changeset 0 c6b0df440bee
--- /dev/null	Thu Jan 01 00:00:00 1970 +0000
+++ b/dbgsrv/coredumpserver/plugins/formatters/dexc/src/dexcformatter.cpp	Tue Mar 02 10:33:16 2010 +0530
@@ -0,0 +1,736 @@
+// Copyright (c) 2007-2009 Nokia Corporation and/or its subsidiary(-ies).
+// All rights reserved.
+// This component and the accompanying materials are made available
+// under the terms of "Eclipse Public License v1.0"
+// which accompanies this distribution, and is available
+// at the URL "http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html".
+// Initial Contributors:
+// Nokia Corporation - initial contribution.
+// Contributors:
+// Description:
+#include "dexcformatter.h"
+// there is a line limit but what if file name is longer?
+1st stage construction
+@return pointer to the newly created object, caller takes ownership of the object.
+CDexcFormatter* CDexcFormatter::NewL()
+    LOG_MSG("->CDexcFormatter::NewL()\n");
+	CDexcFormatter* self = CDexcFormatter::NewLC();
+	CleanupStack::Pop(self);
+    return self;
+1st stage construction
+@return pointer to the newly created object, caller takes ownership of the object.
+CDexcFormatter* CDexcFormatter::NewLC()
+    LOG_MSG("->CDexcFormatter::NewLC()\n");
+	CDexcFormatter* self = new(ELeave) CDexcFormatter();
+	CleanupStack::PushL(self);
+	self->ConstructL();
+	return self;
+2nd stage construction
+Reserves config parameter list, creates config parameter objects and sets them to default values.
+void CDexcFormatter::ConstructL()
+    LOG_MSG("->CDexcFormatter::ConstructL()\n");
+    TInt err;
+	COptionConfig * config;
+	iConfigList.ReserveL( (TInt)EDexcParamsLast );
+	_LIT( KTrueFalseOpt, "True,False" );
+	_LIT( KTrueOpt, "True" );
+	_LIT( KFalseOpt, "False" );
+	_LIT( KDumpStackPrompt, "Dump stack memory?" );
+	config = COptionConfig::NewL(  (TInt)EDumpStack,
+									KDEXCFormatterUid,
+									COptionConfig::EFormatterPlugin,
+									COptionConfig::ETBool, 
+									KDumpStackPrompt, 
+                                    1,
+									KTrueFalseOpt,
+									1,
+									KTrueOpt );
+	err = iConfigList.Append( config );
+    if(err != KErrNone)
+    {
+        delete config;
+	    LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::ConstructL - unable to append dump stack config option!\n" );
+        User::Leave(err);
+    }
+	iDumpStack = ETrue;
+	_LIT( KDumpAsciiPrompt, "Stack contents in ASCII?" );
+	config = COptionConfig::NewL(  (TInt)EAsciiStack,
+									KDEXCFormatterUid,
+									COptionConfig::EFormatterPlugin,
+									COptionConfig::ETBool, 
+									KDumpAsciiPrompt, 
+                                    1,
+									KTrueFalseOpt,
+									0,
+									KFalseOpt );
+	err = iConfigList.Append( config );
+    if(err != KErrNone)
+    {
+        delete config;
+	    LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::ConstructL - unable to append dump ascii config option!\n" );
+        User::Leave(err);
+    }
+	iAsciiStack = EFalse;
+dtor frees config parameter list
+    LOG_MSG("->~CDexcFormatter()\n");
+    iConfigList.ResetAndDestroy();
+   Sets pointer to the writer plugin.
+  Configures formatter's dump data save plugin.
+@param aDataSave pointer to writer plugin object.
+@leave KErrNoMemory if aDataSave is NULL 
+void CDexcFormatter::ConfigureDataSaveL(CCrashDataSave* aDataSave)
+    LOG_MSG2("->ConfigureDataSaveL(%d)\n", aDataSave);
+    User::LeaveIfNull(aDataSave);
+    iDataSave = aDataSave;
+   Sets pointer to the crash data server.
+  Configures formatter's crash data source plugin.
+@param aDataSource pointer to core dump server object.
+@leave KErrNoMemory if aDataSource is NULL 
+void CDexcFormatter::ConfigureDataSourceL(CCrashDataSource* aDataSource)
+    LOG_MSG2("->ConfigureDataSourceL(%d)\n", aDataSource);
+    User::LeaveIfNull(aDataSource);
+    iDataSource = aDataSource;
+   Returns a short formatter description.
+@param aPluginDescription Descriptor capable of storing a short plugin description. 
+void CDexcFormatter::GetDescription(TDes& aPluginDescription)
+    LOG_MSG("->CDexcFormatter::GetDescription()\n");
+	aPluginDescription.Copy(KPluginDescription());
+Called by CDS to ask for the configuration parameters that the writer needs (see Plugin Configuration) 
+@return actual number of implemented config parameters
+TInt CDexcFormatter::GetNumberConfigParametersL( )
+	TInt count = iConfigList.Count();
+	LOG_MSG2("->CDexcFormatter::GetNumberConfigParametersL() : returns:%d\n", count );
+	return count;
+Called by CDS to ask for configuration parameter prompt (see Plugin Configuration) 
+@param aIndex indicates which parameter to return
+@return pointer to COptionConfig object representing the requested config parameter. Caller doesn't take ownership of the object!
+@leave KErrBadHandle if index is out of bounds
+@see COptionConfig
+COptionConfig * CDexcFormatter::GetConfigParameterL( const TInt aIndex )
+	// return the config identified by aIndex
+	if( ( aIndex < 0 ) || ( aIndex >= iConfigList.Count() ) )
+		{
+		User::Leave( KErrBadHandle );
+		}
+	return iConfigList[aIndex];
+Change a configuration parameter.
+@param aIndex Index of parameter to change
+@param aValue Unused 
+@param aDescValue Path and filename to use
+@leave KErrBadHandle if index is out of bounds or one of the other system wide error codes
+void CDexcFormatter::SetConfigParameterL( const TInt aIndex, const TInt32 & aValue, const TDesC & aDescValue )
+	if( ( aIndex < 0 ) || ( aIndex >= iConfigList.Count() ) )
+	{
+		User::Leave( KErrBadHandle );
+	}
+	COptionConfig & config = *(iConfigList[aIndex]);
+	if( ( aIndex != (TInt)EDumpStack ) && ( aIndex != (TInt)EAsciiStack ) )
+	{
+		LOG_MSG( "  Leaving : aIndex != EDumpStack && aIndex != EAsciiStack" );
+		User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+	}
+	TBool setTo = ETrue;
+	if( aDescValue.Length() )
+	{
+		if( 0 == aDescValue.CompareF(_L("True") ) )
+		{
+			setTo = ETrue;
+			//LOG_MSG( " 0 == aDescValue.CompareF(_L(True" );
+		}
+		else if( 0 == aDescValue.CompareF(_L("False") ) )
+		{
+			//LOG_MSG( " 0 == aDescValue.CompareF(_L(False" );
+			setTo = EFalse;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			LOG_MSG( " ERROR !* : CDexcFormatter::SetConfigParameterL : Invalid string for boolean" );
+			User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		if( 1 == aValue )
+		{
+			//LOG_MSG( " 1 == aValue" );
+			setTo = ETrue;
+		}
+		else if ( 0 == aValue )
+		{
+			//LOG_MSG( " 0 == aValue " );
+			setTo = EFalse;
+		}
+		else
+		{
+			LOG_MSG( "  Value of %d not valid. Must be 0 or 1\n" );
+			User::Leave( KErrArgument );
+		}
+	}
+	if( setTo )
+	{
+		config.Value( 1 );
+		config.ValueL( _L("True") );
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		config.Value( 0 );
+		config.ValueL( _L("False") );
+	}
+	if( aIndex == (TInt)EDumpStack )
+	{
+		iDumpStack = config.ValueAsBool();
+	}
+	else if( aIndex == (TInt)EAsciiStack )
+	{
+		iAsciiStack = config.ValueAsBool();
+	}
+   Dumps basic information about the thread that crashed.
+@param aThread TThreadInfo data structure holding information about the crashed thread.
+@leave err one of the system wide error codes
+void CDexcFormatter::DumpLogL(const CThreadInfo& aThread)
+    LOG_MSG("->DumpLogL()\n");
+	iLine.Fill('-', 76);
+	iDataSave->WriteL(iLine);
+	_LIT8(KHdr, "\r\nEKA2 USER CRASH LOG\r\n");
+	iLine = KHdr;
+	iDataSave->WriteL(iLine);
+    RBuf8 filename;
+    filename.CreateL(KMaxFileName);
+    filename.Copy(aThread.Name());
+	_LIT8(KName, "Thread Name: %S\r\n");
+	iLine.Format(KName, &filename);
+    filename.Close();
+	iDataSave->WriteL(iLine);
+	_LIT8(KFmtTid, "Thread ID: %u\r\n");
+	iLine.Format(KFmtTid, aThread.Id());
+	iDataSave->WriteL(iLine);
+	_LIT8(KFmtStack, "User Stack %08X-%08X\r\n");
+	iLine.Format(KFmtStack, aThread.UsrStackAddr(), aThread.UsrStackAddr() + aThread.UsrStackSize());
+	iDataSave->WriteL(iLine);
+   Dumps panic details.
+@param aCrash TCrashInfo data structure holding information about the crash.
+@leave err one of the system wide error codes
+void CDexcFormatter::DumpPanicInfoL(const TCrashInfo& aCrash)
+    LOG_MSG("->DumpPanicInfoL()\n");
+	//_LIT8(KFmtPanic, "\r\nPanic: %S-%d\r\n");
+	_LIT8(KFmtPanic, "Panic: %S-%d\r\n");
+    RBuf8 buf;
+    buf.CreateL(aCrash.iCategory.Length());
+    buf.Copy(aCrash.iCategory);
+    iLine.Format(KFmtPanic, &buf, aCrash.iReason);
+    buf.Close();
+	iDataSave->WriteL(iLine);
+   Picks registers from available register list and puts them in the required register list.
+   Order of the output list is determined by the order of aReqIds.
+@param aAllRegs input RRegisterList of all available registers.
+@param aReqRegs output RRegisterList for the required registers.
+@param aReqIds EDF_Register_Last terminated array of IDs of required registers.
+@return KErrNone if successful, otherwise one of the other system-wide error codes.
+TInt CDexcFormatter::PickRegisters(const RRegisterList& aAllRegs, RRegisterList& aReqRegs,
+                                   const TFunctionalityRegister* const aReqIds) const
+    LOG_MSG("->CDexcFormatter::PickRegistersL()\n");
+    if(aReqIds == NULL)
+    {
+        return KErrArgument;
+    }
+    TInt regsCount = aAllRegs.Count();
+    const TFunctionalityRegister* reg;
+    for(reg = aReqIds; *reg != ERegisterLast; ++reg)
+    {
+        for(TInt i = 0; i < regsCount; ++i)
+        {
+            if(aAllRegs[i].GetId() == *reg)
+            {
+                aReqRegs.Append(aAllRegs[i]);
+                break;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    if(aReqRegs.Count() != (reg - aReqIds)) 
+    {
+	    LOG_MSG3("CDExcFormatter::PickRegisters - found only %d out of %d registers!\n", aReqRegs.Count(), (reg - aReqIds));
+        return KErrNotFound;
+    }
+    return KErrNone;
+   Dumps exception details. Valid on ARM platform only!
+@param aCrash TCrashInfo data structure holding information about the crash event.
+@leave err one of the system wide error codes
+void CDexcFormatter::DumpExcInfoL(const TCrashInfo& aCrash)
+    LOG_MSG("-> CDexcFormatter::DumpExcInfoL()\n");
+	_LIT8(KHdr, "\r\nUNHANDLED EXCEPTION:\r\n");
+	iLine = KHdr;
+	iDataSave->WriteL(iLine);
+	_LIT8(KFmt1, "code=%d PC=%08x FAR=%08x FSR=%08x\r\n");
+	iLine.Format(KFmt1, aCrash.iContext.iExcCode,
+                        aCrash.iContext.iR15,
+                        aCrash.iContext.iFaultAddress,
+                        aCrash.iContext.iFaultStatus);   
+	iDataSave->WriteL(iLine);
+	_LIT8(KFmt2, "R13svc=%08x R14svc=%08x SPSRsvc=%08x\r\n");
+	iLine.Format(KFmt2, aCrash.iContext.iR13Svc,
+                        aCrash.iContext.iR14Svc,
+                        aCrash.iContext.iSpsrSvc);
+	iDataSave->WriteL(iLine);
+    LOG_MSG("<- CDexcFormatter::DumpExcInfoL()\n");
+   Dumps register values of the crashed thread. Valid on ARM platform only!
+@param aTid ID of the crashed thread
+@leave err one of the system wide error codes
+void CDexcFormatter::DumpRegistersL(const TUint64 aTid)
+    LOG_MSG2("-> CDexcFormatter::DumpRegistersL(%Lu)\n", aTid);
+    TFunctionalityRegister ids[] = {ERegisterR0,
+                                    ERegisterR1,
+                                    ERegisterR2,
+                                    ERegisterR3,
+                                    ERegisterR4,
+                                    ERegisterR5,
+                                    ERegisterR6,
+                                    ERegisterR7,
+                                    ERegisterR8,
+                                    ERegisterR9,
+                                    ERegisterR10,
+                                    ERegisterR11,
+                                    ERegisterR12,
+                                    ERegisterR13,
+                                    ERegisterR14,
+                                    ERegisterR15,
+                                    ERegisterCpsr,
+                                    ERegisterLast};
+    RRegisterList allRegs;
+    CleanupClosePushL(allRegs);
+    RRegisterList reqRegs;
+    CleanupClosePushL(reqRegs);
+	_LIT8(KHdr, "\r\nUSER REGISTERS:\r\n");
+	iLine = KHdr;
+	iDataSave->WriteL(iLine);
+    LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::DumpRegistersL - getting list of avaliable registers\n");
+    iDataSource->GetRegisterListL(allRegs);
+    LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::DumpRegistersL - picking required registers\n");
+    User::LeaveIfError(PickRegisters(allRegs, reqRegs, ids)); 
+    LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::DumpRegistersL - reading data of required registers\n");
+    iDataSource->ReadRegistersL(aTid, reqRegs); 
+    //display zeros when register is not available
+    //use AppendFormat to get rid of this macro
+#define REG_VAL(i) reqRegs[i].iAvailable ? reqRegs[i].GetContent32() : 0
+	_LIT8(KFmtCpsr, "CPSR=%08x\r\n");
+    TInt regsCount = reqRegs.Count();
+	iLine.Format(KFmtCpsr, REG_VAL(regsCount - 1)); 
+	iDataSave->WriteL(iLine);
+    regsCount -= 4;
+	for(TInt i = 0; i < regsCount; i+=4)
+	{
+		_LIT8(KFmtReg, "r%02d=%08x %08x %08x %08x\r\n");
+        iLine.Format(KFmtReg, i, REG_VAL(i), REG_VAL(i+1), REG_VAL(i+2), REG_VAL(i+3));
+		iDataSave->WriteL(iLine);
+	}
+#undef REG_VAL
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2, &allRegs);
+Cleanup item implementation for code segment list in DumpCodeSegsL() method.
+@param aArray pointer to the list that is supposed to be freed
+void CDexcFormatter::CleanupCodeSegList(TAny *aArray)
+    LOG_MSG("->CDexcFormatter::CleanupCodeSegList()\n");
+	RCodeSegPointerList *codeSegList = static_cast<RCodeSegPointerList*> (aArray);
+    codeSegList->ResetAndDestroy();
+    codeSegList->Close();
+   Dumps code segments of the process that owned the crashed thread.
+@param aTid ID of the crashed thread
+@leave err one of the system wide error codes
+void CDexcFormatter::DumpCodeSegsL(const TUint64 aTid)
+    LOG_MSG2("-> CDexcFormatter::DumpCodeSegsL(%Lu)\n", aTid);
+	_LIT8(KHdr, "\r\nCODE SEGMENTS:\r\n");
+	_LIT8(KFmtSegs, "%08X-%08X %S\r\n");
+	iLine = KHdr;
+	iDataSave->WriteL(iLine);
+    RCodeSegPointerList segs;
+    TCleanupItem cleanup(CDexcFormatter::CleanupCodeSegList, (TAny*)&segs);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(cleanup);
+    //User::LeaveIfError(iDataSource->GetCodeSegments(aPid, segs));
+    LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::DumpCodeSegsL() - getting code segments data\n");
+    iDataSource->GetCodeSegmentsL(aTid, segs);
+    RBuf8 filename;
+    CleanupClosePushL(filename);
+    filename.CreateL(KMaxFileName);
+	for (TInt i=0; i < segs.Count(); i++)
+	{
+        filename.Copy(segs[i]->iName); //conversion
+        iLine.Format(KFmtSegs, segs[i]->iCodeRunAddr, segs[i]->iCodeRunAddr + segs[i]->iCodeSize, &filename);
+        iDataSave->WriteL(iLine);
+	}
+    LOG_MSG2("CDexcFormatter::DumpCodeSegsL - code segments count:%d\n", segs.Count());
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(2);
+    //compatibility with legacy D_EXC implementation
+    iLine.Zero();
+    iLine.Append(_L8("\r\n"));
+    iDataSave->WriteL(iLine);
+   Dumps thread stack information and content. 
+@param aTid ID of the crashed thread
+@param aInfo CThreadInfo data structure holding information about the crashed thread
+@leave err one of the system wide error codes
+void CDexcFormatter::DumpStackL(const TUint64 aTid, const CThreadInfo& aInfo)
+    LOG_MSG2("-> CDexcFormatter::DumpStackL(%Lu)\n", aTid);
+    TInt length = KBufSize < aInfo.UsrStackSize() ? KBufSize : aInfo.UsrStackSize(); 
+	RBuf8 buf;
+    buf.CreateL(length);
+    CleanupClosePushL(buf);
+	TUint top = aInfo.UsrStackAddr() + aInfo.UsrStackSize();
+	for(TUint base = aInfo.UsrStackAddr(); base < top; base += KBufSize)
+	{
+        LOG_MSG3("CDexcFormatter::DumpStackL - reading %d bytes of memory from:0x%X\n", length, base);
+		iDataSource->ReadMemoryL(aTid, base, length, buf); 
+        //6571de54: 07 00 00 10 14 04 17 f8 00 00 00 00 d4 4e 40 00 .............N@.
+        //<-addr-------------------------memory----------------------representation>
+		if(iAsciiStack)
+		{
+			TBuf8<80> out; //74 used
+			TBuf8<20> ascii; //16 usd
+			TInt len = buf.Length();
+            for(TUint offset = 0; offset < len; offset += 16) 
+			{
+				out.Zero();
+				ascii.Zero();
+				out.AppendNumFixedWidth(base + offset, EHex, 8); //addr
+				out.Append(_L(": "));
+				for(TUint byte = 0; byte < 16; ++byte)
+				{
+					TUint8 c = *(buf.Ptr() + offset + byte);
+					out.AppendNumFixedWidth(c, EHex, 2); //each memory byte
+					out.Append(' ');
+					if(c < 0x20 || c >= 0x7f) //something writable
+						c = 0x2e; //.
+					ascii.Append(TChar(c)); //byte representation
+				}
+				out.Append(ascii);
+                out.Append(_L("\r\n"));
+				iDataSave->WriteL(out);
+			} 
+		}
+		else //binary dump
+			iDataSave->WriteL(buf);
+	}
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(&buf); 
+    Retrives the 'cancel crash' property value and checks if required to abort the crash dump. Updates 'crash progress' property. 
+@param aProgress descriptor with the crash progress value.
+@leave KErrAbort if crash cancel property has been set
+ */
+void CDexcFormatter::UpdateCrashProgressL(const TDesC &aProgress) const
+    {
+    LOG_MSG("->CDexcFormatter::UpdateCrashProgress()\n");
+    TInt cancelCrash = EFalse;
+    TInt err = RProperty::Get(KCoreDumpServUid, ECancelCrash, cancelCrash);
+    if(err != KErrNone)
+        {
+        LOG_MSG2("CDexcFormatter::UpdateCrashProgress - unable to retrive 'cancel crash' value! err:%d\n", err);
+        }
+    if(cancelCrash)
+        {
+        LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::UpdateCrashProgress - aborting dump in progress\n");
+        User::Leave(KErrAbort);
+        }
+    err = RProperty::Set(KCoreDumpServUid, ECrashProgress, aProgress);
+    if(err != KErrNone)
+        {
+        LOG_MSG2("CDexcFormatter::UpdateCrashProgress - unable to retrive 'crash progress' value! err:%d\n", err);
+        }
+#ifdef DEBUG 
+    User::After(1000000);
+  }
+    Gets information about the threads of the crashed process and finds the one that caused the crash. 
+@return reference to the CThreadInfo data structure holding information about the crashed thread
+@leave err one of the system wide error codes
+const CThreadInfo& CDexcFormatter::GetCrashedThreadInfoLC(const TCrashInfo &aCrashInfo) const
+    {
+    LOG_MSG("->CDexcFormatter::GetCrashedThreadInfoLC()\n");
+	RThreadPointerList *threadList = new(ELeave)RThreadPointerList;
+    TCleanupItem cleanup(CDexcFormatter::CleanupThreadList, (TAny*)threadList);
+    CleanupStack::PushL(cleanup);
+	CThreadInfo *threadInfo = NULL;
+	TUint totalThreadListDescSize;
+	iDataSource->GetThreadListL((TUint64)aCrashInfo.iPid, *threadList, totalThreadListDescSize); //for crashed process
+	for(TInt i = 0; i < threadList->Count(); i++)
+		{
+		if(aCrashInfo.iTid == (*threadList)[i]->Id())
+			{
+			threadInfo = (*threadList)[i]; //crashed thread
+			break;
+			}
+		}
+	if(NULL == threadInfo)
+		{
+        LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::CrashEventL - crashed thread not found!\n");
+        User::Leave( KErrNotFound ); 
+		}
+    return *threadInfo;
+    }
+    Prepares the name of the dump file. Checks DataSave filename option, if it is provided by the user
+    it appends crashed thread ID and extension, if not it uses default name appended with thread ID and extension. 
+@param aTid ID of the crashed thread
+@param aExtension descriptor holding the file extension
+@return descriptor holding the final dump file name, caller is responsible to pop it from the cleanup stack
+@leave err one of the system wide error codes
+ */
+const TDesC& CDexcFormatter::DumpFileNameLC(TUint64 aTid, const TDesC &aExtension)
+    COptionConfig *option = iDataSave->GetConfigParameterL(CCrashDataSave::ECoreFilePath);
+	const TDesC &userFileName = option->ValueAsDesc();
+	HBufC *filename = HBufC::NewLC(userFileName.Length() + KDexcFileNameLength);
+    if(userFileName.Length() > 0)
+        {
+	    *filename = userFileName;
+        _LIT(KTidFormat, "%Lu");
+        filename->Des().AppendFormat(KTidFormat, aTid);
+        }
+    else
+        {
+        _LIT(KTxtFileFormat, "c:\\d_exc_%Lu");
+        filename->Des().Format(KTxtFileFormat, aTid);
+        }
+    filename->Des().Append(aExtension);
+    return *filename;
+   Main formatter method. Handles crash event notification and drives dump process.
+@param aCrashInfo pointer to the TCrashInfo data structure holding information about the crash. 
+@leave err one of the system wide error codes
+void CDexcFormatter::CrashEventL(TCrashInfo *aCrashInfo)
+    LOG_MSG("-> CrashEventL()\n");
+    User::LeaveIfNull(aCrashInfo);
+    LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::CrashEvenL - crash info is sane\n");
+    User::LeaveIfNull(iDataSource);
+    LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::CrashEvenL - data source is sane\n");
+    User::LeaveIfNull(iDataSave);
+    LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::CrashEvenL - data save is sane\n");
+    _LIT(KProgressStart, "crash dump started");
+    UpdateCrashProgressL(KProgressStart);
+    const CThreadInfo &threadInfo = GetCrashedThreadInfoLC(*aCrashInfo);
+    _LIT(KProgressText, "dumping text file");
+    UpdateCrashProgressL(KProgressText);
+    LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::CrashEventL - opening text file\n");
+    _LIT(KTxtFileExt, ".txt");
+    iDataSave->OpenL(DumpFileNameLC(aCrashInfo->iTid, KTxtFileExt));
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //filename
+    DumpLogL(threadInfo);
+    if(aCrashInfo->iType == TCrashInfo::ECrashKill)
+    {
+        LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::CrashEventL - dumping panic info\n");
+        DumpPanicInfoL(*aCrashInfo);
+    }
+#ifdef __MARM__
+    else //ECrashException
+    {
+        LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::CrashEventL - dumping exeception info\n");
+        DumpExcInfoL(*aCrashInfo);
+    }
+    LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::CrashEventL - dumping registers info\n");
+    DumpRegistersL(aCrashInfo->iTid);
+    LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::CrashEventL - dumping code segments info\n");
+    DumpCodeSegsL(aCrashInfo->iTid);
+    LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::CrashEventL - closing text file\n");
+    iDataSave->CloseL();
+    if(iDumpStack)
+    {
+        _LIT(KProgressStack, "dumping stack file");
+        UpdateCrashProgressL(KProgressStack);
+        LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::CrashEventL - opening stack file\n");
+        _LIT(KStkFileExt, ".stk");
+        iDataSave->OpenL(DumpFileNameLC(aCrashInfo->iTid, KStkFileExt));
+        CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy();//filename
+        LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::CrashEventL - dumping stack\n");
+        DumpStackL(aCrashInfo->iTid, threadInfo);
+        LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::CrashEventL - closing stack file\n");
+        iDataSave->CloseL();
+    }
+    _LIT(KProgressCompleted, "crash dump completed");
+    UpdateCrashProgressL(KProgressCompleted);
+    CleanupStack::PopAndDestroy(); //GetCrashedThreadInfoLC()::threadList , results in a call to CleanupThreadList 
+    LOG_MSG("CDexcFormatter::CrashEventL - crash finished\n");
+Cleanup item implementation for thread list in CrashEventL() method.
+@param aArray pointer to the list that is supposed to be freed
+void CDexcFormatter::CleanupThreadList(TAny *aArray)
+    LOG_MSG("->CDexcFormatter::CleanupThreadList()\n");
+	RThreadPointerList *threadList = static_cast<RThreadPointerList*> (aArray);
+    threadList->ResetAndDestroy();
+    threadList->Close();
+    delete threadList;