changeset 0 c6b0df440bee
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c6b0df440bee
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2005 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    19 #include <e32cons.h>
    20 #include <f32file.h>
    21 // Notifier to select a device
    22 #include <btextnotifiers.h>
    24 #ifdef __UIQ_BUILD__
    25 #include <QBTselectdlg.h>
    26 #include <btsdp.h>          // CSdpAgent
    27 #endif
    29 #include "TrkBtSocketCommPort.h"
    30 #include "TrkFramingLayer.h"
    31 #include "TrkConnData.h"
    34 //
    35 // Static helper functions
    36 //
    38 //
    39 //
    40 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort implementation
    41 //
    42 //
    44 //
    45 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort constructor
    46 //
    47 CTrkBtSocketCommPort::CTrkBtSocketCommPort()
    48 	: CTrkCommPort(CActive::EPriorityStandard, ETrkNotConnected),
    49 	  iServerStarted(EFalse),
    50 	  iConnected(EFalse),
    51 	  iListening(EFalse),
    52 	  iCurrUUID(0),
    53 	  iPortValid(EFalse),
    54 	  iDiscovering(EFalse),
    55 	  iSearchPattern(NULL),
    56 	  iAgent(NULL),
    57 	  iConnectionListener(NULL)
    58 {
    59    iAddr.Reset();
    60 }
    62 //
    63 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort::ConstructL
    64 //
    65 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::ConstructL(TTrkConnData aTrkConnData, TDes& /*aErrorMessage*/, MTrkConnectionListener* aCallback)
    66 {
    67 	iUnitNumber = aTrkConnData.iPortNumber;
    68 	iUpdatedPort = iUnitNumber;
    70 	CActiveScheduler::Add(this);		
    72 	iConnectionListener = aCallback;
    74 }
    76 //
    77 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort destructor
    78 //
    79 CTrkBtSocketCommPort::~CTrkBtSocketCommPort()
    80 {
    81 	// make sure we cancel the request for data before shutting down
    82 	Cancel();
    83 	StopDiscovery();
    85 	if (iConnected)
    86 	{
    87 		iSock.Close();
    88 		iConnected = EFalse;
    89 	}
    91 	if (iServerStarted)
    92 	{
    93 		iSocketServ.Close();
    94 		iServerStarted = EFalse;
    95 	}	
    98 }
   100 //
   101 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort::NewL
   102 //
   103 CTrkBtSocketCommPort* CTrkBtSocketCommPort::NewL(TTrkConnData aTrkConnData, TDes& aErrorMessage, MTrkConnectionListener* aCallback)
   104 {
   105 	CTrkBtSocketCommPort* self = new(ELeave) CTrkBtSocketCommPort;
   106 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   107 	self->ConstructL(aTrkConnData, aErrorMessage, aCallback);
   108 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
   109 	return self;
   110 }
   112 //
   113 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort::OpenPortL
   114 //
   115 // Open the bluetooth selection dialog and connect to the selected device.
   116 //
   117 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::OpenPortL()
   118 {
   119 	if (!iServerStarted)
   120 	{
   121 		StartC32();
   122 		ReportAndLeaveIfErrorL(iSocketServ.Connect(), _L("Failed to connect to socketserver."));
   123 		iServerStarted = ETrue;
   124 	}
   126 #ifdef __UIQ_BUILD__
   127 	CBTDeviceArray* aSelectedDeviceArray = new (ELeave) CArrayPtrFlat<CBTDevice>(4); 
   128 	CleanupStack::PushL(aSelectedDeviceArray); 
   129 	CQBTUISelectDialog* dialog = CQBTUISelectDialog::NewL(aSelectedDeviceArray); 
   130 	TInt err = dialog->RunDlgLD(KQBTUISelectDlgFlagNone);
   131 	if (err == KErrNone)
   132 	{ 
   133 		CBTDevice* ptrBTDev = aSelectedDeviceArray->operator[](0); 
   135 	  	TBTDeviceResponseParamsPckg devRespParamsPckg;
   136 		devRespParamsPckg().SetDeviceAddress(ptrBTDev->BDAddr()); 
   137 		devRespParamsPckg().SetDeviceName(ptrBTDev->FriendlyName()); 
   138 		devRespParamsPckg().SetDeviceClass(ptrBTDev->DeviceClass()); 
   140 		TBuf8<100> tmpName = ptrBTDev->DeviceName();
   141 		iName.Copy(tmpName);
   142 		iAddr = devRespParamsPckg().BDAddr();
   143 	}
   144 	else
   145 	{ 
   146 		ReportAndLeaveIfErrorL(err, _L("Failed to get device list."));
   147 	}
   148 	CleanupStack::Pop(aSelectedDeviceArray); 
   149 #else
   150 	// Try to open bluetooth selection dialog to get the name and address of the device
   151 	TBTDeviceResponseParamsPckg aResponse;
   153     RNotifier notifier;
   154     User::LeaveIfError(notifier.Connect());
   156     TBTDeviceSelectionParamsPckg selectionFilter;
   158     TRequestStatus status;
   159     notifier.StartNotifierAndGetResponse(
   160         status,
   161         KDeviceSelectionNotifierUid,
   162         selectionFilter,
   163         aResponse
   164     );
   166     User::WaitForRequest(status);
   168     if (status.Int() != KErrNone)
   169     {
   170         notifier.CancelNotifier(KDeviceSelectionNotifierUid);
   171 	    notifier.Close();
   173      	ReportAndLeaveIfErrorL(status.Int(), _L("Failed to get device list."));
   174     }
   176     notifier.CancelNotifier(KDeviceSelectionNotifierUid);
   177     notifier.Close();
   179     iName = aResponse().DeviceName();
   180     iAddr = aResponse().BDAddr();
   181 #endif
   183 	// load protocol, RFCOMM
   184 	TProtocolDesc pdesc;
   185 	ReportAndLeaveIfErrorL(iSocketServ.FindProtocol(_L("RFCOMM"), pdesc),_L("Unable to find protocol."));
   187 	// open socket
   188 	ReportAndLeaveIfErrorL(iSock.Open(iSocketServ, _L("RFCOMM")),_L("Unable to open socket."));
   189 	// set address and port
   190     iState = EDiscovering;
   191     DiscoverPortL();
   192     iConnectionStatus = ETrkConnecting;
   193 }
   195 /*
   196  * To connect to BT socket after getting appropriate port
   197  * 
   198  */
   199 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::ConnectToPortL()
   200 {
   201 	TBTSockAddr addr;
   202 	addr.SetBTAddr(iAddr);
   203     addr.SetPort(iUpdatedPort);
   205 	TRequestStatus cstatus;
   206 	iSock.Connect(addr, cstatus);
   207 	User::WaitForRequest(cstatus);
   209     TInt err = cstatus.Int();    
   210     if (err != KErrNone)
   211     {
   212         iErrorMessage.Format(_L("Error connecting socket\r\nError Code: %d\r\n"),err);
   213         iConnectionStatus = ETrkConnectionError;
   214         iConnectionListener->AsyncConnectionFailed();
   215         return;
   216 	}
   218 	iConnected = ETrue;
   219     iConnectionMessage.Format(_L("BT Dev Name: %S\r\nBT Port number: %d\r\n"), &iName, iUpdatedPort);
   221     iConnectionStatus = ETrkConnected;
   222     iConnectionListener->AsyncConnectionSuccessfulL();    
   223 }
   225 //
   226 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort::ClosePort
   227 //
   228 // Close the communications port
   229 //
   230 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::ClosePort()
   231 {
   232 	Cancel();
   234 	if (iConnected)
   235 	{
   236 		iSock.Close();
   237 		iConnected = EFalse;
   238 	}
   240 	if (iServerStarted)
   241 	{
   242 		iSocketServ.Close();
   243 		iServerStarted = EFalse;
   244 	}
   245 }
   247 //
   248 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort::SendDataL
   249 //
   250 // Write data to the serial type port
   251 //
   252 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::SendDataL(const TDesC8& aBuffer)
   253 {
   254 	iSock.CancelRead();
   255 	iState = ESending;
   257 	iSock.Write(aBuffer, iStatus);
   258 	User::WaitForRequest(iStatus);
   260 	if (iStatus!=KErrNone)
   261 	{
   262 		ReportAndLeaveIfErrorL(iStatus.Int(), _L("Error sending data."));
   263 	}	
   264 }
   266 //
   267 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort::Listen
   268 //
   269 // Start listening for data coming into the serial type communications port
   270 //
   271 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::Listen(CTrkFramingLayer *aFramingLayer)
   272 {
   273 	iFramingLayer = aFramingLayer;
   274 	iListening = ETrue;
   275 }
   277 //
   278 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort::StopListening
   279 //
   280 // Stop listening for data coming into the serial type communications port
   281 //
   282 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::StopListening()
   283 {
   284 	if (iListening)
   285 	{
   286 		iSock.CancelRead();
   287 		Cancel();
   288 		Deque();
   289 	}
   291 	iListening = EFalse;
   292 }
   294 //
   295 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort::ReportAndLeaveIfErrorL
   296 //
   297 // If an error occurred, print the error information to the screen and bail out
   298 //
   299 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::ReportAndLeaveIfErrorL(TInt aError, const TDesC& aDesc)
   300 {
   301 	if (KErrNone != aError)
   302 	{
   303 		iErrorMessage.Format(_L("%S\r\nError Code: %d\r\n"), &aDesc, aError);
   304 		User::Leave(aError);
   305 	}
   306 }
   309 //
   310 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort::IssueReadRequest
   311 //
   312 // Wait for data to come into the communications port
   313 //
   314 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::IssueReadRequest()
   315 {
   316 	iSock.CancelRead();
   317 	iNextReadChar = 0;
   318 	iState = EWaiting;
   319 	iReceivedChars.Zero();
   320 	iSock.RecvOneOrMore(iReceivedChars, 0, iStatus, iLen);
   321 	SetActive();
   322 }
   324 //
   325 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort::DoCancel
   326 //
   327 // Cancel the request for data from the communications port
   328 //
   329 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::DoCancel()
   330 {
   331 	//iSock.CancelRead();
   332 	//iPort.ReadCancel();
   333 }
   335 //
   336 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort::RunL
   337 //
   338 // Called when data comes into the communications port
   339 //
   340 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::RunL()
   341 {
   342 	if (iStatus != KErrNone)
   343 	{
   344 		switch(iState)
   345 		{
   346 		   case EDiscovering:
   347 		   {
   348 		       iConnectionListener->AsyncConnectionFailed();
   349 		       break;	       
   350 		   }	       
   351 		   default:
   352 		 	  break;
   353 		}
   354 	}
   355 	else
   356 	{
   357 		switch (iState)
   358 		{
   360 			case EWaiting:
   361 			{
   362 				if (iStatus.Int() == KErrNone)
   363 				{
   364 					while (iNextReadChar < iReceivedChars.Length())
   365 						iFramingLayer->HandleByte(iReceivedChars[iNextReadChar++]);
   366 				}
   367 				break;
   368 			}
   369 			case ESending:
   370 			{
   371 				break;
   372 			}
   373 			case EDiscovering:
   374 			{
   375 				ConnectToPortL();
   376 				break;
   377 			}
   378 			case EConnecting:
   379 			{
   380 				break;
   381 			}
   382 			default:
   383 				break;
   384 		}
   385 		IssueReadRequest();
   386 	}
   388 }
   390 //
   391 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort::DiscoverPortL
   392 //
   393 // Called to figure out the port number for serial profile
   394 //
   395 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::DiscoverPortL()
   396 {
   397     StopDiscovery(); // to avoid conflicts if called several times before the old discovery is finished
   399     const TInt BT_UUID_SPP_SP = 0x1101; // SPP (Serial Port) UUID
   401     // Init new service discovery agent
   402     iAgent = CSdpAgent::NewL( *this, iAddr);
   404     // Set search properties for agent (use SPP service-UUID to filter the services discovered)
   405     iSearchPattern = CSdpSearchPattern::NewL();
   407     iSearchPattern->AddL(BT_UUID_SPP_SP);
   408     iAgent->SetRecordFilterL(*iSearchPattern);
   409     iDiscovering = ETrue;
   411     // Initiate search, result will be received with call of NextRecordRequestComplete()
   412     iAgent->NextRecordRequestL();
   413     iStatus = KRequestPending;
   414     SetActive();       
   415 }
   417 //
   418 //CTrkBtSocketCommPort::StopDiscovery()
   419 //
   420 //Called to stop the discovery services
   421 //
   422 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::StopDiscovery()
   423 {
   424     iDiscovering = EFalse;
   426     if (iAgent)
   427     {
   428         iAgent->Cancel();
   429         delete iAgent;
   430         iAgent = NULL;
   431     }
   433     if (iSearchPattern)
   434     {
   435         iSearchPattern->Reset();
   436         delete iSearchPattern;
   437         iSearchPattern = NULL;
   438     }
   439 }
   442 //
   443 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort::NextRecordRequestComplete
   444 //
   445 // called when the service discovery agent has completed discovering services on device (i.e. if next service found or not)
   446 //
   447 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::NextRecordRequestComplete(TInt aError, TSdpServRecordHandle aHandle, TInt aTotalRecordsCount)
   448 {
   449     if ( (KErrNone == aError) && (0 < aTotalRecordsCount) )
   450     {
   451         // We got next service record, request protocol descriptor to retrieve remote port
   452         // (it calls later the AttributeRequestResult() when the answer is ready)
   453         TRAPD(err, iAgent->AttributeRequestL(aHandle, KSdpAttrIdProtocolDescriptorList));
   454         if( err )
   455         {
   456 	        iErrorMessage.Format(_L("Error in finding the serial port record\r\nError Code: %d\r\n"),err);
   457 	        iConnectionStatus = ETrkConnectionError;
   458 	        StopDiscovery();
   459 	        TRequestStatus *status = &iStatus;
   460 	        User::RequestComplete(status, aError);
   461         }
   462     }
   463     else
   464     {
   465 	    // no any services found or error occures (probably the device is not present or SPP service is not present)
   466 	    iErrorMessage.Format(_L("Error in finding the serial port record\r\nError Code: %d\r\n"),aError);
   467 	    iConnectionStatus = ETrkConnectionError;
   468 	    StopDiscovery();
   469 	    TRequestStatus *status = &iStatus;
   470 	    User::RequestComplete(status, aError);  
   471     }    
   473 }
   476 //
   477 //CTrkBtSocketCommPort::AttributeRequestResult
   478 //
   479 // Called when the service attributes for the service record have been retrieved.
   480 //
   481 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::AttributeRequestResult(TSdpServRecordHandle, TSdpAttributeID, CSdpAttrValue* aAttrValue)
   482 {
   483     // can't ignore the call of this function because we need take care about aAttrValue
   484     // Parse attributes, it will return results by several calls of VisitAttributeValue()
   485     TRAPD(err, aAttrValue->AcceptVisitorL(*this));
   486     if( err )
   487     {   
   488 	    iErrorMessage.Format(_L("Error in finding the serial port record \r\nError Code: %d"),err);
   489 	    iConnectionStatus = ETrkConnectionError;
   490 	    StopDiscovery();
   491 	    TRequestStatus *status = &iStatus;
   492 	    User::RequestComplete(status, err);
   493     }
   494     delete aAttrValue;
   495 }
   497 //
   498 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort::AttributeRequestComplete
   499 //
   500 // Called when the request to resolve the service attributes for the service record completes.
   501 //
   502 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::AttributeRequestComplete(TSdpServRecordHandle, TInt aError)
   503 {
   504     // if KErrNone ==aError and we need not just the first SPP service but check several services,
   505     // can call for iAgent->NextRecordRequestL() here (and add corresponded processing in
   506     // NextRecordRequestComplete() )
   507     if (KErrNone != aError)
   508     {
   509         iErrorMessage.Format(_L("Error in finding the serial port record\r\nError Code: %d"),aError);
   510         iConnectionStatus = ETrkConnectionError;
   511         StopDiscovery();
   512         TRequestStatus *status = &iStatus;
   513         User::RequestComplete(status, aError);
   514     }
   515     else
   516     {
   517         StopDiscovery();
   518         TRequestStatus *status = &iStatus;
   519         User::RequestComplete(status, KErrNone);  
   520     }
   521 }
   523 //
   524 // CTrkBtSocketCommPort::VisitAttributeValueL
   525 //    
   526 // Called for processing of each service attribute.
   527 //
   528 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::VisitAttributeValueL(CSdpAttrValue &aValue, TSdpElementType aType)
   529 {
   530     if (!iDiscovering)
   531     {
   532         return; // ignore calls to that function if not discovering currently
   533     }
   535     // Check for attributes of UUID type. 
   536     // If the UUID is RFCOMM UUID, resolve the value for this attribute,
   537     // which will be the channel number.
   538     switch (aType)
   539     {
   540         case ETypeUUID: // UUID of attribute, store it 
   541         {
   542             TPtrC8 uuid(aValue.UUID().ShortestForm());
   543             iCurrUUID.SetL(uuid);
   544             break;
   545         }
   546         case ETypeUint: // uint value, check if the current attribute type is KRFCOMM, store the port value if "yes"
   547         {
   548             if (iCurrUUID == KRFCOMM)
   549             {
   550                 iUpdatedPort = aValue.Uint();
   551                 iPortValid = TRUE;
   552                 iDiscovering = EFalse;
   553             }
   554             break;
   555         }
   556         default:
   557             // other attributes are not interesting for processing...
   558             break;
   559     }   
   560 }
   562 /*
   563  * This method should be overridden
   564  */
   565 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::StartListL(CSdpAttrValueList&)
   566 {
   567 }
   569 /*
   570  * This method should be overridden 
   571  * 
   572  */
   573 void CTrkBtSocketCommPort::EndListL()
   574 {
   575 }