1 <?xml version="1.0"?> |
2 <project name="Library" default="usage" basedir="."> |
3 |
4 <target name="usage"> |
5 <echo message="Please refer to the testframework.html in org.eclipse.test for instructions on usage." /> |
6 </target> |
7 |
8 <target name="init"> |
9 <!-- |
10 Parameters: |
11 (Mandatory) |
12 data-dir - the directory for Eclipse to write its data |
13 plugin-name - the name of the plugin to test |
14 classname - the name of the test class |
15 |
16 (Optional - overrides defaults set in script) |
17 vmargs - a string containing arguments to pass to the VM. |
18 extraVMargs - allows separate setting of VM args from separate caller. |
19 timeout - overrides default test timeout value (in milliseconds). |
20 test-output - overrides default output file produced from test run. |
21 plugin-path - path to root of plug-in |
22 useEclipseExe - property setting forces test to launch via eclipse executable. |
23 junit-report-output - output directory for junit reports produced for specified classname. |
24 --> |
25 |
26 <tstamp> |
27 <format property="TIMENOW" pattern="HHmmssSSSS"/> |
28 </tstamp> |
29 <!--property setting useEclipseExe launches tests using the eclipse executable--> |
30 <condition property="launchTarget" value="eclipse-test"> |
31 <isset property="useEclipseExe" /> |
32 </condition> |
33 <!--default launch target for launching tests--> |
34 <property name="launchTarget" value="java-test" /> |
35 <property name="formatter" value="org.apache.tools.ant.taskdefs.optional.junit.XMLJUnitResultFormatter"/> |
36 |
37 <!--default heap sizes when running performance tests--> |
38 <condition property="vmargs" value=" -Xms256M -Xmx256M"> |
39 <equals arg1="${test.target}" arg2="performance" /> |
40 </condition> |
41 <property name="extraVMargs" value=""/> |
42 <property name="plugin-path" value="" /> |
43 <property name="timeout" value="7200000" /> |
44 <property name="test-output" value="${eclipse-home}/${classname}.xml" /> |
45 <property name="junit-report-output" value="${eclipse-home}/results" /> |
46 <mkdir dir="${junit-report-output}"/> |
47 </target> |
48 |
49 <target name="core-test" description="Eclipse application used to launch HEADLESS plugin tests." depends="init"> |
50 <antcall target="${launchTarget}"> |
51 <param name="application" value="org.eclipse.test.coretestapplication"/> |
52 </antcall> |
53 </target> |
54 |
55 <target name="ui-test" description="Eclipse application used to launch UI plugin tests." depends="init"> |
56 <antcall target="${launchTarget}"> |
57 <param name="application" value="org.eclipse.test.uitestapplication"/> |
58 </antcall> |
59 </target> |
60 |
61 <target name="java-test"> |
62 <!--default vm args--> |
63 <property name="vmargs" value=" -Xms40m -Xmx256m"/> |
64 |
65 <!--set default jvm to use for testing--> |
66 <property name="jvm" value="${java.home}/bin/java" /> |
67 |
68 <echo message="Running ${classname}. Result file: ${junit-report-output}/${classname}.xml."/> |
69 |
70 <java fork="true" dir="." timeout="${timeout}" jvm="${jvm}" logError="true" |
71 classname="org.eclipse.core.launcher.Main" output="${junit-report-output}/${classname}.txt"> |
72 <classpath> |
73 <fileset dir="${eclipse-home}/plugins"> |
74 <include name="org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_*.jar"/> |
75 </fileset> |
76 </classpath> |
77 <arg line="-application ${application}"/> |
78 <arg line="-data ${data-dir}"/> |
79 <arg line="formatter=${formatter},${test-output}"/> |
80 <arg line="-testPluginName ${plugin-name}"/> |
81 <arg line="-className ${classname}"/> |
82 <arg line="-os ${os}"/> |
83 <arg line="-ws ${ws}"/> |
84 <arg line="-arch ${arch}"/> |
85 <arg line="-consolelog"/> |
86 <jvmarg line="${vmargs} ${extraVMargs}"/> |
87 <sysproperty key="PLUGIN_PATH" value="${plugin-path}"/> |
88 </java> |
89 <antcall target="collect-results" /> |
90 </target> |
91 |
92 <target name="eclipse-test" description="Runs the specified classname as a plug-in test."> |
93 <property name="vmargs" value="-Xms256m -Xmx512m"/> |
94 |
95 <!--use -consolelog if launching a headless test--> |
96 <condition property="consolelog" value="-consolelog"> |
97 <equals arg1="${application}" arg2="org.eclipse.test.coretestapplication"/> |
98 </condition> |
99 <property name="consolelog" value="" /> |
100 |
101 <!-- |
102 vm selection priority: |
103 1. user-specified java executable via outer Ant property setting of "jvm". |
104 2. java executable on path. |
105 --> |
106 <condition property="test-vm" value="-vm ${jvm}"> |
107 <isset property="jvm" /> |
108 </condition> |
109 <property name="test-vm" value="" /> |
110 |
111 <!--ensure executable has execute permission--> |
112 <chmod file="${eclipse-home}/eclipse" perm="ugo+rx"/> |
113 |
114 |
115 <echo message="Running ${classname}. Result file: ${junit-report-output}/${classname}.xml."/> |
116 |
117 <exec executable="${eclipse-home}/eclipse" dir="${eclipse-home}" timeout="${timeout}" logError="true" failonerror="false" output="${junit-report-output}/${classname}.txt"> |
118 <arg line="-data ${data-dir}"/> |
119 <arg line="${test-vm}"/> |
120 <arg line="-application ${application}"/> |
121 <arg line="formatter=${formatter},${test-output}"/> |
122 <arg line="-testPluginName ${plugin-name}"/> |
123 <arg line="-className ${classname}"/> |
124 <arg line="-nosplash"/> |
125 <arg line="--launcher.suppressErrors"/> |
126 <arg line="${consolelog}"/> |
127 <arg line="-vmargs ${vmargs} ${extraVMargs} -DPLUGIN_PATH=${plugin-path}"/> |
128 </exec> |
129 <antcall target="collect-results" /> |
130 </target> |
131 |
132 <target name="collect-results"> |
133 <dirname property="output-dir" file="${test-output}"/> |
134 <basename property="output-file-name" file="${test-output}"/> |
135 <junitreport todir="${junit-report-output}" tofile="${classname}.xml"> |
136 <fileset dir="${output-dir}"> |
137 <include name="${output-file-name}"/> |
138 </fileset> |
139 </junitreport> |
140 |
141 <style style="${eclipse-home}/dropins/eclipse/plugins/org.eclipse.test/JUNIT.XSL" |
142 basedir="${junit-report-output}" |
143 includes="${classname}.result.xml" |
144 destdir="${junit-report-output}" /> |
145 |
146 <!--save .log content and *.log content from configuration directory--> |
147 <concat destfile="${junit-report-output}/${classname}.log"> |
148 <fileset dir="${eclipse-home}" includes="${data-dir}/.metadata/*.log"/> |
149 <fileset dir="${eclipse-home}" includes="configuration/*.log"/> |
150 </concat> |
151 </target> |
152 |
153 <target name="collect"> |
154 <!-- |
155 This target can be used to aggragate test runs from multiple test suites into a single report. |
156 |
157 Parameters to this target: |
158 includes - the names of the files to include |
159 output-file - the name of the output file to produce |
160 --> |
161 <junitreport todir="." tofile="${output-file}"> |
162 <fileset dir="."> |
163 <include name="${includes}"/> |
164 </fileset> |
165 </junitreport> |
166 </target> |
167 |
168 </project> |
169 |