changeset 0 c6b0df440bee
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c6b0df440bee
     1 /*
     2 * Copyright (c) 2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     3 * All rights reserved.
     4 * This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     5 * under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     6 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     7 * at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     8 *
     9 * Initial Contributors:
    10 * Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    11 *
    12 * Contributors:
    13 *
    14 * Description: 
    15 *
    16 */
    18 #include "trkdebugmgrcallbacks.h"
    19 #include "trkdebugmanager.h"
    20 #ifndef __TEXT_SHELL__
    21 #include "DebugNotifier.h"
    22 #endif
    23 // System includes
    24 #include <e32debug.h>
    26 //Constants
    27 #ifndef __TEXT_SHELL__
    28 _LIT(KLibraryName, "DebugNotifier.dll");
    29 #endif
    31 #define SafeDelete(x) { if (x) delete x; x = NULL; }
    33 //
    34 // CTrkDebugManager (source)
    35 //
    37 //
    38 // CTrkDebugManager::CTrkDebugManager()
    39 //
    40 // Constructor
    41 //
    42 CTrkDebugManager::CTrkDebugManager() : iTrkEngine(NULL), iConnStatus(ETrkNotConnected), iDebugging(EFalse), iPlugAndPlay(ETrue),
    43                                        iDebugMgrCallback(NULL)
    44 #ifndef __TEXT_SHELL__                                       
    45 , iToolsConnectionListener(NULL)
    46 #endif
    47 {
    49 }
    51 //
    52 // CTrkDebugManager::~CTrkDebugManager()
    53 //
    54 // Destructor
    55 //
    56 CTrkDebugManager::~CTrkDebugManager()
    57 {
    58     StopListening();
    59 #ifndef __TEXT_SHELL__
    60     SafeDelete(iToolsConnectionListener);
    61 #endif
    62     SafeDelete(iTrkEngine);
    63 }
    65 //
    66 // CTrkDebugManager::ConstructL()
    67 //
    68 // Second level constructor
    69 //
    70 void CTrkDebugManager::ConstructL()
    71 {	
    72 	iTrkEngine = CTrkEngine::NewL(this);
    73 #ifndef __TEXT_SHELL__
    74 	TRAPD(err,iToolsConnectionListener = CToolsConnectionListener::NewL(this));
    75 	if(!err)
    76 	iToolsConnectionListener->StartListening();
    77 #endif
    78 }
    80 //
    81 // CTrkDebugManager::NewL()
    82 //
    83 // Creates an instance of CTrkDebugManager
    84 //
    85 CTrkDebugManager* CTrkDebugManager::NewL()
    86 {
    87 	CTrkDebugManager* self = new(ELeave) CTrkDebugManager();
    88 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
    89 	self->ConstructL();
    90 	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
    91 	return self;
    92 }
    95 //
    96 // CTrkDebugManager::NewLC()
    97 //
    98 // Creates an instance of CTrkDebugManager
    99 //
   100 CTrkDebugManager* CTrkDebugManager::NewLC()
   101 {
   102 	CTrkDebugManager* self = new(ELeave) CTrkDebugManager();
   103 	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
   104 	self->ConstructL();
   106 	return self;
   107 }
   108 //
   109 // CTrkDebugManager::StartDebugging()
   110 //
   111 // This method is to start debugging when the connection changes and also to handle command line arguments
   112 //
   113 void CTrkDebugManager::StartDebuggingL(TTrkConnType aConnType)
   114 {   
   115     TRAPD(error, iTrkEngine->StartL(aConnType));
   117     if (error != KErrNone)
   118     {
   119         iTrkEngine->GetErrorInfo(iConnMsg);
   120         iConnStatus = ETrkNotConnected;
   121         iTrkEngine->Stop();
   122     }
   123     else
   124     {
   125         iTrkEngine->GetConnectionInfo(iConnMsg);
   126         iConnStatus = ETrkConnected;
   127     }
   128     User::Leave(error);
   129 }
   130 //
   131 // CTrkSrvScheduler::StartDebuggingL()
   132 //
   133 // This method is to start debugging with the bluetooth connection
   134 //
   135 void CTrkDebugManager::StartDebuggingL()
   136 {	
   137 	TRAPD(error, iTrkEngine->StartL());
   139 	if (error != KErrNone)
   140 	{
   141 		iTrkEngine->GetErrorInfo(iConnMsg);
   142 		iConnStatus = ETrkNotConnected;
   143 		iTrkEngine->Stop();
   144 	}
   145 	else
   146 	{
   147 		iTrkEngine->GetConnectionInfo(iConnMsg);
   148 		iConnStatus = iTrkEngine->GetConnectionStatus();
   149 	}
   150 }
   151 //
   152 // CTrkSrvScheduler::StopDebugging()
   153 //
   154 // This method is to stop the debugging
   155 //
   156 void CTrkDebugManager::StopDebugging()
   157 {   
   158 	iTrkEngine->Stop();
   159 	iConnStatus = ETrkNotConnected;
   160 	iConnMsg = KNullDesC;
   161 }
   162 //
   163 // CTrkSrvScheduler::StopDebugging()
   164 //
   165 // To get the version info of TRK
   166 //
   167 void CTrkDebugManager::GetVersion(TTRKVersion& aVersion)
   168 {
   169 	iTrkEngine->GetVersionInfo(aVersion.iMajor, aVersion.iMinor, aVersion.iMajorAPI, aVersion.iMinorAPI, aVersion.iBuild);
   170 }
   171 //
   172 // CTrkSrvScheduler::GetConnectionMsg()
   173 //
   174 // To find out the connection msg 
   175 //
   176 void CTrkDebugManager::GetConnectionMsg(TDes& aConnStatusMsg)
   177 {
   178     aConnStatusMsg = iConnMsg;        
   179 }
   181 //
   182 // CTrkDebugManager::ConnectToDebuggerL()
   183 //
   184 void CTrkDebugManager::ConnectToDebuggerL()
   185 {	
   186     StartDebuggingL();
   187 }
   189 //
   190 // CTrkSrvScheduler::DisConnect()
   191 //
   192 void CTrkDebugManager::DisConnect()
   193 {
   194     StopDebugging();
   195 }
   197 //
   198 // CTrkDebugManager::GetCurrentConnData()
   199 //
   200 void CTrkDebugManager::GetCurrentConnData(TTrkConnData& aConnData)
   201 {
   202     iTrkEngine->GetConnectionData(aConnData);
   203 }
   205 //
   206 //CTrkDebugManager::SetCurrentConnData()
   207 //
   208 void CTrkDebugManager::SetCurrentConnData(TTrkConnData& aConnData)
   209 {
   210     iTrkEngine->SetConnectionData(aConnData);
   211 }
   212 //
   213 // CTrkDebugManager::IsDebugging()
   214 // returns whether debugging started or not
   215 //
   216 TBool CTrkDebugManager::IsDebugging()
   217 {
   218     iDebugging = iTrkEngine->IsDebugging();
   219     return iDebugging;
   220 }
   221 //
   222 // CTrkDebugManager::GetPlugAndPlayOption()
   223 // returns whether the plug and play is set or not
   224 //
   225 TBool CTrkDebugManager::GetPlugAndPlayOption()
   226 {   
   227     return iPlugAndPlay;
   229 }
   230 //
   231 // CTrkDebugManager::SetPlugAndPlayOption()
   232 // To set the plug and play option 
   233 //
   234 void CTrkDebugManager::SetPlugAndPlayOption(TBool aPlugAndPlay)
   235 {
   236     iPlugAndPlay = aPlugAndPlay;
   238 }
   239 // ----------------------------------------------------
   240 // CTrkDebugManager::OnConnection
   241 // Called when a connection is opened, right now nothing is done
   242 // as connection is always established from the user side.
   243 // This call would be useful when we add for connecting automatically 
   244 // when a USB cable is plugged in while TRK is running.
   245 // ----------------------------------------------------
   246 //
   247 void CTrkDebugManager::OnConnection()
   248 {
   249     iConnStatus = ETrkConnected;
   250     iTrkEngine->GetConnectionInfo(iConnMsg);
   251     if (iDebugMgrCallback)
   252          iDebugMgrCallback->DebugConnStatusChanged(iConnStatus);
   253 }
   255 // ----------------------------------------------------
   256 // CTrkDebugManager::OnCloseConnection
   257 // Called when a connection is closed, update any of the UI clients.
   258 // ----------------------------------------------------
   259 //
   260 void CTrkDebugManager::OnCloseConnection()
   261 {   
   262     iConnStatus = ETrkNotConnected;
   263     if (iDebugMgrCallback)
   264           iDebugMgrCallback->DebugConnStatusChanged(iConnStatus);
   265 }
   267 //
   268 // ----------------------------------------------------
   269 // CTrkDebugManager::DebuggingStarted
   270 // Called when a debug session is started.
   271 // ----------------------------------------------------
   272 //
   273 void CTrkDebugManager::DebuggingStarted()
   274 {
   275     iDebugging = ETrue;
   276     if (iDebugMgrCallback)
   277         iDebugMgrCallback->DebuggingStatusChanged(iDebugging);
   278 }
   280 //
   281 // ----------------------------------------------------
   282 // CTrkDebugManager::DebuggingEnded
   283 // Called when a debug session is ended.
   284 // ----------------------------------------------------
   285 //
   286 void CTrkDebugManager::DebuggingEnded()
   287 {
   288     iDebugging = EFalse;
   289     if (iDebugMgrCallback)
   290         iDebugMgrCallback->DebuggingStatusChanged(iDebugging);
   291 }
   293 //
   294 //----------------------------------------------------
   295 //CTrkDebugManager::OnAsyncConnectionFailed()
   296 //Called when bluetooth connection falied
   297 //----------------------------------------------------
   298 //
   299 void CTrkDebugManager::OnAsyncConnectionFailed()
   300 {
   302     iConnStatus = ETrkConnectionError;
   303     iTrkEngine->GetErrorInfo(iConnMsg);
   304     if (iDebugMgrCallback)
   305           iDebugMgrCallback->DebugConnStatusChanged(iConnStatus);
   307 }
   309 //
   310 //----------------------------------------------------
   311 // CTrkDebugManager::ConnectionAvailable()
   312 // Called when the usb connection available
   313 //----------------------------------------------------
   314 //
   315 void CTrkDebugManager::ConnectionAvailable()
   316 {   
   317     iPlugAndPlay = iTrkEngine->GetPlugPlaySetting(); 
   319     if(!iDebugging && iPlugAndPlay)
   320     {   
   321        StopDebugging();
   322        TRAPD(error, StartDebuggingL(ETrkUsbDbgTrc));
   323         if (!error)
   324         {   
   325             TRAP(error, NotifyTheUserL());           
   326         } 
   327             if (iDebugMgrCallback)
   328                 iDebugMgrCallback->DebugConnStatusChanged(iConnStatus);
   329         }       
   330 }
   332 //
   333 //----------------------------------------------------
   334 // CTrkDebugManager::ConnectionUnAvailable()
   335 // Called when the usb cable is disconnected
   336 //----------------------------------------------------
   337 //
   338 void CTrkDebugManager::ConnectionUnAvailable()
   339 {   
   340     TTrkConnType connType = iTrkEngine->GetConnectionType();
   341     if(connType == ETrkUsbDbgTrc)
   342     {
   343         StopDebugging();
   344         TRAPD(error, StartDebuggingL(ETrkXti));
   345         if (!error)
   346         {   
   347             // Nothing to do for now                       
   348         }
   349         if (iDebugMgrCallback)
   350             iDebugMgrCallback->DebugConnStatusChanged(iConnStatus);
   351     }    
   352 }
   354 //
   355 //----------------------------------------------------
   356 // CTrkDebugManager::NotifyTheUser()
   357 // To notify the user that debug services have started
   358 //----------------------------------------------------
   359 //
   360 void CTrkDebugManager::NotifyTheUserL()
   361 {
   362 #ifndef __TEXT_SHELL__
   363     RLibrary library;
   364     // Dynamically load DLL
   365     TInt err = library.Load(KLibraryName);
   366     if(!err)
   367     {
   368         TLibraryFunction entry=library.Lookup(1);
   369         IDebugNotifier* notify =(IDebugNotifier*)entry();
   370         CleanupStack::PushL(notify);
   371         notify->NotifyTheUserL();
   372         CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();
   373         // Finished with the DLL
   374         library.Close();
   375     }
   376 #endif    
   377 }
   378 //
   379 //----------------------------------------------------
   380 // CTrkDebugManager::StopListening()
   381 // To stop listening to cable connections
   382 //----------------------------------------------------
   383 //
   384 void CTrkDebugManager::StopListening()
   385 {    
   386 #ifndef __TEXT_SHELL__
   387     if(iToolsConnectionListener)
   388     iToolsConnectionListener->StopListening();
   389 #endif
   390 }