changeset 0 c6b0df440bee
equal deleted inserted replaced
-1:000000000000 0:c6b0df440bee
     1 // Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
     2 // All rights reserved.
     3 // This component and the accompanying materials are made available
     4 // under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
     5 // which accompanies this distribution, and is available
     6 // at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
     7 //
     8 // Initial Contributors:
     9 // Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
    10 //
    11 // Contributors:
    12 //
    13 // Description:
    14 //
    16 #include <e32base.h>    //base stuff
    17 #include <e32debug.h>   //logging
    18 #include <e32cons.h>    //console
    19 #include <e32property.h>
    20 #include <e32utrace.h>
    21 #include <d32btrace.h>
    22 #include <uloggerclient.h>
    23 #include "t_crashdriver_drv.h"
    24 #include "crash.h"
    25 #include "crashdefs.h"//definitions included
    27 _LIT(KAlloc, "-a <num_of_kbytes> : memory to be allocated on the heap; default is zero\n");
    28 _LIT(KChunks, "-n <num_of_chunks> :  first global - 1k, the rest 0.5k are local to the process; default is none\n");
    29 _LIT(KDelay, "-d <num_of_seconds> : time before the app crashes; default is 60s\n");
    30 _LIT(KFault, "-c <fault_type> : crash type; default is null pointer dereference\n");
    31 _LIT(KFaultTypes, "None=0, PrefetchAbort=1, DataRead=2\n DataWrite=3, UndefInstr=4, UserPanic=5\n UserException=6, EStackOverflow=7, UserExit=8\n UserLeave=9, ThreadKill=10, ThreadPanic=11\n ThreadTerminate=12, DivByZero=13\n");
    32 _LIT(KLoad, "-l : load esock.dll library into process address space; default is no\n");
    33 _LIT(KSimon, "-s : to create a dummy child thread that is not going to crash; default is no\n");
    34 _LIT(KThreads, "-m <num_of_threads> : that are going to be created and then crashed; if not specified the main thread is going to crash\n");
    35 _LIT(KTrace, "-t: includes test trace data\n");
    36 _LIT(KKernelCrash, "-k: causes the crash to occur in a device driver\n");
    37 _LIT(KCrashDriverLddFileName, "crashdriverldd");
    39 //crash app trace filter
    40 #define CrashAppTraceFilter 200
    42 /** Crash App UID */
    43 const TUid KCrashAppUid = { 0x102831E5 };
    45 using namespace Ulogger;
    47 enum TFaultType
    48 {
    49     ENone			=0,
    50     EPrefetchAbort	=1,
    51     EDataRead		=2,
    52     EDataWrite		=3,
    53     EUndefInstr		=4,
    54     EUserPanic		=5,
    55     EUserException	=6,
    56     EStackOverflow	=7,
    58     EUserExit		=8,
    59     EUserLeave		=9,
    60     EThreadKill		=10,
    61     EThreadPanic	=11,
    62     EThreadTerminate=12,
    63     EDivByZero		=13,
    65 };
    67 enum TProgress 
    68 { 
    69 	EMainThread, 	
    70 	EChildThread	
    71 };
    73 CConsoleBase *console;
    75 _LIT(KPanicCategory, "example panic category");
    77 TInt gAlloc = 0;
    78 TInt gDelay = 60; 
    79 TBool gLibrary = EFalse;
    80 TInt gChunks = 0;
    81 TInt gMultikill = 0;
    82 TBool gScreamer = EFalse;
    83 TFaultType gFault = ENone;
    84 TBool gTrace = EFalse;
    85 TBool gKernelSide = EFalse;
    87 void WriteTraceData()
    88 	{	
    89 	RBTrace trace;
    90     TInt e = trace.Open();
    91     if(e != KErrNone)
    92     	{
    93     	RDebug::Printf("crashapp: opening trace buffer failed: %d\n", e);
    94     	trace.Close();
    95     	return;
    96     	}
    97     RDebug::Printf("crashapp: opening trace buffer succesful\n");
    99     trace.SetFilter(200, ETrue);
   100     trace.SetFilter2(1);
   101     trace.SetMode(RBTrace::EEnable);
   103 	//do some tracing
   104 	TPrimaryFilter prim = KTraceCategory; //arbitrary once between 192 and 253
   105 	RDebug::Printf("crashapp: making trace calls");
   106 	User::After(15000000);
   107 	for(TInt i=0; i<KTRACENUMBER; i++)
   108 		{				
   109 		TUTrace::PrintfPrimary(prim, ETrue, ETrue, "crashapp trace call number %d", i);
   110 		}
   114 	trace.Close();		
   115 	}
   117 typedef void (*Tfunc)();
   119 void PrefetchAbort()
   120 {
   121     Tfunc f = NULL;
   122     f();
   123 }
   125 void DataRead()
   126 {
   127   	TInt* r = (TInt*) 0x1000;
   128    	TInt rr = (TInt)*r;
   130 	// Stop compilation warning. Should not get here anyway.
   131 	rr++;
   132 }
   134 void DataWrite()
   135 {
   136   	TInt* r = (TInt*) 0x1000;
   137    	*r = 0x42;                
   138 }
   140 void UndefInstr()
   141 {
   142    	TUint32 undef = 0xE6000010;
   143    	Tfunc f = (Tfunc) &undef;
   144    	f();
   145 }
   147 void DivByZero()
   148 {
   149     int i = 1;
   150     int j = 10;
   151     for(j=10; j>0; --j)
   152     	{
   153     	//this is here to avoid compiler div by zero warnings 
   154     	}
   155     i = i/j;
   156 }
   158 void UserPanic()
   159 {
   160     User::Panic(KPanicCategory, KErrGeneral); 
   161 }
   163 void UserException()
   164 {
   165     User::RaiseException(EExcGeneral);
   166 }
   168 void UserExit()
   169 {
   170     User::Exit(KErrGeneral);
   171 }
   173 void UserLeaveL()
   174 {
   175     User::Leave(KErrGeneral);
   176 }
   178 void ThreadKill()
   179 {
   180     RThread thread;
   181     thread.Kill(KErrNone);
   182 }
   184 void ThreadPanic()
   185 {
   186     RThread thread;
   187     thread.Panic(KPanicCategory, KErrGeneral);
   188 }
   190 void ThreadTerminate()
   191 {
   192     RThread thread;
   193     thread.Terminate(KErrGeneral);
   194 }
   196 static TUint recurseCount;
   197 void StackOverflow()
   198 {
   199 	TUint32 array[128];
   200 	array[0] = ++recurseCount;
   201     StackOverflow();
   202 	TUint warnRem = array[0];
   203 	array[0] = warnRem;
   204 }
   206 void ParseCommandlineArgsL()
   207 {
   208     TInt argc = User::CommandLineLength();
   210     if(argc > 0)
   211     {
   212 	    HBufC* args = HBufC::NewLC(User::CommandLineLength());
   213         TPtr argv = args->Des();
   214 	    User::CommandLine(argv);
   216 	    TLex lex(*args);
   218         while(!lex.Eos())
   219         {
   220             if(lex.Get() == '-')
   221             {
   222                 TChar c = lex.Get();
   223                 if(c == '-')
   224                 {
   225                     TPtrC16 token = lex.NextToken();
   226                     c = token[0];
   227                 }
   229                 lex.SkipSpace();
   230                 switch(c)
   231                 {
   232                     case 'a':
   233                         lex.Val(gAlloc);
   234                         break;
   235                     case 'd':
   236                         lex.Val(gDelay);
   237                         break;
   238                     case 'n':
   239                         lex.Val(gChunks);
   240                         break;
   241                     case 'c':
   242                         lex.Val((TInt&)gFault);
   243                         break;
   244                     case 'l':
   245                         gLibrary = ETrue;
   246                         break;
   247                     case 'm':
   248                         lex.Val(gMultikill);
   249                         break;
   250                     case 's':
   251                         gScreamer = ETrue;
   252                         break;
   253                     case 't':
   254                     	gTrace = ETrue;
   255                     	break;
   256                     case 'k':
   257                     	gKernelSide = ETrue;
   258                     	break;
   259                     case 'h':
   260                     default:
   261                         _LIT(KParams, "full parameter list:\n");
   262                         console->Printf(KParams);
   264                         console->Printf(KAlloc);
   265                         console->Printf(KChunks);
   266                         console->Printf(KDelay);
   267                         console->Printf(KFault);
   268 						console->Printf(KFaultTypes);
   269                         console->Printf(KLoad);
   270                         console->Printf(KSimon);
   271                         console->Printf(KThreads);
   272                         console->Printf(KTrace);
   273                         console->Printf(KKernelCrash);
   275                         _LIT(KPressAnyKey,"[press any key]");
   276                         console->Printf(KPressAnyKey);
   277 	                    console->Getch();
   278                         User::Leave(KErrNone);
   279                 }
   280             }
   281             lex.SkipSpace();
   282         }
   283 	    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(args);  
   284     }
   285 }
   287 TInt ThreadSimon(TAny* /*aCall*/)
   288 {
   289     RThread thread;
   290     TUint simonCounter = 1;
   291     while(simonCounter++)
   292     {
   293         User::After(1000000);
   294         RDebug::Printf("crashapp.exe - Simon[%Lu] says...%d\n", thread.Id().Id(), simonCounter);
   295     }
   296     return 0;
   297 }
   299 TInt ThreadCrash(TAny* aCall)
   300 {
   301     User::After(gDelay*1000000);
   302     Tfunc call = (Tfunc)(aCall);
   303     RThread thread;
   304     RDebug::Printf("crashapp.exe - time to die[%Lu]!\n", thread.Id().Id());
   305     call();
   306     return 0;
   307 }
   309 void MainL()
   310 {
   311 	//Setup a property to monitor main thread    
   312 	static _LIT_SECURITY_POLICY_PASS(KAllowAllPolicy);
   313 	TInt err = RProperty::Define(KCrashAppUid, EMainThread, RProperty::EInt, KAllowAllPolicy, KAllowAllPolicy);
   314 	if (err != KErrAlreadyExists)
   315 	    {
   316 	    User::LeaveIfError(err);
   317 	    }
   319     Tfunc call = NULL;
   320 	recurseCount = 0;
   322     _LIT(KConsole, "crash console");
   323     console = Console::NewL(KConsole, TSize(KConsFullScreen, KConsFullScreen));
   324     CleanupStack::PushL(console);          
   326     ParseCommandlineArgsL();
   328     if(gTrace)
   329     	{
   330     	WriteTraceData();
   331     	}
   333     CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(console);
   335     //Load crash driver
   336     RKernelCrashDrv crashDriver;
   337     if(gKernelSide)
   338     	{
   339     	err = User::LoadLogicalDevice(KCrashDriverLddFileName);
   340     	if(KErrNone != err && KErrAlreadyExists != err )
   341     		{
   342     		RDebug::Printf("Unable to load kernel crash driver (%d)", err);
   343     		User::Leave(err);
   344     		}
   345     	CleanupClosePushL(crashDriver);
   346     	RDebug::Printf("Crash Driver loaded");
   348     	err = crashDriver.Open();
   349     	if(KErrNone != err)
   350     		{
   351     		RDebug::Printf("Unable to open kernel crash driver (%d)", err);
   352     		User::Leave(err);
   353     		}
   354     	RDebug::Printf("Crash Driver opened");
   356     	}        
   358     TInt32 array[3];
   359 	array[0] = 0xDEADDEAD;
   360 	array[1] = 0xF000BEEF;
   361 	array[2] = 0xBEEBEE00;
   363     RDebug::Printf("crashapp.exe will crash after %d secs, crash type: ", gDelay);
   364     TRequestStatus status;
   365     switch(gFault)
   366     {
   367         default:
   368         case ENone:
   369         	{
   370             RDebug::Printf("null pointer\n");        	             
   371             break;
   372         	}
   373         case EPrefetchAbort:
   374         	{
   375             RDebug::Printf("prefetch abort\n");
   376         	if(gKernelSide)
   377 	    		{
   378 	    		User::After(gDelay*1000000);
   379 #ifdef __MARM__	    		
   380 	    		SetRegs();
   381 #endif	    		
   382 	    		crashDriver.SendPrefetchAbortFault(status);
   383 	    		User::WaitForRequest(status);
   384 	    		err = status.Int();
   385 	    		if(KErrNone != err)
   386 	    			{
   387 	    			RDebug::Printf("Send request failed (%d)", err);
   388 	    			User::Leave(err);
   389 	    			}
   390 	    		break;
   391 	    		}              
   392             call = PrefetchAbort;
   393             break;
   394         	}
   395         case EDataRead:
   396         	{
   397             RDebug::Printf("data read");
   398         	if(gKernelSide)
   399 	    		{
   400 	    		User::After(gDelay*1000000);
   401 #ifdef __MARM__	    		
   402 	    		SetRegs();
   403 #endif	    	
   404 	    		crashDriver.SendDataReadFault(status);
   405 	    		User::WaitForRequest(status);
   406 	    		err = status.Int();
   407 	    		if(KErrNone != err)
   408 	    			{
   409 	    			RDebug::Printf("Send request failed (%d)", err);
   410 	    			User::Leave(err);
   411 	    			}
   412 	    		break;
   413 	    		}            
   414             call = DataRead;
   415             break;
   416         	}            
   417         case EDataWrite:
   418         	{
   419             RDebug::Printf("data write");
   420         	if(gKernelSide)
   421 	    		{
   422 	    		User::After(gDelay*1000000);
   423 #ifdef __MARM__	    		
   424 	    		SetRegs();
   425 #endif	    		
   426 	    		crashDriver.SendDataWriteFault(status);
   427 	    		User::WaitForRequest(status);
   428 	    		err = status.Int();
   429 	    		if(KErrNone != err)
   430 	    			{
   431 	    			RDebug::Printf("Send request failed (%d)", err);
   432 	    			User::Leave(err);
   433 	    			}
   434 	    		break;
   435 	    		}            
   436             call = DataWrite;
   437             break;
   438         	}
   439         case EUndefInstr:
   440         	{        	
   441         	RDebug::Printf("Undefined instruction");
   442         	if(gKernelSide)
   443 	    		{
   444 	    		User::After(gDelay*1000000);
   445 #ifdef __MARM__	    		
   446 	    		SetRegs();
   447 #endif	    		
   448 	    		crashDriver.SendUndefInstructionFault(status);
   449 	    		User::WaitForRequest(status);
   450 	    		err = status.Int();
   451 	    		if(KErrNone != err)
   452 	    			{
   453 	    			RDebug::Printf("Send request failed (%d)", err);
   454 	    			User::Leave(err);
   455 	    			}
   456 	    		break;
   457 	    		}
   458             RDebug::Printf("undefined instruction");
   459             call = UndefInstr;
   460             break;
   461         	}        
   462         case EDivByZero:
   463         	{
   464         	RDebug::Printf("Division by zero");
   465         	if(gKernelSide)
   466         		{
   467         		User::After(gDelay*1000000);
   468 #ifdef	__MARM__        		
   469         		SetRegs();
   470 #endif        		
   471         		crashDriver.SendDivByZeroFault(status);
   472         		User::WaitForRequest(status);
   473         		err = status.Int();
   474         		if(KErrNone != err)
   475         			{
   476         			RDebug::Printf("Send request failed (%d)", err);
   477         			User::Leave(err);
   478         			}
   479         		break;
   480         		}
   482             RDebug::Printf("division by zero");
   483             call = DivByZero;
   484             break;
   485         	}        
   486         case EUserPanic:
   487         	{        	
   488             RDebug::Printf("user panic");
   489         	if(gKernelSide)
   490         		{
   491         		RDebug::Printf("This crash is not supported kernel side");
   492         		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   493         		}            
   494             call = UserPanic;
   495             break;
   496         	}
   497         case EUserException:
   498         	{
   499             RDebug::Printf("user exception\n");
   500         	if(gKernelSide)
   501         		{
   502         		RDebug::Printf("This crash is not supported kernel side");
   503         		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   504         		}            
   505             call = UserException;
   506             break;
   507         	}
   508         case EUserExit:
   509         	{
   510             RDebug::Printf("user exit\n");
   511         	if(gKernelSide)
   512         		{
   513         		RDebug::Printf("This crash is not supported kernel side");
   514         		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   515         		}            
   516             call = UserExit;
   517             break;
   518         	}
   519         case EUserLeave:
   520         	{
   521             RDebug::Printf("user leave\n");
   522         	if(gKernelSide)
   523         		{
   524         		RDebug::Printf("This crash is not supported kernel side");
   525         		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   526         		}            
   527             call = UserLeaveL;
   528             break;
   529         	}
   530         case EThreadKill:
   531         	{
   532             RDebug::Printf("thread kill\n");
   533         	if(gKernelSide)
   534         		{
   535         		RDebug::Printf("This crash is not supported kernel side");
   536         		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   537         		}            
   538             call = ThreadKill;
   539             break;
   540         	}
   541         case EThreadPanic:
   542         	{
   543             RDebug::Printf("thread panic\n");
   544         	if(gKernelSide)
   545         		{
   546         		RDebug::Printf("This crash is not supported kernel side");
   547         		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   548         		}            
   549             call = ThreadPanic;
   550             break;
   551         	}
   552         case EThreadTerminate:
   553         	{
   554             RDebug::Printf("thread terminate\n");
   555         	if(gKernelSide)
   556         		{
   557         		RDebug::Printf("This crash is not supported kernel side");
   558         		User::Leave(KErrNotSupported);
   559         		}            
   560             call = ThreadTerminate;
   561             break;
   562         	}
   563         case EStackOverflow:
   564         	{
   565             RDebug::Printf("stack overflow");
   566         	if(gKernelSide)
   567         		{
   568 #ifdef __MARM__        		
   569         		SetRegs();
   570 #endif        		
   571         		crashDriver.SendStackOverFlowFault(status);
   572         		User::WaitForRequest(status);
   573         		err = status.Int();
   574         		if(KErrNone != err)
   575         			{
   576         			RDebug::Printf("Send request failed (%d)", err);
   577         			User::Leave(err);
   578         			}
   579         		break;
   580         		}            
   581             call = StackOverflow;
   582             break;
   583         	}
   584     }
   586     if(gKernelSide) 
   587     	{    	
   588     	CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&crashDriver);
   589     	err = User::FreeLogicalDevice(RKernelCrashDrv::Name());
   590     	if(KErrNone != err)
   591     		{
   592     		RDebug::Printf("Unable to free kernel crash driver");
   593     		User::Leave(err);
   594     		}
   595     	}
   597     if(gLibrary)
   598     {
   599         _LIT(KDllName, "esock.dll");
   600         RLibrary dll;
   601         TInt err = dll.Load(KDllName);
   602     }
   604     for(TInt i = 0; i < gChunks; i++)
   605     {
   606         RChunk chunk;
   608         if(!i)
   609         {
   610             _LIT(KCrashChunk, "crashchunk");
   611             RDebug::Printf("crashapp.exe - creating global chunk\n");
   612             TInt err = chunk.CreateGlobal(KCrashChunk, 1024, 4096);
   613             TUint8 data = 0xCA;
   614             TUint8 *ptr = chunk.Base();
   615             for(TInt i = 0; i < 1024; i++)
   616                 ptr[i] = data; 
   617         }
   618         else
   619         {
   620             RDebug::Printf("crashapp.exe - creating global chunk:%d\n", i);
   621             TInt err = chunk.CreateLocal(512, 1024);
   622             TUint8 data = 0xBA;
   623             TUint8 *ptr = chunk.Base();
   624             for(TInt i = 0; i < 512; i++)
   625                 ptr[i] = data; 
   626         }
   627     }
   629     RDebug::Printf("crashapp.exe - allocating %d kbytes of heap space", gAlloc); 
   630     if(gAlloc)
   631     {
   632         TAny *memory = User::Alloc(gAlloc*1024);
   633         if(!memory)
   634         {
   635             RDebug::Printf("crashapp.exe - unable to allocate memory on the heap!!!\n");
   636         }
   637         else
   638         {
   639             TUint8 data = 0xDA;
   640             TUint8 *ptr = (TUint8*)memory;
   641             for(TInt i = 0; i < gAlloc*1024; i++)
   642                 ptr[i] = data;
   643         }
   644     }
   646     if(gScreamer)
   647     {
   648         //screaming thread just
   649         _LIT(KThreadSimon, "SimonTheFirst");
   650         RThread threadSimon;
   651         threadSimon.Create(KThreadSimon(), ThreadSimon, KDefaultStackSize, NULL, (TAny*)NULL);
   652         threadSimon.Resume();
   653         threadSimon.Close();
   654     }
   657     if(gMultikill == 0) //main thread crashes, no child threads
   658     {
   659         User::After(gDelay*1000000); //crash timeout
   660         RDebug::Printf("crashapp.exe - main thread says...\n");
   661         call();
   662     }
   663     else //child threads crashing
   664     {
   665         RDebug::Printf("crashapp.exe - child threads crashing every second...\n");
   666         _LIT(KCrashThread, "crashthread%d");
   667         TBuf<36> threadName;
   668         for(TInt i = 0; i < gMultikill; i++)
   669         {
   670             RThread crashThread;
   671             threadName.Format(KCrashThread, i);
   672             crashThread.Create(threadName, ThreadCrash, KDefaultStackSize, NULL, (TAny*)call);
   673             crashThread.Resume();
   674             crashThread.Close();
   675             User::After(1000000);
   676         }
   677     }
   679     RThread thread;
   680     TUint mainCounter = 1;
   681     while(mainCounter++) //main thread keep alive signals
   682     {
   683         User::After(300000);
   684         RDebug::Printf("main thread[%Lu] loop:%d\n", thread.Id().Id(), mainCounter);
   685         RDebug::Printf("setting property to %d: ", mainCounter);
   686         err = RProperty::Set(KCrashAppUid, EMainThread, mainCounter);
   687         if(err != KErrNone)
   688             {
   689             RDebug::Printf("Failed to set RProperty in main thread! err:%d\n", err);
   690             }              
   691     }
   692     delete console;
   695     if(array[0] > 1) //remove warning
   696     	return;
   697 }
   699 TInt E32Main()
   700 {
   701 	__UHEAP_MARK;
   702 	CTrapCleanup* cleanup = CTrapCleanup::New();
   703 	_LIT(KPanicCleanup, "CRASH-NO-CLEANUP");
   704 	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(cleanup, User::Panic(KPanicCleanup, KErrNoMemory));
   706 	TRAPD(err, MainL());
   707 	_LIT(KPanicLeave, "CRASH-LEAVE");
   708  	__ASSERT_ALWAYS(err == KErrNone, User::Panic(KPanicLeave, err));
   710 	delete cleanup;
   711 	__UHEAP_MARKEND;
   713 	return err;
   714 }