml and path to buildinfo.txt
+ kifXmlPath = generic_path.Join(aEpocroot, "epoc32", "data","kif.xml")
+ buildInfoTxtPath = generic_path.Join(aEpocroot, "epoc32", "data","buildinfo.txt")
+ # Start with osVersion being None. This variable is a string and does two things:
+ # 1) is a representation of the OS version
+ # 2) is potentially the name of a variant
+ osVersion = None
+ if kifXmlPath.isFile(): # kif.xml exists so try to read it
+ osVersion = getOsVerFromKifXml(str(kifXmlPath))
+ if osVersion != None:
+ self.__Raptor.Info("OS version \"%s\" determined from file \"%s\"" % (osVersion, kifXmlPath))
+ # OS version was not determined from the kif.xml, e.g. because it doesn't exist
+ # or there was a problem parsing it. So, we fall over to using the buildinfo.txt
+ if osVersion == None and buildInfoTxtPath.isFile():
+ osVersion = getOsVerFromBuildInfoTxt(str(buildInfoTxtPath))
+ if osVersion != None:
+ self.__Raptor.Info("OS version \"%s\" determined from file \"%s\"" % (osVersion, buildInfoTxtPath))
+ # If we determined a non-empty string for the OS Version, attempt to apply it
+ if osVersion and osVersion in self.__Raptor.cache.variants:
+ self.__Raptor.Info("applying the OS variant to the configuration \"%s\"." % aBuildUnit.name)
+ aBuildUnit.variants.append(self.__Raptor.cache.variants[osVersion])
+ else:
+ self.__Raptor.Info("no OS variant for the configuration \"%s\"." % aBuildUnit.name)